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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1906)
u v 'IMattstitowtb Sournal VOLUME XXVI I'LATTSMOUTH, NEBKASKA, THUUSDAY, DKCKM UVAl C, ii)0(i. numpi:i: i;. s. w w v IXbe JOTTINGS FOBTHE JOLLY Shcrt Ptrsgraplis Prepared and Parlclnei Fcr tt Recurs c! t!ie Journal. TIhtc was a niiiii In oitr tnvn Ami lie was wniulnms wise: Hi- never, never snlil li!s wifi" ( iinUI not neil.e 1 letter lii'- Tlum Ills inul li.-r u-ii'tl to mki. When you die the world will keep right (in point? round. woman's color comes and goes ac cording to her make-up. Some men seem to think that dis honesty is the best paying policy. Marry a soubrette If you are partial to rood kicking and poor cooking. Football players ought to he able to travel on their cheek In after years. Genius never amounts to much un less It is backed by common sense. An author's brightness isn't always due to the burning of midnight oil. A girl hopes that the veil of the future will prove to be a bridal veil. The camel must be all right, other wise nature wouldn't have backed him up. If women were obliged to think of something to say they wouldn't talk so much. . No man can thoroughly appreciate single blessedness until after he is married. Every married man has a grievance and so has his wife until she becomes a widow. There isn't very much hope for the art student who Is unable to draw his .own conclusions. Many a conservative man loses his money on a sure thing because lie Is afraid to take chances. A man "never fully realizes how homelv he really Is until he has his picture taken In a group. Always listen to an honest opinion, if fur no other reason than because it's different from your own. Wen a woman goes shooping the pitch of tier voice depends on whether she asi;s for silk or calico. , A cynic is a person who says hateful tilings because lie is unable to attract attention in any other way. I'robably more young men would he able to earn their living if they didn't have fathers to support them. When a man and his wife get along nicely together all the women in the neighborhood think It's because the wife is boss. The children are beginning to think what they want for Christmas, and are giving a slight hint to old Santa to that effect. The average man thinks he would have an excellent chance of occupying the presidential chair If the office sought the man. It's the nun who never does any thing who is always Johnny-on the spot when it comes to telling how things should he done. The woman who paints her pale cheeks pink looks with scorn and con tempt upon the woman who has oc casion to dye her hair red. When a man mukos love t a girl over the telephone she can't help blushing, to think how close his lips are to Hie transmitter. Farmers must, have good roads or lose rural route seryico and business men mint have good roads or lose trade. So there you are. Men who think they know it all get a lot more satisfaction outof life than those who actually know all that it Is necessary for them to know. Some of the young ladies who have not had a fellow for six months are now "setting their caps" for someone In time to get a Christmas present. The young lady who won a pair of gloves by walking "around the horn" three successive mornings at live o'clock, deserves credit for her energy and should receive the best gloves In the land. Not many girls has the courage to do this act. A debating society Is discussing the question whether It is grand or petty larceny for a man lo steal a kiss. The Idea had to be given up however be cause everyone of the girls was lirmly convinced that It was grand and no one in the bunch could he found to plead the other side. A young lady of this city has more nerve than any ordinary man of this age. As hhe was wending hei way homeward the other night, attending strictly to lur own business, a certain young man or thing, approached her with Insultinif remarks, when she gavehhn a slap in the face that he will remember for a long time. He won t Insult that young lady again Hravo! my dear girl. DOINGS OF THANKSGIVING Many Attend Appropriate Services Held at the Churches During the Day. ELOQUENT ADDRESsTTrEV. A, L. ZINK Large Crowd at Football Game to See Plattsmoiith Win From Ashland by Score of 12 to 0. Although cloudy and somewhat dis agreeable out of doors yesterday, it was truly a day of thanksgiving for all of ourcltlcns, who during the day went to the various churches to return thanks for the blessings of the past year. Beginning early hi the morn ing witli the Thanksgiving services at the St. John's and the St. Luke's churches, which wore tilled with large congregations, the entire day was leisi urly and pleasantly spent disposing of Thanksgiving dinners, tile football game In the afternoon, the union serv ices at the Presbyterian church, wedding and a dance in theevening , On the Football Field. As soon as the big dinners were put out of sight, many hurried to the foot ball tield, where the Independent team of this city were scheduled to play the Ashland boys. The visitors won the toss up, chose to defend the north goal, and after the kick off to Platts- mouth good gains were made In series of line plunges, which resulted In Mapes carrying the ball over the line for the first touchdown, just seven minutes after the ball was put Into play. Miner failed to kick goal, leav ing the score 5 to Oln favor of the home boys. On the kick oil by I'lattsmouth, Ashland was heJd for downs. The line plunges were again employed with suc cess, Miner crossing the line for the second touchdown. Tuc attempt of Fitzgerald at goal was a, score 10 too for I'lattsmouth. .lust before the end of the lirst half Fitzgerald secured the bull on a fumble, and made a pretty lifty yard dash, before he was downed, shortly afterwards tin. e was called. In the second half a stubborn tight wps put up by the visitors, but this was more than equalled fry the local team. For the third time the line plunges were made, but little ground was gained, and hall lost on downs. When Ashland attempted a pass, the ball wa pushed over their line, scor ing a touchback for l'latlsmouUi. During tho remainder uf t tie game, the ball was in Ashland's tcrruo.y most of the time, and t:ie game closed with I'lattsmouth VI, and Ashland 0. Services ct Presbyterian Church. The congregations of the Christian, Methodist and I'resbylerlan churches assembled in the evening at the Pres byterian church to hold union Thanks giving services. An anthem rendered by the choir and a .selection by a quar tette composed of Messrs. H. A. Me Elwain, M. W. Twitchell. Mrs. .1. W. (iambic and Miss Litcllo Laird were highly appreciated by the large audi ence present. The Thanksgiving ser vices wereopenirt by Lev. Il iu'g;.tc, who gave a shoit scripture reading, which was followed by a prayer. The address of the evening was de livered by Lev. A. L. .ink, pastor of the Christian chinch, Inn very grati fying manner. Tho speaker discoursed upon matters pertaining to Thanks- giving in a very eloquent, entertain ing arid edifying way, which met with tho hearty approval of the piens"d audit rice. Surprise Judge W. H. Newell. A very delightful surprise was spriin;; upon Judge W. II. Newell yes' terday evening, when In response to an invitation to take dinner with his daughter, he sojourned to the home of J. M. lloberts. Arriving there be was very much astonished to rind ten of his old friends waiting to assist him In observing li s sixty-ninth birthday annlvcrsay. At 0 o'clock the gathering repaired to the dining room, where a bounte' ous dinner was parta'.cn of, Inter spersed with many pleasant renilnls censes and a social time. After spend Ing a most delightful evening with the Judge the participants wished him many such happy gatherings in the future, and took leave of their host and hostess. Those to Indulge In the occasion were Messrs. J. P. Falter, J. M. Johns, P. (J. I'rlcke, V. V. Leonard, I'.yroo Clark. J. W. Johnson, Frank Sliopp, J. M. nobertson and J. II. Itecker. Cure for Sort Nipplet. As soon as the child Is done nursing apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe It olT with asoftcloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results. Price cents per box. For sale F. t J. I'rlcke - Co. and Ccorge D'Ment. .Will Not bo Taken Off. In conversation with an employe of the Missouri Pacific, he stated that the people along the line need not worry about the taking olf of the two new trains. The trains are doing a great deal better than was expected and the passenger traftlo Is increasing dallv. Tins U good news to I'latts mouth people and especially to the business men. Thero never has been such excellent accommodations on this Mild before, mid besides being pleasing to those on tbe west side of the county, wlio have business at the county seat, itisjust as much so to Plattsmouth merchants. THE REASONS VERf SIMPLE Journal Patrons Wonder Why We Do Not Print Commissioners' Proceedings. Many of the Journal patrons throughout the county are wonder ing why we do not publish the county commissioners' proceedings. The rea son we do not do so Is simply this: When the Journal was given the coun ty printing, amounting, under con tract, not to exceed twenty-live dol lars, we published the proceedings free of charge, and also printed all road notices free. The contract for this small amount of printing was given by the republican board to a pa per of their political faith, and they have been paying this paper for print ing the proceedings each tlmo and also paying for printing road notices; work that we performed without a cent of pay. We do not think such action on the part of the commission ers Is right, and this is why we refuse to do work for nothing that another paper gets paid for, and this is. why we have refused to publish the pro ceedings, l here are nearly as many democratic tax payers In Cass county as there are republicans, and they have right to know what the com missioners aie doing with their mon ey. P.ut the niggardly effort on the part of tin: commissioners to get the Journal to print their proceedings free ot charge won t work. Men who are elected to no business for tbe people should not let their polit ical prejudices weaken them by not giving such printing to a paper that has tin l.irg est circulation by several hundred of any paper In the county. Diphtheria at Weeping Water. A special from Weeping Water, no der date or Novoiniier siys: " l o" home of Dr. J. 11. Hungatowas placed under qua ran tine yesterday on account of diphtheria. This is the fourth fam ily to have been quarantined for the disease, two of which have already been released." . ... . Service Never Delter. There is talk of another change in 1 1 a 1 1 1 service on the Missouri Pacllic. ome dissatisfaction is noted on I he line south between this place and Au burn and an effort may he made to nivc them more than one train a day. They deserve more. Tim servico here never was better, ami you cm hear more trood words for the Missoiui I'a- c i tic In one day than you could before o a month.--Weeping Water Herald. Another Party for the West. W. H. Tool, the hustling real estate man ot Weeping water, was hi the city Fiid.iy and gave the Journal a ousant call. Ho informed us that he would leave again next week with a party of prospective land huveis. l'he part y w-iil go to Chase county, where some excellent bargains in firm ing and gra.vs lands are olferrd. Mr. Fool has perhaps disposed of more western land than any three real estate deale.s in Lass county, and Is untiring InhisclTorts to please those who desire to settle In the west per manently. Ship Your Presents Early. "It Is an old story," says a local i m press agent, "and I suppose the news paper men get tired of publishing It year after year, but the public forgets. Vou might make It short this year by saying that last year more Christmas presents were delivered after Christ mas than before that date. There was really a rush of package delivery for three days after Christmas. That means that everybody should have been three days earlier In shipping." The Christmas express business Is unlike most other business congestions In that It strikes the whol count ry at one time and no section is exempt: therefore the companies cannot draw on one section for reserve forces. Lv cry express office In the country and every train carrying express matter Is filled to overflowing with Christmas traffic. Insca.sons of prosperity the business Is so good that the express companies haven't the facilities for handling It. THE WEDDING BELLS CHIME Attorney A. L. Tidd and Miss Dorothy Herald United in Marriage CEREMONY BY CANON H. B. BURGESS Another Cojple, Insraham Pease and Miss Bessie Loucks Joined in Happy Union by Rev. A. L. Zirk. A i it Inm lli's In old i liiic : 'Ml' Mill OIK' III'"" I v,i. lint now we liuve nilv n in i ll so far Tlmt I lull si. vie will nut ill, Aihl hi iisli Int; lirlilr.iini I 'mniKniui' riih,n. W hose liitHMMiii' In mis n i e ill uir Mild Willi l In- eiiiNim'-. full mi, m, Tlmt mic timl one, lire our. Promptly at s o'clock Thursday the nuptials of Attorney A. L. Tidd and Miss Dorothy llerold were cele brated In the beautiful home prepared for the bride, there being sickness In the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. llerold. The words t hat united the contract ing parties as husband and wile were pronounced by Canon II. 15. liurgess Of the St. Luke's Kplscopal church, and the Impressive ring ceremony was employed. Only a few close friend and the relatives, with exception of the bride's brother, Henry llerold, were present to witness the happy ftvent. The wedding march was charmingly rendered by Mrs. Lena Tlppens. ' The bride was very prettily gowned In white, while the groom was dressed In the ordinary black. After the con gratulations, the gathering adjourned lo the dining room, whore an elegant wedding supper was awaiting their disposal. , I loth Mr. and Mis. Tidd are well known in this county, the former prac ticing law in t Ids vicinity for several years, while the latter is a popular young lady in t ho social circles of n,is city. The newly married are very co.ily domiciled In their homo on Oik between Sixth and Seventh streets. Toe' large number of i'rhtiJs, among win mi the Journal desires to be num bered, tender best wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life to Mr. and Mrs. Tidd. Pease Loucks Nuptials. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. L A. Loucks. on Vino, street Wednesday evening, occurred tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Sarah Lthel Loucks, to Mr. Ingraham Parker I'easo. 'if LMhcrvillo, Iowa, at p. m., Lev. A. L. Ink olliciat ing. Tilt; bride was dressed in a diinty white silk gown of rare ladle and beauty. The groom wore the cus tomary black. Mr. L. 11. Hill escorted Miss Tor race Hennings to the instrument and sin: played a dc.hiuiui nine wedding march by Wagner as the bride and groom took their daces beneath a canopy of evergreen relieved by tube roses. While the beautiful ring cere mony was being repeated the Instru ment accompanied with soft, sweet music, making it beautiful and im pressive. After congratulations, about Unity guests sal down to a most dainty sup per of the rarest and richest quality Many valuable, beautiful and iisefu presents, as tokens of love and isteein were bestowed upon the happy couple The britlo is well known 1 1 c i . hav ing worked In the Plat tsinouth Tele phone central office for some tiiue.i'.iid will be mi-sed for her accommodating, gentle and winsome manner while at tending to duties there. The groom Is a fireman on the C. 1!. l.kl'. rail road, and Is an energetic, Intelligent and Industrious young man of sterling qualities. Those from abroad were Mrs. K. II. Adams, F.stherville, Iowa, mother of the groom: Mrs. T. K. Kills and sun, Cclesson, sister and nephew of the bride, Dows, Iowa, and Mr. L. II. Hill, M Inert), Okla. A large circle of friends and rela tives wish the happy couple the best of success In their life work and along, happy existence. John D. Feifiuton. John D. Ferguson was In the city today for the llrst time In many weeks. It will be remembered that Mr. Fer guson was 'Injured several months since by falling from a load of hay while engaged In hauliiu tame from the Held to the barn, on his far n near Louisville, lie such Injuries as to cause serious apprehensions on the part of his friends. While here he called on the Journal and we were glad tOlcart)that he Is getting along nicely, although he has but very little i use of his right arm yet. Lincoln Man Named. The election of liurllngton relief as sociation advisory coniniltteincn for the system has been announced, show ing J he election of J. II. Walter, clerk in the Lincoln round house of the com pany to ho elected to represent tho Lincoln, Alliance and Sheridan divis ions, aii'f W. M. Hanson, foreman In the car-department at Denver, to represent the Wymore, MeCnok ami Sterling divisions. The divisions of the road west of the Missouri river are given two members of thlscommltter, and tlio selections are made annually, In November There was 1 1, 1 l votes cast in the tho recent election, The advisory committeemen with assistance from the representatives of the read, direct tbe management of the Ihirliugton relief association, to wbleii a largo majority of the members of t lie road belong. TRY TO SLIP UP ON JUDGE But Grandchild Reveals the Birthday Sur prise Planned by Parents. Just seventy years ago today a little fellow was born near Duck ('reck In Monroe county, Ohio, and that little boy Is no other than our venerable Judge Michael Archer, who has dealt out Justice In our cicy court for liftccn years, rind served as Justice of the peace for almost as many more years. The children .of the Judge had planned a birthday dinner for him to day, and their homecoming and the dinner was to have been asurprlse,lnit the judge has had too much experl once lo be caught, napping, and when lit! saw one, of Ills grandchildren while on his way home to dinner, lie cor reel ! y surmised that somet r i ; 1 1 ir was doing at his house. His arrival there nut all doubts lo rest, but still he was surprised to Hud so many of his children mid gi.nid- ehildrur at home. That t hw dinner was thoroughly enjoyed, c.inuot in doubted, when you observe the sinilt that, lias nut In an appearance today. Those of the children to parlloipat in the occasion wore, the daughter- Mrs. .Wallli Prown and husband of Omaha: Mrs. Lutdla Jewel ami .son Mrs. ;. S. MoNurlin and son of Have lock: Mr. and Mrs. J. -'. Ilrittain and children of this oily, and tho (laugh tcr-ln la'w, Mrs. J. M. Archer and tvo children or iTemoni., .sen. nesuie-, ttio above daughters and son-In-laws iind their children, I 'rank Lrown ;uel wife, tht! loriner a grandson to tin Judge, and A rlliur Sinil I) and wif Hit! latter a granddaughter to tht judge, of ( iinaha, were present to par ticlp.ite io tho t o'ebralioo. Dining this ecstatic hour, the Journal ten dors congratulations, and a wish that the judge may live to o'o.ervo many more such happy family reunions. November Mot Igage Record. The record of mortgages kept b the couiiiv register or neons snow rou nine instrument s have been tiled ami twelve released on farm property, and eight tiled and seven released on city property timing the month of Novem ber, involving the following amounts: I'AKM HHUT.l'.TV. Filed Jo,CI licit-d-d n.M i IT V I'Util'I.KTN . I'llid I.Mi) Iloloavd New Po3la;j9 Stamps Net Ycai. I'lOgiiinlng next year, all postage stamiis soil a' the local post-oluce will bear the name I'lattsmouth" primed across the face of them. Word his gone forth from Washington that postage stamps of tht! Issue of l'.u7 put on sale at the v,toi- presidential pest' oilices w ill hoar on their face the name of tbe state and city in which the post -oilife Is situated. This will in clude I'lattsmouth. The chief reason for this Innovation Is said at the post ollice department to be t lie belief that It will help to do away with the big post-otllce robberies and make It much easier to trace criminals. The post office robbery In Chicago a few )oars ago Is a good example of the case with which stolen postage stamps can bo disposed of, for no trace of the perpe trators was ever discovered, although nearly 100,Cih) worth of stamps wire stolen and these mostly of small de nominations. Will Move to Lincoln. Henry LchnhoiT's farm sale was tUltc well attended Tuesday and everything brought fair prices. Mr. Lohnhoff will move to Lincoln, where he has purchased a lcautiful home, and where the Courier trusts that he and his faithful wife may enjoy their declining years In peaceful rest, after so many years of toll on the farm, where they have resided since pioneer days. Lau'svllle Courier. HORSE THIEVES ABOUND ne Mai Arises That All sirjn9Pr Should bs ConipsIIed to Give Account. RGAMiZED BAUD Ifi EASTERN HEBItASKA An Inspector Sent Ahead ta Find nut Where the Best Animals Are. Murine and polieo olllcets in ihu part of I ho state aie receiving cmdos f a letter written by a man at Mo- liowl, Nebraska, in widen !.. words of cam hm nS follows: "Horse thieves are all over eastern Nebraska and no trace. Is found of them. N'oshorlir Is ahlo rn be even. where watching and tracking, there fore every neighborhood must watch nut for tho thieves. "Watch out for strungers with stolen rigs and for spot tors on horse back looking for good hoises to hi stoid! later. If thev want to sli in trude, arrest them ami telephone for an oilleer. Draw a gun if neeessarv. Make every stranger give an account, of himself just as Is done In cit ies. If he tells a smooth story nsk for u passport or letters or something to show who ho is. If you are suspicious or him, let him pass, but telephone ahead about him and I ds stnrv lo sheriff and marshal and suggest his arrest until ho can ho fomid correct, or wanted. "L"t every man, farmer and other man, who t ravels far with a team lirst get a passport Irom sumo, oilleer or prominent man which describes l.ltn tiul his I ig and tells who lie i,. 1 1, will save trouble perhaps. Ti II ail your neighbors about the hiir.-e t l.ief. Watch out. Let, no guilty man escape. I'licse are strict measim s, but hurt I times jipdiiy haul terms. Yours truly," No Cliickon Show. Al Deuisoii infotins i.s tht (.'a:-. Coui.t v ciiicl.en show Is o:j mi lar a . LI in wood Is coiici'iit d. Mr. Denison worked haul to get the show to come t-jKl i.i wood, getting pledges fr.r ne,a- ly $.oo from our nruvliarits Inca.c I he show failed to pay t :;t.t i.m's. Sum1 of the iiMicei-, of ,e jm elation came tu I' linwoi.d a few moid h ago, conferred with Mr. I 'eni.ion and some of our merchants, named the dales I t I lie show at Llmwotid rintl secured a com petent jlldee. The-..' would-be Chicken export., evidently doubted i h,. w,,ni ,,r Khnwood's business tie n, for they wrote to Mr. DeniM.n a ew i,is a,p asking him to collect the u.oih y at. once. Mr. Denl.sou Imtnedi tli l un.te thi ni to go straight up or worus to that effect stating that 1 1." t 1 i;iino(,il business n, eu was b; be re lied upon, and that he didn't ;uoom to collect the iiii,i,i y uiiie.-s ,t was needed, .mi tl.ey wmlr t , I lie jlltlgn ail I cat. ci. ih ; Hie fj i le, i',.niseiilelitiy r.. ir. wm d wi,, ict have tl, ceunty cb'cken slio.v. Wo ("jmuii nd Mr. D.ti Koii's grit lo ti lling tho committee, what ho thought of tl.eir aetp'i,. From the action of these men wo led to brieve th"y have l.,v n rai-irg mud lirns along the Weejlog Water, in dead of blooded poultry. LI m woo I I.eador-Leho. Telephone Viar fit Lincoln. A special from Lincoln says that, tho telephone war at that p'aco has reaellt d huge ploportiolis and tl.o mails are Hooded each tlay with liter ature from each of i ho companies. As a result of tbe agitation, the conimcii nil cinb appointed a commit tee to investigate the made by tl.o Lincoln company In Us rates t.i sec whether the increase was made to enrich the stockholders and directors or to keep up the present service anil Improve it. Loth sides are alleging misrepresentations. The Nebraska company has reduced Its rates in order to cut In on the Lincoln company which raised its charges. In the long run tho people there cx i e.:t to reap some tionetit by the light. How' Thuf We offer One Hundred iKdlars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. Cheney X Co., Toledo, I). We, the undersigned, have known l J. Cheney for the last LI years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his linn. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mncous surfaces of trie system. Ttl monlals sent free. 1'rlce 7."c per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's 1'amlly Tills f r n.nMl patlon.