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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
ntout VOLUME XXVI PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, .It'LY l, i;,o;. mm cxbe Journal. JOTTINGS FOBJHE JOLLY Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined For the Readers ot the Journal. Stunt- old liow Mtmr old town SameoUl li'iiioiiaiic, Shh:c old i'Iowii, And evciylxxly Imi'P.v. Thut tlui I'lumvul's Konr Nothing plpases some people moie than to be misunderstood. Some men hurry through life as if widows were chasing them. It's hard to convince women that men think they talk too much. The self-made man is as proud of the outcome as he Is of his Income. Many a man's good fortune Is due to the will power of a deceased relative. You can always tell when a woman is jealous by the way she says she isn't. A farmer's Idea of bad weather Is the kind that goes against the grain. It is a coincidence that the worldly parson revolves around the collection plate? If a boy doesn't earn more than he gets he will never amount to much as a man. Revenge Is a boomerang that often returns and puts the thrower out of business. It sometimes happenB that the first steps for divorce are taken at a danc iDg school. Babies and pianos-cause a lot of trouble because people refuse to let them alone. A girl's first attempt at biscuit mak ing comes under the head of heavy re sponsibilities. When a woman discovers her first white hair their'sone more meeting of the blue and the gray. And it takes two fools with but a single thought to generate a full-sized case of mutual jealousy. A I'lattsmouth man's excuse for facing the bartender is that his wife's kisses are not sufficiently intoxicating. Even the pessimist might enjoy the good things he has if he wasn't kept so busy grumbling about the disagree able things he expects. Reform, like charity, should begin at home. If some people in this old town would heed this they will appear to better advantage In the eyes of their neighbors. Some girls in this town have an idea that all that is necessary for success in life is to be a good performer on the piano. It is, if they want to be a musician for variety shows. It is better to know how to cook a square meal. Cows and horses are still allowed to run at will and annoy other people. The poundmaster.lf we ha veone should enforce his authority. It is an out rage the way some people are allowed to do just as they see tit, to the detrl ment of their neighbors. The best thing about the elbow sleeves that the girls are wearing this summer Is that the girls can go right from the parlor into the kitchen and wash the dishes without changing their dress. How many girls in I'latts mouth take advantage of this? A young lady who is a warm ad mirer of the I'lattsmouth base ball team, because her sweetheart is a member of that organization, nearly paralyzed her father at the dinner table the other day by asking: "Papa, will you kindly bat the beans toward my base?" Itisrumered that a young I'latts mouth couple are about to announce their engagement. The young lady is a well known member of I'latts mouth 's younger set, while the gentle man, though not a I'lattsonlon his business calls him here quite fre quently. Now girls, put on your thinking caps. Last week was the biggest week for business that our merchants have en joyed In many years, and while the carnival company made money here it must be said that they also left several hundred dollars with our mer chants. It Is a poor rule that won't wortli both ways. A young lady of this city said in the hearing of a Journal reporter Satur day night, "that one young fellow from Glen wood told hershe was the best looking girl in I'lattsmouth." Since that time whenever she comes down Main street, her optics are cast in the direction of the east side of the Mis souri river. "Can a man be a modern business man and yet at the same time be hon est and a christian?" was the subject for discussion In a very prominent business institution In this city the other day. The question was not set tled there and Its further discussion is passed up tooqeor more of the city pastors. Who will take it up? THIRTIETH REGIMENT ARRIVED SUNDAY Engineer Corps Lay Out Camp and Tents Pitched on Paraele "Forty." CITY TURNED OUT TO SEE SOLDIERS Mrs. Kate Miner Knocked Down by Buggy and Narrowly Escapes From Un der Horse's Hoofs. The Thirtieth regiment of United States Infantry regulars, enrouie in heavy marching order from their post to Fort Riley, Kan., arrived In this city from Fort Crook at about 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. In advance of the main body the engineer corps.mouutcd on bicycles, arrived, and laid out the grounds for the camp on the I'armele "Forty,"wnere tents were soon pitched and eight hundred soldiers comfort ably resting after the first day's trial march. Some time was required to construct a pontoon bridge over the l'latte river, In order that the wagon train might get across. Fourteen commis sary wagons and the Red Cross ambu lance comprised the wagon train, which accompanies the regiment on the march. Only two of the three battalions were witli the regiment, which Is under the command of Col. Ed. I'ratt and entire regimental staff. The regimental baid of thirty-six pieces, under Chief Musician August Hasse also accompanies the regiment on the march. At the camp the entire city con verged in the afternoon to witness guard mount, which occured at 5 o'clock, and hear the band, which played several numbers. As guard mount was being con cluded, an accident that nearly re sulted in serious Injury to one of the spectators, happened. Mrs. Kate Miner and Mrs. T. P. Livingston were sitting in a buggy, when one of the reins caught under the shaft, and while trying to remove this the anl mal became restless and began to back up. Mrs. Miner attempted to step out of the buggy, but at the same time the horse stepped back, causing the wheel to fall Mrs.Mlner to the ground. The horse still continued to back up, the prostrate woman safely escaped from underneath the hind feet, only to be struck by one of the fore feet. The blow was received on the back, near the neck, and Mrs. Miner was rendered unconscious. The large crowd of spectators present, at once began to crowd about the injured wo man, but the prompt response of the soldles, who formed a square to check the crowd, saved any further serious accident. The Red Cross ambulance, soon conveyed the unconscious woman to her home, and in a short time con sciousness was restored. The injures are not thought to be serious, but will confine the patient to her room for several days. The ambulance was also required to convey Chief Musician Hasse, who was overcome by heat, to one of the hotels, and to convey Private Miller, of Com pany K.who was taken quite ill before reaching camp, to the Missouri Pacific depot and thence to Fort Crook. The soldiers have been drilling for about two months, so that they might be able to stand the march better. They are required to march sixteen miles a day, which will place them in the neighborhood of Louisville this after noon and where they will camp the remainder of the day. After a month at Fort Riley the Thirtlety regiment will return to Fort Crook. An Old Settler. J. U. Smith, one of the oldest settlers in Cass county, was here all last week visiting among his old friends In this vicinity. He returned home Sunday. He is "(i years of age, and came to Cass county when I'lattsmouth was but a small village, and long before railroads and when steamboatlng was in Its prime. Ho took In all the street fair sights, conversed with all his old pio neer rrlcnds, had a enjoyable visit with his son, Will and family, and when he returned to his home, near Murray, he was feeling much benefited by his week's sojourn In I'lattsmouth. The Journal hopes the old gentleman will live to enjoy many more such occasions No woman can look in a milliner's show window without seeing some' thing she would be willing to go in debt for. Hold Annual Reunion. Once each year the members of the Mers family meet at some given place and celebrate by holding a family re union. This year the reunion was held at Seward and the entire family of brothers and sisters and their fam ilies were present. There are eight children in the Dlers family and it Is only necessary to state that when they had gathered for the annual feast that they were forty-two present to prove that they do not believe in race suicide. The parents of this large family celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary about one year ago in this city which was made the occasion of another family reunion. The sons and sons-in-law are all en gaged In the mercantile business with the exceptions of one. They have eight stores In Nebraska towns and every one of them are as good as the best in the towns in which they are located. No death have occurred fn the immediate family and the boys are all big healthy men who bid fair to live to a ripe old age. The Courier trusts that they may all live to enjoy these annual gatherings for many years to come. Louisville Courier. CASS COUNTY DEMO- CRATS IN CONVENTION To Select Delegates to the State Conven- lion, on August 15, Neit. The convention was called to order promptly at 1::S0 Saturday. The meeting occurred at the council chamber, and was in session just twenty minutes, during which the following delegates were selected to the democratic state convention. which meets in Lincoln on Wednes day, August 15: James Stander, Louisville. B. F. Dill, South Bend. John Tlghe, Manley. John Murdock, Mt. Pleasant pre cinct. Lee Oldham, Murray. Frank Grauf, Rock Bluffs. LeeApplegate, Union. E. J. Comer, Salt Creek. Henry Hirz and W. F. Gillespie. Piattsmouth precinct. John Gustln, Murdock. Dr. Jester, Eagle. W.H. Hell, Eight Mile Grove. Dr. Pollard, Nehawka. Piattsmouth City-First Ward. M. Archer and Henry R. Gering; Second, D. M. Jones; Third, M. A. Bates; Fifth, John Lutz. For the short notice given the con vention was remarkably well attended. There were three or four precincts not represented, but Louisville made-up for the deficiency bv cominir down with a full representation. There were perhaps fifty delegates present, and they composed the rank and file of the democrats of Cass coun ty. The Journal Is somewhat to blame for the small attendance, because we failed to publish the call In our issue of last week. Every section of the county was represented, and It will be seen that nearly every precinct will be represented on the state delegation. Returns are All In. The casualties resulting from the Fourth of July celebrations all over the United States have been compiled and the aggregate is appalling. The death list numbers 5.1 and the injured 3,055. It is not to be wandered at that so many cities are enacting measures to do away with firecrackers and other explosives on our natal day. It Is su premely sane to do so. Not alone Is the loss of life great, but the destruc tion of property Is enormous. Let us have more red lemonade and fewer fire crackers on the 4th hereafter. To Meet Mr. Bryan. Mayors Brown of this citv and Dahl- man of Omaha, says the Lincoln News, are. discussing the probability of tak ing a party of Nebraskans to New lork the latter partof August to meet and greet Mr. Bryan upon his discm- barkment at New York, participate in the New York and Chicago reception and accompany him upon his return to Lincoln. The plan contemplates a trip to the metropolis In a special Pullman car, leaving Omaha over the Chleairo Great Western road, a representative or which has assured that something approximating a half rate can be se cured for the trip If the company shall Include a carload. Mayor Brown wants to organize a party which will tender the use of so much of the car as may be needed to bring Mr. Bryan and family back to Lincoln and thinks that little difficulty will be encountered In secur ing B flnlnirstlnn . v. i braskans to make the trip a success. QUIETUDE AGAIN SUPREME After a Week's Excitement and a Jolly Good Time tor All Who Enjoyed It. EAGLES' CARNIVAL A FINANCIAL SUCCESS i Everyone Has a Good Word tor the C. W. Parker Amusement Company. t . One of the largest crowds that ever assembled In I'lattsmouth on any oc casion was here Saturday night to wit ness the closing week's engagement of the Parker Amusement company, and It Is a remarkable fact that you can cot point to an event in the history of the old town where such exceedly good order reigned, much credit for which is due to the gentlcmenly conduct of all connected with the carnival com pany, and to the efficient police force. Aside from a few common drunks and misdemeanors but few arrests wore made. Another remarkable matter Is that there was no complaints register-' ed against pickpockets and thieves in general who generally follow carnival companies. The police were wide awake to their duties, and every sus picious looking character was politely asked to "vamoose the ranch" and tbey used good judgment by comply ing with the request. The crowd Saturday night seemed to have been made tip of people from nearly every section of Cass county, and many w ere here from Mills county, Iowa, and a Journal reporter took special pains to get an expression from as many as possible, and we failed to ilnd one that did not have a good word for the company and Messrs Creamer & Tyler in particular. The crowd remained until all the hows closed and the work of loading the cars began, and by daylight every vestige of the carnival company had beep removed, and sweeping of, the streets oegan. uy noon fcunaay stranger In town could not have told that there had been a street fair. Less confetta was used during this carnival than on any other similar occasion, and we believe, take it all In all, our business men In general are better sat lsfied with the general results of the Parker company than any that has ever been in Piattsmouth. The affair proved a financial success to the Eagles, and they are at least JJ50.00 to the good by the coming of the company, and of course most of the business men have been benefitted some to a greater extent than ot hers, of course, but they all got "a piece of money" which they would not. have re ceived had the carnival not been here. The butchers, the bakers, the grocers the restaurants, the hotels, the con foctioncries and saloons all fared well: and the dry goods merchant, the boot and shoe merchant, and all other bus! ness houses shared better than they otherwise would. The Parker Amusement company has come and gone, and with their go Ing they take with them the good will of every citizen who had any dealings whatever with Messrs. Creamer & Ty ler, or In fact, anyone connected with It. The management allow no dishon est dealings among their employes, all their shows were clean and orderly conducted, and the Journal feels no hesitancy in recommending them to the citizens of any town or city they may favor with an engagement. The carnival train left here Sunday morning at " o'clock for York, Neb where they will be all this week, and the Journal hopes they will meet, with as much success as they did last week in I'lattsmouth. Given Their Direct Attention. Evidently there Is going to be some extra grading done on the streets in the Third ward. We noticed the mayor, street commissioner, Council men Stclmke and Tlppcns making a trlD of Inspection lastevenlng. There has already been some Important Im provements made upon the streets in the Third ward, and we understand there will be a great deal more done Flattsmouth never before boasted of a mayor and council that gave so much direct attention to the streets and sidewalks, the most Important work to the city. The rain yesterday made the streets very muddy, but this did not stop these officials from doing their duty. The Journal is proud to see the councllmen united In assisting Mayor Gering In his efforts to accomplish his much desired object in this direction the best streets and sidewalks of any city of the size of I'lattsmouth in Nebraska. Death Near Weeping Water. Lace Bi swart b( a young man living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Boswarth. about two miles north of this city, diedalout midnight, Friday. July r,, of diabetes. He had been troubled with the disease for two years but was able to be around until Thurs day morning, when he was taken sud denly niul seriously ill, and nuthwith standing that the physicians did all that could be done for him he died at midnight. Young llnswarth had just graduated from the Weeping Water academy and was a bright, promising young man. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Heavy Lot in Barn Fire. n Friday night last the large barn hi the farm of .1. R. Barr, three miles southeast of Greenwood, caught fire iy means unknown aud burned to the ground last night. Two cribs of corn containing 5,:,oo bushels also burned. The farm was under the supervision of Hal. l'arsell. He loses two buggies farm Implements, six tons of hay and one valuable horse. The corn was the property of Ralph Morris, who worked the place in l'.K)5. Mr. Barr carried s00 insurance on the barn and Mr. Morrlsfl.nooon his half of the corn. The property loss Is fully 5,onn with only 11, M)) Insurance. No cause can be assigned for the origin of the fire. MISS LUCY LLOYD IS DEAD The Insane Murdersss Starves Herself to Death in the Insane Asylum. The Nebraska City News of Satur day evening contains the following In reference to the starving to death of Miss Lucy Lloyd, who choked her sister to death a few days slnceat their home n Otoe county, an account of which has already appeared In the Journal: "After being taken to the 'asylum. despite the statement she continued to make, that she was not insane, she refused to take any nourishment and refused to say anything. ,. The attend ants and physicians there tried In ut most every known way to get her to take food, but she closed her mouth and refused to permit them to even force It open and spit out air food that was forced Into her mouth. The phy sicians tried to Inject liquldfood Into her body, but it was not sufficient to sustain life. Lucy continued to droop and become weaker and last night died, without utterlnga sound or com municating with any one about her. "The remains will be brought to Wyoming tomorrow noon and the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the church there and the remains placed to rest In the (,'owles cemetery besides those of her sister. 'The deceased was ." years of age and with hersister, agedll'.i, resided on the farm which had been left them on the death of their parents and rela tives. For some time past it was fear ed that Delia Lloycd was losing her mind and she had been receiving medi cal treatment for the past year or more, but none suspected that her sist ter, Lucy, was also suffering from mental trouble and was even more liable to do some rash act than the older sister. Two weeks ago both were well and seemed to be getting along nicely, being possessed of 200 acres of land and considerable personal property, which, part had been left them and part they had accummulat ed by their frugal habits and theirown labors. The estate will now go to their relatives, of which there are some twenty-seven. Burial of Mist Lloyd. A special from Nebraska City under date of July l'i, says: "The remains of Miss Lucy Lloyd, who two weeks ago killed her sister, Delia Lloyd, by choking her to death, at their home, n Wyoming precinct, where they lived alone, were brought to Wyoming Sun day and Interred. She was taken to the asylum after the murder, being de clared Insane, and died for the wantof nourishment, she refusing to take any food or utter a word. The remains of the sisters lay side by side in the old cemetery a mile from the scene of the crime and their old home. On either side of them lay their mother and grandfather, while the father, who went Insane left here years ago and was never heard from." A "Icrby" of one and one-eighth miles will be run at the State Fair on September 4th. This promises to be an event at the Fair this year and so ciety will be out in the Derby colors. (yellow and white ) The race program Is by far the best ever given at a Ne braska State Fair and lovers ot the fast borse will have a gala week. INJURED IN RUNAWAY Mrs. Jacob Horn and Miss Minnie Born Jump From Buggy. SUSTAINING SERIOUS BRUISES AND CUTS One Side of Shalt Broke, the Horse Became Unmanagable and Occupants Jump Out. While returning home from a visit to hfr farm on l'latte lttom, ' Grand ma Jacob Horn was seriously Injured In a runaway, that occurred near John Sharer's farm, west of town, shortly after the dinner hour Tuesday. Mrs. Horn,-in company with Miss Minnie Horn, had been out to Inspect her farm, aud during their return . home, one side of the shaft became de tached from the buggy, and frightened the horse, which soon became unman agable. When Miss Born, who was driving, found that she could not check. the animal, she, together with Mrs. Horn, Jumped from the vehicle, and, In falling.sustaincd their Injuries. John Shafer, who observed the acci dent, at once conveyed them to Wil liam Hassler's residence, where Mrs. Horn makes her home with her daughter,' and medical aid was sum moned to ascertain the extent of the Injuries. Miss Born was found to have re ceived numerous bruises and cuts about the face hands and the right, shoulder, but the most, seriously In jured was Grandma Horn, who was severely bruised about the right side, and bad I v cut on the left side of her face. No bones arc thought to. bo broken, and the physician was unable to determine how serious she might be Injured Internally. She suffered great pain after the accledent but, the relief was Boon brought by the physician. We sincerely trust that the Injuries are not of a serious nature and that Grandma Horn will recover rapidly from the effects of the runaway. The Farmer of Today. The farmers of today enjoy the lux uries of life. In other years It was the custom to speak of the farmcr'9 lot In commiserating tones. He was a mor tal condemned to days of toll, with nothing to brighten up his life. He arose before dawn and tolled without ceasing till darkness made toil impos sible. He unharnessed his team, fed them and milked ten cows by the feeble light of a smoky lantern; ate his supper and dragged his weary limbs to lied to sleep until 4 o'clock, then to begin over again. No pleasure but an occasional visit to town and chinch one or two Sundays each month were accorded him. The farmers 1 i v i n-r near Jiattsmouth do not lit Into this picture. He rides In a surryortop buggy, drawn by handsome horses, lie has a beautiful country home with a tine lawn about it. He reads I lie daily papers but a few hours later than do I'lattsmouth people and pays no car rier charges on them, for both papers and letters are delivered at his door by the kindness of Uncle Sam. He hears the market report or converses with his friends by telephone. Kverythlng seems to have conspired to make the farmer's life an easier one. Farm ma chinery has been Improved until the amount of labor is very small. The labor of sowing, cultivating and har vesting has become much less. But who is more worthy of this state of af fairs than the farmers of Cass county? Delegates to Farmers' Congress. Among the delegates appointed by Governor Mickey to represent Ne braska at the annual meeting of the. Farmers' National congress, which meets at Bock Island, Illinois, October !, we note the following names from Cass county. John Harmer, Green wood; J. D. Ferguson and C. J. Gacbcl Louisville and L. L. Wiles, Piatts mouth. The list of delegates numbers HO, and about every county In the state has one or more delegates. Not In the Mall Order Business. This paper has been offered another snap. A Chicago clothing house w:i ts us to take orders for clothing and pro poses to give us an advertisement as soon as we send in a 75-dollar order. He also proposes to give us 15 worth of advertising for every 1100 worth of business that wc send In. This paper Is not in the mall order business. Wo secure plenty of trade for local mer chants who advertise, but have no use for the advertisers who send la a contingent contract.