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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1910)
T . Mi array Department 18 ?Tiiis is Good For Weather! WRED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY EP LCI ALLY KOK THE JOlMtNAL KKADKBS. PR EI A lJfan7fthtn,uhnoflheJuur,ialkMWofaviUi-i,Uoranium of interest in this ticuu, and i to JAi- lK it amur u.Lr thU We u-aiit all tienu of intend Editor Journal. f3 r-; )? .17 rm 1 1 - .r;I3 C The ank Account Is the first step toward success and for tune. Protects your family in emergencies. Educates your children. Makes you independent, Gives you standing in the community. It is a valuable aid in any enterprise undertaken anywhere by anybody under any condition. If you do not have a bank account, let us suggest that you start one with ue amediately. urray State B a m w-t m Kir nn fM II n CUD rlUKnAT) rltDIXMOfVM ank Geo. Cook, Murray for fine buggies James Loughbrldge was a Platts inouth vlHltor Tuesday. Remember December 3 Is the date for the Presbyterian bazaar. MIhb Lena Young was home from her school at Cedar Creek, Sunday. You want a new buggy? If you want he best for the least money call on George Cook. MIhb Mary Sheehe, of South Oiuaha visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jelt llren del over Sunday. Nelson Merger and his sister, from Nehawka, were here, to attend the play Saturday night. There will be a great many draw ing features at the ba.aar at Lough- virtue's hall, December 3. Mrs. Lula ljoughrldge entertained the Kenshigston Thursday. The usual jsood time was enjoyed, r tlrorge and Mont Shader, of No hawka, came over Saturday night to see the pluy, and spent Sunday with relatives. The finest line of Buggies in CaFB cnunlv at George Cook's. Call and ex amine our buggies and see how low e are selling them. Dr. Will Hrendel was over a short time Tuesday for a visit with home folks, MIhb Hessle returned to Avoca with him to stay a few days. Miss MbrrIb Conner went to Platts month Wednesday, where she' will visit until Saturday, when she will re turn to her home In Wisconsin. Charles and Eunice Ferguson from Wyoming, came up Saturday evening to visit their aunt, Mrs. J. W. Ed munds, and to attend the pluy. II. L. Oldham shipped Wednesday, two of his thoroughbred pigs to Geo. Reynolds at Nehawka. Mr. Oldham's Durncs are registered among the best. John Farrls and family, Mr. and Mrs. Copenhaver and Mr. and Mrs. Will Sporer and family were enter tained by the Brondel families at din ner Sunday. Miss Smith, of Weeping Water, came home with Clara Young Friday evening for a visit and to witness the play given by tie young people of the Christian church. Mrs. James Speck Is much better. Mrs. Matt Slgman Is on the sick list. Mrs. Wadklns, who fractured a limb some time ago, Is doing nicely. Mr. Peter Perry Is feeling much better at this time, and feels some encouraged. Dec. 3 don't forget the date that's when the Presbyterian bazaar takes place. Grandma Bird, of Union, Is quite sick, suffering from rheumatism and sore throat. Mrs. I). J. Pitman is quite ill with an attack of the grip, but nothing serious Is apprehended. See "Our Awful Aunt" and ' Pete" the negro, at Jenkins' hall next Tues day night. They are great. Don't fail to attend-the play "Our Awful Aunt" at Jenkins' hall next Tuesday night. This is the play given by the pirplls of the school, and is sure to please you. Walter Perry, of Orange, Calif., and John Perry, of Canada, arrived Tuesday morning to visit their father, Mr. Peter Perry, who has been very ill for several months, and who seems to be In a very critical condition. We are informed by one of the mail rural route carriers, not many miles from Murray, that a great many of the boxes along the route are In bad shape and need repairing. This is a matter that the farmers should look after, seeing that they have good locks. We are also requested to re mind all patrons of the routes to re member the penny proposition. That good old time friend of the Journal, 11. C. Long, from west or Murray, was in the city last Saturday for the first time In several weeks, and of course paid this office a short call. Henry says he has been a pretty much busy man for the past year, and has only found time to call at the county seat twice in the past year. It Is all right this time Henry, but dont let this occur again, we want to see you oftener. Chun li (.'h-s Plant. Great hr yrovt irents havj been ma'Ie on the Presbyterian church In the year. Besides building a kitch en, modem In Its appliances, they have installed a Birch Acetylene Lighting System, one of the finest lighting plants In the country. It Is construe ted so that it can be attached to the gas range In the church kitchen and used for cooking pur poses. Pitman & Davis were Instru mental in having this plant put in, and It will pay all who contemplate having such a plant placed in their residences to examine the workings of tiie church plant. It Is the most complete In construction that we have ever seen. Pitman & Davis are local agents for the Birch company. Here on Crutches. 0. V. Virgin and father W. B. Vir gin, from near Murray, were In the city today looking after some business matters. Ozro was compelled to get around by the aid of crutches, as the result of an Injury he received four weeks ago while chopping wood. At the time of the accident he was so ser lously Injured that he was compelled A Fine Lighting SCystein. Pitman & Davis have recently been appointed local agents of the Birch Acetylene Light Co., and have already placed several up-to-date lighting plants In homes In and around Mur ray. The Birch machine is very sim ple in construction, having no cogs or springs to get out of order. This sim plicity of construction not only re duces first cost, but Is a great saving in gas. Parties thinking of putting In a lighting system can save money, and at the same time secure the best and most convenient systam. These are standard machines and have been ap proved as safe by the insurance com panies. The same gas can be used for cooking purposes, if desired. y 1 fl ; t i ii i.i mm a m,iiitf mi,, I w J 1 i' I.;, U U 1 jEb d iouijj & isf) And mver before have we had as lar,re and as fine an assortment of Scarfs, Muffs and Sets as now. We have a few Sets in Russian Mink that are top notchers 25 to $50 PER SET Scarfs from $1,93 to $15 Muffs from $2 to $35 AsU to ste them for we will be more than pleased to show them to you. . FALLING in You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage to take to his bed for two weeks, and Glen Boedeker was an Omaha vis- has now been using the crutches for Itor Wednesday, going via Platts- two weeks, making four weeks of al mouth and the Burlington. most total disability to date, and is still eettinu around on four feet. He Nehawka, and who has been quite drove the axe deep jnto nis ieu 1001, 111. Is cettlnir alone nleelv at this making a very ugly and painful writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ilrown are home from a month's visit at Vlllsca, Iowa. A little son of Mrs. Brown's accompanied them home. Mr. ana Mrs. 8. O. Pitman were wound. Mrs. Bluxleii Kntertains. Mrs. D. C. Rhoden entertained Tuesday In honor of her cousin, Miss Margaret Connor who leaves soon for her home In Wisconsin. About twenty-five ladles were present. The I alrcady done by usln& Rexa11 "93" afternoon'was pleasantly spent in j Halr lonlc' wlin Persistency ana reg ,...!.. t .m.nm.nt, rm. ularlt, for a reasonable length of the most novel features was that j tiire' 11 18 a ,entlBc, cleansing, of Mrs. Rhoden passing pencils and ! antlsepMe. germicidal preparation, paper with questions pertaining to ; thai destroys microbes, stimulates sewing. Miss Pauline Oldham won k00'1 'irculatlon around the hair the prize by furnishing the most cor-, roots- Promotes hair nourishment. Te rn t answers. A most sumptuous re-' Inove9 dandruff and restores hair past wai served and when the time ; healthi u 18 as Peasant to use as for departure arrived all were unanl-' Pure water' and 11 te delicately per- In voting Mrs. Rhoden a mcst 18 lu"c- a. a- a. T-i ... 11 nn O II mous royal entertainer. assisted Mrs. Rhoden. Notice to Hog Breeders. In regard to the many Inquiries about the O. I. C. (white) boar I re cently purchased from Ohio, I w Ish to Omaha visitors Wednesday, going up say that this hog was two years old on the early morning train and re- August 27, 1910, breeding weight 600 Get your supper at the lunch coun ter at Loughrldge's hall, and your dinner at the Presbyterian church, December 3. After you get your din ner you won't need a supper. Dr. Novell, tho Union dentist, made bis usual weekly visit to Murray Tuesday. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Newell's visits are highly ap preciated by a splendid patronage. Miss Mattlo Larson, who Is teach ing near Nehawka, was the guest of Miss Villa Gapen, Saturday and Sun day, and took In the play Saturday night at Jenkins' hall. J. W. Holmes' residence looms up In great shape since receiving its new dress of dark red paint, with white tifinmliiRS. It now presents a very handsome appearance, Rev. W. 10. Roberts, of the Presby terian Seminary at Omaha, Jias beec employed as pastor of the church here. He preached last Sunday for the first time since his engagement and won the hearts of his hearers. He Is a fluent speaker, and a young minister of greut promise. turning on the midnight train. Mrs. Alva Long Is very sick, having been confined to her bed tor some time, and is considered In a critical condition. She Is threatened with pneumonia fever. Rev. Hill, the Christian minister, was unable to be here last Sunday, on account of the serious Illness of his little daughter. Ills brother occu pled the pulpit for him. Glen Perry and wife, O. A. Davis and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Pit man and son Dick, were entertained at dinner at the home of S. O. Pit man and wlfo, Sunday. The farmers In this vicinity are taking advantage of the fine weather for gathering corn, and In conse quence business among our business men Is not "rushing." Miss Jacie Stover, of Corydon, In dlana, who arrived a week ago last Saturday on a visit to her relatives, the Pitman family, will spend four or five weeeks In Murray and vicinity II. L. Mdham will donate a thor oughbred pig, valued at $15 to the Presbyterian ba.aar. Chances will be sold at 15 cents to draw this fine pig. The drawing will take place at 8 o'clock p. m. on Decembor 3. "Our Awful Aunt," a two-act play pounds; guaranteed to weigh 1,000 to 1,200 fattened. Also have one April boar same stock, not related, weight 175. Service fee for either J3.00 to Insure little. Frank L. Rhoden, ll-3-4t-w. Murray, Neb. Wood For Sale. One hundred loads of wood, cut Into stove length, for sale. Also, a lot of hedge posts and corn crib posts for sale. John P. Latta, Murray, Neb. A (Jreat Success. The two one act plays given by the young people of the Christian church at Jenkins' hall Saturday night, proved a great success In every way. The plays were under the direction of Miss Pauline Oldham, and every character was well taken, and all well played. A large audience greet ed the young people, and the receipts amounted to $81.00. After all ex penses were paid the "Sunshine Band" of the Christian church real ized a neat Bum. Some of those who took part in the play deserve special mention, but It Is Impossible for us to give all a personal notice, and will suffice to say that all did remarkably well for local talent. I Hair Tonic with our promise that It will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with Its use. It comes In two sizes, prices 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. F. G. Frlcke & Co., Union Block. Ludden Should (jo. It is said the friends of Col. Tom Majors are going to urge Governor elect A Id rich to appoint him as a member of the state board of educa tion to take the place of Rev. Ludden. It would please all of the live republi cans in this state and especially the friends of both Mr. Majors and Supt. Crabtree. Perhaps when he is ap pointed there will be a resignation asked for from a certain Peruvian, Of i whn tnnrin himself nnltft nhnnylnua In the past and who fought the ticket all the way through. It will be nice to get a few scalps "after the war." Nebraska City News. Col. Majors has always proved a good man oh the state board of edu cation, and his removal was evidently a sad blow to the state educational Institutions. He Is not partisan when it comes to doing his duty to the state at large. Dr. Newell, Dentist. Murray every Tuesday from 8 a. m., to d p. m. Ail Kinas or nrsi class dental work. Satisfaction guar anteed. For Sale! A number of Duroc boars with pedigree. L. II. Oldham. REPORT OF T11K CONDITION OF THB Btvnk of Cass County, of riiittsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. IncoriMiiatrd In tlieittnte of Nflirasks. al the clow of Iniitlncss bovemwr 10, Will. KIWOUKCKH Building of llatt & Sou Progressing, The building for the produce ex change to be elongated by John llatt & Son Is progressing. The concrete floor is completed, and the blocks are about completed, McMaken & Son having the contract for manufactur ing the blocks, and the same will be delivered on the ground this week. The walls will probably be erected next week and tho building enclosed In this enterprise of this hustling firm Plattsmouth will have an Insti tution that it can be proud of, and one that will be a drawing card In the way of bringing trade to riatts- mouth. Buys Gasoline Lngine. Frank Steppet unloaded at the Burlington freight house today a new gasoline portable engine with saw at tached to frame all complete and ready to saw wood. The engine can be used for grinding feed, or shelling corn and the like. There Is not another rig of the kind In this vicin ity, and It is likely that Mr. Steppet will have all that he can do with his outfit. "Bishop Sunbeams" will make any one a fine Christmas present, especial ly for the young people. Paul Sta dolman Is agent for the book. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by Its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with Implicit confidence. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. General Hartigan Conies Tomorrow.. Adjutant General Harting wired Bert Pollock, late this afternoon that the general, with a number of the National Guard, will be here tomor row morning to look over the range at this point. A healthy man is a king In his own right; an unhealthy man is an un happy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. will be presented by the pupils of our Loans and discounts...'. f.'t.M.rti: "fl wvrmrmi.s, MTim'ti ami unsrruriMi.. s,nw w school at Jenkins hall next Tuesday night. Don't fall to see "Pete," the negro, and tho old maid aunt. They are the two principal characters In the play. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith enter tained Miss Stover, of Corydon, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman at 6 o'clock dinner Monday. "Sonie'R Set" was proved an enjoyable pastime, and the boys got set and badly set. For shame, ludies, to take advantage of the poof fellows In such a manner. Tho friends of Arnold FUzpatrlck gave him a complete surprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Bee on his 20th birthday. Tho plans were car rled out to perfection, and a most en joyable time was had. And no one enjoyed the event more than Arnold, oven If the parties did take him by surprise. Itnnklnir Iioumi furniture and tlx miiis n .mm no licalfstutiMithcrtliun lianklnirliousH 4.:is: !& ( ash 111M11H....V " j 4 I Hie from nail, slain and lulvalo Imnks 27.K.TS TS Lhis-ks and lli'insof ex- , flianmt Iru ill l nrrenry l!.0.n 00 (ioid coin ti.:i;," no .sllver.nli ki'lx and cents 1,775 0! -22.1711 W lloiuls. swiii Ii ics, JmlmnciiLs. claims. IX 4fl Total t:m2,4lt 77 L1AI11L1T1F.S Capital stock nulil In fi().(KX) 00 Surplus fund IHUWO 00 I nillvldrd prollt.s il.W s4 liiiliviuiial ilciwltsuiOi'i'l torliiM-k 122.110 22 ThmuvrUtlcatosof deposit. lT'j.ili'l ri Cashier's chtvks outstand ing I0,Mr 21 .T05.IU2 10 Total Statu or N unit ask a. I . . county or Cash f 1, T. M. Patterson rasiueror ini aiKivw immed dank do lierr swear t lint tlie bIhivo statement I cor rect and a trim copy of Hie reisu t madetotlio Mate liankltiK Hoard. T. M. I attehhon. Attit J r,'AI'- c- PAHMKi.t, Director, AlMHl. j , u 1!k.m1 I,!,,,.,.,, KuliscrllH'd andswori) to before n tliUltitb nay or Noveniner, lsio. .ktta Hhown, nl m ftr ltililli Peal) My commission expires Mur, U'lli. IUIS Horse Shoeing. John Durman desires to Inform those who need his services that he has opened a shop at the Ora Dawson place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction assured. FOU SAI.l,. Some fine white Plymouth roosters at $1.00 each. Mrs. Long, Murray, Neb. Rock II. C Pigs For Sale. I have a number of spring Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale. N. Klaurens male Hon. It. B. Windham, of this city has also been appointed a delegate to the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Water ways association, which meets In St Louis, November 25th and 26th, and received his commission as such this morning. 14 I Bell Telephone Service has reached its present high state of development because its policy has always been upon the convic tion that "Success consists In training and deserving tlie confldencp and the supKrt of all Intelligent people." How well this attitude has won public approval is shown by the astonishing growth of the Bell System in all parts of the country. Statistics Show One Bell Telephone installed every minnte. One thousand miles of wire strung every day. More than six billion connections msde every year. Five million telephones in use in 40,00 American cities. In Nebraska the installation of 600 new telephones a month. In Nebroska the building of 6,200 miles of copper toll lines luBt year. In Nebraska one hundred and twenty thousand telephones in five hundred cities and towns. Cur Policy Una always been to deal frankly and fairly with the gublic and rely for our achievement upon square dealing and satis factory service. - Nebraska Telephone -Company C. L. CLARK, Local Manager.