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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1909)
MewsHeraij1 TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Ktnblii-linl Nov. 5. !M1 HSllALD. Kbtablishul Apiil 1.'. l.-f.l Consoliiii'.cd Jan. 1. l-.Vi PLATTSMOUTH, NEIJUASKA, THURSDAY, FKliKUAHY IS, liOi VOL. XLV NO. The FARMERS ORGANIZE MARRIED ON COAST Cooperate in the Far West to; Miss Ethel Dovey Figures in Secure Better Prices for ! Pretty Romance in Land their Products. j of Setting Sun. Spokane, Wash., Feb. 17. Ten thou-j Word has been received in this city sand ranchers in Washington, Idaho : of the man iage of Miss Ethel, daugh a id Oregon, controlling an out put of ! tet of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey of more than 30,000,000 bushels of grain, j this city. Mr. Fred C. Truesdell was formed a combination to market their the lucky man, and the event occurred products direct through a commission ; on the 6th mat. in San Francisco, at an excutive meeting of the Farmers' j The news came as a surprise to Miss Educational and Cooperative Union in ! Dovey's many Plattsmouth friends, all Spokane. The purpose is to eliminate ; of whom, however, join in extending the middleman and get into closer touch j best wishes. It appears now that Dan with the consumer. It was also decid-1 Cupid worked up quite a pretty ro ed to establish warehouses in the var-imance in Miss Dovey's affairs. Mr. grain-growing centers in the three Truesdell is the son of a Michigan states. I banker and has been on the stage L. C Crowe, president of the organ- j several years, singing tenor parts. He iztion, said that the combination is not ; met Miss Dovey when they left New for the purpose of injuring any legit- j York together recently with the "Stub imate business, but rather to prevent ; born Cinderella" company, and by the manipulators of the markets detracting ; time they had reached the western from the commercial channels several j coast he had won her, and they had millions of dollars annually to their own I decided upon an immediate marriage, pockets. It is believed the union can However, they intended to keep the handle its grain cheaper and keep the , matter a secret until the end of the selling price higher than private indi-! season. But such news is hard to keep, viduals. The fight is against wheat ! and was public property shortly after STANDING OF CONTESTANTS pits and exchanges and bucket shops, which he said, have snapped the pro lits from the farmers' fields until the open market and free exchange no longer obtain. Other resolutions adopted at the pub lic sessions, which were attended by 7H') farmers, are for the repeal of the duty on jute and grain sacks and coal ar.d lumber imported into the United the event occurred. he has the run between Lincoln and Union. Elmer and Lana Dettman spent sev eral days this week visiting relatives in Lincoln. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, of Wabash, Friday, c. t u,. ..ti.i:i,...,f ,.f February 5th. the parcels post, alr.o postal savings, Mrs. Emery Clizbe and children, of banks without any limit to the amount I Weeping Water, visited Elmwood rela of deposits, demanding the repeal of ! tives over Sunday, the present tax law and asking that all . Dick McNurlin, the veteran house property be equally taxed, with no ex emption to credits and notes. The union also placed itself on record in favor of the local option bill, now be fore the senate at Olympia, which pro vides for a county unit. Telegrams were sent to the legislators, urging the passage of the measure at the present session. Elmwood Krcm the Leader-Echo. Charles Cook of I'lattsmouth, visited at John Dreamer home this week. A son wa? born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stark Monday, February 8th. John Gonzales went to Dunlap, Iowa, Wednesday for a few days with rela tives. E. B. Lambert furnished salt lunches this week for Fred Brunkow and Philip Lohnes. Miss Maud Colbert, of Wabash, was the guest of Miss Lottie Lambert over Sunday. Wm. Custer and wife and George D.ankle spent Sunday with relatives in Li.icoln. Mrs. J. F. Hoover spent this week visiting relatives at Lincoln and Palmyra. Chaley Hulfish clone duty as a postal clerk on the U. I'. last week between Valparaiso and Beatrice. This week mover of Weeping Water, wa3 an Elm wood visitor Monday. Wm. Lefler went over to his Sarpy county farm Wednesday to see how his hogs stood the blizzard. Mrs. J. R. Woodcock has been at York the past week visiting the Mothers' Jewels Home. Mrs. Ceo. Johnson and children left Monday for the old home at Corning, Iowa, for an extended visit. Union Prom tho Ledger. Mrs. Elbert Queen and her son Frank made a visit to Murray last Saturday evening. W. L. Hoback and Orin Ervin went to Nebraska City on the forenoon train yesterday. Mrs. W. B. Banning and her son Hol lis went to Lincoln on the forenoon train Tuesday. Will A. Brown of Murray came down yesterday to catch the forenoon train, going to Lincoln. Attorney 0. G. Lcidigh came up from Nebraska City last Saturday evening on legal business. Mrs. F. L. McLeod went out to Lin coln on Monday to visit her mother, who is seriously ill. Elba Dodson of Nehawka passed ANNUAL PANT SALE i t X j Every February we hold a clearance sale on odd trousers. We take all pants left over from suits and all single pairs left over from the regular lines and put a price on them to close them out. This jear we ham no old pants. Every pant in the house was bought since the flood last ummer so that these re all new pants. We have put them in 4 lots: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Some of these pants are worth $4 and $5. Look in our west window. These are cash prices. C. E. Wescott'S Sons I The 0te9 in the News-Herald andl the Nebraska Farmer automobile-piano subscription rally were counted this! week fur the first time and tho stand- j ing of the contestants are announced in this paper. A good many votes have been issued that have not been cast in the ballot box, or voted for anyone. Whenever money is received on sub scription at this office we issue a voting card for the number of votes tho pay ment is entitled to and that card may be cast in the ballot box right then and there or it may be taken away and voted at some later date. Several cards have been taken away and will come in later. The votes cast in the ballot box will be counted each week and the standing of the contestants announced in the paper. The votes will be count ed every Wednesday evening and they must be in the ballot box ly that time in order to be published in the paper of the same week. THK COUNT KOK THIS WEEK STANDS AS FOLLOWS: Zetta Brown, Murray ... 800 E. H. Miller, Murdock 1600 L. E. Hickey, Gretna 1G00 Harriette Ad tms. Plattsmouth . 2100 F. S. Sheldon, Plattsmouth.... 1200 Pauline Burris, Plattsmouth.... 1200 lone Kiscr, Mynard 1200 Stewart B. Rough, Nehawka ... 2000 J. R. Noycs, Louisville 2100 There are not as may many active contestants in this race as there should be. We should have a good lively con testant in each locality of the county and by glancing over the list you will see that there are several localities not yet represented. The contest is ju3t gett;ng started and now is the time to get in the race. If there is no one working on your locality why not send in your name and let us furnish you with supplies so you can go to work. For the value of the prizes to work for we .should have at least a dozen good active contestants. There is never anything accomplished in this world without an effort and this is one of the times that it is well worth making the effort. If you will get in the race you may he tho owner of a fine automobile when the contest closes. You can at least win some one of the Valuable prizes. We have been looking over the list of papers that are in this contest for the automobile and from a close study we do, not hesitate to say that a contestant in this county has an equal chance. If not a much better chance to win this fine machine than anyone from the other counties. The conditions are right, for someone here to secure more votes than anyone of the other contests. Here is the list of papers that are in the race. Look over them for yourself and then decide if we have not got an equal chance, if not better, than some one in the other contests to win the automobile. THE PAPERS. I'LATTSMOUTH NEWS-HEKALI). Dokata City Engle. Pender Times. Oakland Independet. Blair Democrat. Wahoo Wasp. Neligh Leader. West Point Republican. Tekamah Journal. Syracuse Journal. Fairbury Journal. Hebron Journal. The automobile will be awarded the contestant receiving the most votes in all of these contests, and there is a fine piano and other prizes in each local contest that will be awarded the con testants not receiving the automobile. The same schedule of votes is used in each contest so all have an equal chance. ANNUALCONYENTION "Where Quality Counts. throught here Monday forenoon on his way to Nebraska City. Remember the date of the sale at Mrs. Thacker's, Thursday, Feb. 18, five miles northeast of Union. W. H. Blair of Geneva, a cousin of L. J. Hall, was visiting here a few days this week, and returned home yester day evening. Oscar Hoback and wife arrived yes terday from Lexington, NebM to make a visit with parents and other relatives in this vicinity. Reese Delaney was a passenger to Elmwood on the Wednesday evening train, where some business matters re quired his attention. Miss Ethel Chenoweth of Lincoln spent a few days here visiting John R. Pierson and family, returning to Lin coln on Wednscday. Miss Iva Saxon, who was called home from Peru on account of the illness and death of her sister, departed Monday to resume her work in the State Normal. Dr. W. H. Tuck, the veterinary sur geon at Weeping Water, was called to this place Sunday night to treat a valu able horse belonging to Rufus M. Tay lor. Dr. J. A. Pollard, a former resident of Nehawka, now located at Salem, Neb., passed through here Saturday, enrouto home from a visit at Lincoln and Nehawka. Miss Mary Foster,' accompanied by her friends Misses Josie Yelinck and Francis Hiber of Plattsmouth, were guests at the Foster homo southeast of this village last Saturday and Sunday. Foster Buck of Riverton, Wyoming, arrived in Omaha last Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. Ed. Pittman, and came down here Tuesday for a visit with his relatives and friends in the old home neighborhood. Randall Stowers of Nelson, Neb., was a welcome caller at this office last Saturday. Mr. Stowers was a resident of this vicinity a number of years ago, and finds it a great pleasure to meet the old acquaintances and make new ones. Nehawka Prom tho Reulster. M iss Gilmour was a visitor at the Old-town-on-the-rivcr last Saturday. Peter Opp and daughter Lulu have been under the weather the past week. Robert Willis and family moved on to tho George Conrad farm Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shoemaker spent Monday with K. D. Clark and wife. Miss Nettie McCarthy came in Mon day evening for a visit with Mrs. A. F. Sturm. Bertha Jameson of Weeping Water was a Nehawka visitor Monday even ing. Otto Carroll vas a visitor at the vil lage of Weeping Water on-Saturday evening. Miss Willsie and Miss Gertrude Sturm were passengers for Nebraska City last Saturday. Mr. Will Blair of Geneva is here vis iting his cousins, Mrs. R. B. Stone and Miss Isadore Hall. John Garber spent the day in Manley last Friday. He reports that a boom hps struck that place. John Harter returned to his home at Inavale, Neb., Monday after a few days visit with friends here. F. P. and V. P. Sheldon have sold the land they purchased a short time ago to their brother G. L., whose land it joins, Robert Viall and son Ralph who have been gone on a trip in the west for the past month returned home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. .Will Waldo are rejoic ing over the arrival of a baby boy who came to make his home with them on Tuesday, Feh. 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Case who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robert Viall for some time returned to their home at Blair Monday. D. D. Brann of Manley was in Ne hawka on business on Friday, ed with Joshua Sutphin for a short time. He is the principal business man of that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough went to Weeping Water Friday evening to at tend a declamatory contest at the Academy, between the juniors and the middle classes. Miss Minnie Baier was visiting at Henry Weasel's last Saturday. She had been attending a session of the Auburn school and stopped off here on her return home. Scott Norris purchased the west half of the farm that West & Palmer pur chased from Isaac Pollard, paying for it $110 per acre. He now owns one of the finest building sites in Cass county. George L. Sheldon and family left on Monday for their plantation near Greenville, Miss., where they will spend some months. Miss Hunter of Lincoln who has been engaged as governess for the children accompanied them. Word has been received from the j families of C. W. Frans and H. R. I Conr; , who left for Canon City, Tex., Thursday of last week. They had a j hard trip, the trains were delayed by j the storm and they did not reach their j destination until Sunday. Governor Shalienberger will At tend I'.ig Meeting at Spo kane This Summer. Spokane, Wash., Feb. 17-Nebraska will send a representative delegation, headed by Governor Ashton C. Shallen berger, to the 17th National Irrigation Congress in Spokane August 9 to 14, when government ollicials and experts in their lines will discuss forestry, deep waterway, reclamation of Bwamp and arid la.uls, good roods, home buildings, education and other problems under the presidency of George E. Barstow of Barstow, Texas. Between 4,000 and 5,000 delegates and visitors are ex pected from various parts of the United States and Canada, Europe, the latin republics and the orient. Governor Shallenberger has sent a letter from Lincoln to R. Insinger, chairman of the local board of control, in which he says among other things in replying to an invitation to participate in the exercises at Governors' Day: "It is now my expectation to vinitthc Alaska-Vukon-Pacilic exposition, which enterprise has designated August 17 as Nebraska Day. So I presume it will be quite possible that I can stop off Bt Spokane at the time indicated in your program on my way to the coast. We expect to take at least two cars with our party, and I shall be very glad in deed if we can enjoy a day with you in your city on the way. We will advise you later regarding the matter." Mr.' Insinger said that the executive committee had already received favor able replies from governors in the mid dlewestern and southern states, "and," he added, "it is also likely we will have President Taft and several members of his cabinet with us one or more days during the Congress. "I may add," he said, "that many of the matters to be discussed at the ses sions of the Congress are certain to be of vitual interest to the people of Ne braska. It will also be a pleasure to entertain Governor Shallenberger and his delegation." NEBRASKA WINS OUT Grand Island Man Gets First Prize for Wheat at Corn Show. Nebraska wheat has won first place against competitors of the world, as the variety best adapted for light bread flour. The wheat awards were made by the National Corn Exposition this week after the samples had been judged by inspectors from tho primary grain marketsof the United States; given tho chemicaltests in the most modern labora tories of the country and finally milled by one of tho largest mills in Minneapolis. W. D. Stelk of Grand Island is the man who brings this honor to Ne braska. His sample of wheat was entered against thirty-five samples from states mure famous for wheat growing than Nebraska. It scored 81 out of a possible 100, which were divided as follows: Yield of flour 20 points Texture and color of loaf 15 points Sisc of loaf HO points Absorption 10 points Soundness and flavor 15 points Per cent and quality of gluten. .10 points While Minnesota received most of the prizes on wheat, the award to Mr. Stelk of $300 for the best light bread making wheat is a Bignal victory for Nebraska. Quantity and quality of gluten was the first requisite in making the wheat tests, and it has taken al most two months to test the wheats exhibited at Omaha. The second prize went to John Cheney of Warren.Minn., the third to J. W. Binnall. Woodbine, Iowa; and tho fourth to B. II. Thomp son of Rifle, Colo. Preparations are being made to emphasize the importance of wheat at the 1009 Exposition which is to be held in Omaha, and will participate, having; won in the light bread flour class at the 1908 Eximsition. Louisville From tlie Co.iriPr. Mrs. John Wolff and Mrs. John Given of Cedar Creek spent Sunday here with their parents, Jim Duganand wife. Clark Hardy is here from University Place visiting with his brother Vaughn, time-keeper at the National stone quar ries. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers are at Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they went last Friday to visit a brother of Mr. Diers, who is there takin treat ment. George Waldron returned from the hospital at Omaha last Saturday, and is getting along as well as could be ex pected, considering the nature of the operation he underwent. Erma Koop, Alice Twiss and Mae Steele went to Springfield last Saturday to attend the fifteenth birthday anniver sary of their former schoolmate, Anna Hot.. The girls all report a most plea sant trip. Henry Bornemeier and Henry Gake- meier, two prosperous farmers livinjr. near Murdock, have gone to South Dak ota to buy more land, to raise more corn to feed more hogs to buy more land. Marion, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cain, died Wendsday. The fun eral occured Thursday afternoon from the family residence in Sarpy county. The little one was aged one month and 23 days. The Nebraska Girls club met last Saturday with Eva and Margaret Thomas. Games of Various kinds furn ished the amusements for the after noon. The next meeting of the club will be held Saturday, February 13, with Ruth Jones. Katherine Richey, Secretary. Advertised Letter Lit t. Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 16, 1 1909. i Mrs. Hazel Welch, J. E. Gullian, K. ! A. Kehoe, Calvin Kitchen. ! These letters will be sent to the dead j letter office March 2, 1909, if not delivered before. In calling for the J above please say "advertised" giving date of list. C. H. Smith, P. M. Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co.s' 4CIMMM t lift Wise Talks by the Office Boy Keeping at it is what counts in advertising. v i X You can take my word for it-whatever a fellow hopes to be, he will be, unless he gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear one those worldly wise chaps using that exprcsssion, Where do I get off?" always feel like edging ud and savinc "Put him off at Plattsmouth because he will then know just where he is going to get off and we will all know where he is getting off. We know that he will get off better than he expected for the simple reason that we are Drimed to the muzzle with new goods and we don't care how soon the people know it. Times are improving, business is improving, people are imtroving, everything is improving except the weather and you can't improve that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried our riattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't go wrong on. j; H. M. SOENNICHSEN ! ttMMMHMH IIMMMIIIIIIIIHIIHMmI