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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
MIW ERAI Till". NK.V. H. r.Mtul)lln-J Nov. 5. Ih'.tl ,. . , TIIK HI.IIAI.Ii. IslahhHl,...! April 10, 1;. ( -'HOlldat..l Jan. I. 1s'j!i. PLATTSMOUTH, NEIJ.. NOV KM PER 17. 18J)J). VOL. IX, NO. I. llOVKS FIKttl ILOIIJ). tpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiammmmwmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmHmmmmitK 0--iitiH Tiihaiian jiiiiI iiiim lal on Soul lii-i'ii ( nasi. NEWS A ' U Q) c he 1 (-port mi l:'llltoii KviKlt-al IImi Nnvy I'orl of Niilll InIiikIh, OiitHliln r AiiM-rlciui I'orlH, Am Orilrrnl I'IohoI lo Ciiiiiini n r Ci iiniirSi mil In n Nmum of Klllil ami Wniiiiilril. Manila, Nov. 1",. i p. ni. (Jen iMiil IlulxtM, with piirtn f the Nine- tiM-ntli iiml Twenty -Hixth rciraonts, inovod from I loilo Thursday, November to Otton, six milcH west, for the pur- pou of capturing Santa I tarharu, tlx rohi-l Hlronholi, tun miles woat of lloilo. Heavy rains preceded tho liiovoinoiit and tho roiidrt were in places iinn;iHH:ihl!. 'I'hu Hamo niht Colonel ( ,irp;ntnr, with tho Kiyh- trontli ri'iiiwint anil 15 ittery (J of the Sixth artillory, made woHtwardly from I 'aro to connect with (ieneral Hughes. Colonel Carpenter whs forced tore turn to .Jam, on account of tho hoavy roads and by lack of proper tranpor tation. ('omp'iny C of (he Twenty- sixth regiment had the only lijjhtinir VV'lien only three miles out of J art) this company charged tho rebel trenches and throe of tho enemy were killed. Ono man was wounded. (ieneral Hughes November 12 occu pied and Guimhal, on tho southern coast, and also Cordova, in the interior. The enemy did not op pose (ieneral 1 1 tithes' advance. llocont orders from Afjuinaldo found in the trenches said: "Do not opposo tho Americans' advance, liurn tho villages as they aro evacuated. Divide the forces in small bands and harass tho Americans on every occasion." Areneta, the rebel leader of tho isl and of l'anay, was captured nt Taj bitnan whilo attempting to pass tho lines into lloilo. Two battalions of the Twenty-sixth will garrison lloilo and .Taro. A sipnal visible fiom 1 loilo has been burned by tho rebels. It is rcport 'd that an expedition, evading' tho navy, recently landed arms and ammunition on tho Antiqua coast, and that tho rebels threaten op position with an armed force of 3,000 men. These stories aro not believed. All ports of tho Sulu islands, out side of the Amorican ports, have been ordered closed to commerce r CfiiBor Strut li-s Nam oh. New Vokk, Nov. 15. The dis patches from Manila yesterday re ferred to Major Marsh as commanding the left battalion of tho Thirty-third regiment, commanded by Colonel Luther 11. Hare, in the sharp engage ment with the insurgonts near San Fabian, Saturday. Tho otticcr is Major Peyton C. March, formerly captain of tho Astor battery and later on General MacArthur's stuff. Owing to the elfaracter of tho censorship at Manila, General Otis is not permitting tho sending of tho names of tho killed and wounded. A full account of the en gagement near San Fabian was cabled, but the correspondents were not per mitted to send tho name of Major John A. Logan, killed in action, or those of others killed or wounded. McKttiloy t'Hllen Agulnaltfo. Washington', Nov. 15. Tho presi dent is making otTorts to secure the protection of tho Spanish prisonors with the insurgents in tho Philip pines. A cable message has been sent to (ieneral Otis, and by him forwarded to General MacArthur, with instruc tions to tret it to Aguinaldo,if possible, relating to this subject. Tho presi dent requests tho kindly and humane treatment of the Spanish prisoners, and tho message also contains an inti mation that any of tho insurgents re sponsible for the ill-treatment of such prisonors will bo held to strict ac count when they aro taken by the Unitod States forces operating in the islands. Itljj Strike I I'rolnble; ClilCAuo, Nov. 15. Chicago's labor war broke out afresh today as a result of the failure of the long promised conference between special commit tees appointed by the building con tractors' council and the Building Trades counc?i, respectively. The representatives of tho contrac tors were on hand, but the labor com mittee did not put in an appearance. This piqued the contractors a&d it is announced that at a meeting of the Builders' association called for tomor row the gauntlet will be thrown to the labor unions. Courtship at Long Distance. Mt'XCiE. Ind., Nov., 15. Tonight there arrived here directly from Dub lin, Ireland, Miss Mary Mangrin, who will be wedded to a man she saw for the first when she stepped from the train here yesterday. He is Constable William Plume. Mr. Plume and the girl have carried on a courtship, by mail and even the proposal of marriage and acceptance were made in the same way. Not long ago Plume sent the girl a ticket for passage to America and she came last night. Tne bride-to-be is a sister of Piume's first wife, who died a few months ago. Fnrm For Sale Cheap. One hundred and sixty acres adjoin ing Wabash, Nob. Each eighty has good house, barn, windmill, abundance of water and bearing orchard. Will take $2,000 down, rest on time" to suit purchaser. CnAHL.ES NoYKS, Louisville, Neb. Send the News to your friends. A few days ago we had a slight Fire in our building. There was no damage by Flames or Water, but a slight damage by Smoke. A large portion of the Clothing shows NO DAMAGE WHATEVER the only way you could detect it at all is by a slight smell of Smoke. The Insurance Companies stand the loss and their loss shall be your gain. Commencing Friday Morning:, November 17, we will offer our entire CLOTHING STOCK, valued at $18,000, at practically your own prices. Men's All Wool FCH NOW Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45 7.50 5.20 10.00 6.95 12.50 8.70 15.00 II.90 18.00 14.20 Boys' All Wool FgglgiR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $5.00 $3.45 6.00 4.40 7.00 5.20 8.50 6.40 Children's All Wool F?&1" NOW Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $1.38 2.50 1.80 3.00 1.30 4.00 2.90 5.00 3.85 This Sale Will Last Until Every Dollar's Worth of Clothing Is Sold. I FRANK flORGAN, The Leading Clothier, I No. 502 flain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. s iUimiiiUiauiiiUmiiim PUNEltAL OFMAJ. LOGAN His licmaiiis Laid Away In l'aeo Conu'tery, Manila. Chaplain I'iorce Officiates at Grave and the Twentieth I u fan try Furnishes the Kitcort, Commanded lty Major Kod mun.With Captains of Same Kegiment as l'allhearera. Manila, Nov. 16. 7:15 p. m. The remains of Major John A. Logan, killed in action at Sin Jacinto Satur day, were buried in Paco cemetery this morning-. Many persons followed the body to the srravo. Chaplain Pierce officiated and tho Twentieth infantry furnished the escort, which was commanded by Major Iiodman. The pallbearers were the captains of the Twentieth infantry. Keports have been received here from General Young dated Ilumingam yesterday, Ilumingam is about thirty miles east of San Fabian. General Young is supposed to have Jvaneed considerably furthor toward. San Fabian. A correspondent of tbo Associated Press telegraphs an account of the rapid pace with which General Young covered the road with his cavalry. The Macabebe scouts demoralized the insurgonts around the low country. A messenger and reinforcements, who were captured, say no town from San Jose to San Nicolas expected the ar rival of tho Americans until a day or two after they actuallj' arrived. Aguinaldoand his government are making desperate efforts to escape to Bayombong. The information here is that he is still in the low country. Lieutenant Johnson, with Troop M, Third cavalry, captured yesterda3r at San Nicolas twelve barrels containing the wardrobe of Aguinaldo's wife,some personal effects, the records of the secretary of war and much commissary and medical supplies. Senora Aguin aldo probably escaped over the divide, but the secretary of war is thought to be inside the lines. Thomas W. Hayes, a civilian, and Calviu S. Davis of the Sixteenth in fantry, who were held prisoners by the insurgents, have been rescued. Colonel Wessels capturod at Tayug several hundred thousand pounds, of rice, 7,500 pounds of salt, 1,500 pounds of flour marked "Dayton, Ohio," 2,500 pounds of sugar, 1,300 new uniforms and hundreds of thousands of Mauser shells. The names of Lieutenant Gilmore and seven of his men were found writ ten on the walls of the convent of San Quentin. The garrisons of all the town surprised resisted feebly. Gen eral Wheaton his not yet appeared. American Force Advances. "Washington, Nov. 16. General Otis today cabled the war departmant as follows regarding the situation of ; the American advance in pursuit of Aguinaldo: "Manila, Nov. 16. During thirty- six hours four and one-half inches of rain; still raining north. Lavvton's telegraph line not beyond San Jose; last dispatch evening 14th reported capture of many supplies, transporta tion, north and east of San Nicolas and our troops moving from Ilum ingam and Tayug west on Urdaneta, where insurgent force was reported. Lawton has abundant supplies, sub sistence, forage and transportation at San Isidro and Cabanatuan, but un able to move it. MacArthur has rail road between Bambam and Tarlac in operation, five miles, road south of Bambam being reconstructed; re moved rails found t north of Tariac. MacArthur sends four battalions and one troop of cavalry: forward to Gerona todajr; advance from Aliaga at Vic toria five miles north of east Tarlac "Otis." HWARMNDITION. Partial Paralysis S'ts In and He Is Slightly AVorst. Mrs. Logan In Prostrated. Youxgstown, O., Nov. 15. Only the greatest care will enable Mrs. Major John A. Logan to survive her bereavement. Sho is using all her strength to bear up under her great loss. Tho family has been notified that the Sikh will leave Manila to morrow for San Francisco with his body. Hundreds of telegrams of condolence have poured into the desolate home. Among the senders were Former Presi dent Ilarrison, Former Secretary of War R. A. Alger, Quesada, Cuban envoy at Washington: Governor Asa S. Bushnell of Ohio, Governor "Wil liam A. Stone of Pennsylvania, David L. Kingsbury, recorder Loyal Legion, Minnesota, announcing resolutions of sympathy. It has been practically decided by telephone between tho widow and the mother of Major John A. Logan to bury his body at Youngstown in the Andrews mausoleum, Oak Hill cemetery. Wireless Telephones. London Correspondence New York World: For some weeks experiments of great interest In wireless telephony as distinguished from wireless teleg raphy have been carried on near Car navon by Sir William Pierce. Four high poles have been erected at the south end of Menal straits on a sand bank across the Gwyrfal river. Half a mile off four similar poles were erected. Half a mile still farther is a high pole supporting a coil of wire, with one end anchored in deep water. Between these points Sir William has succeeded, without any intermediary other than ether, in transmitting the sound of a succession of taps. The taps were made with a view to sending messages by the Morse code. They were distinctly heard at the receiving station by placing a newly invented ethereal telephone to the ear. Mes sages were sent without interruption for several days. Further experiments are contemplated. So far the system yields much more rapid results than Marconi's, although the sounds are not quite so distinct. A. W. Atwood sells pure drugs and the best patent medicines. lust Keen Made Public That the Senator Suffered a Slight Attack of the Same Nature In Lincoln Last Winter Great Sorrow Kxpressed In Washington Over Mr. Ilayward'a Serious Illness. Nebraska City, Nov. 10 Senator Hayward'a condition tonight is not much changed from yesterday. His brother, Major E B. Hayward, of Davenport, la., arrived this morning and was recognized by the senator. Dr. W bitten states that the pressure is on the left side of tho brain just over the speech center and extending to the motor center of the right arm and leg. These members are there fore without feeling or motion. The patient's temperature is 100, pulse G7 and respiration 23. It has just been made public here that Senator Hayward suffered a slight attack of a similar nature in Lincoln on the night that be was nom inated in the republican caucus last winter. He was hurried to bed by his friends and by morning was able to be up. Washington, Nov. 10 Great sor row is expressed in Washington over the serious illness of Senator Hayward and in seme quarters, especially among the leaders of currency reform, con sternation is shown over the possibil ities that may arise should an ad interim senator b3 appointed from Nebraska. Chairman H. H. Hanna of the Sound Money league is'especially solicitous, as he had hoped that a cur rency measure would pass congress during tho coming session, but with the small majority the republicans have in both branches he has almost given up hope that anything but a makeshift in the way of currency legislation will be attempted. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. I Lucas County. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the tirni of F. J. Cheney Sc Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 18(5. A. W Gleason. (Seal) Notary Public. Hallrs Ca'a' Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Trledo, O. fcCSold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Fon Salk or Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W, Edmunds, Murray, Neb. To Spend SCO, 000,000 on Oar Navy. The United States has fallen into line with Great Britain and Russia Id wanting a new naval outfit that will cost from $50,000,000 upward. Each of the two last named countries says It needs an extraordinary naval in crease in order to keep pace with the other. The United States wants $60, 000,000 worth of new outfits for our navy because of the large and widely scattered interests it has now to pro tect. According to present plans our navy now requires, or will require as soon as they can be constructed, three first-class battleships of 13,000 tons displacement each, three armored cruisers of 12,000 tons each, three pro tected cruisers of 6,000 tons each, and six unprotected cruisers of 5,000 tons each. Our new navy needs greater weight and speed, a minimum of wood work, fewer thirteen-inch guns and more secondary battery weapons. 3fle Carry a Complete L4ne of "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Slvo for any consider ation," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Cen terfield, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. Paris to ITave a Great Theuter. The Paris exhibition of 1900 will con tain the largest theater in the worM. According to the report of M. Ranlin. the architect who has been intrusted with its construction, it will accommo date from 12,000 to 15,000 persons. Some men drink for the shakes an'! others shake for the drinks. LaGrippe, with its after-effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Min ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. P. G. Fricke & Co. The Innocent Convict. On the very day when the Rennea court martial returned a judgment of guilty against Dreyfus there arrived at Marseilles from Noumen a man who Is known throughout France as "le forcat innocenc" tbe innocent convict. This is Benjamin Reynier, who was condemned to death in 1883 on the charge of having murdered a little girl, and whose sentence 'vas commut ed to Imprisonment for life. Not very long after Raynier's conviction it was found that he was innocent, and after a long campaign in the press, which was supported by M. Yves Guyot, and several other deputies, President Lou bet granted a full pardon. Reynier was met at the wharf by his father and mother, his brothers and sisters and his finance, who had remained faith ful to him for over sixteen ytT3, aud who is now a gray-haired, elderly woman. A Rnarkable Village. In New Guiana tha village of Tupu eelei is most remarkable. The houses are all supported on piles and stand out in the ocean a considerable dis tance from shore. This is to protect the villagers from the attacks of the dreaded head-hunters always looking out for victims. Other villages in this Queer land are perched up In trees for the same reason. Spare Moments. Ct and all Smokers' JWateiuals Gering $ Co. 9 DRUGGISTS. in m m m XX .- V' m A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLER'S BUCKEYE 2 jZMm a 2 o ra i iSsggKPl.LEiUBy - v A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. THE NEWS does Job Printing: