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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1914)
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1D14. THE CITV AND COUNTRY WORK TOGETHER The Needs of the Farmers to Compete in the Workings of the Commercial Club! The following interesting and truthful article in regard to the needs of the. farmers fr joining with the Commercial clubs of the cities for the betterment of each other has recently appeared in the press of the .-tale from an ad dress by s. It. McKelvic, and we b.-licve the truth of the statement made will be clearly seen by the farmers of this county, as well as the members of the Commercial club of this city: That the farmer should be a member of the Commercial club in his nearby town is based upon the fad that the interests of the town and eoutitryare so identical, so inseparable and so common that neither can prosper in its fullest measure without a sincere spirit of co-operation amongst all of the people of the com munity. v Commercial clubs are organized for fur.thevi'nc: the business in terests of Ihi" community. Some bae the mistaken idea that their only purpose is to promote the iuleivsfs of the city anil the busi ness no n in town. o doubt there are some Commercial clubs founded upon Ibis hitter basis, but those Commercial clubs can not permanently prosper nr. at b-.i-t. they cannot do their most ll'eclive work. This is true be cause the town and country are interdependent and whatever af fects the farmer or the man in town affects both in smaller or larger measure. The ;nly difference between town ami r-ounlry is this: The country i the place of production, vhiie the town is the point of dis tribution. Hoth arc needed, both are indispensable, and it simply remains, to s lve the problem of production ami distribution along lines of greatest efficiency and eciH:iN'."" " - The farmer is tpiife as in terest. -d in the distribution of his products as the man in town is interested in the production of farm products. W hen the farm is mad.- to produce abundantly and the prices are commensurate with the cost of production, at the same time allowing a fair and honest margin- of profit for the producer, the most satisfactory condition is realized. These are the conditions upon which Com mercial clubs in Nebraska, par ticularly in the small town, must lie founded. When the farmer" anil the man ia town join together in the solu t ion uf the problems of production and distribution, not only will these problems be most readily and effectively solved, but a 'very much better feeling will be brought- to enter as between these two men. In the very outset, the association together will reruov any feelings of distrust and lhes ind; will most naturally come lo get lien on a basis of mutual ad antage and mutual benefit. Thr results therefore, will not show- forth quite as prominently in an improved social condition in the conimunitv. I am very earnest jn my belief that farmers should be members of Commercial clubs and that the men in town should do all in their power to bring this condition about, not through motives of selfishness, but through a desire fop mutual helpfulness. DAUGHTER BORN 10 MR. UNO KIRS. EiYilL LORENZ TODAY AT NOON From Wednesdays Dally. ltus noon there arrived at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Kmil A. I.orenz a bright-eyed little daugh ter to gladden thejr home and lies. The little lady, who is the first child in the family, is the object of great admiration from its relatives and the joy of the proud parents is unbounded. ;randpaand Crandma Prochaska, who have recently moved to this city from Wahoo. are also de lighted with the addition to their descendants. The little girl is of Ihe regulation size and weight and it is the wish of the Journal that she may live to be a jov and comfort to her parents in their old age. - Could Not Make Examination. From Wednesday's Daily. , The head of a pet wolf, which was supposed to have contracted hydrophobia and was killed by the owner, was sent in to the state bacteriological laboratory from Plattsmouth last Saturday, for an examination as to the animal's condition. On account of the fact that the owner had killed the xvnlf by pounding it over the head with a heavy club, breaking all the skull bones, the brain had been battered up and no test could, be made to discover whether or not hydrophobia was present. Before the animal was put to death, it bit the owner's small son. IOWA MILITIA ARE WELL PLEASED WITH THE RIFLE RANGE i-'rom Wednesday's Iaily. The members of Company I of Clenwood, who are practicing at the I'. S. government ritle range, north of (he city, are busily at work in their shooting and sev eral members .if the company have made excellent records dur ing the time they have been work ing at the range. They are very much pleased with the range for this work and state that it is the best they hae shot oer, as the bluffs on the west prevent the changing of the wind which so often interferes with satisfactory work on dilTerent ranges. So well pleased are the members of the Iowa National Cuard .over the range that Company K. located at Cornin'-r. has announced their in tention of coming here in two weeks to take a course in shooting over the range. . The situation of the ritle ran ere is an ideal one and all the soldiers, both regulars and militiamen, who have worked there state il is one of the best in the count ry. w hich it undoubtedly is. The (ilenwood boys who have been here are a line bunch of gentlemen and it is heartily wish ed that they may return later for a pracl ice here. PAVING OF THE ALLEYS IS A QUESTION OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE From Wednesdays Daily. The question of paxmtr the al leys in the business part of ttn city is being ipiite well agitate. I in the past few days among the busi ness men and citieus in general and the good work wil Ibe con tinned until the actual paing is staited. The matter was brought up at the council meeting Monday evening, and while receiving a large majority, was not able to muster .sufficient votes to allow the passage of a resolution to put in the paving, but now that the tprestion has been more thor oughly discussed and talked over among the iimcrcnl memhers there is little doubt thot it would be passed. It is the intention in a few days to prepare petitions for circulation among the busi ness men asking that the paving be done, ami which will be pre sented to the city council. There is hardly a person in the business section of the city who does rod heartily favor the idea of paving the alleys, as the peed of it is so apparent, especially after a heavy rain, when the mud becomes al most impassable in these alleys, and forces a hardship on the mer chants who have their delivery wagons operating through the alleys. The proposition offered is for the use of concrete paving throughout and the cost of this will be very low lo the properlv owners and will insure a greater benefit, to them than is possible to imagine. PLATTSMOOTH LODGE, NO. 6, A. F. 8 A. M., Al From Tuesday s Daily. Last evening, despite the ex tremely warm weather, there was a very large attendance of the membership of Plattsmouth Lodge ,o. J, A. V & A. M., to wit ness the installation eermonies of the instruction into office of the newly elected officers. The fol lowing officers were duly installed with appropriate ceremonies: . M., Oliver Dover; S. , Fred T. Itamge; J. W., James Lough ride; s'eerelary, M. Archer, treas urer, C. O. FrickejS. !., Andrew O. Moore; J. I., Samuel O Pitman; S. S., Harry Johnson; J. S., O. C. Hudson, and tyler, T. S. G. Dabb. WILL THE STORES CLOSE OP ANY EARLIER? Tho Merchants and Clubs of the City Want Shorter Hours. From Wednesday's Daily. 'the extremely hot weather of the past lew days brings to mind the question of the J o'clock clos ing of the stores of the city in order to alford the proprietors and clerks an opportunity to get out and enjoy for a few hours the fresh air and escape the stilling heat of the stores and down-town section of the city for a time, as well as to visit, with their fam ilies. There is no question but that it would be just as easy and convenient for the majority of the people to do their shopping and trading before t o'clock as it would be for them to do it after (hat hour. There is a need of everyone to enjoy a few minutes of the day in recrecation and pleasure and the owners of the stores and the clerks are deserving of as much recognition as au.vone else and should be allowed to have this short additional time to apply on their rest time. The matter is one worthy of consideration at. the hands of the merchants and those who attend to their shopping after -upper and all should unite in the movement to cut down the bonis during the heated months of July ami August, and as a re sult there will be a general feeling of belter understanding and good fellowship between the merchants, the clerks and the general public. There seems a disposition on the part of almost every one of the business men of the cily to join in the movement and enjoy an hour' or so from the heal of the stoic each day. THE OISTRIGT COURT TAKES UP THE WATER COMPANY CASE From Wednesday's Pallv. This morning distr ict court was Convened by Judge IJegleV to take the trial of the case of the Plalls moiilh Water Co. vs. the City of Platlsiimuth, which is an out growth of the controversy between the lowering of the water mains "il North Sixth sheet in the new curbing and guttering districts. The city demanded of the water company (hat they put up a bond for the work that had been com pleted, as well as for work that they contemplated on that, si reel, in order to protect the interests of the city in case of damage from the filling of the trenches wash ing out. and this the company de clined to do on the ground thai the time limit was not sullicient to allow them to guarantee the tilling not washing out. The vva ler company secured a temporary restraining order from Judge I'.eeson and the hearing- on Ibis order is the action in the district cou rl. R. D. OAILEY DIES ELMWOOD, NEB. From Wednesday's Daily. The news of the sudden death of It. I), Hailey, one of the prom inent residents of Klmwood, was received in the cily today from friends in that place. Mr. Hailey was returning to his home on Sunday evening and noticing the approach ing storm hastened on his way and the ov ei-exert ion seems to have affected his heail. as when he entered the door of his home he fell to the lloor dead, lie had been in apparently the best of health in the morning, as he had attended church and did not complain in the east of any illness and was in the best of spirits and his sudden death came as a great shock to the family and many friends. Mr. Hailey was a man of some r0 years of age ami was very highly respected in his home I own, where he had resided for years, and his death will leave a place hard lo fill in the cir cle of liis' friends. Wedding stationery at the Journal office. Operation Seems Successful. The operation that was per formed yesterday morning on Miss Lulu Welsh at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha seems to have been very successful, as when her parents left, there last evening the attending physicians were well pleased with the manner in which she has stood the ordeal ami gave the parents much encouragement for her recovery. LADIES GIVE A PICNIC AT GARFIELD PARK From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening a most delightful gathering was held at oil field park, it being in the nature of a picnic given by the Ladies' Auxil iary of the Presbyterian church, to which all the members of the congregation were invited, and to the invitation some iro were present at (he park to lake part in the picnic. The ladies of the party had all come prepared with well tilled baskets of good things to eat, and at about fi :.'( Ih.' jolly crowd proceeded lo spread out a feast of everv thing that the heart of an epicuriau could possibly de mand, and the hungry men of the parly proceeded lo make the good things disappear quite rapidly. After the enjoyment of the dinner the party spent several hours most pleasantly in v isil ing among themselves until later in the evening", when they started home ward, feeling that the gathering had been a most delightful one. MISS LEOTA BARTON IS MARRIEO TO ROY W. HERBTS THIS MORNING From Wednesday's Daily.. This morning at the resilience of Kev. Harry 1. McCluskv. pas tor of the First Piesiiv ferian church, was solemnized the wed ding of Mr. Hoy W. Ilerbls of Falls Cily and Miss l.eota Frances Hilton of 1'nion. The young people motored to this cily, and after .securing- the license hasten ed to the home of the minister, where the mar r iage was perform ed. The bride is well known in this city, being- a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L P. Laiton of Fnion. and for the pa-t three years has been a student, of the Plat I siuollth High school, where she won a host of warm friends, who will trust (hat she may enjoy unlobl hap piness in her future life. Fol lowing the ceremony the young people returned to Fnion to re ceive the congratulations of their friends. SOME PARTIES IN THE HABIT OF DEFACING STORE WINDOWS From Wednesday's Daily. Some party with the deliberate intention of defacing the large show window at I he ollice of Warga i- Scbuldice, on last Mon day night indicted a scratch oi the surface of the glass that Will be impossible to get out save by replacing- the window with a new one. There has been several in stances of this kind on the dif ferent store fronts and the parly doing this is sooner or later- goin to get tangled up with the law and will receive ;i well deserved lesson for their actions. There is no call whatever for anyone deliberately taking a glass culler, as was evi dently (he case on the Warga Scbuldice. window, and deliberate ly marring Ibe glass, and should the culpril be found the severest of punishment should be meted out to them. Receives Fine New Thresher Frank Valb-rv will receive this week a tine new threshing outfit with which to carry on the harvest work in this section. The oulfil consists of a 15-horse Case en gine and a ,T2.ri separator which v ill be able lo care for a great deal of grain. ' Frank has had considerable experience in the handling of threshing outfits and can be found strictly on Ibe job in looking after the business. Ice Cream Social Juno 23th. The St.. Agnes Sodality will hold an ice cream social al l he k. s. hall Sunday afternoon and even ing, June J8. There will be a con cert in" the afternoon and evening by tin' "Weary Willies." Iivery- body invited. , . 6-2-4tditw. DR. W. E. COOK RETURNS HOME FROM TOLEDO, OHIO From Wednesday's Daily. Dr. Fdwiu W. Cook, stale medi cal director of the Modern Wood men of America, returned Ibis morning from his tr ip to the east, including the attendance at the head camp which closed its ses sion last Friday. The doctor stales his hip was a most pleas ant one and that the convention was one of the most exciting that he has ever altcmlcd, as the light over the rah1 question and the re-election of Head Consul Tal bot were bitterly fought by many of (he Woodmen. Dr. Cook says I Hut the insurgent forces made a brilliant tight to secure the defeat, of Mr. Talbot ami that there were a great many very aide leaders enlisted on thejr side of the ques tion, although the organization of Ibe Talbol forces were perfect and they bad little trouble in put ting the head consul back in ohicc. After the close of llle Con vention very good feeling pre vailed among the- members, so (he doctor- stales, as the insurgents were successful in securing the retention of the rates at their present standard and slopping the proposed rai-e, and this served lo equalize the victory in the head cainp befween the two factious who were striving for control. After the close of the camp the doctor made a short visit al Detroit, Mich., with friends and relatives, and greatly enjoyed the time spent in the lake city. The happy manner in which the different mailers were adjusted al Toledo was very pleasing to al most all in allendance. THE "SAFETY FIRST" CAMPAIGN INCREASING IN INTEREST As a part of the general safely first campaign which is being carried on by Ibe railroads. Su perintendent Itignell of the I'.ur lingfon is preparing a circular urging employes to warn trespas sers of their danger. One circular tabulates the fatalities and in juries cau-ed by walking along hacks and atlempling lo calch rides i,i the I'nited Slales in Ibe !as (wenty-four years. According lo the table 'J -J.VJ f people were killed or injured, and '.( per cent of Ibis number-, or I !".'. 1 (".'. were citizens of the lo cality where the accident occur red. Most of them were wage earners and respectable cilizens. Children under 1 S years of age furnished I 1 per cent of the vic tims or Only ':. 05 5 tramps were killed or injured, r.'" per cent of the total number of victims of trespassing-. 'flu railroad circular urges em ployes to str ive constantly to keep children away from Ibe right of way and cars and to warn all trespassers of their danger. Clyde Oeuug. one of the leading attorneys of the Mills county bar. was over yesterday afternoon from Olenvvood to represent the interests of the tallies located on the laud on the river bolfom that is in controversy between the city and the parlies claiming litle. J. P. Keil and wife departed this morning, for Omaha, where they will attend the wedding of their son. Carl, which is lo occur there today. Subscribe for the Journal. USE THIS BLANK FOR MAKING NOMINATIONS. FILL OUT AS DIRECTED AND SEND TO THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER, PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL, PLATTSMOUTH, NED. NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 500 VOTES CAMPAIGN UAHAGER, THE PLATTSMOUTH I Nominate Street Town or R. F. D Contest District No As a Candidate in The Journal Prize Contest. Signed Address This Nomination Counts 500 Votes. Not over three nomination blanks will be credited to each contestant. The nominator's name will not be divulged until after the contest and only then at their request. 7r& 8 mmK. A large assortment of Fireworks now ready for your Celebration. 52 Crackers in package 2 pkgs for 5c 52 Mandarins in package best m 5c 2- inch Salutes 3 for 1c 3- inch Salutes 2 for 1c 5-inch Salutes each 1c Geysers 1 c to 1 0c Flower Pots 1c to 10c Colored Mines .5c to 20c Roman Candles 1c to 15c Sky Rockets 1c to 25c a COUPON. Bring this Coupon with you and get a package of caps 250 shots FREE with every National pistol sold. MM PARTY GIVEN IN HONOR OF BRIDE AND GROOM TO BE From Wt luosiljy's J aily. Relatives of .Mi Juliet Alwood and Dr. Cobb will begin to arrive today in order lo be U-eent al the welding of the couple on Wednesday noon. Ir. Cobb's par ents, lr. and Mrs. I'.. A. Cobb, and his aunt. .Mrs. Iodiiuead of Har lan, I.I., are expected to ie;if Lincoln this afternoon. The fo lowing relatives of the bride will come from plat Ismoulh : Mrs. c. II. Panncie. Mr. and Mrs. T. F.. Parisiele and daughter. Mi.-s Sarah ;. I laker, l'ollock l'arniile, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. I'arnieb-. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Dovey. Only rela tives have been invited to the wed ding. A dinner for the out-of-town relatives and bridal parly will be held Ibis eveninir in the rose room al the I . i t n I 1 1 holel. There vvill be two large tables with covers in all for twenly-foui At one table the bride's parents. Mr. and Mis. S. II. Alwood. will entertain a company of the older relatives, and at the other th" bride's cousin. Miss Marjorie Ag nevv. vvill be hostess to the younp people of the bridal parly. The tables will be decorated with the Dorothy Perkins rose. Lincoln State Journal. Ceorge II. Caller and wife were passengers this afternoon for Omaha, where they will viit with friends. l'v cry body is goinc lo ncc "Cin derilla in I'lowerland." at the I'ar mee theater June :ui. All the leading parts are taken by chil dren, suppor ted by a large chorus. Dale IRATE i j MERCHANTS TO CLOSE STORES AT NOON ON THE FOURTH OF JULY From Tucstljiy's J Milt'. The clerks in the different stoic, uf the city have been amf nlimr the ipie-tion of clo-dui:- up the different stores al noon on the Fourth of. Inly and acknowledging an oloerval ion of the day in prop er shape, and to this end the fol lowing patriotic merchants have avreed o cioe up at at the noon hour. If there is ;inv who have been missed on I In Iit they have (In ir name added by calliu I he Journal : F. A. Win I. Zuck weiler Lulz, J. V. Crabill. F. O. Dovey & Sons. Oeoruc Thomas A: Co., Loreiiz Urothers, Nebraska Lighting Co., Kroeliler I hot hers, W'arira A. Sc h u Id i-e. Fa Her iV. Thierolf. Joseph Feer. William Sehmidl maim. William Holly. Mrs. . I. Monr oe, J. V. Halt Son. M. Fanuer. C. :. We-cdl's Son, 15. . McFlwain. V. Ve.jvoda. II. Weiu Iroub, F. I F.iisli, .Ward ,. Mc Lean, A. W. White, Michael 1 1 i I 1 . J. F. Tuey. X. H. Meeker. the Creenvvood banker, w ho was in the cily yester day for a few hours interviewing the'eounty board in reuard to the taxation of his property in Creen w mill. Mrs. Oscar Oapen and her ln-ol her-iu-lavv. Will Jean, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they were called by the condition of Mrs. Jean, who is at the hopjal there and who has suffered a relapse. inrj tho business. Tho Journal advertisers arc do- 1914 JQOnML " A i