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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1908)
YOUNG MAN DS ADJUDGED INSANE Remember The News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal Relatives Agree and are Allow ed the Care of Unfortunate. V. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President H. C. WELLENSIEK. Cashier The Avoca Oepsnrtmeot A men da & Mohr SaQe The Bank Capital $10,000 ( We Solicit Your Banking Business. Fred Kumnheim is visiting sit Se ward. Fred Durham made a trin to Oma ha Monday. Miss Neva Zook was at Auburn over Sunday. Kiuil Amanda was over from Syar cuse Saturday. Mrs. A. I). George of Omaha is vis iting Avoca relatives. Dick Conrad, of near Union, was a visitor here Saturday. V. L. Gillin spent Christmas witli his parents at Lorton. Marion ritman was at Nehawka several days this week. (Jus Mohr and wife were at Syra cuse Sunday visiting relatives. Edward Morley and family were at Nehawka several days this week. W. I. Smoots and John Henecke have returned from their Texas visit. Miss Stella Opp. who is attending sehool at Tern, is here visiting her parents. Mrs. J. C. Zimmerer and son spent several days this week woth Lorton relatives. Try Fruit Lax. the great constipa tion cure. For sale by Ora 1-. Copes, the druggist. Mrs. M. I). Marquardt and son Harry of Lincoln are spending the wok in Avoca. Chas. Conrad of Omaha was vis iting his parents west of town the first of the week. John Ilhuge and family of Mur dock spent several days this week with relatives here. Mrs. R. II. Combs and daughter of Lincoln were the guests of Ora E. Copes and wife this week. Theron Malcom, Findley Lindsey and Jos. Zimmerer made a trip to Elmwood Sunday in an auto. B. C. Marquardt and wife were at Lincoln the first of the wek attend ing the funeral of Mrs. Kaufman. Edward Morley and family and R. A. Nutzman and family spent Christ mas with relatives near Nehawka. Sheriff Quinton and wife were over from Plattsmouth Friday to eat Christmas, dinner with relatives east of town. IHlaDir - WesftoireirH Promotes a healthy growth of hair by removing the dan druff and nourishing the roots of the hair. It will not discolor the hair, nor is it. greasy. It was selected by a National Committee of Druggists as the best formula for the growth and presfryation of the hair. ORA E. COPES, g5 j ? C 0 DO YOU When you get ready to buy call on us and get a sett of those rIABE BY Both for Buggy and Work Har ness. We have one of the best harness-makers in the state, and you know as well as we do that Hand-Made Harness are the Best. & 0 AV033, of Avoca Surplus $5,000 ) William Wulf was at Omaha Tues day. Nil k Opp was over to Neha'.ka the first of the week. .1. II. Husch was a business visitor at Omaha Tuesday. Fred Westlake and wife were Oma ha visitors Wednesday. Prof. John Opp and mother were Omaha visitors Monday. Carl Shroeder was a business visi tor at Elm wood Tuesday. T. W. Malcom and brother Roy were at Nehawka Monday. W. II. Hetts, jr., shipped a carload of cattle to Omaha Monday. W. G. Wellcnseik was a Nebraska City visitor Tuesday evening. A. J. Johnson was a business vis itor at Lincoln Wednesday. Miss Edna Marquardt was a Lin coln visitor the first of the week. Chas. Roloff and wife entertained relatives from Unadilla this week. Henry Wulf was on the Omaha market Tuesday with a car of sheep. L. F. Dunkak is having a barn built on his property in north Avoca. Miss Mable Cochran, of Rrady, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Graham. Mrs. R. A. Nutzman and daughter Pearl are visiting relatives at Mur dock. Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and son Glen are visiting Nehawka relatives this week. D. C. McAlister was here from Lorton Tuesday visiting his many friends. Miss Virgia Et bridge of Cook is visiting at the home of Ora E. Copes and wife. E. L. Wright of C.iltner and Aaron Wright of Oregon are visiting rel atives in Avoca and vicinity. Clyde Bogard had the misfortune to fall from a swing the first of the week and hurt himself quite badly. Edward Shackley has his ice house finished, and is now patiently wait ing for the theremometer to lower. J. C. Zimmerer, Findley Lindsey and Theron Malcolm made a trip to Lincoln Tuesday in the benzine wag on. A girl arrived at the home of Frank Greenrod and wife Tuesday. The little miss says she has come to stay. Hal Garnet left Thursday for t NEED C 3 X HANI 1! nn HZCRASKJl HOSE DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors Cigars Avoca, Neb. STRAUB IS THE MAN THAT SELLS - AUTOMOBILES - mwhji-iu. 1 11 1 o - n harm Imnlpmpnts arm n iaj Will w WAGONS AND BUGGIES Be sure and see him when you need anything in his line. H Avoca, V OC 0 Nebraska Henry Prosser, Contracting, Plastering, Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb. Omaha where he went to join the U. S. navy. A number of his young friends tendered him a reception. at the Commercial Club rooms Tuesday evening. Our Belief. We always believed that the people are entitled to the best goods their honestly earned money can buy. This is especially true in buying medi cines for the family. Having this in view the manufacturer of Triner's merican Elixir of Bitter Wine al ways tried to make it the best rem edy and to keep it the best. The people during the long period sat isfied itself that this remedy is the best in all diseases of the stomach and the intestines, as also in all dis eases having their origin, in inpure and weak blood. Use it when weak pale or yellowish, when your appe tite is poor, when you are nervous and irritable, when you have pain in your stomach or in the intestines. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 616-622 So. Ashland avenue, Chicago. III. Mail us ten cents for a beautiful wall calendar. Sale of Fine Ked Polled Cattle. In moving to Texas R. H. Conrad of Union will sell his magnificent herd of Red Polled cattle, for which he has become famous. They were prize winners at the stock show at Nebraska City, and if you wish any thing in this line now is your chance. Mr. Conrad has some good grade Shetland poines, and a big bunch of native horses and mules. Some prize winning brood mares, and the finest bunch of sound clean limed mules in the country. Also some Duroc Jersey and Poland China hogs. See his ad. a MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. If 7 tti a Imb m Japrvt4 Turn La 4, at rttMukk rati f laUrat. Writ m. IU Delay- I. SIBBEIHSEH. 208 BMta Start Hit., Omika. rDOCr300 n U T.H. at milth mm fifth's Barn in Plattsmouth on Saturday January A great EVlany Horses, Cows and all Kinds of Cattle Have been Listed for the Sale. Bring in Your Property That You Have for Sale, and Make It a Point Now to Attend 3 Remember the Date! A complaint was filed before the insanity commission yesterday charg ing Harry Adair, the young man who recently came here from Creston, la., with insanity. Adair, when he came to this city about a week ago seemed to be all right mentally. He pur chased the restaurant business of Oliver and Dick Osbourne, in the Gund building on Fourth street be tween Main and Vine, and made pre parations to open up a first class res taurant. Christmas day he exhib ited some symptoms of dementia and and Saturday and Sunday he was badly troubled with delusions, im agining that everybody was in a con spiracy to injure him. He discharged his cook and other help on Saturday and wanted them arrested upon vari ous charges which the police inves tigated and found to be groundless. Sunday he got out on the street and beggi'd people to come in and eat with him as he was running a first class place and in other ways he vnade himself noted. He also paint ed the windows of his restaurant with signs warning various "spot ters" and other characters to stay away or he would make trouble. He began talking of shooting people and like doings, and as his condition was becoming rapidly worse, his rela tives were notified and they decided to have him examined. The examination yesterday devel oped a flagrant case of dementia. He had all the illusions of a paran oiac and was plainly a dangerous Local Nevs. i George Horn came down this morn- i ing from Cedar Creek and met sev- J eral old friends here, afterwards con- j tinuing on to Omaha. Mrs. Robt. Huston of Evansville, j Ind., mother of Mrs. W. I,. Pickett, I arrived in the city today for a visit of several days with her. ! 1 Miss Ilattie Fight was a passenger i this noon on the mail train for Oma- j ha, where she will spend the after- i noon, visiting friends. Andrew Shoerman and wife of Louisville, came in this morning for a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shoerman. Geo. Oldham and his sister, Mrs. Dora Moore, returned from their visit to Kansas City last evening. They stopped off one day on their return at Murray to visit Lee Oldham and family. Wm. Philpot and brother of Mur dock were in the city yesterday look ing after some business matters. Wesley Barker departed this morn ing for his home at Tekamah, Neb., after spending Christmas and sev eral other days with relatives in this vicinity. Sam Patterson of Arapahoe, Neb., came in this morning to spend sev eral days in the city with relatives. Mr. Patterson is engaged in the bank ing business at Arapahoe at present and reports the general conditions in his section of the state as very good. He will remain until tomorrow. Col. Thomas Jefferson O'Day, the irrepressible of the Nehawka Regis ter, was in the city several hours last night on business, and was a caller at the Journal headquarters. We are always pleased to greet the genial Colonel, who has a smile for all his friends and frowns for his enemies. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Young, jr., passed through the city this morning, taking the early train for Omaha, to see the poultry show. While here they made a call at the Journal head quarters for a few minutes. Mrs. Young is a breeder of pure white Plymouth Rock chickens and will take a great interest in the exhibit at Omaha. Jacob Hoffman, wife and daughter Marian, who spent Christmas and the holidays in this city attending a small family reunion at the home of Mrs. Hoffman's parents Jas. Thomas and wife, returned to their home at Wilbur, Xeb., this morning. Besides Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs Thomas Wills and Mrs. William Seay daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were at home and enjoyed the holi days, making a quiet family gather ing. A Snap if Taken at Once. 20 acres, high and sightly, first class six room cottage, furnace heat, necessary outbuildings, in city lim its, within walking distance from postoffice. One thousand dollars cash, balance on easy terms. No trade. J. Hochstrasser, Chicago avenue, first house south of Patterson avenue, on east side of road, Plattsmouth. man to be at large as he was liable to kill someone without provocation or warning. He tinuglncd he was a great detective and assured the po lice and sheriffs force that he could make five hundred arrests In twenty four hours If given the chance. The board heard all the evidence and also the representations of his relatives in the matter and decided to allow them to have the care of him, pro vided they take him home which is near Creston, la., at the town of Kent. This they agreed to do ami this morning Adair in company with Sheriff Quinton, departed on the early train for his home. The misfortune which lias over whelmed him is greatly regretted by all who know Mr. Adah- as he is a very bright young man and was quite popular personally. Ills fath er is said to have been afflicted with the satin- malady and to have died from the disease which has now at tacked the son, which makes it ap pear to be heredity. Mr. Adair for merly lived in this vicinity before the Spanish-American war. having joined Company It of the Third Ne braska Infantry in that war, in this city, serving through its term of ser vice under Capt. Sheldon and Lieut. Kawls. This was Col Bryan's regi ment. His military record was ex cellent and he made a model soldier, faithful, obedient and true. It is to be hoped that his affliction is merely temporary and that he will entirely recover. THE LIGHT QUESTION The Meeting Last Night Failed to Reach a Solution. ! The light committee of t lie city (council and the committee from the ; Commercial Club met together last, j night at the office of Councilman 1 Falter and after a lengthy confer I ence upon the light question failed to J reach any conclusion. It was deter I mined to make an effort to secure bids for lighting from outside parties who were reliable and to this end Councilman Falter was delegated to make a trip to Omaha, where he will confer with the local light companies and see what the prospect is for get ting them to compete for the con tract. If all other projects fail it. is probable that an iron-clad contract with the local company will be made by which the company will receive the lighting contract and in which they will be required to bind them selves to put their plant In shape to do business and enter into such a bond as will guarantee the faithful performance of their contract and du ties. This apparently is the best so lution of the problem which con fronts the people of the city. It has become almost imparative that light be had in this city, and if no contract can be made with a firm In shape to do business, one must be made with the local company under the best, of conditions. El wood Worth who has been in t he city for several days visitinf with John Murray and relatives, departed this morning on the arly train for his home at Pender, Neb. .Mrs. H. Beaver, of Elmwood, Neb., who is visiting in the city with Mrs. Gorder, departed for Villisca, la., this morning where she will visit be fore returning to her home. Miss Pauline Oldham, of Murray, was in the city last evening for a few hours, coming up on the evening train and returning home on the midnight train. While here she was a pleasant caller on the Journal. In district court ye.sterday a peti tion was filed by Nellie Sherwood asking for a decree of divorce from Thos. H. Sherwood. The petition re cites that the parties were married in this city on May 28, 189r, and had one child Margaret, agej four years. The ground for divorce was non support. Divorce and custody of the child is asked by the plaintiff. ('. A. Rawls is her attorney. DR. E. R. KAAR DENTIST - Will make weekly trips to Avoca every Wednesday, beginning- Wednesday, Au jrust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap pointments can be made with him.