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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1914)
MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1914. PLATTSJV50UT5I SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. rzcz S. SUB ALCOHOL. 3 PLK CENT Acgc(aUeR-cparalionCrAs-similatin$ iIxFocianifReguti ling Uic Saimaclis acdlkwclsof. Promotes Dteesttonllfrrfi- ness and RestXontalns ncitor OpiimLMorphine norfliucrai OT NARCOTIC frnykla Sad' MtdttteUtX- Vrtraierd- Anerfect Remedv for Ccmsffca- tton . Sour StomadiDtarrtoa YonasroitvulsKmsjevCTisnr ness ami Loss or SLEEP. IcSinule Signature of The Centath Compass NEW YORK. J USEFUL HINT8. To cut an iced cake without crumbling' it, dip the knife for a few seconds in hot water. To prevent suet from becoming- sticky when chopping, sprinkle it with flour and chop it in a cold place. When you spill hot grease up on the floor, imediutely pour cold water upon it. This cools it be fore it can strike into the wood. Tinware that has become dis colored can be made bright by boiling" it in a solution of borax and water. When soaking salty ham, add a tablespoonful of molasses to the water. It improves the taste and makes the ham fry nice and brown. When dressing poultry do not waste the feet. Place them in boiling water for a few minutes, and the skin and nails will come ofT easily. They make a delicious bit of soup or jelly. A wire stand such as is used for putting under tea or coffee pots, may be kept neap the oven, and will be found useful to place under a cake or pudding that is baking, to keep it from burning. It seems a waste of money for people to keep on buying high chairs for babies when one thinks of the large number of big die- Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was afflicted with plleptic fits for three years, the attacks oming; every few weeks. "We employed MTeral doctors but they did her no good. About a year a. go w heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine, and It eertainly has proved a blessVng- to our IKtle girl. She Is now apparently cured and is en joying the best of health. It Is over a year since she has had a fit. We cannot ppeak too highly mt Dr. Miles' Nervine." MRS. FRANK ANDERSON. Comfrey, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to their parents, who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles' Nervine m one of the best remedies known for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it. It is not a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. You need not hesitate to give it a triaL Sold by all Drufl8l If the first bottle fall to benefit yeur money Is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO Elkhart, In. lya .b Exact Copy of Wrapper. 'W Mr 0 For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the L, Signature A.u of In Use For Over Thirty Years IB) tionaries that are never put to good use. Doctors now claim that love can be cured by chemical treat ment. Maybe so, but there will be no patients .seeking the cure. Love is an ailment people do not wish to recover from. WOMEN AND WET FEET. Cold and wet feet are a dangerous combination, especial ly to women, and congested kid neys often result. Backache, urinary irregularities and rheu matic fevers are not unusual re sults. Foley Kidney Pills restore the regular and normal action of kidneys and bladder and remove the cause of the trouble. Con tain no habit forming drugs. For sale by all druggists. "THE TWO ORPHANS" VERY PLEASING TO THE AUDIENCE LAST NIGHT From Friday's Daily. There was a fair-sized audi ence present last evening at the Parmele theater to witness the performance of "The Two Orphans," that melodrama which has thrilled many American audi ences fop years, and in the hands of the capable company present ing it last evening it proved as pleasing as any of the attractions hown here during the season. Miss Camille Dahl, who appeared in the role of "LaFrochard," was particularly pleasing in her acting and the company as a whole was very good and there was hardly anyone in the audi ence that did not feel that they had received their money's worth in the excellent show given. The next attraction that will appear at the Parmele theater will be "The Virginian" on next Tuesday evening, January 6th. H. P. Hutchman Ordained. A special from Murray, under date of January 1, says: The or dination of H. P. Hutchman, pas tor of the United Presbyterian church here, was conducted by a committee from the presbytery of Omaha. The committee was com posed of Rev. C. F. Spear of the First church of Omaha, Rev. W. A. Pollock of South Omaha and Elder John L. McCaig. After or dination services Rev. II. P. Hutchman was elected and in stalled as pastor of the United Presbyterian church at this place. A Correction. In the write-up of the enter tainment which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cook recently, in honor of his son, Frank Cook and wife, we men tioned dancing as being one of the amusements. In order that this word, "dancing," might not be misunderstood, we wish to state that the dancing was done by a little tin man, which was wound up, and the dancing was done on the table. Alvo Notes (Too Late for Last Week.) Joe Foreman is spending his schocd vacation at home. C. R. Jordan had business in Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday. Mary and Raiph Linch spent Christinas with L. U. Appleman and family. Alfred Stmemer was in Wa bash and Lincoln from Sunday until Tuesday. Miss Orpna ."Mullen departed Tuesday evening for a few days' visit at Aurora, .t b. Miss Maude Cheuv eront of Lincoln spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Ella Prouty. Mrs. Clayton Leibhart and chil dren came down Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. (iemge Lieldiart for a few days. Mrs. Ralph Uhby returned to her home at Yerdoii, Neb., whet her husband is operator on the M. P. railroad. They will set up housekeeping at once. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Bird, W ednesday, December 31, I'Jl'J, a nine and one-half-pound daughter. Mr. and Mr.-. E. I. Friend and daughter returned from Hooper, Neb., Tuesday, where they spent Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. George Ellison and Mrs. Dan Manners and chil dren visited several days with their mother, Mrs. Knott, last Mr. and Mrs. Mart Campbell and daughter, Ree, came in on Christina-: eve from White Lake, S. D., to visit with relatives and friends during the holidays. Lem Foreman left early Wed nesday morning with his car of goods bound for his home at Corsicana, Texas. Edward Ken nedy accompanied him. Mr. Foreman will farm. Uied December 2C, 1 1 3 . Al bert Prouty, who lived at Eagle. The funeral was held Sunday and the remains were laid to ret in the Eagle cemetery. The deceased was 63 yars old a brother of Able Prouty. Mrs. Carlton (bullion and son, of Lincoln, came down Thursday evening to visit relatives a few days. Mr. (iullion came Sunday, all returning home Sunday even ing. Mr. Clark accompanied his daughter, Miss dleason, to her home at Burr Oak, Kansas. Fri day night, and from there he will ;"o to Republican City. Neb., their ormer home, for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsell ,f Blair, Neb., came in Friday even ing to visit his brother, Harry Parsell and family, and his moth er, who is now making her home with her son, Harry and family. Mrs. William Casey left Friday on No. 0 for Chicago, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Carrie Barber and family, for a week or so, and then she will pro to Nash ville, Tenn., for several weeks' visit with her mother and other relatives. Harry Appleman and family of Lincoln came down Christmas to spend a few davs with Mrs. Ap pleman's parents. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove, and other rela tives. They returned home Sun day evening. Mrs. Bina Kitzel entertained at dinner Christmas her daughter. Mrs. Albert Weichel and family, of Elmwood; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kitzel and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone and son, Mr. ami Mrs. Oscar Kitzel and Bert Kitzel, Mr. and Mrs. Or in Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. William Manning of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Manning is a niece of Mrs. Bina Kitzel. The Mothers' Council held a special meeting Tuesday in honor of Mrs. George Bobbin, of More head, Kansas, at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. P. Rouse. It was a surprise to Mrs. Bobbitt. who was a charter member. After a program was rendered a lunch was served to thirty-five mem bers in attendance. Do you begin to cough at night, and just when you hope to sleep? Do you have a tickling throat that keeps you awake? Just take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It will check the The Best Flour o n the EVlarket s: er' 'QUEST HQS, WAHOOMILLCO f WAHOO, NEB. FoBrer o XT t K " " cough and stop the tickling sensation at once. Does not up set the stomach, i- best for chil dren and grown persons. For sale by all druggists. Miss Verna Ryder of Lincoln and Mr. Dale S. Boyles of this place were married December 24, UH.d, at Seward, Neb., by R-v. Oscar Reynolds, who is an old friend of the rooio and a mem ber of the same university fra ternity. The grocim i- the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Eoles or t li i plaee. The bride is the daughter of the late .1. . and Mis. llvder id " Lincoln. Moth I lie bride and g.-oi.m graduated from (lie .-late uni ei -it y in the class of H1J. They will make their home lu re, and their many friends wish them a long and happy life. The Ladies" Reading club tendered them a surprise .Monday evening, lir-t serenading" tlnm and then taking in their well-filled lunch baskets. A very enjoyable evening was Spent. Married December 2 5. at p. m., at Llmvvood. Neb., Mi-s Alpha Sutherland to Henry "Earl Ben nett. The bride is the daughter or Mrs. Jl. A. Mri'iJi: of Elmwood. and the groom is the youngest son of Mrs. Belle Bennett of this place. Those from here attending the wedding were the groom's mother, Mrs. Belle Bennett, his brother, Elmer Bennett, and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Fore man, jr., Mrs. K. A. Stone and daughter. Ruby, Mrs. :. M. stone and son. La Verne. Alfred Stiom er and Mrs. Fred Dreamer of Uni versity Place. A reception was '-ivea for them at the home of the uroom's mother Christmas day, at which fifty-eight i;uets were present to wish the happy young couide much joy and a prosper ous journey through life. A de licious lunch was served to the gi:ests. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will move onto his mother's farm in the spring. The Brotherhood of American Yeomen will hold a public instal lation in the Alvo hail January in, l'Jl i, at 7::50 p. m. Mr. Stali-i-op. Grand Master of Cere monies, will give an address. All those interested in fraternal in surance are cordially invited to be present. Mrs. Cb B. Shaffer, Cor. No. i7ir. B. A. Y. Local Jlevjs From Saturday's Daily. County Attorney G. H. Taylor departed this morning on No. 13 for Gretna, Nebraska, where lie will look after some legal mat ters for a short time. Miss Mary McGuire departed tin's morning for Osmond, Neb., where !he will resume her work as a teacher in the school at that place. J. C. Routh "i me vKinily of Mauley was in the eity today for a lew hours and while lo-re call ed at. the Journal otiWv for a short business call. Miss Minni- Guihmann return ed yesjerday afternoon from Murdock, where she had been for a few days past visitinu- with her brother, Henry Guthmana and family. Mrs. T. J. Todd and lilfle s on, of Kearney, Nebraska, who have been lore visiting' at the home of Henry Mauzy, the parents of Mrs. Todd, during the holidays, de parted this morning for lh ir home. W. F. Gillespie was in the city today for a few hours, visiting with his friends, being en route homo to Mynard from Omaha, where he was called on some matters of business. J. E. Kraeger, of the vicinity of Cedar Creek, was in the city to day, making arrangements for the pale of hi- farming equip ment, prior to his removal h New Mexico, where he goes for his health. Mrs. Robert Kendall of Union came up on the early morning train to attend to some important business matters, returning home nn the noon train. While here Mrs. Kendall made this office a short visit. From Friday's Dally. John Meisinger of Cedar Creek was in the city Wednesday for a short time attending to some matters of business. J. M. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek was in the city Wednesday for a few hours looking after some, matters of business. Clarence Uusche departed Wednesday evening on No. for Pekin. Illinois, wheie he eTpeet- to pav a short i-it i.-!a!i-iu that locality. L. D. Hiatt and w if. ot Murra were Nw Year's vi-itoj- in tt.; city wilti relative-, rou.irg i.p from their home 'due-da ' evening-. YY. S. Water- of I'.lm'v 1 came down Wdhe-.:.i from h'- liojtie and -pent t!l- da ll' t looking after matter- of bu-i.;. a? She court Ih-ii-i-, Superintendent N. C. Abbott of tile School for tile Biliid at .Ve- bia-ka City arrived h-;e V.-d-ne-day venipg on N-. 2 and spent a few hours attending !o so-i.e huinc-s matter-. ;, w a- vi-itipg with his manv friend-. John C. Ro.ldv of 'ii;oM was in !h- eity f a few hours tod.iv. being called here as a wiiro ; ,. the ca f the YV. .1. G'Bri. n e-late in county court. Beautiful Shetland Ponlea for sale at all times, fr.p the next iOO years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, tne Dest in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Win. Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. For Sale. The Sherwood on Chicago avenue. Everything in good repair. Inquire at tele phone olliee. 12-2'J-Iwk-d.v.w -I- NOTICE! :- KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME. v Common Sense Counts as -l-Much in Making a Town -I- as Anything Else. WESTERN MACHINE AMD J. FOUNDRY CO. v .j. of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, J Fourth and Pearl Street3. - (Formerly Chopie Ga-olir.e s Engine Co.. At the solicitation of our -i- friends we have taken over r V the above work with a view -l of expanding the bu-iu along conservative line-. .J. We shall cor tinue to manufacture the patent -l- Ga-oline Engine heretofore made in Ihi -e works, for the rea-on that in principle it is the best ga-oline ngine ! that we know of: the name .f thi- en-rine will b changed, also the name of the concern as per above. nur aim shall b" to fin V p'y only competent men; these we shall introdu'-e as .-fa-l as the busine-s war- rants, and may from time to time draw on our Omaha J. -hop for such special help l- as may be required until the j. volume of work shrll justify their permanent ie-i.b-nce in Plat t smout !i. r I- The foundry and machine shoji will be at th" service J- nti.l i-i', .1 it i )o I -1 1 i. ill iif I ho ! . . ... . , . - in i in nil iv Mini i ni'i :i: i assistance in machinery re- J pairs or equipnienf that - may be wanted. In addi- tin to our regular wor k we will undertake to overhaul - -i and rebuild autoniobib s. (r -I-i attend to repairs pertain- ing to machinery in yen- eral: build special machiu- cry when re.uired fr.-ni v customers own id-as and plans, and, in general, fur- -l nish such service as may be 5 expected from any lir.-t- class machine slioj. We also act a- fuirchn-- v J ing agents for any kind of vj - machinery and supplies. -J! A. and can furnish same on - short not ice. - j J. WESTERN MACHINE AND a - FOUNDRY CO. . J- of Plattsmouth, Neb. v Platts. 'Phon 362. t. Omaha 'Phone D-5S37. j ; 9 99 9 1 9 t l It TT tt It T t It tT TT r mt n H W You may need an AUCTIONEER and we want to inform you that dates can be made at this office for gol. m. on i the Weeping Water Auctionejr I Careful Attention to Public. Sales Rates are Reasonable CONDITION OF R. H. TO. SUFFERING FROM A PARALYTIC STROKE-? i v I :om th.- I'mois I.e.!.. - . Robe t .!. i i.oi-. r fie 1 pr lie:.! b'i-in of t i. - ' , m'I.ili. i- e. i.ii, e, ;,, in- le d a :-.! o a - It. ,.f ; . ,i , - -. w hi ii be i. - ;i ""'.it- ir... .ill h--"-!i for ... :. - It.- v. :: - i , i v -. ..-. i ; . ! ; ii . Tb - : ! '.. i ; j . -1 !, . i .1 ! . . ioe T ' . e, . and w i ; hoi . f w . : i . . 1 !..... e-e. i I i hi- i. s . :t ; ! ; !.!( VI. -i. e : ' . , J" i be ., - . ".! ' . - !':av- d V .I' M : '-- '! tb.- li e : .-r-i-t, ' b.o - . . :io.-:i i ) " - ' ! ';.' ..f i1.. -v .- -. - Mr. '! ;. i , . : : M ' . ' :..v- f, - :. - - - p f v.:". t-. : '. - : - ' -!' r-i t V- :' - ; : ! ''- i - v !,. -p. j. .! M .-. 1 1- . ! I..- ! a:d e.,!!. d i- :- .r i.' : " - V W ;i - -.-;.. -1 . ! i . a : l w ; i - t i,.-" b ' - i W here Jl". I I ; x ,. - ' ' d ( att. nd t.. ! i At I t-' r. p : ! -1". l"-. - w - 1 1 i i - ; i ! : - .-n w ;:. I. . . -pai I i.i : ! v i . j .u , . -! ' I:- i. - . f b : -b-ti -; I--, whe !l p .' , and Mr-. v. a !: :; -! : J - from t :. av i. -: - ... . v is ve-r ,t,-f t 'n . Tb - :- tb-ii--: .... i :. - h is evv .;i 1. a- d r- !-' I'.i-:-- - f --. V i-- - b -alr-adv l-eov - - .-v i. :::. are I I.- 1 .- f- - it-- !. v,:.- - h- can be I I the bv-'re-- " a-'ain. and b;- i y fr It--; lie II ia V I .-. . .', . -. K THE CORNER STORE OF THE ELKS' MEW GLU3 rVon ?it'.:ri!n;' 1 1 1 I ; . ,i Ii- .- j .1 ' -. it.- p.. : : - ,e.. p. i f:. of .-,: ;.' : t.- . ; -to.:- ,i 1 1 I I r i A . ... I ! !.-:! !i 'i b -. Tt;----.:..y. ...;... I v .i . i : ' ; i " ! i . , r j . . . t ' ' . 1 . ' . - I- b It.e b"i-e .. i : ' to eel . .;.; .- f be t ,f ; r ; r .hap.- I- :t::!- -. ! v f .'i l'-r a ud I " i !;.. 1 '. b c I. brali u !.. tb-- :-- i 1 -. '1 - d.ite fa:U on tie- :-.! . r t IP-ht of II e !.l-r. e.el P e -. .::.. !a i--g of :!.. -. : --: la'!:.- el:. T .i .-. : , I .- , j .. ! i- ;.-ieie.i i;.'o :!.- c. .r ;;.-r -- i ' . 1 i ' i . - w . ' I p!..- ,! tb.- i; ..I I ... - ..f 1 Ii-.i - t.. ii-.. oVb.ek. :.t i: -i: I be m. !!: ' - ' with mv-tie ' . . -'!. g . d e.-r-e;, i... i ;-. a'l.-i-di, - i Ii.- ' will be f..!i r i -. u r ve-.e... i . t I.!-. f . tb- l-.d-e I .. , 1 I in- o, ,,, (;,! j ., ,! .1 - I i . t i.-:ie - Will ! -p.i! ..: !!. ! - f .! i I P'i'!-m-'. The l.-id-l - :. j . : . Wtv. : tb- I.!' ni. !- .im, v dl ; ? . r - 1 1 -. irv . !. t '. d .-! e:i,..i.y tie- .J..!.- .. ! .-r J ,.v. !.! a ! (!; 1 1 i'i f ! : :'! ; - e b i f -r x ir e ! - v. : ' i h :v .- p ; . ; -d a p - v! I a'b-w:' ' Uiain i:i k.-ei-iiig wi!h the - in I Ju- o.-i-.i-i . f b- g. Postponed Until Thursday. j ,' -.s r y h . a-. ! ---v The te-tir- wbi.di lis- I..i! -a.d r.-.v-'v :!. a 5v.':--o!s ,.f the r.f j r i -! , rt n eti:;b -v- ?.,. NeV-a-ki. ! h; V'b ! iv f p. .d.-d . b-l-l o:t Tu--i.iv . . I .-..-:,. r. t''f". ing has 1 i p.-ipi-d - a! AM.IA -T. LIT-i. ev- 'i rg. .T;t- v irv C '-.- J ; All !!; exp-etvj- f . a r I . d - ii . ' G. E. TT'.ri'T. A-r.-rv-v. 'ecture pl-..-e l ir tti i- in i-.r.-.-l. ; ! J-t - i ' HORSE 2t the Cromwell farm,1 mile south and'3'-' miles cast of Elmwood, and 2 miles north and 5 miles west of Avoca, on 100 HEAD OF CATTLE mostly cows, some of vhich arc fresh, and some soon will be. 30 Head Horses and H1ules consisting of well matched teams, some good old horses and single driver type FREE LUNCH AT NOON AND SALE STARTS IMMEDIATELY AFTER. USUAL TERMS WILLIAMS 2k CROMWELL Henry Cuthman, Clerk Aucts. Iv V. 'f t . - - , - t ' : : v :. - of -'- . r t : r . ' ' 1 i i - 4 t ' .1 m m ... ... The H' Steve. V'.ii' t: i i i v i-r h r x. trt I k- aitili -! " f .(, i t . i. vnrn i- , T'.' i - - . . . v . i -i ; ; : : - - . . - . VoTICE OF ATTACHMCNT. id .:. m i- . : ; . t r. . r i i . r l i - - 1 . i i i :. vf , i , i . . . . , , . -i .1 : ' t-' ! V v. t ''-. . ! i . NOTICE TO CREDITO2. In County Court. T ATE i" M U-'ri V"KA. Iv. tb- M r .-f tb" ' W-! i-i !!.?':'- I : N--5 ic- i- !.:.. k--.v. ! : ' I ' -.f - t -I d - o--l ! nf ! . t-: w.ll J ! i ' : n . ..-.- -,. : -b-f T e. J !. - . f I'. I . ' V. I t r 1 t" b k a . A!! e'..-.,s i.v - I d be I .r i. r t I- :- CATTLE