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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1915)
I'AGt! i. MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmouth journal HI IMIKl) SK1II-H KKKI.V AT I'I..TTS1HTH, MWiUASK.l. Ente reJ at toi:U-? at I'ln'.lsTTJ.nith. NVl... as seconO-ilass mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SI USlllll'TKO I'KU K: THOUGHT FOR TODAY Ee sure that you give men the best of your wares though they be poor enough; and the -prods will help you lay by a bet- I V ter store for the future. I- Henry D. Thoreau. v -:o iome men are born diplomatic. Others laugh at the bosses' jokes. :o: On this great big ocean of life too many .-ailors sail under fale colors. .j : One man is just as good as the next I in a barber shop on Saturday night. :o: The school of experience is one in tilutien that never turns out any graduates. The will of the majority makes a heap less noise than the complaints ef the minority. : -:o: How to head orT the establishment of any more national holidays stop interest on that day. -:q: Surgeons skilled in appendicitis surgery might be called on to see what they can do for the hyphen :o: Poverty is an awful crime which has sentenced nearly all the human family to hard labor for life. :o: Evei ythir.g looks dangerous when yir.i meet a cross-eyed man driving an a uv 'mobile on a narrow road or street. There is some talk of another skat b'jr rink in town, which no doubt will mate! iaiize by the time cold weather comes. :o: Abe Martin says that too many peo ple are criticized for attending to their own business, and Abe is about right about it. . ;o : The high cost of living gets its hardest blows from the feilow who sits on the sidewalk and don't like to work. :o: The state fair management figures a surplus of 5,000 from the late show. That is better than coming out in debt and calling on the legislature for an appropriation to pay the deficit, which has been the custom. :o: One would naturally suppose that Nebraska City would be the last place on earth that those who want German taught in the city schools, would have to proceed to legal measures to get it. Hut it seems that that is what they are doing. There are more German ; in Nebraska City, according t- population than there arc in Piatts-mouth- :o : When we note in our exchanges th : great success of the county fairs ii Nebraska this year, the question in our mind appears: Why can't Cas ; county support an organization of thii the finest agricultural and stock-raic- ing counties in the state, and a cour. ty fair would do a great deal to en courage the breeding of fine stock. :o: When the frost is on the counts-, and cobwebs are on the shelf, an J there's scarcely anybody in the store besides yourself; and your stock is getting shop-worn, and the groceries are stale, and bills enough are coming to make a backer pale; oh, then's the time a feller's kind of blue,' and is pu:: jded with the proper thing to do but in such a situation one stirs remedy i,o if vou want to ta the customers you've got to advertise. A OVA mi: WHY THE WORLD IS WEARY. You are weary, you say? What has wearied you? The fight for gain? Tause a moment. Why should you so strive for wealth that you lose the ability to enjoy? Why feed your mind on cne topic only? Why let your soul shrivel till you know not what hap piness means? Every man wishes a competence, provision for himself and family against accident, sickness and age. More than that is likely to be dearly bought. Are you weary with hard tcil? Be glad that you have work and are able to do it. Work is one of the blessings of life. You are working for a purpose. Keep that in view. Do your work worthily and it will bring a certain satisfaction to you. But do not degrade your work into drudgery. Are you weary of the hollowness of artificial life. The pos ing for effect? The mockery of a conventional society, where glitter and show count for rr.ore than character? Why strive for place among those who have souls no higher than to seek these things? This strife to keep up appearances makes you distrustful of sincerity in man. Be sincere yourself and you will have reason to believe in the sincerity of others. Seek your pleasures in real things. The more you seek the true and kind, the more you will find, an 1 the more joy will enter your heart joy that glitter can not give. :o: The Allies' loan commissioners say in effect: "(Jive us a hiili.ui dollars with only our bonds as collateral or you will lose our business except for munitions." Th::t is simply a hugh British bluff England cannot get goods in other countries except for cash. News of t?.e foreign exchange situation is avai'able wherever the mails go or cables or land lines run. If the United States is to escape the conrequences of Europe's mad financ ing, this country must have cash for most of the goods sold abroad. A lit tle temporary credit might be offered, as has been done in the past. But if the United States is committed for a billion dollars at this time, it will be asked for another billion later and then for another. The big bankers who have put the: r money up on the Allies are in a ho'e. Let them settle on a fair basis, take their compara tively small losses to date and quit, and if the bankers behind Germany are embarrassed by the present situa tion let them do likewise. The sooner the war powers are separated from their real money, the sooner they will sober up and quit fighting. :o: The candidates who "play their cards straight'' ii the campaign next year are the ones that will get to the front. No carrying "water . both shoulders" this tine. No promises to do this and t- do that, and then go ing back on those promises. It is just as well to be honest in elections as well as other matters. :o : The agents ef Carranza in this country are trying their utmost to convince our authorities that their cause is just. Taey forget, no doubt, that one of his trusted generals, with a squad of outlaws, was killed on this side of the Rio Grande while raiding a ranch. Orasco was never called an out law before. :o: In some counties in Nebraska they are figuring on putting telephones in all the school houses in the rural dis tricts.' Net a bad idea at all when the school houses are situated a mile or so from a farm house that has a 'phone. ?o : The world's series are to come yet, and that will occupy the attention of the fans for a few days. 1KVII 1 THE OTHER BOYS. As the veterans of 18H1-65 assemble in Washington for the annual Grand Army encampment, and a parade in honor of the final grand review at the capital fifty years ago, the commonest question of an old soldier when regis tered is, "Who are here from my com pany and regiment, and where can I find them?" Arrangements are made for furnishing the fullest attainable information in answer to these in quiries, and all others tending to bring together the comrades of half a cen tury ago. How many are left of the two and a half million men who en listed in defense of the Union? The number of civil war soldiers on the pension roll at the end of last month was 2i)l,5S2. During the month, which is one of light mortality, 2,473 passed to their reward. The death rate among them has increase until it is over 35,000 a year, a loss that will leave few survivors ten years hence. Men whose average age was 21 com posed the Union armies, and a decade from now those who are left will aver ages considerably more than 80 years of age. As human existence goes the end is near, and the encampment and parade at hand will be the last of a large nature. Many of those who nerve themselves to be present are feeble. Only the old native grit enables them to fall in once more. Old soldiers, like old schoolmates, can see the boy when they look into each other's faces. The flash of the eye and fraternal warmth can be ex tinguished only by the last muster out. It is doubtful if five men to a com pany of 10 will be in the parade, or that the average of survivors to a company is ten. ine marcn win be none the less imposing and memorable When the centenarians of the civil war come together there may be, per haps, judging by past records, as many as ten or twelve, but the oc casion will be as worthy of a national painting as was the original grand re view, or that of this month. Where are the other toys? On fame's eternal camping ground, with an inalienable claim to the gratitude of the American people forever. The allies will get half a billion no more or iess. m: Buyers of stocks of war specialties may sometimes feel like stoning the fal-ie prophets of false profits. :o: Under South Carolina's new prohibi tory law any person can buy a gallon of liquor a month. Doesn't seem to be as far-reaching as the old-fashioned temperance pledge. :o: Congressman Frank IJc-avis was elected nearly a year ago, and has had nothing to do yet, except address picnics over the country and eat chicken and pie and draw his salary. Oh, but those congressmen do have a soft snap, and no mistake. :o: If anyone should ask yon, just tell them Plattsmouth has made the best and most substantial growth in the last five years than any city of its size within a radius of one hundred miles on either side of the Missouri river. -:o: The metropolitan newspapers jolly the papers of smaller towns because they sometimes print a man's name without any initials- The metropolitan reporters never do such slip-shod work. If they don't know a man's in itials, they can always make some up for him. :o: Could the householder but live in the ancient way, filling his cellar with potatoes, apples, turnips and onions in the fall, and maintaining a smoke house and soap-boiling kettle in the back yard, he might not talk so much about the middleman or the high cost of living. :o: When the Mexican brigands cross the line and loot, burn and kill there should be no hesitancy on the part of the United States in protecting its own people. With no government in Mexico it is not necessary to a dec laration of war for troops to cross the border in pursuit of ruffians. Get in on your Christmas advertis ing now. :o: Apple-pickers are in great demand, and work plenty- :o:- Our weather forecast: Look out for frost and cold weather later. October is generally the prettiest month of the year, and we hope it will keep up its reputation this year. :o : The corn-cribsin Nebraska will soon be filled to the brim, and they are not the only ones that will be in the same condition. :o: Many wives may not be "fit to vote," but more men are not fit to rule ethers without their consent. So much for libeity. :o: A great many fellows are willing to work harder for sport than they would for a living. Isn't that strange, and yet it is the solid truth. :o: Statement is made that Niagara Falls will be dry 1,000 years from now. But it is probable the horse power grabbers will complete their work long before that. :o : When he opposed the resolution in the Farmers' convention endorsing President Wilson's war pollicy, Charley Wooster, the old blatherskites, should have been taken by the coat collar and hustled out of the" hall. :u; "Sage" Wooster has evidently lost tra the times. Instead of blunt ly teliing a gathering of prosperous farmers that Wilson is wrong, he should have resorted to diplomatic correspondence, or, belter still, to wireless telephony from a long dis tance away. World-Herald. :o: Some people here in Plattsmouth, who have not attained as much wealth as they have, make fun of those who are poor because they plunge into debt in order to bridge things. Such men are the ones who build up the com munity. They often make bad invest ments and lose money, but they do more towaid building up the com munity than those who hold on to their money and do not do anything for the improcmer.tment of the city. :o : PLAYING YOUR CARDS STRAIGHT Roal firendship is one of the jewels of this earth, says the Kearney Times. A man should guard and work for hio friends with every ounce in him. Ask yourself this question: "Who are my real friends and who are my enemies?" Your enemies do not always show themselves and you must find them. Your friends always show in some deep way their friend ship. Which then would you pick if you would not be cowardly and take the path of least resistance? Your friends, no doubt. But the hard part of doing that, you say unconsciously, is that your enemies outnumber your true friends in fact you have per haps only one or two real friends. This condition comes up commercially, socially, and most of all politically. When a man gets in office he is liable to become drunk with the fact that he holds office and then more than ever is ho called upon not to lose sight of those friends who had been to him moret han all else. Real friends do not seek unreasonable ends. If they are real friends they seek to help not embarrass. Their hopes and love and energy are yours, for they arc real friends. But what do many of these politicians do? They' are so alive with their own success they for get their limitations. They forget the little coterie of men who fought and stood by them, for their intoxication makes them believe that they can bring their enemies to the shrine. Then what happens? The enemies play their hand as they want it and the friends are lost. Look back over the ; political careers of three men familiar to us all. President Taft and cx-Governor3 Shallenberger and Sheldon. The old and homely expres sion "carrying water on both should ers" furnishes the -answer. They lost their friends and their enemies laughed. KNOCK THAT IS A BOOST. Somehow those most bent on dis crediting the parcel post undertake to do it with arguments that are better calculated to increase than diminish its popularity. In its most recent issue, the Railway Age-Gazette, in seeking to discredit generally govern ment ownership and operation of util ities, gives some startling figures that will interest those who have been regarded as the best champions, be-f cause the chief beneficiaries, of the parcel post. These statistics are taken from a report of a congressional investiga tion committee, of which former Sen ator Bristow of Kansas was chairman. While the claim advanced by friends of the pracel post was that it was to serve and benefit all classes, the re port of the Bristow committee dis closes that the service it has rendered to, and the benefits it has conferred upon, the large mail order houses have been vastly greater than for all the rest of the public together. A para graph reads: "The committee received reports re garding the parcel post business han tiled during six consecutive weeks by 37 ,715 postoffices out of a total of ofi, L74. The postoffices which did not re port are nearly all small, and there fore the data collected cover practical ly all the business done. 'It is a signi ficant fact,' says the committee, that only ('.7 postoflice reported outgoing pracel post business in excess of their incoming business. In other words, ! S 15 per cent received more parcel matter than they sent out, and only 1.S5 per cent dispatched a greater number of parcels than they received from other offices.' 'Even more il luminating.' in the committee's lan guage, is the fact that 4t'.,51 ifi'jO, or 50 per cent of the 77,530,521 parcels dispatched, were sent from New York City (not including Brooklyn) and Chicago." These figures do r.ot discredit the parcel po.-, or government manage ment. They are more likely to prove satisfying to patrons of the mail or der houses. Some other facts, some which tarry something like alarm to parcel post and mail order patrons, must be found before government op eration of that branch of the carrying trade is going to be frowned upon. Some day these facts may be ac cessible through the decadence of the rural towns, and the consequent de crease in land values, and higher rates of rural taxation, which many believe are bound to result from the mail or dor business. Lincoln Star. Candidates should remember that the primaries come early next year. :o: Germany makes a good deal of fun of some American capitalists, who are so ready to loan their money by the biilions to the allies. Some writer to a Geiman periodical says they arc belting on the wrong horse implying, of course, that the man who loans money to the allies figures the Ger mans will be losers in the final out come of the war. Inasmuch as Ger many believes she will win, her finan ciers think it will be hard for Ameri can capitalists to collect after the final reckoning following the close of the war. :o: A California editor surmises that the name of the Order of St. Scva conferred ,on John D. Rockefeller comes from a Serb word, meaning "saving." :c: Kansas, we note, is in favor of good roads. Also, no doubt, Arizona ap proves of ample rainfall, but getting the same is something else again. The armies are so large that the good old word "decmated" no longer appears in the dispatches. :o: Never in the history of Cass coun ty were there so many apples, and the crop is excellent. :o: - American physicians are wanted for the English army. Let Doc Sccrboncs go. . :o: Gat your coal bin filled- Prophets say we are to have a long and hard winter. Chaldron Cry m TIio Kind You Have Always m 110 lor over iu years, Allow y1!! Mil r4l ,k v. 7 s m wi u. e . i, n mm m -m m 3 l & mm m r 7 AI1 Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-us-good " are but i:periinc-nLs that trifle with and endanger the health of , Iniants and Children Experience against JJxperinienU What is CASTORIA Cnsioria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare iroric, lrops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JMorphino nor other Narcotic iiiltanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Vornu and allays Fcvcrishncss. For more than thirty years ifc luis been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Yind Colic, all Teething' Trouble's and i)iarrJ!a. It regulates tho Stomach and liowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE C E I Local PJcws From Friday's Daily. Geovgre P Meisinjrer of near Cedar Creek was here yesterday visiting with relatives and lookinfr after some business matters. Mrs. J. E. Wiles was among those proincj to Omaha this mornin'pr, where she will spend a few hours looking af ter business matters. Adam FornotT of Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours look- Injr after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Lafe Scott of Pacific Junction was over yesterday for a few hours look ing after some work at the farm near this city, returning home on Xo. 2. George W- Snyder came in this morning from his farm home and was a passenger for Omaha, where he will look after some matters of business. Max Fitchmeyer took a few hours' off today from his work on the farm and visited in Council Bluffs, where he was called on some matters of busi ness. Sheriff C. D. Quinton was among these going to Omaha this morning, where he will spent the day looking after some matters of business for the county. County Commissioner Henry Snoke of Eagle came in last evening from his home and visited over night while out on an inspection tour of the coun ty bridges. Rev. D. A. Young and wife of Ches ter, Neb., came in last evening for a visit here with old friends, where he was for a number of years in charge of the Christian church. Miss Eda Marquardt returned home last evening front-, a trip out irr the county, where she has been for a few days looking after the school work in the vicinity of Greenwood. Miss Thelma Hunt of Coleridge, Neb., who has been here visiting at the Gilbert home, departed this morn intr for Omaha to visit for a short time before returning to her home. Miss Anna Hassler departed this morning for Weeping Water, where she goes as the delegate of the Royal Neighbors of America of this city to the convention of the camps of Cass county held in that city today. Bert Coleman and bride, formerly Miss Florence Cory, returned home to this city this afternoon after a honey moon of some two weeks in the west ern part of the state, where they were visiting with relatives of Mr. Cole man. Fred Olenhausen, sr., and daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Evers, and Mr. and Mrs. James McCullough of near Mur ray were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they go to accompany Mrs. McCullough, who will enter one of the Omaha hospitals. From Saturday's Dally. . , , Mrs. Will" Truelson and little babe came in last evening for a visit here over Sunday at the C. M. Tarker Kaffenberger of near Cedar Creek was here today looking after the week-end shopping with the mer chants. for Fletcher's wa' r ? p i.EiBr.f m. Bought, and which has been lias borne the signature of i ami nas ocen made under his per sonal supervision sinroifsii no one to deceive vou In f ??s Signature of ICW VORK CITY, - H i Miss Florence Richardson came in this afternoon from Omaha and will visit over Sunday with home folks at Mynard. W. H. Venner, wife and daughter were in the city today from their farm home near Mynard, looking after some matters of business. Mrs. W. T. Adams and daughters were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for the day with friends. Ben Beckman was among the visit ors in the city today for a few hours. locking after some matters of business with the merchants. Misses Mary and Lydia Weckbach came in last evening from Lincoln to spend a short time here with their relatives and friends in their old borne. W. R. Bryan, wife and daughter, Miss Lucille, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will attend the Sunday meetings for the day. J. M. Palmer and wife of Nehawka were in the citjrlast evening for a few hours en route to their home from Omaha, where they have been for a few days. James, Doig, wife and little babe came in this afternoon from their home at Fairbury, Neb., to visit over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Doig's mother, Mrs. Margaret Mumm. Sam Baldwin was in the city today for a short time from his home near Rock Bluffs. Mr. Baldwin has just returned home from a visit at Grant City and in Worth county, Missouri. John Rotter and wife, who have been visiting at Radium Hot Springs, Wyoming, for the past two months, came in last evening and report hav ing had a most delightful trip and are looking fine. J. S. Thimgan and wife of Sac iCty, Iowa, accompanied by their son, Leo, were in the city yesterday for a few hours visiting Mrs. Thimgan's broth er, John Cory and family. They are en route home from a trip to northern Missouri. VESEY'S STAR ANTI-CHOLERA for hogs, destroys worms and puts the herd in fine condition to grow and take on flesh. Pays big to feed, besides af fording safe protection against dis ease. For sale by Gering & Co. When Baby Has the Croup. When a mother i3 awakened from sound sleep to find her child who has gone to bed apparently in the best of health, struggling for breath, she is naturally alarmed. Yet if she can keep her presence of mind and give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy every ten minutes until comitng is produced, quick relief will follow and the child will drop to sleep to awaken in the morning as well as ever. This remedy has been in use for many years with uniform success. Obtainable every where. ; i FOR SALE. FOR SALE 80 acres, very choice, half mile east and one mile north of Murray, $175 per acre, T. H. POLLOCK, Riley Block, Plattsmouth.