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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1919)
I TEVtLovAY, OCTOBER 30. 1919. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE ELEVEN FuTUNSENG, BACKS TO THE UNDERWEAR! I have a good stock ofj Munsing Underwear. This , 7 DETERMINED aavance ana me present price will look cheap when my sec ond lot comes in. Ladies, gen tlemen's and children's. Try my Premium Blend zr- . r 1Q . conee at a price or to cenis per lb. I know you will be pleased as this classes with the so-called high grade coffee for which you are possibly paying 60 cents a pound. Just received a nice lot of new dried prunes. CASH CARRY GROCER 6 tall cans Carnation milk $1.10 WALL AND FIGHT ING THEIR BEST STAND IS MADE BY THE RUSSIAN REDS. .50 .45 3 tall cans Elkhora milk 3 tall cans Hebe milk 3 No. 2 cans Early June peas. 3 No. 2 cans sweet corn 3 No. 2yz cans tomatoes .50 3 No. 2y2 cans hominy .35 6 No. 1 cans pork and beans .45 6 No. 2 cans pork and beans .90 6 No. 3 cans pork and beans 1.10 3 large bottles tomato catsup- .87 12 boxes purple tip matches 6 boxes purple tip matches - Eulk peanut butter, per lb 10 bars Lenox soap 10 bars Crystal Spark soap 10 bars Crystal White soap L'ge box Seafoam wash powd'r Large box Star Naptha wash powder for .29 Large bottle bluing .10 Outflanked at Tsarskoye-Selo. But Putting Up a Battle Entire Staff of Trotzky Reported Captured. Stockholm, Oct. 25. The bolshe viki forces are making- a etrong tand at Tsarskoye-Selo, which, ac cording to advices received here, the "white" troops outflanked. The en tire staff of Ieon Trotzky, bolshe vik minister of war and marine of Russia. ha been captured at Tearskoye-Selo, according to a Iteval dispatch to the National Tidende. Trotzky himself escaped by clmgin to a railroad car and lotor fiAPinc from the scene in an J automobile. Troops of the North i western Russian army pursued the .50 minister and fired upon his car but .45 AUTO DISAP PEARS AT ELM WOOD TUESDAY BUICK TOURING CAR BELONG ING TO JOHN BICKERT WAS 'BORROWED." "THE HEART OF HUMANITY" TO BE SHOWN AT GEM FAMOUS I RAMA OF WAR AND MOTHER LOVE BOOKED FOR 3 DAYS SHOWING. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of Next Week Popular Prices to Prevail. CAUSED MUCH APPREHENSION Its Disappearance from Street Being Connected with Julian Bank Robbery Returned. 65 Trotzky succeeded in reaching Pet rograd. The left flank of General Yudeniteh's army is reported to be under fire from the bolshevik dread naught Poltava, which is lying in the Neva river, inside of the limits of Petrograd, and shooting over the housetops. Heavy Fighting Going On I London. Oct. 25. Heavy nguting ,35 is going on along General Denikine's 30 ' entire front. The fighting extendi for 700 miles from Tsaritzyn to Kiev. The chief of the British military mission with General Peni kine reports under yesterday's date .50' .65; .65 .29 E. P. LUTZ IHTICLKS OF I CO II POIt A TIOX f the Fnrmm nln o-opcriitli r An oiatln of (irn-awttoil, elir. Th- name of tins rrjuratio!i shall !- tif Farmers I'nion f o-oprative As-.-f-i iiitioii, of lirrrnwouil, Nlr. Tii rint-iial plaee of transacting tlie busings of tb is corporation slutll l. t tire e nwood. Cass county. Xt-hr. Tlie lusin-sfi of tli corporation Khali h- tiic Imvinir himI Kellin? for itself or on commission as well as that of InniliriK and shipping- grain, farm jirodiue. coal. live stock and farm sup plies: to purchase hold, or lease real estate or other property for the use of the corporation in its busi ness: to direct, own, control, lease or operate train elevators. warehouses. tnrelniUKts and other buildines and to acquire property in any terminal mar kets necessstry in ennductinir said busi ness: to purchase and to hold stock in other corporations; to borrow money; to make, execute and deliver convey ances and to secure the same; and to do. perform and carry on the aforesaid business in the State of Nebraska. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be "f.. which shall Ik- divided into ::." shares of $JiMi.nn each. $ 1 .((). 00 shall be fully paid in at the time of commence ment of business. This stock shall be non-assessable. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of t lie paid up capital stock. Ttie term of the existence of this corporation shall commence on the 1Mb lay of June. A. 1. 191H, and the same shall continue for a term of fifty (.".( uars from said date. unless sooner dissolved by a majority of the stock holders or by operation of law. The business of 1 1 1 is .corporat ion shall be conducted by the following board of seven 7l directors until the first annual iiwlinK as piuvidcd by its laws. The seven 7 directors are John Iaie. John Armstrong, t'has. Martin, llarrv V. Bricker, F. II. iCod fel low, . F. ivters and C I). Fu liner. The officer of the corporation are O. F. IVters. president: John Iale, vice president: Harry V. JSricker, secretary and John K. Wiedeman. treasurer. OTICK TO CRF.IHTOK The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In I lie fount y 'ourt. In the matter of the estate of Mich ael Timmas. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the fount J- Court room in T'latts moulh in said county on November 1!H! nrnl March L'R, lOlIO, at ten (10 o'clock a. in., of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limit ed for the presentation of claims asrainst said estate is five months from the I'.'.th day of .October. A. I . 1W1P. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said day of October, 1919. Witness my hand and the seal- of snid County Court this "Dtl day of OctoUr. 1319. ALLEN J. HKLSON. Count v Judge. Itv FLORENCE W1IITF.. (Seal) Clerk. Advertising is the heart or trade Everybody uses It in some form ot other to advance their business. But newspaper advertising is the cheap est and best. Try it. ism DELCO-LIGHT The ccEat-leie Eleric Lilt Power Plant Safe for the children. Brings lasting cheer. Bene tits the whole family. Pyfjr' rP-jn y. n, u n ISY ROSENTHAL, Tel. D. 5093 OmaLa, Neb. l.t- i l..itili f-t f. U m i n IT SUC- II 11 il l lur I I IV cessfully for the anti-bolshevik forces. A wireless message from jwoscow announces that the bolsheviki have captured Elizabepol. killing a large number of Finns. Official denial is made, in the same message, that bol shevik warships were unk in a re cent engagement in the Gulf of Fin land, although admitting that two armored ships were damaged. Leon Trotzky. the bolshevik min ister of war of Russia, in describing the soviet counter offensive and capture of Pavlovsk. south of Pet rograd and the repulse of anti-bolshevik forces in the Pskov sector, says: "The danger tanging over Petrcgrad has been driven back, but not yet definitely removed," accord ing to a wireless dispatch received here from Moscow. The northern Russian government in a communiquie issued today, claims the repulse of a bolshevik at tempt to " capture Povientetz. on Lake Onega, with great losses, in cluding a bolshevik vessel. The bolsheviki were driven thirty-three miles from the town of Onega and several villages were captured. Savage Attack Begun. London, Oct. 25. Rallying under the command of Leon Trotzky. bol shevik minister of war and marine, troops of the Russian soviet govern ment have savagely attacked the lines of the Russia northwestern army and have succeeded in parry ing, for the moment at least, the thrust of the latter against Petro grad. according to reports reaching this city. Tsarskoe-Selo and Paval ovsk, south of Petrograd. have been recaptured from the forces of Gen eral Yudenitcli. it is claimed." and the advance of the bolsheviki contin ues. South of Moscow, where Gen eral Denikine's advance has menac ed to a certain degree the bolsheviki on the ancient city of the Czars, fighting is going on but nothing as to the results obtained has been learned. Reports indicate, however, consideration by the soviet leaders of a plan to withdraw all bolshevik troops into Turkestan and to aband on Moscow. Serbian forces are on their way to Odessa to assist Gener al Denikine in his campaign. Tobolsk, western Siberia, is said to have been captured from the Kolehak army by the bolsheviki. This report, if confirmed, would in dicate an advance of the soviet in that sector, as last reports showed them quite a distance to the west ward of Tobolsk. Has Made No Apology. Vladivostok. Oct. 18. General Rozanoff . the Armenian commander in the far east, has not apologized for ho nrrst and floecinc of all ! American soldietr at Iman. Septem ber 4. according to the American! army authorities here. The Ameri can command declares it knows nothing of the apology, which ac-, cording to press reports from the United States, Ambassador Bakh meteff in "Washington said that Gen- j eral Rozanoff has submitted to Major General Graves, commanding the American forces in Siberia for the Iman incident involving the ar-' rest by Cossacks of an American of ficer and enlisted man and the flogging of the latter. From Wednesday's Daily. Ycsterdav afternoon Sheriff ( I. jQuinton was notified that a Iiuick touring car belonging to John IJick ert had been stolen from the streets of Elm wood during the abbence of the owner. The sheriff at once 'started preparations to notify the of ficials of the surrounding counties of the fact that the car had been returned. The car, it is claimed, was taken by a young man named lirinton. who had been using it for something ilike two hours and then returned the machine to the place from which it had been taken. The parties' interested in the case were notified by the sheriff to come in and lay the matter before the county attorney in order that it can be straightened out and the facts as certained. The disappearance of the car oc curring at the same time as the rob bery of the Bank of Julian, in Nem aha county, led to the conclusion that the parties stealing the car had driven to Julian where the robbery of the bank occurred and the Nem aha officials were hot on the trail to locate the car, but the fact that the machine has been returned does away with the supposition that it was used in the Julian robbery, as the voung man was only absent with the machine a little over two hours. No story ever told in motion pic tures has so thrilled the human heart as "The Heart of Humanity." that celebrated drama of the world war, in which Dorothy Phillips and Wil liam Stowell share honors of star dom. Desides the dozen or so prin cipals of the cast there are some 3.000 soldiers, marines, refugees, civilians, etc., who take part in the filming of the gigantic spectacle. j Plattsruouth people should rejoice at the opportunity of seeing this j wonderful production which is being brought to the Gem three davs next week Tuesday, Wednesday and 'Thursday, Nov. 4. 5 and fill). Mana ! aer Petersen is highly elated over j being able to book this super-attrac-jticn, while it is yet comparatively .'new in even the larger. cities and he . is sure the box office demand will tax the capacity of his house at each ; showing. The price is made ex : ceptionally low, and within roach of 'everyone 33 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. ! T1IK STORY i In ;t little Canadian village live. j Nanette, the ward oT Father Mich i.icl. She is engaged to John, son of i John is one of all of whom Mrs. D. C. Morgan and daughter. Miss Gertrude departed this morn ing for Omaha to visit there for the day with friends and relatives. Mrs. A. L. Tidd was among those going to Omaha this morning to visit for a few hours in that city looking after some business matters. PUBLIC SALE! Having decided to quit farming I will offer for sale at my home three miles west of Mynard, three miles west and four miles north of Murray on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1919. Sale To Commence at 1 :00 P. li the following described property to- wit: -Horses. 1 black horse, f. years old. weight 1150. 1 black horse, f. years old. weight 1200. 1 black horse. 7 years old. weight 1200. Cattle. 1 roan heifer. 3 red cows. 5 fall shoats. Implements. 2 sets of double harness. 1 three and one-quarter Rock Island wagon. 1 John Deere com planter with eighty rods of check wire. 1 16-inch Oliver plow. 1 John Deere riding cultivator. 1 2 -sect ion harrow. 1 walking cultivator. 1 riding lister. 1 disk. 1 2-row machine. 1 2-row stalk cutter. 1 truck wagon. , 1 hay rack. 1 Champion niojver. q 21? horse I. H. C. gas engine. 1 Keystone hand corn shelter. 1 pump jack. 1 12-barrel tank. 1 10-barrel tank. 1 No. 3 Primrose cream separat or. 2 a-gallon milk cans. 40 rods of 48 inch woven wire. Red Elm four horse eveners. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of f 10.00 and under cash in hand, and on all sums over $10.00 a credit of eight months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper, bearing eight per cent interest from date. All prop erty must be settled for before be ing removed from the premises. UHVIN L. BARNARD, Owner. COL. AV. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. 11. A. SCHNEIDER, Clerk. t Li N?,;iFs !! H! I'iii :;i i u ' j!!!i ! llu,,,:':,:," 'i: P b Ik f and ha. 1f-Rr ' f V ;:S ! :'!: ,!' .1". H I l.i ! ; ! f. . - WWifv' Tdddv rmd baB, handmomm ooand that clatey. practical pound crystal gla numtaor uttn mponge motmtenmr top that Etmrtect condition. ,r?:-fJ' 'Sy! CopyriBht Wt by K J- Kt-ynutdC v W:H I I ii hi 'ii;i:inn.iiiiimi i!iii''rtfiiln!W III! i'lHiiii iliit!lii!llii'ffep!;;i Mil'! in !!l -I ill I i i Ii IHSH. iiillililHlilli! l i tl;e Wid;w Patricia. fur other brothers. ::Jore the little girl. John returns from college, pick- ' tip on the way a traveling com ' rr-.nion. Oscar Strang. John and Nanette are overjoyed to be reunit ed, but their happiness is clouded by Strang, who is attracted to Nanette ;!id makes love to her. Nanette, however, remains true to John and repulses the attentions of Strang. Then conies the war. News of ;i:e opening "f hostilities comes on tlje wedding day of John and Nanette. John and four other sons ;;list for service with the Canadian forces. One after another all but John are killed and misery comes into the home of the Widow Pa tricia. Then Nanette's child comes ;o soften the grief of the mother and the anxiety of the wife. Finally, the fifth son of the widow enlists. John's letters home tell of the in tense sufferings endured by the French and Belgian children in tlie i.iH Vmicitp final lv determines ij "" " " Kv t?.. in their aid. She enlists in the,. Red ("rots and is assigned to. duty in a convent in France. She sees her husband, now an aviator, but soon afterward he is brought down inside the German lines and is made a prisoner. In the meantime, Oscar Strang becomes an officer in the German armv. In the advance on Faris the Germans take the convent in which j Nanette is on duty and Strang meets j i Vnr.ette aaain. He attaCKS ner ana a terrific fight develops. She finall: succeeds in escaping to another room; and bars the door. Meanhile John escapes from the,! to' e wm Pot & PUT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce more smoke happiness than you ever before collected ! P. A.'s built to fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands ! It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragTance you ever ran against ! ' Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to beat the cards 1 Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston -Salem, N. C I have turned victories into routes. I have trapped mighty leaders and have crushed enemies. I am without faith, and those v ho trust me, I deceive. Today I am fair to look upon; to morrow a steaming bog. I add difficulty to distance. With isolation do I conspire to unjoint the endeavors-of man. 1 tug at the wheels of the gristing md b cart. I bumper the r;ice. I ; in an ..Clio;.. 1 ri- tl:e I -i di- I speed tin ead n; y i;e who dear. VOill in -my of church ; ":ib'T on his rt ;i : .Is. ::pter ot t:-- h';..e. j !:rs! born In th'.' ciik'-l when I ani fair to ff; and whui fi.' would return I face him with my forbidden depths. I minister to bitterness and lay a feo.; j tax on all the world. i There is none who lives who does not pay me tribute. When man plowed with a crooked ! s: irk. 1 wus t here. I am the unimproved highway. Men count me cheap I know the price they pay who count me so. Mv name is MUD. 5& i 15 1 P. 3 & 5223 ETra VJY I'3 German war prison and, in the uni-!J f,.rn, i.r s I ;prni.i Tt soiuiri . w iiuiu lias killed, starts for the convent, j Nanette, safe for the time being be-j hind a barred door stands in horror; as Strang pounds on the door out-.j li.if siio irrasus a knife, determin- J ed to plunge it into her bosom if' the door yields. John, after killing two German! guards, reaches the room in which Strang is struggling to open the' door. There is a fight and he kills j Strang. Then he forces open, t he j door to find that his wire has stab bed herself. She does not die. how-j ever, and recovers nun weeks in a hospital. Nanette is persuaded to go back home, which she does after John urges that their boy now needs her. There is a happy reunion in the lit tle Canadian village between moth er and child, but their joy becomes still greater when John, one day af ter peace is signed, walks back to " " t 's.3 .:'.' ' J ' 1 : : pi i the arms child. of his mother, wife and WHO AM H The foot that pattered in prime val slime gave me birth, unchanged ; while the ages pass. I have endured, j Time has but. served to increase myj infinite variety. fc-armoorn auu without a soul, yet I live. From the beginning, I have been, man's enemy. j A dust-colored python and I,; stretching my length across hills and awaiting ni time to cruh endeavor. I have snared caravans and left bleaching bones in laud now desert. Empires have fallen because of me. pi m i "J u. I m m H ;-i -4 ..-1 v lJ --r- I LJ m-2 fc J immmi fl K If for O eie to onstitutio M U 13 c?osivenBon 1 it om and raised in Cass county. Farmer and horticulturaHst. By education, training and experience the proper man to represent Oass county and aii its peopie. Served two terms in the Nebraska leg islature and two terms in the congress of the United States. El A liiC i ion ii rfi Mull miinriMirr fli i -- Tuesoav ::3 its iii'i'i-iyniif m 4 Lm