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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1910)
0 S JfCan WITH SOME INCIDENTAL RELATION TO THE WOMAN By Cyrus Townsend Brady Illustrations bg Dearborn Melvill fttDvrUM. WW. by M"flt. Tra Co. CHAPTER V. Mr. Haldane Is Greatly Surprised. Mr. Haldane waa In something of quandary. For certain reasons and for some time h had been contemplating an Interview with Oorinly. Not only did he greatly desire the Interview "1 Want to Do Something for You, Miss Haldane," which was Indeed necessary, almost vital In fact, to the furtherance of cer tain matters in which he was deeply concerned, but he did not desire that hi Interest, personal Interest, that is, in the affair should appear. In other words he wanted to talk seriously about something of great importance (to him without disclosing that the 'matter was of more than passing mo ment. The opposition had greatly under rated the character and ability of Gormly. The Gotham Freight Trac tion company, for instance, had podn poohed him at first, and even now, though the public press was filled with accounts of him and his doings, they still greatly underestimated his qualities. Haldane himself had Joined in this depreciation until be bad met Gormly. He had as yet enjoyed no opportunity of conversation with him, save in a general way, as has been seen; but he was accustomed to deal 'with men, and he saw Instantly that he was face to face with a personal ity at once able, courageous, deter mined, and strong. Behold the two men seated on either lde of the bright fire In the library, ,Haldane smoking one of Gormly's ex cellent Havanaa; glasses, bottles, and Ice on a little table at hand. He had disapproved of Mrs. Haldane's man ner, not because be thought It unsuit d to the occasion, but on account of ithe peculiar qualities and characteris tic of Gormly and the relationship In which he stood to certain matters of importance. He had been inclined on the first entrance to follow his wife's patronising, arrogant assumption of superiority; but now be strove to in fuse all the geniality and cordiality possible into his voice and manner. - On the other hand, Gormly natural ly had a deep Interest In Haldane. As the father of the woman he loved, he would necessarily be a great factor in the battle he meant to wage for ber band. His consent and influence, while not absolutely essential, would naturally be of great value. If ha could by any means win the support and countenance of the great financier, his dream would be by that much the more easy of realization. He had an Idea, however, that this would be im possible. That did not daunt him 01 render him the less alert To win Haldane's consent possibly might be no more practicable than to win Miss Haldane's consent. Yet Gormly wai accustomed to attempt the Impossible, and nine times out of ten to achieve it That Haldane bad any relation ship, or could have any relationship, to him other than that of a prospect ive father-in-law never- entered his head. That was sufficient to rendei the interview memorable to Mm, The conversation began with a re mark from the older man about the 'weather. I have long wondered why the weather is the staple inaugural topic. "I have rarely experienced so severs la snowstorm," said Haldane blandly, '"I have been coming down to Long Island in winter off and on ever slaca I was a boy, and this surpasses any 'thing within my knowledge." "It is bad enough for New York," ro isponded Gormly, "Here when thi (temperature gets down to the zero i mark and the wind blows thirty 01 'forty miles an hour, and it snows hard I all day, we call it a billiard. Most people welcome this sort of snow i storm because of the mild excitement ' iof the situation, and the street eleam ling department rejoices at the oppov jtunltles of graft presented." ! At that last remark, though Haldant tk4 n estaiiJik connection wilh tti ureC department, or any other de partment of the municipal admiutstr tfon in (act, the man slightly lifted his bead and glanced for a moment witfc deeper Interest at bis companion. "I Ju It from your allusion thai you have experienced than this." "I have been In real blizzards, Mr, I Haldane," answered Gormly quietly; ninVA wn. i--1 velr-lt noarrelT to be measured, " ' ! where the temperature waa from twenty to thirty below, where the sleet needles cut like whips, and the storm had full sweep unchecked and un broken by any thing. However, I am glad of the storm in this Instance, since It has enabled me to extend ta you and your party the shelter of my roof. I have been acquainted I hav had the privilege of knowing, that U your daughter for some time, and 1 am honored in the acquaintance of hei father and mother and your friends." "You say you have known my daugh ter for some timer "I have had that pleasure." "If I mistake not she said that yos had been Interested in her settlement I work. Quixotic imaginations of an 'enthusiastic girl, my dear sir; but 1 , humor her." "You do well," returned the other ' "And if yon will give me leave to dlft for with you, I hardly call it Qnrxotlo, I have examined into the plan tho oughly, and I must say It strikes me as being altogether admirable as well aa 'entirely feasible. I hope and believe 'It will succeed." "Quite so," returned Haldane. Ha was not in the least interested in the .matter. He realized, however, that II j would be wise to pretend interest that he did not feel, after such an expres sion on the part of his host. "Your Judgment as to the feasibility of tha plan, therefore, I consider most valu able, and I am glad It has your appro bation. I presume that you have " "I have assisted Miss Haldane in every way possible," returned Gormly, who did not propose to be questioned ao to the details of his relation to the scheme. "Of course," he went on, "your own reputation as a financier is known to me as it is to all of New York, and if I may be permitted to say so I am of the opinion that a large part of your executive ability, not to say genius, has descended to your daughter." "Thank you," was the answer. "El eanor is certainly a most capable young woman." "And it must be a source of grati fication to you that she chooses to ex ercise her capability in this direction rather than in the vain and aimless social avocations of a large and in fluential section of our so called best people In the city?" "Certainly, very true. But frankly, I could wish that there was a mere equable division of time between the er high and the low, so to Bpeak; that Eleanor could give more of her attention to those duties, which after all, my dear Mr. Gormly, however we men of the world may deprecate them, go to make up so large a part of life, and leave more of the detail work of this institution to others." "I know little about the social obli gations of the world to which you re fer. It has not been my privilege to have an entrance therein." "Merely a matter of choice on your part, I am sure," murmured Haldane deprecatlngly. "Possibly," was the cool reply. "I have not hitherto been greatly inter ested in effecting an entrance with in the charmed circle, nor am I es pecially now, saving your presence of course and meaning not the slightest offense in the world." "None whatever Is taken, and I pray you to proceed. You interest me exceedingly." "fn my business, Mr. Haldane, and I have no doubt that the experience is your own, I have found that what I supervise myself is well done, and what I delegate to others is frequently ill done, and sometimes not done at all." "The remark is as old as Ben Frank lin," laughed Haldane, "and the prin ciple is older still." But surely," he went on, "in a great business such as yours is, you can't attend personal ly to every detail yourself." "By no means," returned the other. "I have succeeded in surrounding my self with a very capable corps of sub ordinatesperhaps I had better call them assistants who have been tried and tested, and upon whom I have de volved responsibilities commensurate with their capacities, and from whom I expect results. But I supervise ev ery department of the business myself. I am in possession of frequent reports concerning it even In Its details. I make regular and rigid inspections. In short, so far as one man can do so, I have it all In my own hands, certainly in my own mind." "My own practise, Mr. Gormly, with my affairs, which are somewhat large and extensive, is similar to yours." "I taj(e It, sir," was the answer, "that we are in lino with all successful men in that." It irked Haldane a little to be so ca'mly Included in the same category with Gormly; for he had never been in trade and had acquired much of the old world prejudice against the keen ing of a store. However, it was not worth quarreling about Not that Haldnne had the slightest objections to auarrellns; with Gormly; on tho eontrary, he would have enjoyed It ImmenHely, and Indeed intended In one way or another to do that very thing before he got through with him; but It would be bad policy to do It without more preparation for victory, and it would be In execrable taste to precipitate antagonism in the enjoy ment of his hospitality. Therefore he swallowed his dislike and proceeded as follows: "Even the best of subordinates mKe myiases once in a wnite. "They are do iiiore immune from that," was the swift rejoinder, "than the ablest of employers." Haldane laughed. It was exceed ingly well done. For the moment it i tvun ilvil hi Arute rnmminlon. worse stormj!""" , " j He spoke with an air of the utmost frankness. 'i have no personal concern, of course, in me niauer. uui i have been greatly interested In the remark auie series ui urucies iuui uao i peared under your name. I suppose you were betrayed Into this unfortu nate position through some error on the part of one of your subordinates." "No," said Gormly, "that was a mis take of my own, one of those employ er's errors to which we alluded a mo ment' since." "It Is like to cost you dear. I fancy, before you get through. The Gor hain Freight Traction company, which . i . v. .. V. .. Gormly Deliberately Laid All Cards on the Table. His I hear Is an immensely strong financial organization and Is nat urally relentless and inexorable In matters of business, is apt to exact compliance with its demands, or leave your warehouses, as it were, in the air." "I have never credited them with any other Intent." "Then 1 suppose In the end you will take your medicine, as the young men say, and content yourself with your ah proclamations?" , "My experience has been that pub licity, If coupled with surrender, Is never very efficacious. If I should accede to the demands of the Gotham Freight Traction company, the fact that I had exposed them would be of little moment." "Oh, then, you propose to do your ii freighting by wagou and give up the battle?" asked Haldane, his eager ness a little more apparent than be imagined possible. "I have not said so," he answered. "What do you propose?" It was a blunt, direct question, and one unwarranted by the situation. "Well" began the merchant slowly. "I ask simply as a citizen Interested in the welfare of the community. Some of the backers of the Gotham Freight Traction company are friends of mine, and from tonight I shall hope to count you also among that num ber," explained the financier grace fully; "Thank you," returned Gormly. "I have learned that it Is not wise to say what you are going to do until you are ready to do It; that It Is much better, in fact, to substitute doing for saying." "An excellent maxim!" returned the other with well simulated Indifference. "All of your fellow citizens, however, will be deeply interested in the out come of the affair. I am an older man than, you are, Mr. Gormly, and may therefore take the liberty, not of ad vising you as to the conduct of your business, but of saying In a friendly way one or two things that occur to me. The first is that as a business man I know that this publicity is more or less distasteful to you. I assumo that it will be to the Gotham Freight Traction company, which, I believe, Is a very worthy concern, desirous of minding Its own business and exploit ing Its own properties. I think my self, viewing the situation impartial ly, that you have been hardly dealt with. I don't want to see the affair advance any farther, for the credit of the community. Suppose we say five hundred thousand dollars for the connections and nothing more to appear about it in the public press?" "Is this" burst out Gormly quickly. "Is this a compromise you are offering?" "I am offering nothing," returned Haldane lightly, almost Indifferently. "I am not In position to offer anything. As I stated to you, I am simply a citi zen who wants to see this unpleasant matter removed from the papers, where such things are discussed by Intemperate writers without any real comprehension of the Issues Involved and I offer aa the friend of my friends, and, If I may so call myself, as your friend, to bring you two together." "You are not empowered to make such a proposition?" "Certainly not," was the specious answer. "I slmnjy take advantage of the fortunate chance that gives me tne privilege of your acquaintance to do what I conceive to be a most Impor tant public service." "And you have no personal interest in the matter?" "I have already assured you as to that." "I will not accept any such offer, if it should be made me by authority. I will not pay a single cent over and above the actual cost of building the witches and a proper and reasonable amount ror tne privilege oi tne cou- nection." j "Of course, you must make your own decision. In that case, however, I fear you will never get the switches." "I am quite sure that before I get through 1 shall have not only the switches, but " Gormly paused, and looked bis com panion hard and directly In the face. "But what?" said Haldane. flicking the" ashes from his cigar daintily, and speculatively watching the blue curl of smoke that rose languidly from its end in the air. Gormly thought quickly. He was not now deceived by the well assumed Indifference of Haldane. He was con vinced that there was something back of it; that the relation of Haldane to the whole affair was more than a mere casual one; that Haldane had not told him the plain, unvarnished truth. "Well, Mr. Haldane, I will be frank with you. I not only intend to have my track connection, but I Intend to have the Gotham Freight Traction compnny as well." "My dear sir!" said Haldane gently, not turning a hair before this astound ing declaration. "Are you aware that the bonds of the Gotham Freight Trac tion company are two hundred and fifty million dollars; that stock for twice as much more has been issued and sold and is already at a premium; that It Is In the enjoyment of a ninety- nine-year franchise with the privilege of renewal; that its promoters in elude some of the ablest financiers In the city?" "Much of what you say is a matter of public notoriety. You have given me, however, some information that I did not possess and which is of val ue," said Gormly quietly. llaldano did not acknowledge the touch, though he winced Inwardly at It. "And yet you speak," he went on, "of controlling the company?" "I do." "This is most interesting. I am cu rious to know how you propose to do it? "The business that you have built up is evidence of your capacity in that line; but you have, I take It, never mingled in Wall street, never dealt on the exchange?" "Never. I didn't mean to, either." "How then do you expect to obtain control of such a corporation as this, especially when it has back of It the city government as well as the Sach em society?" Tht question was one Gormly could have declined to answer without a moment's hesitation without giving any offense, for it was one that Hal dane had no right to ask. He thought deeply, if swiftly, and before he spoke, Haldane continued: "You are, I take It, a wealthy man; but no single man could command the resources of this corporation; that is, no single man outside of those few who are in it," he went on, "and it would be sheer madness for you to attempt it" "Mr. Haldane," said Gormly, coming to another conclusion, "there Is a pow er in this country greater than the money power." "And what may that be, sir?" "The power of the people." "In this Instance, the people are al ready on the side of the Gotham Freight Traction company," "Are they bo?" "Certainly. Through their represen tatives they have voted them a fran chise under which the line has been constructed and by which it is oper ated, through the provisions of which it will be held." "Have the people surrendered their rights absolutely to the Gotham Freight Traction company?" "I should say that they had." "Are they delivered, bound hand and foot, to this corporation?" "Well, you put it rather poetically; but in substance your remark is true.". "And have they no redress or re course?" "Certainly." "And what is that?" "I haven't the slightest objection to telling you. They can revoke the franchise at the expiration of the ninety-nine-year term." "Is that all they can do?" "Absolutely all. You see, therefore, it would be quite hopeless for you to attempt to fight this corporation, even with the alliance and support of the people, which it is by no means cer tain you could gain." "And that is your unprejudiced opin ion?" i "It is. Therefore I urge upon you the acceptance of my offer to mediate between you and them." ! "And you say your luterest is purely impersonal?" "Entirely." , "I am glad, as I said before, to 'know that," returned Gormly, 'be cause I should not like to find myself in opposition to one who has mani fested such friendliness to me as you have." Haldane looked up suspiciously; but Gormly's appearance waa abso lutely guileless. "For notwithstanding what you tell me," the merchant continued, "all of which Is doubtless true, I propose to enter the contest with the Gotham Freight Traction company. I have never allowed myself to be robbed; I have never been beaten by trickery and chicanery; and I don't propose to be robbed or beaten now." "Ruin, absolute ruin, is before you," said the other earnestly, "if you en gage la this contest "Hut sir, they are trying to hold me up to use a blunt phrase for a mil lion dollars for a thing that should pot be worth a tenth of that amount on a liberal basis. Morally " "Morals, my dear Mr. Gormly, some bow seem to have little to do with I business. You must do what they like, or " lie shrugged hla shoulders. "We shall see." said Gormly. "I be lieve, though 1 am not a student of military history, that an able general s one who takes advantage of the mistakes of the enemy, and that more battles are won by such sharp sighted endeavor than by deliberate plan ning ' "Precisely! This is a case In point The Gotham Freight Traction com pany Is taking advantage of your mis take." "But I have also heard," continued Gormly imperturably, "that the ablest general Is be who not only takes ad vantage of his enemy's mistakes but who turns his 6wn mistakes to good account. I propose to antagonize the party in power and the Sachem which granted this franchise and delivered the city into the hands of this corpor ation and to drive them out" "Many men have tried that; none in my recollection have succeeded." "The more houor in succeeding now, and the more inspiration to try." "But suppose you did succeed, what then? How would that affect the Gotham Freight Traction company?" "Meanwhile." said Gormly, and in this instance he deliberately laid all his cards on the table. "I propose to take advantage of the one blunder of the Gotham Freight Traction com pany." "And what is that?" asked Hal dane with Intense eagerness. There was no longer the faintest pretense between these two. Ills cards were on the table as well, although he had not admitted It "In order to make the franchise of the Gotham Freight Traction company really of value, to complete the ays tem, without which it begins and ends in the air, they must have the old New York Street Cur company fran chise which expires next spring. It covers the only available routes and the only available streets to connect the two ends of the Gotham enter prise. Somehow or other the astute minds . controlling the . corporation (ailed to secure the renewal of this franchise. It has to ne Toted upon and passed in the spring." "The present administration," was the quick reply, "will be In power un til the April elections. The franchise expires in March. No re grant of it could be made until then. It will be renewed before a new administration could supplant the old, even if your wild dreams were successful.'" "That 1b to be seen," answered Gormly coolly. "My dear sir, It is self evident "By no means. Public opinion shall be aroused on the question of the re newal of the franchise of the New York Street Car company, with a clear explanation of tie principles and con sequences involved, to such an extent that I do not believe any administra tion on earth will dare to counter it" "And who will do this arousing?' "I will." "How?" "By offering myself as a candidate for mayor of New York and by fight ing the battle on that lsauo, and that alone." "I might," said Haldnne slowly, aft er a deeply thoughtful moment "I might secure the privileges you desire conditioned" "I don't desire them now, Mr. Hal dane," returned Gormly. "I am In the battle to stay. I ask nothing from the Gotham Freight Traction company; it can confer no favors upon me. I shall take what I am entitled to by the grace of God and the will of the peo ple." Haldane stared a long time at the dark, determined face of his host. "You will make a splendid enemy, Mr. Gormly," he said at last "The battle between you and the Traction company will be one worth going a long distance to see." Haldane looked fixedly at the young er man. He acknowledged that in him the Gotham Freight Traction Ho Handed Her the Paper. company and he himself bad found the worthiest antagonist that the abund ant and brilliant talent of the great metropolis could produce. . At that Instant the tall clock in the hall struck the hour of 12. . "I have the honor," wild Gormly, bowing formally, "to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Mr. Haldane." To be continued Miss Lucllo Gbhs arrived from Godfrey (Montlcello Seminary) Illi nois, Saturday evening, having been called home from school on account of the dangerous Illness of her father, Mr. A. E. Case. OH YOU CORN KiUKXEJS HUSKERS Use Our CREAM for CHAPPED HANDS An especially medicated pre paration for corn huskers hands. 25C PER BOTTLE Manufactured and sold ciusively by ex- F. G. FR1CKE 8 CO , Druggists and Kxpert 1'ill Mixers THE REXALL STORE ConnrcNsinun Magulre. Congressman Magulre, who, in de feating Will 'Hay ward, probably sprung the greatest surprise of any in the campaign, Issued the following statement today: "To the People of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska: I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks for the splendid, support given me on last Tuesday by men of all parties throughout this) district, and especially to the people of my home city of Lincoln. You have re-elected mo to represent this district In congress and this new ex pression of your confidence places me , under Increased obligations. "As It will be Impossible for me to meet Individually those who sup ported me bo faithfully in the cam paign Just closed, I take this method, of assuring them that I appreciate their loyalty. "Now that the people of my dis trict have chosen me again to bear the responsibilities that rest upon a. public servant, I pledge them, that I shall ever strive to reflect the will et my constituents as I am able to In- terpret their wishes. It shall be my constant purpose to fulfil ever pledge I have made to the people and. to discharge my official duties ac cording to the highest standards of public life John Magulre. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 11, 1910. Sates an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave see mod to yawn be fore Robert Masden, of West Burling- ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks In the hospital, four of the best phy- ilclans pave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Elec tric flitters. For, after eight months cf frightful suffering from liver trou ble and yellow Jaundice, getting n help lrom other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medlcln completely cured him. It is positively guaranteed for Stomal h, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disap points. Only GOe. at F. 0. Frlcke & Co's. Notice. To all owners and parties interest ed In lots located In the Horning cemetery: There will be a meeting held at the Horning school house oa December 3rd, at two o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose of elect ing trustees for said cemetery. Also to transact such other business aa may come before tho meeting. Geo. W. Snyder. Will T. Adams. Charles Reihart, of Louisville, was. In the city today to listen to the arguments In the Keezer-Sltzman caso. EVERY MONDAY at the C, B. & Q. Freight Depot. The highest market price paid. Bring In your poultry. Clarinda Poultry, Butter & Efl; Cl