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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
PAOE THREF t' -x n i l'LATTSMOUTII SEIII-WEZSLY JOURNAL 13 PI 1 . ATa, A " -iVI for Early Spring! AV f.:cfv ncr; AlVH iV' hutVO IRUin ALVu : a: . Jf. .v. -V. 1 ' i Met I'roniv went to IJiu'T! P2 Md i.;-a v. i. 'ma! avt'ly v.-.;s fr 3 y a lis fcssa An extremely esrly sea- fcj. A- 1 rt ; : I." ! ' ppip'-rty in ea.T A! v.j. son caiis fcr smart shapes ' in Georgette Crepes. Braids "and Saline. We are shewing these frcm ; M.mduy. ij i lit- !:a.-p , ... r.-. reo 1: jh.wn from p. i 4-T.taai! Oil'.-.- . u-muii . 1 U... n--.!-s froiu O.feohi. A v i - s I - ' f I Ve. ,::-a ! .1:,. a am! : h' s ca ' . : .: Mr -a 1. LA h.o r. :. .! - -a -i'-.' ill (.';:.. a a i: 1 r;da Ai:;!i:' i: of t w; - i: S '.. t?T32T' .'Liu Id: I.. I; A t.jil:. i.ui Mr.-. I'.utV 1 '.V i:i-r :; . r3 if t3 gAIMD UP k j A ;; I.:;.:, vvi r. t.t.--- l'.r Or...!- -M "iii. y. j ". C. i: 'it v.--it ..' i I-i'ci t; :! !;-: - - ; ;.',f ,-- I'- l'i- Ki !'.: V.iv r v.:.s u; Irr.rr. ; ' II' !.;! I.i.M Ti u :,!.! mni i"ri.l:,: J. . ::,..:fT.-r. Mi. s V :!! J'r-o-:ty. :' :1 ' ".lid.'y i'l'.' i.ii.l Mrs III. v. . . PI (2 r : a i - v. T 1 lie unusIiv amount of woik rcquirecj on our I etrr ha'.s makes it necesc-ry to err.p'oy a epcc:s.l d-.:- ru -r, so in ac!ciition to cat regular ue.-?s;rn.r fio.n C.--G1a DROS., we aie icrtunate in securing the f-frvict..-. i J M:ss Omeara. vho comes to us frcm 1 l.i-!eo.-::an dej-inin dvp.irime:rr. i: .H v. r . . ') cm- !. Mr. 1 i,:.1 ::r, : 1 -I - ' K1. tv. '' -: . V. i: v . I ':! : C::i.-.!..- ur is ii v " i . - r. THEN SEE HIS JfciVVtitT PICTURE :-. ! -: .''.'!-." i:?:.nin .-r' :!.. Mr. rnn Mr- f t IT ' ! Car Gage Vfeeklv Service ? giv.- u.s a sr .ijnint each week of the very Ittri GAGE HATS. Le L'5 5:o You W hat Is Aeir '- !: Jor 5.'.:i :-.!.;: Mr. u:.'t ! .1. -. A ' :; rs i'..''( T-! to !::.(::; Tl. I,' f: - i" h'.i'- :' car. i:..t .1 i: " Sia::!t.-y i lull :t: ""-t' T n-.y r-Tit a :"" da?-.- ; r: t j'ii; v!' h "-::if !'!: la v ": v :n- I'ai vfr.-i; y i :. s. Klf.Ti Sv. i:vO farai'.y frri i:." 1'. w -r.- l (i: : C'f Mr. i!l' I-i-1'" .' ! i' S..:;: Ca-hT.e- a'.t! Mr -!,:.. A. Ony f-i .Mr. :. !:. ; ; IT 'i: .t: :.: I V. .irf.iay i : : t ilt-r a 1 . ! . '. L i i ' noiiiCier Arms: 39? ti ii- (.- The Biggest and Best Comedy fej Ever fadc! you WCH'T CftLY LAUGH ' YCU WILL YELL! (Tl Dependable f l?V I -'i : ' r t :t t- : v.i Mrj. .l!t-. Miir:"y :.vcr. '.!::. .,',,,,,',.'.,',', . - . $ CASS CO. FARM i re i - n - I. v T ' n la i i-.-'S :!! 1 i'r! ;. K: 1 r v. : I ' '." i; - .- :T j: ! -" r. J V ; s y a. r: . T : !T . I '. "T J i",;; !'. i T'V .. ; 1 .;,,T-. :. - f.i:i:ily a::d Mrs. n v i I - t . v '. ; T c : " . i S ?? Lsa rj v. , ; ) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, r- Essi. i ana sH 9 1.1"' ( iiliniii ! i f I 1. tiriil I iirimiiu l'.trr.l -p C" 1 i- r A. i: r i . C::. an y jA '. . ! A. ; : i ;.- '. t- -. ''a i a 1.. S; - A- r'.v. O '' YA ; ' a -T $ y .1 ! iy J 5r4 t 1 5c AD'r.lSSIOM-PLUS WAR TAX Childred 10c First Slow 7:00 Second 6:59 Matinee 3:43 Tuesday . : T. v i ai ;T ' : " (...-....,.. . ,- , . r ( 1' a i ::- Ti:- : r i-.'A I t.t- v..:: - oi r. A. ) : 1 : T t y i i , a: v. a. i... !. -a Ti.- rhi-f .-!a' s.;' .A F::y-- A ,'r- .; t ?!.!'::'! ( r j: ts a !:;v ' ' : . .:. : .. :.- r . f 1 ri-. A:. ' ". - ; i ;:.:..;! ,. c ; a- la A A -. aia j-jiari-:. I: si'ic- Mr. I'.yi rs. : - - .. , '.. : i.: :A . 1 Al I i; j -!. Tip. A:..Tivr I ; t.f h"iif.' QiAti:oi: ;! .: . ' -. Tit-:-.. ),.,,, .....y.-; .: : 1.,. ! .-.-.:. I:, -'-ud ;. ,j;...r v'- i:T r ( f i : -r ' ' ' . jr.!, sl.iu-r . '.a .- A a--- -I r:; v .;. - ' ' (,a- MTi i f.f.t-l.v !i ; : i , ' .- ' i it- e t . i ' 4. 1 1 V (. if V.T.i.l.Vi l-.o a-. r a:r (a A 1'H t r T't ' .: i :-"-t:a a ( !-; a 'A:v: !;ich:.rd--Tn v.a- a j-a h :t v. -id ; y ; i t r:if. -'J - r A.- !.'..-: '1. v " ! , o 1 a'.; - t.; vi 1- v.-;?''. - f c.Tr.ra k--. l::i! -ah Mat-vi n. v. !. ; h v. Mhtt Is- v. a. ; vAAi I ? t Mc ht- : r ' i , ; '! w : : 1 i -r aa- A .. Tik T.'. n( !i i a Aii.r. ; n ; '. ;" ; 1 ; r ,' v fr- I I '?' , : a U . ' " s rv;"l :n tIt ar'vy ' TVs ;.:(! l.a- ili'-ra "T"-."" ''"i'i v'-T A a":i ?ra . - a a : ' ' v r- , ; A ' - 1 tm ' vA i ! t : i ..--. !' i i'- a: ' vt! a n- . 1.-.. fr- ai T! f 1 T1VC-. K-. ! .!-.. 1 " V; :- (! iaaa' ' i 1V-- ti! vi'i i a nt A. t i . a- Tl. .M -(t. ' : f L- a a : .7 ai! a ! .A .t-i . : (-- .- s. :' -r .T. r ; aria Vs for el.Tia .: : j -h'T! f..r ''.' ; A - AA a. ?" ro f A' ' ; on;. T!--e raa il lv A : v;h c .,::.:n m;. Cati-crir.- ' 1h? oou,1 he -''vaace rr Taf.:. f r a -i-f v1-;' r.t ia r v ii v.; v -.. v - " A a ; ! i f S.-.jt!: IV A. ..''.-?... -. Mr-a Jav AT: ,. a . ra;a! ;ru vn as tin- t t : r '. i I ;.r r Ail i-M-a! 'Tr. V.': r: r fo . i .' va.T.i! IT a. -A- v !- aar'n a: i i vi"i iai : r ra i" ft-. ... : : f; ,-r hi vi:;:: : y.-.A frl.-r:l r-n:r:ici h. T:T.C f f Havt-.or !: a' -- Ta ai ::. Tii'- v.- :' r '-Ma r""-: A ( Tit v, . Ti1 ;A r Vi a ' . a'o-vA-.a. ..'.-! .' .:aT'l a.A I- ' -v - ' (T--?;.'.-ai I -A ' . i r-ri!: aanir-i. t j T,rr.;n-.'.. oo-:M ! ia.-' AAai ia a" i.staat and v.-u:.-i : - Ti v- i - Tiru"uc ilia, tlu- prt . i a:-" ;.ro!rs'tIy as a ba" -y " A! 'ia- I linA. r and i-iart i-ht-Iliir.; !iaa a i j T;a -'ii'ht i'.-r.s oJ var:;T s-:'.--o.-j I!y ih- t!vt tV:- - ;; ' ! Vp' J !'":. : VT : . ..- , -' ' .hat '. i. liaiTAiT t or :'av ;t: irT' .);' v. a.-' T'o :Aa- . 3..v.--- . d-aAaa iA as' a -y .t- 1 'a::( :t - r f'-a.irr. ; av .1 !'.a a- i i Ik-: a a :ra! 'H'Tiii ft fWWii It ":'y. i ' r l.- ' So ! i . : v li : a a ; la- . it. a Ma." ! 4 v A-'' av--' ' .r- f' l'i , a-.-.A',. . i'T. a-.- wa a r t i v - !!:-. M May!, v;V rou-i : n ;-r v ' "k !: i. TliAauan (rA-'-aia. ' A't ThiT-ta'.y a farrTa-'iL at io-iifia.'-. Ti'-ro vacrp T-iiHAaon 1 -aAa -1ff..-f.j.t. ner 1 it (if tl'? U. M. A I A. Ti-iry.t on. : h- cftcrnooti v o v-rv ' ti j """;!?' '" tprr.t in -oeial v vfr'avf i-"ti. ai i! niT'-ia, a'Tt-r V. , ii a iiriaa v as sar '. ?nch was ti.-.r inahly r?-. i ';. -' v :.i! TV's - tst T"""-;-'a i ! Manv I a-e taken advantage of our t-. ert:y per cent discount oi'tr ?-is k'a.-i aw, : . fnrt- t!u- TAd 'a : i .X ' i I o buy tKat and Suit you have iVV' td hv.y in 5: tKv:s frr' season. it la on all winter weight Suits, Overcoats ani I .hHu-s' Cc ots rtr ''!"- Acting upon the very best judgment we can form from 'J r e who fc ,ive .ways been authority on the clothing markets u?- advise yoa to Z-iry any articles of clothing or woolen underwear which jtu mar r. J r for the remainder of this season and next. We have tried to givs you the "ri?ht hunch" c t. erf. ir g 1 our clothing purchases, and our judgment from time to time h um tj catiimed by historr cf the past two years. EIECTRIC ?Lai;i3 KMiiMiT (J;" TAM "'AN :TI()X Yin: i.aa'iy ao i. t'lladys rrocl.vtll in Aa i :. 1 j ;ha' v.a- j-Ttajlt-. : '.- "Tl:-' Stji ap Aeia: 'A' aj;. t-aring at -;, ; .,1 t ar.av. tlx ;or.iT t)a tl: ( aad John liarryTnare in . A- tl-.-j-t t.d'-u oTi ia aa.y oaaar: - "!!a ,".''a-. tia- .n.iitfir frcksman" a' t v '-a. u-'-.l 1 ! '.l'oii-aii'i ad tha I'arriidc. L:-.r? audi'Miccs sit- aa iia Ti-ir: a.iT tart ia l.-.-at- , tt-iidt .1 both f!ios an 1 '.vor plfa".l i-'.a Ti.c I!i:n. jWitli tko pirtaroa. ; Ti;'- t-.M.rTs if tl-.f ir.anay-rs of ". n "r7, r f 5 It I JO ' tlifs,- t v (i fhows to Sfc-uro co.d ard ! ' hM'i ! K , ... - ;T . r. - M U'TI'. -ujur WiV I ill l ,i U I V IliUUl II 1 u i : 1 coiivo'ts oiit (f inoro )ooiU tlian it v-as t -, f r tlToucht could le made a ft v.- v.aars aao. when the tuctnre ii1- QH mm UZWPl n to the ,Cndard LJ" kill- w - - - ' at : :l has nt'W rtached. : Majjidiy f-uppI-.-tnontins the so-called legitimate stace (ifferias. moving AF2 IICTUHE FITS CAN CLABI ;);,!(lr,.- are today .n.-xttlled as (!..- TO PLEASE THF.I.I hind !r i- atTor-ally aamittea that tlo-'t- is yet ir, .-tore for them jrreat- , ' er a'aart ases than t!.t v have : at- Tlf-r. 1lis Amateur Cracksman ta;ii.(1 r.rtl "The Strange V7cm?.n" ."" the Sunday. ' I J 1 aaiiies Jordan from near ( ullam j v as a vi-itor in the city this iiiorn- t ,-,.t:i M .i .i;i s I'.iiiy. ; in-", to IcoV alter some lm.-i- T!:at IMntT.-moulh r.tnvie far.r are ttss for a siiort time. Soiay treated to (hiss pictures ; i : aa uadi p'-ii-ad fact. Aint-- 11;.- re- Harvey Karke departed this aft- i-ov.-l of f? ti liaa- la. t fail the t wo . ornoon tor (inialai. w!m re lie is i;al j.iiturc luea-es hii've each been 1 vis;tin? with friends and will proh- a'ira t he limit Jo f ecu re the v ry ; a!.!y a.-cept a position there. it t f'-aAiT.-s olta.itiai '.e an 1 their ef- k? f'TT'v.f'nJ! t ? C'fr?- Ritf-J ' !.:ts ii'.ura; thia line are laeet Aii: : k n. p.-huhloff was a passenger r"b t;.-v I ; ., ! .1 a ! ! ' , T . "1 .' ; . 1. 1 v t-':-t;s ' :: i,a ! a-, miiis -v;t h sure. s as evidenc ed by t he con- .js murnins for (Jlenwood. Iowa, a'antly iat rt a-i aa; nara ht as who at- wltcre he is lookine af(er some tmsi A ;al t he movies. jne as for the day. The current oaeria.cs at the t wo ; Aiows las; niahi were both eseep-! Haijs at the Journal Oflce. '11 IT 1 -..' ; a ia a 'I 1 - a. ' ta;. : v d . r. i;A"i A A 1 ." 1 7 IT T'ae F'rp:aa:is -U nu nds of :;-( War have ?..:. the t.iear.s vi' 1.'-;t.t- 1. c to the 1" r: " t t '.any'f 1 5. or . i ' e'i'.aps ! '.: .'a.-;.-:;'" !i;t'-('to Tin- , anov.'n iiFer. 1 weii--.ncw:i pri A good weight fleece lined unionsuit tj Xtra hecvy fleece line J ? 5iz;ndai ci Cut Everet B -tie $1.50 i t t fjib Cvercll $2.50 dncts. rr" niri'v r o m-- Jit ra-' :-aid Rbe-U th:-:e thine. vli;" war was 0:1. l a! now th-jf th- ct.- y T ! filet is over a riy ia.trrestina.' f.;rrr- A-. ...... ,n- ..' 7 are I cine r'-!a.T" 1 aha-jt priu'.?Trt o-e r ty (' inn! mcai-ures that were eiaplored to help make victory Amor.a; the (lottrical product?. v r'l'o -,a t valtaih'e v:'"Vf"i to b- the .--'oai! airvat CTt:,i-c'e:i el. - -trie ia-!:: a Ti i haver p'avt. T; IT ,'.!TI I" 1 KS I j -a:..,: w.,. a 4 :,, o'l i - - ' i ' vi " ' i t 1. .! !!-.,': , a i7.r;.v.s 1 t . . I -: T . - f v . : ' - - I 1 . ..- ; nr. fi'i 1 "': n.- .?!:':;" . f . -s t . 1 7 i." 7 a.!T i '- ;.:! A- 'l'l.-- on - i a :e i i tr J.t ."' . A. '. .I f..v V '''.'' : i-: o ir - aa:"..i.ty !' 'A... L'.T TT.a .; casket ioalll 17. a; f !. A. s. ' -,. ah !-, ..-T.;i-r if tl.c : i. jia:n. (1 i-a.O, ... !: nv - .'.-a.: ta.- -iiaiaa-m a a.-, t al"l ':: -n;a- .-f tl-i- l.-'a'Tt I:'.:oU- m t . - ia iJT -z T ' ' - ' 1 1. .. sriiNKii-m:. 1 1 f.-t : l"; v I: ier. i -!. - -1 r'-"T.-. ri"?a"'. .) i". A.M.TaA:, Ii.a.t!"!. Auburrs High School vs Plattsmoisth High School is U P. ss a : V-tf as hJ 8:15 P. M. H. S. GYMNASIUM ADMISSION 25c ftP feJ L! t . :.r u VA I" . f ' " 'M i --,1 fo-:.1 nhc,-,1,.t'v v ,t...... t.,,a -.. ' .... . ,is r.tti 1av or Vebreary. IT'T". v. . .. ia ).ji:i;T.s, in'. 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" per. T.inry to be able to use it richt ' n : rv Tut- kt up en the firing line, on the tub- Ajy Cunmiis.-ieu expii-.s July 37, i!21. Auburn has to her credit a victory over the Peru Nor- m?A Tcnm fn the Peru floor, besides winning from the best high school teams in the state. As the Plattsmouih j team is also going at a fast gatt a close and interesting came is asturt.d. COME!