Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Ml till' of I'UlUMIl'lUtll. N'i'i r:i- k :i .lllll.'. I.. ii.iv i'f 1. It NEWS OF X Ell R A SKA. it9 "r? ""I V'. I r;.rie;r. Nob., Ju.y l'. Two boy. ri -1 lively thirteen and ten. sous i a fanner mimed Trmp, were iir wr.i'i wl.ilc bathing in the L'.ue riv er, near l.t if. Tho IknIIos wore recovered. Stuck ln.ois Cash Ii.'liii'liiria lin.T'".l. prria! nn.s. tines ami ilurs vi iim ami taxes. Insurance .:iii unit advanced 1.11 Tl Uthvr aM'K nuTvc d'.inl CI Heal estate contracts 4.1 Tula! t.'i.". 10 i.i . in i.i ms. C:iiltal slock paid up fit. 'all Hi lil-SlTVt' flllld 6U HI I'mlivulcd irelits VXZS.I 15 Total fi .l.w 10 KF.CKII'TS AM) KXTKMUTl lU S fir tin' year outline .lime M. KKCEIl'TS. Balance oil hand July 1. Ilia i 1.173 71 Dili's IH.'.'n: W Interest, premiums and lines l.'iM 7i Loans repaid n;wi ill Kt'iil fstiittn'ontnu'ts '.'Ill !l Mcmliership fees IA1 25 Transfer fees 2i Miscellaneous 7:t Total iX.'.iU till EXI'KXIHTIUKS Loans il!i.;m7 UU Kxpenscs lilt 20 Stock redeemed . 1I.H7S 12 Cash on hand I'M 31 Ut'turu pri'inluins H Hi Interest on H. 1 3 57 Hottest cf the Year at Lincoln. July r.i. The temperature vxr.s 54 iVsrei test of the year. While th' was sictt there wolf r.o pr Lined . i;i;xl . the iv.r. Tins Total illiXH ii'.i State or Neiikaska, i County of Cass, i I. Henry 11. (ierlnir. secretary of tin- ulmvo lianii'd association, do solemnly swi-ar thai tht' tori'iMlui statement of the condition of said ussiM'latlon. Is trim and correct to tin best of my knowledge and liellcf. Henuy U. (iKHiNil. Secretary. Subsorllied and sivoru to liefre rue this 30tl day of June. l'.4. Tiiom: Wai.i.inii, (skai.) Notary I'milic, Approved: 1). 11. Smith. C. A. Mahshai.i. IHre.'tors. Kiu;i) V. KniMiCH. I Probate Notice. TN T1IK COI'NTY COIIiTol' CASS CcU'X A ty. Nehraska. Ill the mailer of the e state of Otto C. Hooknicyi r. deceased. All nersons Interested In said estate an liereliv nolillcd that a lielitlon has lieeu tlleil In said court ailcirinii that said deceased has left no lat will and testament, and pravln for administration upon said estate, and thai a hearimr he had niton said petition licfon said court on Ihi' sth day of August. A. It r.)l. at 11 o'clock a. in.. Ilial If they fall to appear In said court on said day to contest the said petition the court may vrant and Issue letters of administration to Wesley ltkmeer or some other siiitiilile person and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of this court this liith day of .Inly. Uu4. seal llAKVKY it. TUAVIS. 7-21-3 County .1 mli-o. Eirjht Harri-oa. after Ileitis a viTuict Yearj for Ccnnoily. Nih.. July is Too Jr.: out ton lmurs u.v.:-:ht tinilini? Jatuos Coi.ti in !v guilty of i:::iiis'.aut;h;or for l he'.ir.i; of Henry 11. MI'.Kt. Judpc Wt.-Mvcr seii'i'tucHl him to ei;ht yours :a the poni'ontiiiry. nJ'tcr overruling a miv tion for a new trial. Men Win Nebraska City Strike, Nebraska City. Neb., July K Thfl strike at the Mortor.-OreRson p.ukiiiK house was settled at noon and the men returned to work at once. Detec tire Jack Farley, who was the cause of the strike, resigned and Mark Mor ton notified all of the men that they could return to work unconditionally. Young Man Drowns at Atklnaen. Atkinson, Neb., July IS. Alex Wal lace of Ciordon, nineteen years old, was drowned at the raot In this place. After supper he, with two or three others went out. for a swim. The water being higher than hcrvtoforo, and getting into a switt current in a few moments he was beyon 1 help. The Iiovb who were with him mudo heroic efforts to rescue, but were un able to save him. Sanquet to Pr.ul Morton. Nebraska City. N- lv. July Mr. Joy Morton rnterUined at dinner In honor of his brother, Paul Morion, the newly appointed sol idary of the j navy. A distinguished c ompany of I gentlemen, representing the stales of Illinois and Nebraska, gathered at Arbor Lodge, the beautiful country riotne of Mr. Morton. Sweet Given Long Term. O'Neill, Neb.. July 18 The Jury In the case of the otate against Clarence A. Sweet, charged with assault upon Maudle Starts, aged five, from the in direct results of which tihe died, re turned a verdict of guilty, recommend ing mercy. Julge Harrington gave Sweet the limit, fifteen years In the penitentiary. A mot urn for a new trial has Mvn filed. l bCrk r? s Efl W H m 1 Is !A 5S w I I GASH GIVE?-! AVAV to Users of U O Wl W L J) r If S, EEL I h i wum -mtm vtr tt mm mam immmhi wanauai m I Drops $3,000 From Car Window. Omaha, July 16. While the North western night express was traversing northern Nebraska B. P. Reavis merchant of Kails City. Neb., careless ly thrust his clothes, the pockets of which contained $3.ihi0, out of the sleeper window. He supposed he was placing the garments In the hammock and did net discover the loss till day light, when the train was within a few miles of Omaha. Reavis Is said to be wealthy and able to stand the loss. Former Flrt Chief Is a Suicide. Fairbury, Neb., July 18. Lew H. Davis, former chief of the Are depart ment, committed stiicido by drinking carbolic acid. After taking the dose he walked out of the and was found lying In the street dead. Ho had been montally unbalanced since an accident several years ago, In which his skull was fractured. Ho leaves a wife and two childr.i, and was a member of the Odd Follows and Ancient Order of United Work men lodges. Crctna Man Dies at Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., July 20. Hans Pe ters, aged sixty-five, a member of a party of ten people from Gretna, Neb., bound home mm llonesteel, died hero from Injuries received at the North western depot In this city when the special pulled In from llonesteel. P ters attempted to get off the train be fore It had stopped, but fell and was caught by the steps and dragged along the platform on his back and his skull was fractured at the base. He was taken to the Salter sanitarium, where he died. Notice to Creditors. SHKS;;"'!- In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Anton Henry Weekliadi. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estale. before me. county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in I'litttsmouth.ln said counly.on the Kali day of August. Hull. a ml on the lMliday of February. Mil.), at 111 o'clock a. in. each day. for the pur- ixisu of presenting their claims ror exanilna tlou itdiustment anil allowance Six months are allowed for the creditors of so Id deceased to present their claims, and one vear for the administrator to settle said es- tute. from the 2nd clay of July. I'.iU. Witness my hand and seal of said count court, at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this lit day of July. V.H. 7-21-4 Hahvev W Thavis. Lseai.1 County Judge. Corn Grows These Hot Days. Grand Island, Neb., July IS. Day by day more farmers are completing their harvesting and the tone of their re ports has not been bettor In fifteen years. Wlllium Eldrlge, residing near Alda, was one of the first to complete the harvest of both oats and wheat and reports that the latter crop may go forty bushels to tho acre. One farmer In from the north country es timated his oats cron at 100 bushels per acre. This Is exceptional, though all report a most satisfactory result. Com Is making wonderful projress with the great wealth of sunshine from above and moisture beneath. Probate Notice. TO IIKItMA LKMM AND I KKUKKICK" Lemm. Infants, and to Max Lemin. their father and administrator de lionls lion of the estate of Wlllhun tiuthman. ch used, non-residents of the state of Nebraska, and to .Mary h reck low Anna lioos. I.oulsa liiithman. Kdnard (iuthman and Ida l.ntlmnin. you and each of you and all other persons Interested are nere l.v mil ilcil on the 2sth tlavof June. 1104. Wlllium tiuthman Hied his petition In the county court, of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of William tiuthniaii, iisklnir for settlement of said estate. and that lots 7 and s in block 73. In the city of l'lattsmouth, in Cass coiintv. NeiirasKa, aim lots 3 to 7. Iilh Inclusive. In Towiisenirs addl tlun to salil cltv. lie assigned to said William Outhlnan. Mary'Krecklow. Anna tioos. Louisa i:m t. tint kiluaril liiitbmioi and bla tiuth man. each a one-seventh part thereof, and to said Hernia Lemni ami ! reclericu i,emi icn undivided one-fonrteetit h pari thereof as the III lllltttet (Mill (if il.ii lute Wlllhun (itithtuan. ami free from all claims of the creditors of WIU liatn tiuthman. and of the costs of adinlnis i..pimr liion.tiiie ami for Miutlahlc relief, toil are required to answer sulci petition on or lie fore Monday, the 8th day of August, m 4. ami a hearing thereon will lie had on the tilth day of August, Hu4. at 10 o'clock a. in. IIAHVKY l. THAVM. Count v .Imlire of Cass County. Neb. Jesse L. Koi it. Attorney for Petitioner. Legal Notice. T,. ll..i,rl..llu II IVolcotL LoVil P. Vtoleott and .leannette Teogarden. and to all other person Interested: You anil eucli of you are hereby notified that on the Mill day of July. 11)04. Isaac W. Teewirden as administrator of the est alii of Creeilu A. Vtoicoii. uceeiise.., i,.rl i,u Hiiitl ucrouiit and nctlllon for the al lowunce thensif and for Hie assignment o . i... ...i.l,,o ,.f 1 1... ii tn ri'iil and personal, o said deceased. In the county court of Cass ...... v..i.i.,.i,. Tlott tlin said court, on the lltl'i day of July. IU04. xed the 5th day ol August. IIM. at 11 o'clock a. ni.. and the rsiiiie iii tl... court house 111 I'latlS' mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, as the time i ... i... ...i.,,. ....i.i iu'i tion. ana ail- Itliu liuti f ii'r iii i"H ".'- f ; ... ....i. ,,1 ,.n,.uiii mtiil iiccoiitit. Ihe said petitioner claims that the alive lianied lien ........ it u'.. i i i . 1. 1 vil i WoCott and Jean ette Tee'ifardeii are the sole and only heirs al law of said deceased, and they alone arc en .i.i. ..i ... it... ri.siiliie of said estate. I ..... r..o i,. ursahl time and place am . i'i' ,.i in tho asshininent CIHUM'1 IO Slllil II" count , I of 1 1... residue of the estate real and IX'rv'mil of said chs'eased to the said Henrietta li. ni' ecu l. Lloyd I'. Wolcott and .leanette 1 eckar den. sahl miiiiii't will In- allowed and such as slgnmeiit of said estate niaile. Ily the Court, IIahvktI) Thavis. County .iiiuge. 2st4 SHERIFF'S SflLE. ... .... of sale. Issued 1 IV i in lie f. ,.,..,..,-. James li..l rtson. clerK . a im- is, ,. t . .... within and for Cass County. .eirashu. ami m tne directed, I w ill en the 22rf Dav otAuauU. A. D. 1904. ... ...1...1 r .i.l.l dav. at the south . , ;. -nrt house In the euy o l'lattsmouth In sal'l county sell a auction, to the highest bidder for ca I,,!,",S?.r:? ,. L: . ;,ii. KIe(M. mid Six ,... In lll.H k V ,. t.r ii Young ami H'ys; addH i. .. ...... of lirtllft .1. l eterseu ItS tl"' l..'" ' J , " , - . . lollll Ali'tanili aii, Vi u h' Mer anKcieVenciants, tosa.lsfy July sut. JOHN ! Mc. Nehrnska. femlatils. l'lattsmouth Hherlff, Cass County JltSt L. U'XIT. I'lalutll AUormiy. A IlKlliK Nebraska. 2V-J Errant Wife Is Located. Chadron, Neb.. July 18. Mrs. Day, wife of Dr. Day of Itroken Uow, who left Hrcjken How several weeks ago and la alleged to have eloped with a Haptlst preacher named Morris, has been located here, stopping at a pri vate residence. Mrs. Day was seen by attorneys, but refused to explain her actions or we Mr. Day, only say Ing that she had nothing to regret and requested that Mr. Day return to his home. Morrla Is reported to have deserted a wife and several children at Ilrokeji Bow. Dr. Day contends that his wile Is under sorao hypnotic Influence. BOTH PARTIES KNOCKED OUT. One Seriously Stabbed and the Other Has Skull Fractured. North Plattu, Neb., July 15. A se rious stabbing and clubbing affray took place on the ranch of Benjamin Auway, at)out fourteen miles from here. It appears from the statement of the party who came for a doctor that Dluff Auway went to Iten Au way's place to get some corn, and while he was shoveling It Into his wagon his stepfather, Donaldson.came over from his place and he and I'.luff had some words over the corn. In the course of the altercation Donald sonstabbecl Muff In the breaBt with a knife. Inflicting a serious wound Muff struck Donaldson on the head with a shovel, knocking him senseless and, It is feared, smashing his skull Hans Gets New Trial. Lincoln, July 14. Tho supreme court, Judgfi Holcomb dissenting, has held that Fred Hans, the railroad de tective who killed David O. Luse of Brown county In 1901, while Haus, as special deputy sheriff was trying to place Luse under arrest, Is entitled to a new trial. The gTound of the court's decision is that the Indictment charged murder In the second degTee, but that the court permitted the Intro duction of evidence which tendod to prove premeditation and deliberation. Before adjourning the supreme court suspended the sentenc of Mrs. Lena Llllle, sentenced to Imprisonment for life, pending a rehearing of the esse. Situation at South Omaha. South Omaha, July 19. All of the packing houses received a few re cruits from out of town, but none of the strikers applied for work. Not withstanding that all was quiet, the strikers did not for one moment cease their vigilance and a number of men headed for the plant were Induced not to enter. The best of order still prevails. A notice was posted on the bulletin board at the Live Stock ex change stating that the packer can now take care of LSOO head of cattle a day and 6,000 head of hog- This notice u signed by all ef the four packing plants here. Com mission men at once advised therr shippers ts let shipment come forward. BANKER LOST IN A JUNGLE. Louie G. Wettling of Lincoln, Nib, Ha Thrilling Experience in Mexico. Lincoln, July 16 Louis O. Wet tling. a banker, and C. E. Ross, a business man, both of this city, have had a thrilling adventure In Mexico, according to advices from Vera Crui. The two men went to Mexico to buy Umber lands and n a cruise In a ca noe thulr boat capsliod and they lost their provisions and extra clothing, They narrowly escaped with their lives, and In attempting to find their wav out of a great fomst lot their way and wandered eighty-two hours with scarcely any food. When they merced from the Junglo they found themselves 100 miles from the start' Ing po'il- TlM,J weM ,T,,n f1 ,n a native village, and made their way to Vera Crux, whore a chance meeting with friend enabled Wettling to be Identified at a Mexican bank. Thl was fortunate for Wettling, who wa suspected of being an Impotter, ai he bad not had a ahave In daya and hie slothing wa out at elbow end tie m ft result of U trie la t Juog.e. ATTACK LAND ASSESSMENT. Railroads Insist Farm Valuation in Nebraska Are Too Low. Lincoln, July 20. Land valuation do not suit the rallnmds of the state. The railway tax commissioners Insist that the farmers should bave assess ments greatly raised. Before thu state board of equalization Tax Com missioner Policy of the Chicago, Min neapolis and Omaha road tnformod tho board that he had evidence that land was undervalued In several countnes. He said only 91.3 of the values had been reported In Douglas county. In Washington county the assessment was 77.65 per cent of the value. In Burt county the percentage was 8H.89, while In Dakota county th l percentage was 87.42. He will be heard a week from today and will argue that he based his deductions on tables of Wis consin land salea. Farmers of the state have objected to the listing cf all the fenced lands In Nebraska un der the head of cultivated tracts. Chairman Williamson of the Boone county board asked that the land of surrounding counties be raised. "Much of the land In Boone county." said Mr. Williamson, "ts listed as cul tivated land merely because It I un der fence. Some of this fenced land 1 very rough and entirely useless for anything except paaturag. and It Is hardly fair to consider It as cultivated land and list It as cultivated land val uea." In Addition to tho Regular Free Premiums How Would Voousnssncfz Co. wrrc TO SECOXD SiTIOYU. nilK Ti! riwv hi. WOOLSOi Per. riccco. like cx Check Uke This? lit. i.j sA AAA nn Cash to Lion Coffee useri In our 118 Have AWarUBH UUUUiUU 2i:W people get checks, 213J more will get tbcm iu the Presidential Vote Contest Five Lion Heads Coffee Packages stamp entitle you the regular free cut from Lion and a a cent (In addition to premiums) to one vote. The a-ccnt stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. You can send as many e.iti mates as desired. Grand First Prize of $5,000,00 will be awarded to the one who Is ncarcbt correct on both our World's Fair nr l Presi dential Vote Contests. We alio offer JS.OOO.OO Special Cash 1'rlics to t.n.ccts' Clerk. (Particular! Id each case ol Colli-.) 1 ri-. What will be the total popular vote cast for President (votes for all can dldntes combined) at the election November 8, 1004 ? In l'.NM) election, l.'l,!)S,.),r.v1 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woo I son Spice Com pany's ollice, Toledo, ()., on or before November S, I'.HH, we will give (irsl t.ri.-.e b.r the nearest correct estimate, second 1 rize Jo the next nearest, etc., etc. , as fullows: .i r 1 .v.. uiiA " I'l l? IS- f l'ri.'.. - ii !' ' ' '9 j 1 : : ji rit'2i:s. irn I I2.n00.00 I'i r.oo.oo '.Of MID IOO. (ID fjO.OC) yo-oo 10.00 6.00 l ,000.00 each 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 " 1,000.00 " 1 ,000.00 " 1,000.00 " y.roo.oo 120,000.00 TOTAL, How Would Your Kamo Look on One of These Checks? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use l.iO.V fOFft:K bmg enough to get cciiamted with It. you will M- suited nn convinced there is no other such value for the money. Then you will lake no otb. r-,.,.d thai s w ,y -we ndy.-riis.-. And we are using our advertising money so tuutbutli of us-yuuus well as we-wtli get a benelil. Hem e b.r your !. .ail AND CASH PRIZES WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of GJN FTEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. Avoca special ('nrresi..iiti-N'-c C. 1. Qnintin mid W. 1. Sinools lelt Monday lor P-die-tcd. 15.0. M;inw;inlt and tamily arrived home from M. Lmiis Tue-dav. IE. T. .Jones is in South liakota. Ir. HaviMJii reports Mrs. Fred Hall- er, south or town, on 1 i.e mck iim. J. O. Kuvvlaiid left the first of the week for St. Louis. X. W Sliauh relurneil from Lincoln Sunday. Miss Amy Westlake is under Ir. Davison's care. Mrs. J. O. Piovvlan and children are visiting Omaha relatives. Mrs. C. (i. Clark and children spent a few days last week with Tnion rela tives. Fred Ihinkak lias purchased the liv ery barn of l. J. Meyers. Joseph Zimmerer and family spent Sunday In the country. Mrs. Slade, of I'alinyra, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Hoi lenlierger. U. E. Tellt vixs down from Weeping Water Tuesday. Deputy Grand Master Marshall, of Weeping Water installed the follow Ing olllcers of the I. ().). F. lodge of Avoca last Thursday evening: Joseph Malcolm, X. O.; Ora E. Copes, V. 0.; Edward Morley, V.; Louis ('arstcn, J. ;.; Lester Ilohack, . C; (i. O. liar 111011, C; John Seahlooin, (J.: T. S. I'ittinan, I!. S. X. (..; William Lang horst, L. S. X. (!.: .James Diuitiar, II. S. V. ;.: W. I. Sinools, L. S. V. (. gen's house, hrokn a nuinher of win- (lows out of the house and completely stunned Mr. Vlrgen. Doctors said He Would not Live. 1'eter Fry, W'oodrulT, l'a.. writes "After doctoring for two years with flic best physicians In Wayneshurg, and still get! ing worse, the doctors ad vised meif 1 1 iiid any business to al tend to 1 bad bi tter attend to It at once, as I could not possibly live another month as there was 110 cure forme. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommend ed to me by a friend, and I immediate ly sent my son to the store for It and after taking three bottles I Ix-gau to gel hotter and continued to Improve until I was entirely well." Sold by F. Cr. Frlcke Co. FISHBACK TAKEN TO KANSAS. Convict Ends Sentence Only to Fin Two Sheriffs With Warrant. Kanasas Ctty. July 16. When J. W.' Flshback wa discharged at Je fferwm , City from the state penitentiary, after serving a five-year sentence tor a boli I robbery committed at the Coates house, the sheriffs of iAncaster coun-, ty, Nebraska, and Kansas City, Kan., were waiting for him, each with a requisition. Flshback was wanted fn Nebraska, where he Is alleRfd to have escaped from the penitentiary before he had finished term under the narno of Tom Carter, and by the Kansas o fa cer for robbing the raenger In a Pullman car on a Missouri raclflc train as It was passing through the outskirts of Kansas City, Kan., In 1S?. Py mutual eereement. he was surrendered to the Kansas ihD8 and brought to Kansas City for trial. The robbery at th Coete souse wa a bold one, rtshbark stealing a cash boi from the cigar stand In the lobby and escaping after holding a number ot guests and hotel employe at bay vttH 1 revolver. Ayers Losing your hair? Comine out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything belter? fti Mr bur mi th IWir Vigo? tnpr-n.l kit 11,1)1.-- f 1 os t txitiu. All rtmtf.ftt llln, out r M4IT. Mil npr.l II C. LuulPOS n4 now m, l.tir It uiaur, ci. for 1. e. ty t ..wall itii rev Thin Hair Murray Special Cnrri'siniiiili'iit. Homer Miller drove over to l'latts mouth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sporrey are re joicing over tbearrlval of a nine-pound boy. Bent Hargus spent Sunday w ith J. M. Leek and family. James Manners has been on the sick list for the past few days. Cjuite a numlier left Sunday for Da kola to register for land, among them being Chas. and llrtice Stone, Will McDanlelsand Dr. Ollmore. Mrs. Gllmorc U spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walk er, south of town. The many friends of Mrs. James Loughrlge will be grieved to know that she Is no bettor, and that little hope Is entertained for her recovery. Miss Hopping of Hed dak Is the guest of Will Ilrown. Mont Ilobb Is In the bank this week during the absence of Cashier Stone. Harve Manners spent the week at Xebawkaand Weeping Water, repair ing telephones with which the storm played havoc. A few of the boys went up on the l'lattc river fishing Sunday night. Miss Abide Furgenson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Edmunds and fam ily. Em Carroll Is staying In McDanlels' store during Mr. McDanlels' alwcnce. Last Friday morning during the se vere storm, lightning struck a large Cottonwood tree in front of Oswel Vlr- Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Tin Years of Suffering. "1 w ish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy," says Mrs. Mattie Iturge. of Martinsville, V.i. "I sulTer ed from Chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that tine tried various medicines without obtaining any ier inaneiit relief. Last summer one ot my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of this remedy. ( inly two doses were required togive her entire relief. I then de cided to try the medicine myself, and did mil use all of one bottle before I was well and I have never since lioon troubled with that complaint. One cannot say t'K) much in favor of that wonderful medicine." This remedy Is for sale by all druggists. It costs a little more but is the liest. ratton'sSun Proof (lerlng & Co., sole agents. by far Faint. rjcrjPrier own m 1 "1 5w. I $2.25 and $2.50 If You Want Tans We Have Them at $2.00 Up. LIGHT WEIGHT OXFORDS in smooth, fine Don tfola, Military I loci, Hluclicr Cut, a well dresser's choice, for $2.50. SHERWOOD & SON