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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1915)
MONDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1915. PAor 3. NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES On H-nl Itntr In 'nn Comity, Ne braska. fr the Vmr 1!I i anil 1'rlor Yern. 7 Notice Is lierel.y Kiven tliat I, W. Kell.' Kox, Treasurer of Cass eounfv, in the S'tate of Nebraska, will on the lirt Mmi'luy, t.eiii: tiie first day of No cm 1515. us r-iui" d ly law, commence selling at the oil ice of the t'oaiitv Ti t- asn i er of said County, in the "ity of l'la ttsinoutli, at j.ul.lic unction, so nincli of lie following Iracls of lands and town lols as shall be necessary to pay tile taxes, together with interest aiil costs timt may have accruftl thereon that day. l.cintr the de lir.'iiitiil taxes for the ar 1914 ami prior years, as ai..ears from the tax lisis of said years. Saul sale will hp helil between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. unl four o'cluck p. in. of said dii'e. atul cun timi'1 from day to day let'.veen said hours until all of said j.ropertv, upon which delinquent taxes re-nain unpaid, shall le sold or often! for a!e. W. KKLI.V FOX. Treasurer Cass Count'-, Nebraska, i'lattsmouth. Nebraska. 1, 1H15. I. M)i. '!' uhi in. Ilnoic 0. Sec. Amt. iv,. n.- , r. $ i";.4 s '., l- sw, is 4 1 V.'.. s.v'j -i s'.."s :, -N ::4.::- S'.: sc' ."S .15.4s Sec. Allll. 'I c iiol.l II, It ante it. V... tie i, I 42. S Lots 11' and 11, w,j sw... 1'7.'.". nw1, II ::7 4 nw'4 II l . i ." se', l'O ::;.7 i:". ne'4 os Soith f-et bd se', sc'j.. 1 :!.!. Tnuhii Ii, ItmiKr- i. See. Amt. Nw', nel, H 1!M'1 Sw 'i ne 'ji 1 ' '''-! Se 11 W 1 , II -' ' S Ne, n.v1., II 17. M Nw . sc, 1 1 '.: i I.ot sw e"4 I'O .iO Lots ::, I, T., ; No Salt Cre k Sec. Ami. sw', se'4 L' 4!oi Lots J. 3.1. So. It. sw', se1,. J' V'4 i.ot n; sw ' , se i4 :u " Sill, lots 1. 7. 1' of lot 17. sw ', se', 21.0 T'.rl lot 7. lie', nw', J S.l Lot 1.1 s.-', ne',, Tow n-liii 10. Itause III. See. Amt. S.v'i sw', '. !.- S-', se', ;-' 1';I Lot T. lie', Se', ' l-.-. N '. ne', 10 ::7.s:i Lot 1 n'.. ne', Tl J't.'Jl To w nlil II, Itmise IO. Sec. Amt. N'.v'i sw', " 1 :. 1 0 K'.. r.e, "l.'.r, N ' s e ' 4 ' ::vn;i Lot 7 sw', nw "5 l.7 Totvuliii 1-. It nil lie III. Sec. Amt. N '. nw', 2 N'T. e', 1'! 2 1 n: Nw', se', 1 1T.0 Nw', :n T2."G Tow nohip III, ICance II. Sec. Amt. Lot ?. nw'. se'. 2 2.!'4 si., se ij L! I., .r 1 SW, lie', Ne'. 17 N ' se', 2 :.X.42 Totiiliii II, ltni5ie II. Si-. Amt Sw', ' Se', ' 7::. '- sw, sw, 21 2.::o Nw', 2". ST:! Lot :: sw', sw',. lot s.'i se'j. ti w', se', 2. :,.'V77 Sw', ne', NW, . . . - Sw', -M '. ' .. ne', . . Kvo-' Ne', nw', - :::! 1" '-'S Tiinnoliiii 1. Itniiue II. Se.-. Amt Lot i i i Lot 1 t.w', 12 1.2:: Lot 1 I. nw'4 12 La 1 ot 1!. ne'4 sw', 12 ' AY':, .-ei, 12 2rt.-'.t se', LI Bl.f.O Lot" 11 sw', nw', -2 Lot l sv ' , nw-. 2 2 7.1:: Lot L'7sw', nw', 22 2 " lot ::.'. sw', nw'4 -'2 11.47 Ne'4 lie ', 2 20.11 Tivnlili IO, ItnriKe 1. Sec. mt N'. nw', 2 T'':! Lot s nw'', nw', 4 11... I Lot y sw'4 nw', 4 -".v7 K 4.1, ne', 5 2T..40 Sw"', ne, ". lo.i-s L '.- ne'', s -y.M Lots . 7 ne', nw'4 S 1' 2- i ..t it si:, se' 1) r.'.r.n I't n1-. nw', V of M V. Hi:. 19 2.U Tw n-liip II, Kunsr I-. Sec. Amt Lot 1 nw'i 2". Ne'4 "1 7S.22 l'owuliii I-, H.incr 12. S-.-. Amt Lot 2 se'; 7 2.!7 Lots 2 and !! wL. sw',.... Is 4.!'0 inn .liip i:!, KunKP I-. See. Ant. Lot f, l'" 2i.r,! Lot 7 2S C.'.r.ti Townhi IO, Hiutcr I't. Sec. Ami. Lot 7 sw4 nw 'i 7 11 12 mt -e', LI 41; Lot'llt ne', s,.i4 is U r, Lot 4 ne', ne', 1 ! "..71 Lot 7 ne', ne', 1! LSs Lot ?. nw ' ne'i 1 ! 1 L.i Ne', 21 12. jr. N'. se'4 21 1 li S',"" nw'4 2 2 ti'l.r.O Se'; 22 1IH.SS Lot 11 s'i. se'4 22 :;o .9 SL. tie', T 2 17.12 Nw'i sw', 21 2''..fil Sub 2:! of I ne'4 nw'4 2 1 4s. OS N'i ne', 27 H7.34 1 m l:: sf', nw '4 :: 1 V'i5 vs s w , 4 i.r.o Tow iiKhiit IO. It unite II. Sec. Amt. Lot 4 -4 1.0 WU. se', T. lil.Ol Se'4 se', S Lot ?. ne', ne'4 7.2T, S't lot r nw', ne', " l.i.6 1 ots t to !. ', tie4 ..... . " K..71 N' nw'', '" 4.! i" N'i nw', v "22.79 WU s-i; 17 2.V4 0 Ne'i nw'i 2 92.12 Sw'4 s'-', 2 27'V1 Lot 2 sw', se', ."2 x 76 Lot 4 lie', nw'i 23 112 Lot 1 east side riyer : I 10S.74 Towiihit II, llunur "". Sec. Amt. S-i'. s 7... SO sw'i sw'i r.::-ioo a ii -t :"i Ne' , se' , . . .' 1 " nr.. 4 9 N'i p.- ' 20 ::s.'.:? .i. nw'i :. sw', 21 lot" is. i.w'i nw', .' 2: ir.,17 Lot 9. lie', nw'i 21 15.93 l'ownlilp II. Hiuiicc II. Sec. Amt. T ot se'i sw'i 1 .S3 i:'.. sw'i is 9.:;7 W i; se'', IS 9.?.7 S '" se', IS 12.91 Lot 10 ne'i ne'i 19 S.39 WU. ne', anl tie', nw', ... JO 33. SO Lot" 2 se'', nw', 20 2.02 Lot 2S nw '4 ne'i 21 4.23 Lot 22 seVi ne'i 21 7 NW4 sw'i 22 1.49 Township 12, ltiiutfr l:t. Sec. Amt. V."'- of wU lot 8 and h.ts 7 jiiid' t and all ol .. 11 3 S l-'i; ne'i se'i 11 7.02 WU no', nw'i 12 4.7s Lot .r. nw4 sw 'i 7 11.90 Townnhio 12. K.inicr 14. Lot 7 20 2.09 Jot 23 20 9 07 Lot 42 ... 20 13.4 1 Lot ne'i 29 3.H3 Lot r.-, i.w'i 29 .:sr, Lot 2 nei ni ', 30 3.9S Sw'i sw'i 30 19.40 Lot f. neV, ne'i 32 2.40 Lots S and 6 33 2.72 Lot 7 33 1 4'5 lot 10 33 .ri Lot 14 33 1.R3 NU lot 19 3.1 .35 S'.'." lot 19 33 .3 5 Lot 22 : 33 4.92 VILLAGE OF CEI1AII CnF.EK. Lot. Block. Amt. r. .52 7 9 10 Y 2 3.90 2 3.90 2 13. Gl 3 5.05 4 13.22 10. 11... 1 4 .44 4 1.39 fi 5 9.20 10 Vl.I.AGE OF AV.VIISII. Lot. Block.. Amt. S 2 10.25 11 to 13 2 .S7 17 to 20 2 .46 7 7 1.47 v 9 2i.s3 . 6 9 3L'.2 4 "i 9 2 3 4 10 9 7.4 1 23, 24 9 1.00 llorlou'H Addition. Lnt. Block, Amt. 3 to .'. 2 3.75 f. 2 .1 KU 7 and all S to 10 2 1.11 W U 7 -' -1 4 I to 5 7 53 7 7 .:;.; S to 10 10 1.74 C to s 11 .29 n i.;i: i Ml mt tv. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 :i 29 I, 5 4 f..47 ii to s 4 S.41 : 4 5.4 2 10. 11 4 1.64 l.nlla Fir.l Addition. I.ot. Block. Amt. 1 2 to 1 4 7 .." 20. 21 " 5 7 2 13 1 54 N. 7o I'l w U 4 and .". 15 0;i 1 0 t o 1 2 15 117 9 u t.. i:: i; i:.fi2 S. 2-3 17. all IS It: 0.9C II.I.A.'K OF i:llYK. Lot. Block, Amt. i: 5 4 3o S 5 1 i'.7 1 of 13 to 15 9 5.15 19 9 3. 56 II.Ll.i: OF HOCK m i FFSS. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 2 V $0.14 2 2W ." 11 2 w . i 12 2 w . 1 : 1 to 12 7-SV 3.71 1. :: to 12 IN" .42 2. 13 to 1G IN 1 02 10 4S .70 5. lis r.r.7 1 to 10 IN 210 .23 1 to 10 IN 3K .... 1.2 IN 4 10 121 1 to S 2N 210 l.oo 1 to S 2N 310 .90 5 3N 4 10 .si 3. I IN 2W .l'i 5 IN 2 W .11 ti to IO IN 2V .1 1 IN 3W .16 .!. 1 IN 3V .16 5 ix ::' .16 1;. 7 IN 3V .16 S IN 3V .14 :i in :: .14 10 in ::w .11 1 to s 2N 1. 2V .23 l. 2 2N ::v .16 3 to s 2N 3W .26 3 to 5 IS 5V .45 i 1S 5V .is 1 to 12 IS 5V .26 10 to 12 1S 5V .50 1 to 12 IS SW .2"? 1 to :: 2S r.w i .33 1 to 6 4S 2" .30 1 IS 5V .14 :; f.S 1 W .11 1 to 12 5S ::v .26 :: t r.s :: .16 1 r.s ::' .16 r. to 12 r.s ::v .2.: 1 to 12 5S 4V .26 1 to 3 4S 210 .is 1 to 10 9S 110 .16 1 to 10 loS 3 10 .16 All l-'S 4 10 .17 III I' LOTS OF I'l. l "lIOl Til. Towulii 12, Itaime II. Sec. Am S 63 ft lot 11 ' 7 9 si Lot 7 w ' . sv ' i 7 13.9S TowiikIiI 12, ItmiKe 1.'!. Lot 90 11 w ', nw ' , 12 73 Lot 91 nw', nw', 12 7. S3 Lot 92 nw'4 nw', 12 7.s:! K nait lot 53 nw'i nw'i.. 12 1. '.'' Lots 16 and 29 se'-4 nw'4.. 13 21.41 Lot 25 sw', se', 13 2.32 Lot 69 sw', se', 13 1.26 Lot 46 se ' , ne ', 2 I 16.10 low n-hiii 12. It ii ii ice II. Lot 6 .-'.. sw', IS 12.75 Lot 13 s'-'. sw', IS 270 91 Lot 21 sU'sw', is 15s. O'i Cart h.ts"2s and 27 sU sw'i Is 114.42 Lot 5 1 s'.. sw', IS 4 96 5.) Lot 23 s'-T sw', IS 6S.00 Cart lot 66 s'-. sw', Is .73 Lois 67 and lis'sU sw'i.... IS 10 so Lot 9 s '-. s w ' , IS 6.(11 Lot 73 s.. s w ', IS 9.7 I Lot 7s s '". sw', IS 23.52 Lot 79 s'i sw', is 23.52 Lot sa sU sw', is 15.44 Lot S3 s U sw '4 IS 1.71 Lot s I s . sw', IS 15.41 Lot 93 sU sw', IS 20. 70 I ot 9 I s U sw ' , IS 1 5.4 4 Lot 97 sU jsw4 is 1.26 Lot se'4 sw ', IS 146 I.ot 19 se', sw'i IS 15. S3 S Cs ft of lot 11 nw'i ne',. 19 2 4.41 22" si., ft S of lot 11 Hot 1421 ". 19 S 40 Lot 1'6 sw', nw'4 19 29.S Lot 111 sw'i nw'i 19 2S.S5 Lot 6s 7 30.51 FIT OF I'l.ATTSMOl Til. Lot. Block. .A rot. 7 9 7.52 X 9 52.4 5 9 and wU 10 9 160 00 7 ". 11 17.92 4. 5, 6 12 3S.37 4. 5. 6 19. 97.75 10. 1 1. 12 20 254 47 5. 6 21 4.4 4 5 22 4.4 4 5 23 16.9S 4 23 1 5 IO 5 2 3 15.IH 6 23 13.16 S 23 ISO N 50 ft. 1 and 2 27 351.09 4 27 361.4S 5. 6 27 222.07 WU 10 30 4 2.52 tt'4 3 33 70.09 4 . . .' 36 7s. 43 10 36 IS 2. 60 S'J lot 11 ex 1 ft in width olT east side lot 11 36 10 1.74 I. 5 3S 2.6. 2 5 4 41 10.70 7. X 4 1 3 1.13 W 11 ft 3 4 4 1.70 So iil ft of W 24 ft lot 3... 46 1.32 No 40 ft lot 4 46 7.15 So 100 I't 4 46 9 61 1 IS 15 36 I. .", 4S S6.59 4 4 4 IS. 12 1 46 1 26 10 U 6. 7 4 S 10 SO 9,"ex U K 49 70.90 I 1 49 6.46 12 49 27.67 1 to 4 53 53 22 5, 6 53 27.77 7. s 57 32.01 1.1 to 12 59 29. S9 7 1 16.91 5 61 16.21 S 62. . 7.24 10 i 1. 2 6 5 2 3. S3 7. S, w39U ft 9 75 15.0 1 Cart lot 1, all 2 to 6 f5 2.S5 1 to 3 Mi 1.26 4. 5, 6 SS S5.16 7. S, 9 SS 49.9 4 1, 2. ." S9 .S3 9 95 19.35 10 95 15.07 9 to 12 96 55.3 4 1 99 2.2 2 ' ... .99 2, V. '. . 99 4.4 t 9 111 2S.12 10 Ill 13.99 II Ill 2.4S 1, 2 122 113.20 I. ) 122 11.0) II. 12 122 112 50 4 123 7.11 5 164 15.21 12 165 19. OS 7 166 463.23 S 166 20.70 7 171 191S KU 1. 2 172 167. IS 5 172 21.31 KU S, 9 172 3 3S 10. 'll 172 23.53 2 221 30.00 7. R 221 36.57 11. 12 221 .5 7 223 7.56 t 223 1.90 Mlrkrl wait Addition to IMattnmouth. Lot. Block,. Amt. 2 1 5.O0 3, 4 1 2.3 2 1 to S 3 5.29 1 to 4 4 2.73 Townarml Addition to I'la ttmnout h. I.ot. Block. Amt. 1 1 14.20 2 1 14 18 1 to 8 2 10.55 1, 2 5 9.73 3, 4 5 2.32 5. 6 5 12.92 7 to 10 5 21.41 11, 12 5 16.12 1. 2 H 2.3 2 3. 4 6 28.62 5, 6 6 2.32 1,2" 13 2.32 8 13 21.52 1 to 4 17 8.90 White. Addition to Pla ttnmout h. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 2 1 16 1 to 4 6 2.85 1. 2 7 2.32 1 to 3 8 63.83 Sinilli Addition to Flat f mouth. Lot. Block. Amt. SU 44. all 45, 46, 47 13.46 ii n k A Have Addition to Plattx mouth. Lot. Block. Amt. 7, S S 27.77 1. 2 10 4.44 3. 4 10 2.32 1. 2 18 9.74 1, 2 23 3.90 3. 4 23 16 63 7 38 2 4.07 5. 6 45 26S.OO Orchnrd Hill Addition to Plattamouth. I xit. Block. Amt. 3 4 5.10 10 4 3.40 2! 4 7.00 26. 27 4 16. SS 2S 4 6.95 All 5 4.4 4 All 6 3.2S 6 to S 7 14 40 9 . 7 6.22 3 S 7.76 Ifii.iN Addition to I'lallMinoulh. Lot. Block. Amt. 7 2 3 4.77 Vnllrrv I'lace Addition to Flat nionl h. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 to 2S 1 7.30 All 20. 22 12.70 Iticliey I'lace Addition to I'ln I lmoul h. Lot Block. Amt. 1. 2 2 43.75 I'a'l 10 2 1.96 T 2 6.35 r 1 7 is 19 17 17. 16 3 6 SI 3 42.19 3 5.S6 13 1.10 is It 2.4S 15 1.10 llrown Siih-Dit Ixlon to Pin turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt. 11 to 14 1 3.35 1 to 4 2 IS. 30 lluke Addition to Plat (xmout h. Lot. Block. Amt 4 and se 2-3 C 7 5.26 1 11 13.34 7 to 10 11 11.09 S. 9 12 1.90 Se, 12 13 3.20 4 to 6 IS S.6S :;. I 20 20. S 4 11 20 19.90 lark Addition to i'lalt mill. Lot. Block. Amt. 5 14.94 ThomiiMOu Addition to I'ln t Ixmolll h. Lot. Block. Amt. 14 1 10 2 S 4 ft 4. ne'i 5 to 7 4 76.20 5 to 10...." 4 10 S7 6. 7 5 11.60 6 6 14.94 7 6 12.S2 S to 10 2.22 LI. II 7 IS. 00 10 to 13 10 21. 22 10 S .68 :: to C and is 11 1 15.00 21 to 26 11 530.99 1 to 6 12 2 71 9 12 5.75 U 13 12 6.13 U 13 12 6 43 IS 12 6 7- Mile Addition to Plat (hiiioiiI h. r.ot. . Block. Amt NU 6 1 4.53 loiirlau Addition to Plal turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt 2. 2 1 3 38 Mnilelnianu Addition to Pint tsnionlli Lot. Block. Amt. S. 9 2 20 31 13 to 17 2 1080 IS 2 12.29 l ilurruld dtlilion to Plattniou Ii. Lot. Block. Amt. 5. 6 3 15 04 Lm-iibcruer or PleHiiiit Hill Addition to P!attmotith. Lot Block. Amt s to 10 1 10.26 6. 7 3 1.26 Piiliiier Aildlllou to PlallHinoiilh. 1 1. 12 2 23.32 6 3 5S.41 10 4 3.2S 1 to 6 8 8.17 1. 2 9 .84 4 to 9 10 6.56 llurri Stil-Ii ldou to Pin I turnout h. Lot. Block. Anit 1 1 16 2 to : 5.50 WUe Addition to Plnl txmoot h. Lot. Block. Amt 36 to 39 15.04 Sooth Park Addition to Pint turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt .. 4. 5 7 30. S7 1 to 4 8 2.32 12. 13 8 9.S2 14 8 1.94 15 " 8 1.91 16 8 36.17 5 9 28 40 7. S 10 13.9S 9. 10 10 1. 11 10 .63 1 to 8 11 21 41 12 to Ii 11 23.53 3. 4 19 11.01 5 19 5.20 6 19 5.21 1 21 1.26 1 22 14.40 2. n 39 ft 3 22 15 0 1 10 1 to 3. . 1 to 3.. 7 ...... 10 1, 2 3 4 to 6 . . , 10 to 12.. 1. 12 23 24 25 27 27 28 28 28 28 33 5.40 17.87 15 98 5.36 4.30 11.00 4.36 15.02 15.92 11.54 1 to 4 34 8.70 Porter Place Addition to Pint turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt 10 U 5 7.30 Sub lot 1 Of 12 16.00 Sub lot 6 of 14 and n part sub lot 7 of 14 6 46 16 21.31 22 19.28 O'Nrll Aililltlon to Plat turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt. 1. 2 1 5.27 7 to 12 2 3.58 1 to 9 3 22.17 1 to 12 4 6 56 1 to 12 5 12.92 1 to 4 10 4.66 7 to 11 10 4.66 iMiihrlle Ternre Addition to Pin t turnout h Lot. Block. Amt. 1 to 16 15.70 Ol T LOTS TO AVF.KIlti WATER. Tuivnablp It), HanKr II. .. Sec. Amt. Lot 31 ne'i nw'i 1 10.20 Lot 32 neV nw4 1 18.86 FIT OF WIOIOPINU WATER. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 34 5.24 7. 8 34 8.01 1 36 21.12 3 36 4.21 4 . 36 .43 5 36 28.93 6 36 20.44 1. 2 45 3 23 3 45 17.97 5. 6 4 5 3.11 1 46 11.53 2 46 8r-t0 3 46 11.75 4 46 14.97 1. 2 47 4.08 3, 4 and nU 6 47 8.87 SU C 47 13 43 7. 8 47 10.49 3 48 97.62 4 48 101.63 NU. 1, 2 49 83.29 3 49 1.7: 4 49 1.75 7. 8 50 10 19 1 62 5.09 2, e',4 3 62 10.19 3. 4 63 20.20 I. E. F 64 10.30 64 8.10 65 16.10 r 1-3 w 1-3 of 6 65 4.10 C 1-3 of 7 65 6.76 3. 4. 4U 66 33.53 AVU. 6 66 .89 S 1-3 of M 10 67 336.90 i 1-3 or C'A 11 67 55.65 C 1-3 2 69 89.92 1. 2 71 36.10 7 75 8.10 7. 8 77 16.86 SU 7. 8 83 15.21 8 S7 10.76- . 88 . sS . 89 . 99 .102 .102 .105 13.43 89.66 2.41 2 4.20 1.20 12.20 13.53 11, 12 1.2 Bart 3, 4 , 4 Flemlntc fc Race Addition to Weepluie ater. Lot. Block. Amt. 3, 4 i - "'l 1 to 4 2 1.53 5 2 30.4 2 6 2 32.53 7 2 IS. 58 13. 15 2 34. !7 IS to 20 2 31.87 C 1-3 3 h.,6 AV 1-3 3 3 3.4 3 N part 5 3 ,.4 2 6 to 8 -' ;t 4 51.77 5 7 1.63 3 7 12.63 7 7 9.47 N 2'' ft, 2 S 113.20 X part 8, 9 11 56.36 Carter Addition to WeeoliiiE Water. Lot Block. Amt. 1 1 16 29 0 5 11.18 6 2.S6 8 7 3.26 6 to 10 1-' 6 86 6 to 10 16 2.S6 Heed Addition to Weepiuit Water. Lot Block. Amt. 67 ft, 4 i n er I 'a rt eU. of 2 .42 SU 1, 2 4 12.19 5 0 10 113 8 1' 5-4 3 2, 3 13 3.53 Riveride Addition to Weeiiinic Water. Lot Block. Amt. 1 to 3 1 10 1.93 4, 5 2 7.4 2 6 2 6S.2S 3 to 6 3 147.1S 7 3 .r,.12 8 3 .43 i 3 .76 12. 13. 14 3 102.S5 Sub lot 1 6 19.77 Sub lot A 2 6 .76 Sub lot V of 3 6 .76 Filehie Addition to Wecpiiiu AVater. Lot Block. Amt 1 2 4.S6 2 4.S5 3 2 4.S6 4 i 2 40.33 Park Plaee Additiou to Weeplutc AVater. Lot Block. Amt. V ai. 3 and 4 2 16. S6 Fhaoe Addition to Weeping Water. Lots 1 to 10, block 6 and all 7 5.19 Iteetor Addition to repine Water. Lot Block. Amt. i 1 .92 is :." l7-2' 4 4 ..7 4 11.48 14 '. 4 11.48 Clark Addition to Aeeplni; AAaler. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 to 5 1 1-76 4 to 14 1 2 4 ' 1 to 8 2 2.8. 9 2 .'3 1 3 .77 4 to 9 3 4.20 10 to 11 3 is 96 Treet Addition to Aeeplnir AAaler. Lot. Block. Amt. ' 5 s9 Vol.le HellilitM Addition to AA'eeplnis A ater. Lot Block. Amt. WU 12 s .M All" 21 .31 All 22 .31 Walnut Hill Addition to Weeplntc A liter I.ot Block. Amt. 7, 8 1 1 3 18 3.28 VII.I.AtiF. OF I.OI ISA 1 1. I.E. Lot. Block. Amt. 16. 17 6.81 27 to 30 6. or. 78 to 80 9 11 141 X3 155 to 157 X 13 i c : 3.3.. 164 21.6 170 33 17 S 23 ft 176 29.53 206 to 208 2.18 r,t 8.02 269 to" 274.'.' 26. 6 W part 291. 292 29 N 37 ft 29 4 4.23 309 5 39 310 s nn :f4 6.86 ,V5 6.s6 326 5 S5 i;;q 5.S9 3 10 5.S9 3 41 5 S 351 to 353 ex. Bit 57 80 Parts 35 4 to 356 ex. BB 3:'.. 70 37s ex. B II .4'. 39s to 400 ox. It Ii 10. .s 419 90S 10 nart 452. 453 and all 454 . .. 137 4 4S1 to 483 12.76 511 .76 Part 512. 513 ex. B Ii 4.16 552 1 4'. 562. 562 4.83 57 1 to 576 7 56 5's to 600 2.1 s 601 to 60 4 1 4.5: 610 to 612 4 8.' 6 18 to 651 3.63 729 .59 739 to 737 9 4 WU 790. all 791 to 792 15.54 A II.I.A4.E OF SOI Til It EX II. Lot. Block. Amt SU 3 10 .28 W 30 ft 11. 12 10 .21 10 U 3 18 1 90 VII.I.liK OF ;ilEEXWOOII. I.ot. Block. Amt 14. 10 U 15 52.23 78 to 80 12 00 99 to 101 3 s 102 1.1 197 10.06 204, 205 13.99 259 to 264 21.66 278 10.63 306. 307 15.53 S 33 ft 308 1.24 328 13.99 553. 554 23 93 557 2.46 559 3.16 693 to 694 3.16 AA EST CiREEXAA OOI. Lot. Block. Amt 1 12.3 12. 13 12.36 16. 17 3.26 Jonea Addition to tireenwootl. Lot. Block. Amt. X part 7 1.61 22 7.7 ii 9 29 3' 33.. . 326 'opt" V.OTS TO ' E A t; I.E. Townnhlp IO, Knuicr !. Sec. Amt. Lot 21 nw'', se'i 20 6.37 Lot 18 fv.Vi se'i... 20 10.78 Sub lot 1 of 30 sw'i se'4.. 20 4.9C S part lot 16 se'i se'i 20 .37 A 1 1. LA 4. E OF EAC.I.K. Lot. Block. Amt. 15 2 .SI 16 2 .31 17. 18 7 .73 1 11 .15 2 12 .41 1, 2 13 3.72 1 to 12 15 14. j 8 Ifft lot 1 16 2.09 Part 1, all 2 16 4.61 15. 16 IS 16 75 2, nU. 3 19 4.80 7 19 1.19 3 22 3.95 8 23 .98 9 23 .98 It 23 . 6.27 12 23 4.51 13, 14 23 ' 7.25 15 23 10.43 4 to 6 25 5.2 t3 26 5.25 16 26 .54 Ol T LOTS OF F. I, M WOOI J. Towuxhip IO. Kanice IO. See. Amt. Lot 10 neVi se'4 9 26 24 Lots 11 to 13 ne'4 se'4 9 11.91 Lot 3 ne'i se'-i 9 47.07 vii.LAfSE of KiAinomi. Lot. Block. Amt. 9. 10 4 19.07 12, 13 9 15.82 1 10 14 52 S. 9 10 9.31 2 11 9 8 Ml 12 32.65 7. 8. 9 and e part 10 13 22.96 IS 13 13.12 E 8 ft 20. all 21 13 8.66 2 13 5.30 3 14 3 0 4 8 14 13.12 13. 14 14 39.26 AA'U. 2 15 24.83 N4 6 15 13.12 12 15 30.14 S 13 ft lot 1. n 16 ft 2 16 19.73 SU 4 16 23.63 N',4 7 16 24.93 10 18 9.21 SU 5. nU 6 21 33.95 SU 6 21 13.22: 1 2 7 . . 22 34.05 . . 22 52.1s . . 26 15.8 2 . . 27 13.22 . . 28 27.54 . . 2S 14.52 . . 29 9 21 XU. 13, all 14 All All 22 6.61 33 S.07 33 4.50 Rivet Additiou to Elmwood. 1. 2 I.ot. Block. Amt. 12 35 2.70 FericUMOu Addition to Elmwood. Lot. Block. Amt. 6. 7 3 13.21 8 5 1 10 8, 9 6 2. so A I I.I. 4. 10 OF A A OC A. Lot. Clock. Amt. 7,8 7 7.2 5 W 1-3 6 12 9.23 AV 1-3 7 12 .54 10 1-3 3 19 54 W 1-3 3 19 62.53 8, 9 21 1.08 Carter Addition to Atoen. Lot. Block. Amt 4 to 8 7 8.13 HIT LOTS TO I IO. Township IK. Kaosse Bt. Part lot 4 ne'i nw'i 26 29.20 A ILLAt.E OF I X ION. Lot. Block. Anit. 10 2 71 92 20. 21 t 11.54 2, 3 3 12 96 10 to 13 3 2 1.14 9 4 2.19 Luu Additiou to I 11I1111, Lot. Block. Amt. 6. 7 6 14.5(1 8, 9 6 19 76 16 6 5.68 13. 14 10 Is. 95 Cud 34 4 11 4 1 si Cnd 'i 4 11 9.26 SOI Til I X ION. Lot. Block. Amt. 3 1 4 8 s A ILL AI.E OF ALA O. Lot. Block. Amt 19, 20 1 7.17 21. 22 1 27.57 6 ..c 3 9.27 N 24 ft 3 4 s.::i S 1 ft 5, all 6 4 17.10 13 4 10 95 14, 15 4 3 25 11 5 12.9s Alunscer Addition to Alto. Lot. Block. Amt. 1 to 3 5 2 61 4. 5 5 7.92 XOTICF. T4 CREIIITORS. In the County Court of Cum County, X rlirnakM. In the Hatter of the lOstate of Charles S. Wormian, I'eceased. Notice to all cersons interested in said estate is hereby jfiven that Clifton S. Wort man. executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county courtroom in the city of lMalts mouth, said county, on the 30th day of September. 1915, and on the 30th dav of March. 1916. at the hour of 9 o'clock A. SL, for the purpose of hearinn. ad justment and allowance of claims against said estate. All persons havintr claims or demands against said estate must tiie the same in said court 011 or before the 29th day of March, 1916. or said claims will be. forever barred. luted this 1st dav of September. 1915. ALLEN .1. BE10SO.V. County Jndire. 9-2-4wks I.Ct. A I, XOTICE. NOTICE TO JOSKBHIN10 llfDA, Xon Besident liefendant: YoC ABE 1110BIOBV NOTIFIED that on the 12th day of May. 1915, Max Inula tiled a petition against you in the Dis trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you upon the grounds of cruelty, desertion and in fidelity, and for the custody of the in fant chibl, the issue of said marriage, Marie Inula, u-re.l two years, and that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant niav be dissolved, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, tiie 15th day of November, 1915. MAX DCPA. Plaintiff. 9-lG-4wks XOTICE. In the County Court of the County of I 'a mm. XeliriiMka. In Be Estate of .lames W. Barwick, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that on Sep tember 24. 1915, Selina Barwick filed a petition for administrator upon the estate of .lames W. Barwick, deceased, alletrins: that said deceased died inte state, leaving him surviving as his sole and only heirs-at-law. Selina BarwieK widow; John 10. Barwick, son, and Helen C. .lulyan. Hilda CofTman and Norah Allbee. daughters, and requests the appointment of John 10. Barwick as administrator. A hearing will be had upon said petition at the office of the County Judge. Court House. I'lattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska', on the 18th day of October. A. I). 191... at 10 o clock a. m. before which hour all objections there to. If any, must be tiled. By the Court. ALLIOX J. BEESOX. Countv- Judge. AV. A. BOBIOBTSOX, Attorney. 9-27-3wks XOTICE OF SI IT TO HIT FT TITLE. In the DlMlrlet Court of the County of CnsH, XehriiMkn. AA'illiam O. Troop, Plaintiff, vs. John Ti. Clark, et al.. Defendants. To the Defendants, John 11. Clark, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John li. Clark: Mrs. J. L. Perry, wife of J. L. Perrv, iirst real name un known; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal . representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John Irwin, deceased; Sarah Frances Line; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Sarah Frances Line; Emery Ballou; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Emery Ballou, dec-eased; AVilliam K. Potter, Beceiver of Omaha Loan &. Trust Company: Yoh are hereby notified that on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1915, plain tiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, to nuiet the title to the following described Innd in said County of Cass, Nebraska, to-wit: The west half of the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, all in Section thirty (30), Township eleven (111 North, Iiange thirteen tl3) East of the 6th p. m. because of ills adverse possession by lilmself and grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, and to enjoin each and all of yon from having or claiming any right, title, interest or lien, either legal or equitable, in or to said land or any part thereof, and to require you to set forth your right, title, interest or lien therein. If anv, either legal or equita ble, and to have the same adjudged In ferior to the title of plaintiff to said land, and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to an order of the Court. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of November, A. D. 1915, or your default will be dulv entered of record. WILLIAM O. TBOOP, Plaintiff. C. A. BAAVLS, Attorney. 9-27-4wks CITATIOX OX HEARIXO OF FIXAI. ACCOI XT A X II IIISTRIIIl TIOX. In County Court In anil for ( n County, Xenraxka. In the Matter of the Estate of John A alentine Egenberger. diseased. To all persons interested in the estate of John A'alentine Egenberger. de ceased : You are nerebv notlned that on the 29th day of September. 1915, J. H. K. Egenberger. administrator of the estate of John Valentine Egenberger, deceased, V 35 ft 2, all 3. 4, 14. 7 4, 5 6. 7 1 to 3 filed in said court his final account as sa.d administrator and a petition for a. distribution of the residue of said estate and that said final account and petition 01' distribution will be heard on the 25th dav ot October, 1915, at the hour of 1" o'clock A. M at the County Court room in the City of I'lattsmouth, in said coun ty and you are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated and sl ow cause, if such exist, why such account should not be allowed and dis tribution ordered as prayed in said pe tit ion. It is hereby ordered that said J. H. 10. Egen'.ierger. administrator, give notice to all persons interested in sa d estate by causing a copy ol tins i i.t-r to ie published in the I'lattsmouth Journal, a newspaper printed and published in said county, tor three successive weeKs pi nr to the date set lor said 11 mi 1 hearing. !.Me.l at I'lattsmouth. N- I'iaska this 27th da1.- of September, 1915. AI.I.KN .1. BEES' 'X. Countv Jude. Cass Co.. Nebraska. 1 0-4-3 w XOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE II A AIMIIMSTIC Itllt. To All Persons Itittiesied in the Estate of John I'carslev, lu-censed, and to the Pubije in lieneral: You ale herel.v notified that on the 6th day of .May. A. I 1. 1 : 1 1 was dulv appointed by the County Court of Cars Countv. Nebraska, as administrator with will aimcvil of the esi.ite ot Join, I't-arsley, deceased; that 1 duly ac cepted said ollice, qualified for same according to law. and am nou acting as such administrator. You are further notified that under and by virtue of the authority and po-.v.-r vested in me bv the last will and testament of John I'carslev, d which last will and testament has l.e.-n duly pioh.-ued and allowed, I will on the 6th day ol November. A. 1 . 1915. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. at the north front door of the Bank of 1'nion. in I'nion, ''ass County. Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate lo-wit: The Southwest Quarter of Sec tion eighteen Township t.-ri 10. Banue fourteen 111.. Cass Countv. Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 1st dav of iictober. A. 1 1. 1915. V 1 1. McCABTHY. Administrator With Will Annex ed of the ate of John I'eaislcy, 1 eecased. 10- l-5 ks 4 HE A L ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry Lindsay, et al., to George Lindsay, quit claim deed NW quarter 28-10-1:5; SW quarter SE quarter 21-10-13. Consideration..? G. W. Hylton to Emma J. Shreve, lots 9 and 10, ldoc-k 14, Elmwood. Considera tion Annie L. White to Kroehler Drothers, lots 7, 8 and 1). Townsend's addition to City. Consideration II. A. Somers to II T. Rich ards, part SE quarter - 1 .00 800.00 225.00 10-12. Consideration .... William McCarroIl to J. L. Niday, west half, SE quar ter 2:5-10-13. Consideration John Toman to Edward To man, part SE quarter, SW quarter, 12-12-13. Con sideration Josie Toman to Frank To man, part SE quarter, SW quarter, 12-12-13. Con sideration Fred Ilotz to Effie Masters, lots 285 to 290, Louisville. Consideration C. E. Haney to E. II. Roman, part lots 1 and 2, block ", City. Consideration P. S CofTman, et al., to Eliza J. Ccffman, part NW quar ter, NW quarter, 19-12-1 1. Consideration Eliza J. Coffman to P. W. CofTman, part NW quarter, NW quarter, 19-12-14. Consideration J. E. Wales to R. C. Mull is, lot 2, Clark's addition to City. Consideration W. W. Academy to Josephine Titman. "G" street be tween blocks 48 and b'2, Weeping Water. Con sideration Taul Fitzgerald to C. G Mayfield, lots 055 to 057, 073 to G75, 727 and 728, Louisville. Consideration.. 8,000.00 1)00.00 1.00 500.00 700.00 1.00 i.00 1 .00 1,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 PETER VOLK IS HERE FROM RENFRO, OKLAHOMA Peter Volk of Ren f row, Oklahoma, who is here visiting among his friends and relatives in this section of Cass county, reports that in his section of Oklahoma the crops have been very good this year and that the corn has shown up in good shape. The wheat harvest in Oklahoma was interfered with to a considerable extent by the fact that there was a great deal of moisture and water found in the fields at the time, but as a whole the condi tions have turned out good. The visit of Mr. Volk has been very much en joyed by the many friends in this lo cality. For Indigestion. Never take pepsin and preparations containing pepsin or other digestive ferments for indigestion, as the more you will have to take. What is need ed is a tonic like Chamberlain's Tab lets that will enable the stomach to perform its functions naturally. Ob tainable everywhere. For Rent. M. E. parsonage at Mynard. Grant Wetenkamp, Mynard, Neb. 'Phone 4020. 9-24-tf-d&w IMMENSE CONCH ATTENDS FUNERAL OF THE LATE MBS. FEIN The funeral of the lute Mrs. August Pein was held yesterday afternoon at 2:20 from St. Paul's Evangelical church, and was at tended l.y an i:n mense concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives, who gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to the un foitur.ate lady who had been taken so suddenly from the midi-t of her home and family by the death me.-senger. The service was conducted by Rev. J. II. Steger, pastor of the t-hdrch, who, in a very eloquent sermon, paid a glowing tribute to the worthy lady who had been called aw.y from hr family and friends to her final reward, and gave to the sorrowinir family an inspiration to a hio-hcr ideal in the possibilities of the Christian life such as the departed lady had lived, and in which faith she had shown such de volition during her lifetime. The members of the Degree of Honor an I Woodman Circle, with the drill team of the local grove of th Woodman Circle, acted as an escort for the body from the home to the church, and thence to the cemetery, where it was laid to rest in beautiful Oak Hill. There was a wealth of floral remem brances laid on the bier as a token of the deep feeling of regret fe!t at the passing of this estimable lady and of sympathy to the sorrow-stricken hus band and little children now deprived of the care of the w ife and mother. Promptly at 1:30 yesterday after noon the members of the Woodman Circle and Degree of Honor assembled at their lodge rooms, and together marched in a body to the home of their departed member. Mrs. August Pein. The Nebraska Guards, whiih is the team of the Woodman Circle, led by their captain, took the lead, being fol lowed by the officers of the Woodman Circle, then the members of both orders, the procession numbering fully 200 members, with Mrs. Joseph Droege and Mrs. Anton Trilety as marshals of the day. It was indeed a very sad mission for the mrmbcrs of the Woodman Circle, as Sovereign Pein was ever ready to assist when needed. The ceremony of the Wood man Circle was very impressive, and as the casket was carried from the house and church every member stood in line with bowed head, and many ti tear fell in sympathy for the departed. At the grave the captain. Mrs. Man speaker, and guards, with oflicers, gathered mound the? grave and mourn ers, forming a wedge, and sang "Near er, My God, to Thee." followed with piayer by Chaplain Sovereign Schluntz, then one by o;.e they passed the grave dropping a flower as a last good-bye on this earth, but with the assurance of another meeting where we part no more. Not only did our loss touch the heart of every sovereign here, but it brought to us our beloved supreme guardian. Mrs. Emma 15. Manchester, who came from Omaha to l e present at the funeral and give comforting words to the grief -stricken husband and children. Card of Thanks. We desire to express in this manner our most heartfelt appreciation of the many acts of sympathy and kindness shown to us in this our hour of giief over the death of our beloved w ife and mother, and trust that in their hour of sorrow our many kind friends will be ministered to as lovingly as we have been. Especially do we desire to thank the ladies of the Woodman Circle and Degree of Honor for their assistance and sympathy and the nu mbers of the Sons of Herman, Eagles ami Woodman of the World, and the many friends for the beautiful floral otTeriiigs. August Pein and Children. J. S. HALL INSTALLS A FURNACE AT TEGUMSEH From Faturday a Dally. J. S. Hall of I'lattsmouth, a rep resentative of the Lenox Furnace Co. of Marshalltown, Iowa, manufactur ers of the Torrid Zone furnaces, was in town Monday and that evening met with the board of trustees of the P.ap tist church, with the result that the board contracted for one of the fur naces and it will he installed at once. Work cn the foundation for the same is now in progress. The installment of the furnace will mean an outlay of some 3C0 by the church, but will add much to the comfort and convenience of the building, and the IJaptist con gregation are to be congratulated up on the securing of the improvement. Tecumseh Journal-Tribunel. For Sale. 100 acres, 5 miles southeast of Murray. Would do well to see me soon. R. Shrader. 9-23-1 mo-wkly