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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
7 THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD. TllllKSDAY JAK PAR Y 1900 a. 1 '-"t) r CHIEF NATIONAL RANGE Although this range may have an exterior appearance resemb ling the Ranges exhibited in other stores in the citj, and therefore does noc appeal to you, as a sub ject of special attraction. We assure you that it is decidedly differar l' from all others in construction, containing those particular featui-i which make it the best Range ever offered to the user. The firebox is so constructed that the heat will radiate into the oven at the same moment a fire is started. Consequently, soon as the fire has at tained the necessary 250 degrec3 of heat, the oven also will register the same temperature; therefore, it is ready to bake. The results of this direct action will havo a telling effect on the coal pile, saving nearly half the fuel used in ordinary stoves. The fire baek lining is guaranteed for 5 years use. The front section of the top can be suspended, making a convenient place for broiling or toasting. A special cover or lid on top is arranged for cooking oat meal, railk,rice, etc., without fear of scorch ing. The body is made up of three distinct walls, which retain all heat into the stove. If you will call at my store and examine this Range, you will admit thre is no other to equal it at priceB that will meet your approval. I have some special bargains in express wagons, childs and Misses Rockers, bookcases. B."P. JACL&SOR3 PEARLMAN'S OLD STAND TO IMPROVE ROADS HOLDS A reception: , We Are Mow Keaiy We are now ready to show you our COM PLETE and UP-TO-DATE line of 1 to all that are interested. We carry all grades and styles at prices ranging from $1.23 up to $G0. V!e are also sole agents for the famous Coles Hot Blast Heater. Come in and let us sbw you how you can re duce your coal bill oso-third with this stove and get the same acount of heat as from other brands. JOHNBAUER Old Papers For Sale at This Offict Organization Effected At Lin coln to Secure Needed Legislation. At a meeting held ye9terday after noon at the state university under the auspices of the Lincoln Commercial club, in the interest of good roacte in Nebraska, an organization wa9 formed called the Nebraska good roads asso ciation. The officers are A. Pease of Fairbury, president; L. F. Gottschalk of Columbus, vice president; W. S. Whitten of Lincoln secretary. These three officers with the following consti tute the executive committee of the or ganization: John K. Bennett one of the county commissioners of Lancaster county and Lee Arnett of Lincoln. The plan was to organize a state association and then appoint a legislative com mittee to see to it that proper legisla tions is effected during the coming ses sion. G. L. Cooley, of the department of good roads at Washington was the prin cipal speaker. He advised that the supervision of the roads of the state bt entirely taken out of politics. Just a soon as a man becomes more proficient in the business of making roads he is turned out by the opposing political party. This he said was wrong. An engineer of roads should be elected or appointed in the state who will have charge of all the roads in the state and have the county organizations under him. Congressman E. M. Pollard who has been much interested in this line ol government work said that he wa3 anx ious to see Nebraska get in line with the other states on the quetion of good roads. Already many of the Etates had a commission of three and a state en gineer who had charge of all the road making in the state. When a county desired a line of roads built the gineer came to the locality, made a map of the county and determined which part of the road should be im proved. He also made an analysis of the soil and determined what kind of. a road should be built. The question of how much of expense should be borne by the state and how much by the county in which the work is being done could be worked out later. Congress Pollard had a draft of a bill that was wrieten by one of the road experts at Washington. He brought several copies with him for the use of the new organ ization. Dr. George Condra, Ed R. Sizer and A. V. Pease of Fairbury were among the persons present to make statements i i regard to the question of good roads. Every Woman Will be Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, called Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only j certain regulator. Cures female weak j nesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder ; and Urinary troubles. At all Drug gists or by mail 90 ct9. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le .Roy, N. Y. Louisville From ihe Courier. Mrs. Frank Bates and children of Union are guests of Mrs. August Os senkop. Lawrence and Johnnie Wise of Weep ing Water spent Saturday with their sister, Mrs. John Al. Sinnard of Wellington, Colo., is here visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Haddon, and other relatives. Miss Lillian Bell of Ashland came down Thursday to spend New Year's with her sister, Mrs. M. N. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stewart of Cali fornia Junction, Iowa, spent Christmas n Louisville with A. D. Carter and and family. Harry Green was at Omaha Thurs day. Mr. Green has been suffering from appendicitis and his mission to the city was to consult a d ictor. George Waldron has returned home from South Bend, the stone quarry at that place having closed down for the winter. Mr. Wa!dron was emloyed as engineer. Mrs. C. G. Mayfield returned home Tuesday evening from the St. Joseph nospital in Omaha, where she under went a very delicate surgical operation. She is improving rapidly and bids fair to soon regain her strength. John Albert met with a peculiar ac cident Wednet-dny morning. He was outchering and was in the act of stick ing a ho when it struck him in the left eye with its forefoot, cutting the eye lid open. He came to town at once :o have the injury dressed by a local physician. MISERY IN STOMACH Indigestion Vanishes in Five Minutes and You Will Feel Fine. Why not start now j ever rid yourself of fr 11 11 Che Next Big Huctton Will be held on Saturday January 9, '09 This sale will undoubtedly be the best of the season held rrmi far, pfl in iffTTHt reaysTedThich includes several head of unbroken western horses and four cows. You are cordially invited to avail yourselves of the benefits of these free auction sales. h today, and for stomath trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach a good eat, then take Pane's Diapepsin to start the d gestive juices working There will be no dyspepsia or belching of Kfis or eructations of undigested food; no feeling tike a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dizziness, a-l your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odor. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here and will relieve the most obstinate case of indigestion and upset stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take ga.s from the stomach and cltanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stom ach would do. When Diapepsin works your stomach I rests gets itself in order, cleans up and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolut a relief fron.-all stomach mis ery is wa.ting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of indigestion. Governor and Mrs. Sheldon Is sue Three Hundred invita tions for Tuesday eve. About three hundred invitations were issued by Governor and Mrs. Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Wright to the reception dance given last night at the executive mansion. The decora tions were elaborate and effective. With the exception of the dining room the entire lower floor had red and green Christmas symbols, to which were add ed large vases of red roses and carna tions and big palms for the reception room. Jars of pale pink roses were on the buffet and table in the refreshment room. Mrs. Sheldon received in a beautiful dress of yellow messaline sat in and Mrs. Wright was gowned in pink satin. The mother of the latter, Mrs. M. J. Robinson of Chicago, was also in the receiving line, wore a handsome black cstume. The assisting ladies in the reception room were Mesdames C F. Ladd, Olive Watson.George E. Has kell and W. H. Ferguson, the follow ing ladies presided in turn over the re freshment tables: Mrs. W. J. Bryan, Mrs. E. H. Ozmun of Constantinople, Mrs. Charles Robinson and Mrs. K. Weaver of Chicago. Mra. W. C. Wilson Mrs. I G. Chapin, and Mra. C. 8. Let ton. The reception was from 8:30 to 9, and at the latter hour dancing com menced in the ballroom on the third floor, where an orchestra played, screen ed from view by a bank of palms and other potted plants. The large flags used for the military ball the night previous were still in place. Some of these flags were draped over the walls of the ball room and one of unusual size extended from the staircase in the hallway of the third story to the floor below. Among the members of the gover nor's staff who came t Lincoln from over the state for the military ball given Monday evening by Governor and Mrs. Sheldon, were the following: Colonel John G. Cowin" of Omaha. Colonel John C. Hartigan of Fairbury, Colonel Charles B. Anderson of Crete, Colonel George Lyon jr., of Nelson, Colonel Ernest L. Meyers of Newport, Colonel Andrew F. Strum of Nehawka, Colonel William Bischof of Nebraska City, Colonel Penfold of Omaha. All but two of these gentlemen were ac companied by their wives and Colonels Myers and Lyon also each brought a daughter. Other out-of-town guests were: Drs. E. J. and Edward Seward and their wives, of Pawnee City, Maj or George A. Eberly of Stanton, Cap tain Morgan J. Flaherty of Fullerton, Major James B. Hungate of Weeping Water, Captain Emile C. Underburg of Stanten, and Captain S. E. Yoder of Wymore. Governor and Mrs. Sheldon were assisted in receiving by Adjutant General and Mrs. Charles F. Schwarz. The grand march was led by General Schwarz and Miss Lyon of Nelson. L MARKET PbfVGE Snilh G Smith, Props. , Sixth nrJ Vine Ste.' .. Plattsnonth, Ketrcslia I City And County C. A Marshall, dentist Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. Some cigars are only cigars, but Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke. "Always reliable. The Plattsmouth Music Company has on display a handsome line of sheet music. A good selection and popular prices. When buying candies, why not buy the best? We always have a fine line of the superior grades on hand. Ne metz & Co. next to P. O. Miss Kathyrin Windham left Monday evening for University Tlace to renew her studies at the college, having spent the holidays with the home folks. Asa McCollough, of Kansas City, ar rived in the city Tuesday evening and will visit friends for a few days. His son Arthur is in school and did not ac company his father. Mrs. Turtollot, of Lincoln, is the guet of her daughter Mrs. William Baird. Mrs. Turtollot was formerly a ing been in business here. 200 5375 Real Fatate Transfers. i R. L. Hoback to" John W. Baty, w. d. W 1 2 N W 1-4 8-10-12. .$ 4800 Geo. N. Walradt to John H. Busche, w. d. S 1-2 S W 1-4 17-12-12 7750 Evelyn W. Root to Helena Tip pens, w. d. N 1-2 1 and 2, all of 3, block 97, city 1100 Same to same, w. d. Lot 4, block 97, city ...... Sarah J. Beck to J. W. Menden hall,w. d. E 1-2 N E 1-4 25-10-10 W. F. Chalfant to Will Jean, w. d. S E 1-4 N E 1-4 7-11-14 2700 E. L. Daniel to C. F. Harris, w. d S 1-2 N E 1-4 2-10-13 7900 J. P. Falter to W. S. Goodrich, w. d. Lots 9-10 N 1-2 11-12, block 22, lot 5, block 172, lot 5, block 50, S 1-2 lot 7, block 62, lot 8. block 5, Iota 7-8-9, block 2. lots 3-4, block 52, lots 11-12, block 221. lot 3-4. block 82, Young & Hays add. lots 5-6, block 9, same add., lots 5-6, block 7, Doves add., lots 15.16. block 10, So. Park, lot 2 N 1-2 3, block 4. Thompson's add., lots 2 and 3, Streitwieser's. All in city of Plattsmouth 24200 F. P. Sheldon and postmaster Palmer of Nehawka, were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday, looking after business. These gentlemen are two of the enterprising citizens of that thriving city. Mrs. S. Anderson and daughter, Miss Agnes, left Tuesday afternoon for their new home at Palmer, Neb. Miss Agnes will be greatly missed among her circle of young friends in this city. F. A. Rennie and wife of Madrid, Neb., who have teen spending the holidays with Mrs. Rennie's parents departed for their home Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Rennie's brother, Frank Seiver accompanied his sister home. Mrs. S. Reed and children of Mitchell, S. D , who has been visiting her brothers, the Tulene boys, departed Tuesday for Percival, la. Mrs. Reed was accompanied by her sister Miss Tulene and they expect to visit rela tives for a time. John P. Sutton, Editor of the Chi cago Citizen, was in the city Monday and visited Rev. Father Shine for a few hour. Mr. Sutton had been spend ing his i nntinn in Liar... I M n TT-7I TUsway back to Chicago to begin work for another year, A Fire Tuesday Morning. About 6 o'clock Tuesday morning the citizens of Plattsmouth were startled i bv the fire alarm being sounded. A house on Winterstine hill caught fire in the roof and was theatening destruction There was rather a high wind at the time and the cold weather coming on mhcsg&bjlgda4i demon a hard proposition. The neighbors turned out in force and had the fire under subjection before the fire company arrived. The residence was that of a widow lady named Mrs. Williams, the damage was not great, as only the shingles in the roof were scorched. Everybody Locking. Nearly everyone is looking to see what is new on display in the way of Christmas novelties. . While you are looking, don't fail to drop into Crabill's jewelry and see Mrs. Howland's beauti ful line of hand-painted china. Brooches. 50c to $1.25; pin trays, 50c to 51.00; plates, $1.25 to fIC.00. You will also find jewel trays, toilet articles, nut bowls aud many other novelties especi ally appropriate for Christmas gifts, tf t Legal Notioe. In County Court, Cms eoontjr. Nebraska. !n tha m tter of the estate of James Skoamat, fr A n- II 1 11 u J 1 ; rn.V the Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bee n In use for over 30 years, has borno the signature : and has beenmadonnacr m sonal supervision since Its Ir.tttm-y-Allow no one to deceive you in tlii. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-sood" aro lmt vmmantt ihflf ti-tflA with and endanger t ho limit .1 ot Infants and Children Experience against Expcrinu'isl. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothlnff Syrup , It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVorm-. and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and l"i Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, re-ulatcs thn Stomach and Bowels, grivir:? healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea TIio TIothcr'-s Friend. cnriuiNE CASTORIA always Bears the Signaturo of The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tmc c.r-A.a , tt aeT, n orrr. WISETALKS BYTHE OFFICE BOY Josh .Wise nays, "?me n-cn sneer at women's fhopyini; hut. when women shop;'ri't I tv to eat clove to dt';! w.i: they've been buyiner." .j :.'.. ;rc of cloves I think we r.:rry lh smoothest line of f-p.ct.-s th;.: in r came over the peas. Yu kr.ow nome spices are all drav. n nr.. .f one barrel so as to Freak. nr.(j ! -torod up with the e.sier.tiii! i - t represent each particular pin, such as cinnamon, clove, a!! pice, pepper and mustard. 1 1 .if uv a lot of trouble for the sj ! null-, becau-e they don't have tr h.i- a different hopper for Krin.iinjr every kind of tpice, but of course i all done away with now. When you buy spice at otir stor-" 3-'--i are not buying ground almond shells or some kind of hulls t!.-vii t! with essences and oils but you are buying the rel thinjr, perfectly pure. a:;! not mixed with cracker crumbs or any other dope to make it c f.-irth.-r. We handle Dwinell-Wright Co's opices and flavor r.g extract, vr ni-r-ries. Sour Cider, Celery, Lettuce. Hananas. Nut". Viz ar;! Raisins and Currants, Candied Citron, Oranges and Lemons. Curtis I'.n-s. Olives. I ".J U'lll-B. 1!L JIM OIH ... n- T '" i 1 Tha Homo Paper 2 Givr yon the rfa!in m.nrr in Vch you hav- the jrf.--i in terest rtf home tin. I I'rn a welcome visitor to errr rr.ciber it rt.r li issue will prova should hel your list of cewpaper and subscription. IBllllnrnrfrri lillll'lr ' WINTER EXCURSIONS LOW RATES WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily reduced rate xcur.:onj to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Rr.sort.;. HOMESEFKERS EXCURSIONS:-First and thini Tut -nlays of each month to many points west, sojth and southwest. PERSONLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION to Florida iry Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska. Mr. .1. I. McIJrit n. leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. V. Ie.nn II. C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATEO H0MESTEAD3 in the Hi Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley: One of the last chances to secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go with Mr. D. Clem Denver on the next personly conducted excursion. He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for hi services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays. IIMCKETTTni'tetAKer.t.PIatmr.utl, L. W. WAKELY. . P. A.. Oruahr.. Your Printing It sboald b a fit represeoutirc of yottr bnnneaa. which means the high gnd. mr tittle kiad. That th kiad we do. m EXCzxxrxT assoktizsxt CV TTPX, GOOD P2ESSES AUD TTPOOSAPmCAL ASTISTS These represent oar facilities for doing tfce kind of printing that will please too. The prices are right, and prompt delivery the invariable rule at this office. vertisements PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM -rr F4U to W'nr fJrT Hair V it -! f i Coi r n..r !.., To all persons interested: You an hereby uoti&rd that en Janoarr 6th. 190. France Skonasal. filed petition for the ap pointment of aa edininietratoe of the abve es tate, and askine that she be appointed ra h ad-;ni.tMtrir- that -there will be a bearine on said petition at my office In th jjtX fiUiata-f ZzZSr P... r .. until ir 'rfK I j ate o'clock a. m objections thereto most be filed before said boor. Dated this 6th day of January. A. D- 1909. Byron Clark. Axlsn J. BeaeoN. Amercer. W-C Oraatr JtxSoe. C. I. KlHSnilL D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. AILflY & fflACH THI DENTISTS lltrtt sierlcetri Orie- B-r t t . ... ww a.MK rM e fnc ft M Tont rtitui -. .lata i lr,m.m . Pricea Reasorabl . "AH Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience OfSce in Fitzgerald Block IjPILEpiG U R E 0 I. I Treats. I ! Mild M t d j - I Hamibatiom ratL 7 Lli'ct ex. S I f I Rcl D'eeaeee end Te.rt !!li:'ook ' $OK9 t - - mm '- 1 I i i v. -J