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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1891)
AM', CIVIL K.NGINKKR All order left with tlie count) rlerk will Ik lroinitiy attended to. OK1ICI. IN (Ot'h'T iioi;sk, I'lattHiuouth, Nebraska r U Ul lane I B SAL'OOU IN TIIK CITY Wln ri' 111113' be found choice width liquors nod cigars. a x n i ; i s i; r 1 1 r sc 1 1 ' i i i: k r. AMI MASS' ALL WIIITK I.AHKI, always on hand. I):W.i::S:S:L:K:W COKMik OK MAIN AM) KOL'kTII ST TIIK FIFTH HTKKKT MKRCHANT TAll.Olt. IIONDS & ROFT. Published every Tbunttlay, 'and dally every .veido except Suud jr. UeKiNterrd At the Platttrnoiuh, Neb. pottt ofUrefor tnii.lsioii IhrouKti tti U.t'S. mail f ttecond chin ratei. Otllee corner Vine and Fifth .streets. Telephone 3. TF.KMH FOB WKKKLV. ine copy, one year, in advance ...ftsfl One copy, one year, not in advance ..... 2 00 One copy, six monthf. in advance 75 One py, three month-, in advauac. ... 40 TEBWH TOH DAll.t One cop one year in advance ( 6 uo One copy er wek, ly firrier la One copy, per month cc KKKI H A Pi: I.I. LINK - F7A':; - mm - nnxuuTic - an. ov i.lviii nin. h ral' Uoatutt Your Inter-' SHERWOOC BLOCK JF 1.T turn'' -ntli 1HK IMONKKK M KIM H A N T OK MURRAY Carry a full .stock of general mer chandise whibh the sell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm pro duce. Generous treatment A fair dealing is the sncret of success J I'LIUS I'KIM'KRBKRG. M ANIIfACrCIlK OK AMI MKA1.K1C IN TIIK CIIOICKST BRANDS OK CIGARS KUI.I. I.I.N K. OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES CIIAS. I.. ROOT, NOTARY ML'KKaY NKBKA8KA Z t'CKWKILKK & L.VTZ, (Successors to) SOKXNICIISKX & SCIIIRK. Ttie Wa. Iiingtton Avenue GR O O E H, S FRIDAY, AUG I ST 7. 1X91. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the state of Xebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep tember 24. USUI, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in iiom nation candidates for one associate justice of the supreme court, and two members of the board of re- gents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented totheconvention TIIK A PI'l KTK ).N M K.N T The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, beinur based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. II. Hastings, lor attorney-general in 18! XI, giving one delegate-at- large to each county, and one for each l.iO votes and the major frac tion thereof: intnir! ii"""U-uueiicyof prices in these articles, moreover, is steadily downward, because of the development of the home indus tries which these barriers provide. I'rotective duties, in fact, render us a double benefit ill the long run. They not only give work to large numbers of our people who could not find such lucrativeeiuploymciit otherwise, but. owing to the in creased competition, they cut down theprices of the protected commodi ties to a lower figure than could be touched if we adhered to a course which would have left us depend ent 011 the outside world forllies th iny-. The record of the steel rail and other metal industries, is absolutely conclusive on this point. The protective duties are not permanent. They are imposed for the purpose of gi ving the indus tries affected a start, and as these industries gain in extent and strength the duties are lowered. In the meantime the prices of these goods are reduced in a larger ratio than the cut in the duties, and the consumers as well as the producers are benefitted. Globe-Democrat . SeMstrda.. SMTACLAUSSQAPjZS MADE ONLY By tUCTAlRBANK&CQ. Chicago. thk White pleted Sandy hours f tht al ways in stock -AND- I'lattsmouth. Xeb rassa Provision Merchants. Headquarters for FLOCR AND FKKD -IRST : NATIONAL : HANK OK PLATTSMOUTIl. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ... Surplus . Hl.lNIO.09 We pay no rent and sell for CASH. You don'tjpay any bills fur dead bents when you buy of tins firm. COUNMK. 1FI.. Adams 11 Arthur 1 Antelope n Kan ner 3 Boyd 1 Blaine a Koone Kutte. .' t; Bmwn 4 Butfalo ml Hurler .. lilllT M Cass U leilar 4 (Jliase .'I 'lieyeime t Iierry 5 Clay Id Colfax 4 Cuming 7 Cutter 12 Dakota 4 Diiwe 7 D in .4iiu Deuel DKI.. . . li . X .. 2 S ...:i Oilers the vry hent facilities for the promp transaction of iiitiinate liaiiking Business Stock", bonds, Kld. government and local ?e SUntlOs tioulil and .old. Deposits leceiir.-. And interest. allow-d n the certitlc ttt-r Drafts drawn, available in any part of tht Unitetl Statef and all the principal town o Europe COLLECTIONS MAIik AND PBOMITLV KKMIT- ri:u. Highest market price pid for County War rants, State ana Comity bonds. DI RECTO KS John Fitzyrald I), liawkworth Sam WauKh. F. K. While Oeore E. Dovey iohn Ftusrald, S. Waugh. Prenident Cflfer The Hand. 1HE CITIZENS HANK. PIjATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA .Otyltal stock paid iu 55" n ( Authorized Capital, $100,000. beet SOFT COAL always 01. DONT FORGET AT THE oonsrzEniEs 5 THE LEADING GROCER It ofNTIKH. lolniHon Kearney hcVH Paha. . . Keith Kimball Knox. Lancaster I.i coin t Loan 2 l.oup -j .Madison i Mcl'i.erstm.- 2 Merrick 5 since 4 Nvinaha !i Nuckolls u Otoe ii I'awnee..- H I'erkiiitt : Hieive ;i Phelps 4 Platte 4 Polk .... TfRed Willow... 3j iMcliaidsou . . . .... ;!Koek lliSaline 1'' Sarpy ... 3!Sauiilerf .... 9 Scott's Itluff... . 5 Seward 5 Sheridan Sherman , ..11 .. :s SIOUX Stanton Thayer x Thomas Thuitou 4 Vallev 4 Washington .... 7 Wayne 4 7 Wheeler 2 York z Total. OFFICHKd fHANK CAKKUTH. JOS. A. CONNOk, President. Vice-President W. H. CUSHIN0. Cashier. DIRECTORS : Kraii k Carruth J. A. Connor, K. R. Guthmanr J. W. Johnson. Henry Boeck, John O'Keefo w. D. Merriam. Wm. Wetencamp, W. H. Cusalng. HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING - FRESH - AND - IK - SEASON Oixoii l)otl:e Douglas . . Dundy Fillmore Krankliu Frontier Furnas Jae ii liartield Uosper oranr -z Oreelv .-a Hall k Hamilton 8 Harlan 4 Hayes 3 Hitchcock 4 Holt Howard 4 Hooker 'j eflerson i No vote returned. It is recomended that 110 proxies be addmitted to the convention .....1.1.... . 1 . , . . , inti iiuo me tieiei'aies prcscut oe authorized to ca.-t the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the state central committee select the A.. - . r . . temporary organization ot tne con vention. Joil.N C. W'ATSO.N, W'ALT.M. SEELY, Chairman. Secretary. steamship Majestic, Star line, has just com a trip from Oiieenstowii to Hook in live days, eighteen and eiht minutes, which makes it the champion ocean jrey hotitid, beating all previous records ever made by lifty-ei;ht minutes, in crossing the Atlantic. . Where it will lead to. in the nossihilitics of ocean navigation, no one can accu rately foretell. Hut so lonr as pre vailing general principles in marine biiildinr remain, it would seem that at best, further improvements in the speed tjualities of steamships will be limited to corrections of trilling faults that do not materi- illy affect the results desired. The City of I'aris and the City of New York, of the Ionian I.ine, and the Teutonic and Maiestie. of the White Starljne, now stand at the head of the list of ocean racers. J.ast season the racing between the City of New York and the Teutonic was the feature of ocean travel, and these four steamers seem to be equally keen in their rivalry this year to stand at the head of all com petitors. Hut with all this intense competition, it is noticeable that the strife is about a matter of two hours' time in a journey of nearly six days. Nil' W LUMBER YAA'R J. i. -it -vi:s A: ra DEALKKS IN PINE LUMIiKK. SHINfl I.KS. bATII, SAHH. l)tOI. l'.I.IM),and all building material corner of one Mock Call and see us at the iltli and Elm street, north ot flleisel's mill. Plattsxaouth., ISTobraska Everything ?o I. Fnrnish Vmir JIousc. AT PEARLMAN'S liRKAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM.- lluvinor luiicha-cil the A. V. Main Htrcot where I am now WccklacJi store room on south located I can sell oonds luit er than the elieapest ha vin-just put in the largest stock hroii.nht to the city, (insoliiu. Kfrvr. f)i all kinds sold on the installment of new nnd fin nit urt 1 ooiis ever THASSACTS'i GENERAL BANKING JBCSlNES ssues certificates of depo-its bearing interest Buvs and sells exchange, county and city 1 ATTEXTIOX FAKJIEKS I want your Poultry, Kggs, But ter and your farm produce of all kinds. I will pay you the highest cash price as I am buying for a firn in Lincoln. 8 ANK OK CASS COl'XTY Cor Main and Fifth street. Paid up capital... Surplus Siva 008 25.000 OFFICERS C. H. Parnele President Fre-l Uorder Vice President J. M. Pattersou Casheir T. Patterson, Ac st Cashier DIRECTORS C. H. Parmele, .1. M. Patterson. Fred erder. A. B. Smith. 11. B. Windham. B. S. Kamey and T. M. Patterson A GENERAL BANK1NC BUSIKESS "!IA NSATED Aocouats solicite" irsteresi allowed on time deposit h and prompt at tent iongiven to all bus luess entru.ted to its care. R. PETERSEN, TIIK LEADING GROCKR Plattsmouth - - Nebraska p J. II:A:N:S:K:N DEALEK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, ' GLASS AJN'JD QUEENSWARE F. II. T M A RK E P SIXTH STREET KLLKNBAl'M, Prop. Floin1 end Feefl a Specially The best of fresh meat nlwavs found in this market. Also fresh Kggs and Butter. atrotuuu- tho Puble SoiicUed. Wild game of all kind; season. kept in their SIXTH STREET nf Meat market! Ijohnson boildinbn sum st PROTECTIVE vs REVENUE TATIFFS As Mr. IcKinley pintetl out in his recent speech in Sandusky, a revenue tariff puts duties on arti cles not produced at home, while a protective tariff puts duties 011 arti cles competing with home pro ducts. This, broad I3- stated, is the real difference between the two sys tems. Both free traders and pro tectionists are agreed that the bulk of the honey for the government's support must be obtained at the custom house. Kach, that is to say, prefers the indirect to the direct form of taxation, but the free traders contend that this indirect taxation should be levied on such articles and in such a way that it could afford no aid to the develop ment of any home industry. The protectionists, on the other hand, demand that the tax be put on things which come into competition with articles grown, mined or made here, and thus help in the broad ening and cheapening of home pro duction. The free trader would have duties on tea, coffee and sugar, which can not be produced here at all, or which can not be grown in quantities approaching the home demand. Woolen and cotton goods, iron and steel manufactures, and other articles which are produced re. or which may, by a reasonable amount of protection, be produced here, are the thintrs which, when imported, the protectionists compel to pay tribute. The. average reasonable being, when he thinks over the matter carefullj-, will be convinced that the protectionist system is wiser and better than the other. Under this plan the things which we can not grow or make come to us cheaper than the free trader would furnish The largest tin plates in the worltl are now made at Apollo, Penn. They are '-.OxlUO inches and intended for roofing. It is confi dently predicted that American in genuity aud enterprise will soon produce tin in continuous sheets like the paper intended for the modern newspaper presses and they will be put up in big rolls for rooting purposes. Lincoln Journal. plan. rK.tKI.31.ljN. (()LI lias stopped moving out ward, and the indications are that the return current will now soon set in. In the past seven months there was $7.i.(JX),000 of the yellow metal shipped to the old country, but now for the next six or eight moutlis gold will come onck in large quantities to pay the farmers all over this great country of ours for their grain of all kinds. F G. FHiciiK av nQ y V WILL KKKI CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete lino of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions reriillj 1 oiiimui;IwI tit nil Hours HAVELOCK A Cincinnati correspondent who saw tjovernor mil the ottier day says that what impressed him most about the governor was his almost perfect physical form. He might have added that G rover Cleveland and Brer Gorman were also "corn- fed" and in good muscle. ARE . YOU - GOING -' TO - BUILD - THERE? IF SO Ik George Francis Train makes good connections and gets on the steamer Majestic he will put a gir dle about the earth in forty days, as he boasted he would do before he started. Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charley IlempJe. Leave order, at Henry Weckback & Cos. dtf Now is the time to get a s your own price at Keefer's. addle at tf Take your prescriptions to Brown & Barrett's. they dispense pure med icines, tf That HackingCough can soquick- ly cured by Shiloh s cure. We guarantee it. 1-tf Remember that R. O. Castle Ac Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AUD ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL -A.T HAVELOCK And tiuaraiitee Salislaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. Scotch Zepher iingham reduced from 17c ami 1.x to lic at Wm. Her old ifc Son's. tf The largest line of patent med-i cines will be found at Brown V Bar ret fs tf w. A N TED T.ora.1 And Travel Ins. A irood cliance ! Pont liils it ! You need no capital to represent a reliable firm that warrant- nurserv t-tork first class am! true to name. Work til the Year and pood pav weekly to enertretie men. Apply oniek. . tarinir a;;e. U MAY &. CO. Nm-ervnien "Florist and St-fumii, .-.i rmi! Min This lioue is responsible. pstoaEcCB&xci Ft a V7ir, u Lry -'i-in wtanm THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS. M Wtmn 8, Kew Tork. Price 50 eU.I 'sat" v : it . i I i