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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1914)
THURSDAY, JUWC 25, 1914. PLATTSIVtOUTH SEW I -WEEKLY JOURNAL, PAGE 3. V I I i New' Subscriptions of Most Value in Journal Contest Make Votes Double Ballot Offer on Clubs of Five Has Stirred Up an Interest that is Sending the Standings Skyward MAKE THE MOST OF It Conies to a Clo.-se a Week at ! O'clock, so Time 1'emaining. F.:t Ii 'V ry cand idat in "Ih. .I..iii :iais Aul . tn. l i I Con tent i.aliz'- that u-vv silbsrrip-ti..n- :v ti i!i.-t value frm a ..o ami as ii is th' ... - !'i:it will inak.' u a winner i . 1 1 li.-u!tl m-i'-ct a siiiiile oj.t..ii unity !' Bellini: a new suli x ript i a. Tlif iiKinautv f the r:Hiiiai:i d'ia!'t r i m i ? is wi'.Iinir ! I ; -1 t any c;.iniilute. strictly, nf !;!-, williin tin- yul. f tin-r.-nii -l. and his riili('l is ! all i'i -. ai'i'T tin- y.-Y ulscript imis. While lb" -t7cr f d-nibii' votes .n li:! r live new siil-ri it i. ms i. i lone tin' wi-f c;i!itl idal cs vi!i rnii'-ax h make 111" I s i - t if tin- Mf't't Pi 'l lmiid up n 2 1 r"- c j-ve f' ! f n n r" u -". It i- oa-y fi. h' that a lilinct can Ik iraincl in this manner ami that is what u want. In .'tliei- words, to l.e a wiiiiH !' you want Jo secure more vo!e in t i i - a;ne period than your rival. Yon may already have one elnli compete and. will fed -ati-l:.-d with, thai for the l.alanc" of the we.-k. That is a l'at?.l mis take with nio.-t candidates. Yu sh'-nld k"e, and ;tvnil y .urx-1 f of t-. -ry i ;; '!-t nt! it y of pet tine: a -nhscript ion. and hy w innin. a prize . u will h" move than re paid f- - r you r !Y i -. I o not h.-Id y.-ur siiii-ci-ipt ions until you (nip-ete a (duh. Turn them ii'o the c..;ile! depa r ! men t . have tin' paper- started at one", and "U will Lei the he-n'ti! ,.f tin- daily ("t;t"'n. As i a a c!uh i- compli !e (! extra v ie- will he i--uetl oa a special Icllot. Thi clul. oife;- expires at '. o'clock Monday nii;ht. July '.. ;,nd in x dew of the laei thai w" a-sure all candidate- there will ind ie a bet ter ..!",; dm-inir tin- ci;e-t. they sh.odd take ad;;n!;nre of it to its fnlle-t extent. From n.c.v on until tin c!..-e of the conte-t a -erie of -ui'pri-inL happenimr may occur in the re lative slandimr of the candidates ,l-,f will 1-....., t .... i.. ,(. 1 1 1 I ' - j I.i- 111 J-V'.'''l 'lp Uiat j.riijiei- juicli ot excitement which produces a nece--ar.v char acteristic ti peconie a winner eiif hii-ia-m. Their friends will he upon the qui vie to assjst them. The former are develi .pinp- DESTRIC7 NO. 1 City of Plattsmouth At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Miss A'bdia Sayle- losou Mrs. Sybel Head IMHlo Rev. V. M. I uuliner ,:;ir Miss Anna Heisel iVVo Mi-s Marie Donnelly 1725 Mrs. Joseph Droepe t lK7r r.harles K. Mai l in 10 .'JO Miss Madeline Miner iTio Mi'ss Marie Spies 1570 Miss l'crris Y'ork 15 JO Mr. Jesse perry i500 Miss i:ila N"uma:i ...i 500 Mr. Coiner 500 Miss Dorothy JJritt 1500 DISTRICT 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. PLATTSMOUTH, R. F. D. Miss (Jrace 11. Zxoltiiu-" Miss- Mildred Iee Mr. Henry Hirz, jr Miss Josie Kiser Mr. I'll Trit-ch Mr. John Meisin-er, jr Mr. Martin Nelson MURRAY, NEB. Miss Vivian Fitzpalrick THIS PROPOSITION from Next Saturday Evening There i Hut Little so rapidly info brilliant campaign manager- that the regular politi cal campaigners will Iiave to look to their laurels lest these symbols of successful leaderships b" Wle-led flolil their posses-ion. Keep at it. The opponent s who are short on votes now may b ad you tomorrow: and no contestant is so far ahead that they cannot be overcome by a little hard and .judicious work f"i th" part of the ones possossiup the fewest num ber ( f votes. A word to our friends about, supporting their favorite candi date. It seems as though it would not be amiss f,,r the many friend to devote some of their time in assistimr th" contestants to win by procuring the daily coupons or -ecurin-' a few subscriptions. II would 1" appreciate! by them. If each friend of a candidate rep resented ia the contest should pay for on" year to the Haily or isVmi YVeekly Journal it would be bdn'-' nothing more than demonstrating in :i ra( lical way the doctrine of fraternity, fed bu-y! Ifep some of y.eir friends to In'p th"ir eandiilate. Your friends need your support. Xnv is th" time to siv" them that support. 'I'hey wanf to be the xvinncrs. Sub scriptions will ive them the vcd"s to carry them to xiclory. If is therfor tij to you to sub-crib'e for Cass county's b"-t jiaper. You will never regret it. It will be money Well spent. You want an up-to-date, clean. enterpii-iiiL' and iiew-y papi-r in your" home, such as the Daily or Semi-Weekly Journal. Xov is the time to act. None of the candidates should think that they have a corner on the voles, but the Votes are the tiling- that count. An opponent's as they appear in th" column showiu-" the -landinir of candidates, i- not always an in dication of what it i necessary lor I hem to do in order to be b-adei-s. !,. a leader l.ecau-e it "des you a Lrood prestige and -hows your friends that you are hu-tlinir and they will feel more like helpimr you if you are up anion- the top-notchcrs. They all like to be wilh the xviiiniucr team, you know. 0550 8G10 SI 85 8755 500 500 500 2800 Miss Trudie Lon? Miss Etta Nickels Mr. M. G. Churchill . Miss pearl McReynolds Miss Laura Puis MYNARD, NEE. Mr. Dwiyht Props t Mr. Wayne Propst Mr. YA C. liummel IV! AN LEY NEB. Mr. I.e., Tip he Miss A-ncs )'JJi,i"n NEHAWKA, NEB Mr. Ernest ScUuinaker Miss Jenette You ay. Mr. Otto Schwartz Mr. Elmer McPo'ynolds Mr. Fred Ahrends Miss Edna StoII Mr. Love 11 Massio Mr. Alvin McReynoIds ALVO, NEB. Miss Marie proufy Mr. C. Y. Ro-enow GREENWOOD, NES. Miss Alma Wiedeman ELMWOOD, NEB. Miss Daisy Lanphorst AVOCA Miss Elsie npp PACIFIC JUKCTIOrJ, IOWA. Miss Anna Corcoran Mr. Tom Martin Miss Elizabeth Temple! on Mr. Y. II. McLaughlin Mr. Fred Mend"nha!l CEDAR CREEK J. W. Ilessenilow- Waller Snyder Mis-- Gertrude Meisinper J. W. Kcil WABASH August Romsfcldt Mi-s Audra llrnwn Paul G oli rev Oscar McDonald John Jackman Miss Rose Ampwert. LOUISVILLE, NEC. Miss Dorothy Group Mr. Victor Sheridan Lee Mi. Wm. Thomas Prof. A. G. Ga-h LOUISVILLE, R. F. D. Miss Mable Word Miss Martha Stohlrnan Miss Emma Gakemeier WABASH, R. F. D. Mi-s Glare UNION, NEB. Miss Ruth Garrison Mrs. Fannie EikerJ.ary EAGLE Rev. W. n. Hart 11 Mr. Ed IMf Mr. Ib nry Simkes Mr. Fred Spphnle Mr. Martin Ilurdi Miss Edith Peterson Mr. Anso Hurdi"!-; Mr. Ralph Allen Mr. Will Sharp Mi-s Freda Reitter Miss Ethel Hardnock Miss pearl Ax Miss Et fa Smith Mr-. Art bur Adams Mrs. M:i.i" Siekman Mr. Elmer Hu-'hs Mr. R. J. Mi" Mr. Geo C berb'. jr EOUTH BEND Mis- Eula Weaver WEEPING WATER Miss Tessjc Klilsch Miss D.-rtha Miller Mr. Chas. r. Andrus WATCH THE The Plaitsmouih Big Booster Circulation Campaign OTE COUPON VOID AFTER Good for For M. District TUIM NEATLY. The PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL Big Booster Circulation Campaign APPLICATION BLANK I am a resident of Cass County or vicinity and wish to enter u lhe Journal Prize Contest. I fully understand the rules and con y ditions governing same, which I Name , Address Town, 15U0 15ou 1500 1500 1500 1510 1500 15C0 1000 500 500 1 SOU 500 500 5u 0 500 5 oo 5'M1 2310 500 8000 1500 1500 15O0 1 nno 500 500 500 5o0 500 500 500 5011 500 500 5 00 50 5 0 0 500 500 500 500 5o0 500 500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 5 o 1 1 5 ' o 500 500 500 50ii 500 5 no 500 500 500 500 500 500 n.100 1500 500 500 VOTE GROW Journal I Series JULY 18th. 5 Votes No . agree to comply with. , , , , Local Mews From Wednesdays ralli-. Will Rumimdl was in loday fi'pirn his farm, ailemlinu to some matters wilh the merchants for a few In 01 rs. TTenry Epenberper, who for th" past term has been attending tin I'niversily of Iowa, at bva Ciiy. Iowa, retui'ue.l home y-terd.ay afternoon In spend his summer vacation .here with hi- parents. Mr. and Mr-. L. 1J. Eiieriberi-er. Mrs. Rolet Knight and daugh ter. Mrs. ;en Wyant. of Malv. in. Ia.. are xisitinp- Mrs. John Wiles a .id other r ial iv cs. E. L. Philpof of Weepinp- Water was jn l!i ifv today for a few liour-, looking afler some mallei's of bu-iness. having moioi-ed up from his home. Ross Mitchell and Mis y,. Mrdioiiey arrived Ibis morninu from ilave!o,-k lo al'end thexvi-d-dinu of Mi-s I'dna Proji-t at Mvnard this eveniiur. Lee J. Maviield. editor of tin-I.oiii-v i!!e Courier, was jn the city todav lookinir after some matter at the coio-l h".i-e for a few !loU!'s. Mrs. James Newell of Chicago. vho ha- been here for a short time vi-ilintr with iePi!ics. d.' parted this morninu for Omaha to visit for- the day. From Ti'-ursday's r.iUy. f Mrs. John Knabe. Mis- Jose phine Knabe and Maidha Albi-rt of near N'ehawka were pa-seners this m-unin- for (imaha. win-re they will visit for lie- day. altend ir.u to some m:Mei-s of Jc.i-ine-s. Ge-.i-pe M. Ibid crime in fhi ii mm i ii from his home near ?.!!, aril -and was a pa-senser on the eaily i;uriiu-:lo:i 'rain fo- una ha. w luo e he will is it for t he !dav. James II. Ilc-r-old of Lincoln came down this moi-nfncr on No. i to soe-id a short jinn- heie w'iii hi- i-ePoives and old friends. Mr. l!ero!d is lookinp' line ami his friends Were We'! ph-ased to meet him. if oi:py for a few minutes. Char!"-. Weckbach. v.ifi' and two !ii!e s,,ns came in cvni inu from Crete. Neb., and will v isit lie;-e f-r n dii'"l time with t'nir ic'.;ties in this ci;v. poih ?!r. p;:d Mrs. W'.-ek h:ich were , , iiirr r -ideais of !hi- riiy. vhere thev we:-e I'earcd and educated. YA. Eirdsall oT Chadron. Neb., cam - ia evi-nin' from Omaha : a si),.!) vi-ii with fri-nds her.-. Mr. Eird-all. who is ;, nephew- of the sheriff of Iiawes county, came to omaha wilh his I'ucle, coiie iiiii" two desperate 'prisoner's there for safe keepint: as they attempted to break out of jail at Chadron. Invest Your Money in New Homes for Plattsmouth. There has never been such a demand in Plattsmouth as at the present time for small modern heu-es. TIhtc is not a house in town that is at all tit for occup ancy that is no rented. The ren tal value of property here is ever Mi I lie increase, and new homes should pive th" investors excel lent returns for lln- money invesl- ed. The commit lee of the Commer cial Club, named below, or any member of if, will be slad to talk the proposition over wilh anyone would consider sucli an in vestment. Help find a suitable location and secure funds f;r buildinsT. The time is ripe ripht now- to beprin a buiblincr movement P make room for the people outside that are anxious to make Platts moulh lh"ir Imme. Let's net and keep up the boom that is makinc; Plaflsmonth a better town every day. C. G. Fricke. T. II. Pollock, Ik J. Richey, T. M. Patfersori, J. P. Fn-ller, Committee. G-2?-lwkd sre manv. Lee's is the best C buv. b'irst. because a pound -iv?fK md t ouarter for 25 ets. instead of the usual 15 ounces; seconu re causu obtainable st roost every J o-n; thud because cotralyine 5V f -;.uly with th the Insecticide Law. ood for FTovn fowls or chicks, fcspeciaily fine for setting hens. You cannot raise chickens g profitably unless kept free from lice and you need F . I .1... 1 Awnmtll .fill te tic tia M;nicinirc iriai " '"i"11 'i ' " - well as effective. That's Lee's. Put up in round sprinkler top cans. 2 sizes, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by 1 it. 000 itrakm In V. S. aod Cmnadm. Vr rlt tat free imuJut boot ami puiapuieu. I it 6 U ri if fcS H L S y ;r vs, f ANcclablcrrrpra'bnlorAs taliic S itiaacis aiiirjovcb of .SC6.S-. fcars! Promotes Di$cstioiifliCtT ness and Rjst.Ccr.taLisnciL'itr Opiiir-i-McrphLic norliacraL Not Xah cotic. IT W . Ptstfa Sad' ji-JscSnd il. Urivacksun Sl-tt . - r r r AperTjrt Reraedy forConsflj ion , Sour Stomach Dtarrtocj "Worms .Coix-alsiois.Fir.'cnsl-nc33 crJLoss of Sleep. lm W TiicSiniib SiSaarnrf of .Si The Cektatu CoiPArr, NEW U1K. Exact Copy of Wrapper. iUEMiOilMUJaBM Indictrr.erts A2"inst Miners Nolled. Charl-'Sftnn. Y. Va., Juno 2o. Indict ments r.gainst John T. Vvhite, presi dent, and Frank 1. Hays, vice presi c'fiit cf the United Min Workers o. America, and against s ve ntocn oth ers, and district officers of the organ iration. wcr.- nolled in the United States district court here at trio requfft of W. G. Earnhardt, dis trict attorney BASEBALL RESULTS Federal League. Kan?as City, 2: Indianapolis, 5. Chicago. St. I-ouirf. 1. American League. D:tro:t. 2: Chicago, 3. Cleveland. 4-1; St. Iouis, S-3. Philadclj.hia. 2-1; Wasnington. 4-2 I.oston. ?, 2; New York. 0-C. N? League. Now York, 3-1: Boston. T-ft. I; 1;1. 2-1; Philadelphia, 0-C. St. Louis. 3; Pittsburgh, 0. Chicago, 11; Cincinnati, 5. Western League. Topcka, C; Lincoln. S. Dos Moires, T,; Omaha, 11. Sioux City. 4: St. Joseph, 5. Der.or. P; Wichita. 1. Nebraska State League. R-iperior, 0; Columbus, 1. York. 0: Grand Island. C. Hastings. 7; Kearney, 6. The Journal does job work. rii u Ijilv? f S W e invite You mm A 1 1 J F. P. PJSG!3 Hotel Riley BIdg. Telephone 61 6th and Main SU. INAMENTAL DOOG3S p'YaT'l I E. J. RICHEY, Plattsmouth, Nebr. ISTiill For Infants and Children. w""""",,,a",,,"--,-",,",- The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years IB) i MM Tmi ontauii totimit, new o errr Many Fishers Drown In Constance. Fried t ichs ha! "en. Germany. June 25. The bodies l t n li.sLei nn n were re covered from I-aho C'onstaiu and at ieatt twenty-five more are missing, be lieved to have b' en di owned in a sud dni storm, which broke over this re gion. The storm came so quic kly li.ut the fisberiiieii were unable to reach land, only a mile or so away. Many were rescued Ly lake st-i nier.s and other eratt alter their light boats had capsized. . Strike cf Paris Mail Carriers Ends. Paris, June 2.". The letter carriers' Strike, which had threatened to result in scents of violence and had struck a s vere blow at business, was brought to an .nd by a promise from GaMon Thomson, minister of posts and telt graphs, to make a searching inquiry into the men's grievances provided t: . returned -iviodiately to duty. Stays In Air Eighteen Hours. Johannisthal, Germany. June 23. A world's record for a duration flight was made at the aerodrome here by Gustav Bass'T. He remained in the air for eighteen hours and t n minutes with out making a landing. The beit pre vious record was made by Bruno Lari. ger on Feb. 3. an uninterrupted fligM lasting fourteen hours and seven min utes. Thomten, Dentist. Ound ftldg. 3C 9 to send your soiled and wrin kled clothing here to be clean ed and pressed. You will find the result satisfactory beyond your expectations. Our system is superior to many because we have the Vf best and most modern equip- i ment, and are careful of every garment entrusted to our care. ' Goods called for and delivered and charges very reasonable. TAILORING GO- are made to perfection from our Lumber, because the wood is perfect in every particular, and free from every imperfection of knots, cracks and warpings. Ev ery foot of it is thoroughly sea soned, dried and shrunk, so it can be absolutely relied upon by carpenters and builders, and all sensible, wide-awake architects hereabouts particularly mention our lumber in their specifications.