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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1911)
The - Plattsmouth - Journal CZ3 Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CZD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the I'ostoflke at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. fl.GO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Taft has tentatively fixed April 4 A3 the date for the extra Mission of rongrct-s. . :o: The people of Nebraska that Is the common people are unanimous for a non-partlsian Judiciary. . :o: An extra session may mean not only Canadian reciprocity, but gen eral tariff revision downward. :o: The Commercial club In doing lots of good work for Plattsmouth and It nhould receive the united nupport of every property owner In the city. :o: Ceorgo W. Laeey, banker of the Modern Woodmen camp No. 969 of Lincoln, has been Indicted, accused of embezzling the sum of $3,200. :o: llavo you made up your mind to buy a ticket to the Commercial club banquet? If not do not hesitate any longer, but purchase one right now, :o: Now they are sending out reports from Washington that ship subsidy Is dead agnln. Ia1 us hope that they will take It to the morgue this time If Its mortuary condition Is not ex aggerated. :o: The appropriation bill already amounts to over $6,000,000. That Is perfectly ridiculous. Hut there Is not a great deal of danger of the prosent legislature appropriating any uch amount. :o: -.. It would be a shameful oversight for the legislature to omit from the maintenance bill provision for pay ment of the governor's life Insurance and building and loan payments, If he mny have any. :o: j W. J. Bryan, who returned to Lin coln Friday night after an absence of more than two months, Is quoted its saying that he had nothing to say on state politics and that he had paid little attention to the work of the legislature. :oi The prospects are that Lincoln will have from fifteen to twenty saloons at least after the spring election. Just as well bave fifty as the manner In which drinkables are parceled out In the capital city now. :o: Fan Francisco Is going to spend $17,000,000 on Its exposition. She expects to get a good deal more out of tourists wlio will visit It. Just where the tourUts Rre going to get It Is not made plan to some of them. :o: To treat John O. Yelser right the legislature should refuse to pay him a cent for the trouble ho has put Omaha to, and if he Is worth bother ing with City Clerk Dutler should bring suit against him for damages. that tlie figures had ben reversed. Lincoln Star. :o: The New York Press says, "About one In a hundred million times there Is a friend who conies to you In time of trouble." Hut that is about as often as a fellow ought to get Into trouble about once In a hundred million times. :o: The republican party, by the oppo sition of the majority of Its members in congress to the Canadian reciproc ity treaty, has further discredited it self in the eyes of the country. It has long ceased to represent the peo ple. Many of Its leading members are watchdogs of the special Interests. It will soon bo driven from power In every branch of government. :o: The "short and ugly word rang out," also the "Ho was passed" In the houso of representatives recently. After which Delegate Wlekersham's "right arm shot out." Thereupon "members rushed In," the sergeant-at-arms "carried the maeo. the historic emblem of authority," to the floor, the disputants apologized and every precedent of congressional altercation had been satisfied. :o: The Canadian reciprocity agree ment was reported to the senate by the finance committee veHterdnv without recommendation," and inas much as the chairman of the senate finance committee Is Mr. Aldrlch, and it Includes among its members such reactionaries as Burrows, Penrose, Hale, Curtis and Halley, this Is really more of a concession than the public might have looked for. :o: Few people are aware of the fact that Borne of the legislation that gets upon the statute books was put there out of personal spite. One law that may be found there seeks to make newspaper subscriptions uncollectible If the paper Is sent after the time for which it was ordered, no matter whether the patron receives it or not. Such a law would not likely stand the test of the courts, because it violates a fundamental principle of equity. It was fathered by a man who had had trouble with one of the editors in his home town over an overdue sub scription account. There is another law that gives attorneys interested in litigation the right to designate the newspaper in which legal notices ap pertaining to that suit may be printed. This bill was pushed through by a member who wanted to secure for his home paper, located outside the county Beat, some of the legal printing, which had gone theretofore to the county seat papers through the favor of the county officers. And et some folks object to giving the peoplo the right to enact laws Lin coln News. :o: is the conscious, cruel and well thought-out plans of the leaders of the republican party laws drafted and enacted by them with the Intent and purpose of taking all the increase of wealth created by science, educa tion and invention from the mass of the people and concentrating it in the hands of a few men who, by the power of their wealth, were to rule this country, that have brought about present conditions. It was not an un seen and irresistible force that did it. It was the act of tho republican lead ers. Tho history of those schemes and plots to rob and impoverish a nation Is being gradually revealed. Ex-Sen ator Cannon of Utah has been writing up Kome of the hitherto hidden facts In regard to that matter, lie tells with what clear insight and cruel hcartlessncss, republican leaders In the senate planned it all. How they bought with promises of position and power senators to vote for the sugar trust, how they allied themselves with the vice of polygamy, how theyj planned to make the whole business world subject to the money power through an unlimited issue of bonds at the will of a president they elected, how they opened tho way to unite every predatory Interest and give each an opportunity to plunder the people. That Is w hat the republican leaders did and they did It consciously, for the purpose of establishing a govern ment by the wealtny, they did It of their own free will and they were not forced to do It by an irresistible economic evolution. If their work is overthrown, If the trusts are destroyed, if special privi leges are abolished, that work must be accomplished toy the voluntary action of men. It w ill not come about of Itself by bo me irresistible evolu tion World-Herald. The new Japanese treaty Is having as much trouble in the senate as the Canadian teraty. Has the senate Joined the antl-treatlng movement? :o: A Washington, man has been A man in New Haven owes his life to a number of coins he carried In bis pocket. He was shot at and the bullet was deflected by the coins. Which again Illustrates tlhe value of always keeping a supply of coin in yoar lmilde pocket. :o: Hoke Smith having been mention ed for the presidency Mr. llryan says that If a southern man Is to get it, Hoke is the one for him. He would make a valient bearer of the demo rratlc standard at that. It has been a long time since a son of the south has led the popular hosts. :o: It was John O. Yelser that led th governor Into the assertion that three times as many votes were cast In the Third ward of Omaha as there were malo Inhabitants of tho ward, but the Information really was hardly worth $1,500 to the state, since It ha been shown by the census report :o: arrested for poker playing Just as he was going the other fellow ten bet ter. It Is dangerous to experiment with the X-rays. :o: A Georgia woman has secured a court order enjoining her husband from Interfering with her work away from home. This is the sort of suf fragette that is worth while. :o: Senator Jeff Davis declares pos itively that ho does not know what a jackpot Is. If this fact comes official-1 ly before the senate It may disqualify him from holding his seat. :o: From recent Indications It appears that an extra session cannot be avoid ed. The reciprocity bill will be re ported out of the senate committee early next week, very likely without amendment, the purpose being to give the members unrestricted opportunity to act upon the measure as they wish. The reactionary vote Is certain to be against it. In the opinion of leading members It will not pass at this ses sion. :o: Speaking of the work that has been done by the Tlattsmouth Commercial club, while at the state capital Mon day,, in a very few hours at least a dozen members cf that body spoke to the writer In regard to the good it was doing. Most of these members were from the western part of the state, too. Don't tell us that a good, live Commercial club can't do won ders for a town. It gives tone to a city. Not only that, but It's work brings forth good results. Let's boost the Commercial club and give It more aid this year than ever before. :o: IS THIS TREASON? Is treason at work in the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor? At any rate, here is a bulletin from that department about women workers in Chicago giving facts and criticisms which are far more condemnatory of the supreme court's decisions in the bakeshop and other cases than any thing Mr. Roosevelt said In his Den ver speech. i:yin aim.e railroad hates. In deciding r.ot to permit the rail roads to Increase tehir freight rates, the members of the Interstate 'Com merce Commission seem to have been governed largely by these considera tions: First, that the Increases proposed were largely arbitrary and not based on any rational adjustment with re gard to cost of service or character of atom. The senators recommended Cadet Taylor, an Omaha politician, for a government Job in which there U a salary, but no work or responsibil ity. Rosewater objected. He filed charges against Taylor and threat ened the senators with the dis pleasure of the Bee. At this point Burkett ducked, but Brown stood pat. He pushed Taylor over and beyond the Rosewater pro test and got him In. Now comes Rosewater and again threatens Brown. He warns the senator and the president and tho republicans of Nebraska that Taylor's apoplntment Is a serious matter that the people will resent. In this Mr. Rosewater, who is sometimes right, la absolutely wrong The Nebraska people don't care a fig about this Taylor appointment. It Is not material to them, that's the reason. Taylor Is not particularly good nor a particularly bad man. He'll do nothing in the position to which he is appointed except draw his salary. If he should happen to under take to do anything he cannot pos sibly do more than the hurt already done to the feelings of Mr. Rose water. As Tor the salary that he will draw but not earn, it is only a drop in the bucket, a grain of sand on the seashore, so little a part Is it of the millions paid every year in unneces sary government expense to useless, Job-hunting politicians. Nobody cares who gets this par ticular job, nor do the Nebraska re publicans care for the1 fued, if there Is to be one, between Rosewater and Brown over his apoplntment. A na tional committeeman with his per sonal views and his little jealousies as to the distribution of federal patronage cuts no figure any more with the rank and file of the party. The time when patronage cuts any figure with the general public has long gone by. It began to go when Carl Schurtz and George William Curtis began tehlr crnaade for reform of the civil service. Mr. Rosewater Is an anachronism Sioux City Trfb- nne. PPETIY HOE WEDDING NEARJGEDAR GHEE K A pretty home wedding occurred Wednesday, February 22, at 2 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jobi .Meisinger at their beautiful fan home near Cedar Creek, when their daughter, Miss Mary, was Joined ia marriage with Mr.Frank Salberg, oe of the prominent young farmers of that vicinity. The ceremony wa3 per formed by Rev. Spriegel of the Evangelical Lutheran church, whe pronounced the solemn word3 which joined these two estimable young peo plo for life. The wedding guests iu cluded only the Immediate relative of the contracting parties. After the ceremony and the con gratulations of the guests, the bridal pair were ushered into the large dia Ing room, where the company partook of a wedding feast which only a good housewife knows how to prepare. Ia the evening a dance was given to the young friends of the bridal pair. This popular young couple have hosts. of friends in this vicinity ana throughout the county who will be more than pleased at the announce ment of their nuptials. The bride Is the charming' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger and possesses a legion of frlend3 In this vicinity. The groom Is a prosperous young farmer and a son of Mr. Gus Salberg and wife of this county and has a large circle of acquaintances and friends through out the county, in whose estimatiea he stands very high. Mr. and Mrs. Salberg will reside ou a farm two and a half miles southeast of Cedar Creek, where they will be at home to their numerous friends. :o:- In this document there Is not the j the commodities affected. slightest deference paid to the doc- Second, that notwlthstandlnit the trine that to limit tho legal hours of advance in wages and other increased employment of women would violate C0Bt8 of operation, the railroads have the Inalienable rights of private con-keen maXine lareer net earnlnes In tract. On the contrary, the whole tne pa8t few years than ever before. rplrit of tho report is one of deepest Third, that the railroad men failed indignation at the treatment accord- to prove tner contention of Impaired Ctl tO Women Workers. ' credit nil Innhllltv to mIsa now Mr. Roosevelt, in seeking the square capital for extensions and better- deal, did the court the courtesy to merits, because It is shown that they take It into the reckoning and point Lave obtained four and one-quarter out Its erroran error virtually billion dollars in the past ten years, acknowledged by subsequent modi- Ln(j he bonds of established rall- fleatlons of its Untenable position, rnnd cnmnnlfn r nclllmr nnw But the Department of Commerce practically as high as the bonds of and Labor goes to the limit it municipalities. rudnilty by simply Ignoring the court Vniirth that ,n tha rnan REMOVE TO MINHESOTft Mr. and Mrs. C. Norton departed this afternoon for Henderson, Min nesota, where they will engage in farming. Mr. and .. Mrs..- Norton moved here a year ago and bought a farm south of this city, but the climate here did not agree with them as well as the northern one from which they acme, and they made up their minds to go back to their former home. Mr. Norton loaded his farming accoutrements and household furniture on a car at the M. P. station and shipped it out today, getting everything off in tfme to catch the fast mail to Omaha. - and Its mistakes. Gentlemen of conforming minds who think whatever Is wrong is right if a court says it, cannot under stand Mr. Roosevelt's mental attitude that a wrong is a wrong whoever sively capitalized or poorly managed railroads which are able to barely maintain their solvency at present rates, the trouble Is due to bad man agement and past mistakes for which the present and future patrons enunciates it. They are likely to suf- of the roads should not be required fer extreme agitation w hen they see to nnv iti.Pi ijlic.w leaders. Many able writers both In this country and Europe have contended that there Is an Irresistible econo- mlo movement all over the world In progress, that It is not controlled by the volition of men, which will In the end overthrow to a gorat extent the present form of government and In augurate new conditions everywhere. They constantly repeat: "It la com ing. Nothing can resist It." It woul seem to be apparent to any one that if any changes are made, they must be made by men. There cannot be a law repealed or one en acted without the conscious and wil ling action of men. It Is not some blind force which they cannot reslbt that Is compelling men to advance It is the free, thought-out conclusions of men, exercising a "free will" a tho old theologians called it. The present conditions have been Drought a ijo in in t no same way. It that an administrative department of the government Is actually more In terested in protecting women from cruel social conditions than in up holding the fetich of a supreme courts Infallibility Kansas City Star. L:o: The reasoning of the commission will Impress the public as sound, and Justified by the facts as presented. The decision does not necessarily mean that the railroads are never to be permitted to raise their rates, but It paves the way for the railroads and the commission to get together and There are watering places and evolve a gyBtem of Bane rate making watering places, but Wall street has the call on them all. :o: Canada's manifest unwillingness to consider the matter of annexation ap pears to make it practically unanimous. on a scientific and equitable basis, in place of the present haphazard methods. The problem is extremely .com plicated and difficult, but It must be solved, alike In the Interest of the general public, which pays the freight, and the great army of rail The Oklahoma man who died last road security holders who are en week at the age of 108 years must titled to a reasonable Income on their have been ablo to look back on a lot Investments Kansas City Star of fun ho missed. j :o: :o: A benighted bee THE GOVERNOR'S BILLS. Governor Aldricn. proposes, to charge up the board of his family and his servants at the executive mansion during the next bieanium In & lump Item of $2,500. This is the first time a Nebraska executive has ever asked the state to pay his meat and grocery bills over and above his $2,500 salary and the allowance which Is made for miscellaneous expenses at tbe governor's office and mansion. When Governor Shalelnberger filed bills with the state board of public lands and buildings for flowers used at social functions in the executive "lansion, he was rather freely criticised for trying to Baddle his per sonal expenses upon tbe state. It is not on record that Mr. Shallenberger ever Included Items of table fare In his account. The supposition has al ways been that the salary paid to a public official was intended to meet hl3 cost of living. Necessary provision for servant hire has been made in the past by a special appropriation which, during the past blennium, was $5,000. This amount has been increased In the general maintenance bill Introduced by the house finance committee to $5,500, notwithstanding that the same bill allows the governor $2,500 for board of family and servants. The total appropriation proposed for expenses at the executive office and mansion Is $11,500 for this blen nium, as against $8,000 for the Shal lenberger administration. The con tingent fund allowance Is raised from $t00 to $500, and the miscellaneous office expense account from $1,800 to $2,000. If the legislature should act favor ably upon the governor's budget as recommended by the finance com mlttee in the maintenance bill, It Is believed that Mr. Aldrlch will be able to get through his term without In currlng a deficit Lincoln Star. :o: Wards All Full. The eighteen rooms at the poor farm are all occupied at the present time and Commissioner Frfederich has had to refuse to admit several persons who have applied far a room at the county farm. A colored man from Nehawka was In to Interview Mr. Friedertch this morning, desiring to become an in mate. He was apparently a cripple and unable to work, and has been making his way residing at Avoca and Nehawka daring the past year. Mr. Frlederich did not care to take any action until Commissioner Swltzer could be Interviewed. It is thought that about all that can be done Is to give the man some aid and let him find a home In the vicinity where he formerly lived. 181 week's fist fight In the bouse The editor of tho Omaha Bee, Mr of representatives was useful In Victor Rosewater, is national com showing there are two Wlrkprs'inm mltteeman from Nebraska. la Washlntgon. I Burkett and Browu are the sen The congress which will die next Saturday noon Is offllcnlly known as the sixty-first, but It has continued to act like sixty. Will Farm Near Memphis. " v Mr. O. D. Marks, who has been farming near Mynard,s loaded his household effects and farming implements into cars today and ship ped to Memphis, Nebraska, near where he will farm the present sea son. About fourteen of Mr, Marks neighbors, with their wagons and teams, hauled in loads for Mr. Marks today and assisted him in loading Into the cars. Mr. Marks has been on of the Journal's valued readers for a number of years. Mrs. L. E. Ralnard of Murray went to Omaha this afternoon to consult Dr. Allison relative to her health. Better Live In a Tent on your own land than pay rent for a mansion on your neighbor's land. Think It over, talk It over with your wife. Become Independent. Others have done it, wny not you? Start today. Come and see us" and learn what a very little ready cash will do for you. W. E. ROSEKCRANS & SO N