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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1891)
if: ! ivs y n vti I .A I J? f ii i 1 ;! ' outh .DaiK s c AJLJL FOURTH YKAll. PLATTSMOUTH. XKMiASKA. WKNDKKDAY. KVKNING. FKBUUAUY 18. 1S9J. J . , it-.- of all id Leavening Power. 'J. S. Gov': lveprr, At?.';. 17. iR'S . H3 VV? "a n , 3- pi f&n ABSOIJUTEIX PURE si yt- wrrri Sons of Veteran News At the regular mei-ting of II. E. Pal mer Camp No. 50, 8 of V's lust night. A good Ii -y' fiuit lit i?l.7.' fur boys from 9 to IS years old at JOE'S, tf j Don't forget the entertainment at the D... . I... ..-I.... M . ....... www '...... John D. Kjhbin.s whs -h8 11 mm iU-l-tjtf , . . . 1 . , 1 ' tue iiroiniiimt'. to the encnmpnicnt to lit- ItcM ut (icin vii, j Neb, in June 11. xt. Frank Johnson w The funeral of Mr.-.. Urwin took place chosen as ulu-rnute. 1 1 in i xHCt l that j this murniii, tin- r. n.ain hvin bten a Dumber of the boys from here will j;o j brought in on the Schuyler train. For classwnre, ouet iiswarc and tlic A 4 asnjt will' be a fi.-ld encampment and there is $300 in prizea for competitive drills. The Dirision Colonel Frnnk J Coates, f Omaha, will be in the city icxr Thurs day evening an( all Sons of Veterunsare requested to mwt him at the train ut 7:45 and escort him to ball. Now is your chance, and 6'ich a chance you will have but once in a life time, to buy Clothing. Furnishing Goods, lints. etc., at slaughtering prices at JOES. The entire stock must be sold ut a.s quick as poMible. tf At the Presbyterian Church, Miss Day is a graceful and tetined fig ure upon the stagey has a face of unaf fected purity and afilirity of exprea-i n. and a voice of great compass and flexi bility, capable of expressing in its won derful modulations the pathos of a child, tbe trembling accentf of old age, or the strong notes of a passionate entreaty or co.nmand- The biilliant reputation which she has gained in her brief ap pearance before the public, was fullv austained in this city. Blair It. publi can. At the Prcsbytsriau charoh Thursday evening, Veb. 19. Don t fail to hear he Admission 25 cents. JOE hTii not "bursted." Joe i not hursteu." Joe ncvr has failed, for he belk-ves there is n honest living for everybody, but owing to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com pelled to close out hij v'n ; uu.l ci. .n stock, regardless of cot-t. tf Louisville After It, State Journal. So encouraging are the prospects in tbe direction of establishing a reform school for girls, that live towns have entered the list to compete for the location Geneva, Louisville, McCook, West Point and Milford. Geneva and Louisville have made the bet offers for the enter prise, as yet. The former offers forty acres of land suitable for a location and to put in water pipe to connect with city mains free. The flourishing town of Louisville, Cass county, puts in an offer of 200 acres of valuable land, a large stone building 80x80 feet in dimen sions and four stories high, with an ad- - r-dition 30x50 and a stone ice house 80x50, with three cooling rooms for meats and vegetables beneath it. It throws in a baker's oven complete and capable of applying the needs of such an institu tion, and soft water spring with a ca pacity of 300,000 gallons per day. For all of this, said to be worth at least 9)0,000, it asks $10,000 from tbe state, the people of Louisville paying the re aaaiader. This appears to be by far th. beat offer up to date but it remains to bo seen what other towns may do. ecn mane by the railroad managers, for j 0 hose who wish to attend the funeral! ,U,,1an Soveraor , . , , , i fc-iould be well trenr ,'i yites o; .t:iiT'i! oi;:i u:::i: t j.klj. j It ia only with regret JOE hat to sell at his entire stock, for he has done a very satisfactory and successful business, but dissolution between JOE and his partner, Mr William Fishsr compels him . to close out. tf There are a great many garments, in -eluding v?&'r ' trousers of extraordi nary length and a number of very pretty feminine confections in "Pat's New Wardrobe," which was produced last evening at Niblo's by Mr. Pat liooney and his company. Pat's brogue is as broad and a3 rich as ever, and the play in many ways an amusing one, and tbe company that supports Air. Rooney is a capable one. There are funny situations, soma clever dialogue, and a number of catchy and tunetulairs in "Pat's New Wardrobe." It was witnessed by a good sized audience, and everybody bad a good share of applause. New York Press. This unexcelled comedian will appear with his company at Waterman's opera house Monday evening, Feb. 23. No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S. Everything of the latest style and at be low cost. tf ( Go to JOE and lay in jour supply for next year. It will pay you good inter est at tbe prices he is closing out his stock. m bi'st and freehest g.orerh-s go to Phillip Ivraus. where you will find every tiling you want for your table. tf. John Mumm has added a lunch coun ter to his saloon, and the way Ed Th; -kel.-l's soup vanishes for an he ur in the forenoon when it is served asafreeluoch is a cautiwn. Wc are glad to note the fact that Mrs. Geo. Dovey is better today; that Dr. Schildknecht is able to be up rbout the hou-e and that L. G. Larson will be out from his siege of sickce&9 in a few days. Ai 1 o'clock, on the 2Glh ot February, three miles south ot Pla't3aiout!i. Mr. Fred Wehrbein, administrator of the cs tate of Wm. Wehrbein. deceased, will offer for sale a large lot of stock, farming implements and other personal property. W. D. Jones is the auctioneer. Charley Campbell, the former B. Sc. M. engineer, is living with his wife in Og den, Utah. He is occupying his time as conductor on a street car. Mr. Camp bell's friends in this city will be sorry to learn that they lost both of their beauti ful children l.:st week with Bcarltt fever A rate of one faro for the round trip from all points within C50 miles lias I th S' Plattsmouth people would have to pay full fare to St. Joe and bu,y a ticket from that point in order to take advantage of the low rates. Several of our bufineps houses are beautifully decorated in honor ot our guests, while many only showed a few flags. Among the best decorated estab lishments w e noticed the Hotel. Riley, Wm. Webber's, S. & C. Mayer's. C. E. "Wescutt's, Phil Young's, Wm. Herold's, Gering & Co.'s and She Perkins House. Ths crowd being so much larger than was expected, many more will doubtless put up suitable decorations today. Col. Thresher, the globe trotter, arrived home from Ogden a few days ago and reports the wild and wooley west as very tame compared with the activity which he sees on every hand in this city. The colonel says he met our sewer contractor, Mr. Shelton, in his real estate office in Ogden. The colonel also remarked that to bis great delight he met with a copy cf tbe Plattsmouth Heksxd at Pocatelo Idaho, which he read with evident relish, realizing more than ever that the Hsbald was a great newspaper. PERSONAL. F. 3. White and wife are in Omaha to- Mrs. F. H. Steimker, and daughter are visiting in Omaha. Hub Alden of Greenwood is In tbe city on business today Mrs. Alts Bowen came in to visit friends last evening from Alliance. - Mrs. Thresher and children spent Sun day with her brother at Hillsdale, Iowa. Mr. Thomas Wiles,has gone to Cotner University to visit tbe young folks a few days. CoL D. S. Draper, and Col. P. E. Raffner, were passengers for Lincoln, this morning. A D. Despain, started this morning for North Platte to visit his sister, and family for a few days. The report that he is to be married soon ia not verified. C. L. Graves, the advance agent for Pat Rooney, was in the city last night arranging for the appearance of the great comedian Monday evening. Messrs Will and John Moore, quite well known in musical circles, left last evening for Pullman 111, where they ex pect to get employment and permanently reside. The Encampment. Over three hluiilri il Ciand Armv posts are represented here today. Lurge dele gations from all over thest itc arrivid 1 i.-.t 1 1 i followed bv additional turns ! this morning. This is the annual liusl nes-i meeting of that grand lodge of pat- lintd whose members must Irtve been Union soldiers lui inir I lie rebellion la- foie they can become ni-mbers of tin order. We can. a'te meeting most of th'; gentleiiii 11 pnsent, truthfully nmaik that a be'ter looking and abler repre sentative body of men woulel be elillirult to find in one organ' ttiou anywhere than we have with us today. Besides the G. A. J.i. encampment w e have with us the annual convention of thfit excellent ord.r, tho Women's Relief Corps, composed of delegates from all their iiosts in the s-tate. toither with many dignitaries tiom abroad. rf'li&i Ioi.'iiiiilu mm. 1 1 r gwa of fltA fi A 1' are being held in the opera House, while the one hundred ladv delegates of the W. 11. C. hold forth at Rockwood Hall Programme For the enteit'iinnient at the Presby terian church, given by Miss M.Ella Day and assistants. Thursday, Feb. 1!), 1S!1: 1. "Hive Mr My Mwii Na ive Isle " jVale ;iartt'lle 2. lt'.eit;.;i n I he I nst Wide". .Nora Perry .Miss .M i:il;i I ;iy. 3. Violin Sol 'Air Varie" C (le lllot U alleinr Meek. 4. Katriiia'- Vii? f t v Y ..German Dialect Ji.-.- M Hla Day. fl. Duet!-' Hci- 1 Ik P;.e Mimii." (.';nn; ana Wis e Koitli I'aMeiN n ail ! I.uev iii:on. C. lfeeiti.tiou Ciee.t filn; i:clts". . I5u ay Mi-s liiy. 7. Orjjau f'o'o Miss Cr.ilit. 5. "fclster an'l" Dr .inatic and l'athelic Miss Dav. 9. Sdlo Selected hrot. l uicliaid. 10. "Columbia An " Eugtn'eJ. Hall Miss Day. 11. Violin Sol--Vai.'a l.tina" .Bellini V alJeinar li'eck. 12. "A Itace Against 'lime" Tomgce . lss Jiy. 13 "KiiiKOut Sr er !11" Heath J. adits' iu;iitene. 14. Kotituchv V hilnsmiliv.. .. Iis M. K la'D iy. f our, AjTjTuiu CLE A R AM CES AL OF: BIS, LADIES AID CHILDREN KL 4 U. DEiWEAR AND HOSIERY BLANKETS b COlylPOHTABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY Wedding Anniversary. On Saturday, the 14th of February. Mr. and Mrs. F. AI. Young jr. celebrated The different committee meetings nre the twentieth anniversary of their wed- held at the Hotel Riley. The election of ding day, at their home six miles s quill officers will probably not occur until to- wt st of Plattsmouth. It was also the morrow cvtuing. The chief interest is fiftieth birthday of Mr. Young, he having ceutered in the election of department been married tlK'dny he wus thirty vears commander, though from appearances I of age to Miss Elizi Liw. Captain Teeter, of Lincoln, will be unan J About seventy persons old and young imously chosen. gathered at their home to celebrate the notes. I event, to renew old friendships and to Seth P. Mobley, of the Grand Island make glad the hearts of these; whose an- Tndenenlent Mr. Whitrnmh nf fh I niversnrv tliv uvr,- fplihrntinrr rnena leiegrapn, Aiajorivteutscu, 01 the lue aay wns spent in s ciai visits of T71 R A VC u Fr Presse, Captain Mnrdock, of the old acquaintances, and in musical enter- V V uicuutCS aeep, ana par- g Wymorc Reporter and a host, of other tainments, by Mrs. Frank Root and Miss lies in YlGeCl Of flnvfhinrr in fVi -."U,, i I tJ 1 CLKJKJ V C JIIII save money by calling. Our new line of embroideries, the handsom- F. HERRMANN FJltST DOUR EAST FIRST NATIONAL RANK P L A ITS MOUTH. MJB. first class newspaper men are iu atten- Luella Young, as org:ini6ts, and Miss dance today. I Lillie Kauble assisting with her violin During the afternoon seventy-two per The genial presence of ex-Governor sons partook of a bountiful dinner pre- Thayer was noted in the midst of the pared by the hostess and her lady friends crowd at the Riley this morning. I Sir. and Mrs. Young received as a pres ent a full set of stone china dishes, of Captain Thelps Paine is the same rest- I beautiful pattern. They also received less rustler that he used to be when he the following presents from individuals: he:d down the job of city clerk in this A wine set, a cake btand and a box of GSt and largest line ever shown by US municipality several years ago. cigars from Miss Tuliu Bauer, of Louis ville; a lady's and gentleman's china Governor Pearman accompanied by cup and sauer from Mr. and Mrs. Lea- 1 his wife, came up Jroiu Nebraska Cicy J vitt, of Lincoln; a china mug and three this morning. Peurman is now the only china flower vases from Mr. and Mrs we have got and Kirkpatiick, of Nehawka; and a china and Mrs. J. W fruit dish from Mr. Conn, ot Nehuwka. luere were present at t!ie anniversarv Mr. and Mrs. I. S, White, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sans, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Latta, Mr. and Mrs Anderson Root, Mr. and M's. A. M Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Young auel daughter Luella. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Faught, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Root, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dean and daughter Grace, Mr. and MrsfF. M. Y ouDg sr. and daughters Anna and Kate, Mr. and Mrs. Chaplain Diffenbacherand wife are in Joshua Gapin and daughter Anna, Mr. attendance at the encampment and are and Mrs. S L. Furlong, Mr. and Mrs. D. the guesta ot their old friend Jude A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royal, Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bceck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moors. Mr. and Mrs. . A. Kirk- Judge Applegate, of Tecumseb, is patrick, Lee Kirk patrick and sister Kate. among the old veterans today. Mrs. Wm. Holmes, Mrs, Wm. Taylor, Mrs. . Austin Johnson, Dr. J. M. Waterman of Hay Springs, Mrs, Lizzie Cochran, Mrs. Wm. Ellington. coroner of Sheridan county, ia attending I Mies Lillie Kauble, Miss fennie Young, the grand encampment and is the guest I Miss Tillie Bauer, Miss Satchell, Wm. ies will The Bohemian band, in charge of com mitteeman Weiduiau, discourses music for the old veterans in proper form. FOURTH SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE L. L. S E. ASS'ft At the close of business Jenuary 15, 1891. Our Henry Mc and Mrs. Mcflenry are both thoroughly interested in the work of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. Loss The Plattsmouth IaJies of the Relief Corps furnished a royal dinner for the lady delegates in attendance at the con vention today. 393 00 123 46 b6 1U 1 90S 71 2 471 T7 Rtsourcts Leilgrr 71 04,$1C528 25 1,452 00 4.31 9! 4.3SI !K 31)3 (10 1?8 46 14.433 00 213 3 14,435 00 14.T18 42 52 50 8 10 250 00 42.1S3 11 Stockholder Capital Slock Caxh Treasurer . Ezfjen-ie Snlarj). ... .Expense (Minccllaneow. Ijnanit ... JiUeytxt (fn Jjmiiih .Intcrext (on Mil jxia'2.. Intercut (on uVidrownU. Billt Payahb- .. .. Memhcmhip t ec. .. Vine Transfer Fcks .. .. .Premium 'Frr.trA: .. .; .. Premium CUtiearitM... - .... .... O'flin . . . IsOacr Footing it fIC.457 2f1 12.7.v 011 4..ti pa 4, It 52 . 1 730 7J 2.1 00 2! t'5 .07 H0 '.' 76 420 14 1 .1 15 71 Llali'litn. Gain 11,2'JS 00 4:?.ir 11 1 C6 71 1.8U5 :i 14 7! 42 1.730 73 2(0 25 2 7 4S0 14 VALUES OFSHAHX9 of Mr. and Mrs B. 8. Ramsey. A good, pair of shoes at $1.00 JOE'S. tf at! A Hearty Welcome. Plattsmouth heartily welcomes tbe old Boldiera within her borders today. Our fair city by the Platte is proud of her guests and we hops nothing will be left undone by our people to make the herees of 61- 64 remember their stay amang us as a visit of anslloyed pleasure. Youog, Wm. Gilmore, Byron Young, Sam Gapen, Lloyd Gapen. George Ray, J. n. Holmes. ' The fallowing persons attended the anniversary who were at the weddiag twenty years ago: . A. Kirkpatiick, who acted as groomsman, D. A. Young, Wm. Young, Miss Jennie Young, Mis. Lizzie Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Young, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ltta, Mr. nd Mrs. S. L. Furlong. In the evening over seventy young 8erie. Ifo, Age. Value of Share. No. I 391 24 TOO. 28.18 No. 7 34 lSmoi 20 35 Ao. 3 88 12 MO(. 13.SI No. 4 7 S mot. 6.26 D. B. SMITH, Prtt. 17 per eent iff r.n am.f inr 11 vct ccm tin. n am t tt, 17 per cent int. on am't i 1 4 per eeru in ton am' ii. WILL H. A genuine Stetson $4.00 Hat at $2 75 at JOE'a . Miss Mcllie Tucker. Dressmaking and millinery a specialty. Rooms over Her I people gathered at the home of Mr, and old's store. tf Uh You oh and enjoyed themselves at Married. I Tarion amusemenla until twelve o'clock. Oaborn-Gattons. at the residence of and then dicpersd for thier several Judge Ramsey, by that official on Feb-1 homes. urary 18 ion, at 2 p. m. Mr. ueorge WneB yoa are in Lincoln, call on W, Osborn. and Miss Charlotte Oatton were c. Austin & Cx, in McBride block, cor. united in the holy bonds of wedlock. 1 ner cf Twelvth and P striets, for Have : .. 1 .... I lorlr and UniverBitv Droperty. tf The regular meeting ot me iaaiea Aia 1 Society of the ftL iu. cnurcn will De new Jear ago chamberlain A Co., of tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 j Moines, Iowa, commenced the man o'clock at the home of Mrs. 8. A. Davis ufacture of a coagh syrup, believing itto oa Pearl street be the most prompt and reliable prepara- 1 tion vet produced ior cougns, cuius nu K.ofP. cronn: that the public sppreciate true Regular meeting ot uauntiet ijoage merit, and in time it was certain to ie tonurht. Visitors are pladlv welcomed, come noDUlar. lheir mest sanguine " I . . t o I bones Dave ueen more vnao reniiu. Mrs. Phil Younc lost her pocketbook Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy are now " r? I 1 1 I I S- I a W AC . 1 1. -a I Sola Caen year, auu in.uuisu set up" in the paper when she found it. f ' - whereTPr knovn. It vvno says it aon t pay to aavcrxisei will cure a severe cold in less time than n nfkw bwitmcit. For Bale bv r. G. t 111 Xi'u auxzer wau uveptrpaia uiu i n.:... . r'n liver complaint! Shilob's vitalizer is I guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F G Fricke and O. H. Snyder. A nice Child's Suit at $1.00 at JOE'S, tf We the undersigned members of the auditing cf Y adjourned annvalmeeting FebAth 1891, do herebvf " the books of the Livingston Loan & building r report correct. f . h'fnj w. BSC RIDE 9 and rworn to before me this nth day of February 1891 W. W. DRUM MO. i 471 77 r 7 Taken Up The undesigned has taken up a pig which can be obtinedby t) by proving property and paying 1 notice. 8. F. Osbor; Cor. Eighth and Locust J BtrJ lo 1 strael 1 Look Here! The One Price Clothier, must set' tie within thirty days or the if counts will be placed in the haiV of a Justice lor collection. tP- Joe Klein. Um. ishb. The fiuest of Furnishing Goods at slaughtering prices at JOE'S. tf Dr. Marshall. DENTIST, Will be in his office on and after March 14 h. You can not form an idea what it is to sell Clothing, etc., at and below cost un til you look through JOE'S stock, tf '"a. Apaaiil J itnet 1 OMll Mr ( ... A