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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1914)
i WOWBAV,' JANUARY E, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEIM-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PtGE -1 ZZZ ' . . , . , cl'f - 1 - - ; - j-.Tr7 . - w : . v niA f in i - . ' I II I I I l I Ck F$SF5n SFS?n7 A nl spend it wisely, judiciously and make every 11 'j I U - 1 Braes5::l,ls,:,'..''.:ll 1 l1llss--'" i J I - .. t. . , J "" i i i ' I !' II Apartment Store of Platts V of cost. The most rnarvel- know in modern mGirchan- t V make room for the mam s from Missouri Valley, Iowa. i have on hand here, we are ii s G20;000 stock of high grade mi. ,''-: jftJERS ARE FORGED TO SELL" ji 'II be conducted personally by M. FANCER c were to look after your wants,-and welcome! ii friends. Come in and see him whether n j SATURDAY, JANUARY 10th. B!L:toraflr!il6i7hfric8 P l j's' heavy fleece (1 -d Union Suits Ladies' Slip-on Raincoats to'ei Safety Pins 65c Ladies large' size Aprons, used as houses dresses, three quarter sleeves ih hiir pins, paper ntedles 1c nets, vith elastic 10c, public sale 4c, $1.25 ladies' lined union towels, each 3c Men's handkerchiefs, card of pearl buttons, roll tape, yard of ribbon fast color hose and tan. while they last 1 EARLY AND 'AD FAKE fnwn Durchasers buying i. ViSo fihis stock will be placed on sale iry 10, 1914- U Coat's Machine thread Silk thread, spool Outing Flannel night gowns and petti coats, worth 75c, at 35c Curtain Goods, 36 inches wide, yd. fleece suits 19c Girl's Muslin Night Gowns Children's Ginhgam Rompers AVOID RUSH Ghildren's Dresses from 39c up $25 worth LA ES AiP BOSSES Pi Beautiful Dress Goods Suitable for dresses, skirts waists and children's dres ses, worth 35c yard 1Qn Public Sale "Wool Serges, "Whipcords and Novelty Dress Goods worth to 85c yard AQg Public Sale All Wool Dress Goods, 54 inch wide, worth to 7Qg 1.50 per yard, at . . . . Ladies9, Hisses' and Children's Shoes if Ladies' Dress Shoes Gun Metal, Velour, .Vici, button or lace, worth from 2.51) up to 4.50 Public Sale at 1.59, 1.89, 1,98 2.39, 2.98 Misses tfc Childrens Shoes from 50c up to 2.50, during this Public Sale will go at 20c, 30c, 78c, 90c 1.29, 1.39, 1.98 Uiiiinery at any Price 1 '1 I I I 7 A Fur Sets The extra mild weather finds us with an enormous stock of .Fur sets which must be disposed of at once. Black and Gray Wolf Fur 1! Ull X IU $3.98 Sets, worth .50 Public Sale price Black and Brown French Coney Sets, worth QO 10.00, at- Bed Fox, Black Lynx, Brook Mink, Marmot, etc., worth up to 30.00, Pub- $1 O C A lie Sale, 15.00 and piJv Other Fur Sets for Child ren greatly reduced. Muslin, Sheeting Linen Unbleached and bleach ed Muslin, yd ' . 12K Muslin,' bleached, per yd 15c Fine Muslin and Cambric, yd i-4 Unbleached Sheeting )-4 Best Grade bleach ed Sheeting at Sheets, 72xi0 at Good Muslin Pillow Slips, each. 12ic Toweling, bleached, yd t0e Bleached Table Cloth, yd 1.00 Pure Linen Table Cloth, yd ; and 5c 9c ..9c 28c 24c 59c 10c 9c 65c 75c Ladies House Dress, Apron Style, button all the way down, made of good percale, light and dark colors, Qg worth 1.00.... VOl Ladies' House Dresses, worth 1.50 to 2.50, at COc, 1 OQ 98c and. Boys' Blouses 35c Boys7 Fine Blouses -Public Sale price 19c ti Vaisfs ami Pciiicoals 85c Pretty Lawn QQf waists mostly white OuC 1.50 and 2.00 beautiful Waist in crepe voile and sheer lawn, all newest sty les on bargain Qp table, sale price .... Silk Messaline and fine Shadow Lace Waists worth 5.50, all in one M QQ lot, each ....... Silk Messaline Petticoats, worth up to 3.50 jj Pure Silk Messaline Petti coats all the new shades included, worth JJO OQ up to 4.50 PiI Gorsels Latest model corsets, also Madam May Corsets, worth from 75c to 5.00 during this Public Sale will go at 43c, 79c, 90c and up lo $3.45 Staple Dry Goods Sic Apron Ging- ham, per yard OqK 12he Fine French Dress Ginghams, pretty Qp new patterns, yard 12c Flannelette Qr at per yard 7c dark colors, Out- Qip ing flannel, yd OgC 10c Outing Flannel Or per yard C 12ic Heavy Outing Flan nel, dark and light Iflp colors, per yard 1UC Yard-wide Percale, short lengths, worth 15c Q per yard ' for we have cut the price below any possibility of pro fit. This sale will eclipse anything ever before attempt ed at a bargain sale. With the greatest cutting, splash ing, crashing prices ever known on such high grade merchandise. Big sale commening Sat. morning at 9. It is a duty you owe to yourself to inves tigate the values of this sale before making your selections. It is easy enough for anyone to spend their money, the real problem is to spend it wisely, judiciously and make every dollar buy the biggest and best values it can possibly secure. In this Public Sale you have a money-saving opportunity, such as is seldom offered. Come in and let us make these as sertions good. COATS AND SUITS Ladies Coats worth 10.00 to 25.00 during this Pub lic Sale will go at 4.40, 6.50, 8.50, 10.50 14.00 and 16.00 Misses' and Children's Coats, worth from 3.50 up to y.00, during this sale 1,75, 2.98, 4.98 and 3.50 Tailored Suits worth tip to 20.00, highest grade suits in heavy manish serges, diagon als, mixtures, broadcloths, etc., all sizes and colors, (lur ing this Public Sale -M QO 10.00 and lluO Very Swell Coats, worth up to 35.00, the seasons prettiest and most charming Coats Public Sale price 10 CA at 15.00 and lOV The season's prettiest and nobbiest coats, worth up to 27.50. Seal Flushes Astrakans. Persian and Arabian Lam Cloths, Evening Coats, etc. all go M K OS during this Public Sale at $25 and lu.uu Ladies Undcnvcar 75c Ladies' Shirts fc Draw ers, Heavy AOr Fleeced. Ladies' Bleachel Union Suits, high or low neck, long or short sleeves, 00-, worth 1.25 at OOl. Wool Skirls Ladies Wool Skirts worth 3.00 to 12.00, in plain colors and mixtures will besold at S2.25, $4, S5.95, S6.50 '" 1 " guar n t V I'm. Heavy 12jc Grade Ouling, Special Purchase Children's Undenvear Children's two-pi-e l"t. d e rw ea r. . 5c a n d 2 " values, sale price 15c - V 2C I j i a.joc! VqIugg" h- ' '. ' - . -. . .: PiattsmoLiih, Nebraska