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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1919)
page srx THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18. 191'). l'LATTSMOTTTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 4 f. MUROOi r JO PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. rasr MRTM r tt wsiKi I.;it Fridav morning William and J2f ew ' Fred Slock. .Jr.. with their wives. de picted on the early morning train Wa TBT -Km? s iiv it it to . I ltl Voir .!.:.!! I5u-i ne--. v i t h n-i. ji -!-.; t s ii! thi-lark w :;:. of 1 1: e i-e :it e of N ! '!';l -k ;i . : 'lara t I'r-i i tie 1 'ftx -iToi-, ii.nraiity a fe .a fire i 'i n ' " t :i '; .i ! e t ! in. --:li" 'o litir't.u rente-v. aiiii wcal't ii Vr.t-u.i.ii'i !; iei '!:.; tis .1 m:iie. oil. :r ei me r-. when they Mm i '. ;i s itaiiv' If lake of i.i. iii i . 1 1 : ii' I h : .l '.I ! k. -i !' K'k. nr ;i i t- n K i ii! . !-ft i : , v ' I. t. !!! ' h' V're''i:t n.a :. .je . : l t;.i ' i in.- i . .i v a a;. - f ' . - " ; : : ! (i-- I i'-ii '! - !. " 'i..' :'.' r. a v. I 1. 1 : 'v '"" : lit ion. ..:..! v. in-; l.t : J mi ii-i't'-i' I in 1 v t : . i i '":-1 i.o . if a i ! " i it?-, i w. k u f.v i ' I i it e I fa ii . I t , f till.'- tt i ! a , . I a ' ' f 1.1:0 i'.i ti k i . i 1 1 1 " i ;i : i' ('. iiS i' li e of : ! 1 1 1 i w 1 1 .- have It L "A t., .IIP i-al t. a i.t ii ;. i n S ! a i In . f '. i 'ii . . ain. : :i n: i . ::i r w;-h Im'.u ecii- 1 1 -. ! i . . ii'- I'i'ITU'V lllr IHOIieV. nft. ami '.vhi'-e mime-; ai'i't-ai' -a", e are kei't- i-nn luient lai. ' : af'- a w:i;. - ir: ami in cat.- in i t . -n- i: a a I it-f' : 1 1 h f tuiuht i" .t'i.e ' i . vt-i 'lie t;i rue v i Ii '.. .1 . w u t .'r. 1 he ..-tt '. r- r.i t: . 1 . on! 1 1 m 1 Kiti ti.-tt I.I I: e f i.ii';::it 1. nil :i:i" i.ia'tef t hutiiif-t, mi.,, -.v will in- cr. ly ti" li'inl T'i 'n I" ii ; .1 :: t In w hit! !.'; tt i i e itie. ii J- ' .: !'i - l.t 1 1. The Bank of Murdock Capita! and 3up!us 25,000 "The Bank where you feci at home. " HENRY A. TCOL. President J. C. GUTHMANN. Vice President H A. GUT H MANN. Cashier not open his place until noon ami clo.-es it at leu o'clock which makes a short ilay coi lpared with the l'orni- 1 1 ir Lincoln, where tl'.ev spent t he er usiiLVe. The t wo urates iilso ha v iiay loikii!u after some linsiness mat-1 endeavored to conserve the fuel as tt is and also in visiting with friends! well, and when it comes to doinu for the day. the host for the city, you can depend I'arl Slaplioff is liavinn two of the upon Win. (iclirts and Kd Thinmiin rooms at his country home retinish-. to do their part. Now with the coal ed and decorated inside, while Andy '.. and wife also are having a room decorated at their home southwest of rav-ghtcr Making; Improvement Ch-uMes I-'. 'lite, who i.-. riMininv a hatchelor's hall at this time, r'-eeiv-ei! a letter the other day from i wife, telling of the improvemeiit of their (liiuuhter, .Mrs. John Kn-w-'' r. of West I'oini. where .Mr. Mite was; called at the time of an operation' underwent by .Mrs. Kre ier f.u- r lief from appendicil is. 1m additioi o teliin.n 'f her itiiprov-jiit nt foilow-j inc the operation, tin- l.-tter further tild of hopes beini; eu t e rt i : ed o ;' i her soon beinn i.tirt!y well jimm:. 11 -r many frieiuls in .! nrdoel; will rejoice ot-r tin- fa crt thai i.e i s'.o.i to have lo r aecu.-.tomi ! 1 li- hack iiuain. town. Max Dusterhoif and his work i.u n are doinu the jobs. .M. 1. Thoman and little jzrainl s.'ii. I'limer 'rhoinaii. of Stewart, la., who hnvf been visiting for some tin.e ;ii the home of Fred Micknian strike safely over, the necessity of conservation is lessened. and the merchants are ejven opportunity of Making Progress on New Heme A eoiej-ie of workmi'ii are im .( S- y ' : ' f 1 ' -Z-f r?i-iz-:t v-' -y.y -vy'i vr' 'rj staying open longer hours for the busily i'H;:-hI in ilnihmu the b ii. tit of Christmas shoppers. lerior of the new home of Mr. and ' Mrs. 11. A. Tool. The c:i!i' liter .v.: ;.. ttt ir- n l I is under ill" of A. ( 11 pm-r ain! Was Visiting- in Omaha ! ,.-r.(llk MeUin. i...ih of !, it Art llornemeier was a visitor in , ,.x(...U(.nI ,inii.r., :l..,i who are d-.l .....l... I Tee r-.l e letter. lie wt.wl .. . and f.miilv near Klin wood, were iin ", " ' , '"""''- ' ' I ;i tine job. .Max 1 hist rho:i ami iManbek la:-, w-ek on their wa y ' ' 1 ' r "V""' l '' ' ; , ' I a bh' assist a ,i , a re b, ,k i a , a , , .'r Hi- i'i ji ni'iii'1" ..w..e . : ,, . : I , iliieli f VOFIJ (iv.ii tlirctLi-io-, your ov: I home, comin"; to catch ii train on itl-e Utick Ishind. A". .1. Too!, the popular hiirdware merchant and harness maker, was a ivisitor in Omaha hist week, tioini; up ! on the evetiiii train Thursday and remaining until Friday evening, j during wh ieli time he looked after I some busint..-s matters and had some I dental w crk done. A i t!ie hi.u:h sclmol last l'ridiix. I Mi.-s l.ois .lackmau. who has charge j of t!e S'.'Vtlia: dfpiirtment of the manual trainin". work in the Mur dock schools, held a tet in needle ! t nrl- t'i ti ( tiri i it t. en i bri ii de r v work j on towel--, which demonstrate. 1 the i pro'irets which the uirls are makint; 'i:: ! hat ib-pa ft meat . I l.acey McHotiald. the It. V. I . car rier, is not liavinii the easiest time ' ;;i 1 1 in.".' ov-r his route these days, as the evening and left the next day for Lincoln, where ho went to spend a few days with his mot her 'ami other relatives. Me tliou.uht he would put in the time visitint; while the weath er wits so cold and the snow so do p he could not work vetting' the corn out of the lipids. Visits Murdock Friends Last Thursday, Win. Ileiueman. who has been making his home at White Lake. South Dakota, and who life ) guarantee niat tin- work uill be .!') the best quality. Til" pluiubiv-i j-j j heinj; l.ioke.l after by M. A. llil!:--,- and l-'rank HuX'-ll. of Lincoln. . n have done nouuh worl: in and alue-i ' Murdock for everv one in kii-i'.v ti." ' do only the best iii their iir.e. 'h. w I 1 lie ii,".; home is cmpb-li-d and ready : for oct" n y i' will he "!;' of i!,' 1. ;;e: t i l! I his : n tin;:. Visitiiij?- in the East I I (S f !!('!) Vvl'."!l t!l(' TJiill is j (:. '. :iw ihS I ! 1 1 l!l Si i i' )' I I Ml1' li lil -c;i 1 1 I i . - - ' ; 1 1 1 - :cr s a 1 w .la - rl 'mr n'til Mie.-o,' totetYer t t' sobl hsi farm there a short time a no .:, ' ,-:tUf.,r,n:, :,.. "b:.v. ami neiii a cios,,,;; o... ,.i , ;( vis;ljn j:l Mri..- iiirm iinpieii euit. ,.,c., imi..-h ' ' i , j,,.,, ,.i,ar1t .Miiiuociv. .ui'i m.-mm.. "!,-,. Mhu'eseU,. .nre t!:ev are no v. brother. Henry Meineman. tor vj::i j. ., ., ,, j'i short turn-. After conclu.linn hi-!.,, to X.-w York. .!,, th-v ;.!, visit here lie will Ko to 'a w nee ; ,. (ri,.,lti,, , ;;n ..x,v!!,l,., visit count v. this state, -where he will en-;, . . : ., .. ::,- I Ii,,,.le .,.1,1 . . . . ' IieiOli' I e I 1 1 ! I ! 1 I i to I ! I I ' liOili.' II i ne uo mint .iiki I'MO'iiHit't i naue in taniMtii" the coming year. lie,. weather combine to impede his pro-jw;s ,,,,,, in otnaha bv a number of. ... Jit-ess. While out bravinv, the ele-l,ljs. lrK,I!(s ,, h,.r,.. wj,,, (.aim, im!' , " me! Miss Nora Liiurhman was a if. at the home of Frank i'at" a in! wif i.i,rl!ifiist of Murray, a lew day- t1 :'.r.-t of tl:.- w .1. I. L.'Tiu a ii i if". ' :' S: ra Kansas, w i'n hie:: I-i 1 ' si.iiie ti;.:" al t! ,oi:.e of Ahli: 1; .rtietiii i-r a - v. .-Ii a- with . ' !. fri'-n.! I. T" for ;!; pa-: .e piirtcd latt T!.ur-day f..r t!.-:r i:"t: 1 ( ; T ; i e f::nfi!.'.i r . i ' ' Mrs. !! it' I'.ort!. ;: : r. I. . : i heel, .tick a' her !;..;!" j':-: )'. v ' . Murdock tor some I '.!: - reporr. as beinu i.iueh !::;.:"--'! . : . r ; piift few d.i. br. i .- i!i tar ir--. I.t-iiis as well a- is h-r ("bt.'i.i It hoped that sic wii! f !!.; ': l.'T ordit.a ry io-.i it h a '-a a. Wm. :-i:r- w..- a b . -',!. t.. .. tor in Omaha ia-i 'I'I. i : . ..: with (Ins Wt-iidr and Art iii rue::,- . was much ii-Ti resi- d in ;. l a-:.; . L:psies v.iio w.-re a v. ! Iii; !. -i' train, a ml who pirni-le-d .'.'i for all v. ho w.-re a! tie s'a'io:.. r W.lV l.oilO' !l;e -come via a! ii rip k . and .!;.- t .t... 1:1.1... : ...m . ... . . . ents one day last week he had the(,(iwn , AIliri(,ck with him. i ,.,',,,, I ',- i ' w ' i' ' ll. riiianSi and Art Iiorm- "o-'"' i '-v.- v ..... ,.. . m. i- r. who have been iit the county linsiness called Cits Wtmlt to the' .-eat M-i'vitu as jurors for ome time metropolis last week, where lie was pot. aloiii: with others of the No-1 interested in the stock market, as he! !1 ! 4 t- 4 8 a i ivi' !ts i'ro:;i -'I'-iiini; ;:!! ii lliv. .v ilitcli (tiv trjM-ior to j THE tr 1 S pi a 1 J tjay am i-T7 eT! nfi rui rs r-r. U Ltj Ltu Li 2 LrJ Le: ui Tht- siivirv' of l,nvtini l'iil will s:-:i aiv for it. ... ; far ''! If lnj .''..'. ..' !'t i -t ii ;r. 'I ii" I.e : it 1; fiown tin Woriil over jit III t:i;tc;ii;i: t!i;:t. ';t'j i h" : r.i:i:." Tin Jiini-jr Tiircs!i"r it ir cn'.iiuti to 1 yo'.r own tlm'thin J:snl your it-.-ii'Ii'iMrs f you iik". It is nia'i -;io-!-ii io I- ' rim ly a 1 ;)--.'( tr.u-tor. Tii" IIuIct l.i i!;' I'oii:-, ill t'!l!..-ioiit I 2- l't tractor simnn iil.ove, fur-lii-'e-s iii'i;)!." power for tin tlircthcr with all a. ! n-!iiu"t:ls. Almk- ..:i!y l.yThc Ilulicr Mimiifactunn- Co., .Marion, O. FOR SALE LV WILLIAM RUSH 7 -1 t y Has a Fine Display We were particularly interested . .., tl,.. M .. i-.l. .,.!. . . , ... ..1 it.lllt r-l.t.j.t.,.i tit. .u hi 'i' were excused thought ot buyinu some more cattb- ...,',ii. .. .,...,., t...... : with the recurrence ' ' ' ,V ,. . : ' l,' ,i ,.,1 , ,. .. 1.1 llli; t III Ill ..11 .et.t--. .ti l it 1 if extreme cod weather and the , , . . . , : , . . ,,. , , wliuh presented a verv beautifil a ; - . . la!. 111:: ol mi mm' 1 snow, he conclu l- . . . r. of Santa: , . ..ii..- , 11 , pfiimnce. Also two others thai - oforni. is j., tl," !" " ua " ' cauuht our eve contain.-.! tine hand -, !-.! at tii- hoii.-' of Hernia;. . ",s ,r,-'l,t M" K " '"' painted china ware, each piece ve.y beitutifnl. S'ill another table con tained aluminum ware, th" four ma'.- ai-o res: -:- -:- Murdock, Nebr. 1 -1 : . ' t T r:n pan I 1.- t W .: -..'! re! iirlle.l l,o! 1.. .-day. M:- Mar'i a Schl! :,-.. i Patriotic Murdock Merchants Sol ::;':!. iiiid of ofht-r iri-nds as .. "II. .-he iiiiviiii, lived here ii number of y.-ars and hai!i-i many friends in' Like ;i!o.-t- of (.flier cities, the clti-' n air;iy of se;i son :: hie tiiis con.muiiiiy. t Murdock have eutb-avored to for the Vuletide. i-r "iii. i eveulti i Su pt-ri '.1 1 e:i - d i t heir 11: most to con serve the lim .it i ' of tin- l ily Schools .J. 11. I'.ur- ited vupidv of fuel during the time' M.-nry OehbTkin: brought 1 ! II. d part"d 1 1 1 tii-- evening train'of shortaue of coal caute.l by the cl:ildren to school l,tt Friday, but Grandma Schcwe Very Sick Ci ra I:.'! Mill Schewe. -..!;. I- . '"i al vanced in year-. .- iyit".' v.-rv .-i;-. ;" !it-r ho:!"' in ."-! ; r. i .--i . . hixia:: -i;:!e. e I a 1 1 1 .- i 1 1 1 . of - leto I.e ji I'i : -.'i ' o .' one i.f her feit. ;' I itii: of s;i' !i a iiaiore thai ii i- d i .Tea I ; To '.a', and a bit refractory. i ri u i; ai; ii 1 1 ( iida ;,f a I ! t h.- '!... T ie ii.kt: v of Mrs. Sclo-we : re -"Hcitoit; of lie" w elfare ;:!'! 'b-. ' r- of d.i i 11 ir all t hey can : c-ii;: ribut" to h,--comfoit iii.'! ; - ; , v i;; j, , well aaiii so. .:i. Mm at Lincoln, when- he' miners' strike. The stores here all as the weather looked so d"cided! Sit:.l.i. I'rof. Wiilard Jiick - , b l-sed at six o'clock in the evenini; t h rea t en i n",. he remiir.ed until 1 he ;.!:! sitter. Miss Lois jackniar.. a ml did not open until nine the fol- close of the first period, when ho c. lie. 1 i,, remain at M ur- j low inu ninriii ntz. t hereby effect t ik t he took them home with him. as th" u'.'il Si'turday morning on ac- s,!vin of many ii pound of co;il. O. rest of their studies could be pursue'' o! ti.e exct i'diiiiilv col,! wi-ath-i K. McDonald, who conducts a soft as well at hotn t .a-- lii'liie He: ir Kim-! drink parlor ami also sells the Man-'cold weather and heavy snow it rlission Circle Met I.?.st Week ! The members of ihe Yo'liii: IVopb s. Mission Circle. of ti e Mnnhn church met last Tin'vl ,v atternoo'i' With t he coin inued :ti riie hora.- of Mr. and Mr. Ot; ttu:i!:iy n.orniim to tp-ml th"je talkinu machine, which by the diflicult to fjet the children to and j enjoyed an exe.lieiH time. Mrs. Mi! a i. i way, is an excellent instrument, did from school these days. Mill.r. north of the city, where thev bT proved herself a line eille.-tiliae a ad all vot-.l in favor of another j Prosperous Business Institution i,.e. T i n u b.ii.i; held at the Millerj j K Mcl I ui:li. t he e.n i;, 1 manaii-r iiot i" ;i! an early date. The business i nl .M'lr,,,ck Mercantile company's afi' rs of the Circb' were ti.e first 'store, was a visitor in Omaha ke-t t. i-e li.l.ii up. and after a brief T!n:rsdav and Fridav. uoiti: to th" butiness s.'s-ion they were all dis-. (.jtv Ih,. "j(.rf!v" Thursdav ee:. p.,se,i of. After this "Mines fur th- j,.. rerurnini: the followum .;a.i. em :.t a-.d en ; ert : i n men t of nij.l. While there Mr. .Mclhith f I jfii.'-iT m-mbe.-s w er.- int rodtic-1 was husilv eiiuafed in lookiim after ! ;::: l .: rv.-d to enliven the hours. ( M)MU. u,It,rs of l,usine-s connect-.! Later ii d( I: - i'iil ltir.cheon a fi orde.l i u it t ,,;,r,. i.r,.. Dnrinu his ab .. mot; huitiu tlinuix to the en joy-! n,,. s,,,rt. w-jis in capable hands, abb- at';, riio.m. On ihe way home a .;Ht S.dma Lrauchie. one of the v." - ,1' prlsi :: e;iis"d .' ot.Clirre'! when t lie ( ,.;;;,.jt sabsladifs there. beiiiL. i,i boh in which the crowd was re! urn-; cla r..,. :.. , ... t- it" .,..., I r. .ll.t.l t)i..: ' , -. ', ' T!;e store is making proar.-ss in ' 1,1 ,h' N; l:!V' I the business circles of Mnnlock ui.'b r va, h-;rt nov.ver. and t h- thnl. . I1:an:iU,;ilef of Mr . McMu-h .who .a-ciisioii-d i,y tn- ace, .lent only lent (o jt n.(, ,11vills, ,,,,,;,. S.ii-" to tie occasion. Martf.1 tr,..,, .' ,,s SU. ,h. in. :er. ot Ana. auti.r- ( s Keepinu the business pm ;:;:.. -. ; . ..i inn-i tno-s" presetit. and Li.i t- a i rv en jo able v. h ist I i nir ,-,x- hibitioii. (Continuou on Tape ..) I is. I .... jiz&tsi i. -j' . . . V&2ky-& , K J . M A K THE mercant e Co r chandise. your Xmas store. Never have we been better equipped to supply your Xmas mer Our Grocery stock is complete; Fancy Candies and Nuts; Candied Fruits; Shelled Nuts; Fresh Fruit Cakes and Fancy Layer Cakes; Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Fresh Vegetables, Etc., for Christmas. b e a a a a a a XI if f S V v 't 't Neckties in a big assortment of colors and styles. Nothing makes a finer gift or one that is more appreciated than a good necktie. We have them in the celebrated Cheney silks, silk knit, four-in-hand and bat wings. Priced right, at 75c to $3.50 each. Men's fancy scarfs in silk knit, nice and warm $2.00 to $3.00 Dress Shirts in Silks and Fancy Madras Fancy silk handkerchiefs for men 50 and 75c Cuff Links Stick Pins Chains Charms Watches Watch Fobs Pure thread silk sox (He'll appreciate these) at, per pair $1.00 Silk lisle hose, splendid values, at per pair. .; 40 to 65c Dress Gloves Kid Jersey Sweater Coats Garters Suspenders Arm Bands Silk and Linen Collars Auto Gloves and Mittens All Make Delightful Presents EASTMAN KODAKS r.rowtiie at.d Koblimr Kodaks of all kinds. Alliums, cases, etc. Make fine gifts. Brownies for the Boys Make Xmas the Year Round n u ace Mtf . l ' v-JJ" V.-. i' m is a n B H a si a M Kd H B B y B B H SB n El CUT GLASS, ETC, Vases Bowls Nappies Sherbets Pitchers Glasses SEE 0UE GLASS BASKETS Come in and let us assist you in your Xmas shopping. Ine Ladies Silk Hose, pair. .$1.50 to $3.50 I Ieavy Silk Gloves for Winter wear. Ladies fancy collars, camisoles, etc. Crocheled yokes, doilies and pillow slip lace. Made right here at home. Fane' linen towels and Turkish towels in lare assortment colors and figures. Guest Sets, consist of fancy towels and wash cloth, per set. . .$1.25 Beautiful Breakfast Sets of damask Trimmed in blue Lavalliers Stick Pins Beauty Pins Wrist Watches Manicure Sets Boudoir Caps Our Large Stock of Jewelry and Toilet Articles is Most Complete Ladies and Children's handkerchiefs 5 to 50c Dresser Scarfs and Center Pieces 50, 75, $1.00, 1.50, 2.50, $5 Ladies Georgette Waists Moderately Priced WHY NOT GIVE DISHES? Fancy cut jikiss vases. Low Is, napnios. sherbets, pitchers and glasses. Glass baskets. Kerry sets, cake plates, celery dishes. Our line is the most compete it has ever been. Pyrex Glass Baking Dishes in Complete Sets BUY HER A PURSE Leather Hand Bags Plush Hand Bags MURDOCK, NEBRASKA A Fine Assortment SHE'LL APPRECIATE IT W- 'i liiv. - t :-r in