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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, MAY 22, 191G. TAGE 2. THE NEW U- ;RARY BUiLOEMG LOOMING UP Work Is Progressing Nicely and the Structure Will Soon lie Keady For the Roof. From Friday's Dally- The library board has been devot ing a great part of its time to the work of looking after the erection of the new library building, which the Carnegie corporation has donated to the city. In order that the public can fully understand the transactions in the "affair and not have any misgiv ings as to the matter, the following correspondence in regard to the pay ment of the funds to the city library board for the expenses of erecting the building will be enlightening. The board will, from time to time, publish the statements of the transactions with the Carnegie corporation to keep the public in touch with them. On January 20, 1010, A. L. Tidd, president of the library board, wrote to said corporation the following let ter: "James Bertram, Secretary Carnegie Corporation, 570 Fifth Avenue, New York. Pear Sir: Enclosed herewith fini pledge, signed by the mayor and city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth, Xe 1 ra.-ka. that the building plans called for will be erected and complete and ready to occupy within the $ 12,500.00 promised. "Under other ci'ver I. send you by express today plans and specifications for the library building to be erected in conformity with the donation. I am, Very truly, A. L. TltfD, President Library Board." On January 21 the following reply was received: "A. L. Tidd, Esq., President Library B-ard. Plattsmouth, Neb. "My Dear Sir: Your favor of Jan uarv 20 aed plans received. On the understanding that the building the plans call for will be erected complete and ready to occupy with the $12,500 promised, arrangements have been made for payments as work prog ressis. Please communicate with Mr. R. A. Franks, treasurer, 570 Fifth avenue. New York, and he will instruct you how to apply for funds. "When the building has been erect ed. please send us unmounted photo giaphs, showing front and side eleva tions, together with a complete set of the plans on a reduced scale, prefer ably on a sheet not more than twelve Ly sixteen inches. Very truly yours, ' JAS.' BERTRAM, Secretary." "Approved plans under separate cover." In answer to the above letter, on March 10 president of the library board forwarded the following letter to the Carnegie corporation: "Mr. R. A. Franks, Treasurer Came nie Corporation, 570 Fifth Avenue, New York. lcar bir: Un January 24. as president of the Plattsmouth public library board, of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, I received a letter from Mr. Jas. Bertram, secretary Carnegie corpora tion, informing me that plans for pub lic library building to be' built within the donation of J 12,500 promised by the Carnegie corporation were ap proved, and that the money donated had been set apart for this building, and directed me to write you for your instructions as how to apply for funds as the work on this building proceeds. I therefore ask you to furnish me with your instructions. Yours truly, A. 1j. TIDD, President Library Board." To which letter he received the fol lowing reply: "March 22, 1910. Dear Sir: Re plying to your inquiry of the 10th inst. "The fund of SI 2,500 provided by this corjoration for erection of library building at Plattsmouth is now avail able, and payments on this account will be made in installments of $2,000 cr $3,000 upon architect's certificates, as needed from time to time during the construction of the building. "Please see that applications for funds are made by letter, accompan ied by a certificate from the architect certifying to the amount due con tractors for labor and material fur nished on account of the building all certificates to be approved by the president and treasurer of your library board. Yours very truly, R. A. FRANKS." "A. L. Tidd, Eso., President of Public Library Board, Plattsmouth, Neb." On April 21 II. M. Foennichsen, city treasurer, received draft from Car negie corporation for $3,200, first pay ment on the above donation, and on 'lay 10 city treasurer received $2,5C3, me.king a total received to date of 5,70O from th Carnegie corporation, and the reniainderNof the costs of the building will be paid by the Carnegie corporation as rapidly as the building is completed. It is believed that every citizen of Plattsmouth should appreciate this splendid library building, which has been so much needed. The library board is entitled to much credit for the procuring for the "city of this building without any cost whatsoever to the taxpayers of the city, and when the building is com pleted it is believed there will not be a finer building of its size in the entire state. THE REMAINS OF MRS, HERMAN RICH TER LAIO TO REST From Friday's Daily. This morning the body of Mrs. Her man Richter arrived in this city on No. 4 and was taken direct from the train to St. John s Catholic ehurcn, where requiem mass was celebrated by the rector, Rev. Father M. A. Shine. After the services at the church tiie body was borne to the Catholic cemetery, where it was laid to rest. The husband and mother ot the departed lady accompanied the bodv from Omaha and assisted in the last sad rites that laid their loved one to eternal sleep. The death of Mrs. Richter has occa sioned a feeling cf greatest sorrow throughout the entire community. where the familv had made tneir home for the past year, and to the grief-stricken husband and aged mother the sympathy of their friends will be extended as well as to the throe little sons who wi'l nJVer know the mother's loving care and for whom she laid down her life. PIANO AT A BARGAIN. Customer near Piatt smouth is un able to finish payments on piano ccn tract. We will turn piano over to first satisfactory party who will pay balance, cither cash or .$" per month. Write Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Co.. Omaha, Neb. 5-1'j-ltd-ltw DESPITE THE m A LARGE CROWD ATTENDS ttmm show From Saturday s Dan. In spite of the fact that the ruin clouds poured Jortn their contents yesterday and last evening, there was a large attendance at the Allman tent show, and almost all the seats were taken, which is a proof of the popularity of this brand of amuse ment that has drawn so heavily- since its stay- in our city. "Out of the Fold" was the title of the play offered, and was perhaps the best that the com pany has presented, as it odTered greater possibilities to the members of the company to demonstrate their ability-, and each member cf the or ganization gave a very realistic rendi tion of their respective roles during the presentation of tha drama. Tonight is the last night for this excellent company to be with us, and a large attendance is looked forward to as the show has proven very popu lar and the tent has been filled night after night to its capacity. From here the Allman ' company goes to Nebraska City, for a week's stand in that place HAPPY OYER A NEW SON. The Journal is in receipt of a card noni iJioomington. Illinois, announc ing the arrival of Master Jack Bard well, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bardwell in that city on Thursday, May 18th. The friends of the happy parents in this city will be well pleased to learn of the good for tune that has befallen Mr. and Mrs. Bardwell, and wish that the little man may live to enjoy many years of suc cess and happiness. Mrs. Bardwell was formerly Miss Mabel Poisall, of this city. Partner to take half interest in my No. 2 show, which opened May 22. Show will make an average of $400.00 per week profit. Must have general business ability, and capable to manage show. -Must be sober and reliable. Call in person. Manager Alimann Bros. Tent Show Nebraska City this week. - DEGREE Or HO NOR OGIAL TIP! The Degree Staff of Nebraska City, Accompanied by Mrs. Bruft, Cap tain, Puts On the Ritualistic Work of the Order. From Friday's Daily. Last evening the A. O. U. W. hall was filled to its utmost capacity with the members of the Degree of Honor, to take part in one of the best attend ed and most interesting meetings that has been held" by this live fraternal order in several months. The meeting was attended by a large delegation from the Nebraska City lodge, accom panying the staff of sixteen members, under the direction of Mrs. Bruft, as captain, and which put no the ritual istic work of the order during the initiation of the class of twelve mem bers which had been secured by the "local lodge. The work of the Nebraska City team was perfect in every detail and enlightened the membership to the beauties of the ritual by their splendid handling of the initiation, and the ladies deserve a great deal of praise for their handling cf their respective roles in the ceremony. There were in the neighborhood of thirty present from Nebraska City at the meeting, as 'well as four guests from the Nehav.ka lodge, to take part with the Plattsmouth ladies in the nlc a1 ant evert, and the total attend ance passed the one hundred mark. After the regular bushves session of the lodge the members were invited to join in ; most delightful social ses sion, whieh occupied some time and v:s most thoroughly enjoyed by ev eryone present. A tempting an.l de lectable luncheon had been prepared hi the baro-ict hail bv the ladies of flie lodge and this p.-ovod a most de lightful feature of a most delightful evening, tily an The tab!es were very pret n-red with spring" flower? making tru- !m!l most attractive to the eye and a 'fitting re one for V: heppy gatherin; Dancing was also enjoyed, for a short time by the rier bei s of the party, until time fcr th' vij-itors to de; art for th:ir home?. The Nebraska C:ty delegation war. cntettainrd at a the Piattrr.-.Mtih dinner h- oCc at thx hall riior to the session of the lodge, and the v'sters v:ro Mifrhte-d with the splendid time afforded them by the gracious ladi.-.- conrosir.g the local lodge. The Degree of Ilur.or is opc of the largest and nr.n successful fraternal orders in the citv and never docs any thing half way when it starts ir., : the pleas.-; nt time cf last even::"; demonstrates. LAST PERFORMANCE OF THE ALIMNH COMPANY TOKISHT From Saturday's raily The Allman Comedy company will give its farewell performance tonight in a western bill entitled "The Queen of the Ranch," an uproariously funny comedy and one that is sure to leave a good impression with the people of Plattsmouth, and that is what the company wants to do as it intends to play, here at least one week out cf every season, and this season it will play here two weeks, as it intends to play a return date this fall on the way back from the coast. The mem bers cf the company have made many friends during their week's engage ment here and will look forward in eager anticipation of a return engage ment at an early date. The citizens of Plattsmouth and the members of the Allman Comedy com pany are now negotiating with each other with a view to forming a Mutual Admiration society, as the citizens appreciate the Allman Comedy com pany and the players have a kindrci feeling for the. citizens. A Symbol cf Health. The Pythagorians of Ancient Greece ate simple food, practiced temperance and purity. As a badge they ur.ed the five pointed star which they regarded as a symbol of health. A red five pointed star appears on each package of Chamberlain's Tablets, and still fulfils its ancient mission as a symbol of health. If you are troubled with indigestion, biliousness or constipa tion, get a package of these ' tablets from your druggist. You will be sur prised at the quick relief which they afford. Obtainable everywhere.' John McNurlin departed Sunday morning for Garnet, Kansas, where he will make a few days visit at the home of Miles Standish and family. Subscribe for the Journal. HAS S MAX DUOA MARRIED TO f?1RS. MARY'DEV !S, OF OMAHA From Saturday s Dallv. This morning at the court house occurred the marriage of Mr. Max Duda of this city and Mrs. Mary Devis of Omaha. The ceremony was performed y County Judge Beeson in English and Edward Donat in Bohemian, as the contracting parties were not familiar enough with the English language to grasp the mean ing of the beautiful service that the judge hands out to those seeking con nubial bliss Quite a large number of the officers at the cr;rt house as well as a number of visitors were present to witness the ceremony. Mr. Duda is well known in this city, where he has made his home for a number of years, and is r.n employe of the Burlington in the freight car 7cpair department and a gentleman of gr .at industry. The bride has been making her home in Omaha sinee the death of her husband, a few years i j. go. Mr. and Mrs. Duda will make their home in this city. Miss .Mildred P. iih y. Daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. C. (i. Bailey, and Mr. ' Clark (icnaJes, F-olh cf Ehmvood. From Saturday s Pally At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bailey in this city, on Wednesday ev;"iinjj m :ri if hv-t week, occurred the of their daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Chirk Coir.alos. Promptly at S o'clock Miss Margaret MeNeiney of Lincoln pang "I Love You Truly,"' accompan:-. on the. piano by Miss Daisy Lar.rh.orst. Following this the al party entered to the strains cf i i t , i : . . 1, . . 1 T eecetssenn , v. eu.:iii'r iiui!i:i nni ccok their place-, under a lattice bower decon.ied with .ferns, where, during the i c unt ion of Mac Dowell's "To a Wild Ros", th ceremony was per formed by Dr. P. Van Fleet. A large thron" of thc relatives and friends of the contracting parlies were wit ires.-er. The 1 i !e was attended by her siste". I!is.-5 Ilettie. and the groom bv his school friend., Mr. Russell Hunt, of Bennett, Neb. . The bride was gowned in white chiffon over acecrd'an-r laite I crenc le chine. She wore a veil of chiffon caught by lilies of the valley, and lairicd a rhower bouquet cf roses and sweet r-eas. The bridesmaid were a dress cf yellow meosalino. While supper was being served rrusic was rendered by the Clements orchestra, asi-tcd by Miss Dai' Langhorst. Punch was served on the porch during the entire evening, Miss Ruth Elliott presiding at the punch bowl. Many beautiful anJ valuable gift indicative of the high regard in which hose young people are held, were re ceived. Miss Lcuise McNerney pre sided over the gifts and guest book. IIr. and .Mrs. Cionaies enter cn their new life attended by the best wishes of a host of friends. Both have' crown from childhood's estate light here in this community, and both are known to possess character and refinement par-excellence. They have gone to housekeeping on the Gonzales farm, soutrnvest of town'. Elmwood Leader-Echo. "Chamberlains Tablets Have Done Wcnders for Me." "I have been a sufferer from stom ach trouble for a number . of years, and although I have used a great number of remedies recommended for this complaint, Chamberlain's Tablets is the first medicine that has given me positive and lasting relief," writes Mrs. Anna Kadin, Spenccrport, N. Y. "Chamberlain's Tablets have done wonders for me and I value them very highly." Obtainable everywhere. County Commissioner, J. A. Pitz and wife were among the visitors -in Omaha today, going to that city on the early Burlington twiin. Ralph Atwood of Cedar Creek was in the city for a few hours today, looking after some business interests. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears - the Signature cf i TWO rBOllrfilT nop mm This i9 the week we are showing some distinctive novelties in Ties 50c C. E. WESCOTT'S NEHAWKA. H News. r -i:- Jess Allen of Latimier, Kas., is here visiting with his brother, Frank, and family. Mr. Chandler and family of Oconto, Neb., arc here visiting with Mrs. Chandler's mother. Mrs. Reynolds. Grant Palmer returned to his home in Detroit, Mich., Monday, having spent the past few weeks with his brother. James Palmer. 'John Whitcman returned home last Saturday from Excelsior Springs, Mo., havfng been there the last few weeks taking treatment for the rheu matism. Hope, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. St. John, had a very painful accident Tuesday morning when she fell and broke a bone in her wrist. She was goin;? to school on roller skates when the accident happened. John Griffith left Friday- afternoon fo- Fayettsville. Ark., where he ex pects to make his future home. John informs his friends that he has pur chased a farm in that part of the state and he intends fixing it up for a home. Mrs. John Lloyd and daughter, Ixra, were passengers to Omaha last Friday, going up to visit with Mrs. Lloyd's brother, John Henton, who hss been confined in St. Joseph's hospital as a result of blood poisoning. Mrs. George McReynolds returned home from Omaha on last Saturday morning, where she had been confined in one of the hospitals, greatly im proved in health and rapidly conval escing from a recent operation for gall stones. Last Saturday afternoon, when Tom Mascn was on the last lap of his mail route, his horse became frightened near the south bridge. . After putting on a high kicking performance and ditching the driver, he ran away, tear ing a wheel, from the buggy, belong ing to Robert Dore. He was finally rounded up by Earl Opp, east of town. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Charles Stone went to Beatrice last Wednesday to attend the state bank ers' convention. Mrs. J. B. Elliott left last Monday morning for Champaign, 111., to visit her father, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiseman are the happy parents of a ten-pound baby boy, born last Monday. Mrs. William Langhorst and little daughter, Corene, went over to Ma nilla, la., last week for a visit of several davs with her sister, Mrs. William Penterman. Word has been received from Earl D. Capwell saying that he has just finished proving up on his claim near Jordan, Mont. lie expects to come home for a visit in the fall. James Gamble returned Tuesday morning from a visit with his daugh ter, Mrs. William Malone, in Omaha, who is very weak as a result of having undergone a very severe- siege ,of diphtheria. She is gradually improv ing, we are pleased to learn. II. Dcttman was in from his home at Imperial, Neb., a few days the fore part of last week, shaking hands with eld friends and attending to business matters. Mr. Dettman says they are still in the hotel business at Imperial and are enjoying a fine patronage. Ths program for Memorial day exercises in Elm wood 'is now being prepared by the committee and will be printed in full in next week's issue. Chief Justice Mojrissey of the ISie- braska supreme court will be the speaker of the day. All should plan to be present on Memorial day. One day last week Willie Branscom and Joseph Albright went fishing and OA for the men folks will make wife or mother hap py and the price 6 pair for 60c is so very low that every man should try a box. To try them is to buy them. Guaranteed for Six Months We buy them in case lots hence this very low price. All colors. 'EVERYBODY'S STORE.' were driven into an old house by a sudden rainstorm. They discovered an old wolf and seven little ones. The old one escaped, but they captured the little ones. The boys feci quite elated over their find. L. W. Roettger happened with a rather peculiar experience last Sunday afternoon. He had stopped to talk with Rev. Klette at his rooming place and he made the remark that he won dered what was the matter with him, and almost immediately he fell to the walk and was in an unconscious con dition for a short time, but soon re covered. This was probably due to over-exertion as he had worked quite hard the day before. UNION. Ledger. rrn i i i tjw ttttt W. H. Mark returned Sunday from a short trip to Kansas City and Ft. Scott, Kas. The oil well is nearing the 800-foot mark and with favorable sailing we will have oil within the next six months. The graduates of this year's class are glad to know that they will receive full tlf irty-two credits should they de sire to attend the state university. Dr. Huston, wife and son intend to leave the latter part of the week for an auto trip, in the hopes that Mrs. Huston's health will be somewhat im proved. Leslie Pittman is now a full-fledged soldier of Uncle Sam. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pittman and left here last fall for Omaha, where he enlisted. He is stationed at Ft. Meyer, Va. Ben Roddy's smiling countenance can now be seen behind the counters of the Fran's store. Ben says that he intends to stick like glue, and "it will do the firm no good to fire him as he will keep on working anyway. Mrs. Henry Becker left for Dunbar Tuesday, where she will remain about a week and keep house for her father while her mother makes a visit to North Dakota. Henry will now see how nice it is to become a bachelor for about a week. The pupils of the primary room en joyed a picnic Wednesday afternoon. The picnic was held in a pasture about a quarter of a mile south of the school building. Miss Crozier, the primary teacher, managed the whole affair. A few patrons were present. Loy Clarence has been forced to leave Union because he could not secure employment, not even day labor. He is now working for the Burlington at Plattsmouth. It is a mighty good advertisement of prog ress for a town when its residents are forced 'to leave town to seek employ ment. ! 4 4. EAGLE. . Beacon. .HK-K1 'H' 'M-H' Joe Richardson returned home last Tuesday from Marysville, Mo., where he had been visiting his mother. Russ Mick was taken to the Lincoln sanitarium the first of the week to receive treatment for rheumatism. A. H. Vanlandingham shipped a car load of hogs to the Nebraska City market Friday. He accompanied the car. Mrs. A. M. Trumble returned home Wednesday night from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. George McFall, at Neligh, Neb. Mrs. A. P. Stewart of Fairmont, Neb., arrived here Wednesday for a few weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Trimble, and otner relatives. G. W. Balderson of Pickrell, Neb., arrived here Wednesday for a few days visit at the home of his daugh HOSE SONS ter, Mrs. F. W. Blomenkamp, and family. George Trunkenbolz has started the foundation for the erection of a fine modern house on hia lots that he re cently .purchased of C. C. Cooper in the south part of town. Ed Peterson, who has been confined to the house the past few weeks with a siege of pneumonia and rheumatism, was out cn the streets Tuesday for the first time since his illness. Ed has lost fifty pounds of flesh and cer tainly looks as if he had gone through a great deal of suffering. Fred Dihel arrived home Tuesday from Portsmouth, N. H., from which place he received an honorable dis charge fr om the United States marine corps, in which he had served for the last four years. Fred enlisted in the marine corps in May, 1912, at Rock Island, 111. From there he went to Norfolk, Va., where he served for three months at the marine corps training school. From there he was stationed on the battleship U. S. S. Arkansas, where he served for two years. From there he was transferred to the naval prison at Portsmouth, N. II., where he served as guard until his discharge. Whooping Cough. One of the most successful prepara tions in use for this disease is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. S. W. Mc Clinton, Blandon Springs, Alabama, writes: "Our baby had whooping cough as bad as 'any baby could have it. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it soon got him well." Obtainable everywhere. iilliilijiiiiilL'iilllllillLlii Clothcraft Blue Serge Special Num ber 4130 is guaranteed all wool. You know what that mean s long wear, shape retaining, etc. There is a 4130 model for the el derly man as well as the younger, fellow. You're safe in buying Clothcraft Blue Serge 4 1 30. It is backed by a country wide reputation for satis factory service. And the price is only $18.50. Society Brand and Kup penheimer Serges $20 to $30 If you don tTw t blue we have a large variety of other colors and patterns." Philip Zhimclf 1 Stetson Hats Carliart Overalls Manhattan Shirts Hanson Gloves