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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1899)
TP B ON TR nx , i i rromisps to TVstily Before the Industrial Commission. ITuaniaker May Have Home Kvidence Next Wffk Concerning Combination Store Whisky Trout I'rcnident y 1'rlce-CuttiiiK lias ICeen AIiilon-I. Wasiiinotox. Nov. 17. The Indus trial commission ha received from Andrew Carnegie a promise to appear before that body in December and give testimony on the subject of trusts. His will be the last taken upon this subject preparatory to the preliminary j report wnicn will ne maue 10 congress early in January. John Wanamaker is expected to testify before tho commission next w3ek upon tho question of combina tion 6tores. Samuel M. Illce, president of the Distiilins; Company of America, com monly designated as tho Whiskv trust, was before the commission toJay. He said that hisompany controlled about 90 per cent of the spirits distilled in j the United States, but that tho com pany had abandoned tho policy of cut ting prices. There was no intention of driving competitors out of tho business, he said, the iutention being to sell at a f;iir and Kure prolit. letting others do as they might please in fixing prices. Mr. Hice gave the details of the or ganization of the trust, t-aying it was formed from the Distilling and Cattle Feeders' association, tho American Spirits Manufacturing company, the Standard Distilling and Distributing company, all of which were controlled by tho pr incipal company by tho own ership of stock. It had merely be come a clearing house for the other companies. All the stockholders of these several concern-, with the excep tion of a very small minority, had entered into the combination with zeal. The parent comp iny also owns a rye whieky distillery at Minneapolis and the Hannis distillery. The trust controls about 90 percent age of the brands of Kentucky whisky. Of the capital 9tock of the company thero had been issued $31,2.10.000 in preferred stock and $10,2."0,00 in com mon. He said ho could not say what amount had been paid to tho organizer of the trust, but it was a very delicate and important undertaking he thought and he should luive been well paid. He was unablo to stale what had been paid for tho Hannis rye distillery, but ho considered it worth not less than $5,000,000. The company had made no public statement of its earnings, but its books, Mr. Ilice said, were always opon to tho inspection of the stock holders of tho company. Mr. Kice contended that the effect of the consolidation was to cheapen the cost, of production and also to lessen the price to the consumers. A change of the revenue laws go as to permit the transportation of alcohol in tank cars was advocated by Mr. Rice. With this change ho thought the United States could supply the world with alcohol. He also thought that tho whisKy tax should bo lower. fixing Ip the Kallroacl. Manila, Nov. 17. 9:20 a. m. Gen eral Mac Arthur's and General Law ton's commands are now near each other. General MncArthur is getting supplies into Tarlao over tho railroad from Hambam with an engine which was raised from tho river by the Ninth infantry. Colonel Howes, who occupied Vic toria with six troops of the Third cav alry,has advanced to Ilosalos. A letter was found at Victoria from Private Desmond of the signal corps, one of the twent3'-one American prisoners held there. These prisoners, the letter said, were expecting to bo taken to the mountains before tho army ar rived. Two thousand insurgents are re ported to bo missing at Garona, above Tarlac, and General Mascarde is said to be in tho mountains west of Angeles with 1,000 men, preparing to make raids. Rain has been falling through out the month and for the last weeK there has been a heavy downpour. The whole country is in as bad condi tion as at anv time this season. Meeting of the Woman's Clnb. From Saturday's Daily. The Woman's club was highly edL fied last evening by a lecture from Mr, 1 Ull, U13 DUIJJltU ULIU Allium. There was a fair attendance of club members and a number of visitors,and all expressed themselves much pleased with the history lesson and Mr. Polk's eloquent manner of presenting the subject assigned him. The Current Topic department oc cupied tho first half of the evening, and Mrs. Waugh was prepared with interesting topics on a variety of sub jects for discussion. Mrs. MacMurphy of the Omaha c'ub being present, the president called upon her for a little speech. Mrs. MacMurphy, although unprepared, responded gracefully and gavo a short resume of late work done in the Omaha club. Next Friday evening American Literature and Parliamentary Liw will engage tho club. Used By British Soldiers In Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1S97, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used mv eelf when troubled with bowel com plaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most benefi cial." For sale by all druggists. CABNEGI m A imSKKTElt SHOT DOWN. Private Morgan Killed on the Street of L. Platte Ity Soldiers. From Saturday's Daily. Corporal Faire and a private soldier, both of the Tenth United States in fantry, shot and killed Private Mor gan, a deserter from the Thirty-ninth regiment, now en route to the Philip pines, near John O'Leary's etore about 6 o'clock last evening at Li Piatte. At 3 o'clock in - the afternoon two prisoners, Privates Morgan and Dea con, overcame their sentry and es caped from the guard house at Fort Crook. Morgan had been confined in the guard houso since September, al though no charges have yet been for mally filed in his case, and no douot found prison discipline irksome.. Guard details armed with rifles and ball cartridges and the stern com mands that go with military law, were at once sent out to scour the surround ing country and towns in search of the fleeing men. It was just growing dusk as a s'rangor walked wearily into La Platte, and accosting a citizen, in quired the way to Plattsmouth. Hav ing gained his information he passed on, and a little farther came upon two soldiers of the Tenth infuntry, armed and standing in watchful pose near John O'Leary'a store. As the stranger passed, looking neither to the right nor left, one sol dier attracted the attention of tho other and said: "I think that is him." Instantly the corporal shouted, "Halt." The command was unheeded, and again "Halt" was repeated. The pedestrain looked b ick and said, 'What do you want?" but started to run as tho sharp, torse, "Halt," again rang out. Crack, crack, spoke two Kr&g-Jor-gensens, almost in unison, and Ihe fu gitive fell across. the road. The horri tied bystanders ran to the wounded man, who cried piteously, "Save me; get a doctor," and, fainting, died in a few minutes and before medical assist ance arrived. Both men were awaiting trial by general court martial for the most serious offeuso known to military law. Deacon has not yet been apprehended. i:xpi:nsi:s of caniiiati:s. The Amount the Hoys Eipmled to tiet to Nerve the People. The following table shows the amounts tho various candidates spent during the campaign, as filed with County Clerk James Ribertson: :. ?! ? 2! CV ,-" 1 ' "w ?C v -. : Si : ggggji gSSSifSrjg -SS3SSV : : : : : : uxl oja'spien :::::: f gg: g-ggg! v ggg :::.::::::::::::::: s quicken . : - : v i ::::::::::::::::::: ai ! auijaaiu ::::::::::::::::::: s anojs :::::: : : : . : : : : I-" 3kjso,j ;;;;;; tizi'. zz z pnB gsl: : : : z ' ' : t? Jimuou,!, Satj.vmi ::::;::::::-:::::: 2t: Jsuuaaui ::::::::::: g: g -bk"K: ; y. -pjeoq V I .::::::::: s :::::::: : I hoijmiti I I sosnadx I nam piej eft. col -uais at ic js sx-j -j 22 s ii a- S S2iX3 a 5 c C c:- S."L'5cw 3Kn3lr-q ieox ' A Plucky Woman. The following item from the Lead (S. D. ) Tribune is an indication of the metal of which the frontier ladies are made: "Mrs. Tileoo.wife of William Tilson, tho ranchman who lives out toward Dumont, had a bit of frontier exper ience the first of the week that is worth repeating. She was at home alone, when the barking of the dog attracted her attention, and looking out she noticed a wounded deer close to the blacksmith shop. She set the dog after the animal and it caught the deer by the nose and 5n the scuflle that ensued the deer got into the blacksmith shop, the wide door having been left open. Mrs. Tilson hastily closed the door, went to the house and securing a sharp butcher knife she returned to the shop nnd soon dis patched tho animal like an old hunts man. When Mr. Tilson returned in the evening he could scarcely believe the story until ho had been shown the deer, which was a fine large one." Waa Not loxane. From Saturday's Daily. The board of insanity completed the examination of Mrs. Mary Ptak this morning and decided that she was not insane. About sixteen witnesses were examined and the testimony of none of these indicated that she was insane. If you have sore throat, soreness across the back or side, or your lungs feel sore or tender, or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia. apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter n ally, and use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. -.F. G. Fricke & Co. Antiquity of Glaas Making. No Industry except that of cloth manufacture has contributed so much to the comfort and advancement of man as that of glass-making, whteh ts one of the oldest, of technical Indus trie. Its earliest home was Egypt. City and county. SATURDAY. G. S. Upton of Liberty was a county seat visitor today. E. T. and Arthur Tool of Murdock were in the city today. II. E. Pankonin of Louisville was a Plattsmeuth visitor today. Conrad F. Vallery was today granted a permit to wed Miss Mollie Snyder. Mrs. T. L. Murphy and daughter, Josie, were in Omaha this afternoon. A. B. Todd departed this afternoon for Alliance on a few days' pleasure trip. County Superintendent-elect W. C. Smith of Elm wood was in the city to day. Attorney Matthew (l.ringf went to Atchison, Kan., on legal business last night. Frank Kroehler and August Mumm of Havelock are visiting relatives in the city. Miss Hortense Butts of Ashland was in the city today taking teachers' ex amination. John Albert of Cedar Creek was in the city yesterday and made this office a pleasant call. Miss Cora Beaver returned last evening from a four weeks' visit with relatives near Gresham. Mrs. C. S. Johnson returned to her home in Schuyler this afternoon after a visit of several days in this city. Thomas Patrick Ryan and Miss Emma Thompson were married by County Judge Spurlock today. The former resides in St. Louis and the latter is a Nebraska City ladj. A new time tablo will go into effect on the Missouri Pacitic railroad to morrow. Passenger train No. 10, go ing south leaves at 3:3-5 instead of 4:04 p. m.; freight No. 12, going north, leaves t 3:35 p. mJostead of 4 p. m. - - MONDAY. Dr. Jones of . South Bend was a Plattsmouth visitor today. Samuel Smith of - Weeping- Water was a county seat visitor today. Miss Jessie Lansing of the city schools spent Sunday in Lincoln. Judge-elect J. E Douslass is over from Weeping Water attendiug court. William Case of Nehawka was at tending to business in the city today. Lew Meyers, the Cedar Creek drug gist, was in the city today enroute to Omaha. Mrs. William Neville went to Al liance yesterday to visit her nu3band and son . John Koop, S. W. Ball and M. N. Drake of Louisville were Plattsmouth visitors today. Jesse Scott, who is working in the Cedar Creek quarries, spent Sunday with his family in this city. Miss Cora Walker taught school at Rock Creek last week in the place of Miss Mary Trilety, who was ilL A. S. Will held a horse sale at his farm south of town Saturday. Sixty head were sold, the price averaging S63. It was a fine herd of horses. L. J. May field of the Louisville Courier was in the city between trains today. He was enroute to Omaha. John Busche and wife returned yes terday morning from Pokin, 111., where they had gone to attend the funeral of Mrs. Busche's sister's husband. O. F. Scoville and wife of Brown ville are iu the city visiting at tho home of Zack Brown, Mr. Scoville be ing a brother of Mrs. Brown's. Mrs. Scoville will remain for several weeks. The case of the State vs. George Williams, tho colored man who is charged with having broken into a car in the Missouri Pacific yards last April, was being tried in district court as The News goes to press. Mrs A. W. Atwood received a tele gram this nfternoon from her sister, Mrs. Dr. Hatch at Jackson ville. III., announcing the serious illness of her husband. Mrs. Atwood expects to de part tomorrow for her sister's home. jWard Barr and Ed Christianson were tried in police court this morn ing upon a complaint filed by Jesse L. Draper, charging them with stealing a horse blanket and a mackintosh. They were each fined $10.35, and being un able to pay the same were lodged in jail. Mrs. W. D. Mulford departed for her home in Denver today, having stopped off here on her return from Ottumwa, la., where she attended the funeral of her husband, whose death occurred at Denver la-t week. The decepsedwasa brother of Mrs. S. P. Holloway and she stopped off here for a short vi-it with the latter's family Miss Carrie Holloway accompanied her as far as Omaha. Infant mortality is something fright ful. Nearly one-quarter die before they reach one year, one-third before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen! The timely use of White's Cream Vermifuge would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.. Farm For Hale Cheap. One hundred and sixty acres adjoin ing Wabash, Neb. Each eighty has good house, barn, windmill, abundance of water and bearing orchard. Will take $2,000 down, rest on time to suit purchaser. Charles NorEs, Louisville, Neb. Lost A ladies' gold watch. Has i shell case, and a small chain attached Case No. 2,700; works No. l,939,78f Waltham works. Finder will be re warded by leaving same at this office, Mrs. Tom Barnum, Union, Neb. The "Gut Heil" 6-cent cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union made. For sale by all dealers (Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. Guilty of Petit Larceny. From Monday's Daily. William Belvillo was tried in police court this morning upon a charge of petit larceny filed by C. H. Mattox. The plaintiff in tho case was hauling his household effects from South Om aha to Rock Bluffs, and when a few miles from South Omaha a bundle con taining a suit of clothes fell from the wagon. Mr. Mattox did not notice that the bundle was missing until some time afterwards, and then he re quested his son to go back after the same. In tho meantime Bel ville eame along with his team, and, picking up the bundle, concealed it in his wagon. He was afterward questioned by both Mattox and the latter's son in regard to the bundle, and told them be had passed the goods laying in the road several miles back. The owner after wards discovered Belville wearing the suit, and immediately filed a charge of petit larceny against him. A f ter hearing both sides of the case Judge Archer fioed Belville $5 and costs, amounting to $13 05, and being unable to pay same he was taken back to jail. Vallery-finyIer. From Monday's Daily. Conrad F. Vallery and Miss Mollie Snyder were united in marriage by Rev. T. K. Surface at the United Brethren parsonage. three miles south west of this city, yesterday, at noon. The bride is the daughter of Henry Snyder, a prominent farmer of Platts mouth precinct, while the groom is the youngest son of Jacob Vallery, sr., and a well-known and popular farmer of the' precinct. A reception was given the friends of the newly-wedded couple at the Val lery home and was attended by many friends from this city, who report a mo?t joyous time. The happy couple left today for Ulysses, where they will visit friends and relatives. A Fine EutertaiuinenC From Monday's daily. There was a fine musical entertain ment at the Turner hall last evening given by the pupils of Professor EJ mund Lischke, on the zither and piano. Fred Ebinger and Louis Oit- nat sang solos which were well re ceived. Profes-sjr L'iischke accom panied on the piano and zither. There was a largo crowd in attendance and the entertainment was thoughly enjoyed. Following are pupils who participated in the program: E sa Steitweiser, Christina Soen- niehsen, Matilda Soannichsen, Francis Whalen, Katie Heinrich, Josephine Droege, Ella Sattler, Sophie Sattler and Annie Wichtman That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have 'proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. Thsy make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. EiprmKian of Appreciation. Golden Hod Castle, No. 15, Imperial Mystic Legion, desires to publicly ex press its appreciation of the services rendered by the members of the cast in "Aberdeen," the realistic perform ance of which play so greatly re dounded to tho credit of each indi vidual performer. The play was a great success in every way, and the Castle reiterates its thanks to the pro moter, Mr. Lawrenco Russell, and the players for the time and trouble cx pended in the interest of the order. G. F. S. Bl'KTOV, orthy Regent. F. W. FlTT, Sec'y. Treas. A Fine Play. The home talent play "Aberdeen" was given the 6econd time at White's hall Saturday evening under the aus pices of the Imperial Mystic Legion. The play was even better Saturday evening than it was Friday evening. this being attributed to the fact that those participating in the play had gotten the "new worn oil" and felt more at home on the stage. Each one taking part did well and it would be out of the question for THE News to decide which one did the best. Shlnn Suocemtfal. Judge George M. Spurlock today rendered a decision in the case of Douglas W. Shinn vs. School district No. 28, in favor of Mr. Shinn for the full amount sued for $270 and costs of trial, which were $10.20. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man,' writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb It is the best digestant known. Cures all forms of indigestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe it. F. G. Fricke & Co. Charcoal Kept on hand at FTgenberger & Troop's feed store. Charcoal is the bulk of all hog cholera remedies, which sell at ten times the price of i i cnarcoai. Dried Flowers. A German chemist has found a way of preserving the colors of dried flow ers, even of delicate poppies. Flowers lose their tints in drying through am monia in the air. The inventor presses his specimens between sheets of paper which have previously been saturated with a solution of one per cent of ox alid acid In water. For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations or Injuries of any description J3allard's bnow Liniment is a sovereign remedy It never fails to do good, and so promptly that its wonderful curative properties frequently create surprise, Price 25 and 60 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Foil Sale ou Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds, Murray, Neb. Not a Surprise. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good qual ities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to know that people everywhere lake pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medic'ne, and in telling of the benefit they have received from It, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneu monia it has averted and of the chil dren it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by all druggists. A I'ru.ttrattl Ambition. Whf-n Mary Leittr goes to India as j-icei ne she will put an end to the will rra' mbition of the Princess Victor p Singh. This princess, who is Dbu, a ca:; 'nler OI me eari or uuveniry, auu t ber.t.tiful girl, married the prince for vr..;:h and rank. He is a Hindu f ar.cient royal family, fabulous n n. cut unpleasant uauus. iuu v' y of India's wife takes prece- t. ..f the wife of a native prince. li't the Princess Dhuleep Singh count ed on the fact that the vicereines are j old and unattractive to make . queen in India. The appoi-t- rf Mr. Curzon, with his beautiful, r- -p clever and popular Ameri- I nir- or i Notlce to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the county clerk's office at Plattsmouth, Neb., until 12 o'clock (noon) Saturday, December 2, 1S99, for the building of all bridges for Cass county, Nebraska, for the year 1900; bids to be accom panied by plans and specifications and a certified check for $500. The board of commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. James Robertson, County Clerk. American Shoes la Germany. Twenty years ago American shoes were unknown in Germany. Indeed, at that time our shoes were not regarded as superior to those o German manu facture, but the many improvements which have been made in machinery, together with the careful study which our manufacturers have made of style end comfort, have placed our shoes in the front rank. An American can al most always be distinguished In a crowd by his shoes. In 1880 the value of shoes imported into Germany from the United States amounted to $1.6C6; in 1890, to $9,044; In 1896 it was $39,- 508, and for the first five months of this year the total value of the shoes Imported from the United States was $59,500. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others, Why Not You? My wife has baen using Chamber lain's Pain Balm, with good results. for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we djd with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost wen. Aaoipn iviineii, Manchester, N. H. For sale by all druggists. Kohrell & Kroehler are ready to butcher hogs on short notice. They have all the necessary equipment and can do good work. Leave orders at Kunsman & llamge's meat market. S500 REWARD. V i will rav the above reward lor any case of Liver complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness wecan- not cure with Liverita. the Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com plied with. lhey are purely Vegetable, ana never Ian to eive satisiaciion. c ooxes contain 100 pills, Nlc boxes contain 40 pills, ftc boxes con tain 15 pills. Beware of substitutions and imita tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago. 111. Sold by F. G- Fricke & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Probate Notice. In Countv Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Edward B. Holmes, deceased. Frances A. Holmes. Zara C. Holmes, Oliver W. Holmes. Harvev A. Holmes. May Holmes Campbell, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 13th dav of November. 1W9. Thomas Pol lock hied in said court a duly authenticated copy of the last will of the said Edward B. Holmes, deceased, together with the probate thereof by the probate court of Cook countv, Illinois, to gether with the petition of Frances A. -Holmes and Oliver v. Holmes, alleging among otner thinir that Edward B. Holmes died on the SUth day of February, 1W6. leaving a last will and tes tament and possessed or real estate situated in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, and that the above named constitute all the persons inters ested in the estate of said dacaased, and praying that said will may be probated and that adminis tration be eranted thereunder in this state. You are hereby notified that if you fail to appear in said court of Cass countv. Nebraska, on the 5th rlav of December. Ih99. at 2 o'clock p. m.. to con test the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration to Frances A. Holmes and Oliver W. Holmes, or some other suitable person and proceed to a set tlmnt thereof . Witness mv hand and the seal of said court at riattsmouth. Nebraska, this 13th day of No vember, iyy. m. : George M. Spurlock, (Peal) County Judge First publication November 14. 1M9. Notice to Creditors. STu.?,Fv ls 1 Count, Court. In the matter of the estate of William Young, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor ol said es tate before me. County Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in Flatts said county, on the lflth day of June, A. I), im 10. at 2 o'clock p. m.,for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, from the th day of December. 1S99. Witness my hand and teal of said county court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 11th day of No vember, l&ys. George M . Spurlock. (Seal) County Judge. First publication November 14. 18W. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska Walt M. Seely, Plaintiff. vs. T I. L. Goldsberry & Son, J. L. Goldsberry. first name un known. Charles O. Golds berry. K. C. Peacock, first name unknon. and the Weotern Land ii Cattle Co. Limited, of London, Lug.. t ih. above named defendants You and each of you are hereby notified that upon the IMh day of October. A. D. lswtf, the above plaintiff tiled bis petition in the district court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said de fendants to recover the sum of thirteen hundred thirty-eight dollars ninety-three and eighty-one hundreds cents (flXig.BJ 81-1 UO) as commissions for procuring a purchaser for all real estate in Texas county, Missouri, belonging to the West ern Land & Cattle Co.. Limited of London, England, upon a contract with plaintiff. That plaintiff filed his affidavits for attach ment ana garnishment in said action and has at tached the moneys and properties of said de fendants in the hands of Henry K. Geriag and William W. Coates. You are required to answer plaintiff's petition on or before December 11, ltSfe, or said petition will be taken as true. Dated October 24. 1899. Walt M. Seely. By his Attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. 3 mO t Stylish tailoring:. . That is what you can depend upon at OUR shop. And that is only one of the many Sfood points. We have a largfe assortment of foreign and domestic goods from which to make selections and every suit or garment we. turn out is guaranteed to be satisfactory. LXDIISS9 Tn ilor-jSItidc S uits. . We have an elegant assortment of fine goods for Ladies' Suits Golf or any style desired. The ladies are respectfully invited to call and see our line and the styles. HLixdecelc & McKlroy 9 Rockwood Block-Main St. 49 4? 4? 49 43 4? 43 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? ! Sherwin-Williams) . ... Paints Is specially stilted to some home use either outside or Inside. It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to paint, and we'll tell you the riaht kind to use. For sale in Plattsmoutn by F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists. 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 41 4? 4? 4? 41 4? 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 Quick Perfect o o o The News has the best Book and Job Print ing office in Cass county and can handle any kind of a job of printing on short notice. We make a specialty of Law Briefs and other Book work. For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work, we have the proper type and other material. Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial Printing in the Latest Style. The News No. 305 Main Street f vccccc c iv9iSiiriir $2 Oysters- Are Now In Season, ooooo The day of the Oyster Stew is once more at hand and Plattsmouth people know where to get the best on the market, and that is at... John Schiappacasse's, Leonard Block. lie also carries a complete stock of Fresh. ... Fruits and Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. IT PAYS To Look Around Before you make purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, coma to us and we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new spring stock haa arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmouth WOOO 40a0aUMJCO-0AJ-0A)0Mj J Paint for Everybody And for everything under the sun. Every home has need of paint Bach kind of The m Ih l l I & o f & I i t i I & & l Ih l lb ? & ? Print in or Printery PLATTSMOUTH 4 4 4 v j. 4 4 t WHTE BREAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. ANU HAK1ILE STS.I II. M. S0E3i'lCHSEN,- Manager. t t 4 t 4 4 4 Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orrters at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. t FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING House Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. Oar stock I complete In all llne and we Invite our friends to look it over We will endeavor to please you. Call And see us. STREIGHT 0 STREIGHT, (Buooessors to Hetry Roeok.) PLATTSMOUTH, NEB