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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1910)
W X You will admit that it is the duty of the careful prudent emergency-meeting ousiness man 10 pruviuc iui tvwy pu:- .sible contingencynVVon t youf Very well then read I your policies. What companies are they in ana wnereiare tnose companies wtaicu i unuer uie laws inwaaiaian: vvcic mty uainui 1 LearrT these' things at once and then ascertain if in f the event of your property being destroyed, wnat son oi a 'company will uie more ywrcj ca jttry uujusi, juui I You will learn that the farmers and Merchants will (imMi r-ii tV Ivpcf nrnrfrtinn tYint it IS bv its t . i i rr I . . 1 .Nebraska cnarter compcuea toireaiyou, as a rciiucm of Nebraska, liberally and without dispute. W M f 1 ALVO NEWS (rllKl (SyTr QjSnr WAi' " MIU7 & lt(()l(( r 7 K r flnn't- nnneal to vou on sentimental grounds although there is a sentimental side to the question. ' . thinnr rifrht in line with the kt-.i i- fr mtrnnirp those who are or us 1 IMLUiUSiS-a opim. w vt L I L ' w, tvV.n Invpct their monev here in Nebraska those who employ Nebraska folks. , t,4- nninf. There are stronp- business reasons ' JjUl Ulal io iiui . . p rnndomtions whv the next policy written lor you should be a Farmers and Merchants. - xr.. i : ,r. Tri-initv nn no-pncv which carries the IOU llavc in jfui ?n i t? j a f ur,-o TViic iorpnrv will p-ive the most earnest runners unu iviciuiduwt x - - - v attention to your requirements whenever you are in need of anything , i: tv i nr1 n rnrpcpntntive will bnno- vou a rarmers s m us line, xcicpuwuv. un . 7 and Merchants policy for your careful inspection. .1 t-'tr.ji'Uu . Is on the sk k li ;'. l't'ury llai iluot k is on the sick lis: apahi. C K. Jordan went to ri:ttsior.;li Momlt.y. Miss Vera Prouty was a Liiuoln visitor Tuesday. Leo Harry was visiting In Flin wood, Monday. J no. Elliott went to Lincoln on 4blues6 Tuesday. Miss Pearl Keefer was a Lincoln visitor Saturday. Sam Cashner went to Omaha Wed nesday on No. 18. J. H. Stroemer went to Omaha last ursday on business. Harry Linen, of Lincoln, Is visiting t James Foreman's. Miss Orpha Mullln was at home Saturday and Sunday. Harry Appleman returned to his aome in Lincoln, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner visited at Elton Snoke's, Sunday. Tho3. Parry was transacting busi ness In Lincoln, Wednesday. Dr. Moore was In Alvo on business Wednesday, between trains. Thomas Stout returned last Thurs day from his visit in Illinois. Jack Lonam, of Palmyra, was In town on business Wednesday. Geo. Chessley took the hearse northwest of Greenwood, Saturday. Little Wesley Bird is on the sick list and therefore hnd to miss school. IL A. Stone went to Omaha, Mon day, upturning home on No. 17, Tuesday. E. I. Friend went to llazzard, Ne braska, Monday, to look after his farm. Miss Esther Rosenow Is at home again after a few weeks" spent In Murdock. Miss Ethel Stewart wont to Lin coln Wednesday to visit friends for a few days. Miss Margaret McMahon visited Saturday and Sunday with her folks In South Omaha. Art Dlrd and family took d.nnor Saturday with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Wesley Bird. Jacob Kamm and daughter, Miss Amelia Kamm, were Lincoln shop pers Inst Thursday. L'. M. Stone was In Plnttsmouth lpst Wednesday, having taken down the election returns. Mrs. Perry came down from Lln- went to Greenwood to visit at Hal Paisell's. ATter visiting several days with George Pars-ell, of Ptoria, Illi nois, his brothers Joseph and Hal Parsoll and otlu'r relatives. Kft Sat urday for I is homo. A number of young people gave Alletha House and Gladys Appleman a surprlso at the home of the former, Friday evening. The evening was spent playing various games and at a late hour cocoa and wafers were served. Those present were the Misses Gladys Turner, Elmwoou; Grace Bucknell, Grace Newkitk, Bes sie Prouty, Mae Prouty, Esther Uasp, Grayse Bailey; Messrs. Harry Lynch, Lincoln; Earl Bennett, Ralph Par sell, Clifford Appleman, John Free man. Noel Foreman, Maurice Keefer. Veil Linen, Geo. Bucknell and Lee Prouty. . Forgotten. Physlciane all over the world, are seeking remedies for some new dis eases, but seem to have forgotten the most common sickness indigestion. If you cannot eat food enough, or If you are unable to digest It, you can never get well and strong. If you wish to have In your home, a remedy for any malady of the stomach, or the Intestines, we wish to recommend you Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It Is now much stronger and more effective than before and w 111 be found very useful In affections of th stomach, the intestines, the blood and the nerves. Persons suffering from acute or chronic constipation, liver complaints, colic, headache, belching, backache, rheumatic pains, loss of appetite, and general weakness will find Trlner's American Elixir of Bit ter Wine the most valuable remedy. At drugstores. Jos. Trlner, Chemist, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois. John Meislnger, Jr., form near Ced ar Creek, was in the city last Satur day looking ofter bis weekly trading matters, and w h!le here found time to call at the Journal office for a brief visit. Ceo. Hell, Jr., and little son Her- j bert, from near Louisville,, were In . the city last Saturday coming down to have some dental work done for the little man, and while here found time to call at this offlco and renew for his paper for another year. The Hell's are among the best people of Cass B. C. MARQUARDT, Agent, Avoca, Neb. You will find that I MARQUARDTS GENERAL STORE Everything that the can jruide you right' TELEPHONE H-44 ordinary household in your general merchandise purchases as well as in the matter of insurance. requires is at Marquardt's in the best quali ties and at the lowest prices. The Avoca Department News Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa Thanksgiving post cards at Copes', j Omaha, Wednesday. Wm. Morley wa3 an Omaha visitor C. E. Tent and family, Harold Day Tuesday. 1 an'l family, were here from Weeping Ed. Wilson was here f;om Wabash Tuesday. Nicholas Trook spent Sunday with Lincoln relatives. H. G. Wellenisck wp.s at Lincoln Saturday evening. Several of our farmers have fin ished husking corn. ; Water Sunday, visiting O. Tefft. j We never had a finer showing of holiday good3 than you will find at our store in a few weeks. Ora E. ! Copes. j F. W. Ruhge has commenced the I erection of a new building west of j Ruhge and Gillin's store. It will be Chas. Wltzke, of Wisconsin, is here tisiting Avoca relatives. Miss Lola Malcolm Is visiting Avoca relatives and friends. G. A. Malcolm spent Sunday with his parents near Talmage. Fred Clark and son Clifford were over from Union, Saturday. Box supper and entertainment at the tow n hall Thanksgiving night. Violas Sheldon and Henry Pollard were over from Nehawka Wednesday. Miss Clara Ruhge has returned from a visit with relatives near Nel son. Louis Shoemaker has disposed of his farming implements, etc., to Geo. Peters. Harry Marquardt and Wm. Fahne etock were Berlin visitors Tuesday evening. Edward Hensiey enjoyed a visit from a brother who resides in Oregon this week. - Wm. Bogard, who Is working at Omaha, visited with bis family here over Sunday. Chas. HJnze will hold a public sale on his farm southwest of town on December fith. Willie Fahnestock was at Lincoln Saturday and Sunday visiting his brother Claude. W. H. Bctts, Jr., Is erecting a new residence on bis farm to be occupied y J. H. Conrad. Asa Johnson and W. A. llollen berger were business visitors at a frame 22x40. Rumor has It that W. I. Smoots and family will soon become resi dents of Avoca, having disposed of the hotel at Berlin. C. C. Sherfey held a public sale last Thursday. C. C. and wife will soon leave for California, where they will reside in the future." Miss May Bogard entertained a number of her friends at a parlor dance Wednesday evening at her home, that date being the anniver sary of her birth. Those present re port an enjoyable time. Mrs. Gifford, of Omaha, a Royal Neighbor deputy, ha3 been at Avoca putting new life into the Avoca camp. Saturday evening a class of some thing over twenty was taken into camp, the drill work being done by the Dunbar drill team. Refreshments were Ferved. Miss Byrdie Fahnestock Invited a number of her friends to upend the evening playing Somerset Friday evening. Miss Selma Marquardt won the prize of a book, awarded to the best player. Coffee, cake, sand wiches, pickles and home-made can dles were served. Thursday, November 9, being the fifteenth birthday of Miss Eda Nutz mnn, she was given a very pleasant surprise party by her schoolmates. Various games and amusements were Indulged In until a lale hour when dainty refreshments were served. Eda was the recipient of a number of very nice gifts. Fred Becord and wife are visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. L. J. Marquardt. Mr. and Mrs. Marquardt were at Utica to attend the wedding Saturday and Mr. Record and bride returned with them. After visiting a few days they will return to Utica, where a reception will be tendered them and from there go to the home in Canada, which Mr. Beckord has prepared for his bride. Ora Copes came home Friday even ing to find the houso full of his neigh bors who had come In to help him celebrate his birthday. ' Somerset was played until a late hour. Ernest Nutzman, Jr., and ioulse Ruhge tied for the honors of best player and Miss Ruhge drew the straw that en titled her to the picture. Mrs. Nutz man won the consolation prize of a rubber doll. Refreshments consoled those who failed to win a prize. Concrete Base Almost Done. The fone of men working on the concrete work to form the base of the brick foundation for the government building will complete their work this week, if material holds out. In the two days they have worked the Job has been about half completed. For a time yesterday, they were short of cement. The base when completed will be a perfect piece of masonry for the purposes intended. At the hot torn of the trenches It Is about six feet wide and tapers from the Inside foot to the top of the trench, making It from three to four feet In width at the top. The material being used Is cement, sand and crushed rock. The work on the base had to stop for the day on account of the supply of cement being exhausted. Hot Water Bugs and Syringes. 'Tls well to have a good syringe or hot water bag about the houso. It will serve to relieve pain In time of sickness until a doctor can reach you and you will not have to borrow ono which may or may not bo In good con dition. For aches and pains of all kinds, a hot water bag Is a relief and It Is the only safe foot warmer as It can bo put In bed without danger of fire. For ear troubles and other things a good syringe Is lndispensible. At present prices we quote, you should supply yourself at once. oiia i:. copes. Drugs iind Jewelry. Jos. Smaderer, of near Louisville, was a Plattsmouth vlstlor last Sat urday, having Borne business matters here to look after. He came down on the train, and returned homo In the afternoon. ATARRH ui Hi? jiii 1 1515 3 s ! 1 Mrs. Fred Denson and son Roy, de parted for Omaha on the afternoon train today, where they will visit rel atives for two days. mn V :: : a coin Wednesday on No. 18 to look after farm Interests here. Miss Violet Ough came down from Lincoln, Saturday, and visited rela tives until Sunday evening. Mrs. Emma DeVore and Mrs. Emma Cashner visited Mrs. W. E. Jordan Saturday afternoon. P. J. Llnch and Fred Leldlg went to Omaha Wednesday on No. 14, re turning Thursday on No. 18. Dr. Muir reports the birth of t daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snave ley, Saturday, November 12, 1910. Miss Mamie DeVore left Friday on No. 17 for Nelson, Nebraska, after visiting her mother and friends for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove took No. 13 Wednesday for Lincoln to visit their daughter, Mrs. Harry Ap pleman, a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. w. O. Boyles came down from Lincoln Wednesday to spend a few days with Mr. Boyles' mother, Mrs. R. A. Boyles. Mrs. Nervia Knott has moved back Into the Rulofz property, which she formerly occupied, and will again make her home In Alvo. Mrs. Gertrudo Boyles, of Lincoln, spent a fow days with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Blcknell, and her aunt, Mrs. Mary Yeagor, last week. Miss Marie Stroemer came homo Fiidoy and on account of KliViieva was unablo to return to her school detles at the State University. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas left Saturday for a visit at Clatonla, Ne braska, and from there they will go to Kansas to attend to his farm Iti- trests. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrlck and Mrs. Chas. Morning returned Wednesday niornlng from Plattvllle, Wisconsin, where they attended his mother's last sickness. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rasp left Fri day for Butler and Polk counties, where they will visit Mr. Rasp's sis ter and two brothers for about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rasp lived out there for twenty-eight years before moving to Alvo. J. V. Parsell, of Lincoln, spent a few days here with relatives and then county, and the Journal is mighty proud of the fact that nearly all are taking the paper. 7 HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into h noitrll I quickly abtorbsd. CIVE9 RELIEF AT ONCE. It elcinnscs, soothes, hciils nnd protects tho (lisoaii mi'iiiliriuio rsiilliiig from Luturrit Bud drives it way a ('old in I lie Head quickly. Restores tlm Heimes cif TiiHto ud Smell. It is eay to line. Contains tio injurious drugs. No mercury, no eoeamo, no nior pllillil. The lioilaieliold remedy. J'rice, mi centji at i!rii;:i,'iMTH or iy mini. NKIIAWKA. A baby ghi was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Sturm Monday. Mrs. George'is convales cing slowly. Dr. Gllmore was to" see her again Thursday. Gust Hansen and family have moved Into their new home, although not quite completed, owing to the furnace being deferred. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graven were guests at George Mark's, Sunday and Monday. Misses Lottie- and Sadie Wuuder llch and Mrs. Bertha Switzer were Nebraska City bunlness visitors, Sat urday. Troy Shrader and friend attended church In Union Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Gllmore entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Thlele, Miss . Walker and Miss Lnurldge. It Is rumored that two homes are quarantined on account of starlet fever. The schools will probably be closed soon. Mr. and Mrs. Park Chrlswiser have not made any decision of going to Dunbar yet until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Shrader were county seat visitors several days last weeks. Miss Ula Hcelincr spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Charles Hansen dehorned some cat tle for Ad Boedeker, Monday. Miss Etta Schwartz, who Is attend ing school at Weeping Water, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You to Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Coughs , and Colds Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just ihese cases Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows a!l about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the, place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. j.c.AwCo.,LoweU,Mas$. "v-h v Aycr mis. iugar-coai;u. All vegetable. tui BMUiHtita, o j warron ai., now lorn live. Dose, only one pill. Act directly on the liver. Gently laxa- Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about them.