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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1919)
THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 1910. PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL PAGE FIVE. Murray Department g Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers I tny of the readers of the Journal tenor of any social Tent or Item of interest In this vicinity, and will mall lime to this office. It will ap pear under this heading. Wt want all news items Editod ALL REGISTERED th Liberty Bond Loans HAVE NOW ARRIVED! and yours is at the Murray State Bank CALL AND GET THEM at your earliest convenience fwray State Bank, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Lie Nickels and bii-tor. Miss Etta, wtri' Plattn.oi.t h visitors last Sat urday. il. t litiK and little grandson wiTf I'lai ts-mout h visiur.s last Sat urday.!l M:-l has lufn sufleriiiK with at! attack of the Flu for the past few day. Mr. and Mrs. .. M. M in ford and F -arlc Havis went to Omaha Mon day, where they attended the Short h n !! cattle sal.- in thai city. Mrs. Will lK.hacl:. res.dir.i; down in ; r 1'nioii. has heen quite sick for the ia-t few days. Mi.,.-.:, Margie Walker anl Oizhi Miiii'onl Uiart-l last Kriilay night for variou-- points in Texas, poins . iih the Fuller Kami excursion. A p.oi! number of Plat t :-moiit li and C:v; county people made the trip. They will he gone about, ten days. Mrs. Shoeman. formerly Mis-s M.' Knsterholtz. has been very ill for the past few days with an at tack of the Kin. On Monday she was in a very critical condition, but reported some better Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shoe man reside near Kouisvi!l . The ian ladies will hold v.n Faster Bazaar at the church on Saiurday. April lltth. comniencinR at 1' p. ui. Ice cream and cake will btxrvvd during the afternoon and dinner will be served from .". ::0 to T:r.'. All are invited to attend. w. e. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale D3tes far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! ALL. CAIiLS Murray Exa range HSVERSK Lelephoue 1511 A. Steinkamp. from west of Man ley, was looking after some business matters in Murray Tuesday. D. lliatt has been numbered with lite sick for the past few days, suffering with a severe cold. Charles Hoedeker was looking af ter some business matters in the county seat Monday evening. Mistes Opha I'.aker and Eva La. Hue came down from Omaha Sunday to spend the day with home folks. Miss Nettie Connelly was down from Omaha Monday and spent the day at the old home, returning to Omaha in the evening. K. E. Moore has rented the Con nelly place east of town, and will soon move their family thereto, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Kd Lutz came down from Piatt smouth Tuesday and spent the day with her ssiter, Mrs. K. 1). liiatt and husband. Searle Iavis has juot planted six acres to sweet clover. This grass has become very popular in eastern Ne braska during the past few years and bids fair to become an excellent hay crop. W. A. Scott is making some decid ed improvement on his store building this week, in the way of a new porch new roof and other repairs that are adding much to the appearance oC the same. George Nickels has decided to build a new home in Murray, and has bought lots just south of the Kred Hilil home, and the work will be started immediately. The lot was laid on' Monday evening. Young K: Scot ten will do the work. We have been informed that our very much corpulent friend. J. A. Kohbins is Incoming some trader. This week he traded two Civil war cavalry mules for two good horses and drew some boot. John is ready to challenge any and all comers in this line. He will not lay down to I he famous Kock Llluffer, Frank Val lery. who has long held the belt for the champion trader of these parts. utfcermilk Starting Food! FOR LITTLE CHICKS! It is composed of alfalfa flour, corn, ground macaroni, buttermilk, wheat mid dlings, genetian root, bone meal and sul phate of iron. Just the food you want for the little chick! It goes fur ther than any other food and you will know from the ingredients named its value. Increases your production. Ten Cents per Pound AT Hiatt . Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Kobert Shrader was looking after some business in Plattsmouth Mon day. Mrs. Rhoden, who has been very sick for the past few days is report ed better at this writing. Albert Young and Ralph Kennedy came home from Tekamah last week where they were shingling a barn for Wm. Countryman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred llild and Mr. .".ml Mrs. Alf Cansemer were Omaha visitors Tuesday of this week, driv ing up in Mr. llild's car. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Todd and Mrs. Wm. Hrowu were Omaha visitors on Tuesday of this week, the trip be ing made over the auto route. Mr. and Mrs. Spika, of Omaha, came down Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Spika"s parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Laliue. Wm. Sporer is building a fine new garage and granary on his farm out north of iown. J. W. Edmunds and Mr. Sporer are doing the work. Mrs. Tom Tflson and Margie Val !ery came home from Council Bluffs last week, at which place the- have been receiving medical treatment. Mrs. 15. F. Drendel returned home last week from Zkmsville, Indiana, last w eek, w here she was called ow ing to the serious illness of her mother. She reports her mother getting along very nicely. Mrs. Francis lirendel. as chair man and Mrs. Hiatt. Mrs'. Doedeker, Mrs. Alva Kong. Mrs. Robert Good. Mrs. H. G. Todd as helpers, served ihe library feast last Saturday even ing. Margie Walker as chairman.-Mrs. Mrs. Sans and Miss Reulah. Miss ISailey. Mrs. Adda Farris and Ethel and Mrs. Walt Minniear. help ers, served the supper at the library on Saturday evening. March Over $20 was realized. I. M. Davis and daughter. Mrs. Earnest Melburn were in attendance at the Shriners banquet at Omaha on Friday evening of last week. While in the city Mrs. Melburn bought one of the .standard make pianos from the well know firm of A. Hospe. The new steel bridge just east of Murrey is almost completed. The road and creek has been straighten ed out. and it has certainly made a wonderful change. In straighten ing the creek the new bridge was put in east of the old one, and the old creek bed filled. George Jenkins was down from Rosalie last week visiting with home folks. George has been working with Earl Jenkins in the garage for some time past but has accepted a position with au Omaha firm, rep resenting the Saxon fars, as road in spector. He has a good position. The Columbia Male quartette gave an excellent program at the Puis hall in Murray last Monday evening. It was the close of the season's most successful Lyceum course, and the management have already signed up for another four months' course next year. There was a good attendance at the closing number, and all were more than pleased with the enter tainment. When Sam Pitman was in the hardware business in Murray some years ago he lost a very valuable Elk charm, and put in many an hour looking for the same without avail. He had assisted in the work of putting in the guttering at the Hotel lSerger. Albert Young was j called on a few days ago to put a new roof on the hotel, almost the very first shingle removed he found the charm under the tin. and in al- most as good condition as when lost l some years ago. j Over east of Murray there has ; been one certain piece of road that ! has given the traveling public con siderable convenience when travel j ing over it for some year past. We i have been told that appeals have . Wen made by the farmers nearby to j the overseer and even to the com j missionrs "without results for the .betterment of this certain piece of highway. The farmers growing tir ed of its condition got together a few- days ago and proceeded to look after it themselves. They have the brush all cleared away, and are go- O - ing to "do the grading just as soon as possible, in case the county does not do it. This is certain, ly a com mendable piece of work, and those taking part in it were Gus Splitt. John Toman. Albert Wilson. Dick Baker, and Wm. Axeline. Fairbanks leaves his Nevada ranch to make a raid on New York, Gem, THE MURRAY GARAGE ON A STRICTLY CASH BASIS AFTER APRIL THE FIRST - j Saturday. The L. 11. Puis Garage, of Mur ray has gone on a strictly cash basis, and on and after April 1st all goods and repairs will be cash on delivery. This will include all repair work and no cars will be delivered until paid for, also all merchandise, oils and accessories. There has recently been a five per cent war tax placed on all lines of auto goods and in taking this cash step we have decided to pay this tax, giving our customers the net price on all goods where the war tax has been added. We have coupon books that you can buy at a five per cent discount, a $10.00 book for $9.50. This will make you a discount of ten per cent on all lines of goods purchased at the Puis Garage in the future, but absolutely for cash and for cash only. Your patronage is solicited and we will guarantee to save you money. THE ITLS GARAGE. L. H. Puis, Proprietor. Mrs. Fred Ramge was an Omaha visitor last Friday. Mrs. Harmon Beck was an Omaha visitor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lambert were Omaha visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yallery were riattsmouth visitors last Friday. Oldham's shipped two crates of pigs to Iowa Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Walt Sans is reported as hav ing the flu, but is better at this t ime. Mrs. M. L. Craig, of Gardner. Kan sas, is spending a few weeks at the Oldham home. I. M. Davis was looking after some o.isiness matters in Plattsmouth on Wednesday. Remember the supper at the Li brary next Saturday evening. Be : -ire and attend. Guy Stokes, from near Union, was calling on his many Murray friends l ist Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlichtnieier went to Genoa last week for a visit with friends and relatives. Dwyer Todd has moved to his farm cut near Elmwood. and will look af ter his interests there this year. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Gilmore and children spent one day this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walt Minniear. We are informed that the entire family of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rhoden have been suffering from a siege of the flu. On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford and two sons, and Mrs. Baumeister, came down from Plattsmouth to spend the day with Mr. Dull. Fred Rutherford had just returned home from France where he was in the service, and the day was one of genuine rejoicing. Family Gathering at Puis Home There was a family gathering a the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Puis. Sr., last Sunday. This excel lent old couple has just returned a few days ago from California, where they have been spending the winter, and the children gathered to spend the day with them, being more than glad to welcome them back to the old home. Those spending the day un der the parental roof were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis and family.; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gausemer and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild and family; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hild and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis and fam ily and Miss Laura Puis and Mr. and Mrs. Ixmie Puis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz and family. The day was a very pleasant one for all. Strawberry Plants for Sale Progressive Everbearing Straw berry plants. $1.00 per 100. Postage extra. K. L. Kniss, Murray, Nebr. Farming: Implements For Sale. Having just quit farming. I have a number of implements for sale, that the price will be made right on, if taken soon. See me for par ticulars. Green Piggott. 27-3t CASTOR I A For Infans and Children Jn Use or Over 30 Years Always beam the cf OFFERED TO GLEAN UP THE RUSSIAN REDS JAPAN WANTED INDO - CHINA FROM FRANCE AS HER PRICE FOR JOB. WOULD STAMP OUT BOLSHEVIK! Within Two Months Time, but the Proposition Not Acceptable to Premier Clemenceau. Eeari the Journal Ads It Fays Paris, March 31. The Japanese general staff has offered to Clemen ceau to stamp out Bolshevism thru- out Russia, but has asked as the price that France give Indo-China to Japan in return for doing the job. It is learned on the best of authority in Paris that when the United States refused to sanction an inter-Allied expeditionary force against the Bol sheviki, Clemenceau asked Viscount Chiuda what Japan could do about crushing out Bolshevism. Slice of Siberia Not Enough Chinda cabled to Tokio and re ceived a reply that the general staff could map out operations for ending the control of Lenine andTrotzky in Russia within two months. The French then asked the Japanese if a slice of Siberia would be acceptable as payment. The Japanese replied in the nega tive, stating Japan is friendly to Russia and does not want to incur Russian territory but would stamp out Bolshevism and set up a stable Russian government which would repay the French loans and protect French finance in return for France ceding Indo-China to Japan. Thorn in Japan's Side This proposition was not accep table to France, so the deal was en tirely off. It is understood Indo China is one of the thorns in Japan's side, rince Tokio does not relish the French possessions there. It is reported Japan has offered to England to send troops to Russia and bear the expenses of the expe dition alone if Indo-China could be made a Japanese mandatory, giving the French the former German colo nies as compensation. The fact that both Germaqy and Japan are openly flirting with the Russians to obtain them as possible allies is, regarded as interesting, in view of announced apprehensions of certain military experts who see the future military alliances between those three nations and Great Brit ain, America and France. BRYAN & HALL COMMUN ITY SALE AT NEBR. CITY Public sale will be held at the Twelfth Street Feed Barn in Nebras ka City, rain or shine, on SATUR DAY, APRIL 5TH, commencing at 12:30 sharp. The following is the list of property to be sold: 14 head of mules; 20 head of horses and mares; two pedigreed Percheron stal lions; one Mammoth Jack. These horses and jack are guaranteed breeders. 75 bead of cattle and 2 Shorthorn bulls; 25 head of sheep; farm implements and 400 bushels of good seed potatoes. If you have any thing you wish to sell bring it in and we will sell it for you. Terms of Sale: Sums under $10 cash. Over $10. six months time will be given on bankable note at 8 per cent in terest from date. ' BRYAN & HALL, Managers. Cols. Ilerzog, Clary & Hall, Aucts. Fred Hellier, Clerk. FATHER SOUNDS ITS PRAISES "My father used it until he was relieved of his troubles. He highly praises it." So wrote us Mr. Matt Molek, from Silverbow, Mont., on Dec. 26. 1918. "If means Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, the best remedy for all stomach troubles. constipation, indigestion, headache. megrim, general weakness, etc. Good remedies are always appreciated, and we are glad that in spite of the shocking prices of some ingredients and heavy tax on others we are able to avoid a noticeable advance in prices of Triner's American Elixir and Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic. The advance is only very slight. Just enough to save the excellent quality of these remedies. Triner's Liniment which is known as the most depend able remedy for rheumatism, neural gia, sprains, etc., and other Triner's remedies are sold for the old prices. Joseph Triner Company, 1333-43 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. WHAT IS THE CONDITION OF YOUR Farm Machinery THIS SPRING? Do you know that we have a complete line? We make a specialty of the famous John Deere line and it is complete. We want to figure with you on all your farm needs this spring. Our stock of staple and heavy Hardware is in ex cellent condition to supply every demand. Come in and see for yourself. W. 00. PUL MURRAY NEBRASKA Fairbanks leaves his Nevada ranch, to make a raid on New York, Gem, Saturday. I The Meier Drug Co. NOW LOCATED AT MURRAY WALL HE IP B 11 rvn AND READY FOR BUSINESS a a eg ii Complete Line of Drugs, Paints, Oils and the Usual Up-to-Date Stock of DRUG SUNDRIES B B a Tell US your Drug Troubles This will be OUR Line f BMi B;'BniTan:Bi:!,Bi" w;;: i! mmmMa. xm a 1 m : : ;;.:;m -m? a:: a i a " e r" Let the Children Grow. Coughs, colds, "snuffles," that hang on tend to weaken the system and a suffering, neglected child spends so much strength combating a cold that the little one cannot grow as fast and sound in body as when free from affliction. Foley's Honey and Tar is splendid for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. Sold everywhere. Fairbanks leaves his Nevada ranch to make a raid on New York, Gem, Saturday. Attend the demonstration of Heinz "57" varieties at povey's store Sat urday. Special discount on these popular goods in case lots. Heinz "57" varieties will be dem onstrated at the E. G. Dovey & Son store Saturday. See their ad. See the Dovey store ad on another page of this paper announcing Heinz "57" demonstration for Saturday. He Escaped Influenza. "Last spring I had a terrible cold and grippe and was afraid 1 was going to have influenza," writes A. A. McXeese, High Point, Ga. "I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It was a sight to see the phlegm I coughed up. I am convinced Foley's Honey and Tar saved me from influ enza." Contains no opiates. Good for children. Sold everywhere. Heinz "57" demonstration at the E. G. Dovey & Son store Saturday. A wild and wooly Fairbanks com edy full of excitement and thrills. Gem. Saturday. To tb& Trade! All indications are that the present high market on wheat will continue to advance. With this advance, all wheat products must continue to go higher. Our prices must be raised in a very short time unless there is a change in conditions which we cannot at this time foresee. We will quote you cash prices on our lead ing brand of Puritan flour every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. 300 POUNDS OR MORE AT Per Sack of 48 lbs $2.90 Per. Sack of 24 lbs 1.50 The above price good until our present stock is exhaust ed, as we couldn't quote these prices on today's market. Highest Price Paid for Your Cream Phone and Get Our Quotations The TP TV B I if A WU U IVv ttVB His a, ALFRED GANSEMER, Murray, Neb. . Fistula-Pay Wherf Cured A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, without severe sur- I Kin rKlnmfnrm f t K r9 nrh.a nmnm.. I ansathetir! nit. A cure floa run teed in every case accented for treatment, and no money to be paid nnti I enrpd- Write for bonk on Recta 1 Diseases, with names and testimonials of more taaa 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA I ' j n I i 5v DnS. r.lACIl & MACI, THE DENTISTS The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA