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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1919)
XT omnu v0 VOL. XXXYL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBEASKA, MONDAY. MARCH 31. 1919. No. 82. Wo plattamo tb DEATH CLAIMS MRS. GLAUS BOETEL, SR. DEATH ANGEL FINES HER SPIR IT READY TO RESPOND TO CALL OF ITS MAKER HAD BEEN PATIENT SUFFERER Leaves Five Children and an Aged Husband to Mourn Her Death Funeral Sunday From Saturdays Daily. The Dath Angel came during the night last night, bearing a summons to .Mrs. .Margaret Ann Boetel. from the other world, where there is no ?tirring or sorrow or trouble. Mrs. Boetel has been a patient suf ferer for a long time from the rav ages of a cancer, and her spirit re-rpond-d to the call of the Angel as she passed from this vale of tears to tin portals of th Great Beyond. During her sickness she suffered in tense pain, as is so often the case with cancer ailments. Miss Margaret Ann Ripple was born at New Castle. I'a.. July 2th. lS'.j. and came west with her par ents in isr.0. when she was but four years old. and has made hc-r home here ever si?ic. She continued to rsii with her parents until the time of her marriage with Clans l'.oetel in 1S72. To this union were born twelve children, seven of whom preceded their mother to the other world, and five surviving their moth er, all of whom are making their homes In this city. They are John Boetel. Clans Boetel, Jr. and Frank Boetel and Mrs. Margaret Tulene and Mrs. Ellen Cheval. She leaves al so her aged husband and a brother. Edward C. Ripple. ATl the children, together with the husband and her brother were at her bedside last ev ening. While her sickness had been filled with intense suffering the ap proaching end was sensed by the departure of the excruit iating pain she was wont to suffer and when the end came it was most peaceful. Born July 20, 1S52 and passing away March 2S. 1919. this good wo man was fr years and S months old a little over a week ago. One year aeo tomorrow her sister. Mrs. Os wald Guthman. died, and since that time, a brother. Joseph Ripple, died at South Omaha. In addition Ed ward C. Ripple, Jr.. died facing the enemy in France and Mrs. Ellen Che val losing a little child, a grand daughter, thus making five of the family during the last year. The funeral will occur Sunday af ternoon at two o'clock at St. raul's church. Rev. J. 11. Steger conducting the services. DEPARTED FOR THE WEST YESTERDAY Thomas B. Stokes Left for Haxtum, Colorado. Where He Will Farm This Year. From Saturdays Ially. I Some years ago Alex Powell, who made his home on the other side of I ihe Missouri river, in Iowa, moved J to Colorado, locating near Haxtuiu. I Colorado, where he has resided for several vears now. and is much im-j pressed with the country. He hasj ... . ,.oi written to T. B. Stokes on numerous occasions him to come out to Colorado to reside, which advice Mr. Stckes has now taken, and yes terday departed for the west, where he will make his home. In a letter which Mr. Powell wrote recently he had a great deal to say about the op portunities that country affords Just now and he has sent word to Maulon and John Richardson, his former neighbors across the river advising thorn to also come to Colorado to Ford hospital, where yesterday aft make their homes. He also says to ernoon she was operated upon for tell i-ranK narris io move um nine as carpenters are being paid from six to eight dollars per day. while (nat phe would have a rapid recov farm hands get from $65 to $75 per ery. This afternoon her father Mr. month. Mr. Powell wrote to bring Geo. H. Stoehr and uncle Charles some half dozen farm hands out if they could be found hereabouts. MEETS SCHOOL DAY FRIENDS. i From Friday's Tal!y. Will Bolen of tlie contracting firm of Helen &. Condon, of Omaha, was in the city yesterday looking after rome business at the court house, and while there met George R. j Sayles, the county clerk, who was a chum of Mr. Bolen nearly thirty years ago. They had not seen each other for many years, but the coun ty clerk thought he recognized something familiar about Mr. Bolen and questioned him, to find that he was the friend of vears ago. TELLS OF DEATH OF SON AND HUS BAND LAST FALL LETTER FROM F. L. CURTIS, TELLING OF DEATH OF 0R VILLE ROSS, SON OF A. ROSS. Written By Comrade, Who Was a Friend Before and After Ent ering the Service. From Friday's Ially. The following letter was received by Mr. A. Ross of this city, relative to the death of his son Orville, who was killed in action on October 3rd, but a short time before the ending oC the war. The letter was written from a station in France: Dear Mr. Ross: I received your letter of January Sth today and will try to answer and give you the details of Orville's death. Yes. I did wonder who could be writing to me from Kansas, until I read our letter. Orville often spoke of his folks and mentioned you several times. At the time of , his death we had been in action eight days. By a curious freak of fate we were relieved of front line action the evening of the day he died. October 3rd. was th day. the cablegram being wrong. Please tell his wife that there isn't a chance of his being alive, though God knows I wish he were. When Mrs.. Ross knows for certain he is dead it will settle her mind and she won't be raising false hopes when there is no hope. Orville often spoke of the baby and his wife and he was a happy boy w hen he received word of the baby's birth. The reason Orville never said anything about being in action was on account of the censorship, all information being kept out of the letters so there would be no chance of the Germans getting anything of value to them. As you said of Orville. he was a fine boy and everybody liked him. I helped him in the army game and we were always together when off duty. Just before leaving Camp Lewis we were given a 48 hour pass fcr a last visit before starting to this country and Orville and I went to Seattle. We had a good time and then started a funny bet. I in troduced him to my sweetheart and he bet me a new hat that I would be married in a year after the war was over and we were discharged from the service. Now we will never settle the bet as he has gone to a btter land where there are no wars. I can truthfully say that Orville did his duty as a soldier and never showed a sign of being Q fri i rl tinitor ft ra a n (ZrA Irnnurc it enougn to try any ones cour- as ,n lnal piace. 1 1 A. A. wouiu as boon ios,i a oroiner thn see him killed- we nad become u friends. Though you and h5s folks haVe lost ne very muCn loved, you still nave a memory or a brave soldier. He is lost to us here on earth but some day we will all meet again. As I cannot say any more now I will close. Yours respectfully. FRANK L. CURTIS. MISS ESTHER STOEHR RESTING NICELY From Friday's ra!ly. Last evening at the time of the departure of her friends from the appendicitis, the young lady was resting nicely, and with prospects Stoehr were passengers to Omaha to visit the young lady. GOLDEN WED DING OF HAPPY OLD COUPLE FIFTY YEARS A LONG TIME TO SPEND TOGETHER HAVE v BEEN JOYFUL ONES THOMAS W. GLENN AND WIFE Celebrate Event Last Night at the M. E. Church Parlors, with Many Friends Present. The celebration of the passing of the fiftieth anniversary of the wed ding of Thomas W. Glenn and Miss Mary Holshue. who were united in marriage at Petersburg. Illinois, on March 28. IS 69, was held at the First Methodist church parlors last evening, beginning at eight o'clock. Some two hundred of the friends and neighbors of this estimable old couple we should scarcely say 'old' either, for a person is never any old er than they feel including many members of the church and repre sentatives of its various organiza tions, met to do honor and show their friendship for Mr. Glenn and his good wife, whose friendship and love they all cherish. The church had been beautifully decorated, and in the presence of the members of their family, including the numerous stalwart sons and graceful daughters, the program of the evening began. It was a well arranged affair and will be long re membered by those present. The initial number was a song by Mrs. R. B. Hayes entitled. "Believe Me of All Those Endearing Charms." Mrs. W. G. Broks. of Nebraska City, playing the accompanyment. In honor of Mr. Glenn, who was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and who fought for the preservation of the union from 1S61 to 1S65, the W. R. C. presented the happy couple with a beautiful slik flag, the address being made by Mrs. George A. Dodge, who was the rep resentative of the order. Then followed a beautiful duet. "Their Golden Wedding Day." which was sung by Misses Goldie & Gladys Kaffenberg, and cs their fine voices blended in the strains of this old time love song, one could look back over the years and enjoy a j glimpse of the life of this couple, j who had trod the pathway together for fifty long years, in sunshine and in rain. Next was a reading by Mrs. A. J. Beeson. entitled. "When You and I were Young Maggie." It was very well rendered and thoroughly en joyed by those present. Then followed the presentation of a gut from the woman s i nristian Temperance Union, of which Mrs. Glenn is a member, the presentation being made by Mrs. C. R. Troop, in her usual concise manner. Mrs. Mae Morgan than sang "Dar ley and Joan," which is a love song dealing with the fifty years and in her rendition of this Mrs. Morgan fairly outdid herself, and the audi ence was quick to show its appre ciation by genuine applause. The Men's Bible class, of which Mr. Glenn is a member, then pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Glenn with a gift. Mr. A. L. Tidd. teacher of the class, making the presentation ad dress in a very clever manner. Then followed an address by the Rev. W. L. Hunter, who was form erly a pastor of the church here and was a great friend of Mr. Glenn and wife. He had many good things to say about the happy couple, wishing them a lot more years of usefulness to themselves and to the world. A season of song was then indulg ed In. being participated in by mem bers of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. together with others'in the audience, by way of a fitting close to the pro gram proper. After this rfreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn were the re cipients of many congratulations, both from those in attendance and from those who couldn't come, as well, they sending notes of congratu- lations and best wishes. At a late hour those present departed for their homes wishing the happy couple long life and much Joy. IN COUNTY COURT TODAY. From Thursday's Doily. There is being heard in county court today an action which is be ing brought by I. L. Rosenbaum. of Orchard, Colorado, against C. W. Bish for the recovery :f con. mission for selling fifty-one shares of bank stock for a brother of C. W. Bish. which C. W. Biih arranged fur dis posal with Rosenbaum. The sliare-s it is alleged were to be sold for $135.00 per share, and of this the owner was to have SI 25. 00. and ten dollars to go to the agent for his commission. which amounted to $510.00, and for which the action for the enforcement of the paying is brought. The hearing which is before Judge Beeson had aecupied all the morning, the record of which was being taken by court reporter E. R. Travis. The defendant's inter est was being looked after by C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water, while those of the plaintiff were beinc cared for by W. A. Robertson of this city and F. W. Fitch of 0:uika. WHAT IS BEING DONE WITH RELIEF MONEY That Was Collected for the Armen ians and Syrians Committee Reports Disposition. From Saturday's Daily. The money given by Nebraska ns to aid the refugees in Armenia. Syria and other Near Eastern countries, who are dying from starvation and the cold, is reaching its destination just in time, according to telegram that have been received by the Com mittee in Omaha. Dr. Barton, sending a cablegram from Constantinople, says: "Arrived February 12. Mer.'jffriur. -uLso arrived. Supplies are in excellent condition and are unloading immediately. El mer Maynard reports 2.400 tons of rice available for the Caucasus. I have authorized the purchase of one thousand tons, costing $".00,000. I am asking an option the remain der. The need in the Caucasus and Armenia is desperate. The winter is exceedingly severe, causing intense suffering and great mortality among the refugees." The Leviathan, carrying a great amount of supplies and many work ers for the starving nations, has ar rived at Brest and George E. White. Nebraskan, who is in charge, cables: "Expedition Manded safely this fore noon. Greetings to friends. Health good. We leave by special train to night, arranged by Mr. James, direct to Marseilles. Expect to trke Glou cester Castle February 25. Red Cross and all officials most helpful." The relief workers who sailed on the Leviathan have been sent to the following cities in Asia Minor, Ar menia. Mesopotamia, Syria and the Caucasus: Smyrna. Brousa. Angora. Konla. Cesaria. Tarsus. Marsovan. Adana. Trebizond. Der-el-Zor, Jeru salem. Bagdad. Mosul. Frumia. Tab riz, Erivan. Tiflis. Datum, Soubilak. Bitlis. Harpot, Mardin. Frfa and Van. HEARS OF SICKNESS OF SISTER. From Saturday's I-ailv. Mrs. Frank It. Gobelman has re ceived word of the serious illness of her sister. Miss Anna White, who is a teacher in the city schools at Montezuma. Iowa, and who has been down for the past week or so with the dyptheria, and was con sidered as being very serious. A nurse was employed, and word was wired fcr her relatives to come. It is hoped that they are finding her somewhat improved. Found A small neck chain, with pennant. Owner can have same Im proving property, and paying for this notice. Call at Journal office. It ARE MOVING TO NEW LOCATION. From Friday's Daily. Dunnegan and Wilcox are mov ing to the old .skating rink building, where they will put in the garage and auto repair shop, and will op erate a storage place for cars also. The place is a good location, and with an abundance of room for the storage of cars, and conducted by those two clever young men. the in- i stitution should be a paying one VJ&U Paper, Paints. Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobe'man. DELEGATES TO CONVENTION RETURN HOME REPRESENTATIVES OF LOCAL W. 0. W. CAMP AT HASTINGS FORE PART OF WEEK REPORT AS EXCELLENT TIME Leclare the Order is in Best of Con dition and Possessed of Large Reserve Fund on Hand From Thursday's Dniiy. Last evening the local delegates to the state convention of the Wood man of the World, held at Hastings 'lie fore part of the week, returned home, after having had a most ex cellent time. They report a most sueeessf ul meeting and that the fi nances of the order are in the best of shape, despite heavy death claims caused from the influenza epidemic that raged last fall. Those to at tend the convention, and who re turned last night were John W. Sea graves. W. F. Gillispie and wife. E. G. Ripple, and W. B. Rishel. clerk of the local camp. They brought with tli em the following report of the meeting: "Following the address of welcome by Mayor Madgett and the response by Lloyd Magna of Omaha the Wood man of the World convention got down to business at once at the Clarke hotel Tuesday morning. The election of officers was dis posed of without a ripple and there was a complete absence of the ex ci;.eaieJit that. - l;as. attended seme Woodmen conventions. - m "All officers were re-elected ex cept William L. Leigh. of Beatrice, who was succeeded as head escort by W. V. Furdy. of that city. Fred Eye mer of Lincoln and B. C. Enyart. of Tekamah. were elected delegates to the sovereign camp which will be held in July probably, as the propo sition now stands, at Atlantic City. "The report of Sovereign Comman der W. A. Faser, of Omaha, was sub mitted by the sovereign clerk. John T. Yates, of Omaha. This report showed that last month was a record mo-.ilh. 17.000 applications for mem bership having been received, and it was estimated that the applications for the present month will reach 20.000. "The report showed that the as sets of the order on January 1 of the present year amounted to $50,000,000.00. Disbursements last year in the payment of death losses and in meeting other expenses totaled approximately $10,000,000.00. "Notwithstanding the vast expen ditures the reserve fund had in ditures, t lie reserve fund had in creased, the report showed in the last two years by $1,000,000.00. There was an increase in member ship in 1917 of HO. 32"., and in 191S the increase was SO. 000. "Dr. A. V. Cloyd. sovereign physi cian, gave an encouraging talk on the general prosperity ofr the order, and announced that there is a move ment on foot to erect a monument in France to the memory of the W. O. W. who fell upon the battlefield. Dr. Clovd also announced that the first shot fired by the Americans on European soil was fired by a W. O. W. Sovereign Archer, of Indiana." Nebraska Officers The- jurisdiction of Nebraska offi cers are as follows: Earl R. Stiles, Omaha, head con sul; H. G. Smith, Winside, head ad viser; George R. Novacek, Omaha head banker; Col. C. L. Mather, of Benson, head clerk; William Leigh, Beatric. head escort; F. S. Bigelow. Blair, head watchman; Fenton B. Fleming. Lincoln, head sentry; Roy Langford. Auburn, head auditor; M. D. Sack, Gresham, head auditor; Geo Christoph. Norfolk, head auditor; W. B. Rishell. Plattsmouth. head auditor; C. A. Townsend, Page, head auditor; D. W. Carre, Beatrice, sen ior past head consul; Edw. Walsh, Omaha, junior past head consul; B C. Enyart. Tekamah and Frey Eye- mer, Lincoln, delegates to the Sov ereign camp. Get your Easter greeting cards at the Journal office. LEAVES MOTHER MUCH BETTER From Friday's Daily. Dr. R. P. Westover, who has been at his old home at Chadron for some time past called there on account of i his mother being sick, and two sis- i ters. having the influenza, as well as the extreme illness of a sister-in-law, the latter dying before his arrival there, returned home last evening. Dr. Westover when leav ing his former home, left his mother feeling very well, and one sister be ing up again from her illness, while the other sister was showing good improvement, and while out of danger was still confined to her lied. The doctor reports that of the two physicians a that town, one was down with the influenza, while the other was kept so busy, on account of the epidemic that he could hardly get the work done, and was practic ally worn out himself. MAKING SOME NEED ED IMPROVEMENTS E. J. Richey Constructing Building to House Finer Grades of Lum ber and a Work Shop From TMirsdav's Daily. E. J. Richey. Plattsmouth's popu lar lumber dealer believes in prac ticing what he preaches. Mr. Richey carries an ad in the columns of the Journal from day to day informing our readers that with the ending of the war building restrictions have been far removed and advising the building of needed improvements at the present time. In conformity with this he is having erected on the lot just east of his yard a large building to house the finer grades of lumber which he carries and also afford a workshop of suitable size, in which men may make up window frames, etc.. rom timeto time as the occasion demands. The building is commodious and will enable Mr. Richey to handle his increasing bus iness better than ever before. And. it seems quite probable that many will heed his advice about building. There is one thing certain, at least, and that is Plattsmouth should have a spring house-building campaign, or it will be "back to the farm" for some of us. GAVE PLAINTIFF A JUDGMENT. From Friday's Daily. In the case yesterday wherein I. S. Rosenbaum. of Orchard. Colorado, brought suit against C. W. Bish of Weeping Water for commissions for the sale of fifty-one shares of bank stock, and in which he laid claim to ten dollars commission per share, or five hundred and ten dollars in all. The decision was that the prayer of his petition be granted and accordingly the judgment al lowed his $510.00 and interest. The case will be appealed. Court Reporter E. R. Travis was present at the trial, and a bill of exceptions was taken, which will be the basis of an appeal. A Service message Protection for Buyers and Sellers! ty Y making this institution the deposi-- tary for contracts, deeds, leases and agreements pending final arrangements and payments, both parties of any contract are assured of a fair, square deal. Escrow contracts protect both buyer and seller by placing all papers incident to the transaction in the hands of a disinterested third party until all terms are met in full. Few individuals are prepared to meet all obligations and responsibilities imposed by an escrew contract. This institution can meet them in full. First NatioivaJ Bank Plztttsmouth. Nebraska. COUNTY AS SESSORS MET HERE TODAY ASSESSOR GEORGE L. FARLEY IN CHARGE OF MEETING AT THE COURT HOUSE. DISCUSS PROPER VALUATIONS And Arrange Schedule of Levies for the Coming Year A Large Number Were Present From Thursday's Daily. County Assessor George L. Farley held a meeting of the assessors of the various precincts and wards of the county in the District Court room at the court house today. A large delegation was pre-ent at the meeting and the time was very largely taken up in a discussion of land and stock values and explana tions of the manner and method if arriving at the valuation of what ii being assessed, as well as with oth er things of interest to the men who are to do the work. Those present comprised the fol lowing: Edward Doran. Tipton pre cinct; L. B. Appleman. Green wood precinct; John Mefford. Salt Creek precinct; C. W. Jewell. Stove Creek precinct: H. R. Smith. Elm wood pre cinct; M. E. Bushnell. South Bend precinct; R. B. Jameson, Weeping Water precinct; James Breckenridge. Center precinct; James Hoover, of Louisville precinct: R. O. Hutching of Avoca precinct; P. A. Hi Id of Mt. Pleasant precinct; J. G. Meisinger. Eight Mile Grove precinct; H. F. Kropp. Nehawka precinct; G. W. Cheney, Liberty precinct; Walter Byers. Rock Bluffs precinct; Will Rummell. of Plattsmouth precinct; John McKay. Weeping Water citv; A. D. Despain and M. Mauzy, Platts mouth city. ARE BUILDING A DAIRY STATION From Frionv's Intlv. C. E. Hitt and son Charles and Ainmon Gamlin, departed this morn ing for Cullom. where they are be ginning the work on ome five buildings at Cullom on the farm of Jacob Falter, which is to be a dairy station for the farms of Mr. Falter and son John W. Falter, and where they will maintain a station for the shipment of cream and milk, hav ing access to both the markets of Plattsmouth and Omaha. The buildings have been placed at the station of Cullom, because of its close proximity to the station, and because of the better pasturage there than in the hills where the old house is located. For tasty printing you can't go wrong In having the Journal office turn out your Job.