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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1914)
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1914, PLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE 5. WITMIN THE LAW By MARVIN DANA FROM THE PLAY OF BAYARD VEILLER Copyright. 1513. Toy th H. K. Fly company. Y CHAPTER IX. A Bridegroom Spurned. 'OU know Asrgie toid you that Cassidy was up here from headquarters. He didu't rut a name to it, but I'm on." It was Garson speaking. Mary regard ed him inquiringly, and he continued, putting the fact with a certain brutal b'.untuess after the habit of his class. "I guess you'll haTe to quit seeing young Gilder. The bulls are wise. Ilis fiither has made a holler. "Don't let that worry you. Joe," she said tranquilly. She allowed a few seconds go by. then added as if quite indifferent. "I was married to Dick Gil der this morning." There came a squeal of amazement from Aggie, a start of incredulity from Garson. "Yes." Mary repeated evenly. I was married to him this morning. That was my important engagement," she added with a smile toward Aggie. Agie sat erect, her baby face alive with worldly plee. "Oh. gee. what luck!" she exclaim ed noisily. "Why, he's a king fish, he is. Gee. but I'm glad you landed MmT "Thank you." Mary said with a smile that was the result o her sense of hu mor rather than from any tenderness. It was then that Garson spoke. He put a question of vital significance. Do you love himl" The question caught Mary all unpre pared, but she retained her self con trol sufficiently to make her answer in a voice that to the ordinary ear would have revealed no least tremor. "No, she said. She offered no ex planation, no excuse; merely stated the fact In all its finality. "Tbeu you won't leave us?" Garson asked. "We're going on as we were before?" The hint of dejection in his manner had vanished. "And you won't live with him?" "Live with him?" Mary exclaimed emphatically. "Certainly not!" Garson was still patient in his deter mination to apprehend just what had come to pass. "Does he understand the arrange ment?" was his question. "No. not yet." Mary admitted, with out sign of embarrassment. Garson was intently considering an other phase of the situation, one sug gested perhaps out of his own deeper sentiments. "He must think a lot of you," he said gravely. "Don't he?" "I I suppose so." Garsou spoke very softly, but with an intensity that left no doubt as to the honesty of his purpose. "I'd say throw up the whole game and go to him. if you really care." There fell a tense silence. It was broken by Mary. "I married him to get even with his father.", she said. "That's all there is to it r.y the way. I espect Dick will be here in' n minute or two. When he comes just remember not to enlighten him." "Mr. Gilder." Fannie announced- "Any one with him?" "No, Miss Turner." the maid an swered. "Have him come in." Mary ordered. Garson made hasty excuses and went out on the heels of the maid. Aggie, however, consulting only her Dwn wishes in the matter, had no thought of flight, and. if the truth be told, Mary was glad of the sustaining presence of another woman. She got up slowly and stood silent. "?ile Ag rie regarded her curiously. A moment later the bridegroom entered. He waa "till clean cut and wholesome. Some nous of wealthy fathers are not after four years" experience of the white lights of town. And the lines of his face were firmer, better in every way. It seemed. Indeed, tnat nere was scire one of a resolute character, not to be wasted ou the trivial and gross things. He caught Mary in his arms with "Hello, dear!" smothered in the kiss he implanted on her lips. Mary strove vainly to free herself. "Don't, oh. don't!" she gasped. Dick released his wife and smiled the leatitic smile of the newly wed. "Why not?" be demanded, with a smile. "Agnes!" It was the sole pretext to which Mary could turn for a momen tary relief. . Tha bridegroom faced about and Ien-eived Agues. He made a formal ikw aud speke quietly. "I es your pardon. JMiss Lynch, but" a saiile of perfect happiness shone on his face "you could hardly expect me to see any one but Mary under the circumstances. We were married this morning-" Aegie accepted the news with fitting excitement. "Gooduess gracious! How perfectly lovely!" -You bet it's loveiy!" Dick declared. He turue-1 to Mary, his face glowing with satisfaction. "Mary." he said. "I have the honey moon trip all fixed. The Mauretania aUj at T iu tim uiorning. o we will" JlWhere J your father?" .the bride I asked, wlthont any trace of emotion. -O Lord! I had fprrrotten all abont dad. I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll send dad a wireless from the ship, then write him from Faris. "What was your promise? I told you that I wouldn't go with you nntil you had brought your father to me and he had wished us happiness." "Mary." Dick said reproachfully, "you are not going to bold me to that promise?" "I am going to hold you to that prom ise. Dick." AU right You pack up what things you need, girlie Just a few, because they sell clothes In Paris. And mean time I'll run down to dad's office and have him back here In half an hour. You will be all ready, won't you?" "Yes, yes. 111 be ready. Go and bring your father. "You bet I will!" Dick cried hearti ly. He would have taken her in his anus again, but she evaded the caress. "Just oner Dick pleaded. "No," the bride replied with deter mination. There was silence In the drawing room until the two women heard the closing of the outer door of the apart ment. Then, at last. Aggie relieved her pentup emotions in a sigh that was near a groan. "Oh. gosh!" she gasped. "The poor simp!" Garson. learning from the maid that Dick Gilder had left, returned Just as Mary was glancing over the release with which General Hastings was to be compensated, along with the return of his letters, for his payment of $10, 000 to Miss Agnes Lynch. Mary spoke crisply to Agnes. "And now you must get ready. You are to be at Harris office with this document at 4 o'clock, and remember that you are to let the lawyer manage every thing." "I don't see the use of all this mon key business," she protested. "AH J want is the coin." "Listen. Agnes. The last time yon tried to make a man give up part of his money it resulted in your going to prison for two years." "Iiut that was so exciting. "And this way is so safe." Mary re joined sharply. "Besides, my dear, you would not get the money. My way will. Your way was blackmail. Mine is not. Understand?" "Oh. surer Aggie replied grimly, on her way to the door. "Mr. Griggs." Fannie announced. There was a smile on the face of the maid, which was explained a minute later, when the visitor was shown into the drawing room, for his presence was of an elegance so extraordinary as to attract attention anywhere and mirth as well from ribald observers. Meantime Garson bad explained to Mary. "If English Eddie. Yon met him once. I wonder what he wants? Frob ably got a trick for me. We often used to work together." "Nothing without my consent," Mary warned. "Oh. no. no. sure not!" Garsou agreed. Further discussion was cut short by the appearance of English Eddie him self, a tall, handsome man in the early thirties, who paused just within the doorway and delivered to Mary a bow that was the perfection elegance. Mary made no effort to restrain the smile cause by the costume of Mr. Griggs. Yet there was no violation of the canons of good taste, except la the aggregate. From spats to hat. from walking coat to gloves, every thing was perfect of its kind. Only there was an overelaboration. so that the ensemble was flamboyant- And the roan's manners precisely harmoniz ed with his clothes, whereby the whole effect was emphasized and rendered bizarre. Garson took one amazed look and then rocked with laughter. Griggs regarded his former associate reproachfully for a moment and then grinned in frank sympathy. "From your costume." Mary sug gested, "one might Judge that this is purely a social calL Is it?" "AVell. not exactly," Griggs answered with a smile. "So I fancied," his hostess replied. "So, sit down, please, and tell us all about if English Eddie wasted no time. "Now. look here, he said rapidly, "I've got the greatest game in the world. Two years ago a set of Gothic tapestries worth $300,000 and a set of Fragonard pauels worth nearly as much more were plucked from a cha teau in France and smuggled into this country." "Are them things really worth that much?" Garson exclaimed. "Sometimes more," Mary answered. "Morgan has a set of Gothic tapestries worth half a million dollars." Griggs went on with his account. "About a month ago the thiugs I was telling you of were hung in the lib rary of a millionaire In this city." He hitched his chair a little closer to the desk and leaned forward, lowering his voice almost to a whisper as be stated his plan. "Let's go after them. They were smuggled, mind you. and no matter what happens he can't squeal. What do you say?" G arson shot a piercing glance at Mary. "It's up to her." he said. Griggs re garded Mary eagerly as she sat with eyes downcast. Mary shook her head decisively. "It's out of our line," she declared. "I don't see any easier way to get half a million." Griggs said aggressive U. "If it were fifty millions it would make no difference. It's against the law." "Oh. I know all that, of course." Griggs returned impatiently. "But if you can "My friends and I never d anything that's illegal. Thank you for coming to us. Mr. Griggs, but we can't go iu. and there's an end of the matter." "Iiut wait a minute." English Eddie expostulated. "You see, this chap Gli der is "Gilder?" Mary exclaimed question ingly. "Yes. You know who he is the dry goods man." Mary, however, had regained her self control, and her voice was tran quil again as she replied: "1 know; but. Just the same, it's ille gal, and I won't touch it That's all there is to if "But half a million!" Griggs exclaim ed disconsolately. "There's a stake if "Englith Eddie Griggs. worth playing for. Think of ItV He turned pleadingly" to Garsou. "Half a million. Joe!" The telephone rang, and Mary ex cused herself. The instant she was out of the room Griggs turned to Gar son anxiously. "It's a cinch. Joe," he pleaded. "I've got a plan of the house." He drew a paper from his breast pocket and hand ed it to the forger, who studied it with intent, avaricious eyes. "It look easy." Garson agreed. "It is easy. What do you say?" "I promised Mary never to" "But a chance like this! Anyhow come around to the back room at ISIIn- key's tonight and we'll have a talk. Will you?" "What tUte'i" "Make It early, say 0." "I'll come." Garson replied half guiltily. And in the same moment Mary re-entered. Griggs rose and spoke with an air of regret. "It's 'follow the leader,'" he sa'd "and since yu are against it that set ties If (To be Continued) 1.KOAL. XOTKE. To Lucy T?oprjts. Carrie Wimderlieido. Hnry Stoehr. Joseph Stoehr and Kdward Stoehr: You are lieretv notified that Fhlllip Stoehr. as plaintiff, has filed his peti tion In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, ajralnst yon and an other for the purpose of enforcing a written contract executed by CJeorpe Stoehr, your father, and Christ Stoehr, his father, pledinar the Inheritable in terest of Georpe Stoehr. under the law. in the estate of his father, as security for indebtedness of said George Stoehr to plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of March. 1914. or the same wiM he taken as true and judg ment entered accordingly. PHIL.MI' STOKHK, riaintlff. By r. O. UWYEK. His Attorney. NOTICE TO CRKDITOKS. In Cnnnly Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA. Cass County, ss. In the Matter of the nstate of Jacob W. Vallery, Deceased. Notice is hereby Kiven to the credit ors of said deceased that hearinps will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska. at the County Court room in IMattsmouth, In said County, on the Sth day of March. 1S14, and on the 2lth day of Auirust. 1914. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each tlav for examination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed In said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, ut IMattsmouth. Ne braska, this 2Sth lv of January. 1914. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. l-:'9-4wks Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, Andy Thomsen, has Hied his petition and application in the ollice of the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, as required by law, signed by a majority of t tie resi dent freeholders of Eifiht Mile Grove Precinct, setting forth that the applicant is a man of re spectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Ne braska, and prayinjr that license bo issued "to said Andy Thomsen for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from May 17, ID 14, ending May 17, 1915, in a build ing on lot 4, in block G, in the village of Cedar Creek, in Eight Mile Grove Precinct, in Cass County, Nebraska. ANDY THOMSEN, Applicant. You will find tno most complete line of stationery m the city ol Plattsmouth at the Journal office. The finest hue of box paper, visiting and calling cards. PlatUmouth, Feb. 17, 1914. Board met pursuant to ad journment. Present, C. E. Heeb ner, Julius Pitz and C. It. Jordan, County Commissioners; Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Min utes of previous sessions read and approved, when the following business was transacted in reg ular form: As advertised, bids were re ceived on Cass County Jail build ing, to be erected on Court House grounds in Plattsmouth, Neb., as fololws: Hids on Jail Building F. M. Schroeder, Omaha, 9t4HO.OO; L. (. Larson, Plattsmouth, $'., 350.0(; Chas. Bauer & Son, Oma ha, $10,300.00; Busk S; Wind, Omaha, 11,910.00; II. B. Hed ding, Omaha, 10.590.00; Kiene & Busch, Omaha, $10,815.00; Peter Kiewit !t Son, Omaha, 10, if.0.00; II. E. Ol.-en, 10,515.00; Carl Cw. Johnson, Omaha, 11, 875.00; Peters & Richards, Plattsmouth, 10,508.00. Bid on Jail Building iVmiplrto Peters & Richards, Platts mouth, 11,988.00. Bids on Plumbing, Heating and Wiring Peters Sc Richards, 1, 420.00; Warga & Sehuldice, 1, 4i8.i5; John Bauer & Son, 1, 313.55. Bids on Heating John Bauer & Son, 495.00. Bids on Electric Wiring Johnson Electric Co., as per spec, 225.00; American Electric Co., as per spec., 370.30; Ameri can Electric Co., knob and tube work, 225.00, except cell; W. K. Fox. jr., knob and tube work, 225.00, except cell; John Bauer & Son, 228.00. Bids on Heating and Plumbing Schollman Bros.. 1,058.00; Cuss Blaser, 1,1 85.00. Moved by Julius A. Pitz and seconded by C. R. Jordan, that contract for erection of jail building in general be awarded to L. G. Larson of Plattsmouth, Neb. Motion carried. County Attorney instructed to draw up contract. Moved by C. R. Jordan and seconded by Julius A. Pitz that contract for steam heating, plumbing and gas fitting and eelctric wiring be awarded to John Bauer. Motion carried. Count Attorney instructed to draw up contract. Moved by Julius A. Pitz and seconded by C. H. Jordan that Mr. L. (I. Larson be given until July 15, 1914 for completion of his contract. Moved by C. R. Jordan, and seconded by Julius A. Pitz that Melville I. Thomas be instructed to go back to year 1908 and check up to and including year 1913 all county offices as mentioned in proposal as adopted by County Board on January 13, 1914. The Board of Commissioners reserv ing the right of stopping the auditing at any time. Motion carried. The following claims were al lowed on the General fund: C. E. Heebner, salary and mileage 32.40 C. R. Jordan, salary and mileage 20.50 Lincoln Telegraph and Telephone Co., rent and tolls 24.40 Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage 25.10 Julius A. Pitz, expense in care of Mr. Hopkins. . . 2,38 Melville I). Thomas, part payment auditing Co. ollice 148.75 J. V. Egenberger, coal to paupers 28.00 Dr. E. D. Cummins, sal ary C. physician, Dis trict No. 1. 1913 215.00 Dr. J. W. Brendel, sal ary Co. physician. Dis trict No. 3, 1913 25.00 W. E. Jenkins & Co., mdse Mrs. G. Chambers 10.00 Theo. Slarkjohn, cow to farm 10,. 50 Klopp & Bartlelt Co.. supplies to county.... Halt & Son, mdse to Mrs. Lambert 5.00 (ieorge LaRue, salary member S. R. C. year 1913 12-15 Joseph Mul I in, salary member S. R. C. year 1913 12.15 . W. Johnson, salary member S. R. C. year 1913 1--2" W. K. Fox, stamps I8.O0 J. L. Holcomb Mfg., sup plies to Court House.. (5.75 C. D. Quinton, boarding Cily prisoners, Jan- . uary and commts 16.00 C. D. (Juinlon, boarding county prisoners and salarv January .... 257.40 Nelson Jean Co., coal to Fullerton and McPher- son 11.00 C. D. Ouinton expense Carl Johnson to Omaha 9.02 C. D. Ouinton expense John Wolfe ami Jack Herren 12.50 C. D. Quinton, summon ing jury, December 45.21 37.00 y . 00 4 .35 5 . Co .50 13.70 4.10 9.30 12.71 term C. 1. Ouinton, expense.. A. J. Beeson, State vs . Dawson and Saam.... C. M. Seybert, State vs. Dawson and Saam ... 13.00 C. D. Ouinton, expense John Kline to hospital James Robertson, in ebriate P. S. Davis. . . . C. D. Ouinton, inebriate P. S. Davis A. J. Beeson, Stat.' vs. George Clifton C. D. Ouinton. State vs. George Clifton Weeping Water Repub lican, printing and Coin 111 isioners proceedings The following claims were al lowed on the Bridge fund: C. F. Vallery, bridge work SI. 2o The following claims were al lowed on the Road fund: Walter Green, blacksmith R. D. No. 27 J. D. Allen, road work. R. D. No. 10 L. B. Stewart, road work. R. D. No. 10 .las. Loughridge, black smith work, R. D. No. 27 Jas. Loughridge, black smith and road work, R. D. No. 10 Roy Vickers. load work. 11. D. No. 10 S h v v in a 11 Ilenrichsen. road work, R. D. No. 10 J. A. ButterlieM, road work, R. I . No. 0 .... .Board adjourned to meet Wed nesday. February 18, 191 i. FRANK J. LIPKRSIIAL. County Clerk. 5 .50 2 . on 1 .00 1 .25 proed: .s----srrlr.m'sm-.-m Dr. J. B. .Martin. Ph sn-iau-J District No. 1. aud a-rre:ne :t . SPECIAL SALE FOR - entered into. ! THE NET 23 DAYS. - m m Dr. J. F. Br.-nd.-l. phy-ician V District No. 2, and a-re 1: entered into. !' Dr. J. W. Br- ii.i.I. Pii-iei u!- District No. 3. ;;;:d a-re.-ne :it entered into. Dr. E. L. Jon t V fii'-r : 1 : ..f u'.. 2. rr N-w a:;. Li the I -A :-. ..1.. ...1 .. IMMIICI .o. .til, I ii : 1 ,,;y..r a;j entered into. ! "Vu-titlure. La:. Bond of A. II. Yanl ;;i.i..'-lta'.i. , x. O;! H-a?. r. I'-r-r : . I- Co- -r- and . t. ?!a:!r--. Bed-. r.: - a". ju.-tice of l!i,. p. ;ic,' Iiptoii j : CiliCt. apl'i"o i. County Treasurer ilii- .! t in - a 1 1 .. . r - . r .. . . sllUCleil lo liai.M'T -,,, I";"?. an .,!. the Geic-ral fund to the , .Mi.t"" jj Sar.itarv i Relief fund. !.. j,a 1. .. County Treasurer t!i;- ':; in-:.. II- ,.f a"I k : v tructe. to t. ruc.l tl.e Fir-t .Na-jJ. s'.;,, , .j ir.. -I lional bank of Ortviw. o. s;.i; ;., u ... ., l per,,i:a lav paid under p ;,a':i. j ,.t--.. .,t .1 I- i if -l account beiui.' rrr n!) "'"..j- take-, ::. v by ou;it a e-,.r. j ! ,-., ... 1 ..... ..... . Bond of L. G. Lar-on. . fi(r. ,:- -a ...-. - contractor, for C,i- e..uut"- rew j. j:i;s. . p. :.: . ;!:. 1 .00 i .00 i . SO : ; 1 .......... ...1 .... 1 t J.lll ilj'lM ii I'U Uli.l ij ed into. !..- Contract entered ii;Jo w 1. b John Bauer To-- ;.-a t i m r. pluio!.- Strayed, ii'g and i:a Hi tin-- at. I .!.-.! r c! A b'.i.-k P-: ! : .1 wiring of m-w coin ty jat!. jw. :i:. ;r ' ; . ! The following claim- w a'-1 Plea : '.'v J. M. V- owe, I on the O.-,. eral fund: j Piut i -n...M h. .". .'. The PlaM-mouth .J. e. j - -- 1 1 'IMi.-i N . - I .. printing and -uppiie-... 30 j .'-!'-t . Fred Patter-,.:!. j work Oct.-ber. 1 ! "1 2". ""I P. ! - ' ' " ! ' ; C. S. Wot ! lea on j r-o. l-.-r- w :! 1. 1 - l. - .. Inn, I for i.ub'ie 1 i 1 1 I if r. r- ! ! " ; Plaltsinoulh. Feb. 18. 191 i. Board nieL with all member present, when the following busi ness was transacted in regular form : County Clerk reported bavin? received a check for s 17.20 from A. F. Sturm to reimburse the county for amount oxerpaid on bridge warrant N. 12 of January 7, 1914. Soldiers' relief commie-ion filed report of expenditure- for year ending February 9, 191 S. amounting to S73O.O0. The following bond were ap- 2o. IS: wa . ; 1 1- Tlie f-w clai -n- ! a'-je:; lowed on the Roaii fund: j Lee Aruett. cuU.-rt. It. D. j " Nil. li S .T . 2 1 i Lee Arn-tt. c;;!ert. It. D. No. 10 Wm. Mept ban. road u.-: k R. D. No. 10. a:.t-.u:.t claimed 22.20. ail ,. ed John P. Smith. r.;ii w : k R. D. No. 10 Board adjourned to !i Tue-day. Mat efi .:. FRANK J. LIBr.'tSil L. ("o'i:i! I'.Ir k. V en You n:cy ncrU an AUCTIOfO EER and we want to inform vou that dates can t mae at thi o'T. -f for 00L. vh. mm the Vccpin4 Water Ascil r.c.r LOST On the -tre.-N of IM-.t ti .1 sin l.i'l V !:!,. r:il reward will be paid f--r ! h- return I Careful Attention to Public 5a5 of th.. same t., the oti;.-,.. Rae nre Pea-v nable 1 111 Jim .Hi H.I .1 m mmmm mm n in nu inline i i ""I"11 " "" " .." f ' . ? 1-'--'-.. - . ' - - - - - ' I iNmu illiyid iblfilll!! 1 i l 1 AT PLATTSfvlOUTr-J, NEER. GIVEN BY SI i Tribe No. 69 ,-.4v IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN PARTfiELE THEATER Friday HgB, February 27th CASH PRIZES IV1 AMY FIRST CLASS CGHTESTAHTS 50 years of age and over first prize $7.50; eecoiid prize $5; third :.f0. SECOND CUSS GOHTESTAHTS From 20 to 50 yeaix of age first prize, $5; second prize $3; third prize $2. THIRD CUSS COHTESTAHTS lvy. and girls up t' -J' y-ar-ti':;" barret! first pri.''. $: .-ei.n I j ri.:. '2z tliinl iri2-. I. CTHER PRIZES Il.-st bi;ck and wing dan-r. r:in-t . a fiddler, S-l : nld.-t ti'MIr-r 1: vonng-er-t tiddler. !: trick fiddler. $1. NO ENTRANCE FEE CHARGED CONTESTANTS Free to all fiddlers in Nebraska and Iowa, with a invitation t .M eouri and Arkansas fiddlers. Professional violinists ar barred. All .-ti. ::s to be played without accompaniment. Contestants liae privilege ,f themselves if they so desire. Both ladies and gentlemr-n are invite.i to -:.ur this contest. All entries must reach John Cory. Plratsmouth, NVbr.. ; or be fore February Joth. Contestants are urged t send nam-s as early as j-ih:-. in order to become josted as to the details of tnis cnnUst. Everybody QordiaHy Invited. Admission 20c. Tickets ou Sale at Weyrich A: IladrabaV Drug Store. !Vats may b reserved any time by mail, telephone or in j -.". n. ii