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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
u tr V. Q K Sourn VOLUME XXVI l'LATTSM ( ) U TI I , NEimASKA,Tlli:iis)AY,.irLV 'jr., uior,. MiMr.Ei: ::o. N II It 1 plaitemoutb JOTTINGS F0RJHE JOllY Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined For the Readers ot the Journal. Hit vlows of men ami tlilnes I note 1 llOIM1 I (ll'll'l tl.T, Altliouirli tliry vmiihow wm remote. Her views of men anil llilmrs I note; And tlioutti lie'tl like to have a vote, Klu-'d ratlier have a voter! Her views of men ami tliiiifs I note I liO I (lon'l nilwiuole lier. A kiss in time is tine. Truefriendsseldomcomeln bunches. Jt Is foolish for a man to kick him self when he's clown. Self-made men don't always make themselves agreeable. There is no task too hard for a lazy man not to attempt. A man never realizes the goodness of his neighbors until he is sick. Milk of human kindness is never run through a cream separator. A pessimist is a man who thinks other men are as cranky as he is. Any man who imitates others ad mits that he Isn't an original success. An alarm clock always gets busy just when a man doesn't want to be bothered. About the only way you can arouse a mean man's conscience is to catch him at it, A rule that refuses to work at all often gets the best of one that works both ways. Many a woman who doesn't know her own mind gives her husband a piece of it. Did you ever see a free show that didn't have some kind of collection at tached to it? Some girls who think they can sing ought to patronize a correspondence school of thought. i Speaking of women, attractive sim pletons are more popular with men than intellectual bores. The man who boasts of the wonders he is going to work never amounts to much as an actual worker. It's easy to name the winner of an argument in which a man's words are pitted against a woman's tears. The man who contends that the world Is growing worse always goes about armed with a muck rake. Some of our neighbors are permitted to live because it takes all kinds of people to make a world. That's the answer. A word to the wise is said to be su- fclcnt. Did you ever notice how many words people use in giving you advice? There must be something wrong with that old maxim about ignorance being bliss otherwise more people would be happy. After a man has tackled three or four enterprises and failed to succeed in any of them, he usually sets him self up as a pessimist. The town cows continue tobedriven through main street, when It would be just as easy to drive them down an alley till they get to the foot of Main street. Some people in this old town pray as if they thought the Lord needed their advice: then they get right up off their knees and go out to cheat someone. " "Ah," remarked the maiden lady of several summers, "I would like to see the man whom I would marry:" "Per haps," chipped In a pert girl friend, "he always has a chance to see you first." What about enforcing the curfew law? We learn of one young boy who did not go home the other night until after 12 o'clock, and then he was aroused from a sleep by the night policeman. Some parents in this town give their daughters too many privileges. Such liberty as some of them are allowed at night, maybe regretted. It is with no ill will that we caution both parents and daughters. We know the name of the young lady who wrote the loving letter to the suicide Norrls at Nebraska City. She belongs to a good family, young and inexperienced, and we trust her action In this matter will be a lesson to her. The young ladles and gentlemen who walk south on Sixth street should be a little careful how tbey "bill and coo" as they go home late at night The "smack" that a young man gave his girl Saturday night, was so loud that It woke us from our peaceful slumbers. One of Plattsmouth's most accom pllshed and popular young ladles, rumor has it. will be led to tne ny menial altar ere many weeks. The little birds are calling her name from the tree tops as she passes along and the blushes upon her cheeks denote as much. DEATH OF DOCTOR R, R. LIVINGSTON Well Known Son of a Plattsmouth Pioneer Falls Victim to Habits In Lincoln Friday Eiening. A SAD BLOW TO HIS RELATIVES Last Rites In Memory of Dr. Robert Liv ingston Largely Attended. In a telephone message from 1'r. LenhotT of Lincoln the sad Intelli gence was conveyed to Mrs. Anna Iiritt that her twin brother.Robert R. Livingston, had passed from this life to the great beyond at about 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in a hospital in that city. The deceased, who was of well known family, was reared to manhood in this city, and this com munity was very much startled to learn of his sudden death. The particulars of the death we take from the State Journal, which has a better account than we could likely obtain from the grief stricken mother, brothers and sisters in their present distressed condition: "Ir. Robert R. Livingston, son of the late General R. Livingston, of Plattsmouth, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at St. Elizabeth's hospital from morphine poisoning. He was about forty years old. "Dr. Livingston came from one of the oldest and best known families of the state. His father was one of the pioneers of ' Nebraska, coming to Plattsmouth in 18."ii. All of the chil dren were born in that city and the family has been closely identified with its history and progress almost since its founding. Dr, Livingston himself was a young man of extraordinary ability, which was supplemented by a splendid education in his profession. "Had it not been for bis inability to withstand temptation, which finally resulted in his death, it is believed by those who know him well that he might have made a notable name for himself in medicine and surgery. An older brother, T. P. Livingston, who has followed the medical profession, which was also the vocation of the father and of another brother, is now medical director of the Burlington lines in Nebrrska. Had Good Education. "Robert Livingston was a graduate in medicine of the Omaha medical college, and had practiced since his graduation from that institution. He early developed dissipated ever, ami was the cause of much sor row to his mother and brothers as well as to himself. Some months ago he was brought to the state insane hospital in this city for treatment un der the dipsomaniac law. Soon after this, while he was still an inmate there, the typhoid fever epidemic broke out In the hospital. A few days' treatment had been sulllclent to re store Dr. Livingston to himself, and he at once offered his services as a physician to Dr. Greene to assist in stemming the ravages of the fever. Dr. Greene has been quoted as saying that the services of Dr. Livingston at that time were invaluable. He was released shortly afterwards, but was brought back within a few weeks and remained about three months. From that time until the last attack of his weakness he is salt! to have fought his appetites under. "Dr. Livingston left home suddenly Wednesday, without, letting his fam ily or friends know where he was go ing. His brother, J. Stewart, thought he had gone to Omaha. He was In Lincoln Friday morning but was not aware that his brother was here, and left on an afternoon train for Omaha In search of him. A telegram scut after him caught him on the train, and he returned late last night to make disposition of the remains. "Dr. Livingston was seen in Lincoln by several acqulntances Thursday, but did not converse with him. He rented a room in the City block, and shortly after was seen in a drug store, where he is said to have purchased the drug which ended his life. The proprietor of the block where he rented the room tried to rouse him yesterday morning, but could not do so, (The door to the room had to be broken in finally be fore be could be reached, and he was found In a stupor. Drs. Lenhoff and Mitchell attended him, and had him taken to the hospital. At noon he rallied temporarily, but later In the day had a sinking spell from which he did not recover. Had Illustrious Father. "The name of Dr. Livingston Is well known to most of the older residents of the state, through that of his father who played an Important part In the history of early Nebraska. General Livingston had charge of the Platte Valley Herald In lsd, during the temporary absence of the proprietor. While he was editing the Herald the civil war broke out. The same day that the news of the tiring on the Star of the West was brought to Platts mouth, General Livingston, then merely Dr. Livingston stopped his press, which was then printing the weekly issue of t he paper, and had a large number of posters printed call ing a mass meeting for the organiza tion of a company of volunteers, lie organized a full company and was elected captain. The company was later mustered In as Company A of the First Nebraska volunteers, and was the first company organized in the territory for the suppression of the rebellion. He rose rapidly from the position of captain to those of major, lieutenant colonel and finally to colonel In 1W3 he was appointed commanding ofticer of the post at St. Louis, and shortly after to the position of com manding officer of the district of St. Louis. In the spring of 180.) he was brevetted brlgader general, and mus tered out in July of the same year, re turning to his practice in Plattsmouth. He was for a time chief surgeon of the Burlington in Nebraska, was instru mental In organizing thestate medical society, was its president for one year, and was president for a time of the faculty of the Omaha medical college. For several years he was mayor of Plattsmouth." Funeral of Dr. Robert Livingston. The funeral of the late Dr. Robert R. Livlngstan, was held Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the St. Luke's Episcopal church, conducted by the pastor Rev. Canon Burgess. The church was crowded with sympathiz ing friends and grief stricken relatives, while on the outside, many who were unable to gain admission on account of the Insuftlcient seating capacity of the church, gathered to observe the last rites. . .. . , Many beautiful floral offerings were made, and after appropriate song and religious services, these were conveyed by members of the long funeral cortege, to the Oak Hill cemetery, where after Interment they were placed upon the final resting place, beside that of the father and brother, who have proceed ed bim to the silent city of the great beyond. The pall bearers were Dr. J. 15. Jack of Omaha, Dr. E. W. Cook, Messrs. II. R. Gering, Albert Fricke, Robert Sherwood and Henry Herold. Her Last Long Sleep. The last sad tributes to the mem ory of Mrs. George Meisinger, who passed away Saturday morning from a complication of diseases of long stand ing, wsa held at 1 o'clock Monday after noon at the home situated about eight miles west of this city. The services, which were attended by a large number of friends, were conducted by Rev. Spriegel of the the German Lutheran church. The remains were conveyed to the Wold radt cemetery, where Interment was made. The deceased was about twenty eight years old, and has been an In valid for some time, suffering consider able at times, but always trying to be cheerful and contented with her lot. One child and a husband are left to mourn her demise. From Eating Canned Goods. W. A. Johnson had a narrow escape the other day. He did not have time to go home to dinner and accordingly purchased a can of shrimp which he ate for lunch and In a few hours be came violently ill. It was found ne cessary to use a stomach pump to save his life. He says he has drawn the l'.ne on canned goods. Louisville Courier. A Recognition of Faithfulness. Section Foreman W. M. Anderson of the Burlington was remembered this week by his company In a most substantial way. Some time ago a landslide occurred near the National stone quarries and but for his strict attention to duty a bad wreck would have occurred. In recognition of bli faithfulness in this and other duties to the roads he was this week made the proud recipient of a handsome gold watch and a letter of thanks from the officials of the road. This is recognition that seldom comes to an employee lo his capacity and he prizes It very highly. Louisville Courier. HEAVY FOG CAUSES WRECK Freight No. 71 and Eitra Stock Train in a Head-on Collision. ONTHEK.C. AT PACIFIC JUNCTION, IOWA Firemen of Both Trains Injured and About a Dozen Cars Demolished. Word was received by the Journal Saturday that the fast freight No. "1, due here about :: a. m., had met In a head-on collision with an extra stock train from Council IllutTs, on the K. C. & St. J., near Pacific Junction. From the details obtained it would seem that the engine crew of the two trains were unable to preceive each other on account of the heavy fog that existed about six o'clock this morning when the accident occurred. The stock train was running at about twen ty miles an hour, and freight No. " from St. Joe was pulling out of the yards for Plattsmouth, when they came together. The engine of the ex tra train plowed Into the string of cars on 71, throwing about a dozen In the ditch before it was finally derailed and fell In the ditch also. The tender of the derailed engine plunged under neath the cars In the ditch, and sev eral cars of the stock train were wrecked, and a part of the sheep that were confined within the car were in jured, while others thusliberated wan dered about, adding to the commotion with their bleating. The firemen of both the trains were seriously injured, but whether there was any other causalit ies we were un able to learn. Several of the wrecked cars were entirely demolished and the traffic on the K. C. branch was sus pended for several hours while the wrecking crew were engaged in clear ing away the debris. Wounded Girl Still Survives. Miss Pearl Crouse, the surviving vic tim of Wednesday's tragedy, is still at her room In the Morton house. The wounded girl's mother Is at the bed sid the father, S. Crouse, returned to his home near Rockport, Mo. .last evening. Miss Crouse's general condi tion If anything showed improvement this morning. She spent an easy night. I'p to this morning there were noindlcationsof scriouscompllcatlons. Interest in the girl's condition seems to be general over the city. A rumor that Miss Crouse's Injury had termi nated fatally and that her death had resulted about o'clock a. m. was cur rent on the streets this morning. The rumor was absolutely without founda tion and like most street rumors ap parently originated from nowhere in particular. Nebraska City Tribune. LOOKING FOR A LOCATION Two Gentlemen Here From Near Chicago Yesterday and Slyly Looked Around. The Journal is informed that a cou pie of representat ives of a large manu facturlng establishment now located near Chicago, were In the city yester day. They hired a rag and drove all over the city on an Inspection tour, and seemed to be well pleased with the town. It leaked out previous to their departure for Shenandoah, Iowa, what their visit meant. They found a suitable location provided they con cluded to come here, and left the mat ter of a purchase to one of our prom inent business men. They went to Shenandoah on the same sort of a mission, but we learned this much that they prefered Platts mouth on account of the water facili ties. They did not talk bonus or any thing of that kind, but we presume that they will expect our people to give them the site. They will demand six acres on which to locate their vari ous buildings, and they at present cm ploy 2fiO men and boys. Their reason for coming west Is that they desire to enlarge their plant, and that what ground they desire to do so cost them too much where they are at present. The manner In which these gentle men came to town, and the way they went about seeking a desirable loca tion in Plattsmouth, most surely dem onstrated that they meant business, and without any flourish of trumpets to make their deslrcsknown until they had completed arrangements. Lee Maylield, of the Courier, was down from Louisville today as a dele gate to the republican county conven tion and gave the Journal a call. Twenty Five Yeais Ago. Mrs. T. R. Adams, who, with her granddaughter, Miss Genevieve Man ker, of Pearl, 111., visited in Omaha and Plattsmouth for acoupleof weeks, returned home Saturday evening. Miss GcnevleveJms returned to Omaha for a longer visit with her uncle, J. W. Mander and family. She will return home ty way of lied Oak and Des Moines, where she will visit, relatives for a short time. While In Platts mouth they attended the Sehlater gol den wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were guest at the Schlatcr sliver wed ding .'.'i years ngo when both families lived near Louisville, Neb. Fugle Beacon. LOOKING BACKWARD " SOME THIRTY YEARS THE OLD-TIME LOUISVILLE POTTERY Spiloon Made of Clay From Farm of Capt. J. T, A. Hooter Thirty Years Ago. It Is not iuiw generally remembered, but thirty years ago there was a pot tery at Louisville, Cass county, Ne braska, at which as tine earthenware was manufactured as at the famous pottery of Fast Liverpool, Ohio. The plant was operated by a Louisville company, composed of old-timers of that then young Cass county city. Among the stockholders were the late Captain J. T. A. Hoover, J. V. Glover, A. P.. Fox, Dr. John M. Waterman, B. G. Hoover, now in business at Louisville, Basil S. Ramsey of Platts mouth, and many farmers In the vi cinity of Louisville. Among the first products of this pottery were certain spittoons, fashioned after an old Eng lish style, and of which some half dozen were donated by the pottery company to Cass county. These spit toons were used in the old court house and subsequently placed in the base ment story of our present court house. One of these spittoons seems as per fect as when moulded into form some tblrtv years ago, and cut of clay taken from the farm of the late Captain J. T. A, Hoover. After learning the history of these spit tons the county commissioners generously gave Judge Ramsey the one remaining Intact and upon which he has had the following, printed by Louis Ottnat: "LOUISVILLE POTTERY Cass Coi nty Neiikaska. Mam'fa tciiki) ls;ii. PlKPl'KKI'V OK Bash, Swkacinukn Ramhkv, I'l.ATTSMor'i II, NkH. Ottnat, Ji nk hi, V.m." NORRIS WAS A "MASHER The Fellow Who Committed Suicide at Ne braska City Had a "Mash" In Plattsmouth. In speaking of the recent tragedy enacted at the Morton Hons' in that city, the Nebraska City News says: "B. F. Norrls, but better known here as 'Charles' Norrls, who on iast Wednesday evening tried to kill Miss Pearl Crouse and thinking he had suc ceeded killed himself, was certainly a ladles' man as things have developed to prove such to be the case. Letters found on his person when his body was being prepared for shipment to his home at, Plattsburg, Mo., goto show that he had another sweetheart at Plattsmouth. "She wrote a very affectionate let ter telling him how much she loved him and how she wanted to see him once more. She asked him to come to Plattsmouth last Sunday and while stating that she resided a mile from the depot promised to be there when the train arrived If he would only say he was coming. "( )ther letters showed he had made 'mashes' on other girls at other places and had evidently corresponded with them. From the letters and their tone, he certainly had winning ways which captured the fair sex wherever he went, despite the fact he had a wife and two children near his old home In Missouri." The publication of the foregoing will set agog some of our people, and an Incessant effort will be put forth by the eager ones to find out the name of the girl who was so deeply In love with an almost total stranger to her, and whom she bad met perhaps but two or three times. It is probably best for the sake of her parents that her name Is not revealed. The flirt and masher la the ruination of many young girls, and perhaps the death of Norrls has saved many tears and a broken hearted mother in Platts mouth. Who knows? CASS COUNTY REPUBLI CANS IN CONVENTION Name Delegates to Float Convention Pol lard and Sheldon to Select Delegates. The republicans of Cuss county met liiconvcntlon Tuesday afternoon at the Parmele theatre and proceeded to the selection of delegates to the Moat con vention, to be hel.l at Falls City. m the it h of August. The name of Geo. L. Sheldon or Ne hawka was presented before the con vention as a candidate for governor, and hearily Indorsed by the ent ire as sembly of delegates. Congressman E. M. Pollard was In dorsed unanimously. Both Shel don and Pollard were Instructed to se lect their own delegates to the state and congressional conventions. A committee on resolutions with Hon. Orlando Tell t as chairman pre pared the platform of the convention, indorsing t tie administration of the republican party and the nominees for oliire from Cass county. After the approval of the resolutions by the convention, Hon. E. M. Pollard made a. short address, which brought forth much applause: Tills was follow ed tiyan address by Hon. Geo. L. Shel don, who clearly outlined the princi ples that he has advocated and upon which the railroads would be restrain ed and checked. The speaker was en thusiastically cheered throughout the course of his remarks. Music was furnished for t he occasion by the city band, and appropriate songs were rendered by a uartette composed of Messrs. Twltchell, McEI waln, White and Butler. Death of Mis. James Prlvltt. The Information was received at this ollice Saturday, that Mrs, James Prlvltt. aged about 10 years. who resides on Wlnterstefn hill, died that morning about lo o'clock after an Illness of several weeks. The fam ily lias been a very unfortunate one the husband losing a limb last summer in a threshing machine accident, and has recently secured an artlllelal one, thus being able to get enough work to furnish sustenance for the the family In which there are six children of whom one Is an Infant. At 2 o'clock Snnday afternoon the funeral "of Mrs. James Prlvltt was held at the Methodist church. The services were conducted by Rev. Lyle of Watson, Mo., assisted by Rev. J. K. Houlgate. After the tinal sad ceremonies had been concluded, the remains, accom panied by the heart broken husband and children, and friends, were con veyed to the ak Hill cemetery for In terment. The family, which came to Platts mouth from Watson, Mo., about two years ago, has been sorely ailllcted with sickness, and misfortune - the mother having six children to cure for, besides her husband who lost a limb about a year ago and has been unable until recently to supply the family with the necessities of I He. The fam ily are now in destitute circumstances, and deserve some kindly attention from the people of this city. A New Jail. Every taxpayer in Cass county knows that we need a new jail, and need It badly. There are but very few people In the county but who would be will ing fot the county commissioners to make amove In this direction. They know the county needs a new up-to-date bastile, one that would be a credit to a rich county like Cass. There is plenty of money In the treasury to accomplish the work, and considerable has been said about the. matter in the past few days. The old. dilapidated thing called a jail should be sold to city for the use of city prisoners, and a new one should be erected on the north side of the court house, where the county owns plenty of ground for this purpose. Let's start the ball to roll ing In the direction of a new iall. and don't let up until we get It. Wc be lieve the commissioners are ripe for such a proposition to come before them. Strike while the Iron Is hot. Clenwood's Big Jollification. The City Band departed about ha'I past two o'clock Saturday afternoon for Glenwood, Iowa, where they are en gaged to play for the big jollliicatlon over the dlclslon of the county scat question in favor of Glenwood. They expect to have a big time tonight, and quite a number will be present from Plattsmouth. It was a long, hitter fight, and no doubt the people of Mill county are glad the matter Is settled as a great deal of 111 feeling has been engendered inconsequence. Glenwood has fought a good tight, and the vic tory Is worthy of great rejoicing.