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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1911)
J IP to eulti m i j 1 ana me Bannister OFT jLLuomATJom or mv WALTSM Tne car was skimming along over the turnpike like some flying bird of nlglit, Orme gianced back over the way they had eome. A soft electrio glow In the sky told where Evanstoa lay, several miles to the east Far to the south a greater glow showed the position of Chicago. Pulling himself erect, Orme leaned forward. It seemed as though Arlma must bear him breathe. Slowly he advanced his arm. Then, darting swiftly, he threw It around Arlma'a neck and drew backwards with a Jerk. Che Japanese was taken completely unawares. Uttering a strangled cry, be let go of the steering wheel and clutched at the choking awn that held him; he could not break the grip. Meanwhile Orme reached for the steering wheel with his free arm. But Arlma, kicking frantically, struck the wheel with hia foot, Just as Orme was about to seize it. The car turned sharply to one side. Into the ditch it plunged. As the fore wheels dropped Into the depression, the body of the car rose in the air. Orme, still clinging to Arlma, shot forward. He was con scious, In that fraction of a second, that he must release his hold, or An ima's neck would be broken; so ha unbent his arm. the earth arose and something struck him heavily. He saw a firma ment of brilliant stars. Then all was black, CHAPTER XVII. A Chance of the Game. The first Impression that came to Orme with returning consciousness was one of Impending disaster. Hla mind was renewing Its last thought before It had ceased to work. Then he realized that tbi disaster had already occurred, and he moved ibis arms and legs, to see If they had been Injured. They gave him no pain, and he raised himself to a sit ting position. The soft night hovered about him. He heard confusedly the droning of Insects, and the distant mournful call of a whip-poor-will. The roar of the rar was strangely missing. What had become of it? And where was Arlma? These were the first question he asked himself as he became able to think without confusion. He now became aware that his head hurt, and rasing his hand, he found a large bump under the hair above his right temple. Turning, he discov ered that he had been thrown over the fence into a field of thick-standing grain, which had broken his fall. His head must have struck the fence In passing. He got to his feet. At first he was bothered by dizziness, but that soon alsappeared. Climbing the fence, he saw that the car bad turned over on one side. At a glance there were no evidences of superficial damage, but it would take a team of horses and some time to right it and get It back Into the road. The lamps had been extinguished. In the ditch near the car lay Arlma, One of his legs was bent under him orribly. Orme hurried over to him. Ttio Japanese was conscious. His beady eyes glittered wetly In the star light, but he said no word, gave no groan, made no show of pain. What ever he may have su!Iered, he en dured with the stoicism that is tra ditional In his race. "Much hurt?" asked Orme, bend ing over him. "My leg is broke." Arlma spoke un emotionally. Orme considered. "I'll send you help," he said, at last. "Lie quiet for a little while, and you will be looked after." He rose, smoothed out his clothing, and pulled himself together. It was not part of his program to let whom ever he might meet know that he him self had been concerned in the wreck. In a moment he returned to Arlma. "I'll have to have those papers," he said. Silently the Japanese reached with- n his coat and drew out the papers, He held them for Orme to take. : "You have me beat," he said. "Spirit told me I must fail." A picture of the scene In Madam Alla's rooms came to Orme; the dark ness broken only by a pinpoint of gaslight; the floating, ghostly forms; the circle of awed believers, with the two Japanese, intent as children. The medium's work for him had not ended w hen she helped hlra to es cape. Mentally he redoubled his thanks to her, for she had so impress ed the fatalistic mind of Arlma that he gave the papers over without ma king necessary a final struggle. By the size and shape of the papers 6rme recognized them. Nevertheless, to make sure that l.e was not being deceived, he slid Ms bands over Ail- 0 ll $K Lll'li' " ' "iiTl W0f5?'l! W A, UK ma's coat, and felt In the pockets. He found nothing that resembled the papers he had, so he thrust them Into his own pocket He now took out his watch. There was not enough light to see what time it was, and he ran his fingers over the dial, as he had done during that time of imprisonment, earlier in the evening. As nearly as he could tell It was ten minutes past nine. He could hardly believe that it was so early. With a final. "Take It easy," to Arl ma, Orme now started down the road toward the lights of a house, a quarter of a mile ahead. He had It In mind to examine the papers, to find a clue to the name of the girl's father. The sentiment which had led him to refuse her offer to tell him everything must now be neglect ed. There might still he time to de liver the papers before midnight, but be did not dare delay. For one thing, he had only the haziest notion a& to his whereabouts. Obviously btJ was somewhere west of Evanston, but that meant littlo in an unfamiliar country. He would have to find some conveyance. Not altogether without sympathy for his fallen enemy, he nevertheless felt that Arlma had received no more than he deserved. There had been no hesitation about the different at tacks made upon himself. He had provoked no assault unless by the fact that he had the marked bill in his possession. But the calmness with which Arima lyul endured his final de feat aroused admiration. After all, the Japanese had merely acted under orders. And now Orme's first thought was to get help for him. He came to the lights he had seen. They shone through the windows of a small farmhouse a few rods back from the road. A short avenue of poplars led to the door. In response to Orme's knock, the man of the house appeared a Ger man with sleepy eyes and tousled yel low hair. "There Is an Injured man down the road a way," said Orme. "Motor car smash." "So?" -His leg is broken, I think. I made him as comfortable as I could. Can you get a doctor? The man will rest quiet till a doctor comes. He can't be moved very well." "Ein doctor? Ja. Es 1st one bel Niles Center. Meln son vill go for him. Too bad! Too bad! Come In." "No, thank you,' said Orme care- lessly. "Vas you In der accident?" "Do I look It?" Orme laughed. "Nein, you do not look It. Ach! Dese autymobles! Dey make much harm." "It Is too bad," admitted Orme.' "He vas a millionaire, maybe. Dey conies by here so fast, going to Ar radale. Hans! Komra heir! Ein man is gesmashed. Du must for der doctor go." He turned back to Orme. "Meln son, he will go." But Orme had no ears for what the sympathetic German said. One word bad made his heart leap. "Arradale!" There he was to have dined with Tom and Bessie Walllngham! He had forgotten them utterly. Were they still at the golf club? Possibly, and, In any event, If he could reach the club, he would be near a railroad. "How far Is Arradale?" he asked. "Halb-miles. Und vere did you say der hurt man vas?" j "A few hundred feet back there." I Orme Indicated the direction. "Can I I reach Arradale by this road?" "Next turn rechts. I will take de man some schnapps." "That will be good. His friends will make It right with you." "Ach! Do not say so!" The German shook his head In de precation of the idea that he wished any return for his services. Mean time his long legged, tow-headed son had come from within and stood gap- I Ing behind his father. mer agked lne 0erman. V III you go dock 10 uer uiuu wit "No," said Orme. "So? Veil, all right" "I'm sorry I can't walt,'t said Orme. "I've done what I could, and I hae a long way to go." "Sure! Dafs all right!" "Then thank you very much. Good night." Orme walked briskly to the road and turned west He felt assured that Arlma would be looked after. Following the road to the first cross ing, he turned to the right In a few minutes he saw the lights of the club house, and a little later be stepped upon the veranda. Many people were seated !n the comfortable porch chairs. The charms of the summer evening lind held them niter their afternoon of play. And from one of the groups enme the Right sound of a voice a man's voice which Orme found vaguely familiar. He could not place It however, and he quickly forgot It In his general Im pression of the scene. In this atmosphere ot gaiety he felt strangely out of place. Here all was chatter and froth the activity of the surface-Joy of living; but he had stepped into It fresh from a series of events that had uncovered the inner verities. Here the Ice tinkled In cool glasses, and women laughed happily, and every, one wss under the spell of the velvety summer evening; but he had looked into the face of Love and the tnee of Death and both were still Hear his heart He found a servant and asked for the Walllnphams. "Mr. Walllngham has left, sir," said the man. "but Mrs. Walllngham Is here." "Ask her if Mr. Crme rwy speak to her.". lie smiled' rather grtinly as the servant departed, for he anticipated Bessie's laughing accusations. And presently she came, an admon ishlng finger upheld. "Robert Orme," Bhe exclaimed. "how dare you show your face now?" "I couldn't help It Bessie. Honest I couldn't. I must ask you to forgive and forget." "That's a hard request, Bob. You have broken two engagements In one day and one of them for dinner. But never mind. I have a weakness that I acquired from Tom I mean the weakness of believing in you. Go ahead and explain yourself." "It would take too long, Ber 'e. Please let me put It oft." "Until you can manage a good ex cuse? You want all the trumps." "My explanation is all tangled up with other people's affairs. Where's Tom?" "He went back to the city early awfully sorry that he couldn't stay to have dinner with you. There Is a com mittee or something this evening." "Bessie, you know what I asked you over the telephone? Can you can you help me?" "What Now?" "Yes." "Why, Bob, what's the matter with you? This Is no time of day to make a call." "It's very important, Bessie. It doesn't concern the young lady alone. I simply must be at her bouse within tne next two hours." She eyed him earnestly. "If you say that, Bob, I must believe you. And, of course, I'll help all I can." . Orme sighed his relief. "Thanks," he said. She flashed a speculative glance at him. "I'm sorry," he said, "that I can't tell you what It's all about. You'll Just have to take my word for It." "Have I asked you to tell me?" "No, you marvel of womanhood. You are dying of curiosity, I don't doubt, but your restraint is super human." Again she looked at him keenly. "Boh, you are dying of curiosity your self. Don't you suppose I can see?" "It's something harder than cur' osity," sala Orme simply. "How eager are you!" She laughed. "Now, there Is plenty of time. The trip won't take us more than half an hour; so come along and meet some friends of mine." "Bessie If you could hurry" "We can't start until the car comes. I'm expecting It any moment. So be good, and come along. There's such an Interesting man and very distin guished. We don't try to pronounce his name. Just think, he was en gaged for dinner here, also, and came too late. And ever since he arrived he's been called to the telephone at five-minute Intervals. So exciting! Nobody can guess what he's so busy about." She threaded her way through the lively groups on the veranda, and re luctantly he followed. The voice which he had so nearly recognized sounded closer, then stopped with a curious little laugh that was loudly echoed by others. Bessie broke In upon the lull that followed. "Excellency, may I present another man who missed his dinner?' she said saucily. "Mr. Orme." The man addressed was sitting com fortably in a wicker chair that was several sizes too large for him. At the mention ot Orme's name he got to bis feet with startling alacrity. "Mr. Orme?" His surprise was un mlstakablo. "Mr. Robert Orme," said Bessie. Some one struck a match to light a cigar, and In the sudden light Orme found hlmHolf looking Into the face of the Japanese minister. "I think I have never met you be- f"r." said the Milliliter Friends Will Make With You." 1 Think not," replied Orme. He was much disquieted by the en counter. Now he understood that Arl ma had been bound for this very place. If only he had refused to let Bessie drag hlin into her circle! The min ister would not have known his face, but the mention of his name gave full pnlightment The minister resumed his seat, and a chair was brought for Onuo. There were other introductions. A woman's voice renrwed the con versation. "Excellency, wont you toll us another of your very Interesting btorles?" The minister turned to her. "I will tell you one," ho said, "that you will not find In the llteraturo of my coun try. It is a story of the secret service, and It came to me through my. personal acquaintance with some of the Participants." "Oh. that will be splendid!" ex claimed the woman. The minister waited for a moment. He turned his face toward Orme. and asked politely: "You will not mind listening to what I have to say, Mr. Orme?" "Why, to be sure not," replied Orme, wondering. "My stories are not always short," continued the minister, "as the others already know. But they sometimes hold meanings which, In my country, at least, would be perfectly plain." After this odd bit ot by-play, he be gan his narrative: "There was a man who lived in the city of Takanmtsu, on the island of I Shikoku. His name was Klmaga, and he was much respected by all who knew him, for he was painstakingly devoted to his aged and mos' honor able parents. By trade he was a ma ker of vases a what you call him a potter. "One day while Klmnga was walk ing upon the road, he saw before him ou the ground a letter. He picked it uo. It was sealed, but he discovered upon the outside a curious "writing which he could hot make out. Intact Kimnga could not read at ail. Ho was very poorly educate. "But Klmaga was charm by the grace and beauty of the writing. Though he could not read It, It fas cinated his eyes. He decided to keep It, making no attempt to find the right ful owner. You must know that In Nippon beauty Is worship by the humblest workman. "It happenjd that the letter had been written by a Chinese spy, and It contained a report concerning our fortifications. Now there is In Nip pon a very secret service. It Is not responsible to the government. It la compose of nobles who for many and many a generation have bound them selves by a strong oatn to do patrlotlo service which the government Itself might be too embarrassed to under take. If they are oblige to use ex treme measures, and are arrested be- civise of what they have done, they calmly accept the punishment of the law without explaining their actions. Sons of noble houses have been exe cuted for assassinating secret ene mles of Nippon, and they have met this fate as their oath demanded. Members of this secret service knew about this letter of the Chinese spy. They knew, also, that It had been lost, and before long they learned that Kltnaga had picked It up. How they learned all this does not matter. But they also knew that the relations between Nippon and China at the time were of such a strain that their government, not wishing to give causo of war, would hesitate to pun ish the Chinese spy. "In the meantime Klmnga had be come so enamor of the letter that he could not bear to let It go out of bis possession. When he was alone he would feast his eyes upon the beautiful writing. But it was not long before he discovered that men were watching him, and he became filled with fear. Why should he be watched? Had he done a guilty thing? "So greatly did the fear swell In him that he decided to take the letter back to the place where he had found It, and drop it again In the road. But when he got to the place and looked for a last time at the writing, it give him such longings to keep it that he thrust it Into his breast again and hurried back to his shop. "That night a man came to sea Klmnga. "'Are you Klmaga, the maker ot vases?' he said. "Klmaga, all trembling, replied that he was. " 'Then,' said the man, 'I have come to you with high purpose. You have a letter which does not belong to you. Give it to me.' '"Does it belong to you?' askea Klmaga, his desire putting armor 00 his fear. " 'That la not to be asked,' replied the man. T am samurai. For the glory of Nippon you mus' give me tha letter.' "But Klmaga old not wish to let the letter go. 'How do you know that I have it?' he said. 'You have not seen It' "'It la enough that I know,' said the man. 'Three days I allow you. II by then the letter has not been placed on the altar of the war god, In the shrine of Samlya, then you will be as sassinated.' "With that the man went away. "Klmaga was now almos' dead with fright For the first day he did noth ing but weep. The second day he put on mourning and set hla affalra in order. The third day be beld the let ter in his band for many hours and filled his mind with the beauty of the writing. Ho could not give It up. Ratlitr would he die. And at lust ha placed It In a lacquer box and burled It deep at tlio foot of tlio largest cher- Ylho - 6) in a o g w cd " o 10 I o cm - co o e(o o cm fr "J in o co . fr 0 - w ' re u c. S S I I 2 i I ' S 5 S ' g I 3 5 s r s 1 irs tuo jz . ( o o to 3 2 o O F Ottto'SSi.MoO o ;z - r o g g w O 5 IA (ft si i o i o S 6.E . OsseeS THE HOME OF ty tret 111 uia garuen. "He arose to go back Into his house, an' his head was bowed over with terror. You see, he felt that many eyes were watching him from the near-by walls, an' he thought he heard breathings and the whispers ot strangers. What should he do now! He dare not advance; he dare not stay where he was. So exceeding af frighted was he that he groaned aloud. From all about hlra came groans that answered his. Once, more be groaned, and once more his earl were filled with the answers. "Then he took one step toward hla house. Nothing happened. He took another step, an' his knees they shook like the palsy. The breathings an' whisperings seem, oh, so much nearer now. But he muster all his strength an' put out his foot for the third step. It did not reach the ground before the vengeance struck him. "The next morning his wife found him dead. His head had been severed from his body." The minister stopped and sat back In his chair. "How awful!" exclaimed the wom an who had asked for a story. "Not so," said the minister affably. "In serving my country, such thlnga mus' be done. Klmaga should have given the letter. Don't you think so, Mr. Orme?" The parable was quite clear to Orme. He understood the threat. "In America," he said, drily, "we do not worship penmanship." "But an American might for other reasons keep a letter that did not be long to hlra." "Not If he was honorable. His natural course would be to see that It was delivered to the person for whom it was Intended. Certainly he would not give it to any man who could not prove his right to It." "Would he not? But If he were told that he mus' dlo ?" "In that case he would Inform his friends cf the threats against him, and they would, see that hla murderara were hanged. Assassination is- noi popular In Amorloa, excellency." Orme did not attempt to conceal the contempt In his words, and several of the listeners moved in their chairs, be traying their embarrassment. "Perhaps, then, Mr. Orme," said the minister, "you could favor us with a story which would show the attitude nt an American In such a flair." (To he continued.) Ileal From Former Towimman. Charles Martin Is in receipt of postal picture from Tom Beverldge, a former Plattsmouth boy, who had the misfortune to lose an arm about year ago by having same run over by a train while Tom was In Mon tana. He Is now located at Hot Springs, Arkansas, doing well selling papers. Tom has a largo number of friends In this vicinity who will bo pleased to note that he Is succeeding in his new business. Mr. W. G. Meislnger and wife of Eight Mil Grove precinct were in the city today looking after eome items ot business at the stores. TRUSSES The only surgical houia In tha t wlirra all filling it dona by to eipeit. Luiveit stock 13 of Irukfce in the West. THE W. G. CLEVCLAND CRUQ CO. OMAHA. KE.8HA1KA arc SATISFACTION Many a Plattsmouth Citizen Knows How Sure They Are. Nothing uncertain about the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in Platts mouth. There Is plenty of positive proof of this in the testimony of citizens. Such evidence should con vince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs. James Hodgert, 1102 Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I Buffered a great deal at times from dull, heavy pains across the small or my back, especially severe when stooped or brought any strain on th nniBcles ot my loins. About two years ago I learned of Doan's Kldne; . rills and they brought me aucK prompt and positive relief that I have since UBed them whenever I have felt In need of a kidney reraedv , I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store and do nc hesitate to recommend them." The above statement was given In June, 1906, and on December 3V 1908, Mrs. Hodgert said: "I atl" hold a high opinion of Doan's KIdni; Pills. I am glad to confirm all I havr previously said about this remedy.' For sale by all acalers. Prtc B- cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo New York, solo agents for the Unlte l States. Remember the name Doan'a ani take no other. DEPARTED WITH A BIG SORE SPOT ON HIS BROH Mr. Broughton of Herman, Ne braska, who has been In the city for r, few days introducing the "Ideal ga cover," departed for his home at Herman this morning. Mr. Brough ton Is a member of the Broughton Manufacturing Co. of Herman, wher the gas rover Is manufactured, an ! he departed from the city with & large sore spot on him, posslb'v brought on by lack of Interest man1 fested by the Tlattsmouth dealers H his little Invention. Ho prolmsed t write when he got home and w at? looking for a hot communication right Boon. MurtK'iKO Iteeord. The following is the number o mortgages filed and released durint the month of February: Farm mor gages filed, 28, amounting to J9C 486; released, 19, amounting to $3.1,- 340. City mortgages filed, 8, amount ing to $6,lt6; released, 11, amount ing to $5,400. In farm mortgages the number filed Is almost double the number released. visitor In tho city today and was - nlnnfltint vnllnr at thla fifflpA V wiles has Deen reaming on a iav near Mynard and has but recently 1 moved to a farm near Wabash, whe ho expects to reside tho coming ye -Mr. Wiles camo to this vicinity f the purpose of getting his housch ' furniture. He was accompanlod 1: his brother. iOHS RESULTS