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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1909)
The NewsHeraldC '.1 'ai III. So TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Established Nov. 5. 1-31 H KKALU. t.-ulilihcii Apiil 1 1- PLATTSMOUTH, NEKIIASKA, .MONDAY, FEHKUAllV 2'. l!Kii VOL. XLV NO. 77 , Consoliiiatid Jan. 1. l-'.'j A POPULAR CITIZEN "nrKliLr.a'eoloi-oa "vaffiSJnii! ; man out of employment Tom G. Barnum Who Died InM. P. Wreck On 14th Instant Cass County Eoy. The Plattsmouth the World-Herald under correspondent of j date of the x brok-i and a caine to his home at the noon hour. All three were ushered into the dining room and sump tuously dined. The soldier was given money, the unemployed a position and the colored man went his way with his better nature aroused. When a mem-j her of the board of education he saw j 6ERING-LEYDA SUIT NOT LOSING MUCH ; that the heavy work was telling on the . ill.... I.,. . 1 I l'.tth gives a very reauaoiebKcico 01 u.e ... ,!li anil ho iumi him life of a popular citizen of this county, ' awa tQ the river m a duck bhootiB T. G. Barnum of Union who was killed CXH!(,iliHn anj luU.r insisled that he a week ago last Sunday in the wreck mugt brtfak o drjve AUm I a WoodtHl near Union. The World Herald says: ; wWch w, highIy ftnd Thomas G. Barnum, the victim ot the ; man di(, not under3tand hU mo. Missouri Pacific wreck of last Sunday, . Uve untj, thu red Wo0(1 of hcath wag comes of an old and well known family. , jn tfc h hU yt .. His father, Hon. Evander Barnum, came to Nebraska in the early '50s, j Battle Ships Return, settling at Union, Neb., in 18W). In i Today the American battleship fleet, the same year he served as territorial after a most marvelous voyage of representative and in 1873 he entered j about 45000 miles, is expected to again safely drop anchor in Hampton Roads, It will be remembered that just about fourteen months ago, all manner of disaster was predicted by the so called Case Given to the Jury Saturday The Two Cent Fare in Missouri Afternoon -Verdict for j Proves That the Kate is Defendant. ! Not Confiscatory. The suit of Henry It. Gering against . . . , , , In. Missouri the 2-cent rate is paying John M. Leyi a. wherein Gering claims . . ' ' T , ,. out, and the conditions there seem to $")0;i0 damages from Leyda, on the .. , , . . J . contradict the idea that such a rate is Vlliirire ill Hi l cua mcbiauiiiiii, wii v- ,. . . i 1 nuiiltuiMit.trir rriikju mviTititpnna in Inn Beggs on July 5, 1908, and upon that case before Judge Allen J. Beeson, Mr. Gering was discharged. State Journal bearing date of the lxth inst., contain such information. The State Journal says: Statements made by attorneys for railroad companies that the 2-cent rate the thu state senate, serving one term. He was justice of the peace during the times when history in Nebraska was in the making. His mother is of Scotch desccnt.being a lineal descendent of the . naval experts and magazine writers, family of Lord Lovell. His mother is They were confident that the battle the only member of the family in the j shifts would be lost in the storms in state today, excepting his wife, who rounding Cape Horn, or if they should bears the name of Barnum, his father j ever reach the Pacific and should make dying in 1808. the journey that they would be worn Thomas Barnum wa3 an only child, j out and rendered useless. Not a single He was born at Union, Neb., March 18, 1 ship has been put out of cjminission littl. He was educated at the Nebras-1 and practically all repairs have been ka City college of the Episcopal church, i taken care of by the mechanics on the n institution that docs not now exist, ; vessels. The officers and men have but which educated some well known ; been tendered ovations by every country men. Horatio N. Dovey of the First they have visittd. The cruise has fur National bank in this city, John Stein- j nished the world an object lesson in hart, ex-mayor of Nebraska City and j naval affairs. The sixteen battleships president of the Commercial club, Carl . composing the fleet are the Connecticut, Morton and A. L. Dorrington of the : Kansas, Minnesota, Vermont, Georgia, United States army, now stationed in ' Nebraska, New Jersey, Rhode Island, the Philippines, were classmates of Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, Mr. Barnum. Paul Morton was an up-' Wisconsin, Illinois, Kearsarge, and per classman at the same time. Canon I Kentucky. Rear Admiral Charles S. Burgess of Plattsmouth.whohadcharge ! Sperry has been commander-in-chief of of the funeral services, was at that ; the fleet on the voyage, time instructor in Greek and Hebrew in , Today we welcome the home coming the college. Mr. Barnum completed of our fleet, and every patriotic citizen his work at the college in 1880 at the ( can justly feel proud of such a naval age of 19, and on November (5, 1882, he j fleet. No such marvelous voyage was married to Miss Harriet Pollard, would hardly be attempted by any daughter of Isaac Pollard of Nehawka other naval fleet in the world. The men and sister of Congressmau E. M. Pol- on the fleet are now experienced and lard and a cousin of ex-Senator Sheldon, i trained in the school of experience, and count of a complaint filed against Ger ing by C. A. Rawls, as County Attor ney, last July has occupied the court the past week. The criminal action charged Mr. Gering with unlawful sale l: . o.....l I' 01 UllUXll HllMu IHIUur iu Ullir oaiuui.-i i... ... i- . i : vi iiiki'Aiv....i to iftiilioiitArv rnntrmlirfiM in iriaioi j , ., " ... , . , report ot me rauroau aim wureimuse commissioners, given out tonight. This iii liiiail ntum utirrtiMi ot a mi inn t a if tVii . . . ' l& tl-lDllt Lt LIWI I Dtl Vltl DlllWVHIVIIVtl V HIV areas follows: C. G. Bailey, C. F. Chandler, Jno. McGuiness, Harry Thomas, J. I). Cross. F. A. Creamer, Edward Parsell, W. N. Minford, A. N. T rr1. Vioifnlwith Inun urnm. , 1 ' . . ! fr the road of $087.74 a mile IllLtM it I 111 OLilLU lunuut lain. McCrory, Geo. E. Bucll, Jos. Wiles, Win. Rtimmell. The plaintiff was represented by Matthew Gering and General John C. Cowin, of Omaha, and the defense by J. Elmer Leyda, of Falls City, and Byron Clark. Mr. H. It. tiering and Mr. J. M inent in politics, and a very bitter feeling exists between them. Much interest has been manifested by the public in the progress of the trial, a large audience being present at every session of the court. The case was submitted to the jury Saturday afternoon about four o'clock. A verdict was found for the defendant. railroad companies. Although many of the roads did not make a report of their exclusive pas j senger earnings a mile in Missouri for l'.H)7, a comparison made on a basis of ! the earnings a mile of the entire road show that the majority of the roads I did not lose money, but on the contrary j the earnings show an increase. The j Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Itail J road company has figures for 1907 and 190S and these figures show a net gain in Mis souri. The Missouri Pacific, whose attorneys asserted in the recent rate hearing in Kansas City that the road was losing money on state business, have no figures for Missouri in 1007. The pas sengers earnings for 1908 in Missouri, however, show that the road earned $1,002.27 more on its state business than it did on the business of the entire More Money for Posloflico. Washington, Feb. 20-In the sun dry civil bill, which passed the senate tixlay, Nebraska appropriations are made as follows: Beatrice, improve ing, $:i0,000; Columbus, completion of building, $45,000; Fairbury, site and completion of public building, $55,000; Fremont, completion of building and improvements, $:I5,000; Grand Island, completion of building, $45,000; Hold rege, site and continuation of work on building, $50,000; Kearney, site and continuation on building, $20,000; North Platte, site and continuation of build ing, $(10,000; Plattsmouth, completion of building, $.'15,000; York, completion of building. $15,000. -Lincoln Journal. This indicates that Plattsmouth is to get an $85,000 federal building, as $50, 000 was appropriated at the last session of congress. PLATTSMOUTH WINS Roth Sides were Exceptionally Good but Plattsmouth Proves Best. Sunday School Workers. The Sunday school workers of Ne braska, especially those interested in the Organized Adult Bible Class work will have an exceptional opportunity to hear Mr. W. C. Pearce, the Inter national Adult Superintendent in Lin coln, March 2 and .'J. Mr. Pearce is making a tour of the country, holding Adult Conferences, and Lincoln is one of the favored twelve cities selected. Further particulars may be secured by writing to the office of the Nebraska Sunday School association, Lincoln. C. C. Wescott and wife left last even- system in 1907, though the business of ing for a ten days trip to the eastern I the entire system shows a decrease of markets. $171. 70. ; I must feel a high degree of confidence, which is a most valuable asset in the hour of of trial. Every American must feel that the expenditures for building ! condemned our fleet as worthless and unseaworthy, is not to be believed, i Hurrah for the American naval fleet DREW CLAIM AT BOS EST E El After his marriage Mr. Barnum took up his residence on his father's large juuu k uk. . -h - " . batt,cahi ( have not a waste Here Mr. Pol ard erected a palatial 1 7 .fi . , m, of money, and that the muck rake res dence as a gift to his daughter, Mr. , . " 1 , L i f . magazine writer, who has so harshly P.arnum encraired extensively in farm-, h, .... ing and stock raising, employing a num ber of men. The past few years he devoted most of his time to sheep. In 1905 he registered for the Gregory Valentine Party. county land drawing at Boncteel and There was a surprising surprise for drew claim 323. He and his wife lived J JeHnnette Teegarden and a number of on the land the required time and prov- hcr frjt.nds last Saturday. Mrs. II. B. ed up on it. Mr. Barnum is survived Wolcott entertained for Jeannctte at a by an only child, Mrs. Vernie Cheney, ' Valentine party. The guests were sent his wife and his mother, Mrs. Eliza , t0 Mrs Wolcott's homeon the pretense Gilchrist Barnum. of errands. The rooms were prettily "Tom Barnum, as he was universally decorated with hearts of all colors, a kr.own, was a pnuosopner wua wmmi ; delicious two course luncheon was it did one good to converse. Jovial, 8crved aml a each plate there was a prosperous and kind hearted, be was j valentine for a place card. It won't known to every man, woman and child j be a hard matter to get those young for miles. His door was never closed ' fk s to go on an errand to Mrs. Wol arul no matter who applied for charity i cott's in the future. Weeping Water or food, or lodging their appeal was j Republican. - fltP f AJjrnlPAW ,i.V.;V KJnnm; fry Irnil in V vour national capacity must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations." Washington's Farewell f Address to the People of the United states. X t V ? T Adam Schanz Diet. Adam Schanz, youngest son of George Schanz and wife of this city died at the home of his parents in this city last Thursday evening, of the dread disease consumption. The young man was a little over 22 years of age and was Advertised Letter List. Remaining uncalled for in the post Friday evening the High school of this city won in the debating contest ugainst the Weeping Water High school. The contest took place in the auditorium of the High school. Miss Marie Douglass and Josephine Hall and Mr. John Falter, maintained the affirmative of the subject: "Ke solved, that disputes between Labor and Capital in the railroad business should be settled by Board of Arbitra tion with compulsory power." Misses Grace Teegarden and Maryr Hungate and Mr. John Clark main tained the negative side of the ques tion. These young people handled the subject in a way that showed much force of thought and training, and this speaks will for the High school of our neighboring city. Misses Hall and Douglass were partci ularly strong in elocutionary power. I and their address showed much research i and careful preparation. Mr. Falter, j while younger than the others, showed I a clear logical mind, and by his logic S and strong analysis of the subject, did I much to win the contett. The local High school as well as the I visiting High Bchool deserve congratu- lations on the strength of preparation shown by this contest. The partici- Bs pants on both sides deserve the highest ! commendation, and we predict that office at Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb l'.IOO. Miss Kate Ducan, Andrew Arohwieh, I these young people will be heard from Hal. Chapman, J. E. Doley and Mar tian Tike. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office March 2, 1000, if not in later years. The musical numbers by Mr. E. H. Wescott, Prof. W. G. Brooks, and Mrs. J. W. Gamble were highly ap delivered before. In calling for the 1 predated by the large audience. Master above please say "advertised" giving j Ben Windham gave an humorous read date of list. C. II. Smith, P. M. j ing to the delight of all. The judges were M'bj Maken of the -;-H;-H;";'MJw! t MOSTLY PANTS We've been selling pants, most ly pants since we began our annual pant sale. Just 4 prices: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Best values we ever offered. All new goods. Mostly Dutchess. Wherever there were 1, 2 or 3 pairs left in a line we have put thenrin this sale, all sizes 29 waist to 56 waist. Come before they are gone. Bring the cash. C. E. Wescott's Sons Where Quality Counts. 1 Capt. Palmer May be Mayor. Captain H. E. Palmer has formally filed for the republican nomination for mayor, that formality being performed for him at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon by Sylvester E. Searl, the attor ney who is the duplicate of William H. Taft. nresident-elect. in anncaranee. cigar maker by trade, although he had With it was a petition signed by sev- not worked at his trade for Home eral hundred ardent republicans, pray- months, owing to his illness. He leaves ing that the captain become a candidate surving his parents and one brother, and his letter accepting their prayer, George Schanz of Evangeline, La. dated January 23, before he left for Also an uncle and aunt residing in this Cuba, where the captain is now sojourn- city, being George Klinger and wife, ing temporarily. as well as three cousins, George J., Captain Palmer has served as fire and ; Henry and Sophia Klinger of this city, police commissioner, park commissioner I His brother has been notified and will and postmaster of Omaha; has been for j doubtless arrive for the funeral today, several years one of the board of direc-1 The funeral occurred today at 2 o'clock tors of the national soldiers' home; has i i" the Evangelical church, Rev. Lang been department commander of the G. j hrst in charge. The pallbearers were A. It.; has had honors and duties galore V "I Hassler.James Ptak.hmil Droege, within the republican party organiza-1 Charles Wilkins, Anton Kouberk and tion; but is now for the first time in his j Henry Hesse. Interment was made in political career, appealing directly to . Oak wood cemetery. the sufferage of the voters for a public 1 honor. ! Sunday School Workers. Father Shine Surprised. Father M. Shine, of St. John's Cath-! olic church, wan made the recipient of a surprise party of the junior priests from this vicinity. His guests present ed him with a handsome walrus skin traveling bag. Thoss attending from abroad were Father Moran of St. Thomas orphanage, Father O'Brien, of the cathederal at Lincoln; Father Murphy of Davey, and Father Lougnot of Alverno. Install Olfioers at Creenwood. J. (5. P. Hildcbrand and E. E. Black man will go to Greenwood this evening where Mr. Hildebrand will be the in stalling officer and Mr. Blackman will deliver an adreBS before the Modern Woodman lodge. Mr. Blackman's ad dress will be on woodcraft. Miss Eveland Weds. At noon Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eveland, near Murdock, occurred the marriage of Miss Jo Eveland to New ton Lang. A large company of rela tives and friends of both parties wit nessed the ceremony. Omaha High school, Prof. Sreedie of Benton, and Prof. Greyson of Council Bluffs. At the close of the exercises a recep tion was given to the visitors by the Senior class and high school faculty. It is to be hoped that these contests may be kept up regulurly, as they must prove beneficial. Engineer Moore Improving. The condition of George II. Moore the Burlington engineer hurt at La Platte, as a result of a collision with a pile driver, is favorable. Mr. Moore was not so seriously injured as at first reported, and it is said he will soon be able to leave the hospital. Marriage License Issued. A marriage license was issued Fri day to Adelbert Leesley, of Greenwood and Miss Belle Vickers, of Alvo. The parties are well known and popular people from the west end of the county. Albert Johnson of near Weeping Water was in the city Saturday at tending the sale of the realty in the Lynd estate. With Captain Palmer in the mayoralty race, adding his name to that of Arthur Briggs and Harry Frost, who have al ready filed as republican candidates, the republican political situation be comes exceedingly complicated. World Herald. Farms For Sale. I am offering a farm for sale two miles south-wesi of Mynard at ninety dollars per acre. Also one 3 1-2 miles south-east of Murray. Earl V. Cole. Mynard, Neb. 74-8 Luther Hall of Elmwood and Miss Pearl Gamble, of Yates Center, Kan., were married in Lincoln by Judge Cos grave Thursday. Information of the illness of "Grand ma" Giberson, one of the oldest resi dents of Weeping Water has just i reached thcNKWS-llKitAl.n. The Adult Bible "lass Conference to j be helil in Linclon March 2 and 3 prom- j ises to be one of the events of the ! o-4M t t year among Sunday School workers, j 1 Mr. Pearce has appeared in Nebraska I before, at the State Convention at Fro- mont last June, and at that time he l won the hearts of all who heard him. i The Conference or Institute will conti- Fainled In Court Room. While performing her regular duties ; nue for two days and will be under the at the County Judge's office Friday 1 direct supervision of Mr. Pearce, the evening, Miss Gertie Beeson fainted international Adult Superintendent, and fell to the floor. The Judge was j The range of subjects to be considered absent having been called as a witness j ja so wide that any person who will in the Gering-Leyda lawsuit, and the . have the opportunity to attend the janitor who happened to be in the room j institute will have a complete working summoned Judge Beeson at once. Mrs. I knowledge of this important and grow Miner and Miss Weidman came in from j ing field of Sunday school endeavor, the Register's office and a doctor was Full information, including a provis sent for. Miss Beeson was unconscious 0nal program and plans of the Confer for nearly twenty minutes, but finally enco may be secured from the State was restored so as to be removed to her j Sunday School Association office, in home. She was not able to be in the : Lincoln. office Saturday and Monday. Moving to New Home. El.MWooit. Nun., Feb. 10. -Walter Funeral ol Herman Herold. The funeral of the late Herman Her- Cromwell loaded his household goods in old of this city took place at the family a car Thursday and left for Foster, home on Saturday afternoon and the where he has purchased a farm. Mrs. : services were conducted by Canon If. Cromwell and the children expect to B. Burgess of St Luke's church. The leave Sunday. The Cromwell family ; body was interred in Oak Hill cemetry. have resided in this community for al-' Among those attending from out of the most thirty years. They are a splendid city were Mr. and Mrs. William Skin family and will be greatly missed by ; ner, Mrs. Frank Hager and Mr. Frank their many warm friends here. j Herold of Lincoln. Wise Talks by the Office Boy You can take my word for it-whatever a fellow hopes to be.hc will be, unless he gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear one those worldly wise chaps using that expresssion, "Where do I get off?" I always feel like edging up and saying, "Put him off at Plattsmouth because he will then know just where he is going to get off and we will all know where he is getting off. We know that he will get off better than he expected for the simple reason that we are primed to the muzzle with new goods and we don't care how soon the people know it. Times are improving, business is improving, people are imtroving, everything is improving except the weather and you can't improve that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried our Plattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't t go wrong on. a. H. 01. SOENNICHSEN 1 t X itnintimiHittiii mmiiitiiMiiiMM