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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1919)
cal Society l&l&itsmoutb "TV omnia vol. xxx vn. PLATTSM 0 UTII, NEBRASKA MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1919. No. 3G. NO ACCIDENT DRIVE WINNING AMONG MEN EMPLOYED BY RAILROADS MIDDLE WEST BURLING TON SUCCEEDING. OF A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION Preceded Two Week Period in Which Curtailment of Accidents is Worth-While Objective From Thursday's Daily. I From Thursday's Daw. The movement among the rail-j . Sneriff Qulntou was notified yes roads of the middle west for a "no terdav that a Ford car beionging to accident" record for the present and j Asa JohnsoDf of Avoca. had been tak coming week, seems to be meeting en from lfaat place OQ Tuesday and with the greatest of success along-had apparently driven off by a t ha 1 i n a t f tli Ittr1 ino-t nn railffiid f - and the success of the drive seems to surpass even the most sanguine hopes or the heads or the road. 1 The teaching of the doctrine of Safety First that has been a policv i of the Burlington for a number of years has greatly lessened the num- one th.,t was seen here on Tuesdav ber of accidents occurring in the uignt an(J vhicn was taken across ranks of their shop and trainmen. tfae Missouri river at tnis point Dn and' what accidents do occur from the ferry and had tne notice of the time to time have been of a minor tneIt of the car been reCeived a lit nature and nothing in comparison ' Ue eariler it might have been possi- to the serious accidents of years ago When this movement was first started Frank L. Thomas, of Chicago, was assigned to the work for the Burlington along the line of educa- I tion of the men to regard their safety and that of their fellow em- j pioyes as a mailer oi importance to themselves as well as to the com pany, and the splendid work done " - ( by Mr. Thomas served greatly to Prom ThUrBday8 Dally, cut down the number of accidents At the meeting of the Nebraska and eliminate the causes that had so State Bankers Association in Lin often contributed to them. Bulle- J coln yesterday It. F. Patterson, cash tins, moving pictures and personal jer of the Bank of Cass County of lectures were employed by Mr. this city was elected as secretary of Thomas in his campaign and also the state association for the coming the installation of protecting devices ' term. The selection of Mr. Patter for machinery and the strict require- J son is a well deserved recognition ment of the observance of the safety j of one of the ablest members of the regulations brought about a great j association in the state and his long change and In the shops in this citty ' experience in the line of banking the result was soon made apparent, j will make him a valuable man for Boards with nails protruding were the position. The Cass county bank placed on the ban and not allowed to 1 era have been quite prominent in be scattered around as a menace to , the work of the state association in ""the safety of the men who might the past and the retiring president, be walking near them, glasses were.H. K. Frantz is the president of th required to be worn in grinding or J other operations that might give. cause for splinters or flying foreign particles getting in the eyes, pro-1 tecting shields for saws and other safety devices, all of which made the accidents few and far between when the regulations were observed. Committees of the shop men, op erating with SuperCntendent Baird. aided in impressing the need of care and caution in working where tUere might be danger of injury and the result was an excellent record made in the local shops. In the first week of the campaign the first three days' report for the Burlington shows a very pleasing i result. Four accidents occurred on the Aurora division; one on the Oma ha division, two on the Brookfield division, while Lincoln up to yester day had no accidents reported on its division. - The railroads have made their accident record almost nil while the general public continues to pile up high figures of the toll exacted from the automobile accidents, many of which could have been avoided by the application of the Safety First doctrine. Last year 1.777 persons were killed and 4,356 injured by ac cidents at railroad crossings. The slogan, "Stop. Look and Listen" when nearing a crossing, would go far toward eliminating these acci dents. Precaution is as much the part of the auto driver as that of the engineer of a train. DEPARTS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION From Thursday'! Dally. This morning a number of the Sunday schoo teachers and workers and delegates from the various Sun day schools of the city departed for Avoca to take part in the Sunday school convention that is being held tttere today and Friday and to en joy the interesting program prepar- ed as well" as the generous hospital ity of the good people of Avoca. The conventions are growing in interest each year and" the exceptionally strong program prepared for this year's session is one that all the l Sunday school workers of the coun ty should take advantage of. Jesse P. Perry of this city is the secretary of the association and his work in this line has been very effective in stimulating the interest in the work thorughout the county. HAS GAR STOLEN FROM THE GARAGE Asa Johnson, of Avoca, Loses Ford and Suspects Helper of Having Helped Himself to It. former employe or Mr. Johnson, or whom the owner of the car claims 8 the party taking it as the car and the man disappeared in a sus picious manner about the same time. The description and number of the car answered the description of ,ble to have apprehended the car and the driver. Sheriff Quinton is send ing out notices of the stolen car in Hr Vwitmc t f lnrn t i r rr If ffir lr Johaso:i in sonie of the nearby coun- ties. VTTPTVT STOTTAPV - - "- OF THE BANKERS Bank of Eagle, and one of the lead ing authorities in banking in the state HUNTERS MERIT INDIGNATION Joseph Schessel. Residing West of the City, Suffers Loss of Two Cows a Few Days Ago Prom Thursday' Dally. Yesterday afternoon Joseph Sches- isel, residing west of the city, on tho William Hunter farm, was in the city, and reported that some of the hunters who have been visiting Jils farm have either 'been very poor shots or else reckless as two of his best cows were found dead a few days ago in the pasture on the, farm. The owner of the farm, which is lo cated along the Four Mile creek, has j always allowed hunting and fishing : parties along the creek and-in the fields of his farm, but never again, says Mr. Schessel. and he is placing a notice to the effect that anyone trespassing on the farm will be pros ecuted. There is no one who can blame Mr. Schessel for the. position he has taken, as the loss f the two cows amounts to quite a Bum in it self aside from the danger to the rest of his live stock if the hunting is continued to be carried on as it has in the past. In the future there will be a discontinuance of the prac tice however, or the persons tres passing on the farm will be compell ed to pay the penalty. FOR SALE. Eighty acres, about four miles west of Plattsmouth. Price $300 per acre. Well improved. Inquire of F. G. Egenberger, Hotel Wagner block, Plattsmouth. - 20-ltw-tfd HELD A VERY SUCCESSFUL ASSEMBLAGE OF THOSE INTERESTED IN THE ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL, AT NEHAWKA LAST EVE. WORK IS PROGRESSING NICELY Nathan Bernstein, of Omaha, Spoke to Large Number Pays Tri bute to Statesman. From Friday's Dally. One of the most successful meet ings in the campaign of the Roose velt memorial association in Cass county was herd last evening at .Ne hawka where, despite the unfavor able weather conditions, a very large audience assembled to hear Nathan Bernstein of Omaha discuss the ideals that had made the life of Theodore Roosevelt, one typical of the American nation and the fitting tribute to the nation and to the mem ory of the soldier-statesman that the national association was preparing to erect in the national capital and at the home where President Roose velt had found some of his greatest inspirations. The meeting waa presided over by Frank P. Sheldon in a very able and pleasing manner and who Introduc ed the speaker of the evening with a few well chosen remarks. " The meeting was opened by the singing of ."America" by the entire audience and the invocation offered by Rev. Moore; of Nehawka. Mr. Bernstein in his remarks took up the discussion of the citizenship of the United States, the inspiring ideals that had made the nation the great and wonderful factor in the world's history that it had become. The American people who were com ing into a period of unrest and un settled conditions. were beginning to realize that their citizenship had been allowed to become too lax and that they were not keeping in touch with the higher ideal that had de veloped the true spirit of American ism. The citizenship in a land like ours, Mr. Bernstein stated was well worth sacrificing for, and offering whatever was demanded to see that it was maintained at all costs. The life of Roosevelt was one typical of American citizenship, love of home and of country and -of the Divine teachings, and in his lifetime the late president had placed the love of country above all things else and had willingly sacrificed himself and his family that it might be for the benefit of the lanfl where he had been ' born and which he had loved unto death. The lessons of -his life were an inspiration to a higher citi zenship and the teaching of the ljfe of Roosevelt to the coming genera tion of America would lead them into a realization of the higher du ties of citizenship. Mr. Bernstein also deplored the tendency of the modern time to destroy the finer ideals of the American home life and urged a closer knitting of the home ties that made for nobler ml better men and women and for the study of the life of .the late soldier president that they might gather for the young America the richness of the great principles which his life had stood for in this nation. WILL REMOVE TO THIS CITY SOON Rex Voung, Popular Cass County Auctioneer, Purchases Prop erty in Plattsmouth. From Thursday's Dally. Rex Young, the Cass county auc tioneer, has decided that owing to his increasing demands as an auc- tioneer, he will be unable to carry on his rarm worK ana accordingly he has purchased a home in Platts- mouth and will Boon move in to make his residence here. The home secured by Mr. Young i is the C. E. Haney home in the land. Will carry 52,000. No reason south part of the city, one of the at-! able offer refused. Joseph J. John tractive residences of that portion ion. Phone S52S. 413-lw daw of the city and which will make Mr. Young and family a most comfor table and pleasant place to live. Mr. Young is one of the leading auctioneers in the state and his suc cess in this line in the past few years has been very- remarkable. He has held sales in all portions of the state and has met with marked suc cess in all of them and his services are constantly in demand to handle the increasing number of public auc tions. It is a pleasure to learn that Mr. Young and family will make their future home in this citv and they can be assured of a most heurty welcome. EPWORTil LEAGUE HOLDS A PARTY A "Backward Affair" and Greatly Enjoyed by the Large Number Of Young Folks Present From Friday's Dally. Last evening the parlors of the Methodist church were the scene of a very pleasant gathering when the members of the 'Epworth League gathered for their annual party which had been planned by the so cial activities department headed by Miss Delia Fraus and assisted by the various committees of the League. The parlors were very prettily ar ranged with the harmonious tints of the autumn leaves prevailing in the decorative scheme while the witches and goblin symbolic of the hallo v. e'en season, were festooned . thru the decorations making a very pleas ing setting for the 'Joliy occasion. As had been intimated to the guests it was to be a "backward" party and the guests came prepared accordingly and maiuy very aniusinc costumes were cotel' as the-guests were' ushered into the parlor and truly it was looking backward for most of the party. During the evening the merriment was enjoyed to the utmost' as the variously garbed guests, each with their costume reversed, arrived and was Introduced. Throughout the evening games of all sorts were play ed by the old as well as the young er guests and much pleasure was derived in the various amusements. At a suitable hour the refreshments were served, consisting of the good things which the hallowe'en season ushers in and dainty pies, luscious apples, pop corn and coffee served to add to the enjoyment of the guests and it was with regret that the mem bers of the party noted the arrival of the homegoing hour. REV. M'GLUSKEY HIGHLY HONORED Selected as Vice-Moderator of the Presbyterian Syno4 of Nebras ka, at Central City. Frm Friday'a Dally, Friends of Rev. H. G. McCluskey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, will be pleased to learn of the honor conferred upon him at the session of the Presbyter ian Bynod at their session at Central City this .week. Rev. McCluskey is one of the lead ers in his church in the state and a worthy recognition of his services was given at the meeting of the sy nod when he was selected as vice moderator of the date Fjnod. Rev. McCluskey has frequently been call ed upon to preside over the meetings of the syDod and his able leadership has been recognized by his church in his advancement to the important post he will be called upon to occupy during the coming year. This elec tion will delay the return of the worthy pastor for a short time to resume his church duties in this city. The members of the congregation nf (h rhtirch here are delighted at th rennirnitinn afforded their ta ented pastor and the church can well fee proud of the record made by Rev. j McCluskey in the church w ork in the state FOR SALE Five acres of good well improved LOCAL man aavn NKEOS CLOSE A SUCCESSFUL MEETING IN LINCOLN YESTERDAY urn.. VltaVEik E E fa m And Pledge Selves to Program ofjujes JuKa Hall and Mr. Floyd Luff 100' ', Americanism, Thrift, Economy, Production. From Thursdays Daily. Before adjourning Wednesday af ternoon the bankers in attendance at the meeting of Group One finan ciers, at Lincoln," passed resolutions adopting as their program that sug gested by President Frantz of the Nebraska association 100 Amer icanism, 100 91 thrift and economy, 100 Tc production. In their resolu tions they frowned severely upon the spending mania now prevalent, and declared as their opinion that the high cost of living is caused by lack of thrift, by underproduction and by inflation. They declared that sense less expenditures must cease. The resolutions adopted were prepared by Dan J. Riley, of Dawson; II. D. Wilson, of Nebraska City and J. E. Conklin, of Hubbell, and called upon the bankers to be ever ready to apply the brakes of caution against expan sion, inflation and reckless specula tion, commending to the people of the district the utmost thrift and economy. The v resolutions .made it plain, however, that the stifling of legiti mate enterprise was not to be prac ticed in theleast. Plattsmouth Man Secretary The following officers were select ed upon recommendation of a com mittee on nominations: President, Charles Siurha, cashier First National Bank. Beatrice. Vice-president, R. B. Clemens, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, Milligan. Secretary, R. F. Patterson, cashier Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. Tips to the Bankers The first hour of the rfternoon was devoted to five minute addresses from several of the bankers. Capt. C. S. Aldrich. cashier of the Ameri can Exchange Bank at Elmwood, urged upou the bankers the Impor tance of getting behind the consoli dated school movement made possi ble under the new redisricting law. Some opposition has been developed on the part of the farmers, although the law is distinctly in the interest of better education for their child ren. The country church as a com munity center has disappeared and in its place has come the town. The consolidated school will help the town and the bankers should assist in the movement. SURPRISED ON HER 23RD BIRTHDAY Mrs. Everett Rucker Enjoys Pleas ant Surprise Last Evening A Social- Good Time From Friday"? Daily. Last evening Mrs. Everett Ruck er was given a most delightful sur prise when some twenty of lier friends appeared at her home to'as sist in seeing that her twenty-third birthday anniversary was observed in a proper manner. The evening was spent most delightfully at cards and a general social time, while a number of the party assisted in the pleasures of the event by the rendi tion of several musical selections, and Miss Louise Rabb and Mr. An drew Pries added to the enjoyment of the members of the party by their clever entertaining. The guests had come with well laden baskets and at a suitable hour a dainty and thoroughly enjoyable buffet luncheon was served that aided in the completion of the even ing of rare enjoyment and pleas ure. In remembrance of the happy event, Mrs. Ruefcer was presented with a number of very choice and handsome gifts which will be treas ured in the years to come as tokens of the love and esteem of the many friends. At a late hour the members of the party departed for their homes trust ing that they might have more op portunities in the future of enjoying simlar happy occasions with their friend and hostess. MARRIAGE BELLS - RING MERRILY Married at Lincoln on Wed nesday, October 15th. From Friday'a Dally. The wedding of Miss Julia Hall, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hall, of this place, and Mr. Floyd Luff', son of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Luff, of Unadilla, was soleniniz ed Wednesday, October 15th,. at the First Christian church of Lincoln, Nebraska. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Hylton. The bridal ecu pie was accompanied as far as Lincoln by the Misses Minnie Burrel and Flossie Luff and Messrs. Waite Hall and Floyd Rodaway. Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known to a large circle of friends in this locality. The bride is a graduate of our schools and for the past three years has been a success ful teacher. The groom is a pros perous young farmer of Otoe county. They left Thursday evening for a trip to various points in Colorado and will be at home to their many friends after November 15th, on a farm near Unadilla. TLe congratulations of their many friend go with them for a long and happy wedded "life. Elmwood Leader-Echo. ' RETURNS FROM OKLAHOMA. Frwiu Thursday's Dally Yestfrday afternoon John A. Hen nings and F. J. Hennings returned home after a few weeks visit thru out Oklahoma with their relatives and friends and looking over the land interests of F. J. Hennings in the southern state. The gentlemen found the condtions throughout the state excellent and the crops this year have been fine in the localities they visited. During their sojourn in Oklahoma they spent a short time at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Brau, a sister, near Pocasset and found the members of the Brau family in good health and enjoying prosperity and success in their farm work. Quite a little of the time was spent at Mingo, near where the farm of F. J. Hennings is located and here the two Nebraska farmers inspected the farming methods and the general crop conditions and were well pleased with the results of their visit. For Sale: Two flvt room cottages on easy tarmi, two fine residence lots, five unimproved acres between Lincoln and Chicago avenues. R. B. Windham. d&w 7 1 A Service messags Quick Farm Loans! Farmers who are making their plans for the future, and find it nece sarv to .borrow some money to successfully carry out their business ideas, will d6 well to Investigate the advantages we have to offer of borrowing through us. ' Through-our Loan Department we are prepared to give farmers and farm owners any class of farm loans they desire up to $100.00 per acre payable In 33 years; optional after five years on the amortization plan, which ia one of the most liberal forms of loans, without any red tape. The desire of the First National Bank is to help the farmer la every way possible. We will b glad to talk over with you your plans for making a loan, and will keep your business as a matter of Btrict confidence with us. W advise making March 1st settlement arrangements at once. First National Bank "Thm Bank Where YouFeel at Home" OPENING NUM BER OF LECTURE COURSE OCT. 28 SIX HIGHLY PLEASING ENTER TAINMENTS PROMISED IN NEXT FEW MONTHS. Of.ViES LIGHT OPERA COMPANY Comes First With a Program of Song Well Worth Hearing Buy A Season Ticket From Friday" Dally. A million and a half people know Harry Davies, the well known oper atic tenor, who brings his company of singers and players the Davies Light Opera company to Platts mouth flext Tuesday night, October 28th, as the opening number of the 1919-20 lyceum course. These mil lion and a half friends are those who have had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Mr. Davies in one of his many appearances on the light opera stage, where for years he was a recognized star with such organiza tions as Hammerstein's Grand Opera Co., of New York City; Henry W. Savage's grand opera companies and the Aborn Grand Opera Co.. during the nine different roles and sen -3.500 appearances. In organizing the splendid com pany which he brings to Platts mouth and bringing his mature art to the task of presenting light opera in the finest .manner it has ever beeu known on the lyceum or Chautauqua platform. Mr... Davies.. is performing a ral service, in which he is winning a new and still larger clientele f friends. Wherever the company has avptar ed during the past three years, there has arisen a chorus of delighted commendation. The Davies company will appear at the Hish school auditorium m.xt Xuesday evening as the first numb r of the lyceum course and merit a large attendance. The course, as nearly everyone is aware, is being promoted by the Plattsmouth commercial club, in co-. operation with the glee clubs of the High school and the proceeds of ti:e course will go to the fund of the glee clubs. Season tickets for the six numbers, including war tax, cost $2.v0 for adults, while students season tickets cost $1.00, including war tax. Sin gle admission to the first number is 75 cents. Plattsmouth people who have not already purchased season tickets :ire urged to do so at once. If it is un advisable to purchase season tickets, however, don't fail to attend the opening number, for it will be well worth the price of single admission. "That Printer of Udell's." one of Harold Bell Wright's good stories, on sale at the Journal office. hm .rr.n