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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
4 V 5r -1 I i n I Summer Collar Comfort is found in our line of collars. Quarter sizes , C 1 u i eco sh r u n k 2 lor a Quarter All the new styles to select from. Ob Si. Wescotf3s Sons "Whirl Quality Count." 0URSGH00LS INTHECQUNTY The One Hundred Districts Have a Total Valuation of Nearly $200,000. 0NEHUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE TEACHERS Employed to Instruct the 7,033 School Children During Past Year Sin Private Schools Located in This County. From the report of the county superintendent for the school year ending the second Monday in July, some statistics that w ill he of interest to nearly every family in Cass county are obtained. The reports from the one hundred districts, in which are situated a total of one hundred and ten school houses, show that the buildings, sites, text books, etc., are valued at lu!t,r:50.or, and that :5,Mfi males :j,4st females or a total of 7,o:i:i school children between the ages of "land'Jl received instruc tion from bin teachers, of whom 1.11 were females and the remaining eigh teen males. Of the 7,0.r. school child ren, :i,77i), or over one-half, are between the ages of seven and fifteen and are subject to the state law, which com pels parents to send children between the above ages, to the public or some private school.. During the past year seven addresses have been delivered under the auspices of the county superintendent, and he has made two hundred visits to the various schools, and conducted fifty-six teacher's meeting. Besidesthe public institutions, there are six private schools situated in Cass county. The largest of these is the Weeping Water academy, a Congrega tional school, employing five Instruc tors, having an attendance of one hun dred and three, and under Principal F. C. Taylor. The next largest, the St. John's school of this city, which em ploys three teachers and Is under the direction of Father W, F. Bradley, had an attendance of ninety during the past year. The Lutheran Academy of Louisville, under German Lutheran inlluences, is conducted by George Jung, and had an enrollment of twenty-live students. The remaining three of the six private schools are the Mur dock German, In Murdock, and the German Evangelical schools of Elm wood and Eagle, conducted by Bevs. Baumgartner, Wickmannand Mueller, respectively. Cousins Meet for First Time. Miss Mollle Grecnslate arrived Wed nesday from Kirksville, Mo., for a visit with her cousin, Miss Fern Green slate. The cousins had never met each other, until this morning, and did not know of the relationship ex isting between them until about two years ago, when Miss Lucille Bates, who was visiting In Elm wood at that time, happened to mention Miss Mol lle while talking of Memphis, Mo. This aroused Miss Feme's interest, and through correspondence It was ascertained that they were cousins, and then followed a natural deslro to see each other, and so Miss Mollle came to make her newly found cousin a visit. A prompt relief ror croup, One Min ute Cough Cure, cuts the phlegm, al lays the inflamation the cough lyrup with a reputation Sold by F. O. Frlcke k Co. and Gerlng k Co. A:i Excuse (or Drinkieg. Beforeajugdea man appeared charg ed wit !i disturbing the peace in a si loon. The judge asked him he visited such a place early In the morning and tlie man answered that every morning . he feels a heaviness on the stomach, nauseates and even vomits, without knowing the cause i f It. As soon as takes a few drinks he is able to work again. The judge recommeuded hiiv. to consult a good doctor and we would advise him to try Triner's American Elixir of letter Wine, which certainly would put his digestive organs In good shape. If used according todlrectlons, it will in every Instance regulate the digestion, purify the blood and also strengthen the nerves, During this hot season there is no remedy in the world which could he compared with Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine as the results, which are health and strength. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 7i! South Ashland Ave., Chi cago, 111. thougIsforsomepeople The Ssssst. Most Detestiale Citizens are Ilia Villians Who Slander Their Neighbors. Confidence once lost can never be entirely restored. There is little pro tection against a slanderer or tattler, and usually they arc assassins and cowards, or some worthless characters who are not responsible for anything they may utter. It would seem that a high state of civilization would pro tect, first of all, life and character. In fact at this time this is about theonly thing left for Americans, "protec tion." Among the meanest slander ers are those who go from house to house and stab you in the back with their vile tongues, and we are often astonished at the number of people engaged in it, and sometimes people who claim to be guides for the entire community in which they live, and yet with their tongues they are ready to rend families, churches and neigh borhoods, leaving for a while the deso lation of the cyclone In their track. And often it takes manhood and Christianity combined to lay aside the revolver which every victim of the slanderer has a just right to use.where the villian cannot be reached by law. The victim of the slanderer always has the consolation to know his guilt or innocence and it is a comfort to know that the birds always pick at the best and highest fruit which grows upon the tree. The greatest and best people in the world are some t imes slandered, and only the good and the useful can be. Of course there is a negative, good for nothing good, of which none speak evil. To such Jesus spake when lie said. "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you.'' But we don't suppose we have any such people as those to whom ! Jesus spake, in I'lattsmouth, and we would that we could say that we have none of that class of slanderers, for deep down in the hottest hell where dwells the foulest devil, will be the eternal abode of the serpent tongucd slanderer. Extend Thanks. The undersigned, committee of ar rangements, so appointed by I'latts mouth Aerie No. F. O. E., in he half of the lodge, take this method of returning their most sincere thanks to those business men who subscribed to assist in paying the expenses of the re cent carnival, given under the auspices of this order. We also desire to extend thanks to the gentlemen composing the police force, for the very efficient manner in which they mantained or der: to the mayor and city council for their kindness, and to the citizens of Plattsmouth in general for favors ex tended. R. A. Baths, 1 C. F. Guthman, Committee. W. M. Baiu lay, ) Millions In Merchandise. According to returns the assessed value of all merchandise in the state, as returned to the State Board of Equalization, amounts to $S,lu7,!m4,an Increase over the assessment of this class of property last year of &47,2W. Inasmuch as the stocks of merchan dise have not materially increased since last yea.t, it is the belief of the secretary of the board the county as sessors have Increased the value of this Item. Jessen May Enter tlio Race. It now looks as If the political situa tion in the First congressional district Is to have a new phase put upon it by the proposed candidacy of Judge Paul Jessen for the congressional nomina tion. Cpon Inquiry the Tribune Is In formed that no definite announcement can yet bo made but it Is known that from a wide circle of warm personal and political friends Judge Jessen is being urged to get Into the race. Ne braska City Tribune. Platttmoutb glavas tha local marehanls. for tali by IelftcdiVMiiSiiered well ntn UntSMrpi wto a brook. Mr good health and long life came by tak ing Ilolliiter'a Rocky Mountain Tea Mcent. Gerlng & Co., druggists. THE SITE FOR GOV ERNMENT BUILDING - - - Ml QueSttCH Tht iS riGA Agitating tlie Minds cf Plattsmth Pecsle. WHERE WILL I f BEST SERVE PATRONS? It Should, and Probably Will be Located Within Ona Block of Main Street. The locatlou for a site for tlie post- offlce building, of which Plattsmouth is soon to boast, Is now a matter that Is agitating the minds of many of our people. And It Is a matter that should be settled without the least squab bling among all Interested. From what the Journal Is able to learn, the sentiment of the citizens seems to lie such that the building should he located somewhere on Sixth street. There are three very suitable sites, which would come within the instructions of the department, and each is located within one luock of Main street, and at the same time centrally located - tlie Patterson block, on the west side of Sixth street, at tlie coiner of Pearl: the block right opposite on the east; and the block on w hich the residence of Chief of Police Fitzgerald is situated. If anything, the latter named is most favorable, and we believe an entire half block could be purchased at a very reason able figure. As we understand it, the purchase price of a site has to come within the limit of the appropriation ?7,.roo. This sum ought to be sutllclent to pro vide a good location, and, while we are not informed in the matter, we be lieve that ground sutllclent can be purchased on ihiscorncr for a sum not to exceed the amount appropriated. The Journal Is positive that neither of the other locations could be had at the sum designated, and it Is doubtful if a sutllclent amount of ground on the corner where tlie Patterson block stands could be had for double the amount. However, many would like to see it at this corner because It would remove an old dilapidated shell, that Is an eye-sore to the city. Take where Joe Fitzgerald's resi dence stands, the residence if Chris. Koehnke and the Pearlman building, and you have, with tlie removal of one or two outbuildings, the finest locat ion in the city, and one which ought to be satisfactory to the majority of the business men, pud a larger portion of tlie patrons of the office than nny other point in the city. CLARENCE ENGLISH WINS The Fighter Has Things All His 0m Way and Gets the Decision. Clarence English, the fast Omaha lightweight won his fight with Jack Purtcll Sunday night at the Eagles' clambake at St. Joseph, getting the decision at the end of the fifteenth round. English put it all over Purtell, who made no attempt whatever to light, but merely tried to keep him self from being knocked out. To go the limit seemed to be Pur ten s one aesire, ana uarenee was obliged to pull Jack's hands down from his face in order to hit him. The de cision was well received by the audi ence, who did their best to urge Pur tell to take on a little aggressiveness. English came back to Omaha early this morning and looks none the worse for the go, his face and body bearing no signs whatever of having been pum meled, but one of his hands Is some what badly swollen. English will probably tight Mickey Blley, of Leavenworth, Kan., at no distant date. Riley challenged the winner of last night's go In St. Joseph Omaha Dally News. There were several from Plattsmouth at the ringside and they say at no time in the game was Purtell "in It." They speak of English In the highest terms. both as a gentleman and a most clever boxer. The St. Joe sports thought they had a man this time that would "do" Clarence, but again they were doomed to disappointment. Ever since Clarence beat "Spike" Leroy, the Idol of the fistic fans of St. Joe some four years ago, they have made every effort possible to get some one to beat him. English has fought "Kid"' Price, Gus Gardner, Mickey Blley and Battling Nelson before a St. Joe audience since defeating Leroy, and Nelson was tlie only one that gave him an ordinary workout. The gentleman that "takes English's measure" will have to make of championship material. Prompt Action. A few weeks ago, Philip Horn, one of our best farmers, had the misfor tune to Injure one of his hands, which prevented him from doing any kind of farm work for four weeks. He held a policy in the Woodmen Accidental As sociation, and Tuesday received a check from the secretary of the asso ciation for 130. This shows prompt action on the part of the association In the payment of suali claims. WrJd AsaUli Gsvemor's Stjff. A Lincoln. Nel.i., C'rrev ondent saw 1 Tlie I re-felt iealo.isv between tl..i regular.. iv.cers of the Nebraska N.i-i ral guard and the governor's stall of col. -neS has at lust come t" a head. aud It U rumored that a Igor.. us and rganl.-ed eiT.-rt iuadet.ln.Uuv ti .0 net legislature to p:ivs a law de- prlvlrg the honorary colonels of rank. It has long been the custom for the governor's statT t accompany the chief executive on all Important journeys and regular officers have grown tired of being left at home. It is said that a strong combination was formed by the guard officers at their school of Instruction last winter aud militia officers in every county in the state have been appointed to secure pledges from candidates for the legis lature to tlie effect that they would vote and use their influence to abolish the taritr. TRIAL STOPPED ABRUPTLY The Defendant, J. C. Watson, Objects to Jessen as a Judge. A special from Nebraska City under date of, Inly 17, says: "The disbar ment proceedings against. Attorney John ('. Watson, came toa sudd.-n stop this looming, after the court, .Indue Good, of Wahoo: Kelligar, of Auburn and .lessen, of this city, had taken their scats and the charges had been read. Watson tiled a protest against Judge Paul .lessen, hearing the case or taking any part therein on tlie grounds he was biased and would not give him a fair and Impartial hearing. Judge Jessen arose to the occasion and sus tained the motion. Then on the aril davit of Watson and others a continu ance was taken until September 11, on account of the absence of Catron and others. Watson is being tried on a complaint filed by Attorneys Living ston, Pitzerand llayward, who charge him with Irregular practice In the court here In the case of Butterlleld vs. Catron. It Is not known what Judges will now be asked to hear the case, but other judges will have to be secured." The Matrimonial Market. Take the niatrlmonal market from the first of January,! an Cupid has cer tainly been getting in his work much better in Cass county than he did In the same length of time last year, al though the month of July does not show up very well, only four permits to marry have been granted so far this month. During the month of June Judge Travis issued eighteen passes t( the. matrimonial state, which would Indicate that the wily Dan had done remarkably well since the month of roses came in blushing and sweet. Since January up to tlie present time there has been issued by County Judge Travis K! marriage licenses. At the rate they have been doubling up in t lie county tlie number will far exceed tlie number of marriages of last, year. THE RACE SUICIDE QUESTION Bachelors and Maids Challenge Teddy to Discuss the Proposition. Clinton Merrick, chairman and mov Ing spirit behind t he State Convention of Bachelors and Old Maids, to be held at Forest City, Iowa, July 2! and jti, has written to President Roosevelt asking him to attend the convention and defend his advocacy of the big family In the race-suicide debate that will take place. At this convention It Is proposed to nominate a full State ticket on a strict race-suicide platform, contending that the growth of population has weaken ed the many in their struggle against the trusts. In his letter to the Presi dent Mr. Merrick says: "We would be pleased to have you take the affirmative side of the ques tion, 'Resolved, That race suicide is caused by too few births,' and we bachelors and maids will take the neg ative side of the question, viz: 'That race suicide Is caused by too many births, and that degeneration is caus ed thereby,' and we w ill allow the af firmative two-thirds of the time. "Dear Tcddle, our society analyzes that chapter of the Bible where It reads, 'Multiply and replenish the earth,' and mean to diligently care for the human beings and offspring of the human race. Thcquestlon arises, how many children can the common laborer allord to support at 41 a day? which, I believe, is about the average wage for unskilled labor." Kicked by a Horso. A special from Weeping Water, un der date of July 17, says: "George II. Woods, a farmer living one mile south of town, had his right leg broken In two places this morning. He and one of his boys were currying the horses In the stable, when the horse which the boy was currying, nipped at the other and It kicked at It, striking Mr. Woods with both feet, breaking his right leg In two places, between the knee and ankle, and bruising the left leg badly, but breaking no bones. Wantk.i By man and wife, good position on a farm. Inquire at Journal office. PASSES HER EIGHTY NINTH MILE POST Grand Celebration In Honor of the Event at ! the Home of Her Daughter. MANY FRIENDS ATTEND THE OCCASION Grandma Edwin Davis in Excellent Health and Enjoys a Good Time. One of the most pleasant events In the social history of this city occurred yesterday afternoon, when nineteen old time friends of Mrs. Anna M. Davis gathered at tlie home of her daughter, Mi.s. F.umii us Peterson, to assist in celebrating the eighty-ninth birthday anniversary of Grandma Davis. Both to herself .rid to her eountrythese have been most event ful years. She was horn in the city of Albany, N. V., on the lsth of July, hi:, j,ud while the first railroad In the I'nited States was being constructed In 1:;;!, she was united In marriage with lld- win Davis. During the last year of the civil war they removed from her native .,!a!e. New York, to Nebraska, where they have since made their rev itlence. A laigo and active lainily grew up about .Grandma Davis, and of these four daughteisand one son, w itb children and grandchildren, are living to nourish aud comfort her sunny old age. Tlie children are Lora Davis, Colorado City, Col.: Mrs. Bosa Keeney, Central City, Neb.: Mrs. Krasmus Peterson anil Mrs. II. P. Kennedy of this city. I'hc ladies were entertained from II until " o'clock and that they had one of the most enjoyable times of their lives Is beyond question. At an acceptable hour a bounteous three-course luncheon, was served, and It Is needless to say each one did am ple Justice to tlie delicious viands. With much faith many expressed tlie wish that Grandma Davis might live to see her hundredth birthday, and should she continue her present excel lent health this wish will be fulfilled. It was with many expressions of ap preciations for the good time spent with Grandma Davis that the friends took their departure. Tim following short poem was w rit ten In honor of Grandma Dav's by Bev. .1. K. Houlgate, pastor of the Methodist church, of which she is a member: M;mi. t ,ii vim lull, il nw.i M .v mi ii i a 1 1 - li.ii n .u . I .i m hi ,i nil I, i if i.-i iii-c : 1 1 . :i Till .'iii liiiiiilri'ill li iiiii ;il il:i . I". his .m.iii iMail I mi.,, iiitt Off for Cnliforniii. Wiley Black departed Wednesday for Coundil Blulfs, Iowa, where he will meet his wile and daughter, who have been visiting friends in Missouri. Tomorrow morning they will leave that city for Bos Angeles, California, where they expect to make their future home. Mr. Black grew to man hood in Plattsmouth, aud is well known to all the old settlers In Cass county, having at one time been one of the prominent stock buyers in this section. Being unfortunate In many of his deals, he like many others has let a fortune slip through his hands. He goes to Los Angeles, very highly recommended by one of the packing bouse managers at South Omaha, and hopes to secure lucrative employment In that city. The best wishes of the Journal attend him and his family and may prosperity be their lot. Saloon Keeper Organize. The saloon keepers of Plattsmouth have entered Into a w rlt ten agreement between themselves all signing whereby they pledge themselves not to sell or giveaway cither by whole sale or retail, or to deliver, any liquor of any character, hereafter on Sunday. They also agree to assist In t he prose cution of anyone who violates his pledge, by furnishing to the County Attorney such evidence as they can get against the one violating hisngree mcnt and pledge. Mrs. Horn Recovering Nicely. Mrs. Jacob Horn, who was Injured in the runaway of Wednesday after noon pnd who has since been confined at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hassler, is recovering nicely from the Injuries sustained, although It will take several weeks to regain her for mer health. It was at first feared that she had received Internal injur ies, but today the patient is gradually resuming her former cheerful disposi tion, although she bear:; several bad bruises and cuts. All But Three. We understand that every business house In the city have compiled with the request of their clerks, to close their places of business at ti o'clock ex cept three firms, and they, we under stand, employ no clerks, outside their own families. We understand the clerks arc only asking that this be done dur ing the summer months. Other towns, many of them not nearly so large as Plattsmouth, have given their clerks this privilege. Whan In naad of gleras tall tat thata manutaaturad by tba Plattt mouth Clara aompany. An ImpottJ it Matter. County Clerk le .seiierac.s U sliding out the folio lug circular to the vot ers cf C:bs count), which U a matter in which every farmer and taxpayer should I.e Interested. Pl.V!T-M.I Til, Neb, J July 17, l'.'iK. 'I'm in: Ca-nCm st ,Ni..ii: Dear Sir: At a regular meet lug of the county board of commissioners of Cass county. Neb., ,eld at I'latts mouth, Neb., on tlie 17th day of July, I'.mi.i, the following resolution was of fered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, tlie last legislature of this state passed a bill providing for state ownership, control, construction and repair of all bridges of f.ixi feet or more In length within the state, and lo cated on or as a part of the public, roads: and whereas, the governor of the state vetoed said bill; and whereat It Is the sense of this board, that it I wise and sound legislation to require the state to hear tlie expense and bur den of construction and control of bridges across certain large river in this state. Now, therefore be It resolved, that It Is the sense of thlslmard that no political parly hi this county should nominate for the legislature this fall, any candidate who has not pledged himself to support a hill fur state ownership, control, construction and repair of all bridges within the state across Hie main channel of tlie Platte river located mi or a part of the public, loads V. Iv itniA. i; n, County Clerk. READY FOR INDEPENDENCE So Says James H. Blount, Former Judge Advocate of the Philippines. The following Is an extract from the Fourth of July speech of James If. Blount (rep. ) of Macon, Georgia, and former judge advocate of the Philip pines and codlllcr of the Island laws: "Since tho Spanish-American war our ship of stato has ceased to steer by that Immortal chart, the Declara tion of Independence. We steadfastly continue to be guided by Its noble teachings from tho hour of the tolling of tlie lll)crty bell at Philadelphia, un til the thunder of Dewey's guns had ceased at Manila. "Slnco then we have abandoned our belief In what the Declaration had called a self-evident truth, namely, that governments derive their just powers from the consent of tlie gov erned. Since then we have been hold ing In involuntary subjection x,000,()0O of people on the other side of the globe -the only Christ ian nal Ion of Kastern Asia a people of whom I am able to atllrm, after six years' residence among them, this fact, that their yearning for a national life of their own was on that May day of 'uh, when Dewey sank the Spanish Meet, ami still Is as great as was ours years ago today a people, moreover, who arc quite as capable of self-government as the peo ple of ( 'iiha. "If we would resume our place as pole-star of liberty for the nations, we should do for tlie Philippines sooner or later what we have already done for Cuba. "And the sooner we declare that such Is our purpose, the better It will be for the general welfare of mankind. For If the democratic party so declares In the national convention of lmH.and carries the country in the presidential election of that year.those rock-ribbed and ancient shores of Asia will behold an Independent republic lifting Its bead from the depths of the China sci ere the man-child born of woman this day shall attain to man's estate. "May Godspeed the day when our government shall accord the Philip pine people the right to pursue happi ness In their own way, and cease to hold the cup of supposed happiness to their lips with a steady army. May our people at last hearken to the united voices of Cleveland and Bryan and Bacon and Bailey concerning this Philippine question, and before the young giant from Texas is as old as his distinguished colleague from Geor gia now Is, may the star of the Philip pine republic be risen In Asia." Divide the Building. We understand that the firm of Tuey ,t McDanlcl have divided their build ing on Sixth street, which consists of two store rooms, and several living rooms up stairs, and that Tuey will occupy the south room, while the north room will be for rent. The arch way between the two rooms will be closed, and the south room Is now un dergoing repairs for Tuey's use. Misses Dovcys Entertain. At the home of II. N. Dovcy, a merry gathering occurred Tuesday evening when Misses Florence, lone and Helen entertained in honor of Misses Klmr and Hutchcson, of Jacksonville, 111., who arc visiting with their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Atwood. The evening passed rapidly at the fascinating game ot five hundred, and at a late hour the party adjourned to the dining room, where covers were laid for twenty-four. Af ter a most pleasant evening the party dispersed for their homes. Danger It near at band when the kidneys an tick. Kldoey-Ettea will purify od Ireasthen the Moneys and restore then to their normal and healthy condition. 25 cents. Gerlng It Co., drufrtftts.