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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1898)
The Semi Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ... BY THE . NEWS 1'UJiLISIIING COMPANY, M. D. POLK., EDITOR. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months Hir W?dt -mnle Copii's, ... BKMI-A'KKKLl iDTTT J . ),,. Yt-ai, m advance, . . i', v,.ntli . 2 f0 . l 00 ")!) LARGEST CIRCULATION Ol iy Cass County Paper. TUB demonstration given Mark Ilanna by his neighbors when here turned triumphant from Columbusthe other day to his home at Cleveland, was almost without a parallel. When those who know a man b st endorse him, ho is p etty neat- right. Cuba continues to keep well to the front, and if McKinley would show a .Mad hand to the belligerents right now it might do them great good in thoir Btrutrele for liberty. Lot h pain declare war if she likes and if we are really in danger from such a sickly power we can't know it too soon. Jim Dahlman and Jim Edmisten, the chairmen of the democratic nnd populist state central committees are both ilirting with the boys in the trenches, each wearing a placard chalued on his back announcing his candidacy for governor. But neither of them can cut any ice until Governor Holcomb grants his permission. They are both holding state jobs under exe cutive appointment. When he looks over the case and makes up his mind he doesn't want a third term he will give the Jims a wink and they will make the fur llv. Fremont Tribune. Decent people of Ohio who love honor and cansisteney, have good rea son'to rejoice when they consider their escape' from the calamity of sending a man like McKisson to the senate. He went before the democratic caucuses and informed the members that in public and before the people he would bo compelled to b- a rei ub ienn, hut if they won.'.: Clio- se h m :is ' I'Cir eare.i dat . I v eliet h.m h- w u ami on iho t hicago p.atforru,a! U ll.en Hie cau cusendorsed him. Ye gous,what a sub lime spectacle of stultification on the pari of all of them. Whai, hypocrisy and dishonesty all around Ex. TiifcTuE seems to be a general de mand among republicans all over the state that Judge M. L. Hay ward of Nebraska City should be our stan dard bearer this fall. No man is net ter or more favorably known in every county in the state than Hay ward, and he can chase the fusio-fusees into their holes in short order. He is a typical Nebraskan large of body as well as mind,and would make a chief execu tive of the state without a superior anywhere. A man of unquestioned integrity, and in everyway qualified fo- 'her' si : e r, , 1 ' S : om : v a ' ' n v ou d !,. i, i iv. h . - re a .... . . - it i 1 1 e 1 V lu -ta . The News is gratified to no?e that the county commissioners will go to Glenwood tomonow to inspect tie working of the county poor farm over there. It is said that people who are too trifling and improvident to earn a living are placed on the farm where they are compelled to earn their own living by work We hope the board will rind sufficient encouragement to adopt a similar plan here and do away with a regiment of professional men dicants. The present plan places a premium on worthltssness and en courages dead beats to settle here and work the county for a living. Almost any change would be" an improvement on the old system that has prevailed here for years. THKexposition souvenir medal are to have on one side the design of an In dian spearing a buffalo. This buffalo business makes us tired. Nebraska has outgrown the Indian and buffalo stage and the continuous use of these figures makes the average layman weary. Something emblematical of the wealth and prosperity of the great state should be shown. The people of the effete east should be taught to think of Nebraska as a fertile plain, producing breadstuffs for the world and whose rivers have been harnessed to turn countless wheels in busy fac tories. The idea of connecting Ne braskans with Indians and buffaloes is worse than wrong it is vicious and a halt can not be called any too Boon. One of the cleanest and brightest of the younger republicans in Nebraska is Charles J. Greene of Omaha. He is a successful lawyer and an orator of more power than many men whose names have been heralded far and wide. Mr. Greene ought to represent Nebraska in the National senate. He would make an ideal senator, and when he got to Washington, he would not forget the state he represented, or the friends who had helped him. Al though he has in a measure kept aloof from the dirty pool of politics, yet he has never shirked a political responsibility or failed to make a fight In every campaign for the suc cess of republican principles. Mr. Greene's standing is such that the mention of his name for the high of fice of senator is often heard over the state and The News hopes to see the republican party honor itself by his -lection, either to tucceed Allen or John M.Thurston. THE POLITICAL CAULDRON. Mayor Gutsche fceomn to hold the demociatic organization in the hollow of Ins hand and thero is ro doubt of his renomination. For city trensurer, II. II. Gering will undoubtedly bo nominuted for a second term. The office of city clerk is worth more than it used to bo and there is more candi dates for the position. In democratic circles, Fr d LehnhoiT, jr., appears to have the inside track und his nomi riMtion is conceded by the parly lead ers. Fred h is been water ca rir long enough and proposes to se' if there is any such thing as gratitude in politics Republicans are at sea so far as a mayoralty candidate is concerned, considerable talk being heard in favor of II. N. Dovey and It. 15. Windham. Dr. Cook is conceded the nomination for treasurer if he wants it. The clerkship will bo a home of contention, 15. C. Kerr, the present lerk, has a iargH following, and tho name of T. II. 1'ollock, Ed. Lutz and several other young republicans are men tioned. AN ISSUE OF FACT. The strike of the cotton mill opera tives in New England is an indication that the trades union does not believe the tale of the mill owners to the ef fect that on account of the competion of tho cheap labor of the southern cot ton mills they are obliged either to scnle down vnges or go out of busi ness, says the State Journal. The mill owners claim that the southern mills pay about 40 per cent less than the New England mills have been accustomed to pay, and " hence a e enabled to put their product on the market at less than it costs to the New England establishments. This tho operatives deny and say that the per cent of difference is much less and that the efficiency of the New Eng land operatives is enough greater to counterbalance the low wages in the south. The strike is therefore organized to test the sincerity of the New England mill owners. In short, by closing the mills the two contending parties seek to ascertain which lies. This is a costly method of arriving at the truth of statistics and it would look as though a little common sense would settle the dispute at a less cost to the litigants. The N w York Journal is certain li y n win drive from democratic r ni.vS ah men who are capable if en tertaining mor e than one idea at a time. Shaw, he did that long ago,and ihe weeding out of men who hold ideas at all, is now in progress. Ax Ohio man became 6o excited over politics that he shot himself in the mouth. This sort of wound will be sur e to take him out of politics. lNKOlOlATION AND OPINIONS. Judge Joyce last evening united in marriage Jesse Draper and Miss Bethel Samuel, both of Cass county. Nebraska City News. Tho American cracker trust which seemed able to dictate prices and sta-iedoul with a h gh h nd a few ti - a is to biiv- a com petitor . v- ... V ... i W Um Ot 'is pi.wt r. iew ium - ii.i caie iias been o ganiz d whu-ii iii co.npete with the trust, and the public may not be robbed after all. The latest is the fish trust. A' $5, 000.000 combine having secured all the fish houses on Lkes Winnepeg, Superior, Michigan, Erie and On tario. Lake fish will soon become a luxury and still there is no tariff on fish. William M. Singerly, president of the Chestnut Street National bank of Philadelphia, which recently failed, is sixty-four years old,but until recently has shown no signs of advancing age. He has been owner, editor and pub lisher of the Philadelphia Record for twenty years. Nellie McConcell, a young and pretty girl, has been sentenced to two months in the penitentiary for steal ing ribbons and other decorations from tombs in the Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn. She told the judge it was a shame to lot such nice finery go to waste. The grand master of tne Free Masons of Peru, who, according to Grand Master Sutherland of New York, has committed Masonic suicide by issuing an edict discarding tne bible as a basis for morality for the Masons under his jurisdiction, bears the contradictory name of Christian Dam. The "Merchant of Venice" at the Bovd in Omaha tomorrow afternoon with reduced rates on the railroads, means that a large crowd will be in attendance from this city. Mr. White sides is one of the best Shakesperean actors on the stage, and an opportun ity to hear him is seldom afforded. Hog cholera is raging down in Mt. Pleasant precinct; just now. Charley Philpot has lost 130 head, while Geo. Ycung, George Shrader and several other prominent farmers are losing every day. J Dispatches from California would indicate that unless moisture does not soon visit sections of that state a short age in crops will develop. Many of the counties have bad no rain for a montn, and the weather has been warm and bright. The grain yield is seriously threatened if relief does not come soon. As Erick Bergman, a farmer living eight miles north of Iravale, was re turning to his home from town In a joyous state of intoxication his wagon nvnrturned and the old man foil out and a barrel of talt rolled over him in such a way that he could not move. Ho remained in that condition until 5) o'clock tho next morning when a neighbor found him. He is alive yet, but in a very dangerous condition. Edgar Howard of Pa pi 11 ion has a passion for fusion ard tho spoils that beats the passion for pulque among the Mexicans, lie hates a g .ld bug worse than a snake. Yet they are his best neighbors and friends, and iho best of citizens. Fremont Tribune. Colonel Bixby of the Stale Journal is taking a. few days' oil fivm his du ties and is visit;ng places of interest in Colorado. After a careful examina tion of the situation, the colonel finds that, although the mountain scenery inspires people to write poetry, Ne braska is in tho lead and tho work of Colorado poets will not average with that of tho bards of our own state. Ho is of the opinion that this is about the slate of affairs in all other "in dustries.' AJorkmen who were drilling for water near Hubbard have just struck a wonderful gas well, with a flow suffi cieut to I'ght and heat the town of Hubbard. Tho escaping gas has a curious odor and people from the en tire county are flocking to see the weli. Albert C. Hurra ge, esq., an attor ney of Boston, has just received from the Standard Oil company a fee of ; Jno,niiij. The fee was piid. for legal s- v'.ct. a rendered in the aie ol tne lliookliue Gas company and other local properties to II. M. Whitney and his associates. Mr. Burrage is 38 years old, graduated from Harvard in 18S3 and his been a corporation lawyer since 1884. A little more than a year ago he was elected to the presi dency of the Bay State Gas company, with a large salary. Argentina estimates that she will export 40,000,000 bushels of wheat this year. Where is Mark Hanna and his famines? He must do something quick or we are lost. Emperor William has established a new medal in tne memory oi ins urandfather. "William the Great." This is called the Emperor William Centennial Medal and wnl bo dis tributed to 800,0 10 veterans. In re cioients wiU each have a diploma showing oak leaves, surmounted by a crown and the portrait of Wiliiam I, with the inscription "With God for the King and the Fatherland." Utah is shipping flour to Hong Konsr. China. If the rat eaters should i r get able to eat wheat bread oi ce a week, it would open up a big market fo1- American Hour. H. M. liushnell's name for post niMf nt. T.inp.nin. was seut to the senate for confirmation yesterday, and very soon we nope 10 see me uoa.uii , ... . U .k.-l " licking stamps by the wholesale for Lincolnites. The last page of Munsey's Magazine has been sold for a year to four adver tisers, each of whom occupies a quar t r of a page and p;iys $0,000, making a t. tal of 24,OO0 for the page. One line in the Youth's Companion one time costs $3, whie one page in the Todies' Home Journal one time costs $4,000. Council Bluffs is in tears because President Burt of the Uuion Pacific railroad has issued orders to make freight transfers in Omaha instaad of Council Bluffs, as heretofore. This will cause several men to move this side of the river. NEWS FROM THE GOLD FIELDS. Miners Just Returned Confirm Previous Reports of Rich Finds. Seattle, Jan. 18. The news brought by the treasure laden miners who have arrived from the Klondike on tho steamer Corona is important chiefly in that it is confirmatory of the great mother lode. Welch, Coffin and Burt are authority for the state ment that the original strike was made at the upper end of claim No. 30. Eldorado, while two stringers, one at No. 27 and another yet lower down, tlv located. Throughout w 1 .7 the district the discovery is accepted as assurance of the permanency of the ct..5ft. n. rieh trold mininsT field. UIOVI yM " -' " D ' As to the placer diggings, they con tinue rich. Powder creek, an affluent of Quartz creek, has been having a Hnnm ruins of $3. 75 and $4 being a vwv-u I common thing. Of course the stream was located as soon as the first impor tant discovery was made. All Gold creek shows pans of $10 to $100, while the miners on Hunker creek, bender son. Dominion, the big salmon and the Stewart all declare themselves satisfied with the prospect. One of the first men to Btrike ground on the Eldorado and the very last man out of the Klondike country is Andrew Olsen, better known as "The Big He is notable as being tne owner of the claim on which the big gest Klondike nugget has yet been found. The lump of gold was valued at $586. In answer to a request for an esti mate of the winter:s gold dust output of the camp, Joe Campbell, one of the returning miners, said: "We have done a great deal of figuring on that and it now appears that the output. notwithstanding the scarcity of food and light, will be from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000. For Sale. Tbe cheapest printing press in the state, in fair condition, will print an eiffht column folio, hand power. Address News office, riattsmoutn, Neb. THEY DO'T LIKE PAPER. Savage at First Contact K-eard tb Fabrla With Suspicion. When savage people first come in con tact with the whites, none of tho won ders that they see is regarded with more suspicion than large sheets of paper. The native is apt to regard paper as a sort of cloth, and the fact that it teara easily and is worthless for most of the purposes to which cloth is put convinces him that it is a fraud. t- t-IA r,f ! tho disgust with which the natives at , first regarded paper. The Kongo tribes, j by the way, are on the lookout for ! ot it: io oTfupflinclT bard worK tor anyoociy io sen mem n uu, oualitv of cutlery or cloth. Savages , . -i x n ii v 1 55tSSSE 5"3 Then they cease to look upon it as a fraud, but they do not think it ranks and they have little use for it. o 4.: frrtnn ovinmr was traveling in tho interior of Queens- land, Australia, wnere no met many natives who had never seon a white man before. Ono day a crowd of natives was in the white man's camp carefully inspect- ing the explorer and his baggage when a newspaper happened to drop out of his pocket. The natives unfolded and spread it out on the ground. They decided that it must be an article of wearing apparel, and one of them tried it on. He wrap- ped it round his shoulders like a shawl and sat down on the ground, arranging his covering this way and that and watching the faces of the crowd to see what they thought of his elegant gar- ment, covered as it was with many thousands of curious marks. Presentlv. however, an accident hap- pened. While the savage was rearrang- ing his shawl and trying to bring tne i ..!.: v,;, v,0 r,,,. ment began to tear at the nape of his neck. A howl from the crowd canea at- tention to the disaster. The blanket, or whatever it was, was evidently made of the poorest sort of material. The savage took his covering off, ex- amined the mischief he had wrought, made the tear a little longer and men with his f nger poked a hole through tUn mwr ine paper. That settled the fact that the article wa wnrH,lpsa. The newsnaner sudden- ly lost all interest for the natives, who turned their attention to less destructi- tie objects. Pearson's Weekly. BREAKFAST CEREALS. They Contain Essential Elements For Fer- tho base of breakfast foods," writes Mrs. S T Rorer on "Breakfast Cereals and FVnita" in her cookine lesson in The Ladies' Home Journal. VTheywill sup- port muscular action, preserve tne neat of the body and strengthen tne brain in its nervous activity. Whole or steel cut oats and whole wheat, from whicn our nineteenth eenturv bread should be mails, enntain the essential elements for the perfect nourishment of the human body. The j. u.-: i I DOCiv. xne tireaii uujocuuu m cicai ... ... .i..:. j-n- -iim.nnn r, from any fault of the foods, but, first, from lack of time in cooking and, second, from lack of proper mastication. jaw starches are indigestible. The first step, then, toward tbe digestion of starches u ii 04- is over i lie lire, ijuuu iitno ucn ujuau ruptured, and for this long and careful nn, a ctnn trt ,r . , 4 j-u tne digestion OI eiaruues io m mo I mouth. They are there converted from the insoluble starch to soluble sugar, n j ,-i,i mastication, they miss this digestion, ..-...--u rpi,a entering tne siouiacii ao tuaugcia. . . , ? . .. organ not being preparea to receive them, they are cast out into tne small , . I- intestines iu ue uuureiy lusmau ui tiu- ly digested. This organ, now compelled j "loouv. s to do, in addition to its own duties, tne , a.,. i WOm OI tne muuiu, buujj uctuiucn uvoi- " , x ... , , taxed, and we have, as a result, the against the assaults of tumbling boxes disease most common iu this country- and bundles. And then the weary slow intestinal indigestion ' nessof the way! Formerly the journey intestinal uiui,tauuu. 0i.4. rriarx TOOa ,naAp, "Of the breakfast cereals steel cut n.. ii.. oats neau iuh uu aujf ui t-uo nnw. germ preparations are good. After these 8 . u ki come tne roiieu wuraii ouu uancjr Buu rir-e mrenarations. All these foods, how- ever, must be thoroughly cooked and eaten without sugar." Why He Left the Stare. Tbpre ia in Philadelphia a man who ahandoned the theatrical proiession De- cause he cou a not nit .canny waven- . . . -m il . port. Hewasa memDeroi oneoi tne local stock companies about ;o years v road.EliSe J. Allen in Har o nrVion Tisa Davflnnnrt came to I otiiii, With one nf the men of ner company manager oi tne ineaier m -" young man referred to was employed for some one to take the sick man's place, and as the young actor was not f .. ' . I . ; m tne cast oi tne piay iueu iimuiug r .1 corrioe topto lnanfifl to M1S9 UaYenDOTC. He was cast for the part of Cains Lucius . . . ,, a. in "tjymDeiine, auu mo uunmcno m VJ ' . .... iu -r.n-r.imA f Vicii- hn shnn rl ra rh Mfss DeZ his armd carry . T mu ij her nrr rrm stace. im iauv wcikuou u v, nrt coufciueiuuiy L""" r. . ' wnen ne attempteu i iomiatnac nisstreiJB va to th task. His struceies caused me - -- - - t,aA audience to laugu, , f . - cood scene, xie was so uummaicu ma u ne leit tne proiefcwuu ment. Philadelphia Inquirer. II is Board of Trade Style. mr exritedlvi Well, papa, did tlift nnnnt ask von for me today? M MillYnns Ask me for yon? Naw lie told me if I wanted to pnt np mar ins enough he'd talk business. ni fago News. Beeinnln to Take Notice. John So you really think you have mnie chance of winning her, do your TWirv Oh. vesl I feel ouite encour- i"ed. !She has begun to find fault with ,y looks. Cincinnati Enquirer. Try tJraiu-O! Try Urain-O! Asl; yuor grocer today to show you a nac'A.'cc of Ora'.n-O, the new feod drink thai, lakes ihc place of coffee. The child en tuay drink it without in jury as well as tho avilt. All who trv it. like it. Urain-U has that rich brown seal of Mooha and Java, but it is mado from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it with out d islre . 0:.e-h::'.f ike price of co Tec; ll and .--3c. per prickajjo --S6ld Ijv all grocers. Wurl Bros. "Gut Ileil" cigars. OLD CATERER ON TERRAPIN. When It I I', the Satisfaction I In MCatlng It All Yourlf.M j James rrosser, a famous colored ca- f till Htr .dead Ion a ncn. fur- nished tho following formula for pre paring and serving terrapin, whic h was published in a gastronoini journal at tho j timo when bo was on earth : You can't enjoy terrapin unless tho dav is ninuin Temperature and terra- pin go hand in hand. Isow, as to your fpirnriin I '.less VOU. thelO is all the difference in tho world in them. Tho more northerly is the terrapin found tho Letter. You eat a Florida terrapin you needn't despise it, for terrapin is terra- nin fiwnrrwhf.rn hn r. vnil ii'E a LillPSIl- "J " - .,---. , peake one or a Delaware bay one, or, i ErSSrifc," SSir tZZTwl dozen and $36. Warm water kinder wasnes ma uuucuw uavui uui ul... , Don't vou lot Mr. Dergh know it, but , Four terrapin m ust be boiled alivft. H.ivA & pond bit? TX)t. with a hot fire tin 4er it, so that he shan't languish, and wucu m ua kui pop him in. What I am goin to give is recipe iur a Biiigio ou o. n juu n- fully rich and go in for a gross of terra- pin, just use your multiplication table, Jnst as soon as he caves in watch him and try his flippers. When they part when you pry them with your finger nan, ue lsgouu. uu uim ft knife. Bilin of him dislocates tho mnffbox. There ain't overmuch of it, more's the pity. The most is in tne Jints or tne legs ana siue locKers, ous n yon want to commit murder just you Bmash his gall, and then your terrapin a BUL, 1U1BVC1- -&0 and handle them gingerly. Now, hav- in got mm or ner an into snape, put me meat asice. xane mree you must nave tnem iresn. uua wu hard and mash 'em smooth. Add to mac a lauieumu! thren tablesnoonfuls of cream, salt and pepper (red pepper to a terrapin is just ueiaiy; " " Ii ry wine. Wine as costs $2.50 a bottle ain't a bit too good. There never was a " . think itself honored to have itself mixed np with a terrapin. Now you want quite quarter or f"v" fresh butter and put that in a porcelain COVerea pan ana meil, ll mot ruuniu v ... rj ni .-. i,Q -,n oeuruwueu. n, ;J, pnt in your terrapin, yolks of egg, wine and all. Let it simmer gently. Bilin P iwu or iutw nmca wUCH vvnai; you are aner is iu urafio m "uu There ain't nothin that must be too point ed in terrapin stew. It wants to oe a quiet thing, a suave thing, just pervad ed with a most beautiiul ana natural terramn aroma. You must serve it to the neonle that eats it on a hot plate, but the real thing is to have it on a chafin dish, and though a man ought not to be selfish there is a kind of divine satisfaction in eatin it all yourself. rmiuucniuia ANCIENT STUTTGART. Postal and Traveling Accommodations of tbe Old Ueriuaa City. The post relations of ancien t Stuttgart wptp nnnretentious. The two maid- . i servants of the costmaster distributed through the city the daily letters, which they carried in the same basket with the """'"""a. "v " "J a number of couriers, ana as a surety against mistakes there hung in the post o . office, beside the curious mail bags, a huee whin, witn wnicn, wneu tne uuin- mission had been civen to the courier, a , , . - powertui Diow lor tne streuiiemus nis memuiy Coaches and nost wagons were inno cent of any suggestion of comfort-a hieh. clumsv wooden box was secured i --- , . k V;1 lonfViorn ctrnr nnrl in the mm evCluuu nackasres and Tjassengers. Up and down i r- - - , hill, over ruts and rocks, the cumbrous i .ffiOIi nr o wtiir the harness JJ. , 1 travelers beincr ever on the defensive iuiu oiung "u"6,-u " , in 2 honiB. xne same nourney is uuw - . - - made in four hours. The Postilions almhted to take refreshments when it - , , i,.,. Phased them, and one traveler has left a dismal record oi a journey mm, made, dnrins which the driver took the horses from the carriage and attached them to a hay wagon tnat naa heen left mired in the mud. ine man drove the wagon into the next village, and when there he joined tne grateiui - ; - , , ti i I neitrhhnra in a carousal, while the tirra laUmifiWon the dufitv P61'8 Magazine The aiodern Aenostic , , , . fV,., We look at our churches with their ngaUo growing in numbers and awmuuug u aMi, r man in The Atlantic, and we ask our- : - . , ,. . cninno. Tn oil thoca hnilnmiJB. enean or owicn. v. o-. j.- costly, what real prayers rise, and oi those that rise do any get above the i -- - - , . I o TUTUnf d.nA hours thptn nnrl na9 i uui . it"" "vi'J there ever been an answered prayer? We look at the face of the dead and repeat i . . I el burial service. If after tne manner oi t uh ith hpaKts at Enhe rwhat advantaCeth it me if the dead ' '9 A , " Kav the words we y ---,. asic onrselve.. "Do the dead riser ivna - anv onfl . V, who believes theae i , . . . . thines he knows that there is another - . hp,iPVM them not a nil T " v vx. vhit or an atom, and these two can hit in no universe that shall satisly uotn, tor can one be poet to the other. Suspicion. Do vou remember that girl wno lame here and said that what she most lerired was a good home?" asked tbe lousewife. "What is the matter now?" respona- ;d her husband. "Have you missea omething else?" Yes. I euess she has a gooa nome retty nearly paid for by this time." "ashington btar. llouueseekers tnurons. Homeeekcr uxcarsioii tickets wul be sold on Jana-i-y 4 nd S, February 1 and 13, March 1 :md 13. via Missouri PaciCc railway to all points in ArU-vn- &as, lex-.-, Uu:-m:;::. n... tory, Ok'.ah' mi, A-''ii.i a:nl Nyv Mexico, at rate u' .i:c I''- For particulars call at M. I". oi'l'-c. C. F. STol'ThM;oi;it i.u. A-t. All kinds of jewelry, clocks and watches promptly repaired. All work warranted. J. W. Crabill, Srst door west of Waterman block, Piattsmouth. rr:T TiJfiC TPHQ Ct DCLDlIll LSKUS. 6C UU., TO Silk Manufacturers, Metis Jan. S. Kirk A Co., Wo have Riven your "WhlteClond" softo a thorough test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our "New I'rocoss" Wash Embroidery Silks and find it entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure In recom mending it as a superior article for laundcrlmr tine embroidery. Youra truly, (S'gncd) Hemuno ISiios. A. Co. Peferinf to the abOYC. WG that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud g nQW has fa hiffllCSt authority as its endorser as being - oimfrinr tnr hne laundrv WOrk. L - also ranks first as a pure white fi wh;tc JAS. S. Established 1839. Largest soap manufacturers M h-'vs a Fin-3 Violin f v.. i (' iri' 'if Outfit. IUUJ Hii'Mtd. '. CO buys a Alandoline, , l.nuaiye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. 0 bays An American Guitar, i . a-m ran teed to stand. Steel y g r tIi'g3, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC GO buys a $IO Organ. li iiibcill Pianos e Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. ; little used, for $50, $00, $S0 to $100. Write for Catalogaaa wad oar Urmi. PACTOIU PUICE8. a , MOSPE, JR., 1513 Douglas Street, OHAHA, HEB. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Lincoln Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and a! points East and South. Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All noints west. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 20. Local express, daily, nt 'oe. Jiansas. fct L.OU1S, an poinis. south ,J:I" '" No 4. Locai exu.dally, HurlitiKton, Chica-o, all poims o.isi, am NoIO. Local exp. a ally except i-uii- tl .. v 1 am Noi'i Local exp. daily except un- day, I'acMic J unciiuii ' No3J. Frei -lit, daily except Midday I'ai-ilic Junction M'" No 1 Vestibutea exp. daily, isur- linirtou, Cluca o ana an ,,,int phvi 5::j(l pm No. 1 stub from Junction to l'lal ts- i.ioutli i.:Jpm No 12. Local t.xp. daily, at Joe. Kan sas City. t L hi is. unica'-'o all points cast and soulli.. 8:-- pm Local exp, daily, Omaha, Lin coln, lictiver and interme diate rii alions :::- am Local freight, daily. Omaha. :nd am Local frei-'lit. daily, ex Min riav. tviliir Urceu. louis- No No S."). No S.). viuo, youth iienii No 7. Fast mail, naily. Omaha and Lincoln H"' No :J. Vestihuled exp, daily, uen- vi r and .11 polnls in Colo rado, L'tah and California, Ui aid isiind, Black Hi:l. Montana and I'acifJ'J N. W :i:4.i pm NoT. Locai exp, cany except Su day. Louisville. Asliiand, V ahoo, .-chuylcr 4:!-Hl pm v. ii i , ws. i ! v n d ai 1 v exce nt n- day, Ornalia and Lincoln.. 4'-MJ IJ"1 j No 17. Local express. Sunday only, j Sleeping, dinin i and fehnliiL' chair cars j iseats free) on through trains. TicKetssoid and ba'Kii-e checked to any point in tin- j United Sta tes or Canada. For ion, tiaie tables, maps .. tickets call or write to V. L. PICKETT. A'ent Piattsmouth. Neb. I. FUANCKS. Gen. Pass A-t.. Omaha. Neb. WHEN IN NEED OF li-inted $5 tat Toiici-y VOU SHOULD NOI f Al L TO CALL ON THE NEWS Having Just Received a Jare Amount of New Stock we are Prepared lo do all kinds of Printing on .Short Notice. Society Printinrj We are prepared to lntest and most do in th approved style and at reasonable rates Commercial Printing Such as Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bill Heads, etc. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Poster work in good style and on short notice. OFFICE : NO. 305 .... HARTMAN BLOCK Pattsmouth- rrsa na it ism b JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Soap Manufacturers. ... deem it important to State i t(1;i,.f- it I4Ot" tne naui .i"u iwii-i. floating1 soap. KIRK Si CO., Chicago. in the world. FIRST NATIONAL BANK oF I'l.vrrsMoTTII, PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Otlcis the mt) U: - Ii lati lit ics (or tliu :-ai tiuu 'l Legitimate Banking Biibiness. TOCKS, bonds, --old. t'overtifnent and loi al securities uouirht atid sold. Deposits rt ceiveii and interest allowed ou the cert II cates. Prafts drawn, available In any part of the U. .S an l all the principle towns of Furope. 'Jollectlons made and promptly reniitted MiurheHt market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: v Pom), P. liauk'voitli, WiiiikIi F. White. i. K. PoM-y. .. Pom). Pres., S. Wanli. (.'ashi.-r, II. N. P.jvcy, Asst. Cashier. II. N, 50 YEARS V EXPERIENCE "4 Trade Marks -4A DESIGNS 'rfrfcff Copyrights &C. Anyone Rpn11n? a ktoh nwl rtoncrlptlon mnr quickly asrurtiiin our opinion frue win;t hf!r an Invention In pronnhly iiutcrilatile. f'onimunlra tiorixHtrictlycorindHiitiiil. Handbook on l'at-nta B-nt frt. H'1!f(t ninrii-y for BccurniK iiaU-riln. l-aK-nts taken t lirouih Munn & Co. recolva Iperuil nutice, without fcliwrge, in the Scientific HmericaiT. A hanrlsoniely lllutratnl wer-kly. I.nrmtt rlr rulation of any nfientlfln journal. Ternm, f l a yenr: four rnoiitlis, L Sold by all newndealerfi. MUNN & Co.361B'oadway- New YorSf Branca Olllce, 625 K HU Washington, I. C. Ccii!p!3xicn Pressrysd DR. HEDRA'S viola mm PTrive0! ?:, P'mpJes, Liver A.ol'-'S, blackheads. Sunn n an l Tan, iiu-1 rc- o.v-4 the kkin V) i t orii- 1 ul f-;linc-s. prnducirg , ,? - .-:ir nnl lifaltliy com Z.., Vi J-'-lexi'.n. Kuperiortoall fa'-ev " -- ' P'i T1 T,r. t,i. iitioni fin'l i.r-rfi-tlv hurinlfss At all .is, or mail lea lor : r SOcts. KcinJ for circular. VIOLA SKiM SOAP U tirny lncnmprM. u kin pt.nfvinif Ho:ip, f;.r Iho tniiet. witbfat a riTfJ fcrih'.. oiirvrr. t, ji.ifn n4 dclicrly medi hihI. At dru"i,-it. Priei 2 5 Centi. The J. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. The best of ris furnished at all hour and liis prices are always reasonable. 1 litir.ost convenient boarding stable for far mers in the citv. PLATTSMOUTH, : Nlili i:b. fitxghkaiji lias row stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Liveru Business. Quick trips made to ill parts of tho county. Low priw and court eous treatment assured. STAHLES SIXTH AND VINE STS., riattsmorS Nebraska. Insure in the German Fred Ebinger, Agent. American. w mmmmmm r J I I 4.