Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1908)
Idaily personal news I : i Short Items of Interest, From Mon- day Evenings Valh-ry White of Omaha was a vis itor for Christmas and the holidays in the city with relatives. Lyman Peck of Omaha spent Sun day in the city, the guest of County Attorney-elect W. C. Ramsey. Henry Don at was an early morn ing passenK'T for Omalia goim; up to bpend the day. Paul Morgan departed this morn ing on the early train for Lincoln to resume his studies at the Btate Uni versity. Mrs. Ida Campbell was a visitor to day in Omaha being a passenger for that oily one the early liain this morning. I V. Irwin is attending to busi ness matters in Omaha today fto:: a passenger for that city on the arly train this morning. Judge J. L. Root and wife were Lincoln passengers this morning .?U-r spending Christmas mid Sunday in the city with relatives. Mrs. Wni. I'lagor was a passen ger this morning on the ;.rly train for Omaha re she will spend I he day visiting with rdi'ives and' fn-M-.i.-;. 1 Fred YV. I.cLiiLoiT came down Sun day morning from Omaha for a visit with his mother ani sis-tei- during, the day, i i J V. Z acker of M. Fang r"s big store, spent Sunday in Omaha with rela- j tives, returning to tliis city this morning. ! O. P. Monroe was a visitor in the i metropolis this morning going up on j the early train to look after some business matters. Will T. Adams was a business vis itor today at South Omaha going up on the early train to that city to visit the cattle market. John Hockstrasser was a passen ger this morning on the early train for Omaha where he had business matters to look after. N. Hardy of-the Masonic home, is spending the day in OinaLa being a passenger for that city or. the early train this morning. Matthew Gering was a passenger on the early train this morning for Lincoln where he has professional business to attend to. France Ballance after spending Christmas and several other days in the city, returned this morning to his duties at Glenwood. Miss Stanfield Jones was a passen ger this morning on the early train Tor Omaha where she will spend the day visiting with friends. B. F. Elckelberger. and , father-in-law S. B. Haldeman of Romana, Has., were passengers this morning for Tabor, la., after spending Sunday in this city. R. E. Mayfield and Ralph Lor enzen were passengers this morring on the early train for Omha where they will spend the day looking ot ter some business affairs and see ing the sights of the city. Mrs. Plotz of Lexington, Neb., who has been spending Christmas and Sunday in this city with her folks, re turned to her home this morning. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by Misses Anna and Clara Wohlfarth who will spend the day in that cy. Guests with the family of F. G. Fricke for Christmas included Miss rene Jaynes and Messrs. Lynn Lloyd and Robt. Switzler all of Omaha. Miss Jaynes and Mr. Lloyd returned to their homes Saturday while Mr. Switzler remained for a Sunday vis it. Livingston Richey came up from Union Saturday evening to partici pate in a basket ball game which was to have been played between a Lincoln team and the Turners but which was cancelled. He returned to Union this morning to visit several days longer with his mother who is attending her mother Mrs. Grimes. One of the numerous family re unions and Christmas celebrations which. was unavoidably crowded out of the Saturday issue of the Journal was that at the home of Ed Brantner northwest of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Brantner entertained County Judge Beeson and family and W.J. Brantner with a sumptuous Christmas feast and a general fine time for the day. George Wheeler, wife nd children tame in Thursday to spend Christinas with his brother Frank Wheeler and family, the two Mrs. Wheelers' going to Omaha yesterday where Ms. Geo. Wheeler remained to visit ith rel atives being joined thero today by her husband, from which poii.t they will return, to their home at Norfolk. Mrs. Frank Wheeler returned to thi? city last evening. Daily Journal y (i rosvenor Dovey returned last evening from Omaha where he spent Sunday visiting friends. Mrs. A. L. Tidd was an Omaha pas senger this morning going up en the early train to spend the day. U. A. McElwain is spending the afternoon in Omaha having been a passenger for that city on the fast mail at noon. Mrs. M. How land was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Oma ha where she had some business mat ters to look after. Charles Gratche, wife and family were passengers this noon on the mail train for Omaha where they will visit with friends, Mrs. P. F. Goos and daughter Hulda were passengers this noon on the mail train for Omaha where they will spend the day visiting friends. Mrs. A. C. Godwin of Omaha who spent several days in the; city visit ing with relatives and friends re turned to her home this noon on the mail train. Mrs. Katie Smith of Omaha was in the city today making a visit to the office ef the grand recorder of the Degree of Honor, returning to her home on the mail train. Herman Holshuh came in this noon on the mail train for a visit of several days at Thurman, la., with Charles A. Miller. Herman was also a visitor to Rich, la., wherever that is. Mrs. K. X. Nelson and two child ren of Lincoln who have spending Christmas in the city the guests of her father Fred Ohm and family re turned to their home this noon on the mail train. C. Bengen. the well known grain man, accompanied by his daughter Maggie, came In this morning and were passengers on the mail train for Omaha where they will spend the afternoon. Ed. Polin was a passenger this morning for South Omaha on the early Burlington train, having taken a position in the latter city several 1 days since and severed his connection with the Omaha place where had been working. Mrs. James Kinkaid and son Wil bur of Council Bluffs, la., who have been in the city for several days spending the Christmas season with Mrs. Kinkaid and family departed on the mail train at noon for their home. Mrs. E. J. Frey and three children of Red Oak, la., came in Thursday to spend the holidays with Mrs. L. B. Egenberger. and family. Mrs. Frey will return to Red Oak in a short time, while the children will put in the vacation here. Conrad Guthman of Rock Springs, Wyo., came in to spend Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Gus Olson, and while here he called and renewed his mother's subscription to the Daily Journal He reports his mother en joying her usual health, except from an injury she received from a fall some time since. Col. Harry Adair expects to have every business man of Plattsmouth call on him at his restaurant between Main and Vine streets on Fourth street. He is here for the purpose of boosting the city. Business men do not fail to attend to this. Harry is a gentleman and will not harm you. C. Herbert and wife were passen gers for Omaha this noon on the mail train where Mrs. Herbert goes for treatment at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Herbert has been a patient at this hospital for some time past but had recovered sufficently to come to her home for Christmas and was returning today to resume treat ment. S. G. Stone and wife were passen gers for Omaha on the mail train where Mr. Stone has been undergo ing treatment at a hospital for sev eral weeks past and from which he was excused to permit his return to his home fcr Christmas. He has been progressing in excellent shape at the hospital and there is every reason to believe that he will soon be himself again, tha is the hope of his friends at least. Wm. Drucker from near Hastings, Neb., has been visiting in the city over the Christmas holidays. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plager this morning departed on the early train for Omaha where he will spend the day visiting with friem's and seeing the city. This is Mr. Drucker's first visit to the city and he was much delighted with it and the surrounding country. He ex pects to return to Hastings in a few dcys .J. W. Zanders cf Oiiia!:a was in the rity today on business returning to his hrtuie i :i the noon train. A. I). Akard who spent h!s Christ- j im's ul 1'enival, la., with relatives; ! el in -ned to the ci.y this noon on ; flw. fntl Ti-nil I .ii:-n Louise Guthrie cf Lincoln, Neb., is iii the city making a visit wltli YV. L. Pickett and family for several days. l.cuis .land a and wife of Haveiock v.-eie in the city as Christmas visi tors returning to their home yester day afternoon. Dent Hites was a passenger on the mail train at noon for Omaha where he had some Important business mat ters to attend to. H. A. Wilson and wife who spent Christmas at Tabor, la., with rela tives returned home this noon on on the mail train. Rev. J. H. Salsbury was a passen ger this noon on the mail train for Omaha where he had some import ant business matters to attend to during the afternoon. Misses Eva and Edna Kroehler of Haveiock, Neb., are in the city mak ing an extended visit with their grandmother Mrs. Geo. Weidman. Frank Oliver of HaVidoek was in I fhe city over Christmas making a holiday visit with his parents, Will Oliver and wife, returning to his duties this noon on the mail train Frank Chaloupka cf Trinidad, Col., was in the city for Christmas, coming in to visit with his folks and returning to his work this noon on the mail train. Robt. 1). Hayes, general foreman of the Burlington shops, who spent Christmas at Peoria, 111., with his sister, Mrs. OUoe Wr.ri, returned, to his duties in this city this morning. Mrs. Margaret Hallam, of Lincoln, who spent several days in the city at the guest of her mother, .Mrs. Kate Oliver, returned to her home yes terday afternoon on the Burlington. Kern Fcgarty and wife and fam ily were among the Christmas visi tors in the city, Mr. Fogarty return ing to hi home yesterday afternoon and the family returning this after noon. Geo. Falter is now in St. Louis, Mo., being called there on business matters in connection with the new store of Falter & Thierolf. It is more than probable he will visit Lou isville and other Kentucky points be fore returning to the city. Edwin Schomaker and Charles Poper, of the vicinity of Nehawka, were in the city today on business, and Mr. Shomaker found time to call at this office and renew for the Journal. He is one of the energetic young farmers of Cass county. R. C. Dill of Wellington, Col., who has been visiting in the city with A Dill and family for several weeks past departed this noon on the mail train for Tekamah and Lyons, Neb., after which he will return to his home. Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, langour, heart pal pitation. Drastic physics gripe, sick en, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. Rev. Father Bor formerly of this parish but now located at Wahoo came in this morning for the pur pose of preaching the sermon and conducting the burial services of the late James Skoumal, returning to his home this afternoon on the Schuyler train. ; Mis. A. L. Cox of Nebraska Ci.y has been spending the Christmas hol idays with MrB. J. A. Kiser of My nard. The two ladies came in this morning from Mrs. Riser's home and were passengers on the early train for Omaha where they will spend the day visiting and doing some shopping. Miss Josephine Johnson and Mr. Ellis Graham, of Lincoln, who had been spending several days in the city as the guests of J. W. Johnson and family, returned yesterday af ternoon to their home. They were accompanied as far as Omaha by Misses Helen Chapman and Ruth Johnson and Messrs. Milford Bates of Lexington, Neb., and Ernest WurL Boy Injured. Mrs. Bertha Petersen of this city this morning received a postal card from Mrs. Chris Christensen of Lead, S. D., conveying the sad information that Henry Christensen, her son, suffered a bad fall on the 24th inst.. and had been removed to the hospital on Christmas day. Mrs. Christensen, who was formerly Mamie Petersen, and who is well known in this city where she has many friends has their entire sympathy. The postal fol lows: Lead, S. D., Dec. 26, 1908. Dear Mrs. Petersen and Family: I am sorry to tell you that Henry was taken to the hospital Xmas day and expects to undergo an opera tion as a result cf a fall of twelve feet which happened on the 2 4th. We do not think it will be serious, we hope not. Chris' uncle has been very sick at Shelby, la. Mrs. C. Christensen. Judge Travis today fixed the terms of court for this district for the en suing year, 100'J. The terms for Cass Coun'y are as follows: Jan. IS, jury 2rth; May 17, jury 17th, and November S, jury loth. For Otoe County the terns are March 1, jury Sth, June 14, jury 14th and Sept. 20th, jury 27th. This seems to be about as good an ar rangement of the terms for all con cerned as is possible and will not re sult in any delay to either jurymen, attorneys or litigants. The jury for the coming term of court has been drawn, the follow ing being the names of those lucky or unlucky enough to be called upon to serve their country this term: Armstrong. Hugh, Baldwin. C. C, Becker. H. E., Born. Geo., Gapen. Lloyd. Gullion. Jas., Gustin. Frank, Hamilton. W. C, Hayes. Wilbur, Ho back. Lewis, Horning. Ben, Hudson. O. C, Jameson. Frank., Kirkpatrick. Lee, McMaken. Guy, Newlon. Clark, Panska. Aug., Pollard. Henry, Schul hof. John, Thomas. W. L., Ward. J. O.. Weitchel. John, Wolph. B., Zoz. Frank. Miscellaneous Shower. Miss Freda Herold last Saturday gave a miscellaneous shower at her home on Wintersteen Hill in honor of Miss Marie Terrace Hennings whose marriage to Mr. Samuel J. Pitman, of Murray, is announced for tomor row night, December 2Uth. For the occasion the house had been very handsomely decorated with Holly and Christmas bells, it being throughout ci veritable bower of beauty. A very delicious ami dainty three course luncheon w;'s served, the table be ing aliu superbly decorated. The presents were very numerous and iiaii'-Jscme as well as useful. Those attending w-K; Mesdames O. A. Davis. A. (5. Perry and Wm. Sparer of Muriay, Schafer of Cedar Creek, Misses Christina Schafer, cf Ne hawka, Matie Urish of Mynard, Rosa Schafer of Nehawka, Lucy Urish of Mynard, Messrs. J. H. Merrian of Lincoln, Nick Friedrich of Cedar Creek, Henry Urish of Mynard, Dick and Samuel J. Pitman of Murray and B. A. McElwain of this city. A Series of Lvaiigelistic Services. Yesterday in Omaha Rev. J. H. Salsbury completed the final ar rangements for a series of evangelis tic services in the Presbyterian church this spring under the leader ship of the well known cornetist evangelist. Rev. Chester Birch of Winona Ind. For a number of years Mr. Birch was a leader of the United States Depot Cavalry Band of St. Louis and is considered one of the best cornetists in this country for leadership in sacred songs. He is a splendid singer himself and like wise a strong sane preacher and evangelistic worker. The exact date will be known in a couple of weeks and announcement will then be made. All Christian people of the city are urged to plan to enjoy these meetings, to work in them and ' share their blessings. Attend the services of the week of prayer and make a beginning 6f preparation for effective work at that time. A Good Citizen. The sale of the Withrow pro perty, in the north part of the city brings to Plattsmouth some excel lent people in the persons of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Rainey, who have al ready taken possession of the prop erty. In the sale they also get pos session of the household effects just as they were in the house. We un derstand that Mr. Rainey will remain most of the time on the farm, near Union, while Mrs. Rainey will have full management of the place here. It is a fine piece of property and will be greatly Improved by the present owner. The Journal welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Rainey to Plattsmouth. Here to Attend the Funeral. Among those from out the city coming in to attend the funeral of the late James Skoumal, jr., were J. F. Swoboda, Lawrence, Neb.; Mrs. Geo. Koehnke of Creighton, Neb. : and Walter Haines of the Unite! States army at Fort Omaha, Neb. Mr. Swoboda is a half-brother of Mrs. Skoumal,, Mrs. Koehnke is a cousin of Mrs. Skoumal and Mr. Haines is also a cousin of Mrs. Skoumal. They will remain in the city several days Mr. Haines leaving for home today, Mr. Swoboda on Wednesday and Mrs. Koehnke in about two weeks. Accident at Shops. Just as the Journal goes to press it is learned that Henry Nippart, an employe -in the car department of the shops, received a severe injury by being struck upon the head with a brake strap. The full extent of his injuries have not been ascertained as the injured man arrived at the Burlington surgeon's office at 3:15 the accident' taking place just a few minutes after three o'clock. Fur ther particulars of the, accident will be given tomorrow. Pocket books Gering & Co. -T-.-rrr-, , .," ;,. i, ,",,. ,. ,imn ' XVcgc table Prep arat ion for As -siinilating the Food andlicgula tilig tli S tnmnrhs and. Dowels of Promotes DigesUon,Cheerful rtess and Rrst.Contalns neither Opnjm:yior,riinc nor. Mineral. Not Narcotic. j4lx.Stnnm iffmrrmnt - in CarnaSim Cltinfu Sugar . h rryr" f lmnr. A Dcrfcct Remedy forConstipa- lion. Sour Slomach.DiarrhDca, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcri sh qcss and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of 7-i Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Farm ers Mutual Fire and Live Stock In surance Company of Cass County, Neb., will be held at the Hoil school house (district No. 88) on Saturday January 9th, 1909, at 1:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year and transact such other business as may come befor the meeting. .1. P. Falter, Secretary. Jacob Tritsch, President. Holiday Dinner. We all like to celebrate a holiday with a bountiful dinner. Prepara tions are made long before the day arrives, so everything is ready for the feast. But, how about your stomach? If this organ of yours is not in perfect shape, there is no use of making any preparations for your dinner. If your stomach refuses to accept so much food as when you are in full health, use Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine and you will be prepared for a good meal. It has given you a healthy appetite and will strengthen your whole body. It will give you full satisfaction in all dis eases of the digestive tract, and, con taining no injurious ingredients, will be easily born on every stomach. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 6161622 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. CASTOR I A For Infaati and Children, The Kind Yoa 1!:tj Alvajs Bcfct Bears th Signature of USE Ga P. pes. Water Pipe-. Wire S veens, Iron Fences Refrigerators. Furniture, Shelving, Stairwavs, In Fact for epoirog I EXACT COPY OT WSAPPEB. fjj ir i JArAl Tlli For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years mil Piliproi-(l Seriice. Commencing with Train No. 102 due at Plattsmouth 5:02 p. m., Jan. i 1st, and with train No. 10 1 due here 9:48 a. in. January 2nd, up-to-date broiler buffet service will be inaug urated between Omaha and Kansas City, daily, on trains named. Hugh Norton, Agent Mo. Pac. XIITICU. The State of Nebraska, in JiiKtlco Court before M. Archer, .1 lift Ice of the Peace for tlie City of i'lattHrnouth. County of Cass. diaries H. Wllkins, Plaintiff. VH. Frank C IJenfer, Defendant. Frank C Henfer will take notice that on the :20th day of November, 108. M. Archer, a justice of the peace for tbr City of l'lattsrnouth. County of Cawx. Nebraska. Issued an order of attach ment for the sum of Sixty-elKht and 70-100 ($CK.70 Dollars in an action nendlnsr before him, where In CharleH II. Wilkins Is plaintlfT and Frank C. LSenfer is defendant: That personal property of said defendant, baa been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the Stt dy of Janu ary. l!o, at s o'clock a. m Charles H. Wilkin. Malntiff. I'lprtfmouth, Nebraska, November 30, 1908. I Tl" State of Nebraska, In Justice i Court before M. Archer, Justice of i the Peace for the City of Platts i mouth, County of Cass. Ed Kgenbe-irer. i Plaintiff. ! YS. Frank C. Benfer, Defendant. Frank C. Benfer will take notice that on the 21st day of November, 1908, M. Archer, a Justice of the leac for the City of Plattnmoath, County of Cava. Nebraska, Issued an order of attavJU- , ment for . the su m trot Hwlri Svn-ty-eight and 40-10O 'l?k.40 Dollar In an action pendfnj? before him, where in Ed Kfenberger is plaintiff and Frank C. Benfer Is defendant; that per sonal property of said defendant has been attached under said oroer. Maia cause was continued to the Sth day of January 190K, at 9 o'clock a. m. Ed fettberrer, Plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. November 30, 1908. IT IS EASY ) TO USE C 16 COLORS ! IT FOR Tables Chairs, Trunks, Floors. Chandeliers Iron Brackets, Linoleum. Doors-, Etc. Everything! A AC! h SI 11