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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
V r COINTY OFFICIALS. Clt-rk liUtrii't Ci'uri luv M. rixu Cuunty Ju.uv Il.irvi v 1. Tr;n i C C.r.. . I. T-,iii lr asiir r n. . Inrin SluTlff l,l,n 1. Mi-r.rMi- Attorm-y !.. I.. t:. Sun'rliitt'in!uit of . !i.v ,N C. . Won limn Sirviyor 1. K. Ililti.ii TuriVp .ink C'llltiiiv.iillt r V. It. H;;i' I l ll.iksort!i I A Recall To Honor CITY OFFICIALS. EDWIN By L. SAB1N nyor CU-rk Triiisurrr.. Attorury... I'olKv ImU'. ... Il' lll y 1 lii-rillC II. M. S't-nnl. Iim n ... U. W. Oiim-nt II. 1. Tr.iws, ... wmum i..-r I",. I'lt.TIuM l'"'ITlllW, I.''.', I'll f d l'l L. S. t . N t WvWWVWAVWvWVvWVV :l MKMimiS OK 1'Ol'Nl'll.. First Wanl Kil KHc-raUI. F. W. KMiin.-r Second Ward. ..Frank Huin-ry. W. C. Tlpiii Tlitnl War.! .1. 11. II, ml,l. F. 11. Sii.inkor Fourth VYuril Win. ltallaiicc. F. A. Newman Fifth Ward I. M. V.ui.lran. Win. dialer T Time Table Plattsmuuth, Neb.. HE f.llr grounds wrro u L:ilrl- ilnscDpf, i-oncvutratliiK at t!u moo omirso In 11 tossing sea uf culiir, for tho Klrhy fall raouiK moot was In full Wast, and this was tho emit day upon Its wivk's inj;r;iiuiiio. Town mul country iuIiikIimI ti ivr-Uoss, babbling, (.mxl natural throng, H'ouiy Inu, rank on rank, tlor ou tlor, every Inch of vuntaco Hjmoo, or streaming over tlu BurroundltiK turf. SlttliiR In tin middle of the iiinphl- thoutor Harold luirr eagwly pizod across the track, looking for Alice, lie Lincoln. Unntliu, Chicago, St. J ne, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. Denver, Helena, liutte, Portland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. Trains Leave as Follows: Ao. is rucihe Junction ,:m pin No. 2 Local express, to Iowa points. Chleiiiw and the fast 4:32 pm No. 14 Fast express, dully, from Lin coln to St. Joseph. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago, and all points east and south :,, pm No. 2 For l'aclllc Junction lj:52pni No. 34 Local to l'aclllc J unction '.i;T:; am No, 2ii From Omaha 4:05 pm No. 30 Freight, dally except Sunday. 4:l pm No. Through vestlluilrd express for nil points east . . . : urn No. 2d From Omaha 4:40 am No. 1H Local express, dally. Omaha. Lincoln. lenver ami Intermediate stations ":54 am No. 27 Local express to Omaha, via Ft. Crook and South Omaha, dally except Sunday '.'::) am No. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and Lincoln 2:13 pm No. 33 -Local express. Louisville. Ash land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dally ex cept Sunday 3::tn pm No. 13 Lincoln. Orand Island. Mack Hills. Montana and I'acitic north west 10 :2s pm No. 2!i Local freight, to Cedar Creek. Louisville and South Hend. daily except Sunday fi:."0 am No 11 From St. Louis and St. Joe ami Nebraska City 10:2jam Pally except Sunday Sleeping, dining and reclining chair curs (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the U nited Stales or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call on or write to V. L. I'ickeli. local ngent. riattsmotith. .Neb., or J. brancls. gen eral passenger agent. Omaha, N.'ij. Missouri Pacific Time Table r -.a it lib i i ih i 1 f I IJbttt mil TKAINs liOINfi NOUTII. No. 51 5 3, am No. .57 5 4.i pm No. ! 11:05 P' No. i;i local freight 3:47 pm TliAINS CH'INO SMITH. No. 5s 11.30 am No. 5u World's Fair Flyer ii:im pm No. 52 12:-.-.fnm No. 232. local freight 7.4s um QU. mahshall DENTIST All klndnof Pental work. Plates made that fit. 2tl years experience. Price reasonable, Work guaranteed. OFFICE FlTZO ERA LD Hl.lKK. Telephone No. 3 ob47 rOHN M. LEYDA, HELLO, OLD MAN 1" knew that opposite to hlin, Kuinowhore amid the ciirriiij.'etj ranged Inside the rail, was her snowy parasol with Its flontltiK rtlllles of chiffon. It seemed to him that this panisol-lier parasol otiKht to stand out lieforu hint lili7.oned with Uie word "Alice." Itut fifty, a hutulrtsl, parasols, nil snowy, nil mass ed In chiffon, met his straining eyes. When some months previous to this dnte Mr. HishlliiK had awakeniil to the fact that the acijunliitance, ostenslhly ccsiml, betwiH'tt his datiKhter and yotini? Inirr was nsstiniln a more serious asect he very promptly set his paren tal foot sijnarely tipou tlio whole affair. For the present un ehuacemcnt was qnlte out of the question. Harold was only a clerk, who, although he jhis- scsmiI nliuntlant ilans nnd nmhltions, hud not realized upon thum. It was U'tter thnt for nwhlle Inter course cease. II in time liaroni pniveu worthy, socially nnd In a huslness way, possIHy he inlht npiln try his chances. Thus, midst tears and vows from the daughter nnd Indignant initesta tlons nnd resolves hy the lover, Mr. KeddltiK carried his jMilnt. Harold en tered upon an Indefinite term if probation. The vAAi were In favor of Mr. Ked- dinn finally yielding. He saw thnt bis daughter was utterly mlserahle, nnd, after till, Harold's character was nhuve reproach. lNiverty was the lad's only druwhiiek, one which the hanker was stronj-'ly conslderliiK remedylni,'. Still today, as for many forecolns ihiys, llamld was on one side of the track, Alhv on the other. It wn-s now 3 o'clock. Several races had tieen dispatched, and the next upon the proi-Tainine was of Intense hx-al In UtcsL It waa a contest In which were enteral two horsts which had loinj Imi-ij kiH-n rivals, whose owners had agrtHsl to make this match a decisive tent. The fevor of spctilatlon was waxing more and more turbulent in the crowd. Harold himself had no Idea of wnjrer Ing. He had lieen bnum'ht up to be lieve that lietthifc' was wrong. IWsldes, he could not afford to Ut, and It was his theory that usually the winners are those porsona who do not vitally care. However, everybody anuiHl him was betting. -erjtKKly was Uilklng horse. bntit v buzslmj. T'.ie co!.t;;c!cn had , 1'i'cti too tinln ulll to be rcs'sied. Half j mu'oiist hnisly liis tingcrs were cntni- I I'lii.iJ and creasl ,g a h u dollar bill in j Lis pocket nil the money he owtnsl. Should he let the opportunity pass b ': Iicl;y Sadi'.ler's lip It had come; like a command. I'a ky ought to know. lie was inveterate at ti e races, : he j always won that is. nearly : Iw.iys. j M.itersl by nn linpulso to e;tl' us i far as he dared he ilU-wis! n pe.t'.i t. a spot whence l.e could read tie nVmvs chalked on the hoard beside a book- maker's ho. Seven l'; was soiling at odds id' .' to Z What a chance With his $10 he c mU fail! ?J.". lie would hm the money to start a savings bank aecvcmt for him self and Alice. He had tried bis best to save, but had been unable. Surely In such a cause betting was not w icked. Thus he reasoned. If only he had more money available. Itut the $10 was the extent, (if course there In his hip pocket revised the $loo that he had received Just as lie had been closing the oitiee for the half holi day. It was part payment on a pleee of real estate. Mr. l'.eiitliome. his em ployer, had gone, and the safe was locked, so Harold had placed the the twenty dollar bills securely In his pocket until the next day. Now. not for an Instant did he con sider I'ltrenchiiij; upo-i this sum. No, he was sane even If be was excited. And he was honest. Suddenly he cast hesitation to the winds. He stepped forward and hand ed his bill to the tiookiimUcr. "tin Seven rp," he said. In exchange be received a bit of gray card, like n ticket, with hieroglyphics on It which slKiilllcd that he had wa gered with bookmaker No. M $lo to $L'5 that Seven l'p would pass the wire first. As he was pocketing the ticket and taking refuge In the tlmuglit that If he lost " 'twould nil be the same In u hun dred years" his eyes encountered the eyes of Mr. Penthorne, who was but a few yards distant In the crowd. Mr. r.enthorne smiled and shixik Ills head. He must have witncssi-d the transac tion. Harold, with a guilty sensation, ho knew not why, smiled in return mid sought n place In the amphitheater nlxive. Hardly had he seatitl himself ere the race was called. The horses gathered at the post. In the amphitheater some body Stood the better to see. Then the movement spread like n wave, and the whole amphitheater was on Its feet. SomelKidy brazenly climbed upon a chair. Immediately the brazen throng climbed upon its chairs also. The horses fidgeted. A wait, n shift ing of Misltions, a warning from tin starter down they came; a ctntf-r-thcy were off! And a very pretty start It was. "Imp! Imp! (lo It, Imp!" "Seven Up! Seven Up:" "Mascot" Voices shouted and shrieked In exul tation, entreaty and encouragement Hubbub reigned, engulting alike the frenzied and the self ixisscsmsI. Just tain I Is r.dvl.v, tell the police. d, som ; thing, something, but would, Mr. i relit h's sbcv nrdi nan'.y. jes en it..s o :i. no. He b.ol srn the l.,-t 1. 1 d in iniili. a ten dollar l et. but v hat was t' : . ; :-..; of the am-'CM ': '1 he ti. l.e; V 1; h.ui ' b s ti tTn to li",ss l!:s wi r '.': 'I' he Lad w agered lu, I j i.-.ig!. i l.e blive wage:s Jb O. eoi .p.ira ; v elv lit tie money to be pl.iced , ;-. a f r.te': Harold cocli! s.-e ; I . -H :io"ne ll:-teli!iig t'' t! e talc, ,vi.!! s, ,:.: i u.' UiC penetratingly with Lmse i rouble!. aiVUM'.lg eyei; eiMlhl see Mm ;.t the close sorrow-fully wall.ii.g ::s .-y, sp t.. lug not a syllable i: eo:i,!oi:.-.:,:l,c:. ! a; with a manner oh. a maimer! No, he could not f.ue Mr. r,e:ithnic. The rvslli! WiHlId be the s.iU.e iu il.1V ATTORNZYATLMW, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing abstracts of title, conveyancing Everytiody Was telling of pnwpccttve pains, llanterlngs, gay assertions, ploy I M IKMHIK r,iniii, i..- ....... - j - and exiimlnliig tltlus to real estate a special ty. Work prop-rly floiie ami cnarges reason h i p. (imce: Huonis n aim llulldlng. near Nebraska. Court House, John toi ml PliiUsinoulh, W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. office: " PlaUsmouth, Waterman Block Nebraska ... mnVelii Platts. Phones , L.v DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteopathic Physician Chronic diseases a Specialty Coates Mock. r ins-l'' and M'.. '' II to y: a. Hi.. I lo ." p. in. and b '.' P In. point mem. Telepliones, oitiee ,lt,:re in IN-rklns Hotel. e hours bv up ddell. e V Abstracts c Title V Jf?oma5 Uallii). OKlTCE-Anheiiser-lluli Mock. FOLEYSHONETMAR Curat Ooldii PrtvanU Pnsumonla ful tlireats, flew thick nnd fast. Men were coming nud going. Unrlng reiwrta of doings In the licttlng ring, for, de spite the pretended efforts on tho part of tho imvt otllclals. undenieuth tho amphitheater jhkiIs wtto staling at lively rate. Harold felt himself clone Inert He was pervaded by vague discontent fcverj'l'O'lJ' wus winning; nobody was losing, except the pool sellers, nnd tlutf w ere legitimate sisill. To unlet Ids unrest he arose and strolled out toward the stairs. Im pelled onward, he descended and In nn Instant was seized by the mob gyrating alsiiit the bookmakers' stands A band clapped him on the shoulder, nnd lie heard a vohv in his ear: 'Hello, old man! Want n good thing?' He twisted his neck nnd looked be hind l.lm and saw that the scaker was Mcky Saddler-red faced llttlo Hlcky, a race track habitue. "I'm not N'ttlng," replied Harold. "Oh, I'shnw," scoffed Meky. "I'ut your wad on Seven l'- It's a cinch. Fact Tip straight from the stable and I know what I'm saying. Sis'T' And lie wns torn away. Harold pushed through the throng and on the outaklrts sought a corner wtxre he mbiht stop and think. IIU . . . :.. " 'XL .va'Mi HE BPBAK0 TO HIS PEET behind Harold a woman lentKsl for ward and, snnpplng her Angers, scream ed Incsantly: "Gome on. Seven Up! Come on, S--en Up! Come on. Seven Up!" Harold, outwardly unaffected, said nothing, but with fervent curiosity fol lowed the struggling bunch of horses. "Seven Up! Come on. Seven Up!" "Imp will win," calmly announced a man beside Harold, closing his field glass with a satisfied snap. Around the last turn. Into the home stretch, ndown the home stretch, irped the horsvs, all but the. two lenders en veloped In eddying dust "Imp! Imp! Imp'!" "Come on. Sewn Up! Come on, Sev en l'p! Come on, Seven Up!" A wntlng of tints and pamsnls. a vol ley of cries, and thr mce wns won, bnt not by Seven Up. "I lost a dollar!." Harold heard tho woman behind him bemoaning. He ab stracted from his pocket his ticket nnd stoically scattered It In pieces. No more betting for him. He had learned his lesson and had received what he de served. Mis hanlcally he put his hand back to Ms h!p pocket to ascertain that the hun dred was safe. Imrlng the Interest at tached to the race he had forgotten alNMit this trust "What! Umptyr Willi an abrupt, cold tightening of his heartstrinus Ids fingers rapidly explored. Scarcely could he Mlcvn them. Cinpty, empty, empty! He had Iss-n rbbed, probably by soma deft thief In the Mtlng ring. Ho spnuig to his feet, urged by nn inspiration to seek out Mr, IWnthonie at once, Inform him, explain to b'm, ob- W1TU Iif.VOt'UlNO WIS II E M'AKNKll TUB COMTK.NTS. case. He was disgraced. One liundrtsl dollars was not much, but it was more tlmn he could restore. To some It Would menu llothlliK; to hllll It meant niln. What a fsd he had U-en! And so his Imis'S of Alice were now as worthless as those bits of gray paste board underfoot, where disupHinted holders had contemptuously thrown them. No doubt it was Just as well. Alice m list be learning to forget hlin very likely, among her gay compan ions, already had forgotten hi m. He pulled himself together with a Jerk nnd hurriedly made for un exit When he urrlvnl at his room he had Discourse planned. Forsooth, Ids choice of courses was limited. It was an ex planation with his employer fiuv to face or a note that would explain when the writer was far away. The latter he wiiuld accept the hitter. It was Uie earler solution. They would not pursue him, to n i -prebend him, defaulter though he might be styled. He would quietly drop from view, and obloquy, denunciation nnd sermon would not reach hlin. Alice would lie rid of hlin, probably gladly after her father had in ghr luirno to her the news upon hearing It An envelop.- lying upon the table at traded his glance, a blue enve!no, ad dressed to him In her handwriting, a handwriting every dot and curve dear to him, treasured on many a scrap locked within his trunk. With devour ing eyes he scanned the contents: Dearest Harold Papa has relented. Come ulck, quick, quirk! ed. It s perfectly lovely, rtyht after dinner tonight wait. LoviliKly, P. S. -Isn't It grand? Brave little sweetheart! He had done her wrong. She had not forgotten him; she hud not wnveroiL Resisting brllc and derision, the luul clung steadfastly to him, week after week, and mw she had conquered. Too late? Should he say, Should he le the deserter? fall her? No, and again no! had restored his courage. Iilm; she had rallied to his side Just In tills hour of tus'd, and no longer was he a craven. He would not flee his re sponK!bllitl(s, by Ids action acknowl edge his guilt nnd nbnndon heT to tho graceless task of defending tlio name of a recreant He would remain nnd defend his own nan'. Alice would be lieve In hlin and wtmld not cast him off. He drew a long breath and squared his slsitildcrs. Ho wouhl go to Mr. ncTithorno's ami await him and tell him all. Mr. Benthiinie might le charitalde. If not chturltablo, merciful. He onght to haw told Mr. IUnthorne In the grand stanL It was to be a hard confession, but ciintcss ho would ami meet the tRfiies. And After Mr. Benfhtirne he would tell Alice. He reread Uie note, klssssl It and ten dexly pin cel It In ttie hialdo pocket of his coat; then, strangely baoyatit he went out of the door U'lit ujwn his mis skill. All la nrrniiK Conie i iuli k, I can hardly Al.U'K. "Tihi lateT Should he Her words She loved HiiK and (rartbnldl. Th.- IYench to-t Victor Hugo, whom Tetmysoii nddn-ssed ns 'Victor In dm inn, victor In romance, ' sent an Impassions! but little known p'-em on the disaster of Mentana In 1-7 to (inr Ihaldl. The Italian hero, nU.i Invoking the aid of the muse, replied in vere, of which the then exile In Guernsey ox orcswd aniirec!at'.on In tV following felicitous words: rar (lurlbaldl-Th- re wns a lyr In the trt of Ashmen: a tiarTj In t Judim Mucs-jibiunis: nrlando wnl a copy of i:mn to I'hnrlemuKiie. Frs-lerb k tlm Pw-tiiiJ ii,lilr-..s-l .le to Vnltnlr'. 11 tivf fcro txirts. Von. too, prms It. I rrail with d'T vmotlon tlio iiebl lyrical fidstli which rim adr'iissl tu m. and In whl h yi vk r th soul of Itftly In th Uvn (ruatf of Tbe sam trnth if Jiuttlce tuA llt-'rtr which lnrdr Vu with rral dinnla tiu-clr you with rr't thought rrwell. Ulujtrlous friend. London Telegraph, AM'UcKibVIVi'itnrdtioiirorAs simildtinjj lloKiHIantlHoul;i -linii tlio Slouidtlis aiul lUwv Is .( f For Infants nnd Children. - The Kind You Have Always Bought ft -p. ? Bears tlio l'romolos UioslitinCluTrriil I ni'SSiiinllVsl Conldiiis iiciiIkt i l)pitiiii.Ntorituiu norMuu'ial. rsOT NAHCOTIC. Mx .I'mjm Urn .I'm - m rtmw. Apcrfcrl Hcincilv forfonsliio lion, Sour Slomacli.DianliiH'n Worms .('onvnlsiiHis, Ivwrish-iu-ssfuulLt)SHt)i' SlJ-n:!'. FacSmuV SiConlnrr or KW YOUK. Signaturo M In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. i;-iuu Mum TMI 0KTUH HUHIIf, OM OrTT. New Fabrics For Spring In Hiiitiiis, troiiHcrins uml for (ivercnats ore nmv tn lie been in all tlu latent novelties from Ktitflinh, Scotcli and Ameriran mnniifuetu rei'H. We will iimke your Spring ovelcolit or Hllit in the lient nnd KWelct htyle nnd of nrlislic ole Lrniiee lit It rellhollllltle price. Frank McElroy Kiflli and Main Sts. -i'pstairs W'y m si Much When ii Ycu Ccn Get It for Less at H'-YPFN'S rv IYIE H 1 S The Reliable Store Whj Pay so Much When You Can Get It for Less at HAYDEN'S Q v4i 1 rMI I'iH V n v it V The Opportune Time Is Right Now If You Want a Fine SUMMER SLIT at One-Half or Less In order to outekly clo-e out our immense tock of lilh grm iiicn'Bmiin mer clotlilmr wo ur otTerliiir TWO 1-IKC1-: nnil THUKK-l'IF.CK SL ITS la hcrft. homespuns, flannels, tweols, chuvlots, etc., in pluin, funry uni tnli eil colors, worth up to 112.50 CC nft tleurine prW OJiUU A 11 alma intuit ntvlps ami imttern. iJCSSri rnque-tlonably the eroatest value you cv,,r saw Rt the I,rlre' WK AUK CONKIDK.M- lliAi wo run nlease vou. Let n- try. If you ,ar not satisfied you know thut we will cheerfully , -refund your money. W PURSE PLEASING PRICES IN MEN'S iSj FURNISHINGS Y,'Wi cn; in ti ftfl Unn't llnnpjr lie TTn iilt-finlflhad balbrWan. all color and bum. 9e vou can't afford to pom them up al per garment Great Money-savers, every item. I9c 50c Neckties 19c All the new styles, colors and patterns don't miss them, each 1.50 to 3.00 Sweaters 39c Men's and boys' fine merino sweaters, all colors, plain, fancy and laskct weaves TV rrrr-ltrrr cMn vet. at oiJC .8 1-3C 25c Men's Hose 8 l-3c Great variety of patterns and colors, unequalled value at pair 1,50 Hen's Shirts 39c Madras, Oxfords, Percales decant goods, 75c to $1.50 values. All sics and col ors, clearing sale price Order at Once and Don't Forget That we guarantee to you satisfaction or your mon ey back. 1 6!h 11)4 Dodge St Hayden Bros. ON AH A, NEBH. '1 V, A.