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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1906)
r, THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. I J trim rniy' t'ui'y T. J. Khoden was In Ue city today for some machine repairs. He reports the farmers In Ms section very husy. Will Adams departed fur Fremont thu afternoon to accompany the re remains of his brother-in-law home for burial. There Is a movement In progress amocK the clerks In this city, toward getting the proprietors to grant them the evenings after half past six. J. II. Miller and family who have been enjoying a visit with the family of J. H. Iligley returned this afternoon to their home In Council Bluffs. C. N. Sullivan and wife, who have been enjoying a visit with relatives and friends In this city, departed this morning for their home In St. Joseph, Mo. Miss Laura Ie Fellows of Helle Fourche. S. !.. came in from F.lalr thlsmornlnir for u visit with friends In thlscltv. theiruestof Miss Helen Travis. Fred Tlghc, who Is in the employ of the Union l'acltlc In Lincoln, Is In the .ito tn nikt. his irrandparciits, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater, In ecle bratlng their golden wedding. 11. (5. Huffner. representing the T. It. Illce Mercantile Cigar company of St. Louis, Is In the city, circulating nmonif clear dealers. Mr. IlufTner Is a nephew of 1 E. IlutTncr of this city. Mrs. E. J. Etherldge of Cirecnwood anil Miss Illlth JohllSOIl. who liaVC been enjoying a visit In I'leasantvllle, Ja., returned to l'lattsmouth this morning, where the former will visit with her sister, Mrs. S. E. McElwaln Jos. lllgnell and W. Ottens, ciik'l necrs, J. Flxton, conductor, and train men (Jeo. Kessebrlntf. W. H. Hunt and W. S. l'erry of the liurllngton be tween l'acltlc Junction and Lincoln, were railroad visitors in the city last evening. The live stock department at the state fair this year Is assuming vast proportions. It has been necessary for the management to build three more permanent swine barns, each containing thirty-eight pens, which increases the capacity so that about 1M0 head can now be exhibited, and have been reuuests for 2.0 ad ditional pens filed with the supcrln tendent. V. 15. Johnson, wife and daughter, Manella, who have been enjoying a visit with the family of Wm. Hastier, departed this afternoon for their home In Canton, 111. Our old friend, John I. Ferguson, while In the city today gave the Jour nal a call, and renewed his allegance to the Old Reliable for another year. It Is always a pleasure to take our friend by the hand. John Schlater, of Louisville, was down today to assist In celebrating his brother's golden wedding. James Slander and mother of Louis ville, were here today to attend the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Schlater. Mr. and Mrs. (i. L. I'.crgcr, of near i Elmwood, came In this morning to at tend the golden wedding of their old friends and former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater. I 'row Tui'MlHy'N hKlly J no. Lcuthcns of Wabash was In town today on business. Ernest Horn of Cedar Creek Is here to attend the street carnival. H.C.Long of Murray was In town today to sl.e up the street carnival. F. C. and Murray of Eight Mile (irove were county seat visitors today. Kay Frans came up from Union and was taking In the street carnival last night. J. C. (Jllmore and daughter, Miss Violet, of Omaha but formerly a resi dent of l'lattsmouth, Is In the city for a visit with friends. At the St. Mary's Catholic church Frank liuiian and Mrs. Mary Mauer were quietly united In marriage yes terday by Iiev. Father Hanclk. 'A. W.Shrader returned from Furnas county this morning. He reports a most enjoyable visit among his chil dren, and says that Mrs. Slirader will continuo her visit for a couple of weeks. The shcrill Is in receipt of a card from Sheriff J. A. Jones of Nuckolls county, Neb., oll'ering a reward of .joo for the capture and conviction of Henry Gunnison, William Woodhead and Jos. Iicnjamin, who stole a team and buggy on the night of June 21th. was a Krom HHturtlHy'i Jtally. (ieorge II. Wood of Louisville was a business visitor at the county seat to day. Jnu T.ohnes and John Hunter of Cedar Creek were business visitors at the county scat today. Never seek to Injure a man's busl ncss simply because he may be a rival. in t hp lnnir run It won't ray. Kather build up on personal merit. o. v.. Mptirer. one of the finest young men In Cass county, was a coun ty seat visitor yesterday. Christie says the hank at Cedar Creek Is a sure thing. Our old friend, J. A. HcnninRs, one of the prominent Cerman farmers of Eight Mile drove precinct, was In the city yesterday afternoon, and while here called and renewed for the Jour nal. W. 11. l'.annlngand Postmaster Du bois came up from Union in the lat ter's touring car, stopping a short time at Murray. Mr. Dubois can boast of one of the finest automobiles In Eas tern Nebraska. Hot h gentlemen were callers on the Journal. Mr. and Mrs. John Klausner of Gar den Plains, Kansas, arrlved.thls even ing to attend the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Schlater. Mrs. Klaus ner and Mr. Schlater are first cousins and were raised together from child hood In the Old Fatherland. Germany a From Monday's l;illy . N. W. Knell of South l'.end was county seat visitor today. Mrs. E. 15. Perry went to Haveloek this afternoon to attend the funeral of a relative. J. W. Holmes, wife and son. Kalph. of Myiurd were visiting In Platts mouth Sunday. dej. Mapes spent Sunday with his ainlly. His wife accompanied him to Omaha this morning. Miss Florence J'assbender came In from Wahoo 'this morning for a visit with friends In this city. Marvin Tyler, who has been enjoy ing a visit with his parents, returned to Lincoln this afternoon. Don Despaln and wife of Lincoln Kiient Sunday with relatives in this city, returning home this morning. Mrs. W. E. Wells and children, who have been enjoying a visit with rela tlves In South llend, returned home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ferguson and two daughters, Misses Alice and Fern tre here to attend the golden wedding f Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater From WcdncMluy'n dully. L. lloedeker of Louisville county seat visitor today. Misses Ida and Anna Melsinger were visiting in the metropolis today. Mrs. Claude Everett came up from Union last evening to attend the street carnival. Mrs. Geo. Rand came in from Louis ville this morning for a short visit with friends here. Conrad Schlater, Jr., departed this aftcrnood for Chapelle, Neb., where he will attend school. August Llbershal of Marquette, Mich., Is In town for a visit with his brothers, parents and other relatives. Mrs. J. d. Klchey and son, Living ston, departed this morning for the Mack Hills, where they will spent a few weeks. Fred Tlghe, who has been here to participate In the golden wedding of his grandparents, departed this morn ing for Lincoln. Eugene Tighc departed this morn ing for North Platte, where he Is at tached to the engineering department of the Union Pacific. Mrs. Wm. King of Grand Island, who has been enjoying a visit with Mrs. Kate Oliver, departed this morning for Omaha, where she will visit with relatives. Mrs. Cieorge Dodd and son, Master Marlon, who have been enjoying a vlslc with friends In Nebraska, depart ed this morning for their home in Kansas City, Mo. County Clerk Kosencrans went to Lincoln this afternoon to meet Grand Chancellor Leyda and other state otll clals of the K. of P. Mr. Eosencrans Is one of the trustees. i lay t iiosencrans, who nas been cm- ployed at Elmwood since his father's removal from that place, came in yes terday evening, and will remain for several weeks at home to rest up. A. L. McDonald and George Ileltter, of Eagle, came In this morning on the Missouri Pacific. They called on the Journal and when asked their mission to the county seat, they replied. "To sec Nellie." Mrs. Will Nelhart of Elmwood, who came over to attend the anniversary of Conrad Schlater and wife, Is spend Ing the week at the home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Parmcle In this city. , Mrs. C. H. Smith, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Teegarden, de parted last evening forGalesburg, 111., where they will enjoy a visit with Mrs. R. E. Shcehan. Mr. Teegarden will go on to Ohio, where he will visit with his father. Mld-Summtr Clearance Sale now on at Herold s. Miss Julia McElroy was vUitlng in the metropolis this afternoon. W.A. Sp'ck was a business vUitor In the metropolis this afternoon. County Recorder II. A. Sjhncliier made a business trip to Omaha on the fast mail. A full line of sickles and sections for all standard mowers. John Rauer, l'lattsmouth. They were returning home from Omaha, where tney nau been aomg some shopping. W. F. SchleWert and family drove down from Louisville today to take in the carnival sights. Miss Laura De Fellows went to Mal vern, Iowa, this morning for a few days visit with friends. Try the White Lily washer. If not satisfactory you may return It. For sale only at John llauer'g. Mrs. Henry Inhelder and daughter came In from Cedar Creek this morn ing to take in the carnival. Mrs. T. J. Rhoden and Miss Pauline Oldham of Murray were callers at Journal headquarters last evening. Mrs. George Ilarthomew came In from Watson, Mo., this morning for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. James I'rivitt. Miss P.ertha York came In from Wat son, Mo., this morning for a visit with her brother, Don, and the family of J. C. York. Cheapest accident Insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All drug gists sell It. Mrs. F. F. Miles, who has been en joying a visit with relatives here, re turned toher home in Germantown this afternoon. Mrs. Frank Kovar and children came In from Schuyler this morning for a visit with the family of her sister Mrs. James Sochor. r Mike Trltsch and family came down from Louisville this morning to attend the carnival and visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Trltsch. This Is the day that all railroad and shop employes like to see roll round pay day. The pay car arrived about noon to make the boys happy. Jonathan Adams, the lumber king, accompanied by his wife, daughters, Misses Ethel and Janette, and son, Joy, are in town to attend the street fair. Miss Lucina Million and Bessie Brady, who have been enjoying a visit with the family of J. C. York, de parted this morning for their homes In Watson, Mo. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com plexion sallow? Liver needs waking up. Doan's Regulets cure bilious at tacks. 25 cents at any drug store. Fred Mumm, who has been enjoying a visit with his parents and friends in this city, departed this afternoon for North Platte, where he is engaged in the bakery business. Found by Street Commissioner, John J. Janda, on North Sixth street, a buggy lap-robe. The same can be found at the Journal otlice. Must prove property and pay for this notice. Lost In l'lattsmouth, near Sixth street, while enroute from John Schip pacasse's candy store to the Sage liv ery bary, a heavy gold hinge bracelet. Finder please leave at the Journal oillce. 'Generally debilitated for years. Had sick headaches, lacked ambition, was worn-out and all run-down. Bur dock Blood Bitters made me a well woman." Mrs. Chan. Freltoy.Moosup, Conn. A marriage license was Issued today to Nathan S. Bethers, aged 'J and Mrs. Rosa Klldow, aged 'js, both of Pacitlc Junction. The above parties were united in marriage by Judge Archer at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. N. S. Piatt came over from Glcnwood last evening on business, re turning this morning. Mrs. Piatt lived In l'lattsmouth for several years and while here subscribed for the Journal, w hich she said her and '-pad" couldn't do without. Otto Becker of Ulysses Is in town today together with his family, who are still located near Pacitlc Junction. During a pleasant chat with Otto, he expressed me intention o: moving io Lincoln in the spring, to take posses sion or ttie nenry neiser saioonncar the depot. County Clerk Rosencrans returned this morning from Lincoln. While In the capital, he secured a supply of Havanas and passed them around at the court house this morning. Among those to get In on the treat were Kelly Fox and Billle. Wheeler, who failed to appreciate Rosey's generosity for reasons best known to them. Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is Inside. Manan Is put up In collapsible tubes with nov.le, so the medicine can be applied where It will do the most (rood and do It quickly. Guaranteed toglve satisfaction or money refunded if you are not satisfied. Sold by Coring & Co.'idrug store. r , ,j C On; DC DC 30 DC Summer Borgirvs Silks Our Silk Department has some rare bargains in Plain Taffeta. Plain Taffeta, 3(1 in. wide, fl. 25 quality, t flfl for one week only at gliUU 20-ln. Black Taffeta, good quality, at 4:ic a yard 27-ln. Black Rajah Silk, 15c quality at 4c " These goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction Linens We carry a large line of Linen and Napkins. Full Bleached f.l In 33c Full Bleached "0 in '"c Silver Bleached, 4 in 4c Silver Bleached, r.4 In Mic Fine line of red Table Damask, new line Just In, at 2.'c, 3.1c, 4.1c, 50c and tiuc JUST RECEIVED A new line of Dotted and Embroidery Swisses, at I", 20c and 25c. Ribbons This is a great Ribbon season. We have a full and complete line in every conceivable width and color, both plain and fancy Extra Good Values in Black Ribbon No. 4n, at 15c No. 0, at 18c No. 80, at 20 All our ribbons will be found priced at Bargain Figures. A few pieces No. 100 Fink and Blue Taffeta at 13c Corsets By careful comparison of Corsets you can always find the kind that best suits your figure It is well known that a dress cannot possibly fit well over an Ill-fitting corset. We have giv en special attention to this feature of corset selling and ovr stock will be found to contain shapes to tit almost any figures. The J. G. Justrite at 50c and fl.oo. A few odds and ends BargaJn Prices Eor Years We Have Had the Exclusive Sale of Famous Queen Quality Shoes We are better pleased every year we handle them because they give such satisfaction. They keep their shape anc look well until worn out. The best leather is used and they're stitched with best silk after it has been strength-tested. The soles are selected for flexibility. The Interiors are replicas of human feet, no matter what the outward shape ! What other shoe Is so constructed? What other shoe Grows Old So Gracefully? George Peters of Avoca was a busi ness visitor In the county seat today. George Glllisple of Murdock is in the city to attend the street carnival. A. N. Sullivan was looking after le gal business in the metropolis this morning. Robert Fitch and Glenn Rawls of Murray were attending the street fair last evening. Miss Irene Hartwick departed last night for Chicago, where she will visit until October. Carl Humphrey was In town today In the Interests of Swift & Co. of South Omaha. Pearl Weldev came down from Omaha yesterday evening to take In the street fair. In police court this morning, Ben Bates and Will Sayles were fined $1 each for being drunk. Arthur L. Anderson, representing the Hong Kong Tea company, came in from Omaha on business today. Mrs. Chas. Hill came in from South Rend this morninir for a visit in this city, the guest of Miss Kate McIIugh Hans Tarns, connected with the Burlington gang of carpenters, now engaged In building depots along the different lines, Is here from ion Mor gan to spend a few days with his fam ily. When applied and covered with a hot cloth I'inesalve acts like a poultice Best for burns, bruises, boils, cracked hands, eczema, skin diseases, tetter, etc Sold by Gering uo. sarug store, AUd-Summer Clearance Sale now on at Herold's. "Gut neil," the favorite cigar C. A. trawls, Lawyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of Caunty Attorney. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block. The cleansing, antiseptic and heal ing properties of I'inesalve make it superior to all family salves. Sold by Gering & Co.'s druti store. Mrs. John Gerry Starks and Mrs. L. F. Longhorst of Elmwood arrived last evening for a few days' visit with Mrs. W.E. Rosencrans and family. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and you will not suffer with indigestion. Sold by Gering & Co.'s drug store. Will Rummel called at the Journal office this week, and deposited a big silver dollar in payment for the Week ly Journal, now being sent to his brother-in-law, II. G. Hoffart, of Plain- view, Neb. Many thanks, Will. A hundred years ago the best physl cian would irlve you a medicine for your heart without stopping to con slder what effect It might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines Invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong, Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels drives out the cold clears the head, and relieves all coughs. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Sold by Gering & Co.'s drug store. . D. 0. DWYER, Attorncy-at-Low Offce in building east of court house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now on at Herold's. Isaac Wiles made a business trip to Omaba this morning. Col. J. M. Jenkins of Murray was a county seat visitor today. A. E. Gass was transacting business In the metropolis this morning. Miss Mattie Alden went to Omaha this afternoon for a visit with friends. Two good houses for rent in South Park. Enquire of A. Rouse or 'phone 115. 5. B. Trutli, St. Paul, June 31, '08 I've lived so long, I remembered wch when the M ississi ppi was a brook. M y good health and long life came by tak ing Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Gering & Co., druggists. Library Closed For Repairs. Beginning on July lltli, the public library will be closed for ten days on account of repairs. By order of the library board and the judiciary com mittee of the city council. Differ is npar at hand when the l(ldn-)H ure sick. Kidney-Kites will purify and strengthen the kidneys and restore them to their normal and healthy condition. 25 cents. Gering &Co., druggists. Missouri Pacific Time Table TUAINS GOlNO NOHTH. No. 105 Omiiliu Express 5:34 am No. Iu2 Nebraska Mull :42 pm No. II"3 Local FrelKht 3:47 pm TUAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 103 0:42 am No. 108 11:59 pm Pine-nles1! BACK-ACHE Tht medicinal virtue of the crude eums and resins obtained from the Native Pine have been recognized bv the medical nrof ession for centuriei. Pine-ules Contain the virtues of the Native Pine that are of value in reliev ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. K DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MOST SEVERE CASE BEFORE MORNING. Sold at GERING & CO'S. Drug Store Recuse Bill e Your Ice By purchasing one of those high-grade Refrigerators Below Cost GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at rr,ccs that are WAY BELOW COST Come in and set mc when you need thc&e goods and get prices on many other desirable articles in the line ot HoiseRirnishing Goods. FURNITURE Q