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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1919)
FAGE HVE. THURSDAY. JULY 31. 1919. PLAT7.-MOLTH "Sinil-VLEKLl JOURNAL. C y Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray nd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Keaderg Murra If ti;T rf the readers of tit Juurmt ki:OT- of ai;y socifcl freai 01 lie in f i merest in this vicinity, anu will rcaii buidp to '.his office, it will at ppar under tbis hcadirtr. We w&nt all news Ileum Emron :ecors Warrants Fait The reports of this bank show progress and successful in vestment. Strict adherence to the bank ing laws, careful transaction of the business and honest consideration of our depositors' interests go to make this institution a safe, substan tial and reliable depository. uur record lusu- fies the faith of our great number of depositors and w insures Drotection. v Safety Honesty Courtesy Service Four pa.r cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the Stat Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BA&JK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Luck i'K? -lur luilc. Oldham t-!irk l'dn.i. Jcl.n Y.irdhy has been improving i-lowly. lie is now able to get out of il.e home seune. Ray Campbell lort a vt ry valuable hre !a.: Monday due to tin ex treme Ii : t weal Lit. Ilcwi.rd Gra.'ts and family were ii: Plattsmouth las? Saturday even ing I.-i 11 their trading and taking ;m th street fuir. Rcbt. S::rad r aii'l wife n turned home last Friday from Casper, Wy oming, where they were called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Shrader's s'stcr. Mrs. Margaret Adams, of White Rock, Wyoming, and I. rot her, J. C. Giles, of Tut tie. Okla.. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Klimni. Miss Agues Rutherford spent a vt!i with Lit aunt. Mrs. Dull, and Mi.-s Gladys Mrasr,k returned home with her where she will spend a t'k at the Rutherford home. Wm. Rice and family, including Inutile Per.edict, of Omaha, passed through here lat Sunday enrotite to V.'e'pintr Water, where they .-pent the day with their daughter, Mrs. Fitzpntri'-k. Thro.-hinir is get tins: under pretty good h''3di;v in this locality at this time. Kuy Campbell threshed a michty pood piece cf oats for John Vrieh ti;I- we-k. They topped the yields f this locality. making fifty bushel-? to the acre NOTICJO Miss Mae Loughridge, teacher of voice. Opening for sum mer term. S. D. Smith and family, of Have lock, were here last S in day. driving down in their car to spend ihe day at the home of Bert Lloyd. Jesse R. McVey will depart this I week for a few months visit back ! in Illinois and Indiana. He expects to return here for the winter. Rev. C. C. Kyle sends word that he cannot fill the pulpit at the Presbyterian church here on Au;. 2d. as per former announcement. Mrs. L. H. Puis was in Omaha last Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. ". H. Puis,, going- up to see Mrs. Fred Hild. who, is still in the hos pital in that. city. Andy Morrow, from Uurwell. Ne braska, was visiting- with old time friends here last week. Andy was for many years a resident of this locality, living on u farm just east of Murray. This being his old homo he sure lias a great many friends who are always pleased to Fee hi 111. Mr. and Mrs. 13. Dill departed last Sunday for McCook, being- called there owing- to the serious illness of Mrs. Dill's mother, Mrs. Georpe Adams. last winter Mrs. Adams suffered with a severe attack of the flu. and it left her in a very weak ened condition to battle with other troubles that mizht develop. Mrs. Adams is well known in this vicin itv where she lived for many years. Tloney Saver Specials FOR HOT WEATHER WEAR! Men's fan mixed work sox, medium weight, just the ripht kind for hot weather, 6 pair. $ .85 Men's Turkey red or Indigo blue handkerchiefs, good big size, 2 for 25 Men's suspender back, genuine indigo Steifel denim overalls 1.75 Men's Jackets to match above overalls 1.75 Hoy's Waists, net patterns in blue, brown, helio itnd combination stripes, soft collar and cuffs the kind others ask $1.00 for, our price -. - .85 Hiatt itnt MURRAY, KE8RAS KA Otto I'uls and laiuily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Tigner. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. You ig enter tained a number of friends at din ner hist Sunday. Miss Beulah Sans returned home last week after a few dc.ys visit with her sister. Mrs. Uartlett is enjoying a vi.-lt from her mother, from Hasting?. Neb., this week. Guy' White, of Plattsm;uth. .as spending the day last Sunday at the D. A. Young- home. C Y. Gilmore and brother Ciyde. have rented the Walker place fr the coming season. NOTICi: Miss Ogla Minford. teacher cf piano. c.w enrolling pupils for summer term. Wm. Contryman shipped two cars of rattle to South Omaha Mon day evening of this week. Miis Vera Yardley came home from Omaha last Sunday to t-pend a few days with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford and family were attending- the Chau tauqua at Plattt-mouth li.ft Sunday. Walt. Minniear has rented the Hunter property, near Flattsmouth. where he will farm the coming' sea son. Ray Henry is driving: a new Ford car, that he bought through the T. !I. Pollock Agency, of Plat tsmou t h this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Poedeker and Mrs. Bartlett were Omaha visitors laM Thursday, driving- up in Mr. Poedeker's car. Cecil Pettit is sporting a m v. Ford car thnt he purchast d through the T. H. Pollock Agency at Plans mouth this week. Miss Margaret Spangler is spend ing a few days at the home of Mis- Marguerite .Wiles in Plattsmouih. also attending the Chautauqua. Mrs. S. G. Vnlaud. of Kernel . C; 1.. be home some time in August for a visit with her mother ana Msters and brothers. Mrs. Fnlana is the daugrhtcr of Mrs. Peter Perry. H. C. Long returned home from Furnas county last week, where lie had been looking after his wheat crop. He reports everything: in good shape in the western part of the ytate. Jesse Dowther and family were down from Coleridge. "Neb.. 1-st Sunday for a brief visit with oid friends in and near Murray. They drove down in their car. and after a visit with friends here took the trail for Ohio, where they will ma'.;? a visit with relatives. Dr. P. F. j;rendcl. Dr. and Airs. Will Prendel and Mrs. Mirouartft. of Avoca. returned home last Saturday evening; from their two weeks trip in the west. They visited the fam ous Yellowstone Park, and other points of interes.t They report a very pleasant trip. Frank Schlicbtcmeier topped the market last Thursday with a car of hogs shipped to South Omaha. There were seventy-five head in the car. and they brought him $22. 7T. per hundred pounds. They made an av erage of 2S0 pounds each, and the Cfcr brought him nearly ? r 0 0 . This was the highest price ever paid for hogs in South Omaha. Breaks Collar Bone. Lee Farris came very near meet ing: with a serious accident last Saturday while hauling wheat trim the shock to the separator. He was on the load engaged in pitching: bundles to the machine, when he fell backwards from the loud to the ground lighting on his head and shoulders in such a manner as to break his collar bone. While the injury was a very painful one he is getting" along- very nicely with no permanent results from the injuries received. FARM FOR SALE located 200 acres of land, miles northwest of Creighton, braska; five miles southwest WinetooH. This place consists : IX .)f 140 acres of farming land and c acre;, of good pasture; ith runnine water the year round; a good set of improvements; new f.-room hous; cattle shed that will hold 60 l ead A cattle, with hay mow; Laru for eii j1 he:-d of hott-e; granary for 1.-. bushels of rrain; double corn crib for 1.200 bushels; new garage, ..: lo; two hen houses 12x14; two hog houses; windmill and plenty of goor water. All fenced and cross fenc ed; teu acres hog pasture. All Rood heavy clay soil. Close to school. f interested write me at Creighton. Nebraska. R. F. D. So. 3. box 21. r phone IL'5, inetoon, Nebraska. DROUTH IN MONTANA PROVES DISASTROUS (From Minneapolis Paper.) Drouth extends over the whole of Montana, and the crops in that slate are burned out, according to William P. Kenuey. federal manager of the Great Northern railroad, who re turned to St. Paul last night from the west. Miss Etta Nickels was in Plaits- "A great calamity has befallen mouth Tuesday. Montana," he said. "The state Wm. Puis was visiting- with must have help and not charity. Its- count v seat iriends la.-:t Saturday. livestock must be sent into otner Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carroll were state?. One of the first thinss to Plt tl-mouth visitors ia.t Monday, j be1 done is to get a low freight rate Mrs. Albert Wil.-on has been : on feed into Montana, and the next numbered with the .ick for the past i is to get part of the cattle out. few days. "Montana is a great state and it W. H. Pals ajid family spent Sun- j ha a great in ople, who are going day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j to stick it out. They realize the Jal.e Kraeger. ' state is stricken, but they are full Mr. and Mrs. Ern Carroll were i f" American pluck, and feel Montana over from neur Avoca last Sunday j will have the same evolution that to spend the cay with home folks. ; Kansas and Ne-braska and other Two ears of v.he;t were t-hipped states have had." from this station Monday evening, j Plattsmouih and Cass county So there is now room in the elevat- j ave quite a number of residents in ors for more grain. : the state of Montana, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman, who are living near the town cf Paker. We have been informed completely rrniiiiiiniiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Electric Light and Power for Happy Farm Life 1 i Mrs. K. M. and little daughter. Mildred, who have been here for the past few weeks visit itig with Mrs. -Steiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.erger. depart-d last Friday for their home in Lincoln. Geo. McCrackrn went over to Creston, Iowa, this week to assist in moving his family to this place. They have rented the Smi'h property, and vill soon be comfcrtr.My located in their M u rra y home Miss Clara Yonnir returned home from her vacation trip and visit with lier sister at Veil. South Dako ta, last Friday, and resumed her cut ties in the Burlington shops at Plattsmouth Monday morning. Carl Lf.Tip: and family, from near Springfield, came over last Friday fir a visit with old 5! array friends. Mr. Lang" returned home Sunday, but Mrs. Lang and the children will remain here for a few days w'th Murray friends. The Meier Drug" Co.. have receiv ed their --oda fountain, the same be ing sent down from Plattsmouth Mor.dny evening:. The peoplo of Murray will soon be able to secure the very best in the line of s' f drinks in the future. The trucks in and near Murray are all busy this week hauling off the big- wheat crop, and t lie tru-k way is much faster than the old team and wag-on. L. H. Puis It as had four trucks in the service for the past few days, and they have plenty more of the fame kind of work in sight. One of the little Hewitt boys, about six yenrs old. came very neT receiving serious injuries from a loaded revolver last Monday even inn:. The little fellow was playing with the loaded reolver when t.e weapon exploded, the bullet flyii:g wild, but one of the hands of Ihe little fellow was burned. that their crops are burned up and that they may be compelled to dispose of most of their ttcck er ship it to some other point for the vinter. This is a pretty hard blow to beginners, but Mr. and Mrs. Chapman intend to "stick it out." They went to Montana to make their home, end it will take more than one year cf drouth to meke them lose faitli in the coun try. We hepe they will fare better than is reported at this time. CARRANZA RULE DECLARED TO BE MENACE TO U. S. I am booking orders for peaches, to be delivered about the first of August, if interested call. W. T. Richardson, Mynard, telephone 2411. Merchants Need A Few Evenings. We. the undersigned business m.n of Murray, have decided to cto.-e our stores three evening's out of the week at six o'clock. The closing nights will le Monday. Wednesday end Friday evenings, and will re main open the other three evenings of each week as long as our patrous desire, allowing- them ample time totransact all their business. The hours will prevail during the mcnh of July and August, commencing with July 1st. ALF. GANSEMER. HIATT & TFTT. W. S. SMITH. W. H. TULS. Washington, July 2S. Carranza'e of Mexico, "is not a govern iuent but a band of outlaws, both technically and practically," and "today it is utterly impossible and an enemy of its own people first and America second." William Gates of Baltimore. an archaeologist. told the house rules committee Jn its hearing on the Gould resolution proposing a congressional inquiry into Mexican affairs. Although asserting that President Wilson was misled in making his decision to recognize Carranza. be lieving: the Mexican to be "people's champion." Gates declared in favor of leaving the solution of the Mexi can problem with the president. The president, he said, had been not fully informed of conditions in the southern republic. I. W. W. HEAD RELEASED FROM PRISON UNDER BOND Lavt n worth, Kan.. July I";ji)ing an immediate return to ( !.icago. to be followed later by a tour 1 the country. William I). !:: word, former secretary of the Indvc-trial Workers vi the Yv'.rid, v ;:s it leased from the federal pris on vi. bond today, ponding au ap- ... . ' Ke.-i.'irting that he and the V oth-.r I. W. W.'s sentenced in C ' rn:-o. had not been given a fair trial. l!.'.v-oou said he would make an appeal in his tour, which is to b pin in the east, to "tne working net: f tie country." AUTO OIL AT WHOLESALE. See big display ad of Fred E. Johnson's in this issue, whereby you can get auto and truck oils at wholesale. I GOOD LANDS. have some snaps in lands in Gage, Pawnee and Johnson counties, Nebraska with easy terms. It will pay you to see me for a home or in vestment. Mockenhaupt Land Com pany. Sterling, Nebraska. 2G-4wksw ivien s iiveraiis AND SHIRTS Men's Staple Overalls and Jumpers $2.00 ' Heave Blue Overalls and Jumpers 2.25 " Firtck's Detroit Special Overalls and Jumpers 2.50 Men's Shirts .90 " Heavy Shirts 1.25 " H. D. Lee's Unionalls, striped and solid blue 3.50 TiDon't forget this store clofes on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday nights during July and August. Aliothsr nights we will serve you as late as you need our service. ervi m lis ALP GANSEMER, Proprietor All In One mmm No Vibration No Noise Endorsed by Prominent Engineers For Dependable Service Install The anz A LAM Electric Light and Power Plant Everybody knows the advantages of electric light and electric power. Everybody wants this modem day convenience. The big question is "What plant shall I select?" Take our advice. Select the plant that's silent the plant that's free from terrific vibration the plant that won't quickly shake itself to pieces. Install the wonder ful Silent Alamo. No Vibration No Noise In the Silent Alamo there is no noise due to the quiet operation 3i the Ide Super Silent Motor with the rotating sleeve-vjjvc. There's no severe vibration due to scientific balancing of weight. Thousands of farmers as well as staid eld engineer experts have been amazed by this silent plant. Come in and see a demonstration. Learn why the Silent Alamo assures years of service. L tin Pail L33Z2 MURRAY, NEBRASKA RED PIGS FOR SALE. A number of good red male pi.-;s for sale, price $20 tt 12. J. Meisinger, Plattsmouth. telephone 2S14. d&v. remedy for colic and diarrhoea and should br kept nt hand by every family Summer Complaint Quickly Relieved "Alxnit two years ago when suff ering from a severe attack cf sum mer complaint, I took Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and it relieved mo almost instantly," writer. Mrs. Henry Jewett. Clark Mils, K. Y. This is an excellent Wo Etc BUUHiU AU6TIONEER Alv.ays Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASON AXLE SATISFACTION CR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL CAI-LS Telephone 1511 Murray Exo'iance THE IV. H. PULS re Co. will always carry a complete line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Farm implements, Tractors, GASOLINE EMGIHE3 and REPAIRSI We do all kinds of tin work, heating and plumbing, and will also save you money on furniture orders. Come in and get our prices on anj'thing in our line. We will treat you right and save you money. P H MURRAY NEBRASKA Phone fto. 24 One OR IE Si n pa ii B R Will Always Carry a Complete Line of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES WALL PAPER AND SUNDRIES TOILET ARTICLES AND CIGARS If It's in the Drug Line We will Look alter Your Wants at All Times TELEPHONE !;0 2 n H B f i m jl7-4tsw. R. W. PlfER.