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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1914)
PLATTSKOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. 43" PAGE 6. THE T. ; H. ' POLLOCK AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam Street, Omaha Announce that we have been unusually successful in securing the agencies we desired and now have the most complete line of Automobile Pleasure Cars and Motor Trucks to be found in Omaha and we are now in position to supply the demand for Pleasure Cars ranging in price from $800.00 to $2285.00 and Motor Trucks ranging from 500 pound Trucks at $500.00 to three ton Trucks at $3000.00. We can consistently recommend any of the Automobiles and Motor Trucks described below, and invite inspection at our Show Room 1910 Farnam Street and at the Auditorium all of this week during the Automobile Show. "OTP .CvJLi GAL" HENDERSON DeLuxe $1810.00 Kerosene Burning Cars Twenty miles per gallon as proven by cross continent trip around the world trip and of cars in the hands of satisfied owners. Cars will operate on kerosene or gasoline. Exhibited at the Auto Show. Henderson owners have a choice of wire or wood wheels no additional charge. All cars completely equipped and supplied in four and six-cylinder models. In Omaha we operate a most com plete garage and and service departments. Show visitors cordial ly invited to inspect our stock of cars and trucks. Light 40 hp. four cylinder $1585.00 DeLuxe 40 hp. 4 cylinder $1810.00 Roadster 40 hp. 4 cylinder $1785.00 Touring 54 hp. 6 cylinder $2285.00 Coupe $2285.00 See them at the Omaha Motor Show February 23rd to 28th. Si ace No. 25 North End of Staire. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Henderson Factory Distributors 1910 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. "1914 CHASE" MOTOR TRUCKS Crowned With Seven Years of Success EXTENSIVE advertising extravagant claims these will sell any car to a certain proportion cf buyers But unless the quality ana value are DacK oi tne advertising, no permanent place m public favor is possible. For over seven years each season has seen thousands of new accession to the great army of sati?f.ed Regal owners. Now. they cover the country. That's because the quality is bcilt in cot ff-tntsd in. once. ... ... i . I ,-"1 -- - - J. - 4 - . - "vi i.. ' A ' . - ' A ' . .- -. . . . .. . -5 - V-l-jr- rr .A . - n . I! 17 Every Regal model is completely equipped with every motoring necessity. Regal equipment includes Rushmore electric stnrtiug and lighting y?tem. with headlight dimmer for congested traffic: electric horn; demountable rims with one extra rim; high-grade speedometer; mohair top with special adjustable ctirt.-iinjr. top boot and full set of tools. Model "T" Under slung Touring Car Completely Equipped Experts say that the present Ierai lody-dt sin is perhaps the most grace ful ever prolueel in a car at a popular price. Note the cowl J;iL itn.l the lieau tiful curve of hack arnl fenders. Ample le and laxly room for five passengers. Kx ceptionally easy ii'linr; dual ignition. I'rk'f JIIIIj, f. o. b. Detroit. Model "CT 5-Paen-ger Touring Car Completely Equipped The announcement if tlI model ha raud a irac!i Cal r-adjustment of j-rice clas-s i n motor car. Many p-oj'e who lave heretofore not heen a:U tl( d with a car m uch nr..l-r two tlt' di-Ilars ar ent hu-iastic drivers -jf M. M i 1 'ric- iVXj f. o. b. Detroit. llVinch wher-;?as, wj;h 21x1 tires all anur.J. Semi-e!iitic front spriuir three-quarter eilipt.r rear. cia!Iy adju-;u for read sw iri. Mode! "N" Under, slung Roadster Completely Equipped iVrhuf!- the rr.t popu lar car of it ty i arr.or Iiu:d'4 .ar.d jrtf"onAl men. and t!.o for whr.m a t o-pa.s.Tr car i trt, ;. Trie- flli", f.o.b. I tr-.::. A cireic. ptiira!!y eco nomical in upkeep, includ ing tirei. r.'f ti; feur j"u'ar - pr i-nad-itr mi Is hos c'as-i and di--tlnction art apparent In every line. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. 1910 Farnam Street Omaha. Xbr. u 13 1500-pound Capacity $1000.00 For 1914 we present five models for which any type of body can be furnished. Models and Prices: Model M 500 lb capacity $500 Model D 1500 lb. capacity $1000 Model K 2500 lb. capacity $1500 Model R 1 ton capacity $2100 Model 03 ton capacity $3000 Announcement Chase success is told in two words "Dollars Earned." Chase owners tell how these trucks get over the ground from early till late on hard delivery service, in many instances with boys at the wheel And the net of their story is DOLLARS EARNED earned before sunset. Six sunsets a week for 52 weeks a year, make owners boast of low first cost to other business men, of saving on horse feed and care, of trifling repairs, of mileage, more mileage!, mileage never figured on, mileage never hoped for. On the Experience of Owners we sell Chase Motor Trucks. We have convincing evidence from OWNERS. T.H. Pollock Auto Co. 1910 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska ETROITER" $925.00 (Detroiter-Remy Starting and Lighting System-$125 Extra) Other Detroiter Models at $800 and $830. A new and distinctive series for 1914 Model 15 a Heauty Stream line body, distinct with added grace from bull-nose radiator to belied back-still larger motor (3;x;) developing a full 32-horsepower crowned fenders Detroiter-Remy Electric Starting and Lijtin2 System, flawless, and adding less than 40 pounds to weight of car plus all the exclusive features that made the Detroiter famous such as platform springs, full floating rear axle, multiple disc clutch running in 01L Yet the price aam cuts away 1 .1 1. unaer me marnei. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. 1910 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska. . At the Auto Show in Omaha February 23 to28. A complete line of Henderson Cars will be show at our Booth Space No. 25, North end of Stage. The Regal and Detroiter Cars will be shown in Space 19 on Main floor South Side of Auditorium. . We will be pleased to have all Cass County folks visit us at our Show Room 1910 Farnam Street and at the Auto bhow. Compli mentary tickets good Monday night February 23 after 7:30 o'clock can be had by calling on J. K. Pollock at Telephone Building, Plattsmouth.