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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
' V Wjrtman, C 9 Slattern wtb . Journal PLA1TSMOUT1I, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DIX'KMltER Kl, 1000. MUMltKK r(). VOLUME XXVrI I i T.i J0TTIK6S FOR THE JOLLY INSTITUTE OPENED FRIDAY - ENJOINS COUNTY TREASURER ttort riritnptt Pripinl u( tirlilitl Far lb) leiliriil Jnml. It was little lawyer man Who softly hil'l as lie Wan Her iwor. di-adhuslwndu will losoan. lie smiled, while thlnktne of his fop, Then mild to hex. no tenderly. "You have a nloe, fat kw-a-oy. And when, next day. he lay In hed With liamlain upon his head. He wondered what on earth he said. A woman's train of thought Is apt to ran toward her dressmaker. Many an otherwise honest young man doesn't hesitate to steal a kiss. When a man is unable to choose be- tween two evils he usually hunts up a third. hnn parlv and avoid the rush -'"wr " Good Roads Problem Full Discussed bj Mr. F. M. Chase of Pawnee City. ADVISES USE OF KINS ROAD DRAG Burlington Secures Order Restricting C ount Officials From Collecting Taies. LENGTHY TELEGRAM TO THAT EFFECT Gives Many Undlsputable Facts and Con servative Estimates In Support of His Argument. At 2 o'clock Friday afternoon tne riattsmouth Farmers' Institute con vened in the district court room, a .r:,,,;:i," ho.-tthJlarge number of farmers and town usually jo.wu.eic. . . attendance t0 hear Prlce- thP PTfPllent, addresses bv Mft F. W Crops may come and crops may go, . ntv .n(i Mr. C. G . . ... - I..., . Villus v but the forbidden irun crop Marshan 0f Lincoln. While waiting with us. fflP the nrnL'rani to commence those in Some people seem totmnic mat uiey attendance were entertained by sclec ought to apologive when you do them tU)n8 on a praphophone, which Phil an injury. Sauter furnished for the occasion It's difficult for a woman to make a Secretary Henry R. Gering, In the dollar go farther than the nearest bar- opening address, called the farmers' Thomas, G. W. Halmes, Chas. C. L. Wiles (two entries), Ru dolph Hell. N!. E. Todd, F. E. Cook, John C. Peterson, J. N. Bailey, Chas. E. Cook, 0. Hengen, Will Baldwin, Harvey Harger, ('has. T. Peacock, II. M. Miller, C. A. Miller and Frank rioeUer. Notes of the Institute. Many farmers were here today from a distance. Mayor Gering is doing his best to followed D U. S. Marshal Warner, make our guests reel at norae. The exhibits of corn shows that some excellent crops were raised In Cass county. The Interest taken In tticse Insti tutes shows that farmers are always anxious to learn something they don't know. The ladles should not hesitate about attending these meetings. Their pres ence always adds tone to these sessions. Who The Served Notice of Injunc tion on W. 0. Wheeler. VERY BAD BLAZE TUESDAY Returned From the Paciflo Coast. C. S. Wortman of Ashland, Neb., came in Wednesday evening of last week and visited over night with his Residence Property of W. L. Wilhrow Is nephew, W. P. Wortman, and the fol- Hi. la. J n k m . a. lowing two days with relatives near YlSlieo Of ueSlrUCMt Hfl. straiian. Mr. wortman is one or me Vot ti,c tlrst time In several months pioneers of Oass county, iscnraska, the lire department was called out having iieen there more than nny today to tight the llamcs and years, and owns one, or the largest anil ti,0 destruction of property. Whb eiimnwu .arms m iiiu wu.itjr. Tll0 alarm was SoIMiefj Tuesday lie is taking me a mile easier, now abliut i o'clock Hiimmoi.lng the depart- ami spenus a guou ueai oi ins time in travel, having Just returned from a trip to the western coast. Malvern Iowa) Leader. prevent In order to prevent the several county treasurers from collecting taxes under the provisions of section lo.Mo of Coo bey's annotated statutes of Nebraska, the Chicago Burlington &, Culncy rail way company secured an order Satur day restraining these counties from In any manner attempting to enforce the payment of delinquent taxes. Tho lengthy telegram which wss received Wheeler, attention tc the fact that cuming county had raised an average of 42.1 bushels of corn to the acre this year, while Cass has produced only an aver age of 37.5. To Increase the yield of Win. DelesDernler Surprised. Wm. DelesDernler celebrated his fiftieth birthday anniversary Sunday by County Treasurer W. I) and Mrs. DelesDernler entertained a Saturday evening sums up the order number of his old friends at a 1 o'clock as follows: "ou, as county treas luncheon, which was in the nature of urer of Cass county are notified that a surprise, where a few social hours Judge Munger of the U. S. Circuit were spent In honor of the event. uouri tociay issued an orucr resirain- Mr. DelesDernler was presented ing you rrom in any manner attempt- wlth a fine rocking chair and a box of In? to collect from the Chicago, Burl gain counter Riches may have wings, but don t sit down and wait for another man's riches to fly your way n I . .1.1.. .Antm a VA On fTAin nmp. men in tins aic au u... - . . , , win a line ruunuiK t . ... .l.i. mi r.nnniv. ne lmoresseu uyuu we ...... c. ..n i, that they even refuse to let tneir - ----' - . otr.nriinir cigars by bis friends. iukwiu,vj'i".' wives have the last word. During the afternoon all called In a agents or representatives In .your A married-man thinks hecould have " ' , V7,at on-.lvln, body on Uncle Dave McCalg, who was county, the axes levied aga nst a. or MvPd a lot of money had heremalned , r ' "a".", "that th in. celebrating his seventieth birthday, any or tne rauwaysopca.ueauyiiwu.i- . v, mnlfmaL. .-' v.- .AA !, CllTarS.lOgeiner Willi VIlir UCSl WWUCS. u,JUu. A oaoy is auouv, uic uuij H.v,vua uasscouniy larmers wuo antuucu iuc , , i n,nnn minmntin.r in thing a woman possesses that doesn't Meetings last year, and was therefore e "J , - - u h en osion lot Son sxcnetne envyoi uwi aDie to. raise uusuc.s iuu.o w n T n rial, in .snonf flitilmv'a annotated statutes 1'. VlUfls, UCUi ainnau, w. wmi i - i j - t iioii t v t'hin T. v T.nnir. nf 190. or from taklnir anv stons or ctiin rl tliar, snp. COUluu b IWl iii5 O W U f V VMH cleverest man of her acquaintance The cam palgn cigar will now disguise ...... .. . . HHArria hif i r n a on nri a mi rii r i ill' There never was a viwj una jcai uu . T .. T v Vhv AIierawlHnKOnwiBi-i.Juiw . T1 6j,)m n lniAnr under Raid anctliin and Itself with a sprig of holly and lie In wait for the unwary on December io. The erand holiday pocketbook open ings are going to begin very early this year and continue longer than usual, Mane a little bov Is nine years old moments, that the farmer who attend ed these meetings was not wasting time but learning to Improve his grade of seed corn, Mr. Gering intro duced Mr. F. W. Chase of Pawnee city, Nebraska. Eells, W. C Bartlett, E. T. Comer. Elmwood Leader-Echo. from notifying any agent or ofllcer of said complainant, C B. & (J. R. R. Co., to pay over moneys that may be In the hands of said agent or olllcer, WILL HOLDREGE BE DECAPITATED? C. A. R. and W.R.C. Elect Officer At the regular meeting Saturday or that may hereafter come to their nr . v- nontn mi., evening at the local post of the G. A. hands belonging to the complainant Mr. Chase in his opening remarks f i.n t.h-fnrr.hpr nHnmr t.h r-.nrt complimented the farmers for turning which was signed by out and attending the afternoon ses- TJ. n V n:: ";.; t t--i t.i..i w i . . v... htAn tho . u.,l,h...Hna,.rhnr 01 tUe U. A. XV.; UIIlIIlttlHlCI , J. ll, n,u,.Uuv.,i..u,a,.., .,.4.. wnenaiiiome, uuon.ic" .m,. 810D lu tHW , vuc v T,arnVlBrt. .T ttaa fnllowed un bv the marshal In ti- 1,- la miltal.. .l. - I in n,A Dn-.Hu " Ihol 1HI03UC1, u. ., !. ...... 11, I r - HIS mttllia l" H" UU lOe SUUIKUI-, uwu ivuaua, "l r , I, t nnP,nn o,hMnnrin.U,H nr.tloo ftf Instructive and - ' "'' Tvtr " : ,r . ,i . .. . .. strpiirnr- 1 immn ain. i. ni. i.arier: i iiiiinitLiuu uu uvuiiir iicnauici n Whpn a TP OW SL0D8 DUVHIK wua- luiciHiius ouun.., ,,v.u,...B , , - t. T.n iii.i...... rn ' ' ,,;."..l.J,... v,a a, .ntQ a rrnnrl UIDCer 01 LIJB J tt. jucnauu, win agant presents ior a gin 111 tuau ai,u wm - o cars with live. Rumors That He Will Be Succeeded By Superintendent Byram. r special from Lincoln contains the following, which If there Is any truth therein, will surprise many of the friends of Mr. lloldrege: The story lias been In persistent circulation In Burlington railroad clr cles for a few days that at tho first of the year George W. lloldrege, at prcs ent general manager of the Burling' ton lines west of the Missouri river, would be transferred to a more respon sible posit ion in Chlcago.that he would be succeeded by II. C. Byram, at prcs ent general superintendent, and that C. B. Rogers, at present Hupcrintcnd- ent of the Wymore division, would take the place vacated by Mr. Byram. 'So far It has been Impossible to ab solutely verify these statements. Mr. Byram Is now In Chicago, and no one Of the men under him care to give any statement or opinion about the matter. "Mr. lloldrege has been general manager for many years, and Is repu ted to be one of the best operating men In the business. He has also ob tained considerable fame as a politi cal manager. It Is this ofllcc that lias been the clearing house of railroad politics for years, and he has made and unmade more men than the voters ever dreamed of. "One commentator today said that mcnt to tho residence properly of Wm. Wilhrow on north Sixth street. On account of some inl.suiiderstaudiug.thH ocatlon of the lire wan nut known un til the alarm sounded the second time, and when the boys arrived at the scene of t he trouble, they found thn liln.c making rapid Inroads upon tho Interior of the building which Is a story and a half frame structure. The hose was soon strung out, but in a short lime fro.u nod delayed the work, but undaunted.thcmen resorted to buckets, which had been used he- fore the lire department arrived, and with these the llamcs were extin guished. The lire, of which the origin Is not known, was confined to tho (lining room of tho house, hut tho entire- building was badly damaged by wa ter, and the loss Is estimated lo be In the neighborhood of 2o no insur ance being on tho building, which Is i 11 1 tc old. A Miraculous Cure The following statement by II. M. Adams, and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will Interest parents and others. "A mirac ulous cure has taken place hi our home. Oit child had eczema .1 years and was pronounced Incurable, when we read about Electric Bitters, and concluded to try it. Before the second bottle was all taken we noticed a change for tho better, and afler taking 7 bottles he was completely cured " It's the up- to-date blood medicine and Inidy build ing tonic. Guaranteed. .Vic and $1.00 at F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store. him. We are not so apt to consider our selves better than other people as we are to consider other people worse than we are. cer of the Guard, John Renncr; Trus tee, I). Hawksworth. The W. R. C. also elected the fol lowing otlicers for the ensuing year: President. Bertha Peterson: Senior she has either refused him or accepted substantial road that will hold up a load at any season or tne year, The speaker declared that the far mer wants a road that will hold up a i .1 rf t Vn ti-o hilt tVilc nXZmCxVti Vice, Mrs. John Kuhncv; Junior Vice; Judge LUb' t l?panrTn' " s Mrs. Carre,; Chaplain, Mrs. Gallagher; treasu .. . U..1J ' , . ...... - J f. I tint II 1 When young ginsgeo suuuiu H LU been demonstrated that a cood, sub- conductor, wrs. auh; uuaru, mrs, not only flirt but keep company with . , nA Mn hp mnri ,nut of terra Jas. Williams: Treasurer, Mrs. Kerr married men, it Is time for parents to firma f th(j plan that h(J 8U(f(fCSted Delegate to next state meeting, Miss draw me line. LnnW hp. followed, ne ca ed atten- oeruuue bu-uum. I a man leaves plenty of change in tlon to the fact that the soil Is of Lemon Raited In Cass County his pockets when he goes to bed his such a nature that it can be packed ijut few people would ever dream D. Wheeler. This action on the part of the railway company was rendered necessary by the attempt on the part of several county treasures to enforce the state law In regard to the collec tion of taxes. The order Issued by Munger prevents the county treasurers from any further action, until the case now pending in the United States supreme court Is decided. Something for Nothing, If all the efforts that are made to get something for nothing were turned to useful, productive pursuits this world would hp. nverllnwinir with In view of the Indications that the keenly, and poverty would fade Into uuniMKiuii ii koiiik oi i'ulluul mere tradition w.ui urn iaiHK ui u.u jm, .S.i.i.tC A ,r of Jltts,,ur.r hank Cerkg wll0 HKCiy innLiiuiiiri-KBsaervicra ... w.av Kpeculate() 1)eavy wlUl tlle hank's ueparimuni; oi me rouci win nou uc wife may not have occasion to ask him down, so that It will be Impervious to 0f seeing a lemon grown InCasscounty. for pin money. water, and this can be quickly and jjut we uave had the pleasure of ex- rv. nornnses a -1,1 cheaply done with the aid of the Undoing one that was raised by W. B. XUl wub"B r--r - " I TM-.. rA A,n a c naturally prefers an automobile to an old fashioned buggy, mobile hasasparker. Every auto- It Pays to Advertise. The following Incident Is said to have occurred In Cass county, but the exact section we are not permitted to aid of the amininff 0ne that was raised bv W. B. P"nt: King Road drag, a simple device dis- Roberts, of near South Bend, and a nen tne tcacner was aoscnt irom envprpd hv Mr. Klne of Mlssousl. who hmthpr nf J. M. r.oherts-cashlcr of the school Billy, the mischievous boy has done more to Improve the roads , piattsmouth State Bank. Mr. 01 me class, wrote on tne macKDoam of Missouri. Nobraska, Kansas and nobertscame down from South Bend "uwyj ones can uug megiris ncuer Iowa, than any other man. Upsterdav to uav his taxes and visit than any boy in school. " - 1 1 j r I ..... n Mr. Chase had a mlnature King nvp, niLTht with bis brother and fam- Lpon tier return tneteaciicr caueu Road drag, which he exhibited to his ly Thc fiampic lemon Mr. Ri.bcrts him up to her desk. An old bacheler says the greatest audience, snowing now simpie me ma- brought to this oillce yesterday, and .. .1.1.. .nnl nn0 Anff hflDT flntf T9 rmlr . - . 1. .. !..!,... imnrovements of the age are tnose tuiuc a-" o.i, upon a uiomuK" lAauniiauiuu c which hide the ravages oi time ana uuc 1 lu"' lMl"'" u ' " louna it peneci m every ya.utuiai. keen women looking young. of a log about 14 feet long and, 12 It demonstrates to a dead moral cer- inches in diameter. If a log is not talnty that there arc some tropical available, two planks of the above di- frults th,at can be raised In Nebraska, menslons can be employed to build though It requires great care to do so. I'rny tell me, Indies, If you ran Who Is that hlt'lily favored ninii Who. thoiu'h he marry many a wife. Kill remains slntrle all his lifer A iit'ai'l-r. keep women looking young When you see a boy or 10 wnn a clean face and his hair carefully combed It's a safe bet that he Is in love with his school teacher. One of the rules of a hotel in Piatts mouth is that the guests alllicted with hay fever are prohibited from sneez ing when passing grass widows. Are we to have lighted streets? It looks to a man up a tree as though the council Is very slow to act. Either accept or reject the proposition. Christmas shippers are beginning to get busy. Only a few days now until Old Santa will have full sway or at east as long as the pocketbook holds out. Our Jewlers are well supplied with diamonds, so you need not go away from home to secure that engagement ring when you desire to present to your Intended on Christmas. Some young women In this old town would be better off If they were sent to the reformatory for a few years or until they learned not to flirt with every stranger that comes to town. The sending of Gladys Hlnes to the reform school this week should be a warning to some other young girls, whoso names we will not mention And they want "to look a little out" For the next two Sundays tho Sun day schools will be attended by many children who have not seen luside thc church for a year. They want to participate In the grand distribution of popcorn ana canay winsimas eve the drair. which can be used to ad van t.nrp. a short time after a rain. A wo ThP sneaker then eave some very wniie stanaing on uie iracKs norm inst.rnetivp. estimates of thc cost of a of the Burlington depot Saturday poorroadtoa farmer hauling grain, morning, Elery, the ten year old son nd hnw this needless expenditure of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vroman, was rite that?" she asked, pointing to thc blackboard. "Yes ma'am," said Billy. "Well you may stay after school,' said she, "as punishment." Thc other pupils waited for Billy to come out and then begin guying him. "Gotallckln', didn't youV" "Nope," said Billy. "Got JawcdV" "Nope." "What did she do?" they asked. "Shan't tell." said Billy, "but it might be obliterated by an hour spent struck on the chin by a stray ball from pays to advertise." In dragging the road every month of me gun oi some iiutner uiiiuenver the year, Mr. Chase was a very enter- rjottora. me ouiietK""' May Happiness Attend Them, talnlng speaker, and was followed by itcui uie sum oniy, me nine icuow s our old friend, Henry Lchnhofl.who C.G. Marshall of Lincoln, who was tongue was w tne exient hag bcCQ vlslllng ln riattsmouth for discoursing upou soil tillage as we go that It was some time ociore necouia geveral d deparlcj Monday to press. speak, ihls suowea great careiess- forhlg futuro nome , LncoiD) t0 Tonight C. M. Lewelllng of Beaver ness on tne pan ot uie gunner, asue wh(ch ,aco ,)9 wfe Bn(, daughter Cltv. will address the people on the subject of breeding and caring for poultry. This Is a matter in which everyone Is Interested, and should call forth a large audience at the court house. Townspeople are Interested In learning mere about poultry raising. Mr. Lewelllnir can tell many who had no business of shooting in the di rection of the depot, especially at such Rhort range. preceded blm several days ago from their old home near Louisville. Mr. LchnhoiT has been a resident of Cass county for lo! these many years, and fortho greatest portion of this time, Death of Mrs. Current Mrs. W. P. Current died at 4 a. m yeserday, from blood poisoning, caused l.e has resided on the old homestead by a small sore on her lip becoming one of thc finest farms In Cass county Infected ln some manner. She was and where their children were reared think they are experts In this line M m but a few days. to womanhoood and manhood, and business; many things pernaps inau funeral services will be held from which he will not part with at any they never knew before. Come to tne the M. E. church at 2 o'clock this af- price. He has bought a fine residence court house tonight and hear what he tcrnoon. The casket will not be property ln the capital city where he has to say. opened at the church. Those of her and his excellent lady will be enabled Thus far nineteen exhibits have friends who wish to view the remains to enjoy the fruits of fifty years of been brought In and entered In the maydosofrom 10 to 12 this morning toll which has favored them with an heed corn contest which Is free to at tne homc.-Elmwood Lcadcr-Ecjjo. abundance for thc cncvltablo "rainy everybody. Many more exhibits will ft,- r. h.nnineMlm their lot In " w - i - . . ... - ii.. I r t - doubtlessly be received toraonow, It l a mistake to use a yioicnt ca- their new;home Is the prayer of the when the twenty-five usclul and valu- thartlc to open thc bowels. A gentle ,,41. what Is Cass county's loss, able prizes oucrea oy our mercuanui muvemeub mm w,uiuyi. Is Lincoln'! galb. will hn awarded for the beat displays results wunons causing uiHiress vi 1 of twelve ears of iced corn. The far- serious consequences later. PeWItt'i Many a man doesn't do things lie men who have entered the contest up Little Early Risen are recommended, wante to do bedause his wife wants to 2 o'clock today are Jas. McCulloch, Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. him to do them. needed and that the position at Chi cago, which has more than once been ottered him, will now prove mote V his liking than when the present place embraced a very pleasant political dictatorship. Mr. lloldrege has been the head of the Burlington for nearly twenty-eight years. He graduated from Harvard In the class of 1 S!i, and came west shortly afterwards to enter thc Burlington service. He was first a clerk in the treasurer's ollicc of the Burlington, but left that to enter thc train service In lowa. ills rise was rapid. In succession he was master of transportation, assistant general su perlntendcnt, and In 17'.! was made general superintendent. A few years later he became general manager and has held that position ever since. He Is nearly no years old. "Mr. Byram Is a more recent Bur lington recruit. He received his train ing as a Great Northern man, and when Mr. Calvert became chief engin eer he succeeded to the position of general superintendent. He Is re garded as a high class railroad man and his accessibility has made him a prime favorite with both the public and the newspaper fraternity. Mr Rogers has been a Burlington man for a long time and is a most capable olllclal." A Western Wonder There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This wonder Is W. L. 11111, who from a weight of 1)0 pounds has grown to over 10. Hesays "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion. I was reduced to 00 pounds, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled In weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke k Co., druggists. Ma and U.fH), Trial bottle free. money have got by It only a term In tho penitentiary. In pleading guilty to embcz.elment they confessed that every cent of tho .'!H.",,ooo they had stolen was lost, and they slood before thc court pennllcsH. The eager study they had given to the stock markets, the almost superhuman elTorls they made to recover their steady losses and thc agony of mind they under went would have been Kiilllclent, If rightly directed, to have nude them comfortably rich and universally re spected. Through some peculiarity In our construction we are willing to work ten times as hard to get "something for nothing" as to earn It In a natural way. A scoundrel will exercise more cunning and energy in beating some body out of a dollar than would be called for In acquiring ten dollais honestly. And he thinks he has got the dollar for nothing! Poor fool. The gambler shoves all his surplus earnings over ttictaoie ana wnat lie ns now and then he shoves after them. So long as ho has anything to lose he counts himself ahead of the game, ills fortitude, ins patience, 111s Insensibility to failure, If enlisted In a worthy occupation, might bring him substantial success. There's a weakness in human nature through which most of us are Inclined to regard as clear gain only that which comes unearned. And ln striving to get more than we earn we perform unrewarded labors that, If rightly ap plied, would not only bring us far more than we get, but shield us against disgrace and disaster. It Is easy for a man to make a fool of himself, but none of us Is wise enough to fool old nature Into giving us more than we work for. Great Inoonvenlence. Much to the Inconvenience of a large number of workmen who are cm ployed on thc north side of tho river In stone quarries and sand pits, comes the announcement of the Missouri Pa cific that no one will be permitted to cross their bridge In tho future. Louisville Courier. Ladles When you buy cigars for Xmas, get the kind the men buy for themselves Pepperbcrg's "Buds Small boxes of twelve and twenty-five clgan, 50c and II. tf E. C. DeWltt& Co. of Chicago, at whose labratory Kodol Is prepared, as sure us that this remarkable dlgcstant and corrective for the stomach con forms fully to all provisions of the Na tional Pure Food and Drug Liw. The Kodol labratory Is a very largo one, but If all the sufferers from Indigestion and stomach troubles could know tho virtues of Kodol It would be Impossible for tho manufacturers to keep up with the demand. Kodol Is sold here by F. G. Frlcke & Co. What Is more suitable for a Christ mas present for your wife than a nice bed room suite, or handsome n.k? Nothing. M. Hlld, the furniture mun. has just what you want. . ..i 1 . 1 1 .. ' .'.-m,-5