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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1891)
j r V '' ' i f if toni .4l, iHl.SllitlUlll Daily llerall KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Pu,)M.iyU(,ryThurH(iny,"n4 dally evwj t Kc-l-tcrwl m f!i IMattirnouth, Neb. pn-t-T.-r r tn--vnlvUm t-ti- -'-,: , .j . ... ,,,, .' Vf i,cr Viii nd Fifth ttreets. r'l-),!., jit. eei-y. T-f ye ir. In :!,. SI u 1r. 1'1 V"r, lint In HllVIIIlK l' ie i y, i,. m,ri:!if. I u i,.'--.,m- 73 Oao c il". "ir'' ii" In n lvauc. ... 40 TFIIJM fit DATI.i n ("" OH" f.i' , -jtvilUH $101 Inece.v iwr iwV. by ci,iIt , .... W da.i y, i.'r.t! l w vi:i)';;-DY, nov k i-m Halt THEPR-SirjENT'S THANKSGIVING PPOi'LAM riON. IW Hie pi.'-i.:..'iit of tlx- United State.-of AnvrK-.i: A nrocl.imntion. It i. u vry iiK'i.'a'.it of lb" larvcloyt-i ro.--j rity which linn cru-y 1 tli'- :-l''ir n-ivv drawing to a ei-f tin-; it.- lio-icful mid rcassur Ug t.iii.'li !i h been f.-It ly all our jeorile. It hit been a widens our ' CO ii :i !:;. K!) f'1'"''1 t,u,t 'very ..t... i,.w f,.H It j (innfiirtiii iiillit. rici', It iw too ";reat t') be tin work f niati' power and too particular ft be tin- (icviee of hi mind, to Cod, tin- beticuVent and all wii', h i iiiahe til" labors of nn-it t' 1 e fruitful, re !cei:n their lofee by bin, aad the nu-iifiiri of wlm-c fovcriiiii' i as iiiucli beyond the tliuii.-lit.s of i:iau u it beyond hit-de.--rt-s l!i-' r iise and frraiitiid.- of the p'.-'ipb' of this favored nation WT'' justly due. Now, therefore, I. Herjnmin tT-irrifon, president of the I'uJ'.eil Static o! Am-rio, do hereby ap point Tli'ir. i iy. '"l 1 - of Nov nb'-r iire-enl, to be a day of Jo. than!: V'v;-rt ". I for the bounties Hi' hi.- providence, for the face in v.'ri 'i - are i ' -r :!! i". . I to e:iy t ti m of d for the pre-1 rva i iH.rt-itions of civil I! :d ri IfTv." our U v..i . 'a l.i-v.i.-d'oii !'i ijrvf' H i t'-e A:, ion.; the M of the ,!;;- f i ii. I ! .1 1 H -'..i.e '-. I re rent of tii!. worship in the pub- t:,. t... - x. c...... family t i r) about our Auu rican ire.dden and tiiouhlful liclpful- lo-.vardri thoe win) huTut lack t!io bot'y or of t'n ppii il. In te-tiinony wlicreof I liavf (reiuilo trt my band and caused the tr-A of the United Stale to be fii ;ed. Done at the city of Washington, th iit Kith day of November, in the y ir of our Ixr 1 one thoiii'iind tiht liundred and ninety-one, and f the independence of the United flateH the one hundred and fix fcetitll. Iti:JAII.V IUkki-on. I'.y . the Tresid'-nt: J AMiirt C. ClI.'iij, JVcrolury uf a'.e. THS COVCHMOM li THANKSGIVING P'.O Jt-AMATION. No-.v, more t':;i'i ever ha' e the of Nel ra 1. 1 i;:ost 1' n in- C':' iii 1.' 'J f ,f lift ;- their belli .8 i-v to the r-iion-m.' i:u' r of li.e luiiv . ? for t'.ie 11:. told ICB- iiti, I'i.-y l;a e crj-iyed during lbe yea-hiiii is 110 .v ilrHiii t-- it h,.-c. Tlie diMi i'ioii-i ciT cts of the Or 1 ii ii .1.'..; ! I . (HOC portio is ef tlie Ktate n year nni have been toll i e 1 by the Mint bine of j roi prrity. The windows iJ lirinen were ope n'd; the rains caine und kiw the earth has rfi-ponded with a most uhtirwhint inrren-j t) J; fcoi s of tile liuabainitiien hi.e Li en iost lavishly rewarded; the fieMa k.tVO bli.l Il.l.iw I 'Avii.l j l!i.v. u with urain the tree with fruit the granaries urc now full to re pletinn; now vior and fncrjfy have keen iufus'-d into deportment of efforts; joy sits in the hearts f H' people uhsrf theTf? v.-;: r Isn'iCilt.iliiii a yen ao: I'uerui bcalth prevails nnd peace rein within our border". It is nioi-t be -oming, as well ( e performance of a reared duty, tiii.t all should liai.ifest in 11 public manner their appreciation f iiiul their K'titilude 'jr thece pricelens blessinx. Now, therefore, 1, John M. Thayer, governor of liie Htale Nebras.i..i, lo beretiy rlei;;nflle Thursday, Uie 0 4ay ut the present month, us a day f tbnuXsiv and jiiaii-e to the M out IIii.ii b.r liis fatherly cure vrr us and for His tender mrrciea. I mortt earnestly reipiest all the peoj le or this coiiuimiiweal'.li to abstain from nil eectilar employ ment o thnt d.iy nnd apembh; iu their peveral place of public won iliiji and offer up th.iuksrivinjf and aonjjs of praise to His holy name. In accordance -with this beauti ful custom f.imilica will be rennited, aocial njd fraternal influences will prevail and the heart of all should be m.nie n'nd. I in those with un ubundjjJXC not to fgret the poor and l. -e-1 but to jive to theiu freely of their own bounty. L'.'t all the people ic juice. In teHtimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused to be a flixed the jreat seal of the stale. Done at Lincoln this Hth day of November, in the yearof oio Lord one thousand eiyjht hundred und iiinely one, of th" state the twenty, fifih and of the independence of the United Stutes the one hundred und sixteenth. . 15y the Governor: SEAL. . Jons M. Tu vyi:k. JoilN C Ar.r.'vV. See'v of State. Tun republican national enliven n of '.! is the iill-absorbiiii: t u-iiie noM- a-i!.-iys. A I'liC't in Ohio rea 3 " tons of tin plate A'neriian market. itly plac 1 1 1 j m 1 1 the WtlV are a I llie iriucif:il c.tie- I iii-ia for perm:- ioa t entertain Ihe aopro i - linrepuliliiviil n ition al convention, and si-irc ly mention the d.-nioc.-atic convention? M' KIN LEY is the1 man to create new indiistrie.. tln-reby furni-hin a mar'm't for the fanners product." Hid re id Tine; ,,'ir people iilde. pMident of tlie f irei rn ni mopoly. I -s ! is a fair eprtiiiieti ti'a free tra'l.! country. An exchange says: You can .ret a irond domestic servant in In I a 'or H u-r month an I h'! will live on one meal per Jay. It is very probable that the southern democrats in t!i up proa..liiii' congress will lielit hp viorou-Iy for t!i- election of C'nsp for sjiaUer of the hou-e as they did for llie success of the Confederacy in war tiuii s. THK'JS i-1 a 1 irj;- d -erense It the revenue collected th'usyear, allrib u'.able to loe ciim'. additions made to the frei; list by the McKiub-y tarilll-iw. It is thought, however. that th-' revenue is suHicieut to uporl the 'nv 'rninent "economic ally administered. IT is refilled that Mills M fre-'aa ii-'.- tariif bill. This i .;'iod nev. s for the repnbl .can ', but il c ia ioi. fad to create alarm i:i democratic ranks for they distinct iy rem-tnijer what a set buck bo former free trade incubus ave the party. O'JK Ohio exchanges have not published tbjvernor Campbell's Tliiinksriviii;;, proclamation. IVr- haps he thinks we have iio'hitijr for which to be thankful. It is very- probable that Major M'Kinley would experience little difficulty in writing a rinin proclamation. ON MODfcRN BUDDHISM Prince Dainton, who is a brother ofthekitiof Siam, nt u dinner party given by Sinmeac legation at I'arin, rpralsiisf of modern Hudd liiin is thus fpioted: "Vea I am a il'iddhist, nod ho is a!.'. ) the Li;i-f. He tiud t profess the modern Ibiddliisui. AVe mo lern Ji.U lhut lo not assert .iia. there is no future life, but we do not affirm it either, because- we neithe r affirm or deny what we can ti it clearly understand. If you I V- I en i '',-' v in no. il!u-tr:i(iou if what our modern llud lhisni is. i!:enyiti o and travel in the desert you must always take n Lot ili? of wafer with you. If you find water in the desert, all very wel' hut if you fin 1 none you have your bottle of water. So it is with our creed. We ahould do ma tjood n po"sible, we should do our best. If there is no future, we have in tliis i-;i ih id j,U j;;,. i;ie rmaii tioo of having done no harm, und if therr- is a future, the good we have done will follow us In the next life. Flo-re is 110 creed which we nttack or condemn. I can believe in Chrirtt a much aa any Christian, a I.J. u3 ..... ft, .,... 0 .'OI-S,li 1 even confess that I am a great fi end of Christ, for I am a greiii admirer of the mirul principles which Ik inculcated. If you will discover lru and modern ILiddliii-t, speak w.tli him nbout other religion. .If It? crilici.eH 11 11J l lams i them, I sure be is not a good IViddhi.t "Vou atk ine whether we .have any miasionaries. Yes, we hae in my; I 1 any even -'y marc n siouari'-b iiiiin coiiverta, jo my anno nicy yirocceu in 11 contra y , ir l.i'iu to v, b it lliry i,ght. Tucy begirt by pi earhmir that all th we know nnd nil our belief in Hud dlnm Is entirely false, ami that there is but one trait ti the faith whb-h they prope to us. T!:en after having 8ai,i esfub. bsh achools nnd da hook- good thing. They o'tght to act in the opposite way to do good things, to open schools, and then to reconcile Iliiddhirim and Christianity, teuch ing what In good In one without foo.Ieintiin; what Ii goo4 in the other." Fair TTruln from Burglar. Holiert C. White, of Georgetown, Del., has received a letter from it party call ing himself professiimal burglar, who ii.'iiitiea hu intention of eutenng tlie lit toniey 8 house lis monti.s from date nnd c.tliviiiir olT what valuables i cat. safe- ly take. He (wy his Int-jntinus are uienly lmrelary, t'nit uo arson, iiuirihr or other crime will banttempteiL Tlie liur'l-ir coolly ndii.its in liw lengthy epistle that it hi not customary with him to notify gub-eriU'ra of Lis uctioiis. 1I iiys he l.iiows that if he is i-Hitht it may be tlii-e years, to fct ird one hour hi tho pillory Hiid receive twenty huhes, us did John Cutiiiuiim, the Lalliiiuua bur Slar. Ilia writer continues: "I saw Jolm ; lY.mmiiii wiiipped nt New (Vtle y-s- t.-;day with twenty Wuc. Ii Un Very j Liii'barotM institution, mi l I can defy i sui.-lia 1 irUiri-m an 1 lib-wi.-i' your law. I want to iaal: a dariag burglary in ! thin tUaie, btel il'.v Vwii you are power- j h -s to arii-st nlmi-;l-tr of C.r.-t i la.-s. 1 i am l.-i.viu.jj Vi!mi.i:;:ou for tVo v,t, und will return by the fiae of D-laiar u:el (i.- u-rf. town. S I mv.v;, yoiircity , i'.i tile fu-st place t.i op-rat". I will v'io v the pinple of I)- lawaru that there ij no, ilani r of arri-ht in lotij f.i th " pili:'- uf j Pari.', Lyndon, Ciiie-ayi mid D.i'lii;i"iu coal 1 not urrest ine. I mean to carry i icy word, und my Ftuhe is u U;i one. I ! ;o!ife-s I have not the 1- a t iinbitioa to tli i pillory or whipping po t. If youc.ia pull mo in 1 aree to receive ti n ladle- . more. I v.-iil walk t ) tho pillory u:id ; whippiti',' post barefooted, but 1 would j IMV1-.0 yo'i not to iitiMcipuu Attcu pleasure."- Cor. Ualtitnore Atuerican, V. T..i, V.l.l ! V-.iM.n. The pupils i:i a Ih rlin girl.V g'.-'aool re ceive t iiistnictiotis irotn tucir teachers to givn an uecount of s.nue incident dar ini tlieir holi l.ivs in t'uu form of a . let- "My ter. A teu-year-o'.d child wrob mother gave a po ir wanderer a cap of fohce. lie ns.led Die t J obtain fur liilU tsiine f.sil mid givo lint his List teu pfeiinii-.M Another wroloi "My hat I was ko plain that I cut soitin fio .vers hi the garden to decorate ii, itu-l hid it away. My mother has not ..' :i it yet; but I ma very anxious about it." TiiW girl received a cauUon us to her wroui- There is enno lintnor i:i the foV.ov. ia -: My t;i"th r desir-l me to uiaiie a ; .ii- C.-ii.", and I fetched eotnu Hoar i.r . m.i k'it. I , was co light tiiat it h:Ae in t a-o and fell upon the n-.u 'ed lloor. I tinAl it up r.tid reiuo h -lie 1 it. My mother pronounced it fcviiiy; but liotii in g f-.ti tln-r whs k-sM." A iion ; 11 i.'iia-L- r 1.' ol'.ier htl' is v.r.i lain '-'.'y f.itlar till mo to :.i;.t-.i:e ..:::. .r.: yi-..oW l.e s m.'l take '..:.. I to u.i u;r,;.ie Ciirr, v. iio would ha'.' t'r 11!. We c:-.i.;r'.t a win lo liexfal an 1 1 tr,i,- tir in t 1 i:.i Bp. thecary, bl.t l.o f.i 1 tii.t v.i.u; any. I iucaiilion':y 1,; -le d til'' I d f t'.ri l-u and t!ie liit-s fj.-w ii'.l over thu bhya." LiiUan e. A Curium t'nlnn. T'10 news coiui-s to tn of tho e -lehra- tioti iif a uauTiugo contract Letwee-j Lieutenaut Fri;:ici Eraiit, vim f the hersnof tlieZulu war, with tlie daught er of King Massirrie, of Uiiihoiig.iviiti.s, a jsjrtion of tiie territory of Alriea. True, the lady, Ida bride, is a kinky headed Afiieauder; and by reason of tho marriage of Lieutenant Erunt lie be- couk s pMevtd of a milling and tradm-j concession worth rJoO.COO, and ho is now the royal consort of lady who is des tined to be (jaeen of an empire 3, jod mile in length by 3.100 mile in width .1 territory larger in ext nt thnn tiie United State of America of inuiimerniile rw- ounesnnd ?-llhtful climate, nnd bear ing luo-t ai iiidautiy ail ogrienltural prinlncu and alsjiii.iitn iti miui'ial r;eal;li. Prince Uiiibougavuto exji-i-u to become king win n M assirrie die u:: l rule over tho Uiiibotigavatos. lie commander in cliiif of tlio king'tnnn. of 2HC00 Bnh:;cr.i, nnd h is ,il o j i '.g of ail cuftea befunj thu kiag wlii-re p -al:y U not death. Sui riauii.s.o Ara" unub Watrr at FlftjO-aU a Dil .U lit Jtainv. A LcvL-ton irer.Ueinaa drivh:;: i:i tiie cciutry found tiie watering plates by Ine r-jmbiide dry as herring bjuoa. Ii ing a fanner ia a yard by tho toa Inido he drove up to the door and asked for water for Li bono. The man looked at him interrogatively and said: Water? 1 almul'd ay nob I shouldn't agree to give your horse whnt water he sight Trust osier half i ivlUr. If. worth that." Th LewUton gentleman paid it and th hor" wss wntered, and the farmer Mti ia eijiUiuiftjuu lu..t till tho v;.i.i , they bad was brought long distance Uboriounly, by hand, and that it cuil nearly that amount In time and bard work to get it Water at City cent bucket in Maine Is a novelty. LewUton Journal. . thole. "Sure, Mr. MeCarty, an it', mewlf wonld have linked to have been a LlrruJ on St. 'al(.iit(,it)e's Day. "An tor wfiyT If only a orry looklu. hirrud you would be, Ij uiy thinkin, I!rs. Uahoney." "Sime to Tiwlf, nd thai re, uia'uo:; but on the day of Kb Vnliutoir.e rht Llowl ivrry tirrndeobldchoo hi mnt", an lt' not mefclf that can d tnnt, for nd the fresh niate Oi'v had tl is bli'd winter ha ber-n a bit cf fcv cou ivery ilay, an i'-'s bjirej of it iudada Ui uin. lerji Sifting. An iiderifclhig old couple d.vrll Iu Miio.Tvitte, Tenn. Thry are Mr. id M.S. fStiph' tl tbbome, iiged reeetivuiy one liundrod and on ar.J iilnety-two year. Tuiy were murrkl orenty-two years ngo. In twenty-five life iniarnnr compa uk (loir j bie.iuei In MAachtUMtU to J.".y there were in forco at tin do e of but yiar 1,313, U pohcle. and the niua Iwr t increasing at the rate of l"O,0O0 a fear. The m mr.ln alfivfj whd-ti r nwn av,n the h'ph c1um French fi-rnitnro of t:i9E.'Ticiuta century are now Ix-Ihj: iu.iUUdUwoodaudpUwUrg.iauui. , h CUACK SILK APRON. A VrkliU llrn I'roloclor In the Hum, otllcn or Klori-. Notlilnspn'ttler or more serviceable : than son uiaettKUK can ue ii.-n i,t - u nprn when one wLshe to put It to , real n-nire un ui j.i.-v home, otlloe or btore, und bl tlie amo time desire to udj a pretty t-nteli of j tylo to a plain eost.ime. The HhiMra- I tion. l'ij. 1, hlmivs a plainly fa-tluoiied but liamlsomo cpron (f Uncle RilU trimmed with cr.uit -le I blue'.: i.W.i 1 aej and two widths of b'.u -lt (.'rovraia ri l bon. Tlie wider ribhui form i the fold ed belt uild Low ul t'.e bach, and tho narrower omnium t-t the poe!;et an 1 tho fclioulder p ilats of t'13 piaifore whieh Is orran;;ed to f jrui soft fol U from tha ahoulders t i lull, aad lie un Kithly In V-s'!ai o r fie in! .t. A iha-jram Is piven. I'i;. S, a'lowin? tho' nhapo of the pinafore patt rn nn.l h aiv t lay tho rlaiti nt the b'lt and fchouid ti; t'.ie !iirt aad pn.-liet oro 1,0 siaiole in shaps that hoins dr.'von 'ser cam it fail W copy the (leMgn correct ,y. i oO pattern would be equally pretty nnd apiiropri lite for rproni of fan y hilh trimmed with ribbomi and laco frill!. Aaerieun AgiicultiirihU DRAGON 0" A CU3HI0M. II 1 linn liomn nil. I Ctti I'.a Mail la a Vrry Iiii-iiiiii" War. A very hardline sofa ciu.l.!on can be mule of deck li:ie:i which com'-s tn 0 prelty fawn hhnde tir.d c:n be mada In a very Inexpensive way. The desi;-n in conventional in iti eliamet.-r, coni--t-bi'fof a dra;;oii, i i'h ilav.a, cud a bor der reprc:siiilin; sr'ulcs: :$ 1 e.:i-.,-!vAvivV,v:;;:r:V-5 The whole pattern, Insludin'T the bor der. Is tinted with the embroidery dye in a rich brown Uh sllade; the dehijn la then worked In out'.ino embroidery, or plain outlining can bo used If prcferr d. A brown end gold cord l put U round the outer fil'o end make a nice finh h. The Miape of fie ciuhlon may bo either oblong or square, ns fancy dictates; and a new fad U the addition of a pocket on the back, to hold a handkerchief or other article. Anna T. Loberts, In Ladies' iioaio Journal. Iniltnllnn tLrmnn rrnm This will bo found i:;.ef:d when cream U Dot to be had. 1'uttiie thin peel of two h'm-iLS l.'ito half a flat cf water, and u!.;-n it hai t,; iod a lil'.i j lisvilve half a psund of lamp mjnr In it. V..-n n-rlye. il c" 1 1 1. pe e,-;s. the yolk ur.d w;;i udl U-aten l. rether, nr. 1 tho Juice of the 1, morn. Strain th'.. into a .'it-.-w-;:ia ar.d un til weM-thiekened. After takin;; from the Cn Ktir ceca .em..!!; until c dd, then mi.t hit 1 it a fji:::i1 .r of mi v.uu:e of f 1 l atine, soaked nr.d di siived in half fill cf water, iih, nearly cold. To I h t'p D17 l;lr. Tlicre are Miveral very pnlatalde ways of using up dry rice that ha bee "left over" from the dy before. Any remain of pudding-i may be trans formed inio a (iciieion cuutard by bak ing In a crust of pastry. If you thin dry rice (cull) with kweut ruilk, knecb en, end r-ivcr v.ith piwilc.-ed clnnv 1.10:1, il ia.f. 1 r. 1 f.d ii.h C. :.t v.-iil bo enjoyed. .IUce fritter, gom muffiu and waffle can be made out of "remnant" of cold rice, bcalon op with milk, salt, an egg, bakinj powder and flour. Swamp (lum. ' Temon anaeouninted wit t the Itle of twauip gum have no He of tlie wonderful thin; tht can be aeeom plUhed with thi wood. It isuvd ex tensively In lower Delaware In tha manufacture of berry boxes, and a gum log fifteen in diameter may, by the una of projicr hi'lrcucuts, be literally drnivn ont bit-) rlhVin. It cuts like chr and may be tied Into bow knots, or bent intoalmokt any con ceivable ihano. J .- Irrna IrttUri. One'.tl i.f svei.r.e,mi the white of four eg-, well benb-uiind added to the cream, two ipooi.fu.'.sof awcet milk, a lit b ri'tri- f. or' fot.r'h let nrooa ful of !t, ono tttRjKH'n'. d of ba'iln 1 powder und lu-nly Uv j cupful of ifUd l n... .,. ,n, ,o. ,' ,:,...,, . I)r,.p a fcjouf'jl Ul o time UU bot lar.i 1 nr net i)rii,i rr i, . brown pnvr iHdoro taking to the table. b.'i vo bot with miiplo i.yrup. rirttir''l"" nulrdrfwlnat, The Spanish fashion of wer.rlnir a deep- red rose in the hair Just behind the ear U being copied tiwlny by women Who arc bielintd to picturrs'pie balrdrefc- Inp. J he American Tomun look well Cv p - ' If V); V m no. I. no 3. 1 ; . 1 "l,J plt:'''T rcl or r"vl P,r',1 I ' lt'I,1,,,:Jas ht'r coiuptei,o UwiB- 1 ' J,'''"utj 10 F'".1 tL wio(r. Bucklen'i Arnica balva. TuK'Ukst SaI.VK iu Urn wni Id for (,'iitt DrutiH-o. SiTrn, Ulcers, ShIi Ulmiin, Ki-vi i i Surin.Teto r. t'hiiiiiii'd HaiiiIs. Cliiililninsu Cl,r(,. mu M Kki) Stuiitiuiis, ami ihim- t,vly cun- I'd,-, or no p-ty tuniired. U jM K,rHII);,.j to ive ,tifciion. oi moiiey rel umlu'l. I'rice V. eenu pr Inn jcor lHiu tJ p q prj,.,, ,j. t(, ' We ,inve ,,,,,,, . Vrenm ,,.,,, nljout t,r,.,. yllirs, and lmve re commended its use in mole than n hundred special him d catarrh i llie uilaiiimous answer to our in . pitries is, "it tlie Urn remeily that t 1 baveever used. Our experience I is, Unit where parlies continued its never fails to cure.-I. II I M . 1 , : ... , . I mimery, ix v o i'i u;. i -i-, Je coriih, Iowu. j When 1 l,(.;;;in usincj LlyV Cream Halm my cat.ui li v.'ii t i la I I had headache tho whole time and dis ihaixod n lur-e niooiiiit of lillhv mallei-. Tl,t !;;.., j,jIli(t entirely lii.iif I .... M 1 T 1 ! "I'I "mi n.i- ill,; lull! lll'il'l lii-lie n-iencc. J. Somiueie.Su i.'oneV. . o.lll. Wiles Na'vo tni t. Ivor 01113, Act on si li'.'W pri i. iple rc-i.lal-inir the liver, i toiun :i nod bowels llirniiirii lbe in 1 vs. A new dii'cuverv, I Jr. Miles' J'ills spi idiy cure biiiui'i-siii-Hs bad t.ihie, torpid Im-r, piles, ."onslipalioii. Uiii-ipiuled lor men woiiu'ii, children, Huni'lcst, midest sL'-cr-l! rV doses, ''."(. SJamplis free nt 1'. (j. l-'riclie A Co's. w I Hi! V .uxde MFA?::w&k Go. Chicago ASK YOi'i? v$rz TiR ix . Lvcrytliin? to J w t t m m m m I. TNT-l A T- r.RClT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM flavin; nurchi-'cd the J, V. Main Ptreet where lum now r than the cheaticst having of new goo'lii ever liroiiht und luinilure of all kinJahold on tlie install.-ncnt plan. F G Flili WILL ICKKP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A 1'ull a; d Coiiiph te line of Drugs, Medicines, DRUCCIUTSSUHDIIICS AND PUIIC LIQUOaS l'rrerrliitlims Can-fully iVl xican Mustang A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A, lonjj test;:! pain reliever. Its use is !,r.t universal Ij the Housewife, the rarmf.r, th , t.k Riiacr, and by every one rcquirinj an effective liniment. Ko c'.brr replication eomp.-.res with it in tfTicacj. t r Thb wcll-tncv : n reui(.jj lus rtuod the test 0 years, almost generations. Ko medicine chest is complete without a bottle o Mustax ' Liniment. Occasions oriw for its ose almost every da. JI druggists and dealer have L s vr?mr-- ,:,v I I tT ... -ifc. ..,,il, ..4-. fat.Kah. ,-j; 1 J - i lilt. I WWIIIa W W 1 1 A.a It will cost you noihid mirely do you ood, if y CoiiKh.Cold or iiiij trou'' Throat, Chest or Luiu;s. j New Discovery for C'oi C'oiieis and Colds is jnf jjive relief, or money back. Sufiinis from 1 found it just the tin its use hail a sn coy uuu covery. Try n sample boil; ' ' ' expense no 1 learn f.,r J o i ; . ' how j;ood i: thinuf it is.' 'i . t . five at I'. 0. i ri he A to. .Store, Lar-e f' i.-.e oOc. and l.tH Are you made miserable by i:u, :-i stniii, co-istipatioii, (liifdueKj ..-s r.f appetite, yellow skin.' bill's is a po.-ii'lve , IUt. e'r.r sale by I'. 1-ricUe A Co. For llll'lV ye.-ll-H .'ll'. I. 1". TIlOIHDj son, ol lies Clonus,, was si-; j v.f, i,.' ly alilicle I wi'.li chronic diarr 1. lie says-: "At tin. -s it waJ very severe; so lunch m, that B fcai id it would end my life. Ahoii, sevi-il yens n.,o 1 chanced to pre! cure a bottle! of Chaiiibei lny , Colic, Cholera find liarrho,.t leinedy. It ;jave me prompt relict iiixl 1 lu lieve eured ine perinani'iiM ly. as 1 now cat or drink withoutl harm iinylbiiii I picise. 1 havel also usei'l it in my family with the b -st results, l or bale by 1-. 0 J-rick ii- A Co. atn laden vttb fr?m SOAP. clear as can be. c;ily by unu.iU lour V, House. AT T TV IT A Tv T ( MODEUX f "Weckbach store room on Pont located I can K'.l goods' chcaf jut imt in the largt'st btoci to the citv. Caroline btovi I. PEAKLMA1V & Go, Paints, and Oils.! Compirairlcil ut all lloarf jnimeiiu i if 1