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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
I. PAOJE TWO PLAITS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. fr-FTitn (-!- -r Trr-oiTT L T V C 1 n 1 1 Children Cry Q!he Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in, use for over thirty years, has borne tht signature of 0 " and has beeu made under his per zvVta sonal supervision since its infancy. Vttxaf-yX 'C6C6l& Allow no one to deceive you in this. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ere but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ef Infants and Children Experience agcinst Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guaranvee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Hatulency "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe's, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and naiuial sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have A!vays Bought LOCAL NEWS MNs A:;na Knofieek departed thi looming for Omaha, where ah is i i : i : a: the In. rue of friends for tLe Jar John Gauer. of liear Cedar Crek. w..s a visitor in 'his city this morn int. iiaving svu.e business matters to U'.tfll'l to. J. .f Meisingvr went to Louisvi". la-i irlght to look after the transac tion if sumo business matters e'.aiui- i:.z his attention. Miss ltir:i Gauer. of Cedar Cr-k. w.s :i it'or with friends in Platts-:v,-.iiTii tst-rday. returning to her h.-!:;t- i.i the afreruuou. J W. IMmoiids of Murray was a v r in the c ity this afternoon for a ft u hours, c oining to look after mine business fur the day. M. IJ. chapman was in the city this morning troi:i l"nio:i. and is; af;er .--ome business fur Ihe T ! . cu;;r lio.i-e. i Col. J. IJ. Se-;.o!'it of iifjr Mur- I ray was a vi-iror in the city this a i tern x ;i navitix kuj!- matters to h'oi, after at the court house. A lam Mei-incer. .f near Cedar-lliatters to look after with the Creek w is a viitor ii: this city this hoard. '""r"i:i- c"u"" 'lo v,! U !""k afJr' Winfield Swan, of near Cnion. was ..... l.usins at the court houw. ja Tisi;or ,n thist cjt. this mornlnR. .Miss Maruret Map-,, .departed lastjcomins to look after some business ex. nii. f..r Cedar Creek, where sh;n the city for the day and also hav i inp'ovp.l. She was accmpanied j jng buriness to look after at to th. tatioll by her friend. Mrs. J. j the court house. J U;l,!,iitli- col. r. k. Youns. the auctioneer "" ' :,n:i r ioner C. 1. Harris, jilrov tip tbiz tnornins from his home nejr i ii u.n . a- an jrrivi'l in thr city la -t evening to met with the board at l.e ;e.s.-i(.n. which is beinr business matter to transact in the bei.i today. ,city during; the day. Frank J. iMviiof Weeping Water; County Com nilsai oner Henry J. "a- in the city tl:i morn in 5 com-I iiiK to !o(,k alter .-omo businew? mat - ter before ;he b.)ar'l of county commissioners. J. M. Ho'.vir. of near Louisville. 1 was a visitor in this c;ty for the' oa... na...;; !;. tiisine-.s at the court house, and returning home in j th afternoon. j Kred .'uenc!iau from Facie wa- a I t !-itor in this citv today. ct:minr to consult -.sith thu c-junty attorney, refiardini; some matters, in which he is interested. I.. 11. I'.ils of Murray, the sarage man. wa a businej visitor in Plattsinuu;h fo rthe day. and nlso had om mat'rrs to look after at 1 lit- court Ausuat Krecklow of near Manlev "Saws Gummed" Bring or send in all your saws that need gumming. Wc have a power saw gummer and arc equipped to put worn out saws, from 8-60 inches In diameter, into first-class condition'. Sheldon Manufacturing Gompany, NEHAWKA, NEBRASKA S3 for Fletcher's Signature of was is tb city t b is morning, coni ine to meat with tk feard of coun ty coaiUiiMiestrb. wki ar i sua sion hr today. Fred Prohaska. Jr.. of Wahoo. who ha been risitinj in this city at the i.utie of his parents. Fred Pro baska. Sr., and wift departed last evening, for his h&mje. C. Gautr was a visiter in thU city ;h: ruorninc from Cedar Creek and v.-as looking; after some business for tn? day. htving arrived on the Ilurlingtou morning train. Plattsmouth friends of Mr. Gamble have been interested ia watching his rapid rise in the commercial world since Tearing her and will rejoice to leara f his latest success. J. YV. Dasher and wife of Green wood, who hava been visiting in the city for the past few days, the guests of their son, C. K. Uashler and fam ily, departed for home yesterday. Kditor Gardner of the Eagle Uea- jeeu. wa in the city this afternoon, j coining to look after some matters at the court house and to meet with the board of county commissioners. John Gustin and S. M. Cox of near Murdock were in the city this j afternoon, coming ta meet with the i cuny commissioners hainc some near Murray, and took the early 'train for Omaha, where he has some Miliar was an arrival last evnins from his horn rvar Alvo. cominc to mei with the othr members of the board of county commissioners, who afp in session here today, Koui Bom from northwest of the 'city, was a passenger on the early. train this mom in; for Omaiia, v.-here he has some busineun raat- ters to look after at the live stock niarket at the south side. John Bednatik. who arrived from France, where he served in the Amer ican Kxpeditionary Force, departed last evening for Havelock. where he enters the employment of the Bur lington in the machine shops. E. 3. Tutt. Glen Bodeker. V. H. Iuls. Ora Davis. G. M. Minford and C. R. Nickles were among the visi- s tors ftodi ITul-ray this toornihg. com ing to attend a meeting of the coun ty board oT commissioners relative to a road in that neighborhood. Win. Backs, of Eagle, proprietor of the East Side Garage of that thriv ing village, was in the city this morning looking after some business matters. While here he made t he Journal office and the editor a very pleasant call, talking over their past acquaintance which they all enjoy ed. He departed in the afternoon for Lincoln, where he had some busi ness matters to look after. From Monday's Iat!y W111. Spangler and wife of Ween ing Water were in the city for a short time today looking after f-ome business. J. R. Jordan was looking after some business here this mornintr. coming in from his home near Cul loni on the early train. Miss Anna Snyder was a visitor at her home "west of Mynard. for over Sunday, and returned to her school work at Omaha this morn ing. Christopher Miller of near Cedar Creek, was looking after some busi ness in riattsmouth today, bavins; come in on the early train this morn-, ing. Henry lleebner was a visitor in thi city for a short time this morning changing trains from Mur ray to Cedar Creek where he is working. F. W. Gregg, of Grand Island, v. as visitor in this city today, coming to look after closing a deal for the trading of some western land for Plattsmouth property. A. S. Will the sttn?k feeder, parted this morning 0:1 an 1 d ar!.. W ;i s the train for Omaha, where ho looking after some business, at live stock niarket for the day. C. F. f'ettis of Howard. South Iakota. where he is engaged in fanning. arrived last Saturday evening, and visited at the home of his daughter Mrs. J. S. Ben&couter. north of the ciy for a diort time. L. G. l-aron and wife were pas sengers last Saturday morning via the Missouri Pacific. for Fnioti. where they visited for the day and a part of yesterday at the home of their daughter Mrs.. Reuben Foster of that place. Miss Laura Klizabeth Faton. grand daughter of Or. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall arrived from her home in Los Angeles, last evening and was met by her grandfather in Omaha, and will visit for some time in this city with her relative and friends. Sergeant W. F Siraley arrived in the city this morning fr.uu Camp FuiLston. where he ha been .tati o. ed for some time, and where he was discharged hut Saturday and is visiting at the home of Mrs. Lil lian Baker, the guet of Miss lla.el Vroinar.. for a few days after which he will departed for his home at Michell. South Dakota. Miss Glads Hall departed Sat urday afternoon for Oraj.olis. where she visited with her mother Mrs. J. M. Hall, who is caring for Mrs. Jo.-eph Thompson who is sick at her home at the auto bridge, and who is very sick, having been to for MJiiitf time. Miss Gladys Hall has accepted the- po.-ition of teacher of the school west of My nard. Lorea Rainey. of near Miles Chy. Montana, was in the city for the past few days, coining on account of the seriotis illness of his mother, who is not showing much improvement at the present time. Mr. Rainey de parted this morning for Omaha, go ing up the other side of the river via Pacific Junction, and from there will return to his home in the wc.-t. Kr'm WednesOay's rai:y. John True of Cedar c.-eek was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some busjnos. for the day. Mrs. H. J. Schroeder of tvdar Creek who ha.- been visiting in this city for a short time reiurn-d to her home last evening on the train. G. H. Meisinger who h t bi n visiting for some time at and near Cedar Creek, with friends and rela tives returned home this morning. Mrs. M. Hild departed !at even ing for Cedar Creek, where she will visit at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Parkening for a short time. George Krcager from southwest of Mynard was transacting busi ness in Plattsmouth this morning having ome business alo at the county eat. Clinton Andrews of Mauley was a visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday. coming to look after some business for the day, and returning to his home lat evening. M. B. Chamberlain with his fam ily of Cedar Creek, arrived in this city this morning and are visiting at the home of their friends Hturv Sanders and family for the dav. ' Lloyd Gapcn of near Murray was j a visiter in Plattsniouth last even- j ing for a short time coming to this j city to look after some business and returned to his home last evening. John Busche and family were visiting in the city this afternoon, having driven in with their car to look after some trading at the stores of the merchants, and visiting with friends for a short time. James S. Pitman of Cnion. ac companied by his brother C. L. Pit- ( man of Ft. Morgan. Colorado, were ; in the city this morning, looking; after some matters connected with j the estate of their father the late ; John W. Pitman, from near Cnion. C. II. Vernon formerly of Colo., where he has been farming near Haxton. has been visiting in this city for some days past, and was a guest at the home of P. T. Walton, being the son of Mrs. Walton, de parted this afternoon for York, where he will engage in farming the coming season. COL. YOUNG'S SALE DATES. Joe Wagner. Murray. Feb. 7th. Jas. Biaha. Plat t unout !: . Feb. Ilolslein Sale. Omaiia. Feb It. Feb. loth and 14th Imperial. Neb. Wm. Kohl. Avoca. Feb. 17th. Matthews Hog Sale, Malvern, la., Feb. ISth. John Wile.-, sr. Plattsmouth. Feb. i'.Hii. Otto Sehafer. Red Sow Sale. Ced ar Creek. Feb :20th. Hugle ii Sprecher, Nehawka. Feb. 21. Horse Sale. Murray. Ft b. - Mrs. L. T. Holland. Xeb. Ci'y. Feb. 2 4. Fred Ro.-s. N'ehawka. Feb. : Wn: Gillispie. Mynard. Feb. Ray Pollard. Hampshire Ftb. 27th. Car Schra.ier. Hamp hire Avoca, Feb. 2Sth. Sale, Sale FOR SALE 2 HERFORD BULLS I have for sale, two young high bred registered Herford bulls, four teen and fifteen mouths of age re spectively. Inquire of Fred T. Ramge. Phono.; !')2 and .".::2. Ph. 1 1 itiimt Ii Ve'i r.-ltwt Says It Is the Best in the World Are you looking for a s.ilo. relia ble remedy for xoughs. colds, croup and whoopng coo.g!;'?. A. H. McHan iel. Box ."!. Lindside. W. Va., writes. "I am glad to tell you that Foley's Honey and Tar is the best medciinc in this world. I had a severe cough.. Someone recommended it and before I used, half a bottle I was better." Sold evervwhere. When baby supers with eczema or ii:iae itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way si.d it is safe for children. 00c a box at all stores. WANT KM: A tirst class experienc ed automobile salesman to sell to the farmers our line of Fordson tractors and power farm machinery; Fori! oars ami Ford trucks. Permanent employment to the right man. Ref erences required . - - T. H. Pollock Auto t o., PIaitsir."fi:h. de,w2 CHICHESTER S PILLS hke tlh 'P. Kur of vmp Ir A-r(-l'l-4'ir:r.TK 1I.ajoM ilIMM) flLI.Sf f M OLD BY WL0GI3TS EVERVER Weekly Special! Get a sack of flour milled after the War restrictions v-erc lifted. Puritan or Gold Medal. -lb. sack buckwheat flour 95c 4-ii. sack buckwheat Hour 50c lu-lbs. corn syrup for 85c lb-;, corn syrup for 45c 1 lbs. dried green peas 50c lbs. small white beans 38c 2 lbs. Jap rice 25c 2 lbs. small California prunes 25c 2 lbs. dried peaches 39c 2 lbs. dried pears 23c No. 2 -j lb can hominy 24c No. 2J lb. can hominy 20c No. 2i can oaches 20c ;i No. 2 cans pork and beans 50c 10 bars White Rusian soap 58c No. 1 can peaches in syrup 15c No. I can wpricots in syrup 15c Z cans good corn 50c No. 2 can apples, per can 15c 2 pkgs. mince meat for 25c Hulk cocoa, per lb 35c o pkgs. Golden Age noodles, mac aroni or spaghetti, for 45c 2 cans canned soups, all varieties25c E. P. LUTZ hl-,tf--.. r l Kl.mond T(dV Hlltln Kp4 Ml t.;j r.ri,l,cV7 l--is. ve. I w-ith Kiue Riooon. j '! hke tlh 'P. Kur of vmp V V" W T- r i Mfji a I ill Ji Bm ii' ; ill IP'S 11! ! t I u llHlUHIsIiil li ulliHli!!! ?!isi!H' rji I is lllliii ilfcll'lilw 1 tm m opyr'ji f i7 by tvUO Co. TELLS OF THE WORK REBUILD ING COUNTRY IN DEVASTATED WAR ZONE OF EUROPE WHERE HE IS IN NAVAL RELIEF UNIT. PUT UP TEMPORARY BARRACKS To Shelter Homeless People. Says C. L. Pitman. G. M. 1st CI., in Let ter to His Wife. t'rein ?.!;ilay's L'alty. C. L. Pitman. G. M. 1st Ci.. who has been in France for about a year. writes interestingly of the recon struction work in the devasted war area, and tells of what is being done to rehabilitate the land. The areas where the battles have raged for al most four years is entirely demolish id and it will be a long time before any semblance of the former peace- . ful homes may be had. Lille. France. Jan. 10. 1919. My Pear Wife and Kiddies: Will start another letter tonight. This makes about a dozen letters I have written and haven't received one from you. We were just getting settled cood. but now- wc have tp move to another building again. They moved the galley tonight, so we'll have to walk about half a mile for breakfast tpmorrow morn ing. We have only about 125 jobs here now. And soon we'll be starting out to repair the .different towns of France and Pelgium that were shot up. and put up barracks' for the peo ple to live in. until they can get their homes fixed up. 1 think this will be an interesting trip and I'm glad I'm on it. I think loo. I'll be discharged as soon as I get back to the states. I haven't heard how long I will . have : to stay here, but I don't believe it will be more than three or four months. They are sending - the aviation bunch back as fast as they can, but I was among the last to come, so I suppose I'll-be among the last to go back. The V. S. has an enormous lot of material and supplies here. You couldn't begin to imagine -how much stuff we have. Auto trucks, for in stance. They would cover Platts mouth if ihey were joined together. I would like to have some one tell me the U. S. didn't do anything in this war. We have a lot of Frenchmen working with us. Some of them are discharged soldiers. They eat din-. 1 3 every man game enough tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new I Get it straight that what you've hankered for in smokes you'll sure and certain find aplenty in P. A. That s because P. A. has the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite ycur tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill 3'ou didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back ! Day Prince Albert everywhere tobacco is sold. Toppv red bag: tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and that daer, practical pound crystal glass humidor urith sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. ! ner and sutioer with us. and vou should see them eat. They act as we naval men thought that :ii though they never had had a good, compliment to vs. 'square meal before' I hail a long -:a with a ':.;. ;;.! I don't know how much they pay them, but they don't earn any more than they eat. It takes them forever to get anything done. I was talking to a Frcnchie the other night (He talked pretty good : English) and he said there weren't! many Germans here at the last, and ' they all left in the night. No one j knew they were gone. They heard 1 a lot of explosions in the night, and wnen uayngiu came they louud ev ery bridge across the canal was blown up and not a German to be seen. The Dritish came in two day later. Now there seem to be as many Prituh as French. We have muster on Sunday morn ing. We must be in full dress uni form with shoes shined. Its about the only regulation stuff we have. The skipper gave us a little lec- ture about our duties here. He told us about meeting an American wom an, one who was with the Belgian Relief. She said she had traveled all through Belgium and nothern France and the only Relief Commis sion she could see that was actually doing any work was a little bunch of 'sailors ' (get that?) putting up bar racks for the unfortunates. She said the greater bunch of the army was ome in and open, a i You work hand f .d paak tf it will then worlcforyou: ASK ANY WEALTHY MAN HOW HE GOT HIS START Ann up WILL TELL YUU IT BEGAN WITH A SMALL BANK A cron I ! t THAT HE BUILT HIS FORTUNE BY WORKING I HARD . AND SSnI ING EVERY CENT HE COULD "RAKE AND SCRAPE YOU CAN DO THE SAME! WHY NOT BEGIN NOW Tnnnv? THAT MONEY YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKET V ILL START Ymi COME IN AND START. rwont. i will 5TART YOU. TIFic0ATESILL RECEWE H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CER. TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on to make a bee line for a idoinir their work i-i .r"ce of ..r-r ' sergoan ;' ninht II. 1 some awful thiiiss that l.appi::-.i this war. Will tell you about i!, w hen I get heme. Well. I must get ready l -r dini: Hope this finds everyone well. r. i. PITT MAN G. M. !.-t CI . V. Naval Relu f Unit, Lille. Frai.ce. In t! "f ':i - ii' t f M- r ji.-r -lit . N-ti. I' -l, i t t'.UM --. N !".-V.. t. in. .lie- .,f - r I Til mi . f U-v. e-'u HI k . . - : i !" pie li t! . - f.l. li.ii.- wn ! I'll- I fn.r.t .I.-.t Ill-Mlt! . I .i of t: IT 1 ! !" I : el. l; ! ):. l e t i ' fe::e-w:-! Let f. ; . J 1 t I I., t ' : H I I e f all in S. f - i, I.i! i . N tl V' i rt i 1 t S.elfi M -1 I 1 : . S. t . Tl 1 1 . i , I ! j twelve i 1 ' l. I I.. T tit' I et.i.1,1 S.-U.J .--i.i.- t' T.-, I'ttt-.i :;i-i L. KM'.'. 1.1 v ai.ioi: .1 ' I s . f II. Ill I '.'1.1 1 li 1.1 I I.f I .. f w- eii ; n : . Stationery at th Journal ofce . for vour mnw tate Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA