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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1919)
f f PARE EIGHT PT.ATTSM OUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Tlflf KSLAY. l.TXEMBKK 18. AUT PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar range for a date as our paint shop is ahvays i:i use. A VERY QUIET WED DING ISSCLEMNIZEB Miss Ida Tschirren and Fritz Kehne United in Bonds cf Wedlock at High Noon Today. T.H, Pollock Garage PHONE NO. 1 -CHICHESTER S PILLS Iit 1 !l..Mon l If andZV I'ifin V."(l n-"1n Vs Dally This noon at the ri'sidonee of Hev. J. 1 1. StstT. iKiMor of the St. Paul's K angelical rlmtcli. ofcurreil the mairiaue of two of the well Known it1 m:;ii!ar voimu n "nle of the' coiamiiiii'y. Miss Ma Tscliirron and l'ritz Kehne. The wrd'liiiK was a very (jtiief (.r.e. the hriiial couple lie- j inir atlendeil ly only the brother ami ; t-i-ter of ti e briile. Hoy and Klla I Tr-chirren. The tnarriaT-? lines were! ral lv Kev. Stetrer. the beautiful! i impr: :-ive riair s-Tvire bi'in: ' u.--el in j'i:iitiu the lives nv. hearts j T!u, .aI1y friends of .Mr. and Mrs. of these tv. ) esliir.ahle youiiK p.-ople. j Kar Stanfield will be pleased to The l.n'o wore a very b -au; il'ul cos- j i,.an, ,,f t,. K()IH fortune that has jtmae of C(.pvnh::i:e:i blue iv.-oivtot t ; Wfalh-n them in the arrival of a by their relatives and friends, which was quite largely attended. Uctli of the contracting; parties are well known throughout the coinniun yy where they have made their home for their lifetime an-; are held in the highest esteem by a large circle of friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tschirren. and a younpr lady whose friends are limited only by her acquaintance. The bride- trroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kehne and one of the industrious young farmers of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Kehne will make their home on the farm of the bridegroom west of town where they will he at home to their friends in the future. The Journal in common with the many friends cf the young people joins in wishing them many years of happiness and sucee.1. LAD MEETS WITH SERIOUS ACCIDENT Struck by Heavily Loaded Lcb Sled Coming Down High School Hill and Has Nose Fractured. A PLEASANT OCCASION. I A.k I-IIU in Krtl AxltCilM iri.. Fr'K ii.-nr i:rji I'll...-, f. - ji 20L0 2YCn!GG'3TSfVi;.Vrpf a line and carried ; fjne. Ut)v i ri's,'s- , last evening at th daughter who wa.- cr bl-i" s i ! Ic riie--.- I o iMUet c: t.riie s ,!.! vf Minv :it ;i.. Mtlimli.t Kollowinfr the ("r.-mony the younsr Omaha where Mrs. Stanfield has f ei pie returned t the beau; ifu! j been f;r tlie past few weeks. Mrs. j country hoim- of the bride's parents j .tanfidd and little daughter are j -.vm of the city where a sum pt u-u - i l.,,t h doing nicely and this is espe j wedding luncheon was served and a j cially pleasing to the family and i reception tendered to the newlv weds friends. From Wednesdays Dally. Last evening about 9 o'clock Sid ney Davis, the voting son of W. P. Davis-, residing near the Uaeh store on Lincoln avenue, met with a very serious accident while he was en gaged in coasting on Main street. Prom the stories told by the lads it seems that Sidney in company with Jesse P.lunt and Jesse York, two neighbor lads, had been sliding down hill on their hand sleds and were starting hack tip at the same time that a heavily loaded bob sled was coming down the Hipli school hill to the east. The boys say that they sidetracked for the oncoming sled near Main and Sixth streets but that as it n eared them the steerer of the born J larger sled seemed to lose control and it swung from the track onto the three boys. The sled of Jesse IWiint was torn to pieces by the encounter but fortunately both Blunt and York escaped injury but the full force of the lob struck you tig Davis and hurl- rwl li ini diiitA :l il :i fnl wlii.n the struck the frozen ice and snow of the roadway he struck on his chin which was lacerated in a terrible manner, the flesh being torn loose from either side of the mouth leaving the skin of the lower jaw sagging clown and bleeding profusely, and he also sus tained a bad fracture of the boms of the nose as well as being generally very badly bruised and shaken up, his arms ami back being very badly sprained, as the result of the sled hitting him. The injured lad war carried into the office of Dr. P. J. Plynn where Dr. Plynn assisted by Dr. It. P. We.stover dressed the in juries of the lad and it required a large number of stitches to dose the painful wounds that had been in flicted. The boy was then taken to his home on Lincoln avenue where he is now resting as easily as possi ble under the circumstances. His condition is quite serious however and it will lie hard to determine for a few days just how serious the in juries on the body and the internal effects of the accident mav become. MODERN WOODMEN CHOOSE OFFICERS Members of Order Who Have Occu pied Positions Past Years Elected to Serve for Ensuing Year. Buv your Christmas cards now at the Journal office. From the post oard at lc to the finest booklet at 50 cents. Christmas is almost here. Have you visited the Journal office in making your selections? If not you S3 missing a fine display. h'rnm Wednesday's Dallv The members of the Modern Wood men of America of Cass Camp No. 332 have chosen for their officers for the ensuing year the officers who have guided the destinies of the or der daring the years just closed and whose able service caused their as sociates to once more ask them to serve the best interests of the lodge as they have done in the jjast. The officers elected were: Venerable Consul J. K. Ledge way. Worthy Advisor Prank Sebatkn. Jr. Banker - William Hassler. Clerk Henry P. (Joos. Watchman II. M. Wilcox. Sentry -J. P. Hallstrom. Manager George Luschinsky. The newly elected officers will he installed at the meeting in January of the camp. XfvlAS CARDS ARE NOW HMD Now is the time to mak your -.;-lection of Christmas cards a:ul th Journal office is the place to fuul them. We have hundreds of designs for you to choose from cards for every member of the family and lor every dear friend that you wish to remember in this manner. Scatwv sunshine with the Christmas card. Remember the early buyer gets th-: best choice and while line i; very large this season, no doubt manv of the best numbers v il I be sold out early, so make it a point to call p.;;-.! see them today. 'THE GIFT OF GIFTS' SILKEN HO Silken hosiery in such qual ities as found here is a most suitable gift and certain to please. Burlington New Fashion sd " Silk Hoce $1.50 to $4.C0 Pure dye silk hose. Semi fashioned throughout. Double toes and soles; high spliced heels. Miss Liberty Silk Hose $2.00 Pure thread silk, double sole, heels and toes. CADET HOSE for.Boys and Girls A full line of all weights and sizes. MADEIRA and FILET LACE DRESSER SCARFS Also Lunch Cloths and Luncheon Sets in Madeira and plain linen. Prices cn these linen items are unusually low, and above ail rifts, those of linen are the most accep table. LADIES BLOUSES i.v Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Beautifully hand embroid ered in yarn and beads. For "Her" it is the best gift you could possibly choose. ALL PRICES! J2cis 5 fioviip S-uaqostions GIVING THE RIGHT THING IS NOT THE DIFFICULT MAT TER YOU IMAGINE WHEN YOU CONCENTRATE ALL YOUR PUR CHASES TO USEFUL GIFTS, AND THIS SEASON SHOULD BE ES PECIALLY A TIME CF GOOD OLD FASHIONED GIVING OF THE "GIFTS USEFUL." Ladies colored and white em broidered kerchiefs in prices from 10c to 75c Boxed kerchiefs for children 20c and 25c SPREADS GIVE USEFUL PRESENTS ITotMng- Makes Finer Gilt 1 bined U v X ly GIVE USEFUL PRESENTS COMFORTER Beautiful combinations of Silkaline and Silken Fabrics in such dain ty colors, yet, withal so practical. $5.00 to $15.00 com bined with coio;s in a moot fascinating way. $4.00 to $10.00 CIVE USEFUL PRESENTS GIVE USEFUL PRESENTS What more ideal gift is there for Mother or Friend Wife than one of these pretty Comforters, Blankets or Bed Spreads? You know she could use it! BLANKETS! Blanket time is here and if you know giving a blanket fills a long felt want what belter gift could you choose? $4.00, $7.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Beautiful Plaid Effects in This Range of Prices -" . 6 It ' ''S.-i'-f' i J: ' f J t. 7 , zxy SUPER-WEAR C3N60LEUM FLOOR COVERING Wears like iron, and makes your Christmas gift the "gift supreme," because it will always be remembered. Here you'll find beau tiful designs in both floor covering and rugs. SILK (CmONAS and Negligees Hand embroidered Crepe de Chir.e and Satin also Japa nese silk kimonas and beauti ful oriental designs $10.00 to $35.00 LOVELY PETTICOATS Satins, Taffetas, Jerseys in all the beautiful new shades and in such pretty em broidered effects $5.00 to $15.00 EXQUISITE SILKEN UNDERWEAR Beautiful yarn embroidered "Teddies" others lace trim med in finest quality Crepe de Chine and Satin. CAMISOLES BLOOMERS BRASSIERES are also here in profusion; and you will enjoy making a selection from these beauti fully made garments. BATH ROBES for Ladies and for little tots, in well assorted patterns. All made of the best quality Beacon flannel. Men's boxed handkerchiefs 3 for $1.00 Men's Japanette initial hand kerchiefs, each 15c Men's fancy bordered hand kerchiefs, 3 for $1.00 T Large Variety! dies linen kerchiefs, embroidered, 3 for$1.00 Ken's plain linen handkerchiefs, each 50c Ladies plain linen kerchiefs, each25 and 30c Ladies initial linen kerchiefs. 3 for $1.00 Lsdhs boxed handkerchiefs 35c to $1.50 Open Evenings Till Christmas! GiftliandfeerdtieS Orville Kintz and wife departed this morn i 111? for Omaha where they will spend the day In that city with .Mrs. John Kaffenherirer. mother of Mrs. Kintz. and who is to he oper ated on today at the Immaniiel hospital. CASTOR I A or Irian's and Children Vn Uso for Over 30 Year tie DR. H. C. LEOPOLD 0ESTE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN yrlal Attrntlon to Illarmri of Wumea ACI.'TK niSKASKS TliRATHI) Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Houri and Sundays by Appointment :30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to B:J0 Plattsmouth. Neb. Coatr Block: i P b mm V Am I Don't S2iss Our -Sofiday Display! Come and see how satisfactory Christmas shopping can be made how well we can fill your wants. Bracelet Watches, Pearl Beads, Diamond Rings, Gents Watches, Belts, Rings, Silverware, Cut Glass, Ivory, Clocks, Etc. VIGTROLASo RECORDS! J. W. CRABILL HALLMARK feweersfM . i - ' - l 7 TO- OiA H A For the benefit of the Automobile Travelling Public who are continually calling us to inquire "How are the Auto Roads to Omaha?' We will state that very few people who drive automc- S biles realize the fact that a snow road well broken and packed is better than the average summer roads, which are usually either too dusty or too muddy for comfortable travelling. For the past few weeks our snow roads have been splendid and until Monday night of this week there has been a large amount of automobile travel thru Plattsmouth. Since the snow fall of Monday the roads have been opened up again and travel has again been resumed be tween Plattsmouth and Omaha and surrounding towns. Another day or so will make the roads ideal for au tomobile travel. Get out your Sedan, Coupe or your Touring car with Ej its side curtains up and convince yourselves that automo K and highly enjoyable. We will try and keep the Public informed on the road conditions. li at T SOEIM MICH SEIM PHONES 53 and 54 PHONES 53 and 54 T. H. Poliock E Plattsmouth, Nebraska ridge