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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1891)
i v J . 1 m . t'AI II Hardware) i x Mathews.) jETK line of - rrr EE & CO - Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Tinware Etc. Pitlill-iliei every Thursday, and dally ever veiilnj? except Sunday. K'tristnreil at tlie i'lattsrnouth. Neb. nst aiUeef'ir t r ttis nUun through the U.L'S. mails V mcciiihI eliLSN rateB. Ofllee corner Vino and Fifth streets. Ttdeifin 38. Having comjIetely reeleaiiid have us neat a hardware stock as and renovated. can lie found We now Cass in County. AVe respectfully invite the public to call and learn our method of doinr business. TKK.MS KoK WKKKLY, ' ne copy, oho year, in advance . .... "ne jy. one year, not in advance , ne coy. six inontlif. in advance .. . One'c py. tliree montlix. in advaucH. TK.KM.S KOK KAII.V One cop one jMar in adv Hu e One copy per week, by carrier Olio copy, per month ..$1.V j . i on . . 75 ir, tors tre not the only fools Jet. The itleii thitt Mr. Kyle, a life-Ion"; republican should le elected by democrats when it was seen long ? that republicans could not poHsihly elect, is so stupid that needs but be mentioned to bo condemned by every republican in the land. Our own dearly beloved contingent, however, judging from their acts ao far, would have done no better; indeed, from ap pearances, they, if the opportunity were offered would e'ect an unreconstructed I!:urhiu. If the republican members of the Illinois legislature will now take a lesson from the past and will elect St reefer today it will be the first spasm of sense we have noted in party nmnajre mvnt for some time. The NationalHymnfobthe Worlds Fair. SANTA CLAUS SOAP WEDNESDAY, FEIJIiUAKY IS, lHul Hardware can on vme find to do it bo sold cheaper for cash than we are tne people mat propose J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to Furnish Four House. -- AT I. .PEARLMAN'S -GREAT MODERN- HOUSE FURNITVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House Voa can buy of blin cheap for cpot cash or can "ecnre what you need to furnish a cottaee ofm maneion on the IXSfALLMEM fLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent tor the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. he largest a-ul most omvlete iek to select from in Cass County. Call and see roe Opera House Block T A RT.TO A 1 HE SHERIDAN OF THE NAVY. New York World: Porter was one of the greatest sea-fighters in history, lb ranks amoug the noble and terrible figures that have dominated the ocean, and have conquered its bordering lands. since the. diys when Harold and Svend led their Scandinavian hordes into history. Boston Globe: Late in life he became prominent in literature. Few men in Admiral Porter's situation would have had the hardihood to publish, at 71 yeas Tiik Cleveland democrats who have been straining their necks, tumbling over cacn oilier to tret into the silver coinage sweat box, since Vest of Missouri it: fortr.ed an anxious public that 0 rover was for free coinage, are now perusing me siuued proptitts anti tree coinage letter with mental anguish, poor old left handed in the rear of the procession party. t i-eveland s letter against the free coinage of silver has very effectually pulled down Missouri's Vest. ") Hill I lOSKS .My C i:iit,'. : 't! ;'.f thee, Svi -t . liberty, ()l tlvr 1 siii;; Laii.1 whciv our fathers di-d ; L::i:d w I.i re our Mothers r rii-d, O'.rr Ihe WMsh-tub ticj I et ireeil'iiri rini". .'viv ''..'Ir. e tiy tiii'e 1 .ai J i t Ih i K r.'.J, Ires '1 li i;.i!i:c I l: c ; I l ive thy t-itksarul frilU l el My l.c' --. i i v" the I ViiJ ! li v.' ;:.:ui.;i ui l.iii -.v.i.:; ;..r.s.:; ; i;;-; ml 'vjfh l;ornr ilirills H.iil SANTA CLAUS: Lit tireu i.Mrtais And ,;h-'L tvy a i.-lic, l et Ir.r cleanness sake. Join lin: .i'iaubL. N.K.FairbankCo. MAKER5T0R ALL NATIONS. WHilXHH and of age, a firat romauce; but he did it, of literary sue Insure your property against tire, lightning Tornado m the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cincinnatti, Oliio. L CommeaceU Business October e7e. CASH CAPITAL and $3oo,ooo.oo Stockliolders individually liable , undt-r tlie constitution of the Stiite of Ohio wliich together with the present net surplus is a net ouarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders. c j 'ivv "irtiiiAniHiii ueariy iunr mi dollars lor J- N. BEATTIE, GAZZAM GANG, Secretary. President. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident Asent, Plattsmoutii Nebrasl no w and with a high degree cess New York Continent: It is sad and stranse that, while the country was ex pecting to hear at any moment of the death of its greatest soldier, its most famous sailor should have been so sud denly stricken down. In David Dixon Porter there passes away another of the foremost commanders of the war between North and South, in which he won a naval renown second only to that of Farragut. Xew York Press: David Dixon Por ter was the Sheridan of the navy. In deed, he combined some of the strongest traits of both Sherman and Sheridan, fcr to the former's quick perception of pro babilities, intelligent urasp and general energy, he added the latter a supreme dash and the special audacity that dic tates daring surprises in pursuit of what is known as the "fighting chance." The aggressive and the active, rather than he deliberate and logical temperament, does not always achieve the success at which it a ms, because human foresight is imperfect; bat its very audacity is not infrequently an element that turns the scale from failure to success. And all the wurld love a tight r who takes ricks when good results are possible, while it wearies of him who waits for a sure thing before he moves and acts. It is said that Admiral Pi.rter nevrr punished a man for excess of ardor or zeal, eyen when it resulted in disaster, but he had n mercy for slackness, negligence or tardiness. Xew York Tribune: Farragut vil) stand for all time as the great American sailor. Next to him comes I'orter. vet at in interval greater in every dimension than that which separates Sherman from Grant. Farragut was made of sterner stuff than his associate, and was cost in a stronger mo jlu, yet none, not even he, surpassed Porter in courage, in ener-rv, iti resolution, in resource, or in a certain breezy alerrncs that seems to belong to the true sailor as the deep blue belongs t the sea. THE KEWDISCOVERY, You have heard your friends neighbors talking about itr You may yourself be oue of the many who know trom ersonal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, , you are one of its staunch friends, be cause cue wonueriui ining aoout it is. that when once given a trial, Dr. King's I JNew Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial buttle free at F. G. Fricke A Co'a drug store. one oi tne uanusomest decorations we stvr in this city last evenintr was a re markable fine picture of the late General Sherman framed in a ttar. No reter-n ever passed the likeness without stopping to a'iruire it. The picture is the proper ty of Geo. Poisal) and was kindly loaned to Wm. Weber where it graces his room. THE BONNER STABLES. W. D- JONES, Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN Carriages for Cor. 4th and Vine THE OiTlT IMcasuie and Short Kept Keady. Drive Always i'latthinouth, Kebraskj The Kilty Hotel was the busiest place in the city not only last evening but all night. The old boys seemed to enjoy their quarters and wera l,ud in their praises of the nicest and best kept hotel in the state. The crowds about the of - lice reminds one of the old commercial hotel at Lincoln during the senatorial rlyht F ; .-tji'iiji; (v. qo WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ; A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUCGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours The quarterly report of the Nebraska Young Men's Christian Association for the quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1S90, is be fore us. From its contents we find the receipts for the the quarter amounted to $1,45..01, which was all expended ex cept $(iO.(l. The total membership is 2,091. Lincoln has the largest associa tion, with a membership of 450; Omaha comes next with 445 members, Grand Want next with 159, Fremont K8, listings lOii aud York 92 Plattsmouth only has about GO members, many smaller towns showing a larger membership. The Plattsmouth association ia in excel lent hands, Mr. Sheafor beim; well adap ted for the work, and what they seem to lck in numbers they make up in zeal and work for the right. eave your orders the HERAJ-iB for- 1 Ullll w . . w W5 your WEEKLY r AIPJEIE 0IF HERALD J r. ;e CtrcKtSia.t&oit tiSistia SPhpers in- tltc VICIOUS IGNORANCE. Cor,. Foksytiie has been vindicate. i by the president for the blunder at Wounded Knee, notwithstanding Geh Miles' charges of incompetence, overcon tidence av.d blundering responsibility for t;ie death of many soldier and killing f defenceless squaws. There maybe politics in that decision, but it could hardly be called good sense. Jour n:il. m- The foregoing fr.m the pen of our bombastic neighbor furnishes a pretty fair estimate of the democratic editors' ignorance and dishonesty. Col.Forsythe was vindicated by the court of inquiry General Miles named to humiliate him. I nat report was in due course of time, forwarded to the major general in com mand of all' the armies of the United States, General Schofielc!, a strong demo crat, whose opinion was published in full in the Associated Press dispatches, that the Journal man reads and from which he learned that General Schofield had vigorously- commented on the 'evidence of the Wounded Knee fight and had com pletely vindicated Colonel Forsythe. Theso findings of the commanding gen eral of our armies wm approved by Mr. Proctor, secretary of war,5 arid that is all the politic there was in it.' It only re mained for a reckless, brass mounted peny-a-liner in charge of a democratic heet to inject politic and President Harrison into the affair. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep. cnt think, can't do any ining to your sutistaeiion, and you w onder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need nerve tome ana in electric iiitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its cormal health condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerye tonic and altera tive. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents at F. G. Fricke '& Co's drug store. EDMUNDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meicbants of Carry a full, stock of general merchondtse which they sell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair "dealing is the secret of our success. " CHAS L K00T, liolary Public Murray Neb. ''. his Hie is not a calender, but a record, where all pnjen.-e items can I -recorded and each item, as consecutively dated, will take ite i fcTlfr.' fit" tlir Ti'fcrit'' uriA cti en In f?i 4"o-.f fi.Tt -if..v L.l.r.M n - .....ii. t.nvj rtan uu 1U Lii, I4J1L11 OUIlt liv.Tlli CXia&A have attention. At the time of writing letters relative to imnortant " v mattei, uatea can be fixed when the. matters will come up again should stick letters receive no reply. Especially adapted to recording for future attention such mat ters as appointments, 1 'ay merit of Life Insurance Premiums, llenewal of Fire Insurance. Special collections, Promises to pay, Dr. or Cr.. layipent or taxes, JJares set tor suits, hxpiration or time toi appeal. Business men who see these file, as a rule, buy them. -v Price, with ink wells nd full npp!y of tnemorardiMii canis complete. . . . . f'j.S" Parties dosirin gluts ink wells will do well to write us. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRADE, Taylor' & Wells, MANUFACTURES S AND GENERAL AGENTS. 840 IN Y. 'TAt9 Bulldinp:; Omaha ' AGENTS 'WANTKD The independents have cautnrrd tli South Dakota senarori-hip and in com pany with the democrats have elected a Congregational clergyman in the perso:i j 'f J. II. Kyle, of Aberdeen. From ap peantuccs, Nebraska republican legisU-' THE POSITIVE CURE. I SLY BUOTHERS. 64 Warren BW Wow Tork. Pries MeU n