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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
RUSSIAN LOSS 1,000 1 SUNDAY'S FIGHT AT MOTIEN PA63 WAS SERIOUS. It S"hOws a Powerful Japanese Army Only Awaits General KuroO'i Wcra to Advance on Lia Yang More British Steamer. Held Lp at See. Et. IVloraburg, Jul) l rai Kouropaikm rni'n u.nt :. .1.1 General Cyunt Ki'liu l-t iAit l.-'vl la kUU'J or woumle.l m lie iutk ..n Motion r July 17. St. rti'rburg. July IS. The Uu alaa ana Jmiuih!o furitj, wluin are lined uy expin-ting a iLisli, tpi)l'l In a sonmiH tU'ht Sunluy imrii!t.g. ac corJIng to a i(prt fruui C.n rsil KuuriimtWln. The nimrt lu'.uuteil that the Japanese rcihiulfrrrctHj the movement, ami that liihteail of It be ing an at't'iipt to take Motleii ih-. It :is a i rutimishiuue on a Ure rule Gen. r;il ('(Mint Keller's ntrount of the fltfl.tiMK line not especially sta the nutnliiT of men oiiRBKeil, though it shows that ll'.e Russian main n.I- nme eousl.-teil of clulitcen t n'.ton . with connlilerablo reserves, thrwe bat tnlloiis of the luiter btlnn tailed tip rturliiR the course of the ba'tlc, whlio still others were net utilized. Ai: important fact developed by the Ti'onnalssanre tvaf tho exa t location cf a powerful Japanese force sorretel In tho ronton between Fenshul ami Motion passes. Its strength Is Indi cated by ire fart that twenty battal ion wera Insufficient to jeruanently forro the Japanese positions, thouph some of them were) occupied tempo rarily On tha other hand It would ap pear from tha report that the Japanese were either disinclined or unable. o follow uj) Lleuttnan 9ener,J Kelkr when he retlr?)5 to hia former position at lUiajuan f ' The UanonaneM of the day's fight ing la shown In Oeneral Keller's esti mate that tha Russian casualties were over 1.000. The battle leaves the general situa tion unchanged, but shows that a pow erful Japanese army Is massed and Is constantly threatening Llao Yann. ap parently only awaiting General Ku rokl's slunal to advance. A correspondent at Ooneral Kurokl's headquarters says that the Jnpanese losses during the fighting at Motion pa"s on July 17 were trifling. Oeneral Kouropatkln precedes his report of the repulse to Lieutenant Oeneral Count Keller's force with a lengthy statement of skirmishes by patrols which brings events up to July 1. He doen not mention any Important engagements, with the pos sible exception of the occupation of heights north of Yonllntsa by Cos sacks, before a detachment of which the Japanese fell hack. British Vesseta Are Detained. London. July 111. Tho Daily Mall's Adoti correspondent says that tho Uritlsh steamer Woodcock and Dal matia were hold up by tho Russians lu the Rod oa and detained for three hours, lu St. Petersburg correspond ent says that two more steamers of tho Russia" volunteer fleet, now at Odessa, have received confidential or ders to leave this week for the Red aea and to seize Hritihh vessels which re alleged to bo carrying contraband of war. London, July 20. Once again tho leading English newspapers editorial ise In the (travest tones on the Rus sian seizure of Itritish vessels. Even the conservative Standard declares that the nation looks to the foreign of fice to take more effectual action than the ordinary conventions of diplomatic Intercourse prescribes. "The ease Is not one for fastidious treatment. If nothing Is done officially to relieve the painful strain, the Irritation of this country may rtow Into stubborn resentment. We cannot, even for the sake of peace, sit down under a series of unditiRuisedly provocative meas ures." A similar warlike tone pervades ftl most every other paper. Tho Morning Post says Oreat Hrltaln cannot tol erate the selrure of the steamship Malacca, "except by the abandonment of ber self-respect as a great power. Russians Blow Up a Fort Che Poo, July 20. A Junk with eight Russians and fifty Chinese on hoard arrived here, five days from Port Arthur. The Russians refused to talk, but the Chinese say that on July 11 and 12 the Japanese raptured and occupied with t.000 met one of the eastern forte near Port Arthur, Before reinforcements arrived the Russians cut off the 4,000 troops In the fort and exploded mines, which re sulted In the killing of every Japan se soldier there, The Chinese also report that tha night before they left Port Arthur a Russian torpedo boat aunk a merchant ship, mistaking It for a Japanese transport. The steamer to question probably Is tho Hlpsanaj MINERS GET A HEARING. Pre dent Rocievct Listens ta Pea cf Coio'sao (jniwn.its. Oritur !tk. July . ' Pr-'r.l R.Kr;t mt-lvej ir.e om;.'!V.-.i.-. un pointed las'. St.r.'iuy by 'uv n f.t'U of the ooai n:lr."i hi. 1 ... . irutt of WUkeaharre I a T. 'X ;n of thy i on. a.. fit- ' I "' nt P' r-w !.;: to the . .' h ; ftth.r. 'i'!f.:.i tl.e coli.'.v ;. i:. w.k.;cU .r iti.".i .';"!' La- t : t.y the a. '. l.e uat ' " ' ' ' rs lu ':!. l r ': :.n: " ' an :ntet:iT'tt.or. y, ' Ul' t l- in ste wl'h a " f : ;'' of remi'dyliig tbe for. l.!."r. ex.s;in? DEMOCRATS MEET IN NEW YORK. ' OC,SKXXSXXX Decile to Let Nitic, Ccmmitte citct Its 0n Cn-in. Nt. oik, Ju.) Lt ;: tf 'he Tl.e nml'.tee, M T. Hi: ke ot C:r bondale. Pa.; Henry Her7'iv!'s nf Plymouth. Pa., and Prut.k E M'raf f.Tv of V'.r'jir, Colo., are 'he ti vl. CRi:,e to )ter Flay In -t wttk hit were tmaVe to oh'aln a In terview v': '.he pres'.d.-nt Th- ion n.!f" .-mi1 half Loir w'.th Mr Room ve'.t Th" pe'i'inn. whi, h was the . xiroM.Mi -if i Jf. .''(' n.' ii .if th- ui.k n labor organization of I'i nrsvl vania, was laid befr the p-v !!.';-. reail it carefully mi 1 lnfor!n''i t':. ' ro::.:'.!!!tf he would te ,'!ai t do inyt! he could legally do to s:i.el':irn'c the condition oxlstlnt lr. Colorado lie lixitraled !ha' an In ve'!M!in of the lnb'r troubles !r. that ftate U now beln m.i; hy aper.tA of the department of comr.-.ert e and labor. Thus far tho s'.fsntion had not been such as would war'ant Interference by the federal govern ment Following the presentation of the petition the president talked wh his callers on subjects "of mtitualjn terest. The members of the commit tee expross pleasure at the result of their visit and unite In saying that their Interview was perfectly satisfac tory to them and doubtless win be to the unions which they represent. SUMMARY OF CROP CONDITIONS. Corn Experiences a Week af Excep tionally Favorabie Weather, Wakhlngtou, July 2u. The foliowiug the summary of the weather bu reau's weekly crop report: Corn has experienced a week of exceptionally favorable weather conditions and hoa made rapid growth generally U all district. Very few uufavorable re port respecting this croy are re ceived, lu the Missouri valley corn baa, however, suffortJ somewhat from luck of cultivation. Letter weather for harvesting win ter wheat prevailed than In the pre ceding week, and this work has made generally satisfactory progress, al though still delayed by moisture in portions of Kansas. Harvesting ts practically completed In Missouri and Nebraska. Compara tively few reports of sprouting In shock and of damage by mold are re ceived this week. As a whole both early and late spring wheat have advanced satisfac torily, the least favorable reporta be ing received from northern Minnesota, where the crop on lowlands Is thin and Ute. Some report of Injury by rust are received from Nebraska, and In portions of South Dakota the out look is somewhat less favorable than prevlcmsly Indicated. Reports of In- Jury to oats by rust continue from tho lower Missouri valley, but this crop has advanced favorably, harvest be ing In general progress In the central valleys and middle Atlantic states, with satisfactory yields. RUSH TO YANKTON CONTINUE8. Landseikere Register by Thousands. Railroads Taxed to Utmost. Yankton, S. D., July 19. The gigan tic land msh at Yankton haa devel oped Into almost a stampede. Thirty three thousand had registered up to the closing last night The day'i rec ord was 5,053. The fever for land seems te have taken potaeeslon of thousands who heretofore had not thought of coming here to register. The crush In the city and on tratna M simply Indescribable. Railroad offi cials say they have more than they can possibly haul to Yankton. Lines of people were still two blocks long at the closing tlmo. The Northwest ern. In three sections, brought 8,000 people. Notaries work all night. L':i.'i' : i-l.c ;':')' got.!-it-t lu! U'.-re tcau to ' 'i ' - ' t-ei.a'.i b M ti.. :. ii JlL: L'j1 m.'i ' t.'ie ai ;.. i .. . . a Ult-::.- tit '- '-I- J! . u.t:il.:;- '. the t'-.-e Bid UA j;-'.u?- 1 i'.-.'e. .t t .:.- u t ..: .. .. ? :.t i 'L' ' .. lu'eiv.? .1 it.f c BY KEEPING IN LJN&! Ari llOUCnlllL.' .'ill Ttirt- U n Mi inly 'it -in 1 1: f.f vtaitiir rn-n j.r.ina woirrn ulio art lloniuhly trained fur l'U-ltit t- pre pare yttun K 'p:t' t ii;tt tin iit - COCJRSEiS Ejsircss. Shorthand ard Typewriting. Prjpjratory and Ttlecrapby Special mturrs 1 - r- ..f uci isful l,n,t. .t rit n. v. i l'- !.!:' nrilpiiifiits i I unci- in wiirlni; nniloyii.fiit. it-atniok'i.e i ree. Write 1 s. Lincoln Business College. Lincoln, Neb. f exj m a. V3 V i l ? X wu-r- veil be re j uiil tcr your irmilili V L'l'ttill tin' lii'M .!i till' nrirketi CEDAli LAWN STOCK fARtt AIL ,hV Groceries. Canned Goods. Fruits. t'ri'sli (1,-iily from tin- iiiiukftrv VEGETABLES, irntlitTi'i! fresh every iii'iriiinjr Thone 54. S':t1i-ri!aii lii.n'k I'l.ulf The Home I. -4,- yrn .................. i of c Choice Polled Durham Bulls FOR SALE N . ITT Vi 1 HLHT . CAVIS. tJDtmocratlc cwndlJsl (or vice prtaldtat. would be best conserved by ltavlng Bee HiYe Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. High Grade Pedigreed Stock. Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm. LOUISVILLE. Meals nt fill hours. Special nt- the committee absolutely free to elect "" to the faimer patrons. The tables are supplied with the host the markets afford. JOHN COREY, Proprietor. Its chairman. Judge Parker was said to favor this course. The confer ence resulted In an agreement to call a meeting of the national committee to be held at the Hoffman house on time and place for the notification of FIXZGER ALI) ia ntidi1uiiii fi- nrotiflAnt nnri vtm 9 president was left to the candidates PROPRIETOR OI themselves. Present at the conference were the leaders who brought about the nomina tion of Judge Parker. There was also present Senator Victor J. Dowllng of New York, who looked after the Tam many Interests. Every one declared that harmony had been the watchword tbrouKhout. The conferees were form er Senators Hill of New York, James Smith of New Jersey, Henry O Davis of West VlrRlnla, candidate for vice president; Edward Murphy of New York, Senator Oorman of Maryland, William F. Sheehan of Now York, Cord Meyer of New York, John W. Kern of Indiana, Colonel James M Ouffey of Pennsylvania, Senator H P. McCarren of Brooklyn, James M. Head of Tennessee, Norman E. Mack of Buffulo, Perry Belmont and August Belmont of New York. Thomas F. Ryan of Virginia, J. K. P. Hall nf Pennsylvania and John R McLean of Ohio. Livery, Hack and Baggage Line MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goods a Specialty. Also, Heavy braying. J. D. FERGUSON NEBRASKA. Ay er's Pills The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. J. C. Aytr Co. Lowtll. MM. JUS! BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rini era. or uauiMum os a r. atu t oo.. suuti, a, a. COSCOQCOQOCGCGCOCiGCOSa 6 Vladivostok Fleet Puts to Sea. Toklo, July 20 The armored cruis ers Rossla, Rurlk and Gromoboi of the Russian Vladivostok squadron passed through the Tsugarl strait into the Pacific ocean today. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. CMoiiijo, July 1S.-A return to faviraMe tveutbvr renditions throughout the icreutr part of the country rnud houry ilquUa (Inn nf uhi'iit toilnv. At the Mine flip Smv . .. . IV temt.r ipiion wn on iV'. Vor" "P O D I1TTTDR llftf DrnnrlnfA. Sc. Oiits showed a fRla of U'a.c Pro- Q r. uiiLimnvni iiujJiniiui TikJonn wrr a trine fuller, rlusliig price. U Whent-July. Kq: Kept., 87V. Hoc. W MARTIN BUILDING. ttfiV: '"" t-s,jo. X Com-Juiy. 4;v.; Sept., w-fec; Dm.. S North Slda Main Street 4.i.c; May, Germany Makes a Protest, Berlin, July 19 The German gov. ernment has taken a prompt and Arm stand In regard to the eelture of the malls of the North German Lloyd steamer Prlna Hslnrlch, which ar rived at Aden July IS, from Hamburg, for Yokohama, by the Russian volun teer fleet steam or Smolensk. July 11, taring entered a protest against the tarrying off of the malls and asking for a disavowal of tbe Smolensk's ao tion and the return of the captured mall sacks. Four Men In Burning Tunnel. t Orevllle, Cal., July 18. Fire at th Bellevlew mine, near La Porte, da stroyed tho mill, engine room and oth er buildings close to the mouth ot the big tunnel. Four men wero working In the tunnel when the Ore broke out and fears are entertained for their safety, as the tunnel Is strongly tim bered and it Is thought these timbers win eatch fire from the huge fire now blazing. The men In the tunnel are L. Byrnes, Morgan T. Bean, D. Mc Donald and Bert Cumley, German 8temer Selied. London, July 20. The Sues corre spondent of the Dally Mall sayet "The Oerman steamer Sambla, tt Is fated, hat been seized by the Rus sians and Is expected here today." Doien Injured In Wreck. Pallas, Tel., July 18 A dozen peo ple were badly Injured In the derail ment of the northbound Oulf passen ger train nine miles south of here Thomas Gray, baggageman, of Cle burne was pinned under the heavy safe and a trunk In the baggage car and suffered serious Injuries. Among the others hurt were: Mrs. Birdie Tair. Pallas; Mrs. Llnle Crockett, Rock Island, Tex.; J M Crocket, her son. Elks Elect Officer.. Cincinnati, July 20. The grand lodge of E'.ks elected the following of. ficerat Grand exalted ruler, W. I O'Brien of Hultlmore; esteemed royal anlsht, V a Torallnson of Winston, N. C; grand esteemed locturing knight, Charles W. Kauffman of Ho- boken, N. J.; grand tiler, W. W. VIo Clellan ef Pittsburg. Pa.; gTnd trees ttrer, J. K Tener of Charlerol, Pa. grand esteemed leading knight, It J XYoodt of ftioux Fulls, 6. D. Perry's Restaurant j gShort Order House ij Mealh Served at Regular Meal Hours. Fresh Oysters h (IN SEASON) S Fish or anything in Market. K S SGX3035X3O5X3 S S GIVE US A CALL. S ,8 5.1c OntP-Jtiiy. 3Vi Sept., Pork-Sept.. 12.!0; Oct., Jt'.'.W. Ltrd-Scpt., rt.02Kj: Oct., JT.on. RIIir-Sept.. J7.o7'4: Oct.. 7.ti'JH. Chicago Cah V'rlceii-No. 1' spfltjt wht, 98r: No. S Kprln wlient, OAc; No. 1 hard wucHt. 9.Miev; No. hard wut, m'oc; No. i iiisli corn, 40Vltr'. Nu. S th ("urn. 4!ViT4!IVjf: 2 yellow com. &oVJG?e; No. 2 csth oats, 3GVjrtfiV: No. 2 white outs, 44c. Kansas City Live Stock. Knnta City. July la-Cattle-Reovlpts, 4..VO; utemlT to 15c higher: choice eipi.rt and drcsKcd beef te., $5.aotA.(4; fulr to inod, $4.7.V'V.10; wottru fed itferi. il.7.Vi4.:o: Mockers and feeden, $3,003 4.3(i; miuthrro tewr. 3. 2..1.18; nstlr conn, l-.V.V.'.'S; natlv tulfj.r. .1tW7J hntlH, f:ukU.1.H&: rnlvvi. Ilof Receipt. 10,000: alow to 10c lowtr; top, j:..:: bulk of ulc, JMiA.O; heavy, g.Vl.Vii.l.'JO: packeia. ."i.l240ftV2U; pigs sna llpht, V WV IS. Sheep-Rectlpta. 400; r.oiiiliiiillr MeMly; Uml 140036.00, fed ew, : 2VIt3.75; stackers and feedtrs. I2.JOU3 .:. South Omaha Live Stock. Poutb Omnhs, Julr 19.-('ttle-Uecelpt, LfcO: active tt atrotig: oatlr kWi 14.00 (.0 10; cowi and balftrt, ja.OCviiH M: wt- iti atnert, $:! 2HT4 75: raa( ce"i and hell er. 12 253S .V; tanner. $1.7y,l2.J: eteck- era and (dur. 2 XJ4 10: calvita, VJ t 2o, bulla, tagi. at., I: :.V,t4 .'J. Hort- Raoeieta, 1,XI; trui 1 to 5 higher; hty. .2.Vn6 35; mlied, l2-SC. Ilfht. IMS ISOao, pl. t4..W(m 00. u. af aaira. ! 20 tio.KO Hhaep-Staaily: watter yaarllnga, $.1 7r4.2A. wethera, W..TX,i4 I5i 3 00 C3.7&1 rommin and atockera 2.2.vI3SO; lamb l4.7VJti.0O. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. July 10 Cattleltecelpta. 1, OOU; aliifldr; jwd to prima atvem. (5 fiOdJ 3ot poor te inadlum, HoC.9; atorktra sod fiadara. t2&'MM. oairvs. UK-i 6 Til Taiaa lad steer, $.V0TIN CO. H iga- Racalcta 4.000: tomorrow, 10.01H); 10r,ri5e higher: mliad end butcher. If 2Vo K: good to choice haaTT, IS UOTA W, ef h ha JP0iV,4O: light. ISWdsm. bulk of !. S4C-4W78. btp-lloipt. I.OOO. a:e; lamba ateadyi goo la ahnlra thr. t W.,4 60; fair ta ehnlct Dltad. 12 2VJ4 CO; aatlv larcN 4 0CJ1M. weatara ah 2yvj13, weatere lamba. lMjerB Dec, Qx&z OCCOCOSCCOOGCOQCOSCO CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of KILL. COUCH AND CURE THB LUNCS WITH Dr. King's Now Discovery fobC ONSUMPTION Price OUGHSaad 50c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNCt TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. FOLEYSKIDNEYCUEE Makes Kldnoys and Dladdor Right CHICHESTER'S ENGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS OrraHa Oraln Market. Omnha. Julr lO.-Clcalng price m the Omaba (train Wkat-.'it, Bre; Kept.. S?He. L., Oata-eept., ilc: I c, SO'c jfp. Alwr rvllnt'le l.aillc. ! J'rveitl't Ihf lilt ll:rt:K I.M.I.ISH in KeU A"-l tinld im-tHllie h.... Male.l iltt M it- t'M. Ml. Ink no olhrr. Hrriiv diniieiii ni(l tHllnnassiil lmllitllnn. Hn ! 'jr I 'n-tt L or neml 4c. In tnni li.r I'BPtlriil!. Blnninl ami "Keller tor uwm. t" ' b relura lu.UUV leuiuiniiii'. ..1'7 all Druk- .!. cnicnraTaa chemical ro. 10 ndloB Nqaur. rilt-l., FA, Mll tbla itp C. FRANZEN Merchant Tailor. The only one in Plattsmouth that car ries a lar,re assortment of suit ings, fancy pantings and vest ings for you to select from. All work first-class and of the latest styles. Cleaning and repairing given prompt attention. Room 227 Coates Block Plattsmouth Nebraska. L Bottled i:: Be r. . . . i.i'.V I V '. 1 T S A. -1. r win is tbe Cheapest tn tbe inM M Otl CAQ1 50TTLL. Toor Whisky is not only die ftijreenble to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is come in and try it. Phillip PLATTSMOUTH. - . PRICES: GuckenheimeriRyc, per gallon. . .14 00' Yellowstone, " " ... 4 00 Honey Pew, " "... 3 00 Big Horn, " "... 2 00 - - - NEBRASKA 19041 1 We take this opportunity of returning our most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in tho future. During wo shall endeavor to supply the market, as usual, with that Which Suits the People! both in qunlity and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we invite all to come and be comforted by making your purchases from the largest furniture house in riattsmouth Sattler & Fassbender.