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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1916)
t 1 Ncb State llisloncal 6oc vol. xxxiv. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. No. 98 Y 1 JUNIOR GLASS ENTERTAINS THE SENIOR GLASS Grand Reception and Banquet at the Riley Hotel, and It Proved a Very Enjoyable Affair. From Friday's Dally. Last evening1 the Hotel Riley was the scene of a very enjoyable gather iner when the junior class of the Plattsmouth high school entertained the senior class at a reception and banquet in keeping with the custom of the past few years. The event was one of the most delightful that has ever been held in the history of the local school and the juniors certainly treated their school associates in a royal manner and one that the seniors will ever remember with the kindliest of feelings for the juniors who planned and carried out the delightful enter tainment afforded them. The dining room of the hotel was arranged in a beautiful manner for the gathering, with the colors of the two classes predominating in the deco rations. From the center of the ceil ing a canopy of black and gold, the junior colors, was suspended, while from the chandeliers the colors of the seniors, lavender and white, were draped, adding a very pleasing touch to the festal scene. The tables, ar ranged under the supervision of Mr. J. E. Grippen, manager of the hotel, were very attractive with the beau tiful array of red roses and white snowballs being used most effectively in the decorations and making a fit ting setting for the banquet. Around the tables were covers for ninety-four, composing the members of the two classes and the faculty of the high 1 school, who have guided the seniors through their school work. The young people gathered in the lobby of the hotel, where the juniors received their schoolmates and assist ed them in passing the moments be fore the banquet was served, and a most delightful time was derived in visiting and recollecting the mary happy days spent together, until the opening strains of the "Pasadena March," played by the Holly orches tra, summoned the young people to the banquet room, which Mr. Grippen had arranged for them in such a pleasing manner. The address of welcome to the sen iors was given by Tracy Druliner, president of the junior class, and to this Floyd Stone, president of the senior class, responded in a very feel ing manner, expressing the feelings of the graduating class of the pleas ant manner in which their successors in school had remembered them on one of the notable events of their life. The banquet was one of excellence and the menu one that tempted the young folks with its dainties, and everyone was loud in their praise of the clever manner in which it had been prepared and served, and felt a gratitude to Mr. Grippen, the man ager of the hotel, for the manner in which it was handled. The banquet was presided over by Burdette Briggs as toastmaster, and the different speakers were introduced in a very clever manner, and much pleasure derived by the banqueters in the remarks of the toastmaster. The first speaker of the evening was Superintendent W. G. Brooks, who took as his subject "My Garden of Roses," in which he paid a tribute to the young men . and women of the graduating class and expressed his appreciation of the efforts they had put forth to aid the teachers in their work of education and preparation that the class might step forth with high honors on graduation day. "The Gardeners" was responded to by Miss Anna Daniels, one of the faculty; "Seedlings," by Miss Lorene Chambers; "Tiny Plants," by Dewey Zuckweiler; "Budding Plants," by Raymond Larson; "Mature Plants," by Beatrice Seybert. A very pleasing vocal duet was given by Misses. Mina Kaffenberger and Delia Frans, which was very much enjoyed by everyone and heartily encored by the delighted banqueters. Principal A. O. Eggen herger favored the gathering with a reading, while Albert Janda con tributed a piano solo, to the general enjoyment of the evening. Major Hall, one of the seniors, closed the evening's program with a most de lightful vocal number, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. It was near the midnight hour when the members of the jolly party wend ed their way from the hotel home ward, and everyone felt that the juniors had certainly proved the most delightful of entertainers in the royal time tendered to the senior class. THE P. E. Q. LADIES OF PLATTSMOUTH GO TO OMAHA From Friday's Dafiy. This morning a large number of the members of Chapter F of th P. E. O. society departed for Omaha, where they are to be entertained for the day by the ladies of the Omaha chapters at a luncheon at the Omaha Commer cial club and at the home of Mrs. Woodard, president of the Omaha chapter. The occasion is one that has been looked forward to with much pleasure by the members of the Plattsmouth chapter and the delight ful hospitality of the Omaha chapter will be thoroughly enjoyed by the visitors. Among those going this morning were: Mesdames Henry Her- old, Kate Minor, J. B. Martin, Ger trude Morgan, Fannie Dickson, D. O. Dwyer, T. H. Pollock, J. E. Wiles, II . N. Dovey, W. J. Streight, William Baird, Frank Shopp, E. H. Wescott, C. A. Rawls, A. G. Cole, Elizabeth Travis, L. O. Minor, E. W. Cook, R. B. Hayes and D. C. Morgan. GOMMITTEEMAN- ELECT ARTHUR MULLEN IN WASHINGTON From Saturday's Dally. Washington, D. C, May 19. Arthur Mullen, democratic national committeeman-elect from Nebraska, took lunch today with Senator Hitch cock and Congressmen Lobeck, Stev ens and Shallenberger. Mr. Mullen, who is here on his way to New lork, gave the members a first hand impression of democratic prospects in Nebraska. During the day he called at demo cratic national headquarters, and be fore returning to Nebraska will prob ably have gained a clear idea of the lines along which it is proposed to conduct the national campaign in the west this year. Mr. Mullen, who successfully man aged the primary campaign of Speak er Clark in Nebraska four years ago. met the speaker at dinner tonight and was received with marked evidences of the friendship of the presiding offi cer of the house. FUNERAL OF MISS SPENGER, SISTER OF MRS. E. G. HILL From Saturday's Daily. The funeral of Miss Elizabeth Spen cer, sister of Mrs. E. C. Hill of this city, was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spencer, at Beem er, Neb. The services were conducted by Rev. L. V. Slocumb of the Metho dist church of Sioux City, the former pastor at Beemer. Mr. and Mrs. Hill of this city were present at the last sad rites. Miss Spencer was about 48 years old and had lived at Beemer practical ly all her life, and being a cripple since birth, bore her affliction with a cheerful patience. She was beloved by the entire community. For many weeks she had been teacher of the primary department of the Methodist Sunday school. Her death, due to heart trouble after a few days' illness, came as a sudden shock at this time, on account of her father being con fined to his bed with cancer of the liver, with but a short time to live. Floral offerings by neighbors and friends were beautiful. Interment was in the Wisner cemetery. Horses For Sale. I still have a few horses for sale also some farm machinery. If you need them see me. Frank Vallery, Murray. THE COMMER CIAL CLUB HOLD A VERY INTEST- ING MEETING Principal Feature of the Meeting Was Discussion of "Home-Coming" Week, and Other Local Matters. From Friday's Dally. Despite the threatening weather last evening there was quite a large number in attendance at the meeting of the Commercial club to discuss the things needful and desired in the way of improving and bettering the city, and many useful ideas were gathered along this line as well as in the useful ideas in regard to the fall festival. The entertainment committee of the club was not able to report, but the president, Mr. E. H. Wescott, stated that the sum of $600 had been sub scribed for the band concerts and that they would be started the first of June, and as the sentiment was greatly in favor of holding them in the evening they would probably be given in Gar field park. Mr. Wescott also called the attention of the club to the meet ing of the State Association of Com mercial clubs, which will meet in Omaha on May 24 and 25, and urged as many as possible of the Platts mouth club members attend and take an active part in the work of the organization. The state association proposes to take up a number of mat ters of great interest, including the calling of a constitutional convention for the fetate to enact suitable laws for the future development of the state as well as the urging of the formation of a bureau of publicity for the state. The Omaha visitors who had been expected at the club meeting to repre sent the George Washington Highway association were not able to be pres ent, owing to the rainy weather, and this feature of the meeting was omitted with the exception of a brief outline of the work that had been car ried out so far in the promotion of the highway. President Wescott took the occasion to appoint three of the accredited dele gates to the Omaha convention of the, Commercial clubs, and selected E. A. Wurl, A. G. Cole and Lee' Sharp, who, with the members of the board of directors and others who can find time to attend, will represent the Platts mouth club. In speaking of the public and pri vate improvements made in the last year the president stated that it was undoubtedly going to be a record breaking year for the city in the amount and value of the improvements made, and there was hardly a day that something was not carried out to aid the advancement of the city. J. P. Falter, chairman of the park commission, announced that the com missioners had met and decided dur ing the coming summer to spend $800 in securing a small park on the north side of the city to afford the residents of that section of the city some place where they might hold meetings or entertainments and which would be greatly appreciated and used. Mr. Falter stated that as Garfield park was loacted on the south side, the commission had thought it best to give the residents of the north side the benefit of a small park that would give both sections of the city a place where the residents might go and en joy themselves. A number of sugges t.ions were made as to locations for the park, including the land just north of the high school grounds and which includes two blocks where the former terra cotta works were located, the land surrounding the standpipe and the Coates pasture on North Fifth street. All of the places are very de sirable locations, but the price asked for the land will greatly determine where the park will be located by the commission. President Wescott then launched in to the chief topic of the evening the fall festival . and "Home-Coming celebration, which has been agitated for some time by the residents of the city and now has been fully deter mined upon to take up a week later in the season when the city will offer its hospitality to the visitors from abroad. Mr. Wescott announced that to get the project under way the festi val had been divided under three heads, the "Home Coming" being looked after by R. B. Windham and his committee, the base ball tourna ment by C. S. Johnson and Claude Smith, who have promised good ball games during the event, and the stock show feature will be in the hands of J. W. Sage, L. L. Wiles, Dr. O. Sandin, W. II . Ileil and George Snyder, as a committee to get the event started on the right road. The additional members of the committees will be selected by the chairmen later and get the project under way so that it can be made a great big success in every way. There was considerable discussion among the members as to the date to hold the festival, but the general opinion seemed to be that it was best to hold it ahead of the state fair, which will open in Lincoln the first week in September. Henry A. Schneider made the most timely sug gestion as to the time for holding the event, proposing that it be opened on Wednesday, August SO, and continue until Labor day, September 4, when it could be closed with a monster demonstration by the laboring men of the city and be an occasion that would make a fitting climax to the festival occasion. Hon. R. B. Windham pointed out to the members the necessity of co operation in making the home coming a great success, and urged everyone to aid the committee in getting in touch with the former Plattsmouth residents and having them here for the big week of festival. Omaha and Lincoln residents were eager to be here for the big event, and from the hundreds of former Cass county peo ple scattered over the country there would come a large number to gather at the old home. The committee would have circulars and letterheads printed which would be used in com municating with the former residents, and with the proper effort he was of the opinion that the day could be made a great success. After a short discussion of a few minor matters of the festival the meeting adjourned, with everyone feeling that the coming fall would see one of the most successful enter tainment ever held in this city staged and carried out by the people of Plattsmouth. JOSEPH H. SMITH WRITES OF HIS VISIT TO MISSOURI TOWNS From -Saturday's Dailv. The Journal has just received a very interesting letter from Joseph H. Smith, formerly of this city but who is at present making his home at the National Military Soldiers' home at Leavenworth, Kas., in which he lecounts his recent trip through Missouri : "Editor Evening Journal: After an extended visit in central Missouri I have returned to the home, after a most pleasant time. I visited Boone ville, Buncetown, Tipton, Syracuse and Sedalia. The prospects for wheat is very poor in this section. Saw two fields of corn coming up and some even cutting stalks in their fields, and rain and more rain in these localities. I did not visit the big corncob pipe factory at Booneville, the second larg est in the world, but viewed the fine court house and many other improve ments. Bunceton is a very busy place. Tipton, dead and dull. In Syracuse I found the most new buildings. Se dalia is the same town of importance, with large wholesale and retail stores. "So many have written from your town to me that I will answer them by this letter to the Journal. Yours respectfully, JOSEPH H. SMITH." ANOTHER ASSESSOR GETS IN. From Friday's Dally. M. E. Bushnell, the assessor of South Bend precinct, has come under the wire with the record of being the second , assessor to make his returns to County Assessor W. R. Bryan, hav ing completed his work and fixed it in readiness for preparing the tax list. The Cass county assessors are a mighty able bunch of gentlemen and when they start out do not take long in getting over their respective pre cincts and wards. Office supplies at. the Journal office, GRANDEST MUSH GAL ENTERTAIN MENT OF SEASON Choir and (Jlee Club Did Themselves Proud In the Rendition of "The Rose Maiden." From Saturday's Daily. One of the most pleasant musical entertainments of the season was glee club of the Methodist church in the church auditorium, when they presented "The Rose Maiden," the tuneful music of which is from the genius of Cohen, the composer of a great many of the standard operatic scores. The wall trained voices of the large choruses made the music most bewitching, while the solo parts, car ried by Messrs. Don C. York and Frank A. Cloidt. Mrs. Mae Morgan and Miss Hazel Tuey, were given in a manner most pleasing, and gave the soloists an opportunity of demon strating their ability. There has sel dom been a more finished rendition of any musical production given in the city than that which the splendid musical department of the Methodist church presented. Trios and duets as well as the choruses during the rendi tion of the delightful musicale proved very pleasing to everyone in the audi ence. The rendition of "The Rose Maiden" was a new departure for the choir and glee club as their special musical serv ices each year have in the past been confined to sacred songs, but this sea son it was decided to take up the study of a secular number to afford the members of the organization a greater opportunity for their study of music and, while the number had not been practiced a great deal, the result was one that every member and the directors can well feel proud of as a demonstration of the ability of the talented members of this department of the church. "The Rose Maiden" was given under the direction of Mrs. E. H. Wescott, the leader of the musi cal department of the church, and the accompaniment provided by Mrs. A. O. Egenberger and E. H. Wescott. The church was well filled by the delighted auditors and a neat sum was received in the silver offering, which will be anplied toward the purchasing of new music for the use of the musi cal department of the church. MRS. L. B. EGENBERGER ENTERTAINS IN HONOR MRS. VIRGINIA ALLEN From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. L. is. Egenberger entertained a number of friends in honor of Mrs. Virginia Mc- Danicl Allen of San Francisco, who is here spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' J. E. McDaniel, and the occasion was one filled with great pleasure to the members of the jolly party who were in attendance. The beautiful rooms of the Egenbergep home rang with mer riment for several hours as the ladies plied the busy needle and enjoyed social conversation "which made the time pass all too fast. During the afternoon a most tempting three course luncheon was served by the hostess, assited by her daughter, Miss Helen Egenberger, and Miss Marie Fitzgerald and Mrs. Louis W. Egen berger, which served to further heighten the pleasures of the after noon. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed in renewing the acquaintance of the guest of honor, who, since her marriage, has made her home on the Pacific coast, where her husband is very prominent in the moving picture business, being the manager of one of the largest companies in the coun try. COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP DAY. At Lewiston, Thursday, May 25 Quilting and dinner at the church. Everyone is cordially invited to come. Bring your basket, help clean up, quilt, and enjoy a social time. All persons interested in cemetery are requested to come or send help. COMMITTEE. Bead the want ads in the Journal. SIX BIG REELS OF PICTURES AT THE GEM TONIGHT From Friday's Dally. This evening Manager Charles Peterson of the Gem theater has ar ranged for the presentation of six big feature reels at his theater that will be a rare treat to the amusement loving people of the city. The last reels of "Graft" will be shown, as well as the opening of the new serial, "The Strange Case of Mary Page," which is creating a great interest throughout the United States, and in addition to these the Animated Week ly will give the pictures of Captain Lewis, the man who is to make the trip to New 'Orleans in a barrel and who will be in Plattsmouth on Sunday next if the weather will permit. This is an unusual opportunity to witness a program of more than usual merit and should be witnessed by all who delight in good high-class moving pic tures. GAPT. LEWIS AND HIS TRIP DOWN THE RIVER FROM OMAHA Captain Lewis, who embarked yes terday morning at 11 o'clock from the Douglas street wharf in Omaha on his way down the Missouri river to New Orleans, arrived in this city at a few minutes to 5 o'clock yester day afternoon. The trip which the captain is making proved very un comfortable on the first lap, with a high wind making the river choppy and full of waves which tossed the steel barrel in which he traveling in a rather rough manner, and the chill of the wind and water proved very trying on the navigator. There were quite a number of the residents of the city out to see the traveler make his landing, a short distance below the Burlington bridge, and inspect his barrel with which he expects to travel to the Gulf of Mexico. The captain was very stiff from the confinement in the narrow confines of the barrel and numb with the cold caused by the wind and the big waves which had broken over his craft while en route down the river. Claude Richardson, who is assisting in operating the ferry, rowed up the river to meet the traveler and escorted him to the land ing, where the barrel was taken out and brought uptown for exhibition. The captain gave a lecture at the Grand theater in the evening, which was quite interesting, as he related his objects and purposes in making the trip. This morning shortly after 9 o'clock the barrel was again launched into the waters of the Big Muddy and the trip down the stream resumed, with the hopes of reaching Nebraska City this afternoon, where he will rest for the night, and then continue on gulfward. PLATTSMOUTH WILL SOON HAVE ANOTHER SALOON From Saturday's Dally. Plattsmouth is soon to have another saloon, as Messrs. M. L. Williams and H. A. Schoemann of Louisville are to take over the ownership of the Hotel Riley bar and open the same as soon as the legal requirements are pro vided for allowing these gentlemen to secure their license. Both Mr. Wil liams and Mr. Schoemann are among the best known and popular residents of Louisville, and bright, active busi ness men, who will make a splendid addition to the business life of our city, and can be depended upon to pro vide a good up-to-date place in every way and one that will be a credit to the city. WARD PATTON IMPROVING. From Saturday's Dally. Ward Patton, who is at the Imman- uel hospital recovering from an oper ation performed a few days ago, is reported as being slightly .improved, but will be forced to remain at the hospital for some time yet. His fa ther, R. H. Patton, and sister, Miss Ida, were visitors at the hospital this afternoon, to spend a few hours with Ward. SEATS FALL AT THE TENT SAT URDAY NIGHT Big Crowd at the Allnian Show When Accident Happened, But Fortu nately No One Was Seri ously Hurt. The Allman Comedy company con cluded its week's stay in our city on Saturday evening with a splendid crowd in attendance despite the rain and generally unfavorable weather conditions. The seating capacity of the tent was cut down somewhat by removing a part of the seats on either side of the tent as it was not thought that they would be needed, but they were filled to their utmost capacity. As the show, "The Queen of the Ranch," was opening up, a very un fortunate accident occurred when the north section of the general admis sion seats, holding some seventy-five persons, collapsed and fell to the ground, piling up the occupants of the seats in the mud. The wet con dition of the ground was the cause of the accident, allowing the braces of the seats to slip sideways away from the protecting stakes, and the whole section of seats gradually col- apsed to the ground, which in a way saved the occupants from serious in jury- The only one to be injured any way seriously was Miss Blanche Can non, who suffered a sprained ankle as well as a severe bruise, caused by .triking the edge of one of the seats in falling. She was taken home at ence and Dr. P. J. Flynn called to dress the injured member, and it is thought in a few days that she will be up and around. Quite a number of persons in the seats were bruised somewhat. A few of the ladies faint ed from fright, but none were seri ously affected by the accident. The management of the company feels very keenly the unfortunate in cident, and Mr. Allman, the manager, offered to do all possible to anyone who had been injured in the accident and to see that they were treated right in the matter. The accident, however regrettable, was fortunate in that more persons were not injured in the fall of the seats. i From here the Allman company de parted for Nebraska City, to open a week's engagement in that city, and this fall will be back in Plattsmouth for another week's stand of their high-class plays. LAST SAD RITES OVER THE REMAINS OF THE LATE D. L. AMICK from Saturday's Dany. The funeral of the late David L. Amick was held yesterday afternoon from the Eight Mile Grove church. near the old home of the Amick fam- ly. and was attended by a large num ber of the old friends and neighbors. who gathered to tender their last tribute of love and respect to the memory of their departed friend and associate. The funeral cortage left this city at 1:30, the body being ac companied by an escort of the mem bers of Plattsmouth lodge No. 739, B. P. O. E., and reaching the church shortly after 3 o'clock, where the services were held by Rev. Conder of the Methodist church. The Elks held their ritualistic services at the grave as all that was mortal of their brother was consigned to the mother earth to rest until the final day when those gone before shall be wakened into life. The beautiful service was carried out n a most impressive manner by the officers of the lodge, bearing out the teachings of the great fraternal order of brotherly love as the silent earth closed over all that was mortal of one of the pioneer residents of the com munity. The pall bearers were select ed from the members of the Elks and were composed of the fojlowing: W. K. Fox, Matt Jirousek, J. W. Bumie, J. E. Nemetz, H. A. Schneider and Joe C. Wheeler. For the Simon Pore Benjamin Franklin Lightning Rod, call on T. W. Vallery, or write him at Murray, Neb. 4-24-lmowkly