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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1914)
I- A A DAy, "JANUARY 5. 191, I v. i1 r tor PAGE 4. PLATTSnOUTH 1 SEIBI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MOW 7 1 . .V , ; 1;,t, 1 ' ;" :":- No man or woman can afford to miss this golden opportunity. The cleanest, choicest good stock in Plattsmouth to be sold at such quot ed prices, some goods going at less than one half of its value. To save dollars upon dol lars, read this adv. carefully and remember no matter how ridiculously low the prices look they are not exaggerated. Come in. and see for yourself. Remember the prices in this aav. go into effect, Saturday, January 10. ZE ,,. i fl - J7 i n. -d Wlt-'t n-'"' -' 1 1 1 h i I r : v. p: f " " " " ' " ' - - - V- '5-:-'v v m i in ni x f x n n f7 if j; (Cu r in n i n i i - i " ' ' " II - II . '"""'""' "'- "tJ"' 1 r i -' VW J -CI ' - A'jT1' a't ..i . ' ; 1 - r! rr iiiii liT riSTaiTi. ii. Him..ii 3. SUITS AND OVERCOATS I -h - ---- f j Men's and .Voung Men's Suits and Overcoats, , nice ly made, and sell regularly for $8.50 Pub- VJ Q C lie Sale price. . . . . fr3 Glen's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, ele gantly made of mixed wool During this Pub- IV lie Sale, at 95 Men's and Young Men's swell all wool worsted suits and all wool Chinchilla Overcoats, sells regularly up to 15-Pub- n nr lie Sale price OmUnJ Men's and Young Men's swell Suits sold regularly: up to $18.50 Q QC Public Sale price. . UUO Our highest priced Suits that sold regularly up to $2S.50 in two 10 QC lots, $14.50 and I Lt.OO MEN'S SLIP-ON RAINCOATS $7.50 Rain Coats . . $4.98 $14.50 Kain Coats $795 Young Men's all wool blue Boy's Overcoats, swell all serge suits, Norfolk style, wool chinchilla, elegantly worth $8 - J qj- Public Sale price. .ftII) Boys' Overcoats, worth' up to $4.50 O OA Public Sale price. . made, sold regularly 'up to 8.50-PubIfc A QO bale price TTiO Boys' Suits worth $3.50 to $S.00, in three lots Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 4 Hen's Sheep Lined i Coats $0.00 Sheep-lined" Coats during this Pub- GA IQ lie Sale... ::. ,Duck sheep lined coats in good lengths, $7.00 values, during this pub- PA QQ lie Sale price pt.?0 Moleskin coats, sheep-lined extra long' $9.0pf values Public Sale "-"tC-QC E price... ..PJ'J I Reversibieduck and cordu roy, can: be used for hunt- aif. f.4. !a!uef. . . . $2.45 Duck Coats with heavy blanket lining, worth $3.50 en's Corduroy :i Panls $2.J5 Corduroy Pants, dur ing this Pub- M AO lie Sale. tpl.ttJ Gloves and Hiitens $1.50 Men's Mittens and Gloves, Public QQ Sale price .......... filen's Ilais Men's $1.50,hats go at . . 1 OVL Men's $2.00 hats gg Men's fine $3.00's Furnishings 93c 98c $1.60 Rubbers and Overshoes You will buy them cheap er here than any IIace else 1.25 Men's Winter Union Suits 1.75 Men's very fine Dress Shirts All Tt-tin'ia Vlii tiTitil SllivfsS All nil 11 o itmiii. . j v i -jm worth 1.25 and 1.50, two big II lots, to close QO O 7Q them out . . .'. CL 8 UL 3Ieii's Fine dress shirts worth 1.00 Public Sale CQr -price . . . i . . . .' 3tJ Mens heavy sweater roll collar coats, worth- 75c, pub- JQp lie Sale price Men's Wool Mixed Sweater Coats, worth 1.75 Public Sale. Men's "Wool - and Worsted Sweater Coats, sold regularly for from 2.50 to (J. 50, must be sold, and they go in two rr!;1;': $2.69 M Lien's Trousers 1.50 Men's Good Make Pants, all good patterns and QQf odd sizes, ati OI7L Men's Fine t, Make Pants a very nice assortment to select from, worth up to M AO 3.00, at....'. tpl.iO Men's Trousers made of fine worsted, all new patterns worth up to;3.50 JJg 4.00 and 4.50 (9 AO Men's Trousers p.iO 0.00 Men's Trousers , Men's Suspenders and Ties Mens Ties and Suspenders 1 5c to 21 c Frien's Winter Gaps 50c and 75c Men's Caps v 29c en's and Boy's Shoes mi a r . m $3.39 Mens Shoes worth $2.50 during this Public Sale at f! 1 .48 to 1 .79 $3 values at $2.19 3.50 values 2.79 4.00 values. -it 2.90 4.50 and 5.00 values 3.79 Trunks and Traveling Bags We are making a big rut on this class of goods y Hoys' dress and high top K shoes with two buckles worth 2.5i up to 2.K5, I'tiblle Sale 1.93 to 2.28 The mammoth stock of Fanger'J mouth, Nebr., to be sold, reardlt. ous, stupendous, gigantic sale ove jl dising. The object of this sale is t mm m m m i motn stocu or uenerai.mercnanais ? Owing to the tremendous stock w i i compelled to offer to the public th s merchandise at A BIG SACRIF1C I. J. D. Rockefeller Says: BUY IVIUHfl p i all of his oi you want to buy or not. Remember the opening da; SSgiq Oissed Friday, SwA 11 Mi i Ladies' Heavy White Outintf F'laniui Niilht (niwn. 48c $1.50 Imliesi recti tine kill jilove $1.09 Men's tlannrl shUt 39c Men! iHe.vt Sliitt 25c Men' lUutrf-' 19c 7fo CljiMrrns' iliwcs 39c $1.?0 Hack Heather- Be5t pade of Calico bkxva FVttxxvi: froa the boll, yd. 69c 4c Meat ivV Neckwear of Aprcn 21 C Gingham, yard 6jc Siunple of heavy 12c and Table Oilcloth, yard 9c 15jc Men good weight Children's Flannel etHton flannel gloves sleeping gowns 3g ' One card pearl buttons Wenched muslin, dur- hfks and eyes Ing this sale, 10 yards , pins, each 49c 1 c IU w Ba- L v. fim a AT 9 A. FOR 60 DAYS. COT f i Never before have the people had the opportunity to buy such new high grade merchandise at such ruin ous prices. It will be the greatest upheaval of bargains within the walls of this city since she came on earth. The whole town will be awake. We propose to pour out to the people in the next 60 days beginning at 9 o'clock sharp, Saturday Jan. 10, $20,000 worth of sea sonable merchandise at" public sale regardless of cost. Outing Gowns wortli from ?rc lo 1.-1K will go at 43c, 69c and. 90c H.....'.iil rrjr- Gloves a nilfens vvint'rlovoH As milt'iiH IQc and ISc 3 fcfw iTiiJtiSti, '.if :'.'n'i" riiiZiAUt llouso Dresses Ladles'. llouso DrrHsos ranging : ' from 79c Railroad faro reimbursed to all out-o of merchandise or over. Every article o rccardlcs of cost, Saturday morning, Jar i f L s' V.;ZUCCIER;TJ3anager Fho Homo of M 1L n