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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1898)
Hera EWS MI PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., .JANUARY 2(5, 18S8. VOL. VI. NO. 215. TIIK UKUALIJ, KHtabliHhcU April 10, iWS4. f WEEKLY 4 Talk About Diamonds 4 4W Their brilliant erlitter Bcarco 7 outrivals tho polihh you can put 9 on a MurzluiThhoe. Cood leulher, 9 A well-tan tied lealhe: that's the A J reason. J L doea more lhan thine T m it wearH. it fits, it "feels trood" C A whetlio- jou walk acrotss the r Hiri'Bi, or across u.e connneni. . B It's a shine a slaver, a (mother. 9 4 Costs money V Of course not 4 A in uiucu .is .you u iiiiiik, uiiiuii. I 'ill one on and Lrive it lonrue a A chance to talk. You'll do the 7 ta.kintr after- you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. 9 A Joseph lctxcr, J 4 North Side Main Street. A t 4 4 4 4 4 4 f 4 5 t WHITEBPEAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AM) M K IU.E STS. , II. M. SOKNMCIISEN, Manager. t f 4 t 4 4 t 4 t 4 Large Supply of all the UEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri. Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand a'.l kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly de'ivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines r il we In vite our friends to look It over. Wo wll pn.le ivor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT C SATTLER, (Successors to Lfctry Boeck. ) PLATTSMODTH, - NET ..GO TO.. CLARK'S FOR Groceries AND Crockery The Filling of Prescriptions.. Is the most important work of a gool drugstore. The very lives of a com munity depend upon the care and in tegrity of the man who fills its pre scriptions. We us" only the very best and f'-eshest drugs. and exorcise most p linsVtking- cam to prevent the pos sibility of error. F. G. FRICKE & CO., SOUTH SIXTH STKKET. .Wright's Condensed Smoke for Smoking all Meats. Im parts a delicious flavor. Keeps (Meat Sweet and free from In sects. A 75 cent bottle will smoke 250 pounds. Sold by all Drugreists. Made by E. ri. WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb. For Sale by F. G. Fricke Co. m COUNCIL HOLDS A SRIEF SESSION. The Dovey Matter Will Come Up Again at the Next Ateeting. A IVtltion From Mr. Iovy, In IC-Kr' t IIIh Suit AgatiiHt tli t ity. It K:il Itt-Tore the Me-tltK Would I.ik An I iim-llt Nettlemeiit of the t'ontro- vry A Happy C'oul. There was a rather brief sopwion of the city fathers ut tho council cham ber last njtfht less than an hour be incr taken 11 r and, although little business of importance was transacted, tho meeting was a very interesting one. Upon roll-call by the clerk, it was found that all tho members were present except VVhalen. Minutes of last regular meeting were road, and after a correction had boen made, wore adopted. A communication from It. Ii. Wind ham was read, and ordered placed on file. The clerk next read a petition from Geo. E. Uovey in regard to that gen tleman's suit against tho city of Plattsmouth. Tho Euit, so the peti tion stated, brought because of damage which some of tho Dovey property sustained from a water sewer, located adjacent thereto; that it was tho wish of the petitioner to ar rive at soma agreement with tho coun cil, or a committee from that body, and that any reasonable proposition which they might make, looking to a final settlement of the matter, would be cheerfully and carefully considered. A communication from City Attorney Grimes, stating his opinion in tho matter, was also read. The attorney favored arbitration as the bet way out of tho difficulty. Mr. Cummins, as chairman of the judiciary commit tee, was also in favor of arbitration, and said ho had called on Mr. Dovey to talk the matter over, but the latter had been busy" at the time. After considerable discussion as to what disposition should be made of the matter, a motion to lay it over until next meeting prevailed unani mously. Cummins, of the judiciary commit tee, moved that tho ordinance re cently drafted by the city attorney, compelling property owners to remove snow, ice and i-ther obstructions from their sidewnlks, be not adopted. Mr. Sattler asked to be enlightened as to why this conclusion had been arrived at. Mr. Cummins gave sev eral reasons, one of which was that they were not vested with the power to adopt such an ordinance. Attor ney Grimes gave, as his legal opinion, that the ordinance was good and valid, and that it could be easily en forced. The attorney further stated that he had copied it after the statutes of the an eastern city; that the ordinance had been sustained by the supreme court of the states 01 Illinois ana Connecticut; also that he had drafted it at the instiga tion of the council, not of his own ac cord, and. that he had thought it good and valia at the time t.f drafting it and that he still continued to think so. A motion to lay the matter on the table was made, and a vote re sulted in live for and four against the proposition. Several other mo tions were voted upon, but the orig inal motion to lay the matter on the table prevailed. The finance committee then handed in its report, and, on motion of Lutz, the city clerk was instructed to draw warrants for the following accounts against the city: Wm. Wettenkamp, rent of room 25 00 .. Ill) 4." A 11 Weckbach. D A Campbell 1 ) B & M R K. freight. .,. 1 ttl ... 2 ... 1 -T ... (i7 ... 1 K H Cunningham, labor Kgenberger ic Troop, tuel Geo K. Ilouseworth Conrad Churchill Co standard Oil Co., oil The clerk was instructed to comply strictly with the ordinance governing the electric light plant, iu regard to outstanding accounts Jor light. The report of the police judge and marshal were found correct by the po lice committee and ordered placed on file. Adjournment was then taken. Were Happily Wedded. At 8 o'clock last evening Judge M. Archer pronounced the words which united the lives of Mr. Ed Petersen and Miss Emily A. Linquist. The contracting parties are both well known in this city, the former being in the emyloy of J. I. Unruh, while the bride has acted in the ca pacity of clerk in the "Wonder" store. The cei inony w as peiformed a few minutes prior to the commencing of the city council and the memb-ts were, therefoi e, permitted to wilhess the performance, a treat which they had not anticipated. New iotal Curd. The new postal c ird issued by the Washington department is just mak its appearance in this city. It does not differ materially froin the old one, the main chango being that it is about a qu"rter of an inch narrower. This difference furnishes the reason for the new card. It can be enclosed in an ordinary-sized envelope, which could not be done with the old one. In other respects the two cards are alike except that the form of the let tering on the new one is somewhat different. Pettee's music stor and piano de pot, is headquarters for the- latest in nice sheet music. Call in. At Itoyd'M Tlietre. One of the most notable engage ments of tho season at Hoyd's theatre oegins tonight, says tho Omaha Dee, when Herbert Kelcey and Etlio Shan non will present, for tho first time; in this city, Madeleine Lucetto Hyley's new comedy, "A Coatf Many Colors." The company will be presented here with the same cast and all of tho scenery, properties, etc., used during tho run at Wnl lack's theater, New York City. Tho characters in tho play will be distributed as follows: riorum Walboys William I. I.eMoyne lieinian Walboys Herbert Kelrey Hamilton Walboys l.dwar.l I). Lyons Spoftord Kobmson David Torrence Saunders Kdward .-ie W aiter Kdward lames Mrs. Majendie . Kllie Wilton Ksther itmninn Miss Shannon Lola McWhirter Walboys Georgia liusby The company will give a matinee Wednesday afternoon which will give Piaitsinouth theatre-goers an excel lent opportunity to seo this splendid company. .Those who wish to lose but little time can tal.o tho M. I, train at 1 i :67 and return on tho 15. fc M. at (:lo or 8.23. The OnutrKt Ii(teovery Yet. W. M. liepine, editor Tiskiiwa, III., "Chief," s;ys: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cough and colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the truo remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discover'. No other remedy can take its placo in our home, as in it wo have a certain and suro cute for coughs, colds, Whooping cough, etc. " It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just is good as Dr. King's Ne'w Discovery. They aie not so good, because this remedy has a record of cures and be sides is guai anteed. Tt never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke's drutr store. 3 From Itahy In the llili Chair To grandma in the rocker, Grain-O is good for the whole family. it is the long-desi rt d substitute for coffee. Never upsets the nerves or injures the digestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itself. Has tho taste and appearance of the best coffee at i tho price. It is a genuine and scientific article and is como to stty. It makes for health and strength. Ask your Grocer for Grain-O. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1 . Lucas County, " ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of 1". J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and t.ue aforesaid, and that said tirm will pay the um of One Hundred Dollars fur each and every cae ol Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank j. Cmkney. Sworn to before me and subscr.bed in my presence this ltjth day ol December. A. 1. IS'.ti. .. W (jLEASON, Seal) Notary 1'ublic. I lall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts daectly on the blood and surfaces ol the system. Send br testimonials, free. b . J. Cheney Co., T ledo, O. ?""Suld by druggists, 7."ic. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure him self right away by taking Electric Hitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache. Fainting spell, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Hitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Go's drug store. Hard and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for the faiLiOii-! Mendota so t coal. Also ea fries the ' e;L grades of nard coal. wood, uunber, -a: L. siiingies. lime, cement. :c. 1. vod a : e to uui d. i w'l. nav vou .osee Water man. Udice at tne fear o! v a ter mini b.ock oa Fi.V.i street. A 1 iioioe Kt'aml. The Clover Leaf b ar.d of Hour on ale iy F. 6. A iiite ai d manufactu- eil o.v trie new a e:- company .sexlra call at W uiie o and leave vo:r ofdei for a sact of ii and after in. ;i you wi.l Use no other I'eait u.iiu Laundry. H. F. Goodman has his new laundry fully equlpneJ with latest devices, now in running order, and asks a nave of your patronage. His wo k is nis oest au vertisemem, and if you try the new iaundry there wid be no longer any excuse for sending goods away. Nothing too p'ooi for our natrons is our motto. Work called for and delivered. Fa m. v lire. ni. Cakes, Etc. iioiioways are ueadciuaf - s for fine bread, ca .es . ud everything usually kept iu a !ir'. cl i-s oakery. Alsocan- u es. nuts, etc. Give them a calt Fitzgerald block, at -S thl's old stand. Annual Meetiug;. The annual meetirg of the Plaits- mouth Brick cv Terra Cotta Manufac turing Co. will ie held ai the office of T II Pollock on FiiJaj, January 28, 1SDS, at 7:3d p. m. l. 11. Pollock, Sec y. The Q.Z. society of the Presbyterian church wili give a sociable at the Woman's Exchange rooms in the Iliiey block. Friday, January 28. Ad mission lucent?. II freshm onts free. Everybody is cordially invited. Potatoes deteriorate in cooking qualities when exposed to light prob nbly more than any vegetable grown, and should strictly be kept in perfect darkness if the highest quality is(o bo preserved. STAMPS FOR THE EXPOSITION. I'oHtolllre Department Finally Decide. poll the DenlK"". Washington, Jan. 24. Tho post otlice department has selected designs for tho Transmississippi Exposition Htamps ana they are now in tho hands of the Bureau of Printing and En graving, which has been requested to rush their preparation for the presses As finally decided upon tho subject of stamps will bo as follows: One cent stamp, Marquette on the banks of tho Mississippi, after a painting by Lam prect; 2-cent, Ends bridge over the Mississippi, showing a portion of the city of St. Louis: 4-cent, mounted In pian chief, after a drawing by Freder ick Kemington; o-cent, hunting buffalo, after a picturo in Schoolcraft's "History of Indians;" 8-cent, shows Fremont, tho pathfinder, raising tho (lag on the llocky mountains. The 10-cent stamp shows tho hardships of of scotts. Tho design is after a paint ing by A. G. Heaton of Philadelphia and represents an emmigrant's wagon, drawn by a team of horses, ono of which is fallen and cannot rise. It is surrounded by tho emigrant, his wife and children, who are looking at it in helplessness. On the 50-cent stamp will bo a mining scene, an old pros pector and two mules. The$l stamp will show a herd of cattle fleeing be fore a storm. The hist stamp of the series is a $2 stamp and represents a harvesting scence in the great north west. The department hai considered carefully the protests of stamp collec tors, who do not wish to have the stamps issued, but before the issue was finally decided on it received the approval of the cabiuet. Philatelists prefer, if the i.-sue is to be made at all, that ho new stamps shall replace those now in use for the period of the exposition at least, thus giving them a standing which they would not have if they were merely a fancy series of stamps, issued without any real rea son. The matter is receiving atten tion from the department and it is very likely that the special issuo will succeed the regular issue for the six months during which the exposition will last. President of Brazil Coming. Washington, Jan. 24. Following the visit of President Dole of Hawaii, it is not improbable that the prospec tive president of Brazil will visit tho United States some time between March 1 and November next. The election occurs in March and tho pre vailing impression is that Senor Cam pos Salles, candidate of the republican party, and an eminent member of that element, will bo elected. He has sig nified the purpose in case of his elec tion of visiting Argentina and other southern republics and of then coming to the United States for an extended trip. He has traveled widely in Eu rope and this will be the first visit to the United States. Hacklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke. Did You Make Your Graia-O This Way? Here are the latest directions: Use one teaspoonful of Graiu-O to two cups of cold water. Mix the Grain-O with half an egg and add the water. (Be sure to measure.) After the water gets to the boiling point, let boil for fifteen to twenty minutes. Use cream and sugar to suit the taste. If you have not cream use hot milk. A lady said: "The first time I drank Arain-O I did not like it, but after using it for ten days and forming the habit, nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." This is the exper ience of ail. If you will follow direc tions, measure it every time and make it the same, and try it for ten days, 3-0U wili not go back to coffee. Hoinetteekers' tnursons. Homeseekers excursion tickets will be sold on Janun y 4 and 8, February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri Pacific railway to all points in Arkan sas, Tex s. Louisiana. Indian Terri tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico, at rate of one fa e p us $2. For particulars call at M. P. office. C. F. STOUTEXISOKOUGH, Agt. TO Cl'KK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bro mo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q. tn each tablet. No! it is not claimed that Foley's Honey and Tar will cure Consumption or Asthma in ad vanced stages, it holds out no such false hopes, but does truthfully claim to always give comfort and relief in the very worst cases and in the early stages to effect a cure. ForlSale by SMITH & PARMELE. .Many I'eople Caunot Drink Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. Vou can drink Grain-O when you ploaso and sleep liko a top. For Grain-O does not stimulate; It nour ishes, cheers .and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes liko tho best offoo. For nervous persons, joung peoplo and children, ( Jrain-O is tho perfect drink. Made from pure grains. (Jet a pack- ago from your grocer today. Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 2";c. Can. County Dairy. II. F. Do in has asrain taken charge of the Cass County Dairy and will be pleased to serve his old customers aDd al.-o others desiring pure milK. Ho will also furnish cream and butter m.ik when desired. Your patronage is solicited. Choice Hay. C. Shollz, tho Sixth street Hour anp feed merchant, hvs just received a car of nice upland hay. It wi.l pay those in need of good hay to give him a call. New Improvement. The Pearl Steam laundry has just received ono of the latest pattern bosom, collar and cuff ironers from Chicago, and is better prepared lhan ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam laundrv, Main street. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass country, Nebraska Henry Ktkenbary, et al. 1 vs. I Citizens bank of l'latts- f mouth. Nebraska. ) Notice of hearing on petition of stockholders and depositors to sell real and personal assets. Now upon thfs l-'ud day ot January A. 1). Is'.ts, this cause came on for hearing upon the petitions for an order to sell pari ol the assets ol said bank, as petitioned for by stockholders Henry Kikenbary, et al.. by the depositees 1). O. Dwyer, et al., by the receivers Charles C Parmele. Frank J. Morgan and N. 11. Meeker. And it appears to the court that a hearing should be had thereon, it is hereby ordered that a hearing upon saiu several petitions be tiad and the time for such heaJing be on Saturday. an uary !, A. D., is. , at 'i o'clock p. in., or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard, at which time all persons iuteres ed must show cause. If any, why the prayer of the several petitions should not be granted. It is further ordered that a copy of thi order be published in the Semi-Weeklv News-Herald for two publications prior to said date. In wit ness whereof 1 have hereunto Bet my hand this -'Jnd day of January, A D. 1W. Uasil S. Ramsey, Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) ( 'ass '011 ut v. f In County Court In the matter ot the estate of Emilia Wurl, de ceased Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor ol said es tate, before me, county judge of . Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room in I'latts niouth in said county, on the -d day of August, A. D.. at 'J o'clock p. 111., for the purpose ot presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed lor creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the executors to settle saiil estate, from the 21st day of February, l'Ji. This notice shall be published in the Semi Weekly News-Herald for four weeks success ively, prior to the 21st day of February, lsiis. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this -5th day of Jan uary, lstt. LScalJ George M. Spirlock, County Judgx. tTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTS 3 WANTS DimmmuuimuiiiiUAiiiiiuuAiiiuiiiiiAia iSpeeial notices under this bead will be chargeu for at the rate of 5i cent per word ench nsertlon . ) HELP WANTED. WANTEH A goad i rl for general housework, i'.i p.r week. Enquire at tne News oliice. TWO good incubators for sale. Inquire ol El son, the clothier. FOR KENT. FOR KENT A 4-room house with stable. per month. Enquire ol J. C. Peterson. FOR RENT Six-room house in good repair, centrally located, j-i per month. Enquire ol J. C. F'eterson. FOB SALE. JOK SALE A house, to be moved away. En quire OI 1. II. i OllOC 1L . ;lR SALE A family carriage, as good as new. at na.l price. Enquire ol J.C Feterson' 160 Acre 1111 one-half mile from Myuard. p.euaid laud. Gjod buildings. Fr:ce ... 1 pc a-ie. jrjiAAcre farm, four miles west of Mynaid. 113U room luuse. Good land, junuuig Fr.ce Sio per acre. i;ea: .Vroom cottage; good location; cistern and city water, ji'.u. Acres: ail in fruit. Sp.endid six-room cottage. Near snop. Frice se."0. Room house and good barn. Two large lots. i-MJ. 80 Acre', farm, Otoe county. Good land and good buildings, Frice d,'W. LO I S of bargains in city property and acre tracts. X. 11. FoLLOCK, Real Estate, Loans and insurance. Over First National oaiii, F.a.tsiuouth, Neb. MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING Ail kinds of plain and fancy se';ng, dressmaking, repairing ol gents and boV i. done ai i:ie rooms ol Mrs. Orilla Sner man, over Coates' hardware store, -418 Main street. FOUND A small leather grip near the fair grounds. The owner may call at the News oirice. w ANTED To trade. A good gold watch for an organ. Enquire at the News ofhc e. WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to trave. through tins section. Saiary SM a UiOUih. payaj.e weeitly, and expenses; sp.endid opportunity. Address SHEFF company, laiU Cnestuut street, Fmladelphia, Fa. With Blizzards Yet to Come It EM EM MKIt WE ARE 1IEAD OlIAK'J EKS Hill WARM SLIPPERS SHOES RUBBERS 0 By watchfulness on our part we made an extra good deal on .. JLiillei" JJooLs.. Children's first quality, d '1 fleece lined Sfy Misse-' fitt quality, p-v fleece lint d Ladies' first quality, fleece 'lined ,5' Youth's first quality, fleece lined ' CALF. KIP AND GRAIN BOOTS FROM S1.50 UP. 1 ROBERT SHERWOOD, 11 ifaii immMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi'WMM Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. These are White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A select stock of Dry (ioods n the arrived. If you want llie iiest foyou1 F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. The Best Is Good Enough.. And that is what you will find at the Hed bloom Pharmacy. Especial attention is paid to the prescription department, and the store having recently been restocked with pure drugs, and having in charge a competent pharmacist, you are running no risk. We also have a full stock of Paints and artists' materials: Tube Paints, Bronzes of all kinds, Brushes, Cold Leaf and Powder, Varnishes, Crayons in black and all the shades, artists spatulas, Plaques and Tiles for decorations. An examination of our stock will prove that the goods and prices are both correct. Give us a call. fieclDloom Pharmacy, i-?i?vV: xjzi;YC7ir, Aor. .. THE LEADERS .. IN THE GROCERY TRADE ARE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY cary the la "rest and cco-t comoleie line in Cass county. oEvery thinsf r"e5h and new. They pay c.sii To our jrtods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A comp ete line of canned jrooda always in etccl'. The only p ace in t ie city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see u. A. H. WECKBACH & Felt Boots AND German Sox FOOl MILLINER. Leaders at !atet styles for Eall and Wintei just money ivo us a trial. Plattsmouth, Neb. 6 6 i 6 9 4 6 9 9 6 9 9 9 6 6 t 6 6 6 6 6 t 6 6 t 6 6 6 t GL, Waterman Elk.