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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
THE CITY. Vtvin 1'rlilny'k I )al.y. Kay Frans of I'nlon was taking In the street fair last evening. J. I. Low and wife of Cedar Creek, were county seat visitors today. J. W. Holmes wife and son Kalph ofMynatd were attending ti street air last evening W. II. Hell and family of Pleasant lew stock farm, came In this morn ing to take In the carnival. Mitt Nellie Sherwood who has been enjoying a visit with her sister In Louisville, returned home this morn Ins:. Mrs. C. L. Graves and little daugh ter of Union came up this morning on a mission of sight-seeing at the carni val. Hat one of King's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and you will not suffer with Indigestion. Sold hy Gering & Co. 'a drug store. W. E. (less of Louisville was a coun ty seat visitor today, bringing with him two wolf scalps, which ho turned over to the county clerk. McGlnnls Churchill and wife, James Manners and Misses Marie Herder and (Jussle Robb, of Murray were viewing the street carnival last night. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constlpa tlon Doan's Kegulets. Ask your druggist fur thera. 2r cents a box. Miss Alice Snover who has been en joying a visit with friends In this city the guest of Miss Fern Greenslate, de parted this morning for Omaha for a short visit before going to her home In Detroit, Mich. Claus Jess was In today to renew for the Journal, and while here told us of his recent trip to the Indian Terri tory. He Is very much pleased with his trip, and seems also to be well pleased with the country. Mrs. Chas. Herren, accompanied by Mrs. C. L. Rcnner, both of Murray, are here today to take In the carnival. Jtoth ladies called on the Journal, and while here Mrs. Ilerren renewed their subscription to the Journal Tor an other year. Joseph Volpert,son of John Wolpcrt one of the well-to-do farmers of Cass county, came down from Louisville tbls morning to see the carnival at tractions, and while here called and renewed his father's subscription to the Journal. The proposition to run a special train to I'lattsmouth from Eagle on the 24th of July, on account of the republican convention, Is being agl tatcd. Should this materiali.e, many farmers would take advantage of the rates to the county seat. I'rom Satunluy'i lul!y. H. U. Long of Murray was attending to some business at the county seat today. Mrs. J. M. Palmer of Nchawka Is visiting with her brother, ShcrltT C. I). Qulnton. Roy Upton, accompanied by Miss Nina Lynde, of Union, wcro here last night taking lit the carnival. The cleansing, antiseptic and heal ing properties of rinesalve make It superior to all family salves. Sold by Uerlng & Co.'s drutl store. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, laborers rely on Ir. Thomas' Eclcctrk Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Tain cannot stay where it Is used. nave you Backache? Get a box of Kldury-Ettes the most wonderful remedy for all kidney troubles, and they will make you right. 2oo. Gering & Co., druggists. Louisville Is well represented In riattsmoutb today, and among the number are .lames Stander and Her man l'ankonln. who are delegates to cjunty convention. Justice of Peaco llartuti of Berlin, Iowa, stopped oil In our little city this morning for a few days visit, while enroute to Greenwood fora visit with his brother-in-law, Chas. Stone. When applied and covered with a hot cloth rinesalve acts like a poultice Rest for burns, bruises, boils, cracked hands, eczema, skin diseases, tetter, etc. Sold by Gering & Co. 's drug store. An advertisement In the dally news paper reads: "Ladles, If you wear one of our glove-tittlng corsets you will wear nothing else." They ought to have a parasol for hot weather hadn't they? L. F. Longhorst, of Klmwood, was the guest of County Clerk Rosencrans and wife today, and while here as sisted "Rosey" in smoking some of those fine cigars he purchased In Lin coln the other day. Our friend, Lee Applegatc, and daughter, Miss Delia, of Union, came In this morning to take In the carni val, and Mr. Applegate the demo cratic county convention. The Jour nal was favored with a call from them. PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema that had annoyed me for longtime. The cure was permanent." lion. S. W. Matthews, commissioner of labor statistics, Augusta, Me. For bloating, belching, sour stom ach, bad breath, malasslmllatlon of food and all symptons of Indigestion. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets a re a prompt and efficient corrective. Two days treatment free. Sold by Gering & Co.'s drug store. Will Kroehler came down from Havelock last evening to take In the carnival and enjoy a visit among his old friends. Will is now growing a moustache and It was hard for some of his friends to recognize blm when he was coming up Main street. -If you want a real estate loan at reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract of title, Insurance policy, security bond of and kind, or a contract, deed or mortgage drawn, see John M. Leydu, Gund building. Work promptly and neatly done and charges reasonable. County Recorder II. A. Schneider and family departed this afternoon for Denver, where they will attend the Elks' carnival, after which' they will make a tour of Colorado, Idaho and Utah before returning home. They expect to be gone six or eight weeks. Mr., and Mrs. Chas. E. Rcnnett of rittsfield, Mass., are visiting In this city, the guests of the Wescotts. Mr. Rcnnett, who is a nephew of C. E. Wescott, Is superintendent of the littslield high school. Miss Laura De Fellows left this af ternoon for South Rend, where she will visit a few days, and thence to her home In Belle Fourche, 8. I). Miss Fellows Is an accomplished lady, and her friends are legion In I'lattsmouth, her old home. II. D. Rarr, who Is employed on the Thurman (Iowa) Times, came over this morning to enjoy a visit with relatives and friends and take in the carnival. The Journal Is pleased to see "Dick" looking so well, and be lieves that Iowa atmosphere agrees with him. From Monday's Dully. Hill Tarpcnlng of South Rend was in the city today on business. W. II. McDanlel of Murray was In the city this morning on business. A. II. Winkler, a real estate man of Glenwood, was In town today on busi ness. J. P. Stevens of Louisville was look Ing after business In the county seat today. Ray and Tom Smith departed this afternoon for Oelrlch, S. D., where they will visit several weeks. Nebraska City was well represented at the carnival Saturday night, there being about thirty-live In the party. C. 1. Long of Rurwell, who Is visit ing In this city, went to Glenwood. Ia., on business this morning. Dr. C. S. Rarnes and wife of Rurr, Neb., were In I'lattsmouth to spend Sunday with his brother, Dr. A. 1'. Rarnes. Mrs. Geo. Shoeman departed this afternoon for Rawlins, Wyo., where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jno. Mumnv Miss Annie West was called to her home near Murray this morning by the serious condition of her uncle, Joseph Kastle. Mrs. J. N. 1'almcr who has been en joying a visit with her brother, C. D. (julnton, returned to her home In Ne- hawka this morning. Miss Eertha York, who has been en- Joying a visit with the family of J. C. lork, departed this morning for her home in Watson, Mo Clarence English, the Omaha boy, giit the decision in the glove contest with 1'urtell at St. Joseph yesterday. The purse was $100 the winner re ceiving $;!00 and loser $100. County Clerk W. E. Rosencrans and wife and thelrguests.Mrs. J. G. Stark, L. F. Langhorst and wife of Elm wood were visiting at Lake Manawa Sunday. James Holmes and family, and W. S. Smith and wife of the tirm of Holmes Smith, of Murray and My- nard, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bawls Sunday. small blaze was discovered behind Ilatt & Son s store last Satnrday night by Merchant Police Cory, who at once secured assistance, and with a few buckets of water the llames were ex tinguished. A hundred years ago the best physi cian would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to con sider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines Invariably bind the bowels. This Is wrong, Rec's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels-drives out the cold clears the head, and relieves all coughs. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. S-1 ) y Gering Co.'s drug store. "Gut 1 1 o i ! . the favorite c!-ar Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' i;; . A full line i f sickles and sertl-n for ail standard in we:v ! '.in l!:i :er, I'lattsmouth. Try the White Lily wasiier. If not satisfactory you may return It. For sale only at John Bauer's. C A. fowls, Lawyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of County Attorney. Two of the street sweepers yester day were lucky. One Is said to liave found a pocket book containing about 121, while the other found a 110 dollar bill. Others picked up a few dimes and nickels. A letter from Judge Travis dated Clalrcmore, I. T., Informs us that he Is feeling better and enjoying his out Ing very much. He will be at home the latter part of this week or the Brst of next. No newspaper should give advertis' Ing space to any entertainment that is run for profit any more than the gro cer should donate the flour and the sugar, yet many do this very thing every week In the year. Frank Herold, aecompanlcd by his young friend, John Wagner, came down from Lincoln Saturday evening, returning last night. Frank Is now In t he employ of Rudgc & Guenzell, one of the largest retail dry goods es tablishments in Lincoln. The people who allow their horses and cows to run at large at night to destroy lawns and mutilate sidewalks, will wake up some morning to find a kick registered In the shape of a war rant for their arrest, and a line assessed against them. This Is simply a note of warning. The location of the site for the gov- crnment building Is the next thing in order. There are several very desir able locations on Sixth street, and we cannot see why one of these cannot be agreed upon without a scramble from property owners. The patrons will be saitistied with any one on Sixth street. L. V. Longhorst, wife and Mrs. Stark, the two latter having spent a week with Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans, returned to their homes in Elm wood this after noon. Mr. Longhorst Is one of the prominent merchants of Cass county, and a most thorough business man The Journal Is always pleased to meet him. Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates Internally The real cause of the trouble Is Inside, ManZan Is put up In collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied where it will do the most good and do It quickly. Guaranteed toglve satisfaction or money refunded If you are not satlstied. Sold by Gering & Co. s drug store. The old time method ot purging the system with Carthartlcs that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and intestines Is super seded by Dades Little Liver Tills. They cleanse the liver, and Instead of weakening, build up, and strengthen the whole system. Relieve headache biliousness, constipation, etc. They never gripe. Sold by Gering .S: Co.'s drug store. Seth Laraway came over from Glen wood yesterday afternoon on a combi nation trip of pleasure and business, and gave the Journal a call. Here turned today with a broad smile on his countenance, so we take It for granted that he was successful In both. Mr. Laraway is tine of Glenwood's staunch young business men, oul the Journal has known him for several years, and is glad of it. From Tut'siliiy's Dully Rev. D. A. Youtzy, who recently ac cepted a call to Gering, Neb.,departcd this afternoon, In company with his family, for that place. Alfred Olson, who has been enjoy Ing a visit with his uncle, Gus Roman and family, returned this morning to his home In Sioux City, Ia. Fred Hodgson and Nellie Johnson, who have been visiting with the fam ily of Richard Hale, departed this morning for' thflr home In Wlnslde, Neb. Miss Edith Crisenbcrry, who has been visiting with Mrs. .1. S. Phcbus and family, returned to her homo In Tecumseh this morning. Miss Oris enherry Is a teacher In the Tecumseh city schools. Chas. Roman and family, who have been enjoying a visit with the family of his brother, (Jus. departed this morning for their home In Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Roman accom panied them as far as Omaha. Miss Janet Ruzzell who for the past two years has been making her home with her uncle, G. M. Porter, departed this afternoon for her home in Stough ton, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. G. M.Porter accompanied her as far as Omaha. You can see the poison line-ules clears out of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bedtime will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can lie expelled from the system In any other way. line ules dissolve the Impurities and lubri cate the kidneys. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. 30 Summer Barged n.s Silks Our Silk Department has some rare bargains in Plain Taffeta. Plain Taffeta, 30 in. wide, tl.L'.j quality, CI nn for one week only at vliUU 20-ln. P.lack Taffeta, good quality, at -iilc a yard 27-in. Rlack Rajah Silk, 75c quality at 4tfc " These goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction Linens We carry a large line of Linen and Napkins. Full Bleached ;i In 33c Full P.leached 70 in r,8c Silver Bleached, C4 in 40c Silver Bleached, C4 in r.0c Fine line of red Table Damask, new line just in, at '2;c, 3.r.c, 4."c, Mc and tiOc JUST RECEIVED A new line of Dotted and Embroidery Swisses, at 1.r'C, 'JOc and 2."'C. Eor Years We Have Had the Exclusive Sale of Famous Queen Quality Shoes We are better pleased every year we handle them because they give such satisfaction. They keep their shape anc look well until worn out. The best leather Is used and they're stitched with best silk after it has been strength-tested. The soles are selected for flexibility. The Interiors are replicas of human feet, no matter what the outward shape ! What other shoe is so constructed? What other shoe Grows Old So Gracefully? E..EVEYgzM U P " " " n - 0 days treatment $1.00. Sold by Gering & Co.'s drug store. Mrs. T. .1. Todd who has been enjoy ing a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy, departed this afternoon for her home in Wahoo. There will be more "red" machinery exhibited at the State Fair the first week in September than has ever been shown at one time and place In the state. All the Implement ground has been assigned and it has been neces' sary to lay out an annex. Mrs. Z. W. Shrader returned this morning from Furnas county, where she has been for two weeks or more visiting her children. Mrs. Shrader brought to the Journal office several stalks of the second crop of alfalfa grown In that county this season, fully three and a half feet In helghth. This speaks well for Furnas county. From WfdiifMlHy' dully. J. Asch of Murray was a county seat visitor yesterday evening. James Stander of Louisville was in the city on business today. Miss Ona Brady arrived from Wat son, Mo., this morning for a visit with the family of J. C. York. Mr. and Mrs. James Edmonds, of Blair, Neb., are here to spend a week with their son, O. P. Edmonds and family. Mrs. W. II. Mason and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, departed this morn ing for Memphis, Mo., where they will visit relatives. II. C. McMaken went to St. Joseph, Atchison aud Kansas City this morn ing to buy more Ice for his I'latts mouth patrons. Dr. W. H. Schlldknecht departed this afternoon for Lincoln, where he will enter a sanitarium for treatment. He was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Henry Miller has gone to Madison, Kansas, for a few weeks visit with relatives, and consequently "Barney" is taking his meals at the Perkins hotel. C. D. Long, who has been here on business for several days, departed this morning for Burwcll, Neb., near which place he has been located on a ranch for the past two years. John Petty came In from Havelock last evening for a visit with I'latts mouth friends. John has been work ing at the carpenter trade, and has had all the work that he could take care of. The special events at the State Fair include "Emma," a "guldcless" mare who enters a pacing race without driver or hopples, scores the same as the other horses in the race and goes when the word Is given by the starter. She has a record of 2:14. This attrac Pine-nles GUARANTEED TO CIVE SATISFACTION OR MONET REFUNDED. I DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MUSI fc&VtKfc. vin$L UtI-UKE MOKN1NQ. Sold at GERING & tion is advertised for Tuesday, Sep tember 4th. Mrs. C. II. Smith and daughter and the latter's husband, J. H.Teegarden, who have been enjoying a visit with relatives In Galesburg, 111., returned home last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tee garden departed this afternoon for their home in Hickman, Neb. The sheriff is In receipt of a card, requesting information in regard to Oliver Knight, a 14-year-old boy, who left his home In Guthrie Center, Ia., and about whom the mother is very much worried. Word to be sent to Sheriff Brown of Guthrie county. Miss Emma Goos was visiting in Omaha today. M. S. Briggs went to Tabor, Ia., on business this morning. S. II. Atwood came in from Lincoln on business this morning. I. Pearlraan went to South Omaha this afternoon on business. C. E. McEntee made a business trip to the metropolis this morning. Rae Patterson was a business visitor In the metropolis this afternoon. T. II. Pollock made a business trip to the metropolis on the fast mail. Mrs. E. A. Wurl went to Council Bluffs this morning for a visit with relatives. L. W. Lorenz was looking after busi ness matters In the metropolis this afternoon. Mrs. William Morley and son Will were among the Omaha passengers on the morning train. Miss Minnie MockenhauDt denarted this afternoon for Omaha where she will visit with friends. Miss Mary Robinson came In from Omaha this morning fora visit with Henry Donatand wife. John Bauer, sr., and daughter Mks Emma were among the passengers for the metropolis this morning. Mrs. P. E. Ruffner and Mrs. C. S. Duke, went to Omaha this morning to spend the day visiting with rela tives. E. H. Wescutt and wife. Mrs. ('. c Wescott and Mrs. Chas. Eermutt nr Pittstield, Mass., who W visiting with the Wescotts, went to Omaha thisaf. temoon to visit that city. J. II. Thrasher sold today the W. L. Pickett property on Granite strror between Fifth and Sixth, to Mike mid. ri.r fl,2.,o. He als-i sold the Mrs. Alexander property In the north. west part of the city, to a Mr. Rev nows, i or ,.)(). Cornelius Colley and son, Cornelius, and daughter Miss Mamie, who have been located at Fort Worth, Texas, fcit, BACK-ACHE CO S. Druo Store RJbbons This is a jreat Ribbon season. We have a full and complete line in every conceivable width and color, both plain and fancy Extra Good Values In Black Ribbon No. 40, at 15c No. t;0, at ISc No. 80, at 20 All our ribbons will be found priced at Bargain Figures. A few'pleces No. 100 Pink and Blue Taffeta at 13c Corsets By careful comparison of Corsets you can always find the kind that best suits your figure It Is well known that a dress cannot possibly fit well over an ill-fitting corset. We have giv en special attention to this feature of corset selling and ovr stock will be found to contain shapes to fit almost any figures. The J. G. Justrlte at COc and $1.00. A few odds and ends Bargain Prices since last January returned last night. Mr. Coffey wasgreatly benefited by the cii-mate, but still has a tender feeling far the people of Plattsmouth.and may make his residence here again, among his many friends. Sheriff Quinton went to Weeping Water this morning to serve some papers. Mrs. C. A. Rawls went to Mynard this morning to spend the day with Natives. Chief Draughtsman W. L. Bargerof Lincoln was In town on business last evening. II. C. Miller, Burlington claim a?ent at Lincoln, was in town today on business. II. E. Weldman and Henry Goos were among the Omaha passengers this afternoon. Night Yardmaster B. I. Reynolds and family, who have been enjoying a weers visit with relatives near Percl val, Ia.,returned home this afternoon. Through Judge Archer an increase in pension from $12 to $24 cer month has been secured for Andrew J. Mc Klnney. This is effective from June 10th of this year. If you want to buy a farm call on J. H. Thrasher and learn about the fam ous South Platte Valley lands near Sterling, Colo., the greatest irrigated lands In the west, where crops are sure. Do you know that you can buy Irri gated farm lands and water rights for $10 per acre and up, owing to the lo cation and improvements. For par ticulars see J. H. Thrasher. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The bt kind of a tpotlmonial 'Bold tor ovtr ilxty yer." Ktdo by J. O. Aj'T Co., I.owl'.l, Mm. a, bo maturaoturvr or 9 SARSAPARILLA. 1 IPTQ Pti-LS. WWI tj CIILRKV PECTORAL. 1 Jm'i""'"1 ,rtoof the crude rumitud ruin. iii "ur-n " Men recognuea Coni.u i. .U4 P"eon lor centuries. Fine-u es inBckhe, ILidney, Blood.Bl.ddcr cd Rheum.tlc Trouble..