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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOtfRHAl tAQl BIX THURSDAY, JULY 3i, Lini, m P y H B r3 pi BASE BALL SUNDAY! ! f! n H r 2. m The Red Sox vs The Longevays of Council Bluffs Ball Park 3:00 EVERYBODY- GOME OUT! h h r B a u a u a THE BOYS ARE STILL COMING FROM FRANCE THREE ARRIVED AT NEW YORK YESTERDAY, TWO PLATTS MOUTH, ONE CASS CO. McDaniels of Nebraska City, Master Leslie Evan9 and Medford Spencer of St. Louis. Mrs. Wood and daugh ter and Miss McDaniels being especial friends of the Foster fam ily. They had an excellent .time en joying the gathering and friendship very much. TWO MORE SOLDIERS HOME Edmond Spies and Dr. Caldwell Were Discharged At Camp vDodge Yesterday. wsmsMswswmzwsMSMtM W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hot.! Coates Elock, Second Floor. Our Entire Stock -OF- SummerDresses iw BOUGHT A QUARTER INSTEAD OF 60 ACRES Allen Land Secures Good One Hund red And Sixty Acres of Fine Land. From Wednesday's Daily. Through the fiobles of the types, we were caused to say in yesterday's paper, that Mr. Land had made pur chase of sixty acres of land, when the amount should have been one hundred and f-ixty acres instead. The place is a fine farm and after having entered into a contract for the purchase he refused to list the snme for $25.00 more per acre than he had paid for same. His purchase was made for a home and he intends to keep it for such. All goods marked in plain figures - you know the one fourth off nvans to you. THE Ladies' Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager VISITING FRIENDS HERE AND AT GLENW00D. IA. This morning Sherad Graves of Brllevue. and sens, Andy Graves the famous bae ball pitcher, who lives in Om:ha. and 'Kid' Grave?, the sporting editor of the Omaha Bee, who have been visiting at Murray with Alex Graves, were brought to this city by Howard Graves of near Koek Bluffs. th former home cf all the Gravc3 family, where the aged grandmother lives, now approaching near the hundreth milestone, and come to this city to shake hands with many of their old time friends. In the automobile cf Howard Grave3 they departed this morning for Glcnwood. Iowa, wnere thv visiting at the heme of a sifter of Mrs. Sherad Graves, Mrs. Harriett Miller. From Wednesday's Dally. According to the press dispatches and the private telegrams giving same advice, Sergeant Otto E. Lutz, Sergeant Raymond Larson of this city and Clyde Gilmour of west of Murray, arrived in New York yes terday from overseas. They will in due course of time be sent west for discharge. Sergeant Otto E. Lutz enlisted in the service early in the war and was sent to Camp Cody at Deming, New Mexico, where he was in training for some time, and from there went overseas, where he has been until just now returning. He was in the portion where the fighting was the severest, as was also Sergeant Ray mond Larson, who arrived at the port yesterday al.-o. These two Plattrmouth boys. are among the lat er ones to be shipped over, but will soon be at home. They both have seen much strenuous service, and being with the .western front. Mr. Gilmour was joined to the service at a little later date but early In the war, and has seen much of the war as well as the two from this, city. Two re Now Discharged. Lat evening Dr. Caldwell return ed home discharged from the ser vice at Camp Dodge, as also did Ed mond Spies who has but recently returned from overseas arriving at the port at New York on July 18th. Mr. Spies was attached to (he English army a considerable of the time, and was in the engineer's corps. lie expresses a good deal of fatisfaction in again being out of the service, and able to be home. 'Mr. Snie3 will vi?it for a fhort time here and will then go to Colorado, and look around with a view of seeing how opportunities present themselves. GERTRUDE EVELYN BIRD HERE From Wednesday's Pally. Miss Gertrude Evelyn Bird greet ed her parents James Bird and wife of this city last Monday and extend ed good wishes to them, and promts ed to be a good and obedient child as long as she should remain under their roof. She and her mother are enjoying a good degree of health. and the happy father; Councilman Bird of the second ward, will pull through if no unforeseen complica tions set In. James is having some trouble just at this time to smoke, and it, is difficult to maintain his pipe in his mouth when one is wearing a smile all the time. MICHAEL PRICE VERY SICK. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER YESTERDAY For baby's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mother's sore throat. grandma's lameness. Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil the household remedy. 30c and COc. Pmrry Wed ne-1a v's Rally. are i Yesterday Misses Myrtle and j Mablo Lee Foster of this city, enter tained at six o'clock dinner, Mrs. Mable Wood and daughter Velma, and son Leland of Lincoln, who are spending some time here during the Chautauqua, as Master Leland is one of the boy scout musicians who are appearing at the Chautauqua. There were also at the dinner Miss Verna J i if 3 i mm MMMM Frofit-MaMng FOR jyouv hauling, dependable Peyser, speed and low cost of operation are the chief require ments. The ton Motor Truck, the most economical motor truck in the wcrkL b today giving this type of service o the Texas Oil Co., Pitts burgh .Plate Glass Co., and hun dreds cf other truck users. Have you looked over the hardy Fulton chassis and the powerful Trip --Heated-Gas x Motor? Come in and let us help you figure on Ful ton profit-making for your business today. D Also let us explain how the Fulton pay-uhile-titing - plan will enable you to buy your Fulton with the profit it earns for you. Murray L. H. PULS Nebraska 1 mi From 'Wednesday's Dftly. Michael Price, who has been sick for some time past at his home in this city with gall stones and blad der trouble, had a very hard night last night, and while it wa3 intend ed to take Mr. Price to Omaha, to a hospital, where he could be treated, his condition prevented such a con sumation of their intentions, and he was taken to that place on the early afternoon train, where he will, re ceive treatment by a specialist and it will be determined whether he will have to submit to an opera tion for the restoring of his health, or whether he may hope for recovery without. WILL PLAY LONG WAYS NEXT SUNDAY Revision of Red Sox Line-Up Makes Prospects of Victory Loom Up in Horizon. From Wednesday's Dally. Manager Dr. Sandin of the Red Sox team tells us that the Longways, of Council Bluffs, a team with an ex cellent reputation for playing good Lall, have signified their intention of crossing bats with the Plattsmouth Red Sox Sunday on the home dia mond. Dr. Sandin has been rust ling notwithstanding the fact that he is handicapped with a broken arm. and has to look after his busi ness as well. He has secured this team and made a new line-up of the home team in an endeavor to make the team a winning one, and Is will ing to do all he can for the success of the sport here. The line up of our boys for next Sunday's game i3 as follows: Gradoville, .catch; Atkins, pitch; Droege, ss; Claude Smith, 1st base; Christey, 2nd base; Herold, 3rd base; O'Donnell, right field; Beal, center field; Mason, left field, and Hillard Grassman and Joseph Mc Carthy, substitutes. MRS. EDWARD STREIGHT VISITING HERE From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. Ed. Streight and children of Portland, Oregon, are visiting in this city for the present, the guests at the home of W. J. Streight and wife and Mrs. Henry J. Streight, the mother of Mr. Ed Streight and oth er visitors. Mrs. Arthur Jackson end daughter of Omaha, were visit ing here for a short time enjoying the society of the visitors from the west as well as the good time visit ing at the homes of Mrs. II. J. Streight and son Will Streight and family. They returning to their home in Omaha last evening. Skuto Oils at Wholesale! Some people eat a lot, but the food Hoes them no good. The same thing applies to the oils you use in your cars' and trucks. Stop in and I will tell you the correct lubrication, and sell 5011 oils at wholesale price in 5 gallons and up. Bring in your can or drum. Getting it this way will save you lots of bother and money. POLARINE TRANSMISSION OIL OR 600 W In Iron Drums, gallon, 60c 5 Gallon Cans, bulk, $4.90 POLARITiE CUP GREASE 10 lbs for $1.75 MOB1LOIL A. B. OR ARCTIC Barrel Lot, gallon, 78c. 15 to 30 gallons, 80c. 5 gallons bulk, 90c FRED E. JOI-!SOf'j, Nebraska City, Neb. Office East of Court House. 11 gggarerg- .i-r'if.ww i...u lm TWO SUiCSDES OCCUR IN A SINGLE BAY A NEW SON AT THE JOHN W. FALTER HOME From Monday's DiMy Last Saturday evening as we were wtnding our way homeward, we met our excellent young friend John Falter, and we immediately noticed I an extraordinardy pleasant smile playing over his usual good natur- ed face, when he told us that he had JOSEPH HOFFMAN, ELMW00D.! ja-t boon blessed with the arrival of AGED 65, SHOOTS SELF ! a fine nine pound baby boy, arriving ILL HEALTH CAUSE j at his home Saturday afternoon. Ipoth the mother end little son are I getting along nicely, and we know Plastering, Stucco, Mason, and all kinds of' concrete J work. Strictly first class. RUMOR EMERSON HANGS SELF Creston. Iowa, Undertaker Convicted of Murdering Mother Said to Have Taken Own Life. From Wednesday's Dally. A telephone message from the physician at Elm wood tells of the tragic end of the life of Joseph Hoffman, who is sixty-five years of age and in poor health, having shot himself because he saw no hope of returning health. Mr. Hoffman, who has been in very poor health for seme time has become despond ent, and with no hope of the return of his health, took, his own life, blowing the top of his head off wih a shot gun. How long he has been in ill health or what was the exact condition, has not been ascertained. Mr. Hoffman was a farmer and had lived near Elmwood for many years and was considered as one of the best of citizens, having a large and estimable family. Nothing is known as to his burial as yet. Report Emerson Dead. Roy Emerson, the Crestor la undertaker, if reports are correc will now need the services of anoth thr.t John is unusually happy. A DELIGHTFUL GATHERING. A delightful gathering was held at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hennings, when they tendered a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lohnes who were married just recently at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mr;. Peter Fri'edrich at Green Val ley, 111. Mr. Lohnes has just lately returned from, overseas he having served in the army there nearly one year. The evening was passed with music and stories of overseas battles and at the usual hour a dainty lunch was served which was enjoy ed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Lohnes re ceived many beautiful presents and their friends all joined in wishing them a life of success and happiness which they so well deserve. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. G. LchnesT Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lohnes, Mr. John Lohnes sr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ragoss, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lo hnes, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Greg ory, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terryberry. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Terryberry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Busche, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meisinger. Mr. and Mrs. t i Philip Hennings, Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Hennings. Misses Anna, Carrie, tna HY. MOSMULLER. Murdock, Neb. m( Mas he had in some way managed tot hang himself, thus cheating the lawfully instituted authorities, who wculd probably have required his life for what the jury said he had to do with his mother's death a short time since at Crest on, Iowa. MRS. ANNA DOTY ' STRICKEN TUESDAY One Of Oldest Inhabitants Of This ' Section Was Stricken At Home Yesterday. From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. Anna Doty who has lived at the crossing of the Missouri river for a number of years, having an interest in the ferry which crosses the river, and making her home near the landing, was afflicted by a severe stroke of paralysis yester day at her home. Mrs. Doty has en joyed her usual health, and was passing across the room at her home when the stroke came, which caused her to fall to the floor. She remains in a very precarious condition, with but slight hopes of her recovering. Mrs. Doty is well advanced in years and not overly strong, has made her home near the river crossing since the death of the husband a number of years since. Young men now returning from the army, who wish to prepare themselves for positions in banks and other business offices, or for the civil service examinations, will be interested in the circulars now being sent out by the well-known Grand Island Business College, of Grand Is land, Nebraska. The school has been leader in business education for thirty-five years, and cannot supply the demand for its graduates. It was the first western school to prove that positions could be guaranteed and secured for graduates. Enter now. School in session all the year. Come in now while we have a complete stock of ATHLETIC Union Suits The simplicity of design and convenient one button seat op ening feature assures our un derwear comfort. Our experience correct fit. assures your Louise, Minnie and Tena Kraeger, .'I eda. Lorene and Aileen Ragoss, Amelia Friedricii. Ethel Tritsch. Mvrtlp TTpnninsrs. Pauline Smetana, Miss Busche. Minnie and Dora Let US assist you in making a Wegener; Messrs. Chris True. Uu- selection - exceptional values. dolph and Arthur Meiinger, Henry Larson, Elmer Chamberlain, Elmer Lohnes, Jes- and Fred Terryberry. Fred Fornoff, Louis Hennings. Floyd Eliott, Louis. Raymond and Howard Lohnes, John Kaffenberger, Merle, Eldon, Orville and Arley Ragoss. Willie Friedrich. Leroy and Dale Hennings. Gerald Meisinger. Live Poultry Ifinrnal Wnnt-ArTu Tni $1.50 to $5.00 THE GARMENT Philip Shtowlj A car load of live poultry, to be delivered at poultry car near Bur lington Freight Depot, Plattsmouth, Nebr., on Thursday, Aug. 7, one day only, for which we will pay m cash as follows: Hens, per lb T 27c Springs, per lb 30c Old Cox, per lb. Jc Ducks, per lb. c Beef Hides, per lb. --- Horse Hides, each $10 UJ Remember the date, we will be on hand rain or shine and take all care of all poultry offered for sale. i W. E. KEENEY. Shi THE UNIVERSAL C AH WITH BUILT-IN AT THE FACTORY Self Starter, Generator and Storage Bat tery, Electric Lights! The Ford cars now have all the advantages that the large cars have always claimed and in addition the extreme low cost of up keep and the advantage over all other cars In that in every city and town is located a Ford Authorized Service Garage, where large and complete stocks of Ford repair parts are always kept, and where a Ford owner can always get immediate service no long waits to cend to city or factory for repair parts, as is the case with every car in existence except the "Universal Car" the Ford. With these additional refinements added the Ford car will be more popular than ever before and it will be impossible to All all orders promptly, therefore we urge prospective buyers to place orders at once. First ccme, first supplied. The following prices are for the new Ford cars with complete Self Starter and Lighting equipment delivered to purchaser, full of gas and oil and ready for the road: Runabout. S634; Touring. S660; Coupelet. $817; Sedan. S947 Ton truck with farm stock and grain body (no starter), S775. AVE WILL SELL NEW AND USED FORD CARS ON PART uavmkvt DOWN. BALANCE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND WILL TAKE LIBERTY BONDS AT MARKET VALUE. . Pollock Garage, Telephone No. 1 -:- -: PUttsmoutli, Neb. clas at the icarusi Offlce.