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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
Risrni SURPRISE A FRIEND LITTLE LOCALS. COUNCIL COMMITTEE si; Get at the bottom of the Baking; Powder Question Buy a can of Calumet today. Put it through' the most rigid baking test that you know. If it does not fully come up to your standard; if the baking is not just as good or better lighter, more evenly raised, more delicious and whole some, take it back to the grocer and get your money. C. Calumet is the only strictly high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost Don't accept a substitute. Insist upon Calumet and get it. i The Majestic, 5 and lO cents. Photo card views of Plattsmouth, 2 Miss Agnes Anderson Receives for 3c at Nemetz & Co's. Her Many Young Friends " We sell the Monarch Malleable Range. . , . ' Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block. Monday Evening. ; . K. . , f Robert Vial of Nehawka, was a f Last Monday evening a pleasant sur-t business caller iq the county seat Tues- prise ;ana -i are wii was given iu day. . gfnes Anderson,' who is soon to leave n; me cny, oy miss name juiico auu TP Baking Powder Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907. When You Buy Oysters Don't Pay For Water Why .should you get a pint of water with every quart of Oysters? Water is cheap bloats and bleaches the oyster poils its natural flavor. Von have never known how good oysters C3i be unless you havr had kk h a Oysters They are shucked into air-tight steel rans and shipped direct from the beds p tcked with ice around the container, not in intact with the oysters. .iJ! s.lid meats. And how !:iUrreut they are! ?k tor "Sealvhipt Si:ii-," ". l lii'f-ll't r 2i " ' Vou eel fresh, wholesome. km ppetiziii ' anl ' delieiously i booklet containing new and u. -active ways of brother James, of South Park. i A most enjoyable time was had, the entertainment beiiig music and games. ' When-the guests arrived they had with them each a basket, well filled with de licious edibles which were served dur ing the evening, adding much to the evening's enjoyment. At a late hour the guests departed, wishing they could surprise Miss Anderson again soon. Those present were Misse3 Jennie Reynolds, Katie Foster, Ruth Millbern, Lydia Hobson, Irma South, Estella Giese, Luella White, Mable Gray, Net tie Smith, Gertrude Smith; Messrs. Jesse Perry, Halhe Perry, Henry Perry, Roy South, Fred McKinney, Leslie McKinney. Roy Denson, Otto Bulin, Joe Bulin, Joseph Reynolds, Ev eret Gooding, Raymond Welch, Clar ence Busche, Leslie Vroman and Will Greby. j . Mrs. A. A. Shore, of Northboro, Mo. who has been visiting her parents John j Brady and wife, of thi3 city, over the holidays, left for her home Tuesday morning after a most enjoyable visit here. "' - Gives House Party. Miss Marie Donnelly of Plattsmouth, who has been the guest of Miss Laura Kuhlman, returned home Thursday eve ning accompanied by Miss June Ballard, Irma Thomas, Laura Kuhlman and Leta Thomas. Miss Donnelly gives a house party t these young ladies and they were joined . Friday by Harry Thomas who remained over until today. Neb. Citv News. Meets and Considers the Impor tant Question of Light for the City. ..The light committee... of. the city i council and thecqmmittee. appointed .by"; J. "P-. Falter president of the commer cial club, held a joint "meeting at the office of Mr. Falter Saturday evening, behind closed, doors. The following Herman Rankonin of Louisville spent j proposition wa3 tbore 6ubmitted by the ! Tuesday in this city looking after m- J Nebraska Lighting Co. : To furnish j portant business engagements. j ei 'hteen as ,amp3 of 45 c. p. on Main ; ou get one of the souvenirs be ing given by the Plattsmouth Music Company? pr p.. i! ll v !ii r ;nr sonn who do: H ATT & SON The genuine "Senlshipt" Oysters are always sold from a White l'orcelain Display Case beariu the "Sealshipt" trade mark ia Mue. This id for your protection look for it. The "SenWiipt" Carrier System is patented Infringe ment: will be prosecuted to the full extent of the l.iiv. NATIONAL OYSTER CARRIER COMPANY tiuuih Norwulk. Connrctinii. Agriculturalists Meet. Au agriculture and Rood roads meeting; of great iiuportaae was held at the court house In Tecumseh Tues day afternoon, the attendance being good. These meetings, which are be ing held in each county of the First district, are under the auspices of Congressman I'ollard. who has done a great work for the f arming interests of his constituents in the national congress. Ask Your Dealer far PlanSlftBf Flour I Maaatactnred IIEISFL. Proprietor ."littsmoutn Roller Kills PUttamouth. Nabratk T. JeHerson Becoming Famous. Hon. T. Jefferson O' Day, editor of the Register, mayor, city treasurer, justice of the peace, constable and gen eral Pooh Bah. of Nehawka. was in the city today between trains shaking hands j with his many friends and telling tome ! funny stories. Parson O'Day is cer- taitdy the jolliest newspaper man in the state and finds time to be pleasant and charitable to all. Neb. City Press. I I I Want Column 1! MISERY IN STOMACH 5 FOR RENT. Indigestion Vanishes in Five Minutes and. You Will Feel Fine. Why not start now -today, and for I ever rid yourself of stomach trouble i.-! i-rvT-iAMA,,,,, Mfrr. ..niand indigestion? A dieted Vine, between 12th and i:;th streets, j Cets the blues and grumbles. Give it i For further particulars inquire at :a ood cat. then take Pape's Diapepsin j News office. tf , 10 siun ninciint- juni-a nuiMiin. There will be no dyspepsia or belching 1 of gas or eructations of undigested food; no feeling like a lump of lead in Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insurance company of Cass county, Neb., will be held at the Heil school house (District No. SS) on Saturday, January 9th. 1P0!. at 1:;0 p. m. for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year ajid trans acting such other business as may come before the meeting. stomach I Jacob TuiTSCH. J. P. Faltek. President. Secretary FOR RF.NT Five-room cottatre. be tween 7th r?rul Sth streets on Marble. Call up Piatt Phone No. 19:5. FOR SALE. FOR SALK--A number in cottage.-, ea.-y term, rent. Windman Investment f Bargains Cottages f'r Company. the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pane'; Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here and will relieve the most obstinate case of indigestion and upset stomach in five minutes. ..... There is nothing else better to take FOR SALE A nicely locate! live ; gas from the stomach and cleanse the a i-res. for SIOOO Improvements stomach and intestines, and besides, worth more than half this. one triangule will digest and prepare Windham Investment Company. for assimilation into the blood all your 1 food the same as a sound, healthy stom- FOR SALE-My Uo ;u-iv farm. 2$ j ach would do. miles southwest of Oreapolis and 5 ' When Diapepsin works your stomach miles northwest of Plattsmouth. For j rests -gets itself in order, cleano terms call Plattsmouth 'phono No. .S i up-and then you feel like eating when Married at Greenwood. The Greenwood correspondent gives the following account of the marriage of two of Cass county's popular young people. The correspondent says: Mr. II. A. Erickson and Miss Fannie Mathis were married at the home of the bride's parents Monday. The cer emony was preformed by Rev. Henry Royse, of the Methodist church, was witnessed by a large company of rela tives and friends. This young couple have lived here long and are favorably known. Their parents are amorg the prominent families of Cass county. The Plattsmouth Music Company an nounces that it will present to every lady calling at the store a handsome souvenir. Photo post cards of Taf t at Platts mouth. Now on sale Ten different views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next to P. O. - From the Nebraska City News we learn that our old friend Louis Otnatt, has been suffering with rheumatism, but is able to be about again after be ing confined to his room for some days. D. W. Foster, one of the leading farmers of Liberty precinct was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday evening and Tuesday morning. Mr. Foster was accompanied by A. D. Hathaway, an old time resident of Liberty. F. S. Will, of Knuckolls county, re turned to his home after spending a few days with his parents in this city. Mr. Will departed for his home Tues day morning. Mrs. W. L. Pickett and her mother Mrs. Rustin departed for Lincoln Tues day morning and will visit relatives at the state capital for a few days. md a short also pro the door to progressive service to Opportunities For Young Wowen. The Philadelphia school for nurses, 2219 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., offers Free Scholarships in Trained Nursing to young women in every state in the Union. The scholarships cover the full two years course, with room, board, uniforms, laundering, etc.. in cluded, and railroad fare paid to home town or district upon the completion of the course. A home study course resilient course are vided, which quickly open opportunity and enable students to render a noble humanity and at the same time acquire for themselves a substantial income from the best paid occupation now : open to women; besides qualifying every j student to deal with emergencies in the 1 home that may mean the saving of a' loved one's life. Far-seeing philanthropists are adding to the resources of this sc hool, with the view of ultimately extending these benefits to earnest, energetic young , women in all country districts and in j all the smaller towns and cities. The institution is approved and en-; dorsed by leading physicians and edu-1 cators of the entire country. Some of I the leading men of this state are itst strong supporters ana endorsers, as will be seen by the catalogue which will be sent to any one who writes to the school for it. street and the avenues, all night ser- ! vice, and eighty-two incandescent ; j lamps of 32 c. p. in the residence part of the city, midnight service, for the j sum of $1900 5 early for a term of five years. The company to obligate itself to give satisfactory service and put its plant in first class condition within six months. The price of light to the pri vate consumers was to be at an average of the following cities: Grand Island, Hastings, Fremont, Beatrice and Nor folk. The agreement was signed up by the committee except Councilman Von dran, and after considerable discussion which Bortenlanger, the Glenwood capitalist, insisted on "butting into," it was decided to put the whole matter over until tomorrow night, when Bor tenlanger will submit something dif ferent. It is said that he proposes to build a plant here, but during the time required to install the same will furnish the light required here by cable from Glenwood. The meeting was a warm one throughout. Married By Judge Beeson. Yesterday Judge Beeson performed the ceremony which united in the holy bonds of wedlock, James Cass Smith and Miss Louise Muenchau, both par ties of near Eagle. The young couple were accompanied by Ben A. Muenchau, brother of the bride who acted as best man and Miss Ethel Smith, sisterofthe groom who was bridesmaid. The groom is a prominent young far mer of his community while the bride is the accomplished daughter of Fred Muenchau, one of the prominent Re publicans of the west end of the county j and a successful agriculturist. The j happy couple departed for their home j on the afternoon train. The News- ; Hekald joins their many friends in j wishing the bridal pair long life and i happiness. 3 I -.. . .... - -u : 11. ... Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co.s Copynght iw . The Houie of Kuppenhomr tJhicafhj Pit WOW IS THE to buy your new overcoat. Pre-inventory sale. 10 and 20 per cent discount for cash. Reliable qualities. C. E. Wescotts Sons. "Where Quality counts." For Fine Job Printing Come to This Office Mother Cray's Sweet Powders. For children -successfully used by Mother Cray, nurse in the Children's home in New York, cure feverishness, bad stomach, teething disorders, moves and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all duggists, 25c. Sam ple free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, I,c Roy, N. Y. line H. George Halmas. WANTED (TGAR SALKSM A vour locality represent is. Ek- lerience unnecessary:?ll pe.lnonth. and exjH'nses. Write for paj-Jfulars. Monarch Cigar Co. St. Lou:i, Mo. .V-St 1 yu come to the. table, and what you ' eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all stomach mis ery is waiting for you as soon as you , . . decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell " A.l.u.yHUinr.1r..frt,--tithaUyou t Pape's Diapepsin. because you thoroughly'cured of indigestion .. tf WANTKD (lirl at Riley Ho el. LOST Oil STRAYED -Red alf with white face, about , monthTT old and weighing about 17" pounds. Finder will be paid for hi trouble y return ing same to Kunsman ant Ramge or notifying them of the aninjl's where abouts. !3-tf fin-?niano WANTED To trade, a a good single driving h ppe I for mouth Music Company. -Platts-63-tf Has Appendicitis.. Miss Clara Andrus, who has been a great sufferer for a number of months from appendicitis, was taken to Lincoln last Saturday for an operation. Showas placed in the Ramethenian Restorium, a hospital in which her uncle Dr. Fred Andrus is part owner. The operation was to take place last Tuesday. For i long time Miss Clara has suffered some very hard spells, and as a last resort they concluded to abide by the advice Of physicians. i t Later Word received from C. B. ; Andrus states that his daughter Clara was operated on Tuesday. She came BIG MONEY AGENTS. FREE SAM PLE OFFER, (15 days only) bright, sparkling, famous, $5 Barnatto Sim ulation Diamond Ring, brilliancy equals genuine detection baffles ex pertsfills every requirement of the most exacting pleases the most fastidious at only one-thirtieth the cost of the real diamond. As a means of introducing this marvelous and wonderful scintillating gem. and securing as many new friends as quickly as possible, we arc making a yean- We want you to wear this beautiful ring, this masterpiece of man's handicraft, this simulation that sparkles with all the beauty.and Hashes with all the fire of the gen uine diamond. We want you to show it to your friends and take orders for us, as it sefls itself sells at sight and makes 100 per cent profit for you, absolutely without eff6rt on your part. We want good, honest representatives everywhere, in every locality, city or country, in fact, in every country throughout the world, both men and women,N young and old, who will not sell or pawn the Returns to Washington. Hon. E. M. Pollard departed Sunday evening for Washington where he will renew his labors for his constituency. Mr. Pollard is not one of the kind that gets sore over the way elections some times go. He will be found in his place working just as hard for the interests of this district as he would have done had he been reelected. His efforts in behalf of the good roads movement will he of much benefit to the whole state. On Way to Recovery. Mrs. W. L. Street accompanied by her granddaughter, Clara Mae Morgan, visited Mr. Street at the hospital Tues day afternoon, and found the invalid gaining strength rapiaiy. lie is auie to sit up now nearly all of the time ami can walk about some, ins many friends in this city will he jjlad to see Mr. Street home acrain improved in "Hli two hours and four minutes, and was more severe "than was expected. j Weeping Water Republican. ' ,: i WANTED Information ntgarding a J through in pretty good shape. It took good farm or business Vt sale; not particular about locatlol: wish to hear from owner only, Jk.o will sell direct to buyer; give prlJfe, descrip tion and state when pospsion can be had. Address L. Datljyshire, Box , 1320-A, Rochester, jn , . y.-4 ZTTZ. ' Nebraska, blizzard Ask lor Allen's FoofEasfe. - 'rmfsf a wder for swollen, tired, hot, j Mollie departed ;r,o- IWt. Sample sent free. Also j They took with them t- cr,l of the Foot-Ease Sanitary , little son Frank, and. they Corn-Pad, a new invention. Addresr, ; visit relatives in Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. jY. J time. ., Here is Reliel For Women. If you ha'e pains in the back, Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Sample package free. Address. The Mother Gray Co. LeRoy, N. Y. , Cone to Oklahoma. William Noxon and wife left Tuesday afttrnoon for their new home atMinco, Oklahoma, where they will reside in future. The News-Herald will visit Barnatto Simulation Diamonds under I their home twice each week and keep the pretense they are genuine gems, j thorn posted on events in old Cass. We as such action sometimes leads to j regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Noxon from trouble or embarrassment. If you the community, but wish them prosper- wana a simulation- diamond, a sub- ; Jty in their new home. stitute for the genuine don't wait - act today, as this advertisement may ; This is an Easy Test. not appear again-first come, first Sprinkle Aliens Foot-Ease m one served. For free sample offer beau-, shoe and not in the other,' and notice rimr oamVrrc i ctnH Ar cfn--f i the difference. Just the .thing to use (stick) oin. address when rubbers or overshoes become ne . The Barnatto Diamond Co. ; cessary, and your shoes seem to pinch. za-&4tiahtc Miss ' Cirard Building. Chicaro. ! 2d everywhere,, ic. Don t accept ed for Whitesboro. Texas?! -y , ... j any substitute. Godwin's. OSTORXA. t,..- thll Ihe Kind Yoa Haw Hlwaw Bxtf SigTiatur of Visit South Land. i Taking time by the forelock and j ! thinking to escape the rigors of the Tuesdav morninir I Mrs. expect to the south for some i Betrsthe S? Iti K ri Yc j Hste Alwais'BoDt Watch This Space Next Week E. G. Dovey & Son ,v'. : f